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Different gates work in their own ways. AND Gate requires both inputs to
be 1 in order for the circuit to function, hence AND Gate. In order for an OR
Gate to make the circuit work, it at least needs one of the inputs to have a 1
value. NOT Gate is also known as an Inverter. It gives an output that is
opposite to its inputs making the gate the simplest one to use out of the rest of
the gates. NAND Gate, which simply does the opposite of an AND Gate.
The NOR Gate is also kind of like a NAND Gate except it gives outputs
that are opposite to the outputs of an OR Gate. Exclusive OR Gate. Simply
put, in a circuit both values have to be different in order for the circuit it is used
in to work. Furthermore, if both inputs are the same, the output will be a 0 and
the circuit will not work. In conclusion, each gate has their own unique way to
make a circuit work.


They are generally known as logic gates, because they control the flow of
information by a truth table that shows all the possible input logic level
combinations with their respective output logic.

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