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Business Meeting Protocol and

Etiquette in Russia
Key values in your Russian business meeting
Russia is a country of cultural contradictions. Not only is it a very big country,
covering nine time zones, the upheavals of the 1990s have created a very
pronounced generational gap. Generally, the older generations are marked by
a tendency towards conservatism and have a group mentality. The younger
generations are much more dynamic and progressive, with a more individualist
There is a general sense of pessimism not only about the future but also about
the present as well. Russia is a country that considers itself isolated from the
rest of the world, surrounded by neighbours who want to take advantage of it.
This has created a fortress mentality outsiders are not trusted. This is in
contrast to the extensive hospitality normally shown to visitors.
Russians are often very closed and formal in public, but open, warm and
informal in private. In communication, Russians tend to be direct and do not
avoid confrontation. They can be extremely emotional and yet reserved in the
same meeting.
Russians generally consider themselves to be culturally rich in terms of art and
literature.Dusha (soul) is an important consideration this means that
intellectual, abstract discussions are common. Knowledge of high culture is
valued, and the ability to talk about works of art and literature is appreciated.

Russia is a meeting of Europe and Asia, and their cultural portrait reflects this.

Time, before and after your business meeting

Russians are traditionally very punctual, especially when meeting foreigners.
This is beginning to change, especially among senior directors in new
businesses who like to demonstrate their power by keeping visitors waiting. For
a meeting of equals expect punctuality: meetings will start on time but will
continue until all points are covered.
If you have meetings with local officials you will wait a long time, even if you
have an appointment: processes are slow so it may not be a deliberate ploy.
You should expect meetings to take up more of your time than planned.
Before a meeting you should re-confirm by phone, both with the person and
with his/her secretary. Russians prefer direct contact to emails or letters the
postal service is famously unreliable, so make sure you speak in person.
Russians do not generally adhere to formal agendas, as the most senior
person will dictate the topics and length of discussions. It is worth clarifying
who will be present in advance if possible and ensuring that your party
contains people of equivalent status. This will increase the chances of you
being able to influence the meeting.
When you are considered an honoured guest it is very common to combine
meetings with food and drink. Russians can be very hospitable and are keen to
demonstrate their generosity. They are aware of their reputation for heavy
drinking and may use that to gain advantage.

Banquets can last late into the night you should expect to stay late as well.
It is worth noting that the next day will start at the usual time, regardless of
when the banquet finished.

Hierarchy and status in a business

High Power Distance, as defined by Geert Hofstede. High power distance is
when a culture believes that the distrubution of power should not be equal.
People higher up should have more power than their subordinates. Russia is
one of the highest power distance countries of the world. This shows that
organizations and citizens in general expect and accept that decisions are
made for the country from a small group of leaders.
High Uncertainty Advoidance, This deminsion deals with how a culture
deals with the fact that the future can never be fully known. Do they try to
control it, or just let it happen? Russians feel very threatened by the unknown,
they do everything possible to keep things known.
Russians tend to score on the more extreme end of both these value
dimensions. Scoring a 93 on power distance, and a 95 on Uncertainty
One way to address uncertainty advoidance in a business meeting would be
to not expect a lot of quick change, or a decision quickly. High Power
Distance can be addressed in expecting decisions to come from the upper
management, not a general manager. Also when doing business in Russia
dont send a lower level manager to conduct your business, make sure they
are of the upper level so that the Russians dont take offense.
Ironically the ideologically egalitarian policies of communism have bred an
extremely hierarchical structure in private and public organisations in Russia.
The boss is a very distant, powerful figure, and is surrounded by visible
demonstrations of his/her position. Wealth and status are demonstrated openly
and emphasise the difference in authority. Promotions are rewarded not just
financially but with a bigger office, better car and other visible privileges. Junior
team members are expected to respond immediately to any request by their
boss, regardless of any other duties they may have to perform.

It is also expected that those in authority will be obvious in their exercise of power. Russian
managers are comfortable criticising openly and making impulsive decisions. In the same
way, rewards and positive feedback are given publicly. This can mean that the boss may use a
meeting as an opportunity to address an individuals performance. This is uncommon when
outsiders are present, but not unheard of.

Decisions, discussions and

As is expected in hierarchical societies, decisions are usually
made at the most senior level. The boss is advised by heads of
department, but will make the final decision alone, although
s/he may not heed the advice given. Decision-making can
therefore take a long time as each boss at each stage will
decide whether or not to pass the recommendation up to the
next level.
Individuals may be invited to contribute to decisions, but these
are not discussions or debates. In meetings which involve
negotiations, Russians will often withdraw from the meeting to
consult, allowing the senior person to make the decision alone.
Disagreement with a senior person is very rarely expressed in
It is not uncommon for the senior person to be quite
confrontational in a meeting if s/he is not getting their own way.
It is appropriate to ask for a break to reconsider your position
before continuing the meeting.

Task vs. Relationship

Russians consider both relationship and task to be important.
They traditionally have extensive networks and rely on mutual
influence to bypass bureaucracy. They are more comfortable
doing business with people they know well. However, business
relationships are measured by the success of a task the
relationship may not survive a bad experience or a failure.
Loyalty is to a person rather than an organisation and you must
re-establish a relationship each time your contact moves on.
When a team leader is promoted, it is common for him/her to
promote members of the old team as a reward for their support.
Among younger leaders and businesses the balance is tending
towards a greater focus on task, and business relationships are
increasingly transactional. When making proposals it may be
beneficial to demonstrate the ways this will improve a persons
standing in their organisation and how they will benefit

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