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lareel VOCABULARY ' ne Fn le i Target Vocabulary 3 Peter Watcyn-Jones Mlustrations by Neville Swaine ® PRNGLIIN HOOKS iby th Fe Gro en Hoh 2 We Lane, London WSS, Engdnd ‘eau Ptmam e978 Roto sre, Mew York, Ne Yo 1016 USA en Boks Ari Ld Rngwos Yeon Auntee Feu Boks Cain 10 Aan Ave Tren Omtarin Cane MAW 382 ‘enguBoks L210 Wa Rd, Aen 1 Ne elo eu Hots ed, egitere tr: Hamondeerth, Mins, England "ably Pen ok axa © Peter Wat 1986 ‘lertan cpg © Nei Sein avd aw Mart 196 ‘ghee ‘amoral igh tr and arate i snr rnd handy Cay Li, tle Sitti ins Cnany Sco ap in he Ue Sata Aric ha al etn {them ht taal ym orate emt, ind in cr Se ‘Tlie pbihed and wnt arco cing ie ‘Sattioe iam nthe equ Pree Contents Introduction 1 Section One: People 3 ype of poe 2 3 Follow up: How do you ate Type of pole 2 4 youre? ro "ype of pole 3 6 Disrbing pope: Moods nd Fate up 7 rating " aims to dsr people 8 Desert pope: Moods and Describing people: Character and Tesings 2 1» T 10 Fallow ep 2» DDecribing people: Character and dob people do a Ineenbing peopl: Character and arta the bo En ‘rama 3 13, Parte the body verb Ea Ibweribag people: Character and Tn other word 2 ‘rma 6 Section Two: Health and illness 30 Ina ee body 3° Group th words « Hare fee boty ims Atte doaor's a 3 Firs a: Arica ropration 49 34 Trestont in waroun nitions 38 "od emergencins 3 Polow a ‘Unf wrt odo with health 153 ‘41 Wael wer todo wi health 2 54 ‘Othe uel words to do wis 43 beth a 4 tncthe words a “ Section Three: Crime and punishment (rinsed wrongoes More rminals nd pool odo Suncom rating ima do with eine {ian order To pot zeae eres Check 1 oot on Stone 1-9) aw and ode: court ‘Verb ta 6 wi rine 2 Other al word o with Sorat ee ete nother words Section Four: Phrasal verbs Phra ee with ‘ow’ Phrasal vere with in ad nt Phrasal ere with Compl th apne 1 Phra ein wih et Phra eb wih eat Phrasal ere wih ap (Compl tbe apne 2 6 " Section Five: Idioms 1 alone using ietves aon ung puns home aig adjectives end alo using nous phrase Pred oa Compl the aptins (ther nl phrasal verb ‘Three pr prea verb 1 ‘hve pr prea ere 2 Noun rom pra vert 1 Noun om phrasal verte 2 Plow op Paral eb ult Toatherorda 125 Section Six: Idioms 2 os aning part of the oly Compt he egos Rend snd cane Check 2 tere on Suton 46) ‘Answers Key Words 145 170 183 Introduction ‘Target Vocabulary 3 follows on from Target Vocabulary 2 and is intended for intermediate/advanced students. It presents and practises approximately 1,200 key words which have been arranged into areas of vocabulary to foclitate learning. Altogother there are six main sections and each section has between 12 and 15 areas of Yocabulary, closely linked. to the main’ theme. Sections 1-3 concentrate on general vocabulary, while Sections 4-6 concentrate ‘on phrasal verbs and idioms. At the end of Section Three and Section Six there are mini testa called Check 1 and Check 2. These checks are for reinforcement and tect the items in Sections 1-3, and 4-6 in a varied and interesting way. Finally, to ald selfstudy, there is an answer key atthe back of the book, plus a list ofthe Key words used and the section(s) in which they appear In writing this book I have consulted a number of different dition- aries. The following can be warmly recommended: ‘Longman Language Activator Langman) Longman Dictionary of Boaish Language and Culture (Longman) Collins Cobuild Bezentil English Dictionary (Calls) (Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary (Oxford University Pest) Collne Cobuild Dictionary of Phrasal Verbs (HarperCollins) ‘The Penguin Dictionary of Englch Idioms, Daphne M. Galland and David ‘Hinds Howell (Penguin) (Oord Pocket English Idioms, Jennifer Sel and W. MeMordie (Oxford University Press) Section One: People Types of people 1 Match the people 1-16 with the correct definitions o-o. Write your asters in the Boxes on the net page 1 Ancaster pc itor oe Fe bl leben ee ertaes a 5 Acharlsten keeps count of every penny and oe Sabin ganas a eee 8 A bermit ee oAviniae ——-Baymaryn shez tere sol ete g deliberately lives alone, away from ae ae a oe ee eee rome | Maammereutettaoey Tes = pe pe 1k loves and supports his or her country and is willing to defend it. 1 is anyone who is nota soldier or any ‘other member ofthe armed forces, sm has vory greut ability and intelligence. 1 supervises people tin ms ‘examination and makes wre they don't cheat hat strong and often unreasonable opinions and won't change them ‘even when proved wrong. PPE tle]? fel [l=] ‘Types of people 2 Match the people 1-15 with the correct definitions a-. Write your anaers in the Bes on the page opposite 1 An adjudicator a. roooives money or property from a 2 An anarchist wil ae behaves in a way that many people 8 An arbitrator ‘might find shocking or disgusting Oo aoa «© ia very proud of his or her country 5 Abystander ¥ And believes it to be better than other counties, 6 A conscript a “i an Judges a competition. © dishonesty pretends to bo someone 8 Acnic ae in order to get something he or 9 A degenerate she wants. 10 An expatriate £ in clled in to settle a dispute ae between two people of gD, 11 An imposter ‘urualy at thelr request 12 A juvenile 13 Aloner 14 A nationalist 15 A serounger 1 prefers to spend time alone rather ‘than in the company of other people hh ia made to serve inthe armed forces ‘of a country whether he or she ‘wishes to oF not 1. tries to get food and money without ‘working for them. 4 has peculiar ideas and behaves in a strange way. 1k believes that all forms of government. ‘are oppressive and should be destroyed. 1 is present when something happens and sees it, but doesnot take part in it 1m thinks poople tend to act only in their own interests and are ‘motivated by selfishness 1 ise child of young person who is not _yet old enough to be regarded as an adult © is someone living in a country that is ‘ot their own Types of people 3 ead through the extracts below, then write the correct numbers F-16 next to which te of person you think sad the words, Choose from the following: an agnostic picket a spendthrift fabully ‘proprietor a sponger ‘castaway ‘sadist a squatter ‘conscientious objector scapegoat a teetotaler ‘deserter ‘snob ‘veteran 1 “This shop ia mine. Town it 2 ‘Do I save? You're joking! As soon as I got money T spond it Don’t ask me what on ~ it just goes.” '3°A drink? No, thank you. I never touch alcohol” 44 ‘T've boon standing outside the factory gate for the past week. It's frzing and boring. Ul bo glad when the strke's over.” 5 ‘Does God exist? Well, he might, but then on the other hand he right not. Ijust don't know." 6 “You could lend me some money, could you, Pete? You know how it ia when you're out of work. And could I stay on at your place again?” 7 “refuse to join the army. [e's not right to fight and Kil people.” 8 ‘think it's so important to know the right people and shop in the right places, don’t you? I really don't understand thase who like to mix with the lower lasses.” 9 "Yes, I'm proud to have served my country during the second World Wer. It's «long time ago now, but it still seems like yesterday.” 10 ‘OF course they're smaller and weaker than me. wouldn't dare hit them otherwise” 11 ‘Why shouldn't we live here? The building's boen empty for ai thonthand thew here else fr ust ive emaep the strata” 12 ‘Teouldn't stand being a soldier any longer, so Iran away, [just hope they don’t eatch me!” 19 ‘Iean’texplain why, but Ijust get alot of pleasure outof hurting people and making them suffer.” 114 “I's now two weeks since the ship sank. Two whole weeks since T’ve been on ths island. Wil I ever be rescued, I wonder?” 15 ‘Ie wasn’t really my fault, but they needed to blame someone for ‘the mess. So, as I was chairman of the committee, they choee Follow up Flin the missing words inthe following sentences. They are tobe ound inthe previous three exercises. 1 Albert Einstein is probably the greatest __of the. 20th century. 2 ‘Are you the ____ ofthis shop?” "No, just work here, You want Mr Hearne.” 8 Te was the frst time she had acted as an in a talent competition and found it quite dificult to judge the 4 He's always asking for money and living off others. He's such 5 She's a ___ and prefers to spend time on her own rather than with others. 6 He claimed he was a doctor, but it turned out he was a complete and had no medical qualifications whatsoever. 1 "Would you lke a drink?” ‘No, thank you, Tnever touch aleobol. Pm a ___" 1 Some anonymous has just donated £10,000 to ‘our Help the Homeless appeal 8 During the strike nearly 200 ‘stood outside the factory gates tring to persuade people not to goto work. 10 No, I don't believe in flying saucers. I'm a by nature and until I see one with my own eyes I won't belive they exit 11 She's a — {ve never heard such peculiar ideas and theories in my life 12 I've got one in Italy and another in Australia, T hope to meet them one day, but until then Il just carry on writing letters. 19 He was a strong and believed that Scotland should break away from the United Kingdom and have its own, government and monarch 14 It’s not difficult to understand why homeless people become ‘when you see how many empty houses there ‘are in our towns and cities. 15 In most wars, thousands of innocent usually get Killed. Idioms to describe people ‘Match the people I-15 with the correct definitions a-o. Write your ‘ancwers in the boxes on the page opposite. 1 Abig shot ‘4 has a lot more capabilities than he or ae she sows or that peopl ae ava eee, bis failure oF weak in some way and 4 Achatterbox ‘has tobe helped by others. 5 A daredevil «© ius expected to Jove in aoe ‘competition with someone el always wants to know about other eee oople's private ives BA grass widow «is a wife who is alone because her 8 A gunn Big hunband ie temporarily my 10 A lame duc 11 A pain in the neck, 12 A roed hog 18 An underdog 14 A wot Blanket 15 A white kid fs a vory selfish and caress driver. real nuisance and most people can't stand him or her, is someone who spoils the atmos- phoro or prevents others from enjoying themselves by being very boring and negative about everything can't stop talking. is someone with lots of modern ideas, fener’ and enthusiasm and who achieves a lot while stil young, Is a very important or influential person. is used asa subject in medical or other experiments. 1m loves taking dangerous risks. carries on working when his or her Tellow-workers are on strike, turns up at parties without being invited to them, Describing people: Character and personality 1 Match the following adjectives 1-20 with the correct meanings a-tto orm complete enters, Writ your answers in the Boxes on the page apposite. People who are: 1 absent-minded a. ike to say how good they are at 2 adventurous a : bb have strong feelings and are easily amusing moved by things ae are rude and disrespectful, especially 6 boastful ‘towards people like parents and 6 bright eee 4 ae always trying to control others Team ‘without worrying or earing about 8 cheeky bow they fel 9 conceited © deliberately try to hurt or harm 10 confident ' oa —— are vary forgetful because they are AI creative too busy thinking about other things. 12 domineering fg are cure of themselves and their 13 down-to-earth abilities 14 emotioied 3 area ticked and end to belive 15 enthusiastic eenaeestenen aro very clever and learn things 16 gullible ‘icky, 17 hospitable 4 hate having to wait for things and ‘aro not very tolerant of other clam ‘people's weaknesses, et. 19 malicious ik aro very interested and excited about ‘something and this shows in the way ‘they talk or behave, 1 are daring and alwaya ready to take inks 20 narrow-minded ‘m are always friendly and woleoming towards guests. 1b don't get excited or nervous about things. © find it hard to accept or understand new or different ideas, are very funny and make you laugh, 4 are very practical and honest. have a very high opinion of themeelves «find it easy to produce new and original ideas and things. tare shy and feel uncomfortable in social situations a [2] 3] « [5] 6] 7] 8] [|] 99] + 5] 6] 37] | v9] Describing people: Character and personality 2 Match the following adjectives 1-20 with the correct meanings o-t tw form complete sentences. Write your answers in the boxes on page 13. People who are: 1 agaressive ‘are usually very nervous and are eae easily upset or exited. 1 brand sre sure oftheir own aiity 4 charismatic oe 1 competitive fee a 6 considerate 7 courageous 8 bighly-strung. 9 humble 10 modest 11 obstinate 12 pompous 18 rash, 1 selfcontred 15 self-confident 16 sensible 17 strong-willed 18 versatile 19 well-mannered 20 witty © tend to hide their abilities oF have a lower opinion of themselves than is deserved, £ know what they want and usually get fare always ready to quarrel or attack, Jb have quick minds and can express things in a clever and amusing way. {are very impulsive and don't think ‘enough about the consequences of their actions, 4 are able to express clearly and effectively their thoughts and feelings. ic are very selfish and only interested in themselves 1 have lots of diferent skills and abilities and can easily change from ‘one kindof activity to another. 'm refuse to change their opinion oF behaviour in spite of attempts to persuade them to do something else ‘or to see another point of view. 1 aro very tolerant of other people's ‘opinions even if very different from their own. (are very brave and not afraid to do dangerous things take themsclves rather too seriously ‘and think they are very important. 4 have a very low opinion of them- ‘selves anda high opinion of others, ‘rare people witha ot of eommon have very strong personal charm and the power to attract others, tare very aware of the wishes, needs oF feolings of others. | 9 v0] 1] 92] 9] v4] 5] 36] 7] 9] Describing people: Character and personality 3 Match the following adjectives 1-20 with the correct meanings 0-10 form complete sentences. Write your answers in the bozes atthe bottom ofthe next pase People who are: 1 cocky 8 ere always willing to discuss things 2 conscientious mee te are very good at making practical ceca Judgements, especially when they are 4 loveheaded to their own advantage 5 loyal «© are easily moved to pity and very Go ‘quik to forgive. 4 say one thing to one person, then the iceen ‘opposite thing at another time to 8 practical someone else 9 prejudiod | often have unfair or unreasonable ‘opinions about people and things — 10 pushy ‘usually because of fear or distrust of 1 euthless ‘ideas or people diferent from them- selves, 12 weretive often try to harm or annoy others, 1 vow especially in some ml wy. 1 single minded 15 emug 16 soft hearted 17 spiteful 18 strict 19 talented 20 tworfnced 1 are easly influenced hy other people {and often too ready to admire them. 1b have a special natural ability or sil, eg. in music or painting, {never desert you in a crisis and are always ready to give you their support, J. are too pleased with themselves and ‘heir qualities, position, ete. 1k are very selfconfident, but in an ‘unpleasant way. 1 are always demanding things from others and trying to get what they want. 'm are unreasonably anxious or sensitive 1 ike to be obeyed and are strong believers in discipline © are careful to do any work well. Paro usually without remore, pity or forgiveness 4 arocalm and sensible when making judgements, 1 don't let anything got in the way of their main aim in ite. like to keop their thoughts and intentions hidden from others, {are clover at doing things and dealing with difficulties. 9 [sof] 32] 9] v4] 5] v6] 7] v0] 9] 2] Describing people: Character and personality 4 Read through the statements below, then decide the character or ‘personality ofthe people who said them. Write the correct numbers 1-16 next tothe adjectives below. Find someone who is: bigoted determined indecisive thrifty blunt extravagant nalve understanding callous fusey possessive unreliable cynical iterate superstitious weak-willed 1 “T'vejust spent £600 on David's birthday party. Wel, you're only seven once in your life, aren't you?” 2 don't really ike my wife going out on her own or with her friends. I prefer her to spend all her time with me.” '3‘OF course you can have the afternoon of to visit your wife in hospital. And take tomorrow off to, ifyou need to. Don’t worry, welll manage.” 4 ‘No, [don't lke your dress, actually It makos you lok fat.” 65 ‘Shall {buy the blue curtains or the red ones? The blue ones are nice but the red ones will go better with the wallpaper. On the ‘other hand, David prefers blue. Ob, T don’t know what to get” 6 'No, I'd better not have a chocolate biscuit, thanks, I'm on a diet. But they do look nice, don't they? Obs, allright theo, just 17 All Conservatives are rich, upper class snobs. I've got no time for any of them, especially the Prime Minister. Working-lass people will always be poor with a Conservative government.” 8 ‘Tm sorry, you'l|have to help me fil in this form. T can’t read oF write.” 19 “I never wal under ladders. It's bad luk!” 10 *So some children have died. So what? This is war, not a Chinta Paty 11-‘T'm always very carefol with money. I never buy anything T don't need, for example” 12 ‘Don’t forget to cut the fat off the bacon before you fry it and ‘remember to use margarine not butter. And also make sure that the eggs are soft this time ~ you know hard-boiled eggs don’t agree with me.” 13 ‘Tknow it's the third time now I haven't turned up for a match, oat Toverslep. It wasn’t really my ful.” 14 “He's only doing it for the publicity. I don't beliove for one ‘minute he's really interested in helping mentally-handicapped people.” 15 ‘But I believed him when he said he wat a famous fashion photographer and could make me into a top model." 16 ‘I'm going to get a book published ono day. I'm just not going to sive up until To.” Follow-up: How do you rate yourself? Look atthe following statements and think of ow they apply to you ‘Try to rate ourvelf on a scale of 1-10, where I isthe lowest and 10 the highest: Puta circle around the number) 1 Tam aggressive 12345678910 2 Tam competitive 123456789 10 3 Tam creative 123845678910 4 Tam gynical 12345678910 5 1am emotional 123456789 10 6 1am gullible 123456789 10 7 Tam impationt 123456789 10 8 Iam obstinate 123456789 10 9 Tam practical 123456789 0 10 Tam self-confident 123456789 10 11 Tam strong-willed 12345678910 12 Lam superstitions 123456740 0 13 Tam talented 12345678910 14 Tam two-faced 123456789 10 15 Lam witty 123456789 10 When you have fniahed, work with a partner. Take it in turns to tell each other four or five things you have written about yourselves. Describing people: Moods and feelings 1 Match the adjectives 1-16 with the correct meanings a-p to form. ‘comple sentents. Wri your anuersin the zest the btiom of the nex page Pople who arclfel 1 amazed ‘feel bitter and disappointed because 7 ‘they've lost their belief that someone ne is good or that an idea or plan ie 8 bad-tempered right 4 eboerful D are frightenod, 5 contented € feel very ashamed and upset, especially because they've been made Ce to Took weak or stupid ale) are very unhappy. aaa fare very easily affected by emotions 9 humiliated such as eympathy, love or sadness, 10 iritable £ are happy and in good spirits 11 miserable 1 ae caily annoyed and tend fo got ‘angry at small things, often because Lhe) they already feel bad-tempered about 1 neared something. 14 ewptical 1h Tike remembering happy events or ‘experiences from the pat, often ‘because they are not se happy with 10 thi their liver now. {fe nontimontal 4 are unhappy snd feo dissatiaied or Describing people: Moods and feelings 2 bored Motch the following adjectives 1-18 with th correct meanings a-0 4 areso surprised that they find it to form complete sntencen. Write your ansiors inthe axes on the had to belive what has happened ext page 1 don’t really believe what other people tel thom, mon ‘People who artfek: 1 get angry very easily and behave in a 1 annoyed 4 are fling sad and depressed very angry and untidy way 2 abe nit hard tink ror mare sm are extremely pleased, happy and fas steadily. You can often fel like t trcited Tt could be became they've : after drinking aleohol ‘been told some good news or are 4 complacent, ‘© are nervous and can’t seem to relax ping to do something that they've 5 down ‘or behave in a calm way. wave wanted to es a and 6 dey 4 are unable to say anything because 1 are feling very worried and nervous are angry, upset or shock Soateong ht ayo ny 1 fun Ser entoey tor Rod ‘ot have happened. Hees, 6 sro fightne hat they can't ‘© are very sad because they have been Uupet or deeply hurt by something 9 lightheaded £ fool slightly angry {hat has heppened. 10 mixedup fj ace confined sad voabla to P are satised and quite happy with 11 paranoid what to do. This is often because of = Personal or emotional problems 12 petrifiod 2B 3 ae angry ni ba ectaing «| | 1] 12] 13] 14[ 15] 16] 1M specchlese {are worried and nervous about the ye futur or something theyre sing to J are extremely angry. ‘are too sensitive and are easily offended or annoyed. 1 are completely unable to explain or ‘understand something. 'm are unhappy because they're away from home and missing their family, friend, ete. ‘thei ives, ‘are constantly convinced that people Ihato them or that bed things will ‘happen, even though this ant true. (© aro s0 pleased with their achieve ‘ments or the situation they're in that they don’t think there's any need to worry oF make an efor 77 Whon hie dog diod the old man was ead been | bis friend and faithful companion for over sixten years and it felt as painfal as losing a child 8.When they first moved to France they were very They missed Britain, their family, and their fiends, They even missed complaining about the weather! 9 The police are fas to how the thieves managed to etoal the painting from the gallery without the alarm going off 10 Don't mention work tonight at dinner. John's become bout things like that since he lost his job. Follow up Bil in the missing words in the sentences Below. They are to be ound in the previous tao exercises. 1 They wore really when their daughter told them she was expecting a baby. At last they would have their first grandchild 2 She was ‘when she heard that someone else had ‘been given the job she was after. I don't think T've ever seen hem 30 angry before 3 We were all ___ when she told us she was nearly seventy-three, She really didn’t ook a day over sixty, 4 My parents have a burglar alarm, locks on every window, large bolts on the doors, an Alsatian dog and security lights outside. ‘They're —__ about being burgled, which is strange as they live next door tothe police station, 5 When the mugger put a knife to her throat and asked her to hhand over her money she was and for @ minute she thought she was going to die, 6 After so many years under Margaret Thatcher many people became _____ with polities in general and the Con- servative Party in particular 11 Listening to old Beatles records always makes me feel ‘and wis I was stil living in the °605 12 The young man felt ase eat im the waiting: room before hie interview. It was the first time he had ever appli fora job. Jobs people do 1 “Match the jobs 1-15 on the left with the corect definitions a-o. Write _your answers in the boxes on page 23. | Anambassador a is someone you go to if you want to ae pace atin horse rae or dog 8 An au pair works underwater and wears special 4 ADailitt rubber clothing and breathing a ‘equipment. Ree (© owns oF manages a pu. 4 in usually @ strong man who is employed to stand atthe door of a club oF restaurant. His job is to stop ‘unwelcome people from coming in ‘and to throw out anyone inside who in causing trouble TA cil engineer 8 Acivil servant 8 A frogman, 10 Atos 11. An ombudsman 12 A pawnbroker 18 A publican 14 A shop steward 15 An underwriter isa diplomat ofthe highest rank who lives ina foreign country and represents his or her own country’s interests there ‘makes insurance contracts, is appointed by the government to receive and report on complaints made by ordinary people against the ‘government or other public services. {is usually young gir fom a foreign country who lives with a family in order to learn the language, in return for helping with the children and housework. trade union official who i elected the other members in the factory office where he or she works to represent them. plans buildings and the repair of roads, bridges, large public buildings, ete. {san accountant who officially examines the accounts of businesses, tries to attract talented people toa new job by offering them, for ‘example, better pay or greater responsibility than they have in their present one, is a law officer who takes possession of people's goods or property when they owe money. works fora country's government department, Tends people money in return for something they own, such as Jewellery, fur coats, ete. He ar she hha the right to sell the item if the money isnot paid back before & certain date, Jobs people do 2 What jobs do the people below have? Write the correct numbers 1-10 nest fo the following words. (Siz ofthe words will not be used.) ‘an archavologist critic ‘a lumberjack ababy-siter disc jockey nanny a bodyguard ‘an editor ‘solicitor broker lifeguard ‘a surveyor abusker locksmith a taxidermist ‘composer 1 ‘Lwork fora newspaper. I'm the person im charge of it. usually write the editorial too.” 2 “People usually come to me for legal advice. I also have to appear in court sometimes on behalf of my cients” 8 "Trish my life every day pfotecting rich or important people. 1 ‘get well-paid but moct ofthe people I protec can afford it.” 4 ‘Twork for a wonderful family in Kensington, Baby Emma and 1 get on really well, which is fortunate as we spend most of the ‘day together. I think the people [live with and work for are very pleased with the way I'm looking ater their daughter” 65 “1 suppose I have quite pleasant job really. I spend most of my time at the theatre or cinema where, after seeing a new film or ‘splay, Lwrite a review about it for the newspaper I work for.” {6 "Women like being marriel to me because the older they get the ‘more interested I become in them, they say. Seriously though, ‘my job in all bout Tooking at very old things ~ buildings. pots, wl wpe, a won, fat, Poff to Kay remanent ‘tw examine a new tomb they've found there. I'm hoping it could be another Tutankhamen,” 7 spend most of my time playing my guitar in the street or at ‘Underground stations. think people quite like me because they ‘throw a lot of money into my open guitar ease. 8 ‘T work at the local swimming pool and in the summer at the local besch, Its my job to rescue anyone in danger of drowning. So far I've saved about twenty people's lives." 9 "People often come to me when their pet dog or eat has died. ‘They can't bear to part with them, so {stuff and mount the animals so that they look almost alive and the owners can go on seeing them, talking to them, and oo on.” 10 “Many of my clients are people buying a house. They want me to ‘examine it to make sure the structure's allright, ete. I examine ‘everything then give them a written report. There's usually ‘something wrong with most houses, but so far Tve only found ‘three houses that I would defintely not recommend’ Parts of the body 1 Hose many ofthe following words do you know?* Workin pair® Take icin turns to read out one of the words below. Your partner now tries to point to the appropriate part of his or her body. If Correct, the word is crossed out ankle forehead thigh cheek hel throat chest Jaw hum chin nce tongue elbow necle vwaist eyebrow shoulder wrist eyelash stomach Were there any words you didn't know? + Thaw words apearel nTargetVoruary Peng) 2 Here are some new and more difficult words to describe parts of the body. Look af the drawings here and on page 26, then write the correct numbers 1-28 next fo the following words ‘Adam's apple eyelid nostril bags under the eyes freckles parting cexow's fot lobe ear dimple mole temple ‘double chin ‘moustache wrinkles Parts of the body verbs Here are twelve parts ofthe body that ean also be used as verbs. Put ‘them in the sentences I-12 below. Use each verb once only and make any changes where necessary. elbow hand nose stomach face head palm thumb ft denuke shoulder toe A The teacher told the pupil that she would really have to down if she wanted to pas the exam, 2 T could never be a soldier and fight in & war. I just couldn't the killing 8 Since both his flancée’s parents were dead, his own parents offered to __ the bill for the wedding. 4 Although some members ofthe party didn't agree withthe new tax on books and magazines, they decided to ‘the line, rather than vote against their own party. 5 1 tried to stop the shoplifter but she sme out of the way 6 IF Mike tries to ___ off his old computer on you, ust {ell him you're looking for something more up-to-date 1 The way she drives she’s —__for an aeedent. As they had missed the last bus they decided to try to ‘lit home, 9 After hiding from the police for three weeks, he finally decided to give himself up and ___ the music. 10 He had to sack his cleaner because he found her ‘about among his private letters and documents one morning. 11 She ___ me a cup of tea and told me to help myself to milk and sugar. 12 The Government is being asked to ___ the coat of tidying up after the recent floods. In other words. ‘At the end of each section in this book you are aving to learn some: common and useful idioms. Try o learn them by heart as they will help you to read newspapers, magazines and understand everyday conversations. () Motch the sentences 1-10 witha suitable idiom o-j. Write your ‘answers in the boset on the net page 1 He got up and made a 2 He had a sot spot for her. ‘speech without any eee He took the mikey out of 2 Ho promised not to tell about bac eater © He kept a straight face being in prison. He put bis foot init. 3 ‘Tewas really cheap. only He got the sack. eae f He didit of the cut 4 He was very fon of is sranddeugiter, He was pling your log, 1 He got fora sng {5 He wanted to laugh, but ‘managed to control himself. {He was shaking like a leaf (6 He was really frightened 17 “Lasked him how his wife was. How was Ito know she was dead?” {8 Ho made fun ofthe way the man spoke and looked. ‘9 ‘My brother lot hia job last foreman.” J. He gave his word, (©) Now complete the following six dialogues witha suitable idiom. (Choose from the above list ond make any necessary changes. 1 A: How's the new job, Judy? B: Haven't you heard? I__ last woo. 2 A: That's a lovely desk. Was it expensive? B: No,I_____ because the owner was going abroad. only cost 290. ‘A: That was a bargain! 8A What did you think of his speech? 'B: Wasn't it awful! I really don't know how I managed to Twas dying to laugh. A: Yes, me too. 4A: Carol's uncle really spoils her, dosen't he? B: Yes, he's always his niece, 6 A: That was an excellent speech, Margaret. It must have taken _you ages to prepare B: No, I didn't know they were going to ask me to say anything, 1_____. oA ‘that you won't tll anyone about this, B: Don't worry, Peter, I won't say a thing. I promise Section Two: Health and Iliness Inside the body ‘Look at the two drawings on these pages then write the correct ‘numbers 1-20 next the following words. artery {intestines pelviship-bone spine! bladder kidney ribs ‘backbone brain ‘kneecap shin bone vein ‘breastbone liver shoulder blade vertebrae collarbone hing sll vwindpipe heart Internal organs ‘Th skloton Parts of the body idioms [Motch the idioms 1-16 withthe correct definition op. Write nae inthe Bses onthe opposite page ~ 1 tobea pain in the sto sold someone severely; to tell eck someone angrily what one thinks of 2 tobe all ears ol to be in a bad or dangerous situation 3 to be all fingers aa from which there is no escape A tobeall akin and © ' deliberately ignore someone bones 4 tobe so busy that one doesn’t have S tobe down in the tie tostop or rest mouth © tobe a pest and a nuisance; to be an eae invtating, annoying person one’s fest to greet someone warmly T tobite a person's g tobe very nervous or frightened tobe very fright ae 1h tobe vory cumey tone ito make one angry 9 togivesomeone 4. tolisten very attentively to news or cae information that may be to one’s oe advantage Ik to pretend not to notice some 10 to give someone foprete eo ‘the cold shoulder 11 tohavea lump in| % be very thin ‘one's throat 1m to feel sad; tobe on the verge of tears 12 tohave one's back nto make a ig efor t stop oneselt tothe wall from saying what one really feels 18 tohave one’s heart o to_be depressed inone’s mouth P tospeak angrily or rudely to someone 14 tomake one's Blood boil 15 totum a blind eye to something 16 to weloome someone with open arms PRPEE Pp [lela la] ale [ele Follow up Rewrite the following sentences using a suiteble idiom from the ‘above lst. To help You, a part ofthe body is given in Brackets after tach sentence, 1 The mother was on the verge of tears as she tried total about her dead son. (throat) 2 All right, allright! Calm down! There's no need to be so angry! (heod) 3 He drove like @ madman along the motorway and I was very frightoned all the way to London. (mouth) 4 Thhope she doesn’t bring her kid brother this time —he was a real pest the lst time he was here, (neck) '5 What haveI done to Pamela? She's ben completely ignoring me all morning, (shoulder) 6 Seeing young people carrying racist banners realy makes me sangry blood) 1 She needs to eat more ~ she's ko thin. (hin) A She saw the girl taking sweets from the shop, but protended she Inada’ noticed her. (eye) {9 When she found out that he hadn't done what he had promised ts, abe eeally told him what she thought of him. (mind) 10 You're lnoking deprowied today, Terry. Come on, cheer upl snotth Medical equipment, etc. Look atthe drawings on these pages and write the coret numbers 1-20 next othe following words, adhesive tape ointment thermometer bandage pilltablet — capeule plaster cast walking frame cotton wool safety pin walking tick crutch, sling wheelchair hearing aid stethoscope Xray ypodermi) needle stretcher Who's who in medicine ‘Match the people below 1-20 with the correct definitions a-t, Write ‘your answers in the bases atthe Bottom of the page opposite. 1 Acazulty 2 A chiropodist 3 Achiropractor 4 Aconaultant 65 A district nurse 6 A general ‘practitioner (GP) 7A home help 8 A matron 9 A midwite 10 Anune 11 An optician 12 An asteopath, 18 An out-patient 14 A pathologist 15 A paediatrician 16 A pharmacist 17 A physiotherapist 18 A poychitrist 19 A specialist 20 A surgeon {2 is a person, usually a woman, who thas been trained to advise pregnant ‘women and to help them when they are giving birth, ise porson who treats illness and physical problems by moving and pressing muses and bones © ia. person who is trained to treat patients by giving them exerese or ‘massage, often to help them walle ‘again after an accident or operation. 4 ina doctor whote jb i to perform ‘operations «© is. person who has been injured oF Killed in an accident, a fre or a war. £ isa person who tests people's ‘eyesight and provides glasses and contact lenses 6 isa doctor who examines a dead body ‘to find out how the person died. 1h ina doctor who treats people ‘suffering from mental illnesses, 4. isa person who i trained to treat ‘and care for people's feet. jis a doctor trained in general medicine who treats people in a certain local ‘ea for all kinds of illnesses. He or the is usually the first doctor people 0 to when they are il. isa doctor who specializes in one area of medical reatment, ean aye 1 isa person who is employed by the medical and social services to help ‘people who are old aril ith their ‘leaning, cooking, shopping, et. 1m isa person who treats diseatee by feeling and preasing the bones, ‘especially those ofthe back and neck. 1 in. person who is qualified to prepare and sll medicines. 6 is the woman in charge of the nurses ina hospital. Nowadays sho is oficially called a senior nursing oie. isa high-ranking and very experienced hospital doctor who gives ‘specialist advice in one particular ‘rea of medicine. 4 isa person who has to visita hospital rogularly for treatment while stil living at home. +r isa person who looks after patients in hospital. 5 is a nurse, employed by th local ‘authority, who visits and treats ‘people in their own homes, 1 is doctor who specializes intresting sick children. 5] 9 [a0] 2] v9] se] v5] 6] 17] 19] v9] 9] EE What's wrong with them? {Look atthe drawings below and write under each one what i wrong with the person. The folowing words should help you ‘bad cough a temperature hard of hearing ablack eye blind high blood-pressure ‘migraine break one's leg pregnant ‘anose-bleed burn oneself seasick arash catch a cold sprain one's ankle fasore throat crippled tobe stung ‘stomach ache faint __J 2 He 3 He's 4 She's 18 He's 19 Sth Common diseases, illnesses and conditions 1 [Match the words 1-16 below with the correct definitions 1-16. Write ‘your answers in the Bowes atthe bottom of page 42. 1 Anallersy 2 Anaemia 8 Asthma 4 Aci 5 Concussion 6 A fever 7 Flu/infuenza ' Food poisoning 9 A heart attack: 10 Indigestion 11 Insomnia 12 Measles 13 Nausea MA nervous breakdown 15 Rheumatism 1 Acstroke i an infectious disease which is like ‘bad cold. When you have it you feel very weak and your muscles ache ia an infectious illness where you have a fever and small re spats on {your face and body. is an illness that makes your joints or ‘muscles stiff and painful ‘condition associated with many illnesses where you develop a high ‘temperature, is a serious medical condition, ‘sometimes fatal in which your heart ‘begins to bea irewularly ar fails to ‘pump your blood properly so that it ‘ease alot of pain i a condition of being very sonsitive to things such as food, animals, medicine, dust, ete, which often ‘resulta in rashes oF dificaly in breathing. ‘ga sudden and severe illness which affects your brain and which can Kill ‘you or make you paralysed in one side of your body. mild illness which can give you a slight fever, a headache and your body might shake is the feling of wanting to bo sick. ‘The feling that you think you are sing to vomit. isan injury to the brain used by & blow to your head. It is not normally Jong-lasting ie an illness where you suffer from deep depression, worry and tiredness, You often ery uncontrollably and find it almost impossible to do your ‘normal work or activities. 1 isan unhealthy condition in which {you have too few red calls in your Dlood, which makes you look pale ‘and feel tired ‘m isa pain that you get in your ‘stomach when you find it dificult to is tho serious crime of stealing large mounts of money from a bank, @ 5 Embezzlement shop ora vehicle, often using force or 6 Forgery threats of violence 1 Fraud is the crime of coping things such fs banknotes, letters, offical 8 Hijacking documenta ein order to deotive £9 Kidnapping people. en 4 selling person by aocident or fanslaughter one ieheeeoees «is forcing someone to have sx with 12 Murder ee 1 Rape {is the crime of deliberately setting M4 Robbery fire toa building a taking control af an aeroplane, Sean train, et. by fore, usually i order 16 Thee tomnke plieal demands. bh is killing a person deliberately. {is demanding money or favours from omeone by threatening to revel « secret about them which, if made 8 Drugtrafficking bis stealing things from people’s ble coud ease the person pockets o handbags, usualy in femberrasoment and harm 4 Hit end ron ‘roweds or in public places 4 i dlberately taking goods fom a 5 Looting «© saying something untrue about ‘hop without paying for them. 6 Misconduct someone withthe intention of ao fp, a lamaging his or her reputation. your eare often over period of ie, Aree 4 is deliberately damaging public esiany Dulldings and other public property, 1 athe crime of getting money from eee Se 9 Pickpocketing ‘ually jut forthe fun of them, 10 Pifering 6 tr ofring mone or ft someone mis in position of authority, eg the crime of physically atacking 11 Slander government oficial in order to 12 Smogslng porsuade them to hep you in some 1 is printing or publishing something way ‘which i unre and damages 18 Terroriam isthe crime of lying in court while Sehr pt a me a Sheri gn our 18 Treg Snell nt Oar ee " jis the crime of taking things or i ino oe os 1eVendaim inking hin > lth cine of stoing Se bie muderng pire a tania t[2[s[e[s[e] 7] ele [ 10] 1] 12] 19] [15] 18] po pe } peer ton ein 4 is attacking someone, usually in a public place, in order to rob him or Crime and offences 2 . her. sto [Match the crimes and offences 1-16 with the correct definitions o-p. fs trading in illgal drugs such as Write your answers in the bes on page 62. heroin, cannabis, cocaine, LSD, te, 1 isthe crime of betraying your own 1 Assasination is bad or improper behaviour by a country by helping its enemies, ‘person ina position of authority or 1m i stealing small amounts of goods ot 2 er ae rust, such asa doctor, dentin, poles ‘hing of litle valu, often over a corruption mere Jong period of time, 1 in car accident in which the guilty Ariver doesnot stop to help © inthe use of violence such as murder ‘and bombing in order to obtain politial demands or to influence a ‘government. P is stealing from shops, buildings, ete. Jefe unprotected after a volent event or a natural disaster such as an ‘earthquake. TPT [ele Pe [e]e [ola le] 3] le] ] Follow up Fl in the missing crimes and offences in the sentences below Choose from the words in the previous two exercises. 1 The chief eashier admitted taking £30,000 ofthe firm's money during the previous three years and was found guilty of 2 She sued the newspaper for when it printed a story about her in which it claimed ahe had once been arrested for taking drugs. 43 The supermarket decided to install closed-iruit television in order to combat the problem of —___. 4 This isthe sixth fire in the area in the past month. The police suspect 5 He pleaded not guilty to murder but guilty to saying that the gun had gone off and killed his wife by accident. 6 There have been so many cases of in the street recently that the police are advising residents to instal alarms ‘and to notify neighbours when they go out 11 The customs officer found nearly £20,000 worth of cut diamonds hidden in the man’s guitar ease. He was arrested and charged with 8 Pop stars and famous people often employ bodyguards for themselves and members oftheir families as they are constantly worried about 9 Most people of my goneration remember the of President Kennedy in Dallas in November 1968. 10 It looked like a real £20 note but on closer examination you could see thet it was very clover —_ Criminals and wrongdoers Match the criminals and wrongdoers 1-16 with the correct defini- tions a-p, Write your answers in the bas on the next page. 1 An accomplice attacks people in the street and ame steals their money or other ass possessions. am tales goods from shops without 4 A charlatan paying for them. 5 Acriminal © deliberately damages public property, ‘often because they are bored or enjoy 6 A forger ni | ee 4 murders someone important, such as 8 A juvenile ‘king o a president. Aelinguent «Tends others to do wrong oF to make 8 A mugger trouble. 10 A ponchor {is someone who steals (usually without violence) HA ringer 12 A robber 18 A shoplifter MA thier 15 A traitor 16 A vandal helps another perwon to commit a crime. bb deceives others by pretending to have ‘special sills or knowledge, especialy about medicine | steals from banks, shops, et, usually planning them in advance in great etal J makes copies of money, letters, documents, ete, in order to deceive people. betrays his or her country. 1 deceives people by pretending to be ‘someone els. 1m breaks into houses, shops, ee. in ‘order to steal things nr isa young person who has broken the law. © catches or shoots animals, fish or birds on private land without permission. is someone who is guilty of crime PEEEEEE More criminals and people to do with crime and wrongdoing ‘Match up the people I-16 with the corret definitions a-p. Write our, answers in the bozeson the next page. 1 A drug addict! junkie 2 An assailant 8 A bigamist 4 A conspirator 5 Aculprit 6 A hostage An informer 8 A murderer 9 An offender 10 A pickpocket 11 A reciivist 12 A smuggler 13 A stowaway M4 Aswindler 16 A victim 16 A witness «is. formal o legal word for someone ‘who is guilty of a erime. takes things or people illegally into or out of a country. © deceives others in order to get money from them, 4. ives information tothe police in return for money. © is unable to stop himself or herself from taking drugs. hides on board a ship or inside a plane in order to get a freeride. see a crime being committed. th isthe person blamed fora crime oF for doing something wrong. 4. ia. formal or legal word for someone ‘who attacks another person. {is someone who has been attacked for against whom a crime has been ‘committed. is kopt asa prisoner by a person o ‘organization and may be killed if ‘people don't do what the person or “Organization are demanding. 1 steals things from people's pockets fand handbags in crowded places. 1m takes pat in a serot plan to do ‘omething against the law. 1. koops going back toa life of crime ‘even after being punished. In other ‘words, an ineurable criminal. ‘© marries illgally boeause he or she is already married to someone else. deliberately kills someone, Follow up Read through the folowing neuspaper extracts and fill in the rmissing words inthe headlines, The word is either « ype of erime {or @ bpe of criminal. Choose from the words in the previous five — caver me _ IN PEMBROKE Gear Panic ‘ast night she pace broke into the The mutated body of 18ear-< Sam ‘lar ofs hows Highents and found Roberton wie fu yesterday in ‘otsands fel made tment youd Pembroke Park Tho pole sy he wan ete which aod ora ties with a ‘ DARING ___ FROM FIFTH___ Iw WILSON. ‘famous painting by tho Dash art, When Me and Ms Simons return ambranct, ha Gppered fom he ome ls ight frm the tha thoy ‘Nena Gallery in London. Te was found that soma bad bron aa taken somo tie daring the aight of thir ous nd taken 8 TY tv, ‘August Sd, The police think ma e260 al voli amend bane ‘etek anneal gungot Talat bl cavanrr PRONE BOX 25yosrold Dwight Kelly was oaght Inet ight by dctver wen he eed ‘dma fr thet retro he T= raid com of propery milimire Frank Grove wh ATTEMPT FOILED Prince Chara came doe to being sot ‘etry eferoon wi npating [Story in Gteend Plc puted ¢ tan with «high pover rie inthe op wodow of nuts befee ‘he rice wade to pan ye bad ‘ot ben spot he chance ae tha BANK __cauaur py Loca boa ‘When aman wae nto Barclays Bank fm Drghton and demanded £10.00 ‘fom the cuore ge te sho a it [is when a huge Aunan dag deny stacked him I blongd toon ote {he geo, hen Ne red hat at Spin tet, Idioms to do with crime (a) Match the idioms 1-15 withthe correct definitions o-o, Write ‘your anstoers in the bases on the page apposite, 1 acon trick «(of goods) to be stolen 2afence » bribe someone 23 an inside job © discover someone in the act of eee ‘committing a crime fon someonejeome- da dishonest trick played on someone thing in order to get money from them 5 case a joint «legitimize money obtained illegally 6 catch someone red. £publicly reveal something illegal or handed ‘ishonest ‘cook the books stealing a car and driving it, often cae ‘dangerously, just fr fun hh examine or inspect the place you 9 do time eee 10 fall off the back of | someone who buys and sells stolen lorry ar std al 11 go straight 4 avoid punishment completely 12 get offscotfree falsify a company’s accounts; cheat at 13 grease someone's bookkeeping Palm 1 crime committed by someone 14 joyriding ‘connected with the plae or 6 a ‘organisation where tho crime took 1m serve a prison sentence give up a criminal way of life; not ‘break the law again © disnppear without telling anyone ‘where you are going 2] 9 [i]s [ve [ua] [as (©) Complete the following sentences with a suitable idiom. Choose {from the ones listed above and make changes tothe verbs where necessary. 1 The police __ the thieves as they were leaving the shop through a back window. 2 The mysterious disappearance of one of the cashiers shortly after the robbery confirmed the police's suspicions that it hed been an ‘8 He only got the contract because he a government, oficil’s 4 He had been for years, trying to cover up the £10,000 he had taken from the company. 5 When Tom came out of prison after serving two years, he promised his girlfriend that he would and never steal again. 6 A few years ago, my cousin prison for three years altogether. 7 Don't buy those cassette recorders If they're that cheap they ust have 8 Although the police knew they had committed the crime, they couldn't prove it, so the men {or fraud. He was in 9 Most bank robbers ‘thoroughly before attempting torebit 10 He __ in the midale of the night to avoid paying his hotel bil Law and order: The police Look at the drawings below and write the correct numbers I-18 next Law and order: In court Fill in the missing words in the passage below. Choose from the following and note that two ofthe words are used twice ‘accused uly put on probation sscquitted Imprisonment sentonco barristers judge testimony Grown Court jury trial defence ‘Justice of the Peace verdict sock Magistrates Court witness box evidence oath, witnosses fine prosecution ‘There are two main courts of law in Britain -the (1) for minor offences, such as speeding, shoplifting, ete. and the (@) —__ for more serious offences such as fraud and murder. The magistrate or (3) Tower court does not have special education ar training in law and doesnot get a salary (The job is voluntary and part-time.) ‘At a4) __at a Crown Court, the (5) —____ or defendant stands in the (6) hile lnwyers question (7) —___ who have to say what they have sen or know and who stand in the () ‘They have to swear an (9) __ to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but ‘the truth’ What they ay is known as their (10) ‘There are usually two lawyers or (11) in the ‘courtroom. One is known as Counsel for the (12) — ‘who speaks for the defendant, and the other as Counsel for the who tres cases in the (13) ______. This person has to try to prove thatthe person accused of the crime really commited it, ‘The (14) __ sits in a large soat facing the defendant and wears a special gown and wig. He or she does not divin whether an accused person is guilty or not, ‘This ix lft to thn st + made up of twelve mombers of uke pai, ts Aecide, During the tral they sit in silence, listening carefully to all the (16) ____. Thon, they are locked away until they fan decide whether the person is (17) or not (18) _ "This decision is called the (19) The Gi) now decides the punishment or (21) __asit is called. the person is innocent, he or she is @2) which means that he or she is released Immediately and is free to go home. Ifthe person is guilty and the crime is serious, he or she could be given several years 3) However if it is a fist offence, the person might be given a (24) instead, for example £1,000, or 5) ‘The verdict is yours Work in poirs or groups of three. You are going to be judges, Read ‘through thelist of crimes below and then decide the pe of sentence 101 think the person ought to get. Before starting, here is list of ‘possible sentences. You can choose from these or decide on your own. ‘The death penalty ‘You could sentence the person to death (by hanging, the death chamber, electric chair, guillotine, ete.) Note: the death penalty thas beon abolished in the U.K. Life imprisonment ‘You could imprison the person fo ia. Imprisonment "You could imprton the person for a set period (decide how many months or year) Fines ‘You could fine the person (decide the amount) Put on probation ‘You could put the person on probation, eg for 3 years. (This ‘means you don't go to prison. Instead you have to keep out of Aroha tn profi i evory wk ding the period of he ene ‘Suspended sentence ‘You could give the person a suspended sentence, og 2 years ‘suspended sentence. (This means the person is given a two year prison sentence but only has to serve it if he oF she commits ‘nother erime during that period.) Acquitlet off ‘You could let the person off with « caution. Do community service "You could give the person community service. (He or she has to do socially useful work, eg. helping handicapped children or old people instead of going to prison) Driving baniendorsement If @ driving offence, you could ben the person from driving (ecide hov long) oF endorse his or her licence, which means that -you mark init thatthe person has broken the law 1A person who robbed a shop and wounded the owner with @ lente 2A person who set fire to his or her fat for the insurance money. 3 A person in the Government who has been epying for a foreign ower. 4 Aperson who took a bar of chocolate from a shop without paying for it 65 A person who bought a camera with a false cheque 6 A person who murdered a policeman in cold blood 17 A porson who kidnapped a small child and held im to ransom, (The child was unhurt.) 8 A person who hijacked a plane. In the reseue attempt one passenger diod of a heart attack. 9 A peraon caught selling cocaine and heroin. 10 A person who saw a woman being attacked, went to her aid and ‘accidentally killed her attacker. 1A perwon who refuses todo military sevice, 12 A person who stolo a car, then crashed into another on seriously injuring the driver. 18 A football supporter who threw a brick at a referee during a oothall match. (The brick struck the referee on the log) 114A perwon who drove through a trafic light when it was showing red. 15 A person who got married when he already had a wite. When you have finished, compare your verdicts with other pairs or groups To talk about What would happen in your country if you were caught speeding? sccidentally killed someons? f were caught smoking marijuana? «© attacked and injured someone? (© were caught writing graffiti on a public building? © wore caught shopliing? (© murdered someone? Verbs to do with crime 1 [Match the verbs on the lef 1-16 witha euitable phrase o-p. Write “your anawers in the boxes on the next page. 1 accuse someone a in cold Blood 2 arrest someone into custody 3 ban © awitness 4 break 4 telephone boxes ‘charge someone ¢ for armed robbery r 6 commit ' prison sentence 8 hijack with murder 9 hold up | xmoking in public places 10 murder someones jo shoplifting 11 pinch 1 the alarm 12 serve 1 crime 18 sound 1m some money 14 take someone aplane 15 try © thelaw 16 vandalize abenk Verbs to do with crime 2 Fill in the missing verbs in the sentences below. Choose from the falling and mabe cry change where neers, Uo each verb acquit Aeport mug shoplif, fast doublecross——_pilfer smuggle blackmail embezsle prosecute sue burgle imprison prove swindle convict —interrognte_——reprieve threaten defraud ‘kidnap rob 1 An armed gung the Kingsway Road branch of Barclays bank yesterday afternoon and got away with nearly £90,000. 2The salesman was very persuasive and managed to the elderly couple out of thir life savings. 8 Tourists have been advised to avoid going off into the mountains as sx people have been inthe past month. As yet, rovone has been freed, 4 The man was {rom Britain to Germany where he ‘will face charges of terrorism and murder. 5 The youths were fined £300 for (on Government property and deliberately causing damage to expensive ‘machinery, 6 She had pleaded not guilty throughout the trial, sot was aroliet ‘when the jury finally ___ her. 17 The judge —___ him for ten years for fraud 8 The prisoner was just hours before he was due to be executed, 9 The robbers ~ to shoot anyone who tried to sound the alarm. 10 The politician was being bby aman who claimed he hhad photographs of him aooupting bribes. 11 Blake ____theothers in the gang and escaped to South ‘America with most of the money from the robbery. 12 The cleaner was eavght towels and glasses from the hotel. 19 He threatened to she tried to break her contract 14 It would be easy to ry father’s house ashe always leaves his bedroom window open during the day. 15 As the man left the shop, the sore detective stopped him and ‘accused him of _____. He bad been caught on camera stung three tes into his brifeas. ther for every penny she had if 16 He was so disappointed that his team were losing that he ran ‘onto the pitch and the opposing team’s goal- ‘Keeper, hitting im several times inthe face. 17 He made large sums of money refugees into Britain, Holland and Germany. 18 The post office clerk nearly £5,000 over a period of ‘ro yours 19 She was walking through the park in broad daylight when a ‘man —_____ her, stealing her handbag containing nearly 2200. 20 Although the police knew he was guilty, they were unable to it~ they just didn’t have sufficient evidence. 21 She was _of manslaughter and sent to prison for five years 22 The detectives __ the suspect for nearly ten hours Defore finally letting him go. 25 The two directors ‘the company of nearly £2 milion, 24 There wasa large sign on the outside of the building which said: “Trespassers will be Other useful words to do with crime Fill in the missing words in the sentences below. Choose from the following: abolished coroner inquest Toot alibi custody internment martial law ‘amnesty damages judicial on parole Dall euthanasia justice statement elves ‘iit lawabiding warder conviction injunetion legislation warrant 1 The ___of political prisoners ia quite common in some countries. Britain tried it unsuccosefullyin Northern Ireland to combat the IRA, 2 The government is thinking of introducing making it compulsory for every citizen to carry an identity card, 3A person who looks after prisoners i called a prison officer ora 4 Since there was something very suspicious about the man's sudden death, the waa called in and an —____ was held at the Town Hall. > 5 In Britain, capital punishment in the form of death by hanging was in 1969. 6 The court issued an forbidding the newspaper from publishing any more photographs ofthe Prinoess of Wales ‘at a private Health Cub. 1 The polie have issued a for her arrest {8 Trial by jury is an important part of the British system of to all the 9 The new governor issued a general rebels 10 After the unsuccessful attempt to overthrow the government, ‘the whole country was put under ___ for a month 11 His __ for the night of the murder was that he had been at his glfriend's, watching TV. 12 He succesfully sued the newspaper for libel and was awarded nearly £50,000 in 18 The judge rofused to grant him , a8 it was feared that he would try to leave the country before his trial came up. 14 Before the police took him away, the thief tld his wife where he Ihad hidden the 15 They were prosecuted for dealing in _ substances. 16 The doctor wan found guilty of ‘when he turned off tho ifmupport ayriom of @ patient who was torminaly il with 17 The police tok down the man him, then asked him to ng i 18 Detectives still haven't found any ‘as to the whereabouts ofthe two minting, L3-yearold schoolchildren. 19 The robbers were taken us the police station and held in ‘until thee rial, 20 She couldn't possibly have done it. She's the most honest, citizen I've ever met. 2 This was his seventh ____ for stealing cars. 22 Not all countries have the same politieal or systems, 28 He was released , read it back to ‘to goto his mother’s funeral Sort out the texts There are two unusual crime stories below. Unfortunately the are all mized up. Try to sort them out by puting the sections in the ‘correct order. Number the first story 1-7 and the second one 8-13 (umber 1 has already ben identified for you.) worked out that the ea ay af entry Wrath the root Teer was, weve, the ih poem en tala chance tp enr tine ‘THE QUICKEST BANK ROBBERY ‘When Ele Bak ai nts tothe thay oe Ut it ay directly beneath an over Indra Ese near Landes Beige Sinton ‘Under, the gang ag at oO anand nota bad ba writen on he ak an enelpe with a ar ad ‘irae on singed had tome Et wa ed ad Sh noun tring © Semesarte eas ePterhows are ‘uz most coxsricvavs @ maken sree rein ©) Fala thas rr esi hth waa areca Goamarca of cmamtes and bro bbe ‘tulle toa cape Handel, The aie stated pl ‘fom wide ara ade O running though the crowed sets ‘vith bis al A oc ater, the rave etwon the rally lepers fd filed tall of ipa. "They gly orretmstod cashler of « Novade bank the message seas det” "Thie ie bold It ‘ounod, Puta the moey into In other words... (a) Match up the statements 1-10.with a suitable idiom a-j. Write ‘your anawers inthe boxes onthe nest page 4s pick and span. b Tesall Greek to me. 1 Tdon't really ike opera, 2 hate the rude way in ‘which he talks to his Imother. Tereally angers © ‘I's not my cup of tea. 4 Tes bucketing down. Te gote my gat Ten going fora wong. 4 We were almost killed, Terings a bell 15 A: Was the exam difficult? 5 Her flat is very clean and Wa ple of eak. B; No, itwas—__. ea 1 Te wana clone shave {6 A: You lok annoyed, Mandy 6 Te won't take me long to Bs Lam, Is Nick. I don’t mind giving him a Hit to work but doit Ivory cay J Wan eyeore ‘what isthe fact that he's never once offered to pay forthe petrol 1 That building is very ugly ta look at, 8 It's raining heavily. 9 T don't understand a word ofitt 10 That ears very cheap to buy. () Now complete the folowing six dialogues witha suitable idiom. ‘Choose from the above list ana make any necessary changes. 1 A: Do you know Pauline Brown? Well, the name certainly __. Isn't she something todo with politics? What's the weather like, Pam? It's___ at the moment. ‘Typical! There goes our picnic, then! Do you like football? No, it’s not really —___. I prefer gol ‘What was he talking about? Tve no idea. It wax SREP PER Check 1 ‘This is a check to see how many worls you can remember from ‘Section One, Section Two and Section Three. Try to dot without looking back a the previous pages 1 Hie deliberately lives alone, away from other people. He's (a) abermit (b) an atheist (c) miser (€) a septic 22 Which ofthe folowing people isnot young? (a) an adolescent (b) veteran (c)an infant (@) a juvenile 8 She spent three years as ‘oma desert island before ‘8 passing ship rescued her. (a) an expatriate (b) a scapegoat. (c) a squatter (@) a castaway 44 Which person is on strike? (@) adeserter (b) a conscientious objector) picket (d) a blackleg 15 She's such —__. It’s hard to get « word in edgeways ‘when she's around, (a) a tomboy (b)a chatterbox (©) a ig shot (@) a busybody 6 He believes everything you tell him. He's really (e) gullible () absent-minded (©) shrewd (A) highly-strung 7 She thinks a lot of herself and her abilities She's very (@) aggressive (b) pompous (@) talented (€) conceited 8 1 never walk under a ladder because it's unlucky. I'm very bout things like that. (@) narrow-minded (b) weak-willed_(c) superstitious (@) obstinate 9 He falt very when he first went to live abroed, He missed everything, expecially hi family and friends. (a) homesick (b) nostalgic (0) disillusioned (@) heartbroken 10 Which person is very angry? (a) She's annoyed. (b) She's furious. (c) She's bad-tempered, (@) She's touchy. 11 In each of the following groupe of four words, one doesnot fit in, Underline the word and try to say why itis diferent from the rect (a) hospitable, considerate, well-mannered, spiteful (©) scared, billed, apprehensive, petrified () nosteil, temple, thigh, lobe (@) bandage, ointment, truncheon, sling (e) busker, midwife, chiropodist, surgeon (9 fu, measles, malaria, asthma (@) kidney, knuckle, intestines, windpipe 12 There are twelve words hidden in the following square. They are al jobs, See how many you can fin. You can read vertically (G words), horizontally (5 words) or diagonally (2 words). coe sm rosaravess era ter oeon team zELeveczoso0a-=z> zosar Ee -Ezererems ee le es ele aa] 18 Read through the following wentences and try to work out what. ‘the missing words are. ‘To help you the first and last letters of the words are giver (@) She stufs dead unimale. She's at t (©) He's suffering from 4 Aiicut to get to sleep wt night. (©) He was so badly injured inthe ear accident that they had to his leg. (4) This drug has no known s___ee_s, 90 it's perfectly safe to use. (©) She went tothe o (0, She almost c (q) Tm p___t. The baby’s due in December. () Give her a t = that should help calm her down. @ Another word for ‘word-blindness is @_—__ © IT you don't like the shape of your nose you can have it changed through p____ex_____y, (The doctor wrote out ap for aome medicine 14 Match the words on the left with the words on the right. Draw Tines between the corect pairs, assassination death by accident ao tall ies in court blackmail false cheque Darglary sot fire to buildings fraud betray one's country Kidnapping break into @ house manslaughter political murder bel ‘demand a ransom, perjury ‘threaten to revel a secret ‘reason printing lies 15 Say whether the following sentences are correct (C) or incorrect ©. (a) Tho captain ofthe ship found a stowaway hiding in one of| the lifeboats () He must be a gatecrasher. He certainly wasn't invited to the party. (@) He reads a lot, He's very illiterate (@) She had lots of erow's feet on her stomach. (©) He punched the man three times in the face. Now he's facing a charge of assault. (© Bashfal people are usualy ful of welF-confidence. (@) Another word for magistrate is Justice of the Peace or IP for short, Gh) T got it for a song. It was really expensive. (@) He helped me rob the bank. He was my accomplice, (Those shirts are stolen. They fell off the back of a lorry. (We) He's in charge of tho exam. He's the adjudicator. () Hee makes sure people atthe swimming baths don’t drown. He's a bodyguard. 16 Complete the following sentences using a suitable part of the body used asa verb, (@) She _____ her way through to the front of the ‘queue. (@) The Prime Minister urged the back benchers to the line and vote withthe government. (©) He tried to ‘me off with an out-of-date machine. (@) Could you sme the screwdriver, pleate? (e) They left me to —__ the bil. (8) Teould never be a surgeon. I can't blood. 17 Look atthe drawings below and write down what is wrong with 18 Match up the verbs on the right with the words on the left, Sen Dror bine net - g \eliver ‘muscle s Gace ios I | ‘dress: medicine ni Sound _ focate nS owe ® ——— tom vig ee comers Socmosy occ tien Shope conne ited st omcne fan tnd once wih omed rebery oa. @ as 18 Nan the ving |—4 ln | ss o_o» © ||| @ ala On 0 20 Rewrite the following sentences with suitable idioms. (The idiom should include the word in brackets after each sentence) (a) Secing young people deliberately damaging phone bores really makes me angry. (blood) () Twas realy frightened. (eal) (©) Tfound it dificult not to faugh when be tried to sing. Ho ‘was co out of tune! (face) 4) Tm not feeling very well today. (weather) (e) Did you realise that your father looke exactly like Andrew Loyd Webbor? (image) (0 You've got to make a greater effort if you want to pase the exam. (socks) (@) Hl earned a lot of money with his first novel. (bomb) (h) We bribed the official to et the contract. (palm) (@) The examination was really easy. (ak) @ That was @ narrow evcape! We could have been killed (shave) 21 Here are thirty words in alphabetical oder. Write each word under the correct heading (ive words under each). amnesia enthusiastic rubbery callous genius ruthless charlatan hijacking sadist cheeky imposter sensible ‘eoncussion indigestion slander cramp loyal sponger crank malicious traitor creative nnauses ‘worfaced culprit patriot understanding ‘embezzlement perjury vandal ‘Types of people Adjectives to Adjectives to ‘describe people describe people (negative) bositive) Criminals and Diseases, ‘Crimes and wrongdoers: ilnesses and offences. conditions 22 Unscramble the following words and match them with the Aefinitions 9-1 below. lant towikob gastociuon _piesnt_—stovalire jazmea——_aviclin fquisten —sylacaut festucfoa ——misnadval_-—rimferno__tirannumtoil (a) ‘The upper part of the foot hetween the toes andthe ankle. () Having lote of differen skills and abilities and being able to ‘easly change from one kind of activity to another. (e) Anyone who is not a soldier or any other member of the armed forces. (@ Poor health caused by not eating enough food or by not ‘ating enough ofthe right kinds of food (©) Someone who spoil the atmosphere or prevents others from enjoying themselves by being very boring and negative about everything. (©, Someone who gives information to the police about crimes ‘or criminals in return for money. (@) Die bocauso of lack of air. (8) Someone who has been injured or killed in an accident, a fre (© So surprised that you find it hard to believe what has happened. () An official inquiry to find out the cause of an unexpected or sudden death, especially when a crime is suspected. (%) (Of a disease) That can be passed on from one person to another by touch. @) Doliberataly damaging public buildings and other publi property, usually just forthe fun of it. 28 Complete the crosaword with the missing verbs from the sentences below. Across > 3 Two men 42 British Airways plane and demanded to be flown to Libya. 55 She slipped while skating and her ankle, 18 We can’t drink the water in our well, Chemicals from a nearby factory have it. 10 After smashing her father’s ear, she was too frightened to ‘go bome and —___ the music. 11 At present he is ‘six year prison sentence for ‘armed robbery, 12 The prosecution have to that the accused ie anlty 15 T wasn’t being serious, Jane. I was only your leg. 16 My head ___. Have you got any aspirins? 17 The best way to this illness is with penieli, 16 Tt was the fist time she had —__ the law. 20 The gang planned to the bank at the weekend, 21 They planned to ____ the English football team and demand a ransom of £1 million for their safe return 22 Fifty Bnglish football hooligans were —____ from Holland lastnight after causing considerable damage to the hotel they were staying at. Down + 1 She ‘her skull when she fell down the stairs. 2 You should always instruments before an operation, 4 His unt went into a private nursing home to ‘fer her illness. 1 “Ifyou print that in your newspaper then TL _ys for libel” the actress shouted at the journalist. 6 The doctor ___ his ines as mumpe. 1 Have you been ‘against influenza this year? 8 More and more young people under thirteen are 9 He was arrested for _a policeman. He had hit him in the face several times. 14 The judge __her for ton months. 115 The cut has finally now. See, there's not even 19 Our house was last week. Among the things stolen were a TV, a video and £200 in cash eco af es Section Four: Phrasal verbs Phrasal verbs with ‘down’ (@) Complete the definitions below with a suitable phrasal verb Choose from the following and make any changes where necessary, Dringdown —godown pour down settle down close down hold down pull down stand down extdown letdown putdown take dow et down play down rundown turn down 1 If itis _ it raining very heavily 21 you from a job or postion you resign or ‘withdraw from it, usually to let someone else take your place 38 When a ship __, it sinks 4 Ifyou ___ request, an offer, an invitation, ete, you refuse or say no toi. 5 IF poople or some event ‘a government, this means they are defeat and lose their power. 6 Ifyou __ someone ___, you disappoint that person by falling to do what he or ehe haa been relying on you todo. 17 Ifyou — or ber. 8 you _, for example, the numberof cigarettes you smoke, you smoke less, 9 To __ something isto write down oF make notes on what someone is wing. someone you criticize or speak badly of him 10 Iryou —_____ a Jab, you manage to koop it, even though it might be dient todo a, 11 Iryou ‘bullding, you demolish or destroy it 12 Ia factory + shuta permanently. 13 Iyou omthiny’ you try to make it ‘appear leas important or arioun Uhan it really is. 14 I something you it makes you fel depressed. 15 If you —___, this usually moans that you got married, set up home and start leading a quiet, routine lie. 16 Ifa government ‘revolt or rebellion, they erush it by fore, ©) Now complete the following sentences with a suitable phrasal verb with ‘down’. Choose from the verbs in exercise (a)and make any changes where necessary. 1 The nuclear industry is always anxious to ___ the dangers ofan accident at a nuclear power station. 2 There was a revolt in the north of the country, but government esrs econ eee pum 3 Ms Stevens was at a mecting, soher secretary __ my message 4°The cold weather and the rain ie really _____ me wish it was summer! '5 There must be something wrong with Frank. He can't seem to job. This must be the third time he's been sacked in the past year. 61 probebly ____ when I'm about thirty-five. I'm not old enough to get marriod and start a family yet. TIF this news leeks out it could be damaging enough to the government - if not now, certainly atthe next lection. 8 You'd better tako an umbrella with you, it's ontside, 9 She was offered an excellent job in Canada, but " beens she did't want to Iaave Britain. 10 Ifthe factory _____, more than 2,000 pen wl! be at of work, 11 The Titanic on her maiden voynge tram ‘Southampton to New York in 1912. 12T think Mr Blak should someone younger take over. 15 They've —___ those old buildings in Green Street to make way for a new supermarket, 14 ‘Ifyou can't stop smoking completely, Mr James,’ the doctor said as he examined his chest, ‘then at least try and Otherwise you'll probably get lung eancer one ‘8 chairman and lot ay” 15 Now we're all relying on you, Nick, so please don't 16 She's always ___ people ___. I don't thinke TTve ever heard her say something nice about someone. Phrasal verbs with ‘in’ and ‘into’ (@) Complete the definitions below with a suitable phrasal verb. Choose from the following and make any changes where necessary. reskin cme inte take in ing in Allin tall into check in and in ‘urn in ‘come in Join in turn into 1 Ifyou __ something, such as an essay or an exercise, you ive It to someone to rel ir convo 21 you someone, you meet him or her ‘unexpectedly. 3 —— moans to oto bed. 4-When you at a hotel, you register your name, address, etc, and pick up the hey to your room. 5 To means to tar building by force or ilgally, ‘usually in order to steal 6 Af you ______ someone _ doing something, ‘you persuade him or her to doit. 7 you ___ something, you investigate it. 8 To money or property means to inherit it. 9 IF someone oF something ‘another thing, they ‘change and become someone or something diferent. 10 Ifyou __ something, such as a game, you take part in it 11 When a government «new law, they introduce it 12 Ifyou _ something, for example central heating, you install t 18 Hyou____an item of thing, you make it emaller and tighter. 14 Ifyou for someone, you do the work or take the place of that person during their absence, 415 When something it becomes fashionable 16 When something for example an unpleasant piece of news, it gradually becomes understood () Now complete the following sentences with a suitable phrasal ‘verb with ‘in’ or ‘into’. Choose from the verbs in exercise (a) and ‘make any changes where necessary 1 The singer told the audience to__ the chorus. 2 The news of her death was such a shock. It still hasn't really yet In the fairy tale, when the princess Kissed the frog it ‘a handsome prince. 4 Mr Kent's away thia week, so they've shea! me a for him, 15 After we had , We went up Lo oUF foen, pat ‘our suiteass then went down to the hotel restaurant for a meal 6 Guess who T___ this week? Charlow North! You ‘remember, he was in our class at school. I haven't seen him fo over ten years 71 didn’t really want to go to the cinema, but they somehow ‘managed to __ me It Pm glad thoy dit now as it waa the best fl I've seen forages. 5 Thieves __over the weekend and stole three valuable paintings. 9 T'm feeling very tired think PL 10 The manager asked her assistant to the complaint 11 T'mold enough to remember when miniskirts frst. 12 Sinco she had lst weight she had to __ her lothes as they no longer fitted her. 13 Hell lot of money when his father dios. 1M The government are planning to ‘law to raise the schoo! leaving age to seventeen, 15 Last winter was so cold that they decided to central heating and double glazing. 16 Before they left the examination room, the students their answer sheets Phrasal verbs with ‘off’ (4) Complete the definitions below with a suitable phrasal veré Choose from the following and make any changes where necessary. break off kick off seco tolloff drop off lay off show off turn off 0 off pull off stop off wear off keep off put off take off write off 1 When football players , they start the game. 2 Ifyou _____ someone ___, you go with them to the airport, railway station, ete. and say goodbye to them there. 81 you —_____ someone ______, you scold of ‘reprimand them for something they have done wrong. 4 abank —____ allan, it regards the debt as alos which will never be recovered. 5 ityou ‘relationship, you end it 6 Ifyou ____ something you complete or perform something succesfully 17 Ityou _____ someone, you imitate or copy their speech, appearance or behaviour, usually to make others laugh. 8 Ifyou __ a machine or appliance, you stop it working by moving a switch or a button, 9 Ifa bomb it explodes. 10 Ia feeling __, it becomes lose intense or is no longer felt. 11 Ifyou ___ someone you distract them in some way or dsourage them from doing something. 12 Ifyou _a particular subject, you avoid talking about it. 13 Ifyou ____ somewhere, you interrupt your journey to visita friend a shop, ete. for a short time. 14 Ian employer workers, they lose their jobs, often temporarily, because there is no more work for them todo, 15 To___ means to fall aloup. 16 People who ____ try to improv othors with thelr alla or abilities (©) Now compete the following sentences with o suitable phrosal verb uith ‘off Choose from the verbs in exercise (@) and make ‘any changes where necessary | His parents tried to dim boing an actor by saying how dificult it was and that only « amall percentage ever found work or could make a living from it ar tthe chemist's on my way home to pick up prescription for my wife. 8 Don't forget to all the downstairs lights before you 0 to bed, 4 Try to _ the subject of war tonight if you ean. You Jknow it only upsets your Aunty Jean. 5 Because of the recession, the company had to nearly three hundred workers. 6 We couldn't stop laughing when Sue suddenly stood up at started the new boss. She was just lke her. 7 Those countries are never going to be able to pay back thelr loans, s0 the banks will just have to them 8 We were all very surprised when Colin — hin engagement, epecally as he and Emily planned to marry in th 9 She was so happy when she managed to the biggest busines dealin er life 10 The manager _ her for arviving Inte agin, 11 The headmaster’s speech was ao boring that I ‘half-way through it 121 hae the way he fon tho football field, dow know who's trying to mprees. 18 The offctof thi crug ao 14 We our flenda 15 A loud cheer wont up from in thir World ( 16 We were just leaving Fortunately, we we ‘Complete the captions 1 Complete the captions in the drawings below using « suitable ‘phrasal verb from the previous three exercises, namely ones with “down, ‘in’, "into! and ‘of. ep 13 She's Phrasal verbs with ‘on’ (@) Complete the definitions below with a suitable phrasal verb Choose from the following and make any changes where necessary. Matas oo ‘count on ‘hold on ‘send on allen” dragon liveon take on fatchon —— grtom Jookon tron someon spon pickonturmon it you someone, you rely on them for their help snd support 2 Ifyou __ doing something, you continue doing it. 3 Xf you ____ while something hayyona, you wate without taking part yourself 4 someone — you they omits 5 If something it takes much longor than se necessary, which has the effect of making people lured ‘impatient or unhappy. 66 Ifsomething _____an lines or physical discon, I Un the cause of ‘Ifyou ask someone to you want them to walt for ‘ashort while. 18 When you something, for example # television, ‘you start it working. 9 something becomes popular oF fashionable 10 Ifyou ___ someone, you repeatedly and unftirly treat ‘them badly, often by punishing thom or giving them boring or “unpleasant jobs to do 11 If you — & piece of clothing, you put it on to see whether it fits and looks nice 12 Ifyou ask someone how they are with an activity, {you are asking how they are progressing with it 13.7 ‘someone isto pay them a short visit. 14 Ifyou _____a particular kind of food, then this isthe ‘only kind of food you eat, 15 When a television programme ____, it starts being Droadeast 16 Ifyou ___ someone's mail, you post ton to him or ber ‘after you have received it. (©) Now complete the following sentences with a suitable phrasal verb with ‘on’. Choose from the verbs in exercise (a) and make any changes where necessary. 1 ‘What time does Top ofthe Pops “At even, [think Just after the news” 2 My won ian't vary well im his new school. He's ‘ining the work tn hard, 8 ‘Do you like Chinen fd, Paul? "Oh yea! 1 practically anything else. 4 ‘Could 1 the drow in the window, please?” “Te prefer you to use the fitting-room, madam,” 45 Tt must have been standing in the pouring rain watching the _— it. Is not often T eat match yesterday that —__ your cold 6 Iyou could just ‘a moment, please, I just se if (Me Collins i free. ‘7 When I went to work in London for six weoks, I got my sister to amy mail, 8 1s dark in here. Someone __the light, please. 9 Let ‘Andy and Lynne tonight. It's ages since we last saw them. 10 Iryou're sil looking for a job, Rose, I hear that Woolworth are extra staff for the sales 11 You can't __ working non-stop like that. You've got ‘to take a break some time. 12 T won't let you down, Paula, You know you can 13 Do you mean to say that he just __, without doing sything when thse two men wre tacking his brother? 14 Do you think this new fashion will 15 The meeting seemed to really getting anywhere. 16 The other girls at school have boen bullying me agnin. Why do they always —__ me? Te ur, tout we Phrasal verbs with ‘out’ (a) Complete the definitions below with a suitable phraval verb ‘Choose from the following and make any changer where necessary. break out find out look out run out check out handout make out stand out comeout knockout passout try out die out leave out putout turn out 1 When you shout *__1"it sto warn someone that they are in danger in some way, for example, when a car is coming towards them and they pechaps don't notice it 2 Ityou fire, you extinguish it 3 Ifyou ____ something ___, you test it to se that it works, ete 4 1 you ______ something, such as books, you give each person in a group one. 5 IF war or an epidemic , it starts suddenly and quickly spreads. 6 I tradition or an animal species ____, it gradually ‘ceases tobe practised or exist and eventually disappears 7 Ifa factory —__ something, it produces it, usualy in large quantities. To means to faint or lose consciousness, 8 When you of hotel, you pay the bill and return your room key before departing. 10 Irsomething —___, it it very notioeable in some way or other, Re, of alist, group, ete, ‘you do not inelude it wate something means to learn or discover something that you did not know before, uaually by moking quien, 18 Ifyou ean ___womething, you manage to soo, ead o hear it. M4 When a book it s published or is made available tothe public 16 Ia borer _______ un opponent, he hits him ao hard that hhc opponent loses consciounnews for a while or ie unable to recover from the blow in time. 16 Ifa legal document, such as avis, or w contract it expres and is therefore no longer valid () Now complete the following sentences with a suitable phrasal ‘verb with ‘ou’. Choose from the verbs in exercise (a) and make ‘any changes where necessary 1 I'm not exactly sure when the tran leaves, but ifyou wait here TUtry and —__. 2 He was very disappointed when he was of the team for the match against Manchester United, 3 The room was so hot and stuffy that she thought she was going to 4 This factory —___ 2,000 radios every day 55 Sho was late ______ of her hotel and almost missed her flight to New York. {6 The boxer won the fight when he ____ hie opponent in ‘the fourth round. 1 My passport ___ atthe end of the month. Pd better go and renew it next week. 8 Doyou mind if ___the ear __ before Tbuy ww 9 World War ___ in 1989. 10 The teacher asked one ofthe students to _____theexam papers. 11 She hed bright red hair and really _ in a erowd, 12 ‘__1 There's a car coming he shouted to the child ‘who was about to cross the road, 18 T ee hie new novel, as his last one. 14 His handwriting was 0 bad that I had great difficulty in what he had written, 15 Only about 20 per cent ofthe population of Wales speak Welsh nowadays. Unless something is done soon, there it a great tomorrow. I hope it's an god danger that the language will by the middle ofthe next century, 16 It took firemen nearly twelve hours to ‘the blaze. Phrasal verbs with ‘up’ (@) Complete the definitions below with a suitable phrasal verb Choose from the following and make any changes where recessar. blow up ress up old up pull up cheer up goup make up put up comeup ——growup = ownup——alipup dou hangup play up sum up 1 If you are phoning someone and they —___, they end the phone call, often abruptly, by putting down the receiver. 2 Iyou to something, you admit that you di it. 8 you __ someone , you let them stay with you for one or more nights. 4 When you tell someone to you want them to be ‘more mature and to stop behaving in a silly, childish way. 5 When someone —____ after a speech or a debate, they summarize or give the main points of the arguments, etc. 61F you something uch as a building, you destroy it by uring explosives. If two people fiends again ater a quarrel , this means they have become 81% ‘means to make a mistake. 9 To __a building isto repair, modernize or decorate 10 IF someone, especially child, ___ you ____, be or she is being naughty and is very difficult to control, 11 If something in a meeting, conversation, et. it ‘means itis mentioned or discussed 12 people _a bank, a post office, a security van, ete they rob it, usually by threatening with weapons 18 IF you tell someone to ____, you want them to stop being depressed and to become happi M4 Ifyou yu put on smart or formal clothes, usually ‘because you are going somewhere special 15 When a vehicle it lows down then stops, 16 Irthings __, for example, priest means they rise or (©) Now complete the following sentences with a suitable phrasal ‘verb with ‘up’. Choose from the verbs in exercise (a) and make ‘any changes where necessary 1 Do we really have to {or John’s party? Can't we Just go in jeans? 2 Two armed men ‘security van early this morning and got away with nearly £300,000 ‘3 We couldn't believe our eyes when a Rolls-Royce ‘outside the supermarket and the Prime Minister got out. 4 After the debate, the chairman the main points, 5 Ido wish ho'd —_. Thate miserable people! 6 You're so childish, Simon! Why don't you __? 7 Tthink wo've —__ somewhere. These sums don't add ‘up properly, 8 The terrorists were caught trying to the Havorn Bridge. 9 The nicest thing about quarrlling is _ afterward 10 Ityou're going to London, don’t book into a hotel. My sister will ——__ you 11 They bought an old cottage at an auction very cheaply, hoping to ____it and sel it for @ huge profit. 12 ‘Unless the person who smashed the window none of you will be allowed to go to the school dance on Saturday, the teacher told her clas. 18 T was phoning James, but before T could ask him if he was coming to the party he —__. 1M Did anything interesting at the meating? 15 This js the third month running that the prio of petrol has If tis continues, we won't be able to run a ear. 16 The children were the new and inexperienced teacher. Complete the captions 2 Complete the captions in the drawings below using « suitable ‘Phranal verb from the previous three exercises, namely ones with ‘on’, ‘out and ‘up Other useful phrasal verbs (a) Complete the definitions below with « suitable phrasal verb, Choose from the following and make any changes where necessary, bring round get through gowith take away fall through go aroundiround pass away take over et at ‘goover pall through take to getaway gothrough stand for tun away 1 Ifyou _____ something, such as pain, los, ete. you suffer or experience it. 2 Aletters o initials something, for example, BBC, they are an abbreviation forthe whole word or name. 3 Kyou ___ someone or something, you begin to form a liking for them, 4 Ifyou __ someone you revive them or make them conscious again after they have been unconscious 5 Ifyou __tosomeone, you manage to contact them by telephone. 6 If someone _, they manage to recover from a serious ness or accident. 7 Ifyou ___ someone you refuse to allow them to enter a building, such asa nightclub, disc, ete 8 Ifplans or arrangements ___, they fil to materialize in some way and have to be abandoned. 9 If you ____ something, you examine or check it carefully, 10 Ifyou —__one number from another, you subtract the one from the other, 11 tsomething something eee, then it matches tin some way. 12 Isomething is dificult to____, t meana itis difficult trou, 18 Ione company another, then it gains gontrol of it financially. 14 If there is enough of something to . for example, some sweets, then there is enough for everyone in the group t Ihave a share, 15 Ifyou ____ from somewhere or someone, you manage to escape 16 I someone has . this means they have died 0) Now complete the following sentences with a suitable phrasal verb from the ones in exerciae (a). Make any changes where necessary. 1 His injuries after the car accident were so serious that doctors dida’t think he'd 2 Many smaller companies run the risk of being —___ by larger ones. 3 Shar these sandwiches among you. There should be enough to 4 The doorman at the Green Man nightehib —____ us Docause we wore wearing jeans and leather Jackets {5p you have any curtains that will goon nzpet” be asked the shop assistant. (Our plans to hold an open-air pop concert when Ia residents objected to it 1 He tied playing golf once but never really ___ it. It ‘wi to slvr and he found he had to walk too much, 1 Poor Susan. She's really ‘lot this year, what with Nira losing her job, and now the death of her mother. "What do you get if you 17 from 947" owonty-aoven.” 101 The pickpckat waa cauyh, but then managed to 11 “Jia fainted” "Well, throw some water on her face, That should = ' 12 The old lady finaly ‘and had been il for some time. 13 Make sure you put the tablets on the top shelf of the cupboard ‘0 thatthe children ean’t —____ them. 14 "What do the letters UNESCO —__?" ‘Tim not sure. Something to do with the United Nations, 1 think? 15 I think we'd botter the accounts again, just to ‘make sure we haven't made any mistakes. 16 [tried phoning the BBC after the programme to protest, but couldn't ___. All the lines were engaged. at the weekend. She was 94 ‘Three-part phrasal verbs 1 Complete the phrases 1-12 witha suitable ending o-. Write your ansters in the Bors onthe opposite pase 1 Td signed the contract, a got down to some serious work. 0 it was too late to but they soon grow out of it. 2 You goalongnow.70 the summer holidays, 3 They should do away They back out of the dea 4A.Don't et him bully © HH up fo her expectations, _you, try to £ your offer, 5 Iesabout time we these silly rules. 6 Hewent back on 1h his promise 17 This house 4 catch up with you later. 8 Children often bite j_sfand up t him. aoa goes back to 1789, The musical didn't | gy in withthe others tn the group. 10 We're looking forward to 11 She didn't relly 12 Vd like to take you up ‘Three-part phrasal verbs 2 Complete the phrases I-12 with euitable endings a-l, Write your ‘answers in the Boseson the next page. eee on her, ‘b went through with it. atm setettime ee sree | mie Pt 4 Wedidn't feel upto 6 they found she had a prison, 5 He isn't old, record 6 Since 4 promised, If keep up with what's going on in couldn't the world. "Sully can't come. She's g lots of new ideas. 18 U think 1 go i for B Although the course aa dificult, be sil gone down with measles come up against such a problem. but he must be getting on for 10 Talwayn lnten tothe” forty-five, newnto 1 doing anything energete 11 She's 42 Would you like cabbage instead, as real snob and 1 looks down on anyone who is poor ‘or working-elass. compart 6 Owing to a I was put into a wmokit ment on the train rather than a non-smoking one, 7 Despite this early we're confident th ‘complete the project on time, 8 This is the third in Grove Road this week, Police are warning residents to make sure all doors and windows are locked, Nouns from phrasal verbs 1 Fill in the missing nouns in the sentences below. Choose from the following: break-in downpour kick-off outcome ‘breakdown flashback lay-by output by-pass get-together letdown setback check-up handout takeot comeback holdup turnover 1 There was an hour's fon the Underground this ‘morning owing to a power failure on the Central Line. 2 The final ____ ofthe election is not yet know, but it looks like the Labour party has been defeated again 8 This company has an annual of nearly £600 rilion 41 think IU have to got my car seen to. This is the fourth T've had this month 5 We're having a litle at the weekend to celebrate the end of term. Would you ike to come? 9A sudden delayed the start of the Wimbledon ‘men’s singles final for over an hour. 10 The ‘dream holiday’ they had advertised was a total waste of ‘money. What a—___1 111 enjoy flying, but T still get a bit nervous during the and the landing. 12 “The soene starts with James staring at a photo of Alice, Then wwe get a quick to the time they first met’ the director explained 13 He went tothe doctor for his annual 14 She had been driving for several hours, so she decided to pull into a __ fora rest. 15 Lots of pop groups from the seventies and eighties have been trying to make a __ recently |W Tottenham Hotspur took the lead with a brilint goal just ten after the 17 "Trai jams in the town contre are very rae since they built the 1m The ofthe disease is marked by a high fever and a fooling of giddiness. 1 Finch atudent got a Fonework. 40 Tw. ___ from this factory is slowly increasing. By the ‘nul of the year we hope to be producing 2,000 computers a Wook, ‘on phrasal verbs to study for Nouns from phrasal verbs 2 Fill in the missing nouns in the sentences below. Choose from the Pllowing: break-up followup layout stopover” breakthrough getaway lookout’ turnout comedown grownup onlookers upkeep cutbacks Intake outbreak write-off drawhacks, Jnockout outlook write-up 1 The _____ for the future is brighter now than it has ‘been for many years. 2 They had to sell the house beeause the —___ was too expensive 8°The Art College was very popular, with an average ‘each year of about 300 students 4 One ofthe main oflivingin Wales is that it's abit too far from London, 65 The film got a very good rites must have liked it very much. 6 Many people blame the tabloid newspapers forthe of the marriage of Prince Charles and Princess Diana 17 The architect went over the ofthe new office block with the managing director. 8 We're expecting a huge concert in Hyde Park, 9 He considered the splitting of the atom to be the major scientific of the century. 10 The party is for only, No children are allowed. 11 Further in public spending are necessary to bring Government borrowing down. 12 He escaped uninjured in the accident, but his ear was a complete in today’s papers. The {or tomorrow's open-air 18 A-crowd of smthered to watch the latest episode of the TV soap Bastenders being made. 14 From being « prominent government minister it was quite a —_ for him to be just an ordinary member of parliament. 15 The robbers escaped before the police could eatch ther, when they were warned by ono of the gang who was acting as a 16 This year’s conference in Swansea is a__ to the one ‘we had last year in Bournemouth. 17 This is the third of cholora in the region in the past year. 18 The champion won by a inthe third round 19 Our trip to Australia included a three-day in Singapore. 20 After the robbery, the thieves made their ine stolen police car. Follow up: Phrasal verb quiz Work in pairs or groups of three. Read through the following ‘questions and write your answers on a separate ploe of paper. (The nouns an phrasal verbs used are the ones found in the previous fide exercises) 1 Name two things that can fall through. 2 "They were turned away, What happened to them? 8 Where would you normally go for a check-up? 4 Name three important breakthroughs in scionce, medicine or ‘wehnology this century. ‘1 What sort of things ean cause the break-up of a marriage? (A you had a pink sofa, which colour curtains and carpet would eo with it? 17 How would you fool if you found out that someone had been checking up on you? 8 Ifyou saw the headline CHAMP WINS BY KNOCKOUT. inthe newspaper, which sport would this be? 9 Why was he happy when he was told that his wife would pull through? 10 What doce ‘NASA’ stand for? 111 Which diseases do children often go down with? 12 Name at least two things you have grown out of, 18 What does it mean ifyou are told that your ear is a write-off? 14 Where might you find « by-pass? 15 Name three things you are looking forward to 116 Why did she ery when she heard that her friend had passed away? 17 Name someone or something that has made a successful comeback. 18 Name something that you haven't got round to doing yet. 19 What might you get a good or a bed write-up for? 20 What are the drawbacks, if any, of being (a) a woman (b) @ 221 Who might you phone ifyou had a breakin? £22 What could you do to try to bring someone round? 23, Name any film you have seen or book you have read that hasn't lived up to your expectations. 24 Has anything over boen a let-down? What? When you have finished, compare your answers with another pair or group inthe elas. In other words... (a) Match the situations 1-10 with suitable idioms, a), Write our ‘answers in the bases on the next page, 1 ‘Tspend more thanI a fear, What am Tgoing toda 2 She told everyone about ‘the wedding Te was ‘She was lke eat on hot bricks, She’ atthe end of her tether. ‘She's holding the fort. Sho can't make ends meet. jmmmmtiobe ast. | ae hack and Me al er Sie unemplove and Fhe the dle pce 7 ater ‘she finds a new job. 5 va as 1 Shes ben taken fora ride asia ‘YeFY She let the eat out of the bag. SG tleticted ber outot J. Sh'sa chip off theo back B00. 6 She's very masial— Sunt Ber mothe. 1 Lean’t stop the baby crying. I've tried every- thing. just don’t know what to do next” 18 That's the lat time Igo foe-skating. My body's full of bruises” 1 She's vory good at gardening. 10 Doreen is looking after the shop while Mary is at lunch. (©) Now complete the following six dialogues with suitable idioms, Choose from the above list and make any necesary changes. AA: My garden’s such a mess! 2B Well, Pauls got “Maybe he could help you. 2A: How long has Paula been 7 'B: About five months now. Between you and me I don't think she'll ever gota job agnin. She's to old 3A: Thear Dave was last week. B: What do you mean? ‘A: Well, apparently he was offered a Jaguar for £1,000. It ‘turned out it was stolen. So now he’s lost both the ear and his money. 4A: Things are so expensive these days. You're telling me! If both John and I weren't working T really don't know how we'd —__. "Thats the first and lst time Hever play rugby! 3: Dida’t you like it, then? A: Not abit, Iwas covered in mud and ___. T ached fora week afterwards 6 A: Could you the bank? B: Yes, ofcourse, please, Julie, while T pop down to Section Five: Idioms 1 Idioms using adjectives Fl inthe missing adjectives in the definitions below. Choose from the following brainy hard up, stony broke browned off hot headed thick-skinned cheeky ‘lat ease tightfsted dead beat long-winded ‘tongue-tied dogreared oy ‘two-faced down-at-el Pitg-headed well-off hair-raising single handed 1 If you are , You are very inquisitive, eepecially ‘bout other people, and interested in things that are not realy ‘any of your business, 2 Ifyou are __, you are very insensitive oeriticism or blame, especially when directed to yourself, and consequently tre not easly offended. Ifyou are —, you ar rich or wealthy. 4 I you are {You are fed up, bored or irritated by something ‘Ifyou are _, you tend todo things without thinking fan leo get angry very quickly. 6 IF you do something snyone olse's help TMP you are pod at studying. ‘you do it alone, without + You are very intelligent and usually 8 Ifyou are ___, you are too shy or nervous to speak, ‘especially because you fel awkward infront of other people 9 Ifyou are ___, you feel awkward, nervous and uneasy in the presence of others. 10 Ifyou are —____, you look poor, untidy and your clothes are shabby and worn-out 11 If you are ____, you are very mean with money and bate spending it unnecessarily 12 Ifyou are ____, you are short of money, whereas if you are _you don't have any money at al. 13 Ifyou are you agree with a person when talking ‘tw him but disagree with him behind his back. In other words, you are daceitful and insincere. 14 Ifa book is __, the corners of the pages have been folded down, usually because it has been read a lot. 15 Ifa speech is , iis usually boring and goes on far too long, 16 Children who are _____ are vory rude, impolite or disrespectful, especially towards those who are older than thomscves, suchas teachers, their parents, ete 17 Something that is__ is very frightening. 18 Ifyou are ____, you are very stubborn and unwilling to listen to adviee oF to change your mind. 19 Hyouare _you are feling very tired or exhausted. Idioms using nouns Fillin the missing nouns in the definitions below, Choose from the following backlash catcall hallmark racket bloodbath eye-opener heyday seapegoat blow figurehead loophole skinflint bottleneck gimmick snag brainwave godsend nickname windfall 1 I there is @ in, for example, a tax law, this means there isa way of escaping or avoiding paying tax quite legally because the actual wording of the law has not been written carefully enough, 2.4 ____ ia someone who is unfurly blamed or punished for the mistakes of others, usually because people are very angry 1nd want to see someone blamed or punishod. 3A ___is a sum of money that you get unexpectedly, such as winning the foothal pols o alotery, ee 4.4 ‘is somoone who is the leader of a country or ‘organization, but in name only. He or she doesn’t have any real power. If you say that something, for example, @ painting has the of acertain artist, you mean that it has the typical features or qualities of a painting by that particular artist. 4 __ ins a sudden angry or violent reaction by a group ‘of people against the actions or decisions of others, especially the government, the police or others in authority Ifyou have a you have a sudden, very clear idea. mA ‘is someone who is mean and miserly and hates pening OF giving money awe. 8 Ian event in deveriost ax pple wor kil this meang that a lot ve time, uaually violently. 10 If something in an — you find it very surprising and, in the procom, you nao lurn something from it which you did not know before 11 Anan informal name usually used by family and friends, and is often connected with a person's character oF ‘physical characteristics. Sow fal person might be called “Tubby ‘or a tall person ‘Lofty’, te 12. A___ is aamall, often hidden or unexpected, problem or disadvantage, 13 A__is a disappointment ora piece of bad news, Ma is some sort of trick, device or unusual action ‘whose purpose is to attract attention or publicity, utually when trying to sell something to people. 15 If people are making a Toud, unpleasant noise. 16 A _is a narrow part of a street which slows dovn traffic, thus often causing long delays. WA is something, possibly unexpected, which is badly needed and, therefore, very useful such as geting a legacy ‘when you are short of money. A Toud whistle or ery of disapproval from, for ‘example, an audience at a theatre or a crowd at a football match 18 A person, country or orgunization’s —___ is the time when they were most powerful, sucessful or popular. 20.A____ is an amount of money that you save for use some time in the future, such as when you get married, retire, te, , they are making a very Idioms using adjectives and nouns Fill in the missing worde in the definitions below. Choose from the Following. blue-eyed boy mixed blessing stiff upper lip confirmed bachelor practical joke sweeping statement dead beat aw deal tall order double Duted red tape tight spot seneral dogsbody short cut vicious circle (golden handshake sore point ‘wishful thinking last straw spitting image 1 IF you take a to a place, you find a quicker o casior way to got there 2a ‘8 wide generalization, such aa ‘all Welsh people can sing, ‘all black people are good at dancing’, ete 8 If prices rise, workers ask for higher wages. If they get higher wages, price rise. A situation lke this, where cause and effact follow each other continually is often referred to as a 4 ityou are given a , you get a large payment when you leave & company, especially when the company has asked you to leave. 8 Wa student ie a teacher's then he is that teacher's fivourite student, 16 you play a fon someone, you play a trick on them, usually in order to amuse others 1 Ifyou aay that someone is the of another person, ‘you mean that they look very much like th ather person is when you imagine that something is true or will happen simply because you want it tobe a, In reality ite very ‘unlikely to happen or be true, DIF a mun ine sowerlad. he in vory unlikely ever to get 10 If you hoop & 1 you don't show any emotion or appear upset when hearing a pice of bad news or suffering bad luck. 11 If you describe something as the ___, it is an additional problem or dificulty in a series of unpleasant events ‘that makes you feel that you have reached breaking point and just can't take any more 12 If you say that something you have heard or read is = ‘to you, you mean that it was either dimieult to ‘understand, meaningless or nonsense 13 Ifyou find yourself in a dangerous situation, 14 Isomething is with you, i is ikely to upset you ‘or make you angry if someone tries to dseuse it with you, 15 Iyou are the in an office, you do all the boring, routine and mechanical jobs there, usually the jobs no one else wants to do. 16 Ifyou aay that «tack you have been given ga, you ‘mean that it willbe very difficult to accomplish 17 Ifyou have been given you have been treated ‘unfairly in some way. 18 Ifyou say that a situation is __, you mean that it ‘has many advantages but als lots of disadvantages to, 19 A ____ is @ race in which two people finish at exactly the same time 20 When there are too many official rules and regulations, especially in Government departments, which often seem ‘unnecessary and nearly always eause delays, these are generally referred to as too much you are ina dificult or Idioms using noun phrases Frill inthe missing noun phrases in the definitions Below. Choose rom the following: a blessing in disguise {he oa man out chicken-feod the pros and cons child's play the rat race ‘drop inthe ocean ‘shot in the dark elbow grease sight for sore eyes a flash in the pan {slip ofthe tongue ‘flyin the ointment ‘sticein-the-mud the gift of the gab ‘stone's throw ajack-ofalltrades the life and soul ofthe party ‘storm in a teacup ‘wothing troubles 1 Ifyou describe someone as ‘you mean that they are very lively, laugh and joke alot and genorally provide fun for others 2 __ is a wild, random guess which is unlikely to be success 8 Ifyou call someone , you mean that they are very stubborn and conservative and don't like trying out anything 4 _____ is a small problem or other minor incident that spoils something that is otherwise perfect or satisfactory. 5 IF you say that something is you mean that it caused problems and difficulties at first, but later on you ‘realized that it was the best thing that ould have happened. When you weigh up of & proposal, you carefully consider the arguments for and against it. 1 Wa situation is described as it moans that alot of ‘ina und excitement is being made about something that is not really important 8 Tf eomeone ix wuddenly wuccwmful or popular, but their success ‘or popularity only lasts a whort time and is never repeatod, then that person ean be dened wt 9 Iyou say that someone oF wimethingis ____, you mean that the person or thing in very pleasant and weleome sight. 10 When you describe a sum of money as _, you mean that itis a vory small, unimportant amount of money. 111 The project had —___. This means it had problems or dificulie inthe early stages oft 12 Ikyou any that one place it only from another, you sean that they are only a short distance from each other. 13 If you have you are able to speak fluently, ‘confidently and very persuasively. 1M Iryou describe a task as casy todo. 15 When you say that someone or something is ____, you ‘mean thatthe person or thing is different in some way from the others in a group. 16 IF you put some into your work, you use more ‘energy or muscle strength, especially when polishing or cleaning, 17 Ifyou decide to opt out of you decide to leave a way of ife in which you were always competing with others in a bitter struggle for socal status and success in your job. 18 Ieyou are —____, you ean do many diferent kinds ofjobs, ‘sich aa painting and decorating, repairing a car, gardening, et. ‘hough you may nat be an expert in any of them, 19 1F you are £70,000 in debt and a friend offers to help you by siving you £500, this sum can be described as since itis only fraction of what is needed, 20 If you make a careless mistake when speaking, such as ‘pronouncing a word incorrectly or saying something thet you «didn’t really mean to ay, this is known a5 you mean that itis very Paired idioms Complete the paired idioms in the sentenoee Below with the corect sword. Choose from the following. ‘bright owns live square bute dried serimp sweet bate games ee touch ichange five sick turn febooke later sound wear 1 As soon as the teacher loft the classroom, the children got up to all sorts of fn and’ —__. 2 She was eo relieved when her son phoned to say that he was safe ‘and ____. She was worried that he'd been killed in the ‘rain crash she'd heard about on the news, 8 This carpet is made from special fibres and should stand alot of aI 4 Lifes ull of ups and’ _. You just hope you get more 0d times than bad ones 6 My father’s a milkman and has to get up ___and early every morning. 6 The Swedish tennis team were beaten fairand by. ‘Australia in the final ofthe Davis Cup 7 U haven't told my parents yet that Pm thinking of taking a job {in London. They won't ike it know, but Pv got to leave home He moved to the country, but before long he found he was misting the hustle and of ety lif {0 He suffered from insomnia and would toss and for hours each night before he finally managed to fall asleep. 10 1 wish your brother wouldn't chop and —___ his plans all the time. I wish he'd make up his mind once and for al 11 Her husband was ina very ertical condition after the accident. In fact it was ‘and go whether he would pull ‘through. 12 With your qualifications and experience you ought tobe able to ich and —_ any jo you want 18 A certain amount of —_— and take is necessary in ll marriages. 14 If we buy a house we'll probably have to __ and save for the next twenty years. 15 Ldon't want any ifs and inthe homework tomorrow. 16 It's too early yot to say whether the group's frst record will be shit or not. We'll just have to wait and —___. 17 The result of tomorrow's by-clection ie more oF less cut and 1 willbe very surprised if the Labour Party loses. 16 He was and tired of people patting his head and saying how bald he was gettin. 19 T didn’t bother to lock the back door when T popped down tothe local shop. When T returned, my stereo and TV had been stolen! Well, you and learn, don't you? Tl never go out ‘agnin without locking every door. 20 The only thing I remember about my wedding was that the ceremony was short and 1 couldn’ have lasted ‘more than ten minutes. just make sure you hand Complete the captions Complete the captions in the drawings below with a suiteble idiom Choose from the idioms using adjectives and nouns, and idioms tusing noun phrases on pages 128-132. 6 The dog on the left is the 8 1 sounds like Read and discuss Work in pairs of groupe of thre. Read through the following and ‘ake itin turns to give your answers. (The idioms are the ones found 1m pages 125-134.) 1 Have you ever felt browned off? If so, explain what caused it and what happened. 2 Doyou or anyone you know have a nickname? What i it? How did you or they get it? ‘8 Which would you prefer to be - brainy oF good-looking? Give reasons for your choice. 4 Can you think of any gimmicks you have seen or read about ‘that companies use to sell products? (For example, fee glasses or other presents when you buy petrol) '5 Ifyou were a parent and you found out that your children had been cheeky, would you punish them? I's, how? If not, why not? 6 If you could pick and choose any job in the world, what job ‘would you choose and why? 7 What's the most hair-raising thing that’s ever happened to you? 1 Do you understand why some men are confirmed bachelors? What are the advantages and disadvantages of never getting married? 1 Do you ever feel ill nt ease or tongue-tied infront af people? 40, what was the oceasion and how did you cope? If nat, why do you think some people feel like this? 10 Have you ever played a practical joke on anyone or had one played on you? Io, describe it. 11 Some people sail single-handed around the world. What other ‘thn lke this have you heard of people doing single-handed? 12 In thore alt of red tape in your country? Give some examples ‘of Using thal can take along time to do because of hureaueracy 1a wi raided porn ynt have ever met? Give example to 14 Ifyou could be the apltting Image of anyone, who would you chooge to be and why? 115 What sort of fun and games did you used to get up to when you were younger? 16 When was the Inst tis ‘Where were you going? 17 How much do you have to earn a year in your eountry to be considered well-off? {18 Have you or someone you know ever been ina tight spot? Ifso, describe what happened, 19 Is a typical person in your country hot-headed? What in ‘general terms are the main characteristics of people in your country? hard-working, shy, friendly, ete) 20 ‘British people always talk about the weather.’ Ths is @ rather sweeping statement as there are many British people who never talk about the weather. Think up some sweeping statements of your own about (a) women (b) men (c) politicians (@) teachers (e) another nationality (French people... Spanish people. ete.) you got up bright and early? Why? Idioms using prepositions 1 Fil in the missing idioms from the sentences below. Choose from the following and make any necessary changes tothe words in italics. sbove board in deep water, on the tip of one’ fata loose end in the flesh tongue ‘atrandom inthe nick of time out of one’ depth behind bars off the top of one's out of arder by chance head out of tune for good on fre ‘up in arms ina fash, on the air ina nutshell on the house 1 Ifyou see someone in reality rather than in a photograph or on television, then you can say that you have seen the person 2The Prime Minister is making a broadcast to the nation on television tonight. He wil be at nine o'clock 8. The Tit was broken, so it had a sign on the door saying 4 Iya mevt someone —__, or unexpectedly. You didn’t plan it 5 Wa business activity is honest and legal, then you can describe it as being 6 1F you don’t have time to think or prepare something, for ‘example, the answer to a question you are asked, you may have ‘to give an answer —_ 7 Ifyou are about something, you are very angry about itor protesting strongly about it 1 Iyou explain something concise explanation of it. 8 IF you find you have nothing to do this weekend, you ean say that you're this weekend. 10 Ifyou are about to say a person's name but just for the moment ‘n't quite remember i, you ean say that i's 1 If thore isa fire and the fire brigade arrive —___, they ureive justin time to put it out. If they had arrived any later, it ‘would have been too late. 12 I you choose something without making deliberate choice. 151 We coulda’t play the piano because it sounded dreadful. None of the notes were right. It was really —___. 14 They called the fre brigade Because their house was you meet them accidentally you givea very brief and you choose it by chance, 10 It vameone is — secon trouble they are in a serious situation or in 16 IF a otal manager tolls his guests that the drinks are ‘ambulance and it arrived here alimost Immediately, 1 wax here _. 18 He spent twenty yours — that i, in prison, 19 If you leave your country prmunently and don't ever intend returning, you can say Ut you are leaving your country 20 Ifyou goon a course and find it much to dificult, you ean say ‘that you were Idioms using prepositions 2 Fill in the missing idioms in the sentences below. Choose from the following and make any necessary changes othe words italics ‘atloggerheads ina rut on the dot ‘at short notice stitches fut of print at will in the limelight out of the question hy ear invain out ofthis world down the drain on average over the moon forthe time being on one's last lags up someone's street from serateh ‘on purpose If you broke « window Aeliborately. It was no accident, 2 She was extremely happy when she heard she had got the jb. She was 8 Ifyou loarn something. for example a language, it ‘means you're a complete beginner when you start the course ‘and have no previous knowledge ofthe language. 4 If you are asked to work overtime are given very litle warning in advance, , it means you did it it means you 6 Pop stars and filmstars are always ____. They are always in the pubic eye and the centre of attention. 6 Gambling is something Tlike and am good at. 1s right 11 Tho old man was very weak and was close to death, He was 8 IF you have to live for a short while in a hotel while you're looking for house to buy, you can say that you're living in & ea 9 IF two people are having disagreement or quarrel about something, you can say that they're —___. 10 Some teachers here work only 12 hours @ week, others work 2 hours and some 26 hours. But they work about 20 hours a wook 11 She wanted to borrow my car for the weekend. I told her it ‘wasn’t posible ~it was quite 12 He wasted £80 betting on horses, because he didn’t win anything, It wae £80 —___t 18 If you have to be somewhere at exactly seven-thirty, then you can say that you have tobe there at seven thirty M4 The food at this restaurant is abeolutly marvelous. T's 1 1) When she told us the joke about the teacher and the octopus we ‘wore __. We just couldn't stop laughing. |W A chameleon is able to change the colour of its skin whenever it ‘wants to, In other words, it can change the colour ofits skin 17 I a book is , you can no longer buy & new copy of 11, but you might be able to find an old copy in socond-hand bok shop. |W Ho tried __ to pasa his driving tet. In other words, to trie but went succesful, 1 He couldn't read music. He played the piano Ito 20 Ifyou find you are leading the sort of lfe where your job and everything lve has become very routine and boring, with no chance of changing anything, then you might fel that you were Follow up Complete the following sentences witha suitable idiom. Choose from the ones in the previous two exercises 1 “Taaw the Prime Minister yesterday.” What, on TV?" ‘No, —__1 He was standing as close to me as you are 2 That was no accident, Nick. You dropped the vase we got from ‘Aunt Mary —____ Taw you! 3 Ifyou're _ on Friday evening, why not come round ‘to my place? We can lave a meal and a chat, 4 1'm sorry, but you can't go on holiday with Mandy and Julie. ee quite ____. You're all far too young to go abroad on ‘your own, 5 Don’t forget ~ the train leaves at 8 o'lock ____. So you'd better not be late! 6 You can't expect me to arrange a board meeting such __. I noed at leat @ week to contact everyone. 1 ‘Tee her husband’s —___ again." "What for this time?” ‘Armed robbery, think.” 8 Congratulations, madam! You're the ten thousandth eustomer ‘at our restaurant, so tonight's meal won't cost you a penny —it's 9 ‘Have you got a copy of Savage Winds by IC. Fields?" ‘Sorry, it's __. But there's second-hand bookshoy ‘round the corner. They might have copy.” 10 The comedian was really funny and had the whole audience 11. When you play bingo, the numbers are called out —___, never know which number wll come up next. 12 The course was far too difficult for me. 1 was completely In other words... (@ Match the situations 1-10 with a suitable idiom o-j. Write your ‘answers in the Bones on the ne! pate. 1 Write tome some time, Keep your hair on! 2 Hurry up! You could have knocked me 8 It's a secret, 90 don't tll C3 anyone, © Drop me a line 4 Calm down! Don't got 4. Ws ofthe beaten track. a fe Ws gone bust 5 Don't forget tobe om your —§ Get a move ont best behaviour at Aunt ae Mildred's You're barking up the wrong The company’s £8 million in debt, so they've closed hy-Mind your p's and q's the factory. 1 Koop it under our bat Tze Mweecome | Stop beating aout he bah WL was so uri! 8 Ifyou think it, then you're wrong 10 My house is miles away from anywhere (©) Now complete the following six dialogues with a suitable idiom, Choose from the above list and make any necessary changes 1 A: Does Kate live near the town centre? BB: Oh no, she's got an old cottage in the country. I —_~ miles from anywhere. 2 A: Come on, you lot! Ws nearly nine-thiety. The really tax's here! Bs allright, dad, 1 We're coming! 3A: Ielike this, John., well, how ean I put it? BB: For goodness’ sake, Peter! Just tell me, will you? T haven't got all day, you know. 4A: Lsuppose you heard about Mike winning that talent contest? B: Yes. Honestly, 1 didn't even know he could sing. ‘A: Neither did I. It was quite surprise tows all 5 A: Don't forget to ‘Australia’ ike, It's the first thing I'l do when I got there, I promiae. Paul and Mary have just got engaged, Have they really? That's a surprise! ‘Well, they don't want to tell anyone else yet, 0, Don't worry Twon’t tall a soul to let _me know what BRERE Section Six: Idioms 2 Idioms using animals ill in the missing idiome in the definitions below. Choose from the following and make any necessary changes, especially to verbs and ‘he words in sales, sw the crow fee Jal two birds with one 4 7 10 u 2 “ 16 18 19 2 a 2 2 27 8 Te must cost the tw stay at that hotel, ‘He bent over ‘to make ws all fel at home, Don't mention the war when Uncle Albert i here ts beat twlet __ dog li. Te wasn’t that important, James, 90 stop trying to make a ut of a moleil. ‘They say that caviar is an acquired We're all very musical. It runs in the —___. Don’t believe a word of it. I's another of his cock-and- ___ stories [W's the right sie, It its lke a _. don’t know how they could build that ther. It sticks out ike a__ thumb! We got up ‘and early to catch the train to London, 1 don't know what’s worrying you, Colin, but you'll fee much better if you talk to someone and get if off your Allright! Allright! Keep your __on! Tm ______ an tired of learning English! ‘The exam was realy easy. It was play. He wasn't being serious. He said it all ‘When the exams wore over, the students decided to ‘the town re. Down 10 13 u Fo 16 8 8 8 8 'No, you can't do that! I's out of the __t Hllen is always the life and of the party, If anything goes wrong, then Mary's the one who'll the can, Tean't top. I'm abit for time. If you misbehave, hell come down on you like a ton of ‘They were very popular and sold ike hot —___. ‘Since he was bora in London be knew it like the back of his ‘My cousin is the mage ofthe Prime Minister. 1 didn’t mean to say that. It was a slip of the He kept his ‘rosed that his son would pass his driving test. Tould never bea ‘and carry on working when ‘everyone ele is on strike ‘Stop about the bush. Jus tll me to my face what the problem is. ‘The new boss and I got off on the wrong —_. ‘Take this penknife with you when you go camping, It might 1 always feel embarrassed when someone makes a ina restaurant. ‘The thief managed to give the policeman the bby running into a busy underground railway station. ‘We decided to play a practical ‘on our teacher ‘and put a FOR SALE sign on his ea. He had a ‘on his shoulder because he had ‘ever gone to university. Answers ‘Section One: People see ge i FS Fog 2k, enero ten ete a a sane al bre 1 tte 3 epasraght 4 Ida et lit af Section Two: Health and illness Inside the body 80830) aay a Me 2A lt Cam ow Tre me mye a 4 eee ez mann ln th etry dy my mth 4+ Tie oon ea rl rte ate ph at has bv ae oP? S's enn ym cl heir ering § Risse car cel a yd a 1 Stem the gf ing oma sy at rd Bide. RRs enh rng cera ne 10 Youtemng down inh eth ty, Tey. Coe che Medical equipment, to. 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(Rater et” made nh (9 Timi atone tmp sinieh —() Wepre cpm ‘ne © Serepmsetene @ Taateode te wmiteteting arvana cnt, ance 2 amon) peso pon Aaucoentecnerbe —Acecton ta deca cr ‘vl ret) ‘ole bese fmt or ‘ciate co Pico inl Cinna sn wrngoum lease aaa nd nes anton a = Ne Sorte Scien er = ‘see i Sty @ manation —) efte——)nguat @ sete tne”) ty) gen oan 8 ee” fom 2 gamete) Sagrinad Sectanined 10fee lweing, prom Sling cade Wau Ishrace Som 2 ety 2 oat Tinurd eine Acvmlncy Sie Saget Trained Sommiing Sstecing Apri 1S hel sb ‘Section Four: Phrasal verbs LEE io 4 Sinan 1 penning Phrasal verb wth ‘on pa58 108) tmnt ewe ie TS ren eeingoe Bree BE eres ‘oni wm ‘Sein Smor tein ca Phrasal vrbe wth oap8 109) 4 new Mottin 3 piece ep 7 Sateen a re) titi Sian ‘Compete the captions 2(pag8 111) 1 hinge 6 kad hi) at 1 i meio” phan st oat me. sexe Be wee Sago lew nee ere chateau eden 2 Stake” tment atm MOR Section Five: Idioms 1 Pod om page 19) Section Six: Idloms 2 iT se tr 8 i bate ‘gto we some tL amare ask meee Soe Cont in 8 Dic. fees ppeerenar ee —— oe eee cies ease roan ‘Se ise. 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