Kakapo: Habroptilus. A Population Off Less in 1984 There Are 91

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Is a large bids an flightless forest are dwelling with

a pale owl like face kakapo cannot fly because has short
wings and shortage sternum. Kakapo only use their wings
for balance. Their wings can gather fat in a large
quantities in the body for energy sources. Their matter
making into heaviest parrot. Kakapo is endemic bird of
New Zealand. Their scientific name is Strigops
habroptilus. A population off less in 1984 there are 91.
Who are still alive in new Zealand . long live kakapo is 95
years old.
Kakapo are nocturnal and solitary. on the top of his
feathers are green moss and yellowish. Covered with
black and dark grey. Integrated with native vegetations.
The colour of chest and pelvis are yellowish and green.
Their have a large brown eyes. A length of 60 cm and
weight 2-4 kg as adult. Kakapo is a vegetarian. Their diet
leaves,buds,rhizomes and nuts.
The duration of mating is 2-14 minutes. Every
breeding cycle kakapo female visit to the territory for
incubating eggs. The male will return chirp to attrack
female more.female will accommodate approximately 3
eggs per breeding cycle. The eegs hatch after 1 month.
Kakapo in new Zealand has declined signicantly since

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