Immunological Causes of Bad Obstetric History

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Champa Koppad1, Lakshmi K. S2


Champa Koppad, Lakshmi K. S. Immunological Causes of Bad Obstetric History. Journal of Evidence
based Medicine and Healthcare; Volume 1, Issue 16, December 22, 2014; Page: 2086-2099.

ABSTRACT: Occurrence of three consecutive pregnancy losses constitutes the classic definition
of bad obstetric history (BOH). One of the important causes of BOH is the presence of
antiphospholipid antibodies, which enhance the coagulability of blood in pregnancy. The
association between phospholipid antibodies and recurrent miscarriage is called Antiphospholipid
Syndrome (APS). Pregnant women with thrombotic APS have higher rates of pregnancy
complications. APS is responsible for first trimester pregnancy loss in 90% of patients. APS is
associated with events like thrombosis, vascular injury and vasoconstriction, all of which can
abnormally reduce maternal-fetal interface blood flow. APS is best treated by a combination of
LMWH and low-dose aspirin. Controlled clinical studies have demonstrated the superiority of
heparin plus aspirin over aspirin alone in improving the birth rate.
KEYWORDS: LMWH, Bad obstetric history, antiphospholipid syndrome.
INTRODUCTION: A woman is said to have 'bad obstetric history (BOH)' if she has experienced
any of the following events on two or more occasions in the past:
Consecutive spontaneous abortions.
Early neonatal deaths.
Intrauterine fetal deaths.
Intrauterine growth retardation.
Congenital anomalies in the fetus.
However, it is the occurrence of three consecutive pregnancy losses that constitutes the
classic definition of BOH. This condition is seen in 1-2% of couples.1
CAUSES: The most common causes of recurrent miscarriages are shown in Table 1.2
IMMUNOLOGICAL CAUSES OF BOH: The immune factors associated with pregnancy loss are
classified as autoimmune and alloimmune factors.
AUTOIMMUNE FACTORS: These factors include the presence of certain autoantibodies,
Antiphospholipid antibodies: These antibodies enhance the coagulability of blood, making it
clot more easily than is normal during pregnancy. The clots thus formed in the placental
blood vessels may impede the fetus' blood supply, resulting in miscarriage. Antiphospholipid
antibodies are present in 15% of women with recurrent miscarriage. The association

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Page 2086


between phospholipid antibodies and recurrent miscarriage is referred to as

Antiphospholipid Syndrome (APS). The main types of antiphospholipid antibodies are:
Lupus Anticoagulant (LA).
Anticardiolipin (aCL) antibodies (IgG and IgM).
Anti-2 Glycoprotein I antibodies.1
Antinuclear antibodies: Anti-nuclear antibodies (ANAs) are circulating immunoglobulins, e.g.,
IgG, IgA and IgM, which attack the whole nucleus or its components.1 These antibodies
have also been associated with recurrent pregnancy loss, even in patients without evidence
of overt autoimmune disease, but further investigation is needed into their exact role in
causing recurrent miscarriages. Therefore, measuring ANAs is not recommended as part of
an evaluation of recurrent miscarriage.2
Antithyroid antibodies: Unlike ANA, antithyroid antibodies are known as independent
markers for an increased risk of miscarriage. However, since the pathophysiology involved
in this phenomenon is unclear, antithyroid antibody testing is not recommended in women
with recurrent pregnancy loss.2

Table 1: Common causes of recurrent pregnancy loss2

Genetic causes.
Sex chromosome.
Mendelian disorders.
Multifactorial disorders.
Parental chromosomal abnormalities (translocations).
Chromosomal inversions.
Immunologic causes.
Autoimmune causes.
Alloimmune causes.
Anatomic causes.
Uterine mullerian anomaly.
Uterine septum (the anomaly most commonly associated with pregnancy loss).
Hemiuterus (unicornuate uterus).
Bicornuate uterus.
Diethylstilbestrol-linked condition.
Acquired defects (e.g., Asherman syndrome).
Incompetent cervix.
Uterine polyps.
Infectious causes.
Environmental causes.
Excessive alcohol consumption.
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Endocrine factors.
Diabetes mellitus.
Antithyroid antibodies.
Luteal phase deficiency.
Hematologic disorders

ALLOIMMUNE FACTORS: Alloimmune traits, such as abnormal maternal immune response to

antigens of placental or fetal tissues, have been implicated in otherwise unexplained recurrent
pregnancy loss. One such response is human leukocyte antigen (HLA) sharing,3 which impairs the
mother's ability to block antibodies. However, studies to date have proved no association
between recurrent pregnancy loss and HLA.
THROMBOPHILIA: Thrombophilia is a term used to describe a group of conditions
characterized by an increased tendency, often repeated and often over an extended period of
time, for excessive clotting.4 This can be due to either an excess of clotting factors or a deficiency
of anti-clotting proteins that limit clot formation.
A thrombophilia can be inherited or acquired later in life. Acquired thrombophilias are less
common than inherited. Thrombophilias may pose special risks in pregnancy.
Factor V Leiden and prothrombin mutations: Factor V is a coagulation factor that is normally
inactivated by activated protein C (APC). Patients with a single point mutation in the gene
coding for factor V produce a mutated factor V, called FactorV Leiden, that is resistant to
inactivation by APC, resulting in increased thrombin production and a hypercoagulable state.
This mutated gene is inherited as an autosomal dominant trait and is the most common
cause of thrombosis and familial thrombophilia, with a prevalence of 3-5% in the general
population. In patients with a history of venous thrombosis, the prevalence rate is as high
as 40%.2 These thrombophilias are less common in African-Americans and Asians.5
Antithrombin, protein C and protein S deficiencies: There is paucity of data on these types
of thrombophilias, which affect less than 1% of the American population.5
The above thrombophilias are inherited in an autosomal dominant pattern, i.e., the gene
is inherited from only one parent. Each child of an affected parent has a 50% chance of inheriting
the thrombophilia.
ACQUIRED THROMBOPHILIAS: The most common acquired thrombophilia is antiphospholipid
syndrome (APS), in which the body makes antibodies that attack certain fats (phospholipids) that
line the blood vessels, sometimes leading to blood clots. APS is an autoimmune disorder like
arthritis and systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). Up to 40% of women with SLE have
antiphospholipid antibodies in their blood, which may put them at increased risk of pregnancy
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DIAGNOSIS AND MANAGEMENT: Current recommendations for evaluation and management
based on current practices are listed below.2
Genetic causes.
Perform karyotype of parents with family or personal history of genetic abnormalities.
Perform karyotype of the abortus in recurrent cases.
Provide genetic counseling for families with recurrent loss or familial history of genetic
In patients with a high risk of recurrent, chromosomally abnormal conceptus, discuss
the options of adoption, gamete donation, and PGD.
Immunologic causes.
Perform APLA (antiphospholipid antibody) testing if indicated.
If APLA levels are elevated, counseling with a hematologist and a specialist in maternal
fetal medicine is recommended.
Aspirin and heparin therapy for patients diagnosed with APS.
Anatomic causes.
Imaging studies - HSG, hysteroscopy, ultrasonography, and/or MRI.
Surgical correction may be required.
Infectious causes.
Cervical cultures should be obtained during the evaluation of infertility.
Empiric antibiotics should be given before invasive testing, such as HSG.
Environmental causes - Encourage life-style changes and counselling for preventable
Endocrine factors - Perform thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) screening in symptomatic
Thrombophilic disorders - Aspirin and heparin therapy may be given for proven diagnoses.
ANTIPHOSPHOLIPID SYNDROME: Antiphospholipid syndrome (APS) is an autoimmune
disorder in which there is recurrent venous or arterial thrombosis and/or fetal loss. It is
characterized by persistently high levels of antibodies directed against membrane anionic
phospholipids (i.e., anticardiolipin [aCL] antibody, antiphosphatidylserine) or their associated
plasma proteins, predominantly beta-2 glycoprotein I (apolipoprotein H); or evidence of a
circulating anticoagulant.
APS is usually accompanied with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) or another
rheumatic or autoimmune disorder, in which case it is termed secondary APS. When there is no
associated disease, it is called primary APS.10
APS is more common in women than in men, and has been increasingly diagnosed in
patients without underlying autoimmune disease. It is most frequently seen in obstetric patients
suffering spontaneous abortion, preeclampsia and intrauterine growth restriction. Research into
the pathophysiology of APS has shown that autoantibodies are not only the markers of the
disease, but also directly contribute to the development of clinical features.11

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PATHOPHYSIOLOGY: In this syndrome, antiphospholipid antibodies, namely, anticardiolipin
antibodies and lupus anti-coagulant, react against proteins that bind to anionic phospholipids on
plasma membranes. The exact cause is not known, but there is evidence of alteration of the
homeostatic regulation of blood coagulation. Clinically important antiphospholipid antibodies
(those that arise as a result of the autoimmune process) are associated with thrombosis and
vascular disease.12
One hypothesis postulates a defect in cellular apoptosis, which exposes membrane
phospholipids to the binding of various plasma proteins, such as beta-2 glycoprotein I. Once
bound, a phospholipid-protein complex is formed and a neoepitope is uncovered, which
subsequently becomes the target of autoantibodies. Recent evidence suggests that oxidized beta2 glycoprotein I is able to bind to and activate dendritic cells in a manner similar to activation
triggered by Toll-like receptor 4 (TLR-4), which could amplify the production of autoantibodies.13
Other proposed mechanisms for the hypercoagulable effect of aPL antibodies, which may or may
not depend on beta-2 glycoprotein I, include the following:
Production of antibodies against coagulation factors, including prothrombin, protein C,
protein S, and annexins.
Activation of platelets to enhance endothelial adherence.
Activation of vascular endothelium, which, in turn, facilitates the binding of platelets and
Reaction of antibodies to oxidized low-density lipoprotein, thus predisposing to
atherosclerosis and myocardial infarction.
Complement activation may play an important role in the pathogenesis of APS, leading to
pregnancy loss.14
DIAGNOSTIC CRITERIA: According to the revised criteria for the diagnosis of APS, published
in an international consensus statement in 2006,15 at least one clinical criterion and one
laboratory criterion must be present for a patient to be classified as having APS. These criteria
are given below.
Vascular thrombosis.
One or more clinical episodes of arterial, venous, or small-vessel thrombosis in any
tissue or organ confirmed by findings from imaging studies, Doppler studies, or
Thrombosis may involve the cerebral vascular system, coronary arteries, pulmonary
system (emboli or thromboses), arterial or venous system in the extremities, hepatic
veins, renal veins, ocular arteries or veins, or adrenal glands. Investigation is warranted
if a history of DVT, PE, acute ischemia. Ml, or CVA (especially when recurrent) is present
in a younger individual (males <55 y; females <65 y) or in the absence of other risk

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Page 2090


Pregnancy morbidity.
One or more late-term (>10 weeks' gestation) spontaneous abortions
One or more premature births of a morphologically healthy neonate at or before 34
weeks' gestation because of severe preeclampsia or eclampsia or severe placental
Three or more unexplained, consecutive, spontaneous abortions before 10 weeks'

Presence of medium to high levels of immunoglobulin G (IgG) or immunoglobulin M (IgM)
anticardiolipin (aCL).
Presence of anti-beta-2 glycoprotein I.
Presence of Lupus anticoagulant on at least 2 occasions at least 12 weeks apart.
Thus, a history of any of the following should raise suspicion for APS:
Thrombosis (e.g., DVT/PE, Ml, transient ischemic attack [TIA], or CVA, especially if
recurrent, at an earlier age, or in the absence of other known risk factors).
Miscarriage (especially late trimester or recurrent) or premature birth.
History of heart murmur or cardiac valvular vegetations.
History of hematologic abnormalities, such as thrombocytopenia or hemolytic anemia.
History of nephropathy.
Nonthrombotic neurologic symptoms, such as migraine headaches, chorea, seizures,
transverse myelitis, Guillain-Barre syndrome, or dementia (rare).
Unexplained adrenal insufficiency.
Avascular necrosis of bone in the absence of other risk factors.
Pulmonary hypertension.
TREATMENT: Heparin (either unfractionated heparin or low-molecular-weight heparins) and
low-dose aspirin are the treatments of choice for prevention of pregnancy loss in pregnant
women with APS and previous pregnancy losses. The use of low-dose aspirin and low-molecular
weight heparin during pregnancy and anticoagulants in the post-partum period has been
recommended by the Advisory Board members (ABMs) of the 12th Congress of aPL and the Fifth
Conference on Sex Hormones, Pregnancy and Rheumatic Diseases (Florence, Italy, April 2007),
and all attendees of the above meetings.16
The dose schedule is as follows:17
Unfractionated heparin: 15,000-20,000 U/day subcutaneously in 2 divided doses, plus lowdose aspirin.
Low-molecular-weight heparins (e.g., enoxaparin): 40 mg/day subcutaneously plus lowdose aspirin.
Aspirin: 1-2 mg/Kg/day orally - maximum 325 mg/day.

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Page 2091

The effectiveness and safety of LMWHs (enoxaparin, dalteparin, nadroparin, tinzaparin) in
comparison to unfractionated heparin have been demonstrated in several studies. Their
advantages over unfractionated heparin are:18
Less risk of bleeding.
Less platelet activation.
Control of markers of hemostatic system activation.
No progression or regression of thrombus size.
More comfortable for patients.
Less time consuming for nurses and laboratories.
More cost effective.
ROLE OF LMWH IN APS: Pregnancies in women with APS are known to be at a higher risk of
complications, like spontaneous abortion, fetal growth restriction, stillbirth and pre-eclampsia.19,20
The use of heparin can result in a significant reduction in pregnancy complications in these
women. The beneficial effects of heparin in pregnancy can be attributed to its anticoagulant
actions.21-23 It may also act by other mechanisms, such as reducing antiphospholipid (aPL)
antibody binding, inhibiting complement binding, inhibiting placental apoptosis and stimulating
placental proliferation.24,25 The relative success of heparin in improving pregnancy prognosis in
women with previous APS-related pregnancy complications has led to the increased use of
heparin, especially low molecular weight heparin (LMWH), in absence of confirmed
Hypercoagulability in APS can be ascribed to enhanced microvesiculation of cell
membranes, as detected by reduced membrane adhesion. Frank and colleagues27 found that
LMWH completely restored beta2-glycoprotein I (beta2-GPI)-induced membrane adhesion in the
presence of anti-beta2-GPI IgG antibodies. Thus, a novel anticoagulant mechanism of LMWH in
APS was suggested that supplements its direct effect on the coagulation cascade. Restoration of
adhesion between negatively charged membranes in the presence of LMWH might decrease
shedding of microvesicles into the surrounding solution and could thus contribute to the efficacy
of heparin treatment in APS.
Several studies have confirmed the safety of LMWH therapy during pregnancy. The risk of
potential side effects is low for both the mother and the neonate.28
A study in Croatia29 recruited 36 pregnant women with APS, of whom 32 had primary APS
and 4 had secondary APS. All pregnant women received LMWH and low dose aspirin therapy. The
average pregnancy lasted 37.06 0.707 weeks. The treatment resulted in a high success rate
(97.22%), prompting the researchers to recommend LMWH and low dose aspirin as the therapy
of first choice.
A retrospective analysis30 of 51 women with primary APS tried to determine the effect of
low dose aspirin and LMWH on maternal and perinatal outcome in this cohort. Among these
women, 41 (80.4%) had past pregnancy morbidity and 18 (35.3%) had experienced previous
thrombotic events. Out of a total of 116 pregnancies, only 13.79% had resulted in live births.
Forty four patients had positive anticardiolipin antibodies and 33 lupus anticoagulant. Treatment
with low dose aspirin and LMWH resulted in 57 out of a total of 67 gestations culminating in a live
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Page 2092

birth (85.1%). Mean ( SD) birth weight was 2837 812 g and mean gestational age 37 3.3
weeks. These results showed that early treatment with aspirin and LMWH, combined with close
maternal-fetal surveillance, was associated with a very high chance of a successful completion of
A retrospective, observational study31 was conducted to evaluate the impact of low-dose
enoxaparin (20 mg) in conjunction with low-dose aspirin on the pregnancy outcome of 35 women
with APS and recurrent miscarriage. The live birth rate was found to be as high as 80% against a
low miscarriage rate of 20%, leading to the conclusion that low-dose enoxaparin, given along
with low-dose aspirin, produced encouraging results.
Similar heartening results were obtained in a prospective clinical trial32 on 58 pregnant
Sudanese women with recurrent miscarriages associated with APS, in whom treatment with
LMWH and low-dose aspirin resulted in an 81% live birth rate.
Stephenson and colleagues33 compared the efficacy of LMWH with unfractionated heparin
(UFH) in the treatment of APS in pregnancy. They randomized 28 women, who met the 1999
International Consensus Criteria for APS, to receive either prophylactic dosing of LMWH or UFH
starting either pre conceptionally or early in pregnancy. All women also received low-dose aspirin,
started preconceptionally.
The successful pregnancy rate in the LMWH group was more than double that in the UFH
group (69% vs 31%), indicating the superiority of LMWH over UFH.
In another comparative study,34 intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG) was compared with
LMWH plus low-dose aspirin, in women with recurrent pregnancy loss associated with
antiphospholipid antibodies (aPL). Forty such women were randomized to receive either IVIG or
LMW heparin plus low-dose aspirin when they became pregnant. IVIG was stopped at the 31st
week of gestation, aspirin at the 34th week, and LMWH at the 37th week.
Results showed that women treated with LMWH plus low-dose aspirin had a higher rate of
live births (84%) than those treated with IVIG (57%). Thus, the authors concluded, LMWH plus
low-dose aspirin should be considered the standard therapy for recurrent pregnancy loss due to
Declining ovarian reserve testing and age-related increase in pregnancy loss: In a
retrospective comparative analysis of 57 women presenting for RPL work-up, women with
unexplained RPL were more likely to have higher basal D3 FSH testing.7 Furthermore, the
incidence of spontaneous abortion is associated with maternal age at conception. The rate of
spontaneous abortion is approximately 11-13% for maternal age 29 yrs or less. The spontaneous
abortion rate increases to 15% for ages 30-34, is approximately 25% for ages 35-39, 51% for
ages 40-44, and peaks after age 45 over to >93%.8
It is now known that donor egg IVF in women with poor ovarian reserve testing has been
shown associated with:
1) Increased pregnancy rates compared with autologous eggs; and.
2) Decreased rates of pregnancy loss (similar to the age-related risk of pregnancy loss of the
egg donor).

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Page 2093

Hence, in women who have RPL in the setting of poor ovarian reserve testing, or in
women who are at the upper extremes of the reproductive window, donor egg IVF may be
considered to improve the live birth rates.
Rationale for potential benefit of LMWH in patients with RIF and biochemical
pregnancy: Mechanisms underlying the potential benefit of treatment with heparin in patients
with RIF include immunomodulation, thrombo prevention, and promotion of implantation through
mechanisms unknown as yet (Figure 1). There have been small retrospective studies in the past
showing mixed results. A recent quasi-randomized trial3 out of Turkey showed no benefit for
patients with two or more implantation failures. There is an ongoing RCT, also in Turkey, testing
whether luteal phase heparin and progesterone improve implantation rates in patients with RIF
after IVF with intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI). Despite the compelling and long-standing
academic discussion regarding potentially beneficial mechanisms of heparin for patients with RIF,
studies do not yet show overwhelming supporting evidence to the use of anticoagulates for
isolated RIF. The decision to offer prophylactic anticoagulation to patients with RIF must be
based on other factors which predispose to either thrombosis, or history or testing supporting
antiphospholipid antibody syndrome (APS) or thrombophilia.

Fig. 1: Potential mechanisms underlying the

benefit of heparin use in patients with RIF
In offering anticoagulation in patients with isolated RIF, it must go without saying that the
patients will generally accept any treatment offered, even with potential for harm in the absence
of true benefit. When offering LMWH to patients with RIF, careful counseling must provide
information on the risks of treatment (including bleeding), that there is a lack of data supporting
anticoagulation for primary RIF, and how other factors (such as age/uterine/unexplained factors)
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Page 2094

may play a role in RIF. Duration of therapy may also be included in this discussion, and may be
confined to the luteal phase when implantation occurs (possibly including time during
gonadotropin stimulation) - essentially anticoagulation would be limited to 2 weeks after embryo
One of the causes of recurrent miscarriage is thrombosis in decidual vessels. 37,38 This is brought
about by hereditary thrombophilias and passive transfer of antiphospholipid antibodies.39-44
Antithrombotic therapy has been used to restore hemostatic balance and improve early
placentation and gestational outcome. A study45 was conducted in Argentina to assess the
efficacy of a low-molecular weight heparin (LMWH), enoxaparin, in preventing pregnancy loss in
35 women who had had a total of 105 gestations of which 89 (85%) ended in early pregnancy
loss, and were subsequently diagnosed with thrombophilia. After diagnosis, 35 subsequent
pregnancies were treated with enoxaparin. This resulted in 85% pregnancies culminating in live
birth as compared to 15% of the pregnancies without treatment.
These results suggest that enoxaparin can be effective in the prevention of preclinical and
clinical abortion in women with thrombophilia.
In another study, Brenner et al46 evaluated the efficacy and safety of enoxaparin in 50
thrombophilic women who had had recurrent pregnancy loss (> 3 losses in 1st, > 2 losses in 2nd
and > 1 loss in 3rd trimester). Enoxaparin, in the dosage of 40-80 mg/day, was used to treat 61
subsequent pregnancies throughout gestation until 4 weeks after delivery. In addition, aspirin, in
the dose of 75 mg daily, was given to women with antiphospholipid syndrome.
Whereas only 20% of untreated pregnancies prior to diagnosis of thrombophilia resulted in
live births, 75% of enoxaparin-treated pregnancies did so.
In 23 women without a single living child following 82 untreated gestations, antithrombotic
therapy resulted in 84% successful deliveries.
In 20 women with a prior living child, antithrombotic therapy improved successful delivery
from 38% to 95%.
These results established the safety and efficacy of enoxaparin in preventing pregnancy loss
in women with inherited and acquired thrombophilia.
Carp and colleagues47 evaluated the effect of enoxaparin on the subsequent live birth rate
in women with hereditary thrombophila. Eighty-five patients with three or more consecutive
pregnancy losses and hereditary thrombophilia subsequently conceived. Of them, 37 were treated
with daily subcutaneous injections of enoxaparin 40 mg, and 48 were not treated. The outcome
of the subsequent pregnancy was assessed in both groups of patients in terms of live births or
repeat miscarriage. Forty-seven of the 85 patients subsequently delivered, while 38 miscarried.
Twenty-six of the 37 pregnancies in treated patients (70.2%) resulted in live births, compared
with 21 of 48 (43.8%) in untreated patients. Primary aborters, i.e. women with no previous live
births, were the main beneficiaries of the treatment (Table. 1). This treatment proved beneficial
also for patients with a poor prognosis for a live birth (5 or more miscarriages), where the live
birth rate increased from 18.2% to 61.6%.

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Page 2095

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J of Evidence Based Med & Hlthcare, pISSN- 2349-2562, eISSN- 2349-2570/ Vol. 1/Issue 16/Dec 22, 2014

Page 2098

1. Champa Koppad
2. Lakshmi K. S.
1. Assistant Professor, Department of OBG,
BIMS, Belgaum.
2. Assistant Professor, Department of OBG,
BIMS, Belgaum.


Dr. Champa Koppad,
Department of OBG,
BIMS, Belgaum.


Submission: 30/11/2014.
Peer Review: 01/12/2014.
Acceptance: 04/12/2014.
Publishing: 20/12/2014.

J of Evidence Based Med & Hlthcare, pISSN- 2349-2562, eISSN- 2349-2570/ Vol. 1/Issue 16/Dec 22, 2014

Page 2099

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