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Compilation of Flotilla Videos, Articles, Photos and Editorials

Compiled by David Barnett

June 2010

"When an army that is vastly superior, but neither wants to be killed nor kill, meets a vastly inferior enemy who
wants to kill and be killed, it behooves both participants and observers to understand why things go awry."
- Richard Landes

Footage from Raid

1. British Naval Expert Peter Cook analyzes the raid

2. Footage of the Mavi Marmara, prior to the IDF boarding the ship

3. Members of the Mavi Marmara preparing to attack the IDF soldiers

4. Video of the soldiers wounds and the weapons that were used against them

5. Close-up footage from the raid

6. Footage from IDF helicopter

7. IDF soldier being stabbed

8. Peace activists attack with metal rods

9. “Peace” activists fire with live ammunition at IDF

10. Video of the IDF warning the flotilla

11. Unedited Radio Transmission between Gaza Flotilla and Israeli Navy, where IDF is told “go back
to Auschwitz”

12. Compilation video of the raid

13. What really happened on the Marmara…

14. Video from an IDF briefing days before Operation Sea Breeze

15. 15 minute video from activists on Marmara

16. Raw 1 hour video from the Marmara

17. Proof that Turks took over ship and expected a fight

Photos from Raid

1. Photos of the weapons used against the IDF

2. Photos of the activists weapons

3. Photos of bulletproof vests, sawn off rods and night vision goggles

Compilation of Flotilla Videos, Articles, Photos and Editorials
Compiled by David Barnett
June 2010

"When an army that is vastly superior, but neither wants to be killed nor kill, meets a vastly inferior enemy who
wants to kill and be killed, it behooves both participants and observers to understand why things go awry."
- Richard Landes

4. "Peace" Activist - Photo

5. Photos from the Turkish newspaper, Hurriyet

Mavi Marmara passengers wanted to be martyrs

1. Flotilla Participants: Writing Wills, Preparing for Martyrdom, Determined to Reach Gaza or Die

2. Flotilla Participants Aspired to Become Martyrs - Video

3. Passengers on the Mavi Marmara invoked violence against Jews

4. One of the members of the boat admits to wanting to become a martyr

5. Egyptian Cleric Salem Abu Al-Futouh Salutes the "Mujahideen" Who Died in Flotilla Clash and
Says: "If One Billion Muslims in the World Buzzed Like Flies, the Strength of the Jews Would Be
Sapped"; "Cruelty Nestles in These People’s Hearts"

6. Top Palestinian Islamic Cleric in Lebanon Sheik Muhammad Nimr Zaghmout Calls on Egyptians
and Jordanians to Storm Israeli Embassies, Take Ambassadors and Employees Hostage Following
Flotilla Clash

7. Syrian Historian Soheil Zakkar Calls for Suicide Operations following Flotilla Clash

8. Yemen-Based Egyptian Cleric Wagdi Ghoneim Blames Egypt for Flotilla Clash and States: Hamas
Is Fighting America, Europe, and All the Crusader West

9. Salafi Jihadi Sheikh Hussein Bin Mahmud: Gaza Does Not Want Freedom Flotillas with Blonde
Women – It Wants Black Islamic Banners of Jihad; Hitler Left Some Jews Alive So the World
Could See Why He Killed the Rest; 'Gaza… Is Thirsty and Wants to Drink the Blood of the Sons of
Apes and Pigs'

Flotilla Facts & the Media

1. The press has ignored the IHH and its terror activities

2. Sarah Palin’s take on the Flotilla and the media

3. Flotillas and Falsehoods - Mona Charen (The National Review)

4. Flotilla Facts from the Christian Science Monitor

5. A review of the media coverage around the flotilla incident

Compilation of Flotilla Videos, Articles, Photos and Editorials
Compiled by David Barnett
June 2010

"When an army that is vastly superior, but neither wants to be killed nor kill, meets a vastly inferior enemy who
wants to kill and be killed, it behooves both participants and observers to understand why things go awry."
- Richard Landes

6. Richard Landes explores the media fallout from the incident

7. IDF PowerPoint discussing the raid and here in video form

Testimony about the Flotilla

1. Soldier's Testimony from Raid - Article

2. Soldier's Testimony - Video

3. "Peace" activists on the Mavi Marmara attempted to kidnap IDF soldiers

4. Weapons were thrown overboard

5. Al Jazeera confirms the IDF’s story

6. Commandos had no choice but to defend themselves

7. Just Journalism interviews one of the members of the flotilla

8. “Peace” activist admits they had captured Israeli soldiers

9. Eye-witness from Mavi Marmara admits that there was resistance

10. Eye-witness, Ann Wright was not on the Marmara and admits she did not see the events

11. The captain of the Mavi Marmara says that the IHH members took over the ship and prepared
for battle

Humanitarian Aid/Humanitarian Crisis

1. Danish Reporter from Gaza: “Where’s the humanitarian crisis?”

2. Aid from Flotillas taken to Gaza as Promised by Israel

3. Hamas rejected the aid that was on the ship

4. Video of the aid being prepared for transfer

5. What was really in the cargo?

6. Much of the medicine found on the flotilla was expired

Compilation of Flotilla Videos, Articles, Photos and Editorials
Compiled by David Barnett
June 2010

"When an army that is vastly superior, but neither wants to be killed nor kill, meets a vastly inferior enemy who
wants to kill and be killed, it behooves both participants and observers to understand why things go awry."
- Richard Landes

7. Humanitarian crisis? I think not, so says Fatah Official

8. Here is the breakdown of Humanitarian Aid that Gaza received from Israel in 2009-2010

9. Humanitarian Aid and Hamas?

10. Was there humanitarian aid on the Mavi Marmara?

11. Once again, there was NO humanitarian aid on the Marmara

12. Free Gaza – The True Version

13. Official word from Israel that there was no aid on the Mavi Marmara

14. How Gazans really suffer

15. Mahmoud Abbas is against lifting the Gaza Blockade

16. Richard Landes explores the aid that Hamas won’t allow into Gaza

International Law & the Flotilla

1. Alan Dershowitz’s take on the incident

2. Legality of the IDF raid

3. The Facts are on Israel’s side

4. San Remo Manual 1994 - *Paragraph 67*

5. Hofstra Law Professor Julian Ku on Legality of IDF Raid

6. International Law Expert Dr. Robbie Sabel on Legality of IDF Raid

7. The Flotilla Incident and International Law

8. Reuters explores the international law around the flotilla incident

9. Extensive review of the legality of the IDF operation

10. Eric Posner says that the IDF was completely justified in its actions

Compilation of Flotilla Videos, Articles, Photos and Editorials
Compiled by David Barnett
June 2010

"When an army that is vastly superior, but neither wants to be killed nor kill, meets a vastly inferior enemy who
wants to kill and be killed, it behooves both participants and observers to understand why things go awry."
- Richard Landes

11. Israel’s necessary and legal naval blockade

Israelis and Foreigners support Israel’s actions

1. Statement from Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu

2. Video statement from Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's

3. Vice President Joe Biden has defended Israel’s actions regarding the Flotilla

4. Former British Colonel Richard Kemp has urged Israel to reject an international inquiry and
conduct their own investigation into the incident

5. The President of the Czech Republic has come out in support of Israel and its actions

6. Italian PM Fiamma Nirenstein has come out in support of Israel

7. Michael Oren’s Op-Ed in the New York Times

8. Netanyahu’s recent speech on the flotilla

9. Labor MK Einat Wilf defending Israel's actions on the BBC

10. Marco Rubio, a Republican Candidate for the U.S. Senate (Florida) explains why we must stand
with Israel

11. Support for Israel’s actions in Australia

12. Tony Blair says that he is 100% on Israel’s side

13. Eric Cantor’s take on the flotilla

14. An interview with Michael Oren

15. Fox News Panel Discussion on the Incident & US/Israel Relations

IHH, Turkey & Terror

1. Report on the IHH by the Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center

2. In Geneva, Israeli Ambassador Leshno Yaar has said that the IHH has ties with Hamas and other
terrorist organizations

Compilation of Flotilla Videos, Articles, Photos and Editorials
Compiled by David Barnett
June 2010

"When an army that is vastly superior, but neither wants to be killed nor kill, meets a vastly inferior enemy who
wants to kill and be killed, it behooves both participants and observers to understand why things go awry."
- Richard Landes

3. Hamas’ leader in the Netherlands was one of the “peace” activists

4. Who Financed the Flotilla?

5. Growing evidence that mercenaries were recruited for the Mavi Marmara

6. Video identifies some of the individuals who were on the flotilla

7. Robert Pollock discusses the indoctrination that is occurring in Turkey

8. What was the real goal of the flotilla

9. Erdogan: Hamas not a terrorist group

10. Gaza Flotilla group part of UN NGO branch

11. Has Turkey gone too far?

12. More evidence of mercenaries on Mavi Marmara

13. Hamas rejected deal which would have eased the blockade

14. Speech by leader of IHH, roughly a year ago

15. So, who are these “peace” activists

16. Senator Schumer calls for investigation into IHH

17. The PA is concerned about Turkey and once again says that there is no humanitarian crisis in

18. Israel’s Intelligence and Terror Information Center report on the raid of the Mavi Marmara

19. Erdogan calling on Jihad against Israel

20. Humanitarian ties to Bin Laden

21. Two of the nine who died on the Marmara were in the Khaybar video

22. Erdogan’s love of Hamas

23. “Peace” Activists admits that he captured Israeli soldier

Compilation of Flotilla Videos, Articles, Photos and Editorials
Compiled by David Barnett
June 2010

"When an army that is vastly superior, but neither wants to be killed nor kill, meets a vastly inferior enemy who
wants to kill and be killed, it behooves both participants and observers to understand why things go awry."
- Richard Landes

24. Erdogan & the Israel Card

25. What should Obama do with Turkey?

26. The Turkish president likened Israel to Al-Qaeda

27. Barry Rubin explains the ties between the IHH and Terror to the New York Times

28. German news exposes the IHH and its ties to terror

1. A win-win for Hamas

2. What is there to investigate?

3. Turkish (blood)bath

4. Strutting from Teheran to Damascus

5. The Freedom Flotilla Fraud

6. Israel had no choice

7. Does Israel have the right to defend itself?

8. Bloody minded pacifists

9. UN Watch’s Hillel Neuer statement

10. The ship of horrors

11. Barry Rubin Article - Sympathy for the Devil and the Gaza Sea Confrontation

12. Jonathan Hoffman Speech to Israel Support Rally at Downing Street

13. Daniel Gordis’ take on the incident

14. Krauthammer’s take on the incident

15. A vital embargo

16. Those troublesome Jews

Compilation of Flotilla Videos, Articles, Photos and Editorials
Compiled by David Barnett
June 2010

"When an army that is vastly superior, but neither wants to be killed nor kill, meets a vastly inferior enemy who
wants to kill and be killed, it behooves both participants and observers to understand why things go awry."
- Richard Landes

17. Islamist Extremists Hit Israeli Soldiers with Iron Bars, West Surrenders?

18. It was a Jihadist Attack not a “Humanitarian Operation”

19. What would America do?

20. We are all family

21. Foreign Policy Initiative Director William Kristol – United States should support Israel’s blockade

22. Why does Hamas get the world’s sympathy?

23. Kalt and fest

24. Israel has won the PR Battle

25. Noah Pollak sums things up in a short and simple manner

26. An irrational, obscene hatred

27. Kuwaiti journalist Abdallah Al-Hadlaq says that Israel has the right to defend itself

28. Israel’s survival is at stake

29. What siege?

30. Turkish Imam criticizes the flotilla

31. The blockade works and should continue

32. What about Hamas’ siege of Gaza

33. Who are the real pirates?

34. Israel’s strategic failure

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