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The central tool for creating, displaying, and processing a workflow is the Workflow

Builder. The Workflow Builder is accessed through Transaction SWDD.

Alternatively, you can use the menu path Tools _ Business Workflow _ Development
_ Definition Tools _ Workflow Builder _ Workflow Builder. Within the
Workflow Builder, you can create all components of a workflow, including the
process flow, the details for each step, and the data flow between steps.
This chapter describes the main features of the Workflow Builder, giving a good
foundation to start your own development. To introduce the Workflow Builder,
we will explain how to create a simple workflow. We will build upon the simple
workflow, enhancing it to show additional features. However, this is not an
exhaustive description of all workflow features. When you need more information,
the SAP Help Portal ( describes all of the Workflow
Builder features in detail.
Most workflows are started by an event (e.g., when a sales order is created, when
a quote is entered, when an email arrives, when an error occurs, when a document
is printed) that happens in a business application. You define which data
from this event needs to be passed to the workflow via binding. Events are
described in Chapter 13, Using Events and Other Business Interfaces, and Chapter
14, Custom Programs. You can also start any workflow directly, for example,
through a transaction code, user interface, or a concept called generic object services
(refer to Chapter 13 as well). Because events are a major topic on their own
and to keep the focus on the basics of the Workflow Builder, this chapter starts
the workflow directly using test tools.

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