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PA - Contingent Worker Setup in Oracle Project Accounting

Raju Chinthapatla

Navigate to Projects, Vision Operations (USA) responsibility.

Enable the Interface Contingent Worker Labor Costs under Implementation Options to enable the
contingent labor costs transfer.

Setup - Contingent worker in HR.

Navigate to Human Resources, Vision Enterprises.
Go to People -> Maintain Using Templates -> Enter Contingent Workers.

PA - Contingent Worker Setup in Oracle Project Accounting

Raju Chinthapatla

PA - Contingent Worker Setup in Oracle Project Accounting

Raju Chinthapatla

Enter The mandatory fields like Title, First Name, Last Name, Person Type and if required the fields which
needs to be captured and Save the Form.
To Query the Contingent worker, Navigate to People -> Maintain Using Templates -> Maintain Contingent

PA - Contingent Worker Setup in Oracle Project Accounting

Raju Chinthapatla

PA - Contingent Worker Setup in Oracle Project Accounting

Raju Chinthapatla

Click on the People By Name drop down and choose your contingent labor based on the last name.

Click on Show Details to Modify or View the Details.

Navigate to Projects, Vision Operations (USA),
Choose Projects,

PA - Contingent Worker Setup in Oracle Project Accounting

Choose Templates and pick up a billable template.

Raju Chinthapatla

PA - Contingent Worker Setup in Oracle Project Accounting

Click on Copy To Button and create the Project by entering the details as above.

Assign the Customer and Contacts

Raju Chinthapatla

PA - Contingent Worker Setup in Oracle Project Accounting

Click Ok and save the details.

Raju Chinthapatla

PA - Contingent Worker Setup in Oracle Project Accounting

Add the contingent labor to the Transaction control.

Save the details.
Enter the Employee Bill Rate.

Raju Chinthapatla

PA - Contingent Worker Setup in Oracle Project Accounting

Save the bill rate and proceed to fund the Project.

Navigate to the main Page,

Raju Chinthapatla

PA - Contingent Worker Setup in Oracle Project Accounting

Choose Agreements.

Fill in all the Mandatory details and click on Funding Button.

Raju Chinthapatla

PA - Contingent Worker Setup in Oracle Project Accounting

Once the line is created, save the work.

Raju Chinthapatla

PA - Contingent Worker Setup in Oracle Project Accounting

Go back to the main screen, Click on the Project Funding Inquiry screen.

Raju Chinthapatla

PA - Contingent Worker Setup in Oracle Project Accounting

Query the Project Number and click on find.

Click on the Baseline Funding

The above funding has been baselined.

Raju Chinthapatla

PA - Contingent Worker Setup in Oracle Project Accounting

Change the project status to Active.

Go to the Navigator and choose change the responsibility and Choose IProcurement.

Go to the contractors Request under Shop and click View Cart and checkout.

Raju Chinthapatla

PA - Contingent Worker Setup in Oracle Project Accounting

Edit the copy.

Click Continue.

Click Apply.

Raju Chinthapatla

PA - Contingent Worker Setup in Oracle Project Accounting

Choose Checkout.

Enter the details and click Next.

Enter the Account Information Operations Accounting Flex.

Raju Chinthapatla

PA - Contingent Worker Setup in Oracle Project Accounting

Click on the Submit button.

Check the appropriate approvals and approve the requisition.

Once approved the requisition Status will change to Approved.

Raju Chinthapatla

PA - Contingent Worker Setup in Oracle Project Accounting

Go to Navigator Change Responsibility to Purchasing,(Vision Operations).

Clear the document and then query the requisition number.

Raju Chinthapatla

PA - Contingent Worker Setup in Oracle Project Accounting

Check the requisition and then click on the Automatic button.

Raju Chinthapatla

PA - Contingent Worker Setup in Oracle Project Accounting

Raju Chinthapatla

Click the create button to create an automatic PO.

The PO will be created automatically and the above screen will be displayed with the PO Number.

PA - Contingent Worker Setup in Oracle Project Accounting

Click on the temporary labor tab to view the contractors first and last name.
Click on Shipments.

Go to the More tab.

Raju Chinthapatla

PA - Contingent Worker Setup in Oracle Project Accounting

Choose the Invoice Match Option as Receipt.

Click on the approve button.

Raju Chinthapatla

PA - Contingent Worker Setup in Oracle Project Accounting

Submit the PO for approval.

The Above PO has been approved.

Raju Chinthapatla

PA - Contingent Worker Setup in Oracle Project Accounting

Go to the main menu and choose the All Procurement Operations.

Choose the Notifications Summary for the details of all the PO approvals.

Raju Chinthapatla

PA - Contingent Worker Setup in Oracle Project Accounting

The Notification for contractor PO approval is shown which we submitted earlier.

Open the notification and review.

Raju Chinthapatla

PA - Contingent Worker Setup in Oracle Project Accounting

Fill in all the details and click Continue.

Raju Chinthapatla

PA - Contingent Worker Setup in Oracle Project Accounting

Enter all the essential information and click next.

Raju Chinthapatla

PA - Contingent Worker Setup in Oracle Project Accounting

Click next.

The rates are shown for the contingent worker. Click Next.

By Default the Manager and the effective dates are chosen. Click Next.

Raju Chinthapatla

PA - Contingent Worker Setup in Oracle Project Accounting

Raju Chinthapatla

The details of the contingent worker employee creation are completed. Click the Submit button.
Notice that it routes to Casey Brown (Vision Seeded User) for Approval.

PA - Contingent Worker Setup in Oracle Project Accounting

Logout and Go back to the login page.

Login with the managers Access (CBROWN).

Click on Manager Self-Service and choose All Actions Awaiting Your Attention.

Click on update.

Raju Chinthapatla

PA - Contingent Worker Setup in Oracle Project Accounting

Click on Approve and logout and login as Operations/welcome.

Go to the Human Resources, Vision Enterprises Responsibility.

Under People -> Enter and Maintain.

Raju Chinthapatla

PA - Contingent Worker Setup in Oracle Project Accounting

Search the new contingent worker.

Choose the assignment button.

Raju Chinthapatla

PA - Contingent Worker Setup in Oracle Project Accounting

Raju Chinthapatla

The Purchasing details are stored in the Assignment Menu.

Click on the Others Button.

Choose Purchase Order Information.

Once you choose Purchase Order, it will initiate a new form which will allow you to associate more than
one PO to a single Contingent Labor.

PA - Contingent Worker Setup in Oracle Project Accounting

Navigate now to System Administrator responsibility.

GO to Security-> User -> Define.

Raju Chinthapatla

PA - Contingent Worker Setup in Oracle Project Accounting

Raju Chinthapatla

Create a new User Name for the Contingent Worker and assign OTL, Operations Responsibility to him
so that he can create his timecard.
Logout from Operations and login to the though the new user name to Apps.

PA - Contingent Worker Setup in Oracle Project Accounting

Raju Chinthapatla

The Responsibility assigned to him will be visible.

Click on the Create Timecard to enter the time.

Proceed to enter the timecard information - choosing the Purchase Order number, line and also giving the
hourly rate. Click the Continue button.

PA - Contingent Worker Setup in Oracle Project Accounting

Raju Chinthapatla

Click on the Submit button to submit the time card for approval.

Confirmation will be given showing a successful submission.

Logout from the system as the contingent worker.
Login as the Operations user (supervisor to the contingent worker) - so as to approve the timecard.

PA - Contingent Worker Setup in Oracle Project Accounting

Go to Workflow - > Self Service Workflow -> Notifications.

Click on the approval.

Raju Chinthapatla

PA - Contingent Worker Setup in Oracle Project Accounting

Raju Chinthapatla

Click on the Approve button to approve the timecard.

Once approved, logout the Operations User and login with the Contingent worker to check if the timecard
has been approved.

Click on the Recent Timecards option.

PA - Contingent Worker Setup in Oracle Project Accounting

The timecard has been approved.

Logout the contingent worker and again login as Operations User.

Navigate to the Purchasing, Vision Operations.

Choose Reports and run the report - > Retrieve time from OTL
Choose the Supplier name that was entered for the Contingent Worker.
Submit the request.

Raju Chinthapatla

PA - Contingent Worker Setup in Oracle Project Accounting

Once the report is completed. Run a new report -> Pay on Receipt Autoinvoice

Submit the report.

Raju Chinthapatla

PA - Contingent Worker Setup in Oracle Project Accounting

Navigate to Payables, Vision Operations responsibility.

Click on Invoices to create a new invoice and match it to the PO.

Raju Chinthapatla

PA - Contingent Worker Setup in Oracle Project Accounting

Raju Chinthapatla

PA - Contingent Worker Setup in Oracle Project Accounting

Raju Chinthapatla

After entering the header details, click on the Quick Match button.
Click on the Match Button and enter the PO # and match the details.
Click on calculate tax button to calculate the tax and add the total to the Header Invoice Amount
column. Click on the Action Button.

Check Validate and click OK.

PA - Contingent Worker Setup in Oracle Project Accounting

The Status Message will display as Validated.

Click again on the Action Button.

Check the Create Accounting Option and choose Final Post. Click OK.
Change the Responsibility to General Ledger, Vision Operations (USA).

Raju Chinthapatla

PA - Contingent Worker Setup in Oracle Project Accounting

Choose Journals-> Enter.

Click Find.

Raju Chinthapatla

PA - Contingent Worker Setup in Oracle Project Accounting

The second line is our posting of our batch.

Click on the Review Journal button.

Navigate to Projects, Vision Operations.

Raju Chinthapatla

PA - Contingent Worker Setup in Oracle Project Accounting

Run the report PRC: Interface Supplier Costs

Once the report is over the Supplier costs is pulled into Projects.

Go to the expenditure screen and check the Costs.

Raju Chinthapatla

PA - Contingent Worker Setup in Oracle Project Accounting

Enter the Project number and click Find.

Raju Chinthapatla

PA - Contingent Worker Setup in Oracle Project Accounting

The Costs has been imported to Projects.

Raju Chinthapatla

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