PLC Programming Languages: Liju G Chacko

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Programming Languages
Liju G Chacko

Liju G Chacko

PLC Programming Languages

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Table of contents


PLC programming languages

Instruction List Programming
Structured Text Programming
Functional Block Programming
Ladder Logic Programming
Sequential Function Chart

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PLC(Programmable logic controller) is a multiple
inputs and output digital computer used for
automation of electromechanical processes.
These are the processes normally a PLC will carry
out during one cycle.
Step 1-: Self diagnosis.
Step 2-: Read inputs and store values.
Step 3-: Process logics/instructions.
Step 4-: Write outputs
(Above four steps are repeated again and again)
PLCs are programmed using application a software on personal
computers. From computer, binary or pseudocode will be
downloaded to PLC through Ethernet, RS-232, RS-485 or
RS-422 cable.
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PLC programming languages

PLC programming languages

PLC Programming languages mentioned in IEC
Instruction List Programming
Structured Text Programming
Functional Block Programming
Ladder Logic Programming
Sequential Function Charts
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PLC programming languages

Instruction List Programming

Instruction List(IL) Programming

Allen Bradley supports IL programming only on the
Micrologix 1000,
IL is similar to mnemonic programming languages
IL make use of an important concept STACK
IL instructions(Allen Bradley version)
LD A- Store A to stack
LD A- Put A back to memory
ORB - OR the last two variables in stack
ANB - AND the last two variables in stack

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PLC programming languages

Instruction List Programming

Instruction List Programming

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PLC programming languages

Structured Text Programming

Structured Text Programming

Similar to high level language, such as Basic or C
ExampleAverage of 5 numbers
F8:10 := 0;
WHILE (N7:0 < 5) DO
F8:10 := F8:10 + F8:[N7:0];
N7:0 := N7:0 + 1;

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PLC programming languages

Structured Text Programming

Structured Text(ST) Programming

Structures in ST Language

IF-THEN-ELSIF-ELSE-END IF normal if-then structure
CASE-value:-ELSE-END CASE a case switching function
for-next loop
while loop
TAN(A), COS(A), A**B,,. . .
Basic math functions

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PLC programming languages

Functional Block Programming

Functional Block Programming

It is a graphical dataflow programming method

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PLC programming languages

Ladder Logic Programming

Ladder Logic Programming

It is a graphical programming language evolved from
electrical relay circuit

Each program statement is a line called the rung

with inputs to the left and the output to the
right.Execution starts from the top rung, down to
the last rung.
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PLC programming languages

Ladder Logic Programming

Ladder Logic Programming

Types of contact inputs

Examine if close

Examine if open

Positive transition sense

Negative transition sense

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PLC programming languages

Ladder Logic Programming

Ladder Logic Programming

Types of relay outputs

Output energized

Negative output energized

Output latch/set

Output unlatch/unset

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PLC programming languages

Ladder Logic Programming

Ladder Logic Programming

Function Blocks

On Delay Timer

Liju G Chacko

Off Delay Timer

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PLC programming languages

Sequential Function Chart


Sequential Function Charts (SFCs) are a graphical
technique for writing concurrent control programs
SFC is based on GRAFCET (GRAphe Fonctionnel
de Commande Etapses/Transitions) [itself based on
binary petri nets]
Main components of SFC are:
Steps with associated actions
Transitions with associated logic conditions
Directed links between steps and transitions

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PLC programming languages

Sequential Function Chart

Sequencial Function Chart

SFC structure

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PLC programming languages

Sequential Function Chart

Sequencial Function Chart


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PLC programming languages

Sequential Function Chart

Sequencial Function Chart


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PLC programming languages

Sequential Function Chart

Sequencial Function Chart

Concurrent control flow (two or more loops running in

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PLC programming languages

Sequential Function Chart

Sequencial Function Chart

Action Block

Actions can be written in Ladder Logic, Instruction language or

structured text language. Action block is not a part of a Step. Step
just activates or deactivates the action block depending on the
qualifier, as long the step itself is active
eg;- Action 1

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PLC programming languages

Sequential Function Chart

Sequencial Function Chart

Action Qualifiers
Action is executed as long as the step is active

The action starts execution as soon as the step is active,
continues till R qualifier is executed .
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PLC programming languages

Sequential Function Chart

Sequencial Function Chart

Action Qualifiers(Continue...)
The action started by S, SD, DS, and SL qualifiers are
aborted by R qualifier.

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PLC programming languages

Sequential Function Chart

Sequencial Function Chart

Action Qualifiers(Continue...)
Liju G Chacko

Non-stored(null qualifier)
Overriding reset
time limited
timer delayed
stored and time delayed
delay and stored
stored andtime limited
Pulse(rising edge)
pulse(falling edge)

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PLC programming languages

Sequential Function Chart

Sequencial Function Chart

Important rules for SFC evolution[IEC 61131-3]
Evolution of active states of steps shall take place
along the directed links.(i.e, transition from one step
to another should take place along the connected
lines only )
The clearing time of transitions(transition condition)
should be as short as possible. Clear the transition
condition as soon as the next step is activated.

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PLC programming languages

Sequential Function Chart


[1] IEC 61131

[2] Automated Manufacturing Systems PLCs, by Hugh
Programmable logic controller

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