Useful Idioms/ Proverbs/ Sayings/ Adjectives: Come Rain or Shine, You Can Always Depend On Tim To Be On Time

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Useful Idioms/ Proverbs/ Sayings/ Adjectives

By hook or by crook- cu orice pret/ oricum

To play with fire
In the heat of the moment
Willy-nilly- vrand-nevrand
Rumours about his bad/violent behaviour have been spreading like wildfire ever since
he moved to the area.
Theres no smoke without fire.
Paint the town red (=go out and have a good time)
Dont add fuel to the flames/fire
Be in deep water/ out of your depth/ a drop in the ocean/ between the devil and the
deep blue sea
To be taken aback by- a fi uimit de
Take the bull by its horns
The grapes are sour; Make hay while the sun shines; A mans home is his castle
Too many cooks spoil the broth;
Hit the roof ( get angry) : When A realises that I have broken his new camera he will
hit the roof.
Generally/ roughly speaking
To catch somebody red-handed- a prinde pe cineva in flagrant
To be green with envy
To have green fingers (good at gardening)
Give sth the green light
The ball is in your court
In the nick of time- exact la timp
To be a night owl
Its raining cats and dogs/ heavily
Pouring/ torrential/heavy rain; light rain; a heavy shower of rain
it never rains, but it pours
As the first drops of rain fell, he ran for cover.
It was pouring with rain and she only had a thin dress on.
It looks like rain.
To make a fuss about sth.
On second thoughts,
Have the world at ones feet- a avea lumea la picioare
Keep up with the Joneses- a tine pasul cu realizarile celor din jur
Have ones head in the clouds
Rich= wealthy, affluent, prosperous, well-off, well-heeled, rolling in money
Sad= unhappy, fed up, down in the mouth, glum, dejected, wretched
Make ones head spin (all the lights and the loud noise are making my head spin)
Make ends meet (She only earns a low wage and she has trouble making ends meet.)
Im afraid pottery isnt my cup of tea. I prefer sculpting.
The sound of the fishermans voice was barely audible over the roar of the waterfall.
The couples raucous laughter destroyed the romantic atmosphere of the elegant
The roar of the applause at the end of the concert was deafening.
The film is full of violence- I found that seeing it was such a harrowing experience
that I came out of the cinema completely drained.
Read somebody like a book
Face the music (face the consequences of ones actions)
Read between the lines
Be at a loss (confused)
At a glance (immediately)
Come rain or shine, you can always depend on Tim to be on time.

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