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by Total Gadha - Sunday, 8 Nove m be r 2009, 10:31 PM

Dagny and I are big Harry Potter fans. I still read the books while eating or going to bed.
At night when Dagny is screaming at me to turn off the lights and go to sleep, I have a
sudden impulse to swish my imaginary wand in air and yell IMPEDIMENTA! Ah well, it is
not advisable to throw spells at your wife, especially the one who is equally good at them,
if you care about your marital bliss. So I resist the temptation. But the stranglehold of
imagination is not lost on me. And imagination and dream building form a sizeable portion
of our psyche if we are to get ahead in life. They also fuel our desire to focus and work
hard towards our goals. I still remember that the only thing that propelled me hard
towards cracking IIT JEE was that I wanted to win the heart of a girl in my school. I would
dream about million fanciful situations in which she was looking at me wide-eyed with
admiration after JEE results were announced. Alas, the dream did push me to my coveted
institute but did not gave the courage to open my mouth in front of her. Even during our
C AT preparations, Dagny and I both shared the common dream- that of staying together
in IIM and traveling the world after passing out. Although I cracked C AT- twice- we realized that our dream was impossible while serving
someone else. And then glory of an MBA fizzled out. We have let go of IIMs but we still cling on hard to our dream. Wish we have Floo
powder or a Portkey.
This is a month when you should be stoking your dreams, trying to imagine what kind of life you want to lead, which places you want to go
to, where do you want to live, what kind of home do you want, which girl do you want to propose to, etc Take good care of your dreams.
They will give you your lust for life, your raison de etre, your enthusiasm for C AT, and your killer instinct. If you want to really go for it, start
with finding your dreams.
This lesson goes to Ashwini, whose continuous entreaties (TG sir please write a lesson on probability) in our C AT C BT C lub forced me to sit
up and finish the task. So if you want to say thanks for this lesson, say thanks to him. But yes, if you feel this lesson is useful to you, please
do not forget to refer to your friends by clicking on

feature below the login window.



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Re: Probability
by AsHwIn Drm z - Sunday, 8 Nove m be r 2009, 10:53 PM

So finally ....A le sson on Probability....

Thank s a lot Tg...
btw...m Ashwin not Ashwini


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Re: Probability
by am it k he te rpal - Sunday, 8 Nove m be r 2009, 11:10 PM
thank s a lot tg sir and ashwin too.
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Re: Probability
by wali k han - Sunday, 8 Nove m be r 2009, 11:44 PM
thank s a lot TG
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Re: Probability
by hone y chaube y - Monday, 9 Nove m be r 2009, 12:02 AM
Thank s Sir
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Re: Probability
by harsh tulsiyan - Monday, 9 Nove m be r 2009, 12:56 AM
thank s sir ..
it he lpe d to cle ar m any doubts ...
and thank s to ashwin..
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Re: Probability
by ste ve n hyde - Monday, 9 Nove m be r 2009, 01:05 AM
O ne sm all doubt. In the be ginning of this le sson whe n you m e ntion the e x am ple of tossing 3 coins and say that that the possible outcom e s are
(HHH),....(TTT), isn't (HTH) e quivale nt to saying (THH) or (HHT) ? That is to say, are the 3 coins distinguishable ? I som e tim e s tak e tossing 3
coins to be the sam e as tossing a coin thrice . Is the re an e rror in this think ing?
Thank s .
Ste ve n
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Re: Probability
by KAMO NASISH AAYUSH MAZUMDAR - Monday, 9 Nove m be r 2009, 04:13 AM
thank you so m uch :D for liste ning to our re que st always

and so m any othe r little things that we can't re ally thank you for.

now official answe rs to PnC le sson plz

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Re: Probability
by whirl wind - Monday, 9 Nove m be r 2009, 06:57 AM
no ste ve n,
W he n u tak e it as tossing 3 coins - u ne e d to tak e care of which 2 coins are showing he ads(or tails).(1st & 2nd coins or 2nd&3rd coins or 3rd
and 1st coins).
If u tak e it as tossing the sam e coin thrice , u conside r it to be the throw in which u ge t the he ads.(on the 1st&2nd throws, or 2nd &3rd or 3rd&1st
Nothing wrong in think ing tossing 3 coins to be the sam e as tossing the sam e coin thrice .
W hirlwind
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Re: Probability
by shahnas am e e r - Monday, 9 Nove m be r 2009, 09:06 AM
thank zzzzzzzzzzz
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Re: Probability
by R onak k abani - Monday, 9 Nove m be r 2009, 10:49 AM
Thnx TG
The probability of ge tting a sum corre ct on probability has de finite ly incre ase d.
R onak
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Re: Probability
by shank jos - Monday, 9 Nove m be r 2009, 11:29 AM
Thank s TG
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Re: Probability
by Soum yak anta Das - Monday, 9 Nove m be r 2009, 01:13 PM
Thanks a Lot TG Sir and Ashwin...
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Re: Probability
by divya k alk otwar - Monday, 9 Nove m be r 2009, 01:48 PM
thank s a lot TG
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Re: Probability
by ashraf lask ar - Monday, 9 Nove m be r 2009, 02:11 PM

thank s a lot TG Sir for such a be autiful article .......

the funda to solve probability using ge om e try is ne w to m e ....hope that now i can atte m pt probability que stions with m ore confide nce


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Re: Probability
by Vick ram Asok an - Monday, 9 Nove m be r 2009, 02:54 PM
Hi TG,
Good article at a gre at tim e .
Have a doubt in the proble m s solve d afte r the article .
Se cond from last que stion, which says,
" A,B and C are two spe ak e rs am ong 7 diff spe ak e rs "



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Isn't that thre e spe ak e rs ( A,B and C ). Anothe r thing is that the re are two possible arrange m e nts that are favorable for our crite ria ["A"
spe ak ing be fore "B"]. ( i.e ABC and AC B are favorable ).
Ple ase corre ct m e if I am wrong. Thank s for the article ...

-Vick ram .
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Re: Probability
by Priya R anjan Dutta - Monday, 9 Nove m be r 2009, 03:46 PM
Vick ram ,
R e ad the que stion care fully. A spe ak s be fore B who spe ak s be fore C .. only one case ABC ..


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Re: Probability
by Ne e le sh Se thi - Monday, 9 Nove m be r 2009, 08:10 PM
Thanx a lot sir..probability by ge om e try we re outstanding..sir how u thought of that m e was difficult to e ve n im agine that ge om e try can
be use d in probab..1 doubt ,If que stion is: if out of 6 spe ak e rs..find probability that abc spe ak afte r first spe ak e r and in orde r, a followe d by b
followe d by c? the n what will be the answe r
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Re: Probability
by suraj ve rm a - Monday, 9 Nove m be r 2009, 08:48 PM
supe rb TG sir...thanx a ton
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Re: Probability
by rak e sh sale cha - Tue sday, 10 Nove m be r 2009, 02:09 AM
thank you sir
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Re: Probability
by Suvrodip Bane rje - Tue sday, 10 Nove m be r 2009, 04:20 AM
He llo,
Although am a k e e n re ade r of your article s,ye t I have ne ve r poste d any com m e nt.But can't re sist writing today,partly for the introduction part
and partly to point a ve ry m inor m istak e (am sure it's a typo)..
In the que stion
In a match between two players A ,B the chances of A winning are 3/5.If A and B play 5 matches in a succession,whta is the probability that B
wins at least 3 matches(assuming no draws)?
the solution should be :



c 5*(2/5)^5.....

Dre am z R ule
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Re: Probability
by Total Gadha - Tue sday, 10 Nove m be r 2009, 10:55 AM

Hi Surodip,
Corrected the typo. Thanks for pointing it out.
Total Gadha
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Re: Probability
by R ohit Ghosh - Tue sday, 10 Nove m be r 2009, 11:57 AM



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How the total probability of drawing a re d ball is "19/45"?
Ple ase he lp
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Re: Probability
by abhay agrawal - Tue sday, 10 Nove m be r 2009, 12:43 PM

from time I've become a fan of your articles and always wait for the new one. I like one thing
most in your articles and that is your explanation by examples. Although in two years of my
preparation for CAT I never liked probability but after reading this article I'm really feeling
very comfortable in it. And one thing more that after reading this article my probability in
cracking CAT became higher.
So thanx to you and Ashwini for forcing you to write a wonderful article.
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Re: Probability
by Total Gadha - Tue sday, 10 Nove m be r 2009, 01:06 PM

Thanks Lazy
Fill the 'Tell a Friend' to help us if you can?
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Re: Probability
by Pradip R oy - W e dne sday, 11 Nove m be r 2009, 10:21 AM
Thank s a lot for the article .
I have a doubt about the Square -C oin sum .... can u e x plain that in a lil m ore de tail (ce ntre of the coin is 1 unit inside of the square , so how
did we ge t 8 units inste ad of 9 (10-1) units)
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Re: Probability
by R ahul Arora - W e dne sday, 11 Nove m be r 2009, 11:05 AM
Hi Pradip,
As the original square is of 10 unit le ngth, so the inne r square side = 10 - 1(from le ft side ) - 1 (from right side ), thus, 8. Hope , it he lps you.
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Re: Probability
by abhay agrawal - W e dne sday, 11 Nove m be r 2009, 12:22 PM

Hi TG sir, I have question

Q. There is a bag and in that bag there are two pockets. In one pocket of the bag there are 2
gold coins & 3 silver coins and in another pocket there are 3 gold coins & 2 silver coins. If a man
choose one of pocket of the bag and pick up one coin from that pocket and place it in another
pocket of the bag. Now he randomly pick up one coin from this pocket in which he place the coin
than what is probability of getting a silver coin.
plz give the answer with the explanation
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Re: Probability
by piyush jain - W e dne sday, 11 Nove m be r 2009, 08:03 PM
we ll gr8 article with som e wonde rful probabilitie s
m big fan of urs but just one thing i cant m ak e it out in prob. having 3 spe ak e rs A,B,C am ong 7 and v re quire to calculate probability of case s
whr A spe ak s be fore B and B be fore C .
i trie d it in this m anne r by fix ing C at 1 position say last and now calculate as in case of A spe ak s be fore B am ong 6 spe ak e rs,again fix C at



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position 6 and calculate again sam e am ong 5 spe ak e rs sim ilarly till C sit at 3 position .
so it com e s out (360+60+12+3+1)/7!
so plz. e x plain this
piyush jain
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plz help
by Avishe k C hak raborty - W e dne sday, 11 Nove m be r 2009, 10:11 PM
guys I have one proble m
num be rs 1 to 20(1,2,3,...20) are arrange d. wat is the probabilty that 2 will appe ar be fore any othe r e ve n num be r?
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Re: Probability
by Total Gadha - W e dne sday, 11 Nove m be r 2009, 11:44 PM

Hi Lazy,
There are four cases heregold coin from Pocket 1 then silver coin from pocket 2- (2/5)

silver coin from Pocket 1 then silver coin from pocket 2- (3/5) (1/2)
gold coin from Pocket 2 then silver coin from pocket 1- (3/5) (1/2)
silver coin from Pocket 1 then silver coin from pocket 1- (2/5) (2/3)
Sum all these
Total Gadha

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Re: Probability
by Total Gadha - W e dne sday, 11 Nove m be r 2009, 11:50 PM

Hi Piyush,
You are calculating it wrong in your method. For example, when A is in second position, you are doing that rest of the
lower seats can be arranged in 5! ways out of which B would come before C in half. Unfortunately, you are not taking
care of speaker no. 1 here whom you can select in 4C1 = 4 ways. So total number of ways are 4 60 = 240.
And so on. When A is in third place, you will have to select speaker no. 1 & 2 (not equal to B or C). Then you can do
what you are doing.
Answer would be same by your method also. it would be 840/7!
Total Gadha

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by Avishe k C hak raborty - W e dne sday, 11 Nove m be r 2009, 11:55 PM
TG Sir since u r he re thought if I can ge t the answe r of this proble m num be rs 1 to 20(1,2,3,...20) are arrange d. wat is the probabilty that 2 will
appe ar be fore any othe r e ve n num be r?
thank s in advance
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Re: Probability
by Avishe k C hak raborty - Thursday, 12 Nove m be r 2009, 12:26 AM

num be rs 1 to 20(1,2,3,...20) are arrange d. W at is the probabilty that 2 will appe ar be fore any othe r e ve n num be r?
I think the ans is 1/10.
Se e the re are 10 e ve n num be rs in total. now the re will be e qual num be r of arrange m e nts in which one e ve n num be r com e s first. lik e
num br of case s in which 2 com e s b4 ne othr e vn no=num be r of case s in which 4 com e s b4 ne othr e vn num be r=...=num be r of case s whe re 20
com e s b4 ne othr e vn num be r
so the in this prob favourable case s=total case s/10=20!/10
so probability = 1/10
m I rite ? can any1 confirm
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Re: Probability
by abhay agrawal - Thursday, 12 Nove m be r 2009, 10:56 AM
he llo sir, I'm tak ing this proble m a little bit diffe re nt and ge tting the sam e ans what u got. but official ans is diff. m y tak e
if I choose any pock e t for pick ing the coin the n the re will be only 2 possibility that it will be Gold or Silve r. now
conside r 1st pock e t
I place gold coin in it than the probability of ge tting silve r = 1/2 x 3/6
I place silve r coin in it than 1/2 x 4/6
now conside r 2nd pock e t
I place gold coin than 1/2 x 2/6
I place silve r coin than 1/2 x 3/6
Now sum all the se and u will ge t the sam e ans. is m y approach right?
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Re: Probability
by Total Gadha - Thursday, 12 Nove m be r 2009, 01:12 PM

Hi Lazy,
My answer is coming to be 1/2 (you will have to multiply all the terms in my answer by 1/2 for choosing the first bag) but
yours is different. Will think about your approach later. Please tell me the official answer for now.
Total Gadha
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Re: Probability
by use rdce . - Thursday, 12 Nove m be r 2009, 06:34 PM
conte nt is gre at as e ve r but se e m s font got a bit distorte d in the picture s
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Re: Probability
by piyush jain - Thursday, 12 Nove m be r 2009, 07:13 PM
ok i got it sir thank u ve ry m uch and congrats for 3rd annive rsary of TG.
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Re: Probability
by abhay agrawal - Friday, 13 Nove m be r 2009, 11:34 AM
ye s sir, you r right. In m y approach I was not conside ring the probability of pick ing a coin from any pock e t. now i got m y answe r. thanx sir
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Re: Probability
by ank huri dube y - Friday, 13 Nove m be r 2009, 08:34 PM
Inte llige nt!!..

i have a que stion Sir...wts d probability that the 'sarah n nidhi' in one of the que stions we re n't just a coincide nce ..??..:P
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Re: Probability
by Total Gadha - Friday, 13 Nove m be r 2009, 08:56 PM

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Re: Probability
by Vick ram Asok an - Monday, 16 Nove m be r 2009, 12:42 PM



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Hi Ms.Priya,
Thank s for the clarification. I now unde rstand why I am ge tting m ore ne gations in Mock C ATs...
Thank s,
-Vick ram .
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Re: Probability
by de e pik a gandhi - Monday, 16 Nove m be r 2009, 02:27 PM
pls...can u giv fe w m ore tips on functions,graphs and ine qualitie s
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Re: Probability
by Pank aj Kum ar - Thursday, 19 Nove m be r 2009, 12:19 AM
Hi TG,
C AT is com ing and by giving this article at this crucial tim e , u he lpe d m any as probability with pe rm utations and com binations is bit challe nging
I k now I'm be com ing de m anding he re , but a hum ble and last re que st for this C AT- ple ase give som e tips for Logarithms topic also
ple ase ..ple ase ple ase
I have im m e nse appre ciation for your gre at way he lping m any
TG will have to go m uch highe r from he re .., I e ncourage all pe ople he re to spre ad TG so that m ore n m ore pe ople can be ne fit from it.
Many Thank s Again
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Re: Probability
by Avishe k C hak raborty - Thursday, 26 Nove m be r 2009, 11:39 PM

7 distinct accidents occur in a week. what is the probability that they all occur on the same day of the week??
options are 1. (1/7)^7

2. (1/7)^6

3. (1/2)^7

4. 7/ 2^7

since since a single accident can occur on any single day so (1/7)^7 and for 7 days it becomes (1/7)^6. is it correct?
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Re: Probability
by Abhijit R oy - Monday, 14 De ce m be r 2009, 10:09 PM
From ve ry first tim e i Logge d in to this site ...I find it ve ry he lpful ...n dis is nt only in re gard to pre paring m y se lf for cat but also for othe r e x am
I was facing som e proble m wid probability ...n m ore ove r be ing a non m ath stude nt was bit difficult for m e to unde rstand ......
So all thing is dat thank you ve ry m uch for providing us such a use ful n he lpful site ......
It's a re que st to u sir if u can post som e thing on Pe rm utation n com bination ... and Logarithm ....

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Re: Probability
by gaurav adlak ha - Tue sday, 26 January 2010, 04:20 PM
gre at he lp.........
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Re: Probability doubt

by vasu r - Monday, 25 O ctobe r 2010, 10:52 PM
Paul the octopus who has be e n fore casting the outcom e of FIFA world cup m atche s with tre m e ndous accuracy has now be e n invite d to pre dict
IC C world cup m atche s in 2011. W e will assum e that the world cup conte nde rs have be e n divide d into 2 groups of 9 te am s e ach. Each te am in a
group plays the othe r te am s in the group. The top two te am s from e ach group e nte r the se m i finals ( afte r which the winne r is de cide d by
k nock out).

Howe ve r, Paul has a soft spot for India and whe n India plays any te am , Paul always back s India. Alas, his pre dictions on m atche s
involving India are right only 2 out of 3 tim e s. In orde r to qualify for the se m i finals, it is sufficie nt for India to win 7 of its group m atche s. W hat
is the probability that India will win the IC C world cup?



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b) (2/3)^9 + 8/3 * (2/3)^9


8/3 * (2/3)^9

d) (2/3)^10 + 8/3*(2/3)^9
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Re: Probability doubt

by k ushal ganatra - Saturday, 30 O ctobe r 2010, 11:49 AM

i think answe r should be D

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Re: Probability doubt

by Prade e p Mavilla - W e dne sday, 3 Nove m be r 2010, 01:16 AM
Thank s for the article
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Re: Probability
by aage sh sharm a - Monday, 27 June 2011, 06:26 PM
applying 4 cbt is the irst thing i'm gonna do with this m onths salary
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Re: Probability
by m anisha dalan - W e dne sday, 3 August 2011, 02:50 PM
In the que stion-what is the probability that the re d ball cam e from bag1...
is the Probability of drawing a re d ball from bag1 not 3/5 inste ad of 1/5..
ple ase corre ct m e if m wrong.
thank s TG,
m anisha
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Re: Probability
by ADITYA PATEL - W e dne sday, 10 August 2011, 11:36 AM
He llo TG Sir,
Thank s for writing such a nice article .
I have 1 que stion.
in the e x am ple you gave for m utually e x clusive e ve nts,(in rolling 2 dice s, the probability of ge tting sum 4 or sum 7), you conside re d both the
e ve nts as m utually e x clusive , but i have a que stion why can't the se e ve nts be conside re d as inde pe nde nt e ve nts and why can't we use
probability e quation P(A) * P(B)? I k now sir i am wrong but i am not able to ge t the e x act diffe re nce be twe e n Mutually e x clusive e ve nts and
inde pe nde nt e ve nts. Ple ase do re ply sir.
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Re: Probability
by ritu aggarwal - Thursday, 11 August 2011, 04:48 PM
sir..i have one que s of prob..
in pok e r, 5 cards are de alt to a pe rson. assum ing all C (52,5) are e quallty lik e ly. what is the probability of be ing de alt
(i) one pair, (a,a,b,c,d) whe re a,b,c,d are distinct?
(ii) two pairs (a,a,b,b,c) whe re a,b,c are distinct?
i didnt unde rstand this que stion sir.
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Re: Probability
by de stiny unrule d - Friday, 12 August 2011, 01:05 PM

@ Aditya

Two events, A and B, are independent if the fact that A occurs does not affect the probability of B occurring or vice-versa.
Now, if on the two dices sum of numbers showing up is 4, then it can definitely not be 7 which means they are not
independent events.



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On the other hand. two events are mutually exclusive if they can not occur at the same time, which is true in this case.
So, getting a sum 4 and a sum 7 are mutually exclusive events.
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Re: Probability
by In lone ly plane t i live - W e dne sday, 8 August 2012, 08:28 AM
W e ll writte n article sir.
Ple ase he lp m e finding the answe r for the be low que stion.
A m an alte rnate ly tosse s a coin and throws a die be ginning with the coin. The probability that he ge ts a he ad in the coin be fore he ge ts a 5 or 6
in the dice is?
Thank s in advance .
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Re: Probability
by TG Te am - W e dne sday, 8 August 2012, 10:47 AM

It is simply sum of infinite GP: 1/2 + (1/2)(4/6)(1/2) + (1/2)(4/6)(1/2)(4/6)(1/2) + ... = 1/2 + (1/2)(1/3) + (1/2)(1/3)
(1/3) + ... = 3/4.
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Re: Probability
by R hythm Goyal - W e dne sday, 8 August 2012, 07:46 PM
Hi TG,
First of all, Thank s a ton for such an nice ly organise d article . O fte n Probability confuse us and is a re ason of dislik e . Now we have a vision about
how to approach a proble m .
I have 3 que rrie s re late d to your artical above and ne e d your he lp for the sam e :
1) The re is a que stion above as "10 pe rsons are sitting around a round table . W hat is the probability that two particular pe rsons are NO T sitting
ne x t to e ach othe r?"
I faile d to unde stand how we got 2*8!/9! as the probability that 2 particular pe rsons are sitting ne x t to e ach othe r. W he re did all this 8!, 9! and
product by 2 cam e in?
2) The re is a que stion in Inve rse probability se ction as "Dagny's purse contains 4 coins which can be 1 rupe e coins or 5 rupe e s coins. 2 coins are
drawn and are both foubnd to be 5 rupe e s coins. If the coins are re place d in the purse and Dandny draws out anothe r coin, what is the
probability that it is a 1 rupe e coin?"
As it was m e ntione d in the que stion itse lf that 2 coins of 5 are drawn, im plie d that alte ast the re are 2 coins of 5 rupe e e ach in the purse .Thus
the re we re 3 case s
a) all 5 rupe e coin
b) 3 coins of 5 rupe e and 1 coin of 1 rupe e
c) 2 coins of 5 rupe e and 2 coins of 1 rupe e
Now why probability of drawing 2 5rupe e s coins we re obtaine d?
also how com e its 1, 1/2 and 1/6 re spe ctive ly for case a, b,and c.
should it not be 1/3, 1/4, 1/6 re spe ctive ly.
Furthe r, I didnt unde rstand how we have calculate d the probablilty of case a, b & c.
3) In a que stion as "If we throw a dice 10 tim e s what is the probability of it showing 6 e x actly 3 tim e s?"
Should not the solution be (1/6)^3 * (5/6)^7.
W hy was it ne e de d to found "ways of those 3 out of 10" i.e 10c3 and ge tting its product

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Re: Probability
by R hythm Goyal - Tue sday, 14 August 2012, 08:55 PM
Hi Kam al Sir,
First of all, Thank s a ton for such an nice ly organise d article . O fte n Probability confuse us and is a re ason of dislik e . Now we have a vision about
how to approach a proble m .
I have 3 que rrie s re late d to your artical above and ne e d your he lp for the sam e :
1) The re is a que stion above as "10 pe rsons are sitting around a round table . W hat is the probability that two particular pe rsons are NO T sitting
ne x t to e ach othe r?"
I faile d to unde stand how we got 2*8!/9! as the probability that 2 particular pe rsons are sitting ne x t to e ach othe r. W he re did all this 8!, 9! and
product by 2 cam e in?
2) The re is a que stion in Inve rse probability se ction as "Dagny's purse contains 4 coins which can be 1 rupe e coins or 5 rupe e s coins. 2 coins are



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drawn and are both foubnd to be 5 rupe e s coins. If the coins are re place d in the purse and Dandny draws out anothe r coin, what is the
probability that it is a 1 rupe e coin?"
As it was m e ntione d in the que stion itse lf that 2 coins of 5 are drawn, im plie d that alte ast the re are 2 coins of 5 rupe e e ach in the purse .Thus
the re we re 3 case s
a) all 5 rupe e coin
b) 3 coins of 5 rupe e and 1 coin of 1 rupe e
c) 2 coins of 5 rupe e and 2 coins of 1 rupe e
Now why probability of drawing 2 5rupe e s coins we re obtaine d?
also how com e its 1, 1/2 and 1/6 re spe ctive ly for case a, b,and c.
should it not be 1/3, 1/4, 1/6 re spe ctive ly.
Furthe r, I didnt unde rstand how we have calculate d the probablilty of case a, b & c.
3) In a que stion as "If we throw a dice 10 tim e s what is the probability of it showing 6 e x actly 3 tim e s?"
Should not the solution be (1/6)^3 * (5/6)^7.
W hy was it ne e de d to found "ways of those 3 out of 10" i.e 10c3 and ge tting its product

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Re: Probability
by Harsh Aggarwal - Tue sday, 28 August 2012, 08:42 PM
Hi ,
Approach :- I fe e l by k e e ping 2 at first place and arranging the re st of 9 e ve n num be rs in any orde r will give the re quire d answe r.
Favourable case is 2 at first place .So no. of favourable case is 9! for k e e ping 2 at first place .
And total case is 10 ! for 10 e ve n num be rs.
Prob = 9!/ 10 ! = 1/10 .
He nce your answe r is corre ct.
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Re: Probability
by DHEER AJ KUMAR - Thursday, 30 August 2012, 06:54 PM

Hi R ythm
le ts se e what happe ns in case a)
the probability that the first coin drawn is 4/4 =1
and the probability that the se cond coin is also a 5 rupe e coin is 3/3=1 ....
the re fore , the probability that in two draws it is a 5 rupe e coin is 1*1=1.
for this case the probability of ge tting 5 rupe e coin in first draw is 3/4
and for the se cond draw it is 2/3(as the coin drawn is the last case is not re place d)
the re fore the probability of drawing two five rupe e coin in this case is (3/4)*(2/3)=1/2
c) sim ilarly for the first draw probability in this case is 2/4 and for the se cond case it is 1/3
and the re fore the for two case s the probability is (2/4)*(1/3)=1/6
I hope this puts to re st all your doubts....
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Re: Probability
by gam e starts - Saturday, 15 Se pte m be r 2012, 06:43 PM

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Re: Probability
by anand Ma - Saturday, 11 May 2013, 10:40 PM
how we ge t the probaility that case e x ist as 1,1/2,1/6
dnt ge t the ans by dhe e raj
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Re: Probability
by anand Ma - Monday, 13 May 2013, 12:52 PM
C an any anyone e x plain it again..
As he re dhe e raj is talk ing about drawing coin but i think he re we have to fing probability of the case s .As we k now that the re are alre ady 2 5rs



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coin so the re are 3 case s
1)2 (5rs coin) 2 (1rs coin)
2) 3 (5rs coin) 1 (1rs coin)
3) 4(5rs coin)

so i gue ss, we have to pay atte ntion on the 3rd and 4th coin only.
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Re: Probability
by Dine sh K - Tue sday, 11 June 2013, 12:02 PM
it should be 1/3 * 3/5 (prob of choosing a bag * prob of choosing re d from bag 1)
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