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1.Announce means to make something public.

Companies announce the release of new products,

parents announce the marriages of their children, and school administrators announce changes to
the day's schedule over the PA.
Announce has some subtler meanings as wellyou might inadvertently announce your attention
to go for the basket by looking at it during a game. You might very intentionally announce that
you are never eating pizza again, if you want everyone you know to be aware of this.
Mengumumkan sarana untuk membuat sesuatu publik. Perusahaan
mengumumkan rilis produk baru, orang tua mengumumkan pernikahan
anak-anak mereka, dan administrator sekolah mengumumkan perubahan
jadwal hari itu atas PA.
Mengumumkan memiliki beberapa makna halus serta-Anda mungkin
secara tidak sengaja mengumumkan perhatian Anda untuk pergi untuk
keranjang dengan melihat itu selama pertandingan. Anda mungkin
sangat sengaja mengumumkan bahwa Anda tidak pernah makan pizza
lagi, jika Anda ingin semua orang yang Anda kenal untuk menyadari hal
2. The opposite of urban is:
rural (Kebalikan dari perkotaan adalah:

Use the adjective urban to refer to cities or people who live in cities. It carries a suggestion of
grittinessurban style involves darker colors.
The terms city and town are sometimes used inconsistently. If it is large enough, a town is
considered to be an urban area. Communities where people live outside cities are called
suburban. Urban is from a Latin adjective formed from urbs "city."
3.What was their great battle over mitigated speech and teamwork all about, after all?
Source: Outliers

In this sentence, teamwork means:


Apa pertempuran besar mereka atas ucapan dikurangi dan kerja sama tim
semua tentang, setelah semua?
Sumber: Outliers
Dalam kalimat ini, kerja sama tim berarti:
Meningkatkan pertanyaan ini
Pekerjaan yang baik!
Winning the World Cup takes some serious teamwork or coordinated effort of each player.
Break teamwork apart and you've got the definition: a team that works well together is one that's
exhibiting teamwork. Teamwork is not just for sports. Business people working on a large
project, a crew of pilots working to land a plane, or a naval ship full of marines all need
teamwork. Each person plays their part to help achieve a larger goal. Often people refer to
teamwork as a skill. When you work well in teams, you have great teamwork skills.
Memenangkan Piala Dunia membutuhkan beberapa kerja sama tim serius
atau upaya terkoordinasi dari masing-masing pemain.
Mematahkan kerja sama tim terpisah dan Anda punya definisi: sebuah
tim yang bekerja sama dengan baik adalah salah satu yang menunjukkan
kerja sama tim. Teamwork bukan hanya untuk olahraga. orang bisnis

yang bekerja pada sebuah proyek besar, awak pilot bekerja untuk
mendaratkan pesawat, atau kapal angkatan laut penuh marinir semua
perlu kerja sama tim. Setiap orang memainkan bagian mereka untuk
membantu mencapai tujuan yang lebih besar. Sering orang menyebut
kerja sama tim sebagai suatu keterampilan. Ketika Anda bekerja dengan
baik dalam tim, Anda memiliki keterampilan kerja sama tim besar
4. Which of the following would most likely provide you with ventilation? open window
b. a hot radiator c. a sturdy roof d.
an inclined plane
Nice Job!
In this question, ventilation is a noun that means the act of supplying fresh air and getting rid of
foul air.( Pekerjaan yang baik!
Dalam pertanyaan ini, ventilasi adalah kata benda yang berarti tindakan
memasok udara segar dan menyingkirkan udara kotor .)

Ventilation is when you let fresh air into a place, or air a room out.
If you've ever been in a stuffy, hot room and said, "Someone open a window!" you know what it
meas to need ventilation. Ventilation airs out an indoor space by letting fresh air in and stale or
smelly air out, and it's more effective if you open several windows on opposite sides of the house
or building. A fan in the window can also aid ventilation. The root word is the Latin ventulus, "a
breeze," which comes from ventus, "wind(Ventilasi adalah ketika Anda membiarkan udara segar
ke tempat, atau udara ruang keluar.
Jika Anda pernah berada di pengap, ruang panas dan berkata, "Seseorang membuka jendela!"
Anda tahu apa itu meas membutuhkan ventilasi. Ventilasi mengudara keluar ruang indoor dengan
membiarkan udara segar dan udara pengap atau bau keluar, dan itu lebih efektif jika Anda
membuka beberapa jendela di sisi berlawanan dari rumah atau bangunan. Sebuah kipas di
jendela juga dapat membantu ventilasi. Akar kata adalah ventulus Latin, "angin", yang berasal
dari Ventus, "angin .)
5. It wasn't until he took up running, an activity that rewards will and determination
more than finesse or cunning, that he found his ________ calling.
.Source: Into the Wild
a. .academic
b. .strategic
c. .symbolic

d.. athletic

Improve this question

In this question, athletic is an adjective that means relating to sports.
Tidak sampai ia mengambil berjalan, aktivitas yang memberikan penghargaan kemauan dan
tekad lebih dari kemahiran atau licik, bahwa ia menemukan nya ________ menelepon.
Sumber: Into the Wild
Meningkatkan pertanyaan ini
Dalam pertanyaan ini, atletik adalah kata sifat yang berarti berkaitan dengan olahraga.

If you're athletic, you have a natural talent for sports and fitness. You might jump nonstop
through a strenuous aerobics class, then go run a few miles, and top it off shooting hoops with
the basketball team.
If you're a champion speed skater, you've most definitely got an athletic build, and while skinny
jeans may not look so great on you, you probably look pretty good in running shorts. You know
the ancient Greeks loved athletic competitions after all, they invented the Olympics. Fittingly
enough, the word athletic goes back to the Greek word athlein, meaning "to compete for a prize
jika Anda atletik, Anda memiliki bakat alami untuk olahraga dan
kebugaran. Anda mungkin melompat nonstop melalui kelas aerobik berat,
kemudian pergi menjalankan beberapa mil, dan top it off hoops
menembak dengan tim basket.
Jika Anda kecepatan juara skater, Anda sudah pasti punya atletis, dan
sementara skinny jeans mungkin tidak terlihat begitu besar pada Anda,
Anda mungkin terlihat cukup bagus dalam menjalankan celana pendek.
Anda tahu orang-orang Yunani kuno mencintai kompetisi atletik - setelah
semua, mereka menemukan Olimpiade. Tahukah cukup, kata atletik
kembali ke kata Yunani athlein, yang berarti "untuk bersaing untuk
6. serenity means: a.initiati b. vetranquility c. plasticity d.unpredictability
no. What's your second guess?( ketenangan berarti:


b. .ketenangan
c. keliatan
d. ketidakpastian
Um, tidak ada. Apa menebak kedua Anda?
Bingo!In this question, serenity is a noun that means a disposition free from stress or
emotion. (Bingo!
Dalam pertanyaan ini, ketenangan adalah kata benda yang berarti disposisi bebas dari
stres atau emosi)
The goal of meditation is to reach a state of serenity, when your mind is still and perfectly calm.
Use serenity to mean the quality or state of being calm and peaceful.
It is hard to believe that the ocean, whipped by winds during a storm, can ever return to a state of
serenity, where its surface looks like glass. Serenity is from Latin serenus "calm, peaceful" plus
the suffix -itas. The first part of the word is the English adjective serene, which means calm and
peaceful. The Latin suffix corresponds to our English suffix -ity and has the meaning "quality or
state."( Tujuan dari meditasi adalah untuk mencapai keadaan ketenangan, ketika pikiran Anda
masih dan sempurna tenang. Gunakan ketenangan berarti kualitas atau keadaan menjadi tenang
dan damai.
Sulit untuk percaya bahwa laut, dicambuk oleh angin selama badai, pernah dapat kembali ke
keadaan ketenangan, di mana permukaannya tampak seperti kaca. Serenity adalah dari bahasa
Latin Serenus "tenang, damai" ditambah -itas akhiran. Bagian pertama dari kata tersebut kata
sifat bahasa Inggris tenang, yang berarti tenang dan damai. Akhiran Latin sesuai dengan akhiran
-ity bahasa Inggris dan memiliki arti "kualitas atau negara."
7. Have some words you need to learn?Whatever youre
learning (or teaching), can help.
memilih gambar terbaik untuk
f youre the ancient Greek god of the sea, youre probably already familiar with a trident, a
three-pronged spear you can use to stab things.
The trident, which is a spear with three points, or prongs, is often
associated with the Greek god Poseidon, who used his trident to cause
earthquakes and create sources of water. Mere mortals, however, are
more likely to use a trident for spear fishing, or long ago, for military
combat. Remember not to confuse a trident with a pitchfork, which is

used mainly for lifting and tossing things.( jika Anda dewa Yunani kuno laut,
Anda mungkin sudah akrab dengan trisula, tombak tiga cabang yang dapat digunakan untuk
menusuk hal.

Trisula, yang merupakan tombak dengan tiga poin, atau garpu, sering dikaitkan dengan dewa
Yunani Poseidon, yang digunakan trisula untuk menyebabkan gempa bumi dan menciptakan
sumber air. hanya manusia, bagaimanapun, lebih cenderung menggunakan trisula untuk
tombak memancing, atau lama, untuk pertempuran militer. Ingat untuk tidak
membingungkan trisula dengan garpu rumput, yang digunakan terutama untuk mengangkat
dan melempar sesuatu.
8. He flirts with women at academic conferences and dinner parties.
Source: Los Angeles Times
In this sentence, flirts means:
a. represents ordinary language in a secret form b.discusses the pros and cons of an issue
c. talks or behaves amorously, d. without serious intentionsworks together on a common
enterprise or project
Improve this question
Nice Job!
If you're interested in someone romantically, you might flirt with them, which means to chat
them up or tease them in a playful way.
Flirting is an indirect and fun way to let your crush know you're interested, like a seductive line
or a few coy words. Or if there's a girl you've had your eye on, you might make a point of
walking by her desk and saying hello every morning. But even if you don't have a love interest,
you can still flirt. Driving carelessly is flirting with disaster: it's almost like you're toying with
the idea of getting into an accident.

Dia menggoda dengan perempuan di konferensi akademik dan pesta makan malam.
Sumber: Los Angeles Times
Dalam kalimat ini, menggoda berarti:
merupakan bahasa yang biasa dalam bentuk rahasia
membahas pro dan kontra dari masalah
pembicaraan atau berperilaku amorously, tanpa niat serius
bekerja sama pada perusahaan umum atau proyek
Meningkatkan pertanyaan ini
Pekerjaan yang baik!
Jika Anda tertarik pada seseorang secara romantis, Anda mungkin menggoda dengan mereka,
yang berarti untuk chatting mereka atau menggoda mereka dengan cara yang menyenangkan.
Flirting adalah cara tidak langsung dan menyenangkan untuk membiarkan menghancurkan Anda
tahu Anda tertarik, seperti garis menggoda atau beberapa kata coy. Atau jika ada seorang gadis
Anda sudah mata Anda, Anda mungkin membuat titik berjalan dengan mejanya dan menyapa
setiap pagi. Tetapi bahkan jika Anda tidak memiliki cinta bunga, Anda masih bisa menggoda.
Mengemudi sembarangan adalah menggoda dengan bencana: itu hampir seperti Anda bermainmain dengan ide masuk ke kecelakaan.
9. Every week, somewhere in the school, Cara would put up the newest edition of The
Landry News, and then wait for the consequences.
Source: The Landry News
In this sentence, edition means:
a. advertisement

b. photograph



Setiap minggu, di suatu tempat di sekolah, Cara akan memasang edisi terbaru dari The Landry
Berita, dan kemudian menunggu konsekuensi.
Sumber: The Landry Berita
Dalam kalimat ini, edisi berarti:
in this question, edition is a noun that means an issue of a newspaper( dlm pertanyaan ini,
edisi adalah kata benda yang berarti masalah dari koran )
An edition is a particular version of a publication. A book collector will pay a lot of money for a
first edition of an important work (but that probably doesnt include any of the paperbacks on
your shelf).

Edition can also refer to a books format. If you really enjoy reading a particular book, you might
want to purchase a leather-bound, gilded-edge edition of it. In addition, edition can designate a
particular issue of a newspaper. If you're a fan of crossword puzzles, you know that the toughest
puzzle usually appears in the weekend edition.( Edisi adalah versi tertentu dari publikasi.
Seorang kolektor buku akan membayar banyak uang untuk edisi pertama dari sebuah pekerjaan
penting (tapi mungkin tidak termasuk salah satu novel di rak Anda).
Edition juga dapat merujuk ke format buku. Jika Anda benar-benar menikmati membaca buku
tertentu, Anda mungkin ingin membeli bersampul kulit, edisi emas-tepi itu. Selain itu, edisi dapat
menetapkan isu tertentu dari sebuah surat kabar. Jika Anda seorang penggemar teka-teki silang,
Anda tahu bahwa teka-teki paling sulit biasanya muncul dalam edisi akhir pekan.)

Berikut ini adalah 100 kata kerja bahasa Inggris (VERBS) paling
terkenal. Mengapa disebut paling terkenal? Mungkin karena sudah
sangat lumrah dan hampir semua orang Inggris tahu kata kerja ini. Saya
kira tidak ada yang menyangkal tentang ketenaran Kata Kerja (verbs) di
bawah ini. Karena jika ada salah satu dari anda yang belum mengerti
makna 100 kata kerja ini, maka siap-siap saja belajar lagi di rumah

Maka dari itu, coba lihat kumpulan kata kerja paling sering muncul
ini, baik di dalam tulisan maupun di dalam percakapan sehari-hari kita.
Yuk jangan lama-lama, mari kita belajar bersama melihat beberapa kata
kerja yang kaya selebritis ini..

1. accept = menerima
2. allow = memperbolehkan
3. ask = meminta, bertanya
4. believe = percaya
5. borrow = meminjam
6. break = mematahkan, memutuskan
7. bring = membawa
8. buy = membeli
9. can/be able = dapat / bisa / mampu

cancel = membatalkan


change = mengubah


clean = membersihkan


comb = menyisir (rambut)


complain = mengeluh


cough = batuk


count = menghitung


cut = memotong


dance = menari (berdansa)


do = melakukan, mengerjakan


draw = menggambar


drink = meminum, minum


drive = mengendarai, berkendaraan


eat = makan, memakan


explain = menjelaskan


fall = jatuh


fill = mengisi, memenuhi


find = menemukan


finish = menyelesaikan


fit = cocok


fix = memperbaiki, membetulkan


fly = menerbangkan, terbang


forget = lupa, melupakan


get = mendapatkan


give = memberikan


go = pergi


grow = tumbuh


hate = membenci


have = memiliki


hear = mendengar


hurt = terluka


kiss = mencium


know = mengetahui


learn = mempelajari


leave = meninggalkan


lend = meminjamkan


listen = mendengarkan


live = hidup


look = tampak


lose = kehilangan


love = mencintai


make/do = menikmati


need = membutuhkan


open = membuka


close/shut = menutup


organize = mengatur


pay = membayar


play = bemain


put = meletakkan


rain = hujan


read = membaca


reply = menjawab


run = lari


say = mengatakan


see = melihat


sell = menjual


send = mengirimkan


sign = menandatangai


sing = bernyanyi


sit = duduk


sleep = tidur


smoke = merokok


speak = bericara


spell = mengeja


spend = menghabiskan


stand = berdiri


start/begin = memulai


study = belajar


succeed = suksa


swim = berenang


take = mengambil


talk = mengatakan


teach = mengajar, mengajarkan


tell = bilang, memberitahu


think = kira, berpikir


translate = menerjemahkan


travel = bepergian


try = mencoba


turn off = mematikan


turn on = menyalakan


type = mengetik


understand = memahami


use = menggunakan


wait = menunggu


wake up = bangun


walk = jalan


want = ingin


watch = menonton


work = bekerja


worry = khawatir


write = menulis


Indonesia is an agriculture country. Most of the population are farmers. Most of them are still
traditionalones. They still use animals to cultivate their ricefields. For example, they still use
traditional plough pulled by cowsor buffaloes. They dig the soil with hoes and spades. Then
women plant the rice seeds by putting the seeds one by
one into the ground. They use ani - ani, special knives, to cut the rice stalks. They also grind
the unhulled rice withwooden rice grinders.Now is some certain areas farmers begin using
tractors to cultivate the rice and the rice milling machines to grinol the rice.Farmer the Indonesia
rammers fertilized third rice filed with the animal waste or compost. But now they spread

artificial fertilizer, such as urea, NPK, etc to increase their rice products. They also plant new
varieties of rice,such as IR-R, BP 5.(for number 1-4)
is an agricultural country because.
a. it has a lot of rice c. it has a fertile soilb. most of its population are farmers d. it is located in

The farmers usually use ato dig the soil

a. plough b. grinder c. hoe d. ani-ani3.

The fertilizer wh
ich is made of animal waste is called.
a. compost b. NPK c. pesticide d. clorophil4.

They still use animals to cultivate their ricefield. (paragraph 1)

The word they in this sentences refers to.
a. population b. traditional farmers c. modern farmers d. buffaloes


Mata Pelajaran : BAHASA INGGRISKelas : IX (Sembilan)Hari, tanggal : Rabu, 9 Januari
2008Waktu : 90 menit

Choose the right answer by crossing a, b, c, or d

Indonesia is an agriculture country. Most of the population are farmers. Most of them are still
traditionalones. They still use animals to cultivate their ricefields. For example, they still use
traditional plough pulled by cowsor buffaloes. They dig the soil with hoes and spades. Then
women plant the rice seeds by putting the seeds one by
one into the ground. They use ani
ani, special
knives, to cut the rice stalks. They also grind the unhulled rice withwooden rice grinders.Now is
some certain areas farmers begin using tractors to cultivate the rice and the rice milling machines
to grinol the rice.Farmer the Indonesia rammers fertilized third rice filed with the animal waste
or compost. But now they spread artificial fertilizer, such as urea, NPK, etc to increase their rice
products. They also plant new varieties of rice,such as IR-R, BP 5.(for number 1-4)1.

is an agricultural country because.
a. it has a lot of rice c. it has a fertile soilb. most of its population are farmers d. it is located in

The farmers usually use ato dig the soil

a. plough b. grinder c. hoe d. ani-ani3.

The fertilizer wh
ich is made of animal waste is called.
a. compost b. NPK c. pesticide d. clorophil4.

They still use animals to cultivate their ricefield. (paragraph 1)The word they

in this sentences refers to.

a. population b. traditional farmers c. modern farmers d. buffaloes
For number 5-9
According to the (5) lesson we know that we live on the planet earth. The earth in miniature
iscalled.(6). The earth has a north and south(7). The weather is very(8) in both north and
south poles. Thereis a continent in the south pole. It is(9).

a. history b. psychology c. folk tale d. geography 6.

a. big picture b. a globe c. a map d. a little world ball7.

a. poles b. equatorial lines c. continent d. longitude8.

a. cool b. warm c. cold d. pleasant9.

a. Arctic b. Atlantic c. Antarctic d. Africa10.

: .?
Uchan : Indeed, is it a flute?Ucok : Yes, Nadya is playing it. Do you want to play it?Uchan
: Can I? Ilove to
a. What a terrible sound? c. What an awful noise?b. How beautiful the sound is? d. How is the
terrible sound?


Tulis nama, kelas, nomor peserta, Anda pada lembar jawab.2.

Arsirlah atau hitamkan huruf A, B, C, dan D yang menurut Anda merupakan jawaban yang
paling tepat.3.

Gunakan pensil 2B, dan penghapus karet yang baik.4.

Apabila ingin mengganti jawaban hapuslah jawaban tersebut dengan karet penghapus dan arsir/

jawaban yang benar.


Endi : Did you greet me just now?Evi

: No, I didnt
: But I heard clearly someone who said Good Morning.
: I think thats my parrot. It can say Good Morning.

Endi : Wow!....a. How clever is your parrot? c. What a clever bird it isb. What bird is clever d.
How do you train it?12.

I am sick,.?
a. am not I
b. isnt I

c. arent I

d. wasnt I

Suwarno cant speak French,

a. can he?
B. cant he?
C. could he?
D. couldnt he?

Arrange these sentences into a good paragraph1. After that you can cover the hole with soft soil2.
Then dig a hole and put the soil mixed compost3. You should water it every afternoon4. First
prepare the flower seeds5. When you finish it, plant one seed in each hole
The correct order is.
a. 4-1-2-3-5 b. 4-5-2-1-3 c. 4-5-2-3-1 d. 4-2-5-1-3
For no 15-16


What is the letter about

a. asking for the information
c. Anitas feeling
b. Complaining d. how is Anita lately 16.

Anita concentrate
on her coming exam in order to
a. can join extra lesson c. fail the examb. pass the exam d. meet Ahmad soon
For no 17-18
In Indonesia, there are a lot if TV station. Most of them are broadcasted nationally, and some
arebroadcasted locally. Formally, there was only one station. TVRI, but now we can tune a lot
more, namely, RCTI,SCTV, ANTV, Trans TV, etc. The existence of a TV station is supported by

What is the text about?a. TV station in Indonesia c. TV stationb. TV national TV station d. The
special program of TV18.

What is the oldest station TV in Indonesia?a. RCTI b. Trans TV c. SCTV d. TVRI

The seasons in Indonesia are described as wet and dry. It is usually warm and humid with
sunshine most of the time. However, it also rains frequently.Sometimes, the heavy rain causes
flood these, in turn lead to traffic jams. Fortunately they are usually notvery serious. Unlike some
countries such as Thailand and the Philippines, the flood can cause great damage andhardship.
Sometimes, crops are destroyed and lives are lost.In the tropical climate like our country, we
have air conditioner and fan at home, they help to keep us cool.On a bright sunny day, many
people like to go to the beach to have a cool dip in the water. It is great relief for theheat.Many
countries have four seasons. Foreign people from these countries visit Indonesia to get away

from thecold winter. While we complain about the heat, they come here to enjoy the sun and
return home with a nicecondition.
Jakarta, 15 March, 2007
Dear Ahmad,Thank you for your letter
. I am very sorry that I couldnt write to you fo
r quite a long time. I am doing fineand I hope you are too.Well Ahmad, it is true that I am very
busy lately. I will have examination in June. I join extra lessons outsideschools. I leave home
early in the morning and get back home in the evening.
I don
t have any plans yet after finishing school. I just concentrate on my coming exam so I can do it
well.Pray for me back, ok?
Well, its the end of my letter. Keep writing.


What seasons does Indonesia have?a. four seasons b. two seasons c. cool and hot d. wet and
dry 20.

How bad is the flood in Thailand and the Philippines?a. They causes great damage and hardship
c. Crops are destroyedb. They heavy rain causes flood d. Lives are lost21.

There are three ways mentioned in the text that help to keep us cool, except:a. air conditional b.
fan c. refrigerator d. dipping in the water22.

They come here to enjoy the sun and return home with a nice condition.

What does the word they

refer to?a. people b. we c. foreign people d. Indonesian
For no. 23

The article above is a/an.

a. job vacancy b. advertisement c. brochure d. time table24.

We can contact the agency by.

a. telephoning or visiting c. visiting only b. sending letters d. telephoning only 25.

: Lets go to the canteen!
: Im sorry. I ..rice. My stomach is full.

a. eat b. ate c. have eaten d. am eating26. Look at the picture. What happening in the pictures ?
These sentences tell you. Arrange them into the rightorder based on the picture1 2 324 5 6
TAMPOMAS SIMPATIPAHALA FUDI BOURAGWherever you go, what you chooseWe are
ready to help you!
Call us 430966 or.
Just walk across the busterminalYou will get the best!

Ringkasan materi Bahasa Inggris kelas 9 SMP

Posted by ichsan saya Posted on 01.48 with 3 comments
ADJECTIVE (Kata Sifat)

Fungsi Adjective adalah untuk menjelaskan kata benda dibelakangnya.


Ciri Adjective biasanya mempunyai lawan kata arti.

Contoh : Big >< Small , Expensive >< cheap , Black >< White.

Rumus :


Pat Uku Mur Tem Tuk War As Bah Ga Ing



11 12


Generic Structure

Goal / Purpose / Aim / Target => Tujuan ....

Material / Ingradient => Bahan
Toll / Equipmen => perlengkapan
Steps / method => Tahap


Purpose of the text / Social Fuction (Tujuan teks / Fungsi sosial teks)

To tell to do or make something ( menjelaskan cara melakukan sesuatu)

to explain the way to... ( menjelaskan cara....)
to tell the reader how to.. (memberitahu pembaca bagaimana cara..)


Tanda / Signal


V1 (Present Tenses) => R , E , K , Y , H , W , L.

Biasanya tanpa subject => Langsung kata kerja
Contoh :
( Goreng )
Steam ( kukus )
Toast ( Panggang )
( Rebus )


Contoh :

How to make fried rice ( bagaimana cara membuat nasi goreng )

How to make kite
( bagaimana cara membuat layang layang )

(Kartu Undangan)


The purpose of the text... ( Tujuan dari teks....)


The social fuction / comunicative purpose... ( Fungsi sosial / tujuan

komunikasinya...) :


invite... ( Mengundang)
attend.. ( menghadiri )
invited people to join... ( mengundang orang untuk bergabung )
ask people to take part / participation.. ( meminta orang untuk ambil

To invite people to come.. ( mengundang orang untuk datang)



Advertisement ( Iklan )


Ada 2 macam jenis iklan :

Advertisement of the product ( Iklan produk )

Advertisement of jobvacancy ( Iklan lowongan pekerjaan )


( Peringatan )

Digunakan untuk memberi informasi.

Harus mudah dipahami dan baca.
Kata sederhana dan huruf besar , bisa menggunakan gambar.
Berisi Instruction ( Perintah )
Caution / Warning => Larangan tidak melakukan sesuatu yang berbahaya.

Letter adalah pesan tertulis dengan isi dan maksud yang dikirim seseorang
biasanya dimaksudkan dalam ( Amploenvelope ) diberi prangko ( Stamp ) dan
dikirim lewat pos.
Structure / partof letter ( susunan surat )

The address of the writer ( alamat penulis ) and the receiver ( pilihan ) =>


who send the letter ?

Date of the letter tanggal surat => when / kapan ?
Salutation / greeting ( salam pembuka ) => dear...
Introduction ( Pendahuluan )
The body of the letter ( Tubuh Surat ) / The purpose of the letter ( Tujuan


surat )
The end of the letter ( Akhir Surat )
Closing ( Penutup )
Sender ( Pengirim )

( Pesan Pendek )
Jenisnya ada 3 yaitu :

Short Message (pesan pendek) => seperti surat tapi tidak ada pembuka dan


Memo => pesan pendek , Isi kalimat singkat biasanya urusan pekerjaan atau


SMS (Short Message Services) => Layanan pesan singkat.



Dekatkan kata yang sama atau mempunyai hubungan.


Mulailah dengan nama orang.


Hindari penggunaan kata ganti benda untuk memulai sebuah paragraf => he ,


Hindari penggunaan kata hubung di awal paragraf.


Hindari kesimpulan diawal paragraf => That is why (Itulah mengapa)


Hindari untuk awal paragraf => one of them ( salah satu dari mereka )


Untuk mengakhiri => Finally ( akhirnya ) , Ready (siap)

Paragraf Rumpang
Tujuan : Siswa diminta mengisi (.....) dengan kata yang sesuai.
Trik :


Asal tahu artikatanya pasti dapat mengisi kata yang diminta


Mengetahui penggunaan TENSES => Perubahan kata


Mengetahui kata hubung (conjuction) => Tahu kalimat sebelumnya.

CONJUCTION (kata hubung)


...And (dan) ..

=> Tambahan Infomasi


...Or (atau) ..

=> Pilihan


...So ( Sehingga ) ..

=> Sebab akibat


...Because (karena )..

=> Sebab akibat


...Before ( sebelum )..


...After ( setelah ) ..


...when (Ketika ) ..


...If ( jika ) .. will ( akan ) => syarat


...but ( tetapi ) ..

10. ... Although ( Walaupun )

=> bertentangan

(menceritakan lagi)

Digunakan untuk menceritakan Laporan peristiwa / kejadian

Re = Kembali , Count = menghitung

Menceritakan pengalaman sesorang bukan benda.

Menceritakan kembali pengalaman seseorang oleh penulis

+/- 75% biasanya tentang cerita trip/picnic ( wisata ) / expensive (pengalaman

melakukan sesuatu)

Generic structure ( susunan umum )


Orientation => mengenalkan siapa , dimana , kapan.

Event 1 , 2 , 3 => Peristiwa / kejadian 1 , 2 , 3.
Reorientation = > komentar penulis [ senang ( happy) >< kecewa
( disappointed) ]

Walaupun saya juga kelas 9 SMP tapi saya tetap berbagi ringkasan saya.
silahkan yang berkenan membaca ataupun ada yang ingin mengcopy di
simak baik - baik.

DISTRIPTION ( menggambarkan )
The commonicative purpose of the text .. ( tujuan komunikasi)

To describe a perticular person , animal , place or thing.. (menggambarkan

secara khusu orang , binatang , tempat , dan benda )
To describe aspecific person , animal , place or thing ..( menggambarkan
secara khusu )


Identification => memperkenalkan orang , binatang , tempat atau benda.


Description => mrnggambarkan secara detail/rinci tentang..)

Characteristic ... ( sifat )

Part of the body.... ( bagian tubuh )
Conclusin... ( kesimpulan / boleh ada boleh tidak )

Contoh soal bahasa Inggris kelas 8 SMP

Bagikan :
Ini adalah beberapa contoh soal latihan maupun ujian mata pelajaran
Bahasa Inggris. Bisa dipakai untuk soal ujian semester 1 maupun semester 2.
Soal terdiri dari 20 soal pilihan ganda dan 5 soal menerjemahkan dari Bahasa
Indonesia ke Bahasa Inggris.

Silahkan coba dijawab

A. Choose the correct answer by crossing a, b, c or d.

1. Bob : lets go to the canteen! Lina : .. I am hungry
a. Its a good idea
b. its not good idea
c. I disagree
d. I hate it
2. Bob : of our new friend? Lina : She is beautiful and friendly
a. Who is the girl
b. what a beautiful girl

c. Would you mind

d. what do you think
3. To keep the rare animals exist, we must not .them.
b. protect
c. hunt
d. kill
4. Cow and buffaloes are . But tigers and lion are carnivorous.
b. microbes
c. herbivorous
d. viruses
5. Mr. Bob is a/an .. He looks after some animals in his large garden behind in
his house.
a. Fish monger
b. animals liver
c. fruit seller

6. Lina : I want you to come to my party tonight. Aliana : .. I have a lot

of homework to do.
a.Its a great
b. I agree with you
c. I am afraid I cant
d. it is a good idea
Yesterday my mother was ill. My father and I took her to the doctor. First
my father talked to the lady who was in charge of registration. She typed the
data about my mother on the computer. Then we waited for my mothers turn.
When her turn comes, I accompanied her to enter the doctors room. The
doctor listened to my mothers complained patiently. The he examined my
mother by putting the stethoscope on her chest. After that, a nurse, to take my
mothers temperature so she put a thermometer in my mothers armpit. He told
me that my mother had a bad influenza. He wrote a prescription and gave it to
me. He advised my mother to stay in bed for three days and come back after a
Then father took my mother home directly and I went to the nearest
7. Who was sick yesterday?
a.My mother

b. the writers mother

c. my father
d. the writers father
8. What did the doctor do first after the patience enter his room?
a.Examined the patient first after the patients enter his room.
b.Took the patients blood pleasure by using spignomonometer.
c.Listened to the patients complain patiently.
d.Wrote a prescription and gave it to the writer.
9. What is used to take the patients temperature?
10. After that, he took my mothers blood pleasure(second paragraph). The
underline word means.
b. complaining

c. putting
d. using
11. Why does the writer write such kind of text?
a. To present his pointing of view
b. To retell events for the purpose of informing
c. To persuade the readers to go to the doctor
d. To explain how the doctor explain the patients
The following text is for number 12-14
Two year ago when I (11).in elementary school, I (12) . Two close
friends. At that time we usually (13) every afternoon.
12. a. am b. was c. will be d. have been

13. a. had b. will have c. have been d. have

14. a. played b. plays c. play d. are playing

15. Arrange the following words in to good sentences Were stewardess very
the kind helpful and 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
a. 2-1-4-6-5-3-7

b. 4-2-1-3-5-7-6
c. 3-5-2-1-4-7-6
d. 4-2-1-6-3-7-5
16. Bob : how was your flight?Lina : Oh, Its was enjoyable. I like it.
a. Rather
b. about
c. not
d. really
17. My school .. an excursion a week ago.
a. Took
b. takes
c. taking
d. taken
18. Lina went to Borobudur temple yesterday. She used . Own car to travel.
a. Mine
b. her
c. you

d. him
19. Bob wrote a letter
a. Tomorrow
b. yet
c. last night
d. at present
20. A mini bus is a/an..
a. Means of air transportation
b. means of sea transportation
c. Means of sky transportation
d. means of land transportation
B. Translate to English
1. Saya adalah seorang pelajar SMP kelas VII.
2. Saya belajar setiap hari di rumah.
3. Mereka pergi ke pantai Kuta dua bulan yang lalu.
4. Tanggal 20/4/2011 adalah waktu yang sangat menggembirakan.

5. Kita sepakat bahwa kita akan terus bersama-sama selamanya.

Apakah ada soal yang sulit dan tidak bisa dijawab?

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