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Experiment 1

Modelling of 1D.O.F spring mass dapshot system

Experiment 2

Modelling of a forced vibration spring mass system.

Experiment 3

Modelling of an eccentric rotor system

Experiment 4

Harmonic motion

Experiment 5
Modelling of system with spring constant having non linear behaviour

Experiment 6

Modelling of vanderpol oscillator.

Experiment 7Modelling of a Car and trolley system

How to work with OROS?

1. File Create new onlineGoName current ok
2. Front end input select input Apply ok
Channel connection properties :

Label input 1 & input 2

Transducer like force and acceleration Apply ok

3. Recorder :
Track Track 1 Track 2
Give Track 1 Force
Give Track 2 Acceleration

Bandwidth As selected previously

Now select Frequency range:
Front end Right click properties input sampling select sample 51.2ks/sec(20Hz)

How to add transducer:

Tools Transducer Definition Acceleration New Enter All entries ok Transducer is
added to
your tool.
4. Trigger:
For trigger first go to event definition to define the edge event definition select edge 1 right click
properties Edge 1
Source Force

Input filter- none

Threshold 30N

Hold off- 0.3

Hysteresis 100mN
Slope - Rise
Start :Edge 1
Stop: Manual
Start delay : -10m/s^2
Stop delay - 0 sec
5. Mode:
Record : On analyzer
Mode: Start to stop
Rest is as it is .

For recording:
Go Top Horizontal bar --select windows --Add data--Recorder--monitoring signal--window 1 force-Window 2 acceleration --Run --Hit recording
After recording--Stop--save by giving it name --check(double click on project manager).
6. Player:
Go to post analysis.
Player--select record --tracks(is already there as we define them previously)
7. FFT
Select channel 1 and channel 2--right click--properties
For channel 1

For channel 2

Source: Force

Source: Acceleration

Weight window : Force

Weight window:Response

Define Edge 1 in the even definition as done previously.

Start : Edge 1
Stop : Free run
Trigger: Edge 1
Report : off
Start delay : 0 sec
Start delay : 0%
Accept Mode : Normal
Average -- No change
FFT Analysis
Range - 2KHz
Resolution - 5Hz
Overlap - 0%
Number of lines - 401
Cross spectrum - X
For FFT Go to window and see institute cross spectrum ,average spectrum in different windows.
Time window
Apply a weight block . Select the percentage by using time window and see result in AV X spectrum.

Right click on graph -- Copy graph.

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