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Biology (I.C.S.E. X)
I.C.S.E. - X


Marks : 80
Time Allowed : 2 Hrs.

General Instructions :

Answers to this paper must be written on the paper provided

You will not be allowed to write during the first 15 minutes.
This time is to be spent in reading the Question Paper.
The time given at the head of this Paper is the time allowed for writing the
Attempt all questions from Section A and any four questions
from Section B.
The intended marks for questions or parts of questions are
given by brackets

Question :1
a] Name the following :
i) The canal through which the testes descends into the scrotum just before
the birth, in a human male child.
ii) A region in plant body where cell division occurs very actively.
iii) Parts of human eye which control the entering of light in it.
iv) An artery that carries Deoxygenated blood.
v) A viral disease totally eradicated through mass immunization.


b] Complete the following statements by choosing alternative out of those

given in the bracket :
i) Every living cell contains (cilia, plastids, nucleus)
ii) Normally one egg is released from one ovary in human females after every
(week, month, alternate month)
iii) Root hair is (an extension of a cell, a cilium, an extension of a epidermal cell)
iv) Potometer is an instrument to measure the rate of (transpiration,
photosynthesis, Rate of absorption of water)
v) Most transpiration in herbaceous plants like Balsam occurs through (stomata,
lenticels, xylem)
c] Given below is an example of certain structure and its special functional activity,
example Mitochondria and Cellular respiration. On a similar pattern fill up the
blanks :
i) Corpus luteum and .
ii) S- A node and ..
iii) Lenticels and
iv) Granum and ..
v) Interstitial cells and


Practice Papers


d] State whether the following statements are true of false. If false re-write
the Statement in its correct form by changing the first or last word only :
i) The part of the ear associated with balance is cochlea.
ii) Zygote is the product of union of male and female gametes.
iii) Blood group O is a universal recipient.
iv) Tubectomy is the process of cutting and tying of the vas deferens in
v) Hypermetropia causes the elongation of the eyeball.


e] Choose the odd one in each of the following and give reason :
i) Insulin, blood sugar, Adrenalin, Thyroxine.
ii) Oestrogen, Progesterone, Testosterone, Oxytocin
iii) Cerebrum, Cranium, cerebellum, pons.
iv) Bicuspid, Tricuspid, Interauricula-septum, Lungs.
v) Phenol, Boric acid, Iodine, mercury chrome.




Write briefly about the following terms as specified in the bracket :

i) Simple Goiter (Cause and effect)
ii) Plasmolysis (definition)
iii) Cretinism (Symptoms and cause)
iv) Diabetes insipidus ( Symptoms and cause)
v) Cochlea ( Location and importance)

g] Define the following terms and in each case given one example
i) Guttation
ii) Antiseptic
iii) Pulmonary Circulation
iv) Vaccine
v) Alleles
h) Given below are certain functional activities of a specific structure in the
body of living organisms. Name the structure responsible for the same :
i) Transport manufactured food from leaves to the other parts of the plant.
ii) Acts as bearer of heredity units.
iii) Transfer impulses from inner ear to brain
iv) Helps in excretion of wastes from the body.
v) Helps to change the focal length of the eye lens.




Biology (I.C.S.E. X)
Question : 2
a) The adjoining figure shows the structure of a mammalian eye.



Label the parts 6, 8, 4, 5, 7

ii) State the function of part 1, 2 and 7.

iii) What special advantage do human
beings derive in having both eyes
facing forward?

b] Given below is the longitudinal section of a human organ.

Observe the diagram and answer the question given below.



Name the structure and its functional unit.

Name the two blood vessels A and B which enter
and leave the organ.
iii) Mention two functions of this organ.
iv) Define osmoregulation
v) What is dialysis?

Question : 3
a] The diagram shown below is an apparatus used to study a particular phenomenon
in plants.
i) Name the apparatus.
ii) What is the role played by the air
bubble in this experiment?
iii) Of What use is the reservoir?
iv) What happens to the movement of air
bubble if the apparatus is kept :
i) In the dark
ii) In front of the fan
b] Give the specific function of the following structures found in the body of
i) Centrosome
ii) Posterior venacava
iii) Medulla oblongata
iv) Pons
v) Placenta
Question : 4
a] The diagram below represents certain organ
system in human beings. Observe
and answer the following questions.
i) Name the organ system
ii) Label the parts numbered 1 to 6
ii) State the functions of 2 and 3.




Practice Papers


b] The figure below represents an experiment on photosynthesis.

Answer the following questions.
i) Label the parts A, B and C.
ii) What is the aim of the experiment?
iii) What plant would you suggest for this experiment?
iv) Why a pinch of sodium bicarbonate added before
performing this experiment?
v) What do you conclude from this experiments?


Question : 5
a] Given below is a diagram representing a stage during mitotic cell division in an
animal cell
[ 6]
i) Identify the stage above. Give reason
to support your answer.
ii) Name the cell organelle that forms
the aster. Name the parts labeled as
1, 2, and 3
iii) Name the stage that follows this stage
of Mitosis. How can this stage be identified?
b] Give one reason for each of the following :
i) Wilted lettuce leaves if kept in cold water become crisp.
ii) It is advisable not to sleep under a tree at night.
iii) A tiger owes its existence to chlorophyll.
iv) On sprinkling common salt on grass growing in a lawn, the grass is killed.


Question : 6
a] The diagram shown is the lateral section of a testis of man. Study it carefully and
answer the questions that follows :
i) Label the parts 1 to 4.
ii) State the functions of the part labeled 1 and 2
iii) Draw a labeled diagram of sperm.


Biology (I.C.S.E. X)
b] Given figure is the diagram of a part of human ear,
Study the same and answer the Questions that following :
i) Give the biological term of Malleus,
Incus and stapes.
ii) Name the parts labelled A, B and C
iii) State the function of the parts labelled A and B
iv) Name the audio receptor region present
in the part labelled A.



Question : 7
a] Answer the following questions.


State two important functions of the placenta.

ii) Give two points of difference between identical twins and fraternal twins.
iii) Briefly describe the first aid treatment you would give to a boy who has just
swallowed poison.
b] The figure A and B depicts two common abnormalities in human eye. Study
the same and answer the following question :

i) What are the defects shown in Fig. A and B?

ii) How this defect can be rectified?
iii) What do the following abbreviations stand for :
a. IUD
b. BCG
v) What is Astigmatism?


I.C.S.E. - X

Practice Papers




Marks : 80
Time Allowed : 2 Hrs.

Question : 1
a] Name the following :
i) One combined vaccine given to babies which helps to build immunity against three
common diseases.
ii) The structure which controls the master gland
iii) The hormone that releases glucose into the blood.
iv) The eye defect caused due to the shortening of the eyeball from front to back.
v) Type of image formed on retina.
b] Choose the odd one out from each of the following sets, giving the reason for
your choice :
i) Adrenal, liver, Thyroid, pituitary.
ii) Coughing, sneezing, eating, blinking
iii) Corpus luteum, Corpus callosum, Pons, Cerebellum.
iv) AIDS, Small pox, Diphtheria, Measles.
v) Hammer, Membranous labyrinth, Aqueous humor.
c] Given below in the box are a set of 14 biological terms. Of these, 12 can be paired
into 6 matching pairs. Of the six pairs, one has been done for you as an example.
Write the remaining 5 matching pairs made by you as 1 to 5
Cell wall, Neurotransmitter, Genatic disorder, Spinal cord, Cellulose, Tissue,
Adenosine triphosphate, Collenchyma, Neuron, Energy molecule,
Malpighian body, Acetylcholine, Kidney, Hemophilia
Example : Adenosine Triphosphate-energy molecule.
d] Given below are sets of five terms. In each case rewrite the terms in the correct
order so as to be in logical sequence:
i) xylem, cortex, epidermis, root hair, water molecules.
ii) implantation, ovulation, childbirth, gestation, fertilization.
e ) Study the diagram given below and answer the question that follow
i) What is the aim of this experiment?
ii) How will you test the presence of starch?
iii) What are the external factors necessary for



Biology (I.C.S.E. X)

If a dominant homozygous tall plant bearing red flowers is crossed with a

recessive homozygous dwarf plant bearing white flower.
i) What will be the genotype and phenotype of the F1 generation?
ii) If the F1 plants are self pollinated, what will be the genotype and phenotype of the
Resulting F2generation?
iii) State of difference between phenotype and genotype.

g ) Mention whether the following statements are true or false. Correct the false
statement by changing the 1st or last word only and rewrite the sentence.
I ) Semi-permeable membrane prevents the passage of solutes.
II) Red cross suggests the quarantine measures to prevent the spread of a disease.
III) The ear drum is called amnion.
IV) Cones are receptors cells in the retina of the eye sensitive to dim light.
V) DDT is disinfectant.
VI) Uterus is also known as birth canal.
VII) The immediate product of photosynthesis is glucose.
VIII) Voltmeter is an apparatus used for measuring the rate of transpiration in green
h ) Complete the following pairs to represent the relationship between the
structure and the special functional activity.
1) White blood cells and ------2) Phloem and -------3) SAN and-----4) Guard cells and ----5) Interstitial cells and ------6) Ribosomes and ------7) Pallisade cells of a leaf and ------SECTION B
Question : 2
a] Where are the following structures found and what is the function of each?
i ) Graafian Follicle
ii ) Glomerulus
Iii ) Chloroplast
iv) Epididymis



b] Allele for the Brown eye in humans is dominant over the allel for the Blue eye
i) Suggest suitable symbols for these Alleles.
ii) Write down the possible 3 genotype for the eye colour.
iii) Give the phenotype and genotype of the eye colour, if a homozygous Brown eyed
man marries a heterozygous Brown eyed woman



Practice Papers


Question : 3
a) The diagram below represents a stage in cell division. Study the same and answer
the answer the questions that follow :
i) Identify the stage of cell division.
ii) Name the parts labeled A, B, C and D.
iii) Where does this type of cell division usually
iv) How many daughter cells are formed this type of
cell division?
v) Is this dividing cell shown a plant or an animal cell?
Give a reason to support your answer.

b] The diagram below represents a structure found in a leaf. Study the same and
the question that follow :
i) Name the parts A and B
ii) What is the function of the part labeled A?
iii) Mention two structural features of A, which help in the
function mentioned in (ii) above
iv) Where is the structure likely to be found in a leaf?
v) How many other cells are found surrounding this structure
as seen in the diagram?
Question : 4
a] The diagram shows a part of the capillary bed in an organ of the mammalian body.
Some of the blood arriving at the capillaries at points labeled A moves out into the
spaces between the tissue cells. Study the diagram and answer the question that
follow :
i) When the liquid from the blood is surrounding
the cells, what is it called?
ii) Name any one important component of the
blood which remains inside the capillaries
and fails to move out into the spaces.
iii) Some of the liquid surrounding the cells does not pass directly back into the blood
but Eventually reaches it by another route through vessel X. Name the fluid present
in vessel X.
iv) State two important functions performed in our body by the fluid present in vessel
b] i) Mention any three adaptations found in plants to favour the process of
ii) Why one feels blinded for a short while on coming out of a dark room?
iii) Explain how the rate of transpiration is affected on :
1. A windy day
2. A foggy day

Biology (I.C.S.E. X)


Question : 5
a] The following diagram represents a plant cell after being placed in a strong sugar
Study the diagram and answer the questions that follows :
i) What is the state of the cell shown in the diagram?
ii) Name the structure which acts as a selectively
permeable membrane.
iii) If the cell had been placed in distilled water instead of strong sugar solution, which
Feature would not have been present?
iv) If the Cell in the diagram possessed chloroplasts where would these be present?
v) Name any one feature of this cell, which is not present in animal cell.
b] Explain briefly the role of the following health aids :
i) Antiseptics
ii) Disinfectants
iii) Penicillin
iv) Sulphonamides
vi) Vaccines.


Question : 6
a] The diagrams represents certain organs in the abdominal region of man. Study the
diagram and answer the questions that follow :
i) Label the parts numbered 1 to 7.
ii) Name the organ system shown in the diagram.
iii) Name the three parts other than those marked which are clearly seen in the diagram

b] Differentials between members of each of the following pairs with reference to

the phrases in brackets :
i) Osmosis and Diffusion (Definition)
ii) Myopia and Hypermetropia (Cause of the defect)
iii) Diabetes mellitus and Diabetes insipdus (hormone)
iv) Acromegaly and Myxoedema (Cause)
v) Tubectomy and Vasectomy (the tube which is ligated)


Practice Papers



Question : 7
a) The diagram is the correction of one of the eye defects:
i) Which type of correction is shown in this diagram?
ii) According to diagram how is this defect
iii) What are the main causes of the eye
defects? (any 3 defects)


b] i)

What is meant by Power of accommodation of the eye? Name the muscles of the eye
responsible for the same.
ii) Draw a neat labeled diagram of the inner ear. Name the part of the inner ear that
Is responsible For static balance in human beings.

I.C.S.E. - X


Marks : 80
Time Allowed : 2 Hrs.

Question : 1
a] Name the following :
i) Effect of hyper secretion of corticoid hormone.
ii) The tube that conveys both urine and sperms in male.
iii) Cell organelle that carries out hormone synthesis.
iv) First stable compound of photosynthesis.
v) Process that leads to the shrunken condition of the cell placed in 50% sucrose
vi) Chemical substance produced by living organism that kill/stop growth of Microorganisms
vii) Form in which food is transported in plants.
viii) Innermost, highly vascular meninges, which is richly supplied with blood.
ix) Condition of protruding eyes, increased metabolism, shortness of breath caused by
increased secretion of hormone.
x) Number of live children born per thousand population per year
b] State whether the following statements are true or false. If false, correct the
statement & underline the changed words in your answer sheets :
i) Cochlea is meant for balancing the body.
ii) Hormonal response is immediate compared to the nervous response.
iii) The head quarters of WHO are located at New York.
iv) The Hydathodes present on the undersurface of the leaves serve for guttation.
vi) Uterus and fallopian tubes are one and the same thing.


Biology (I.C.S.E. X)

c] Given below is a group of terms. In each group arrange and rewrite the terms
in the correct order, so as to be in a logical sequence:
i) Motor neuron, sensory neuron, withdrawal of hand, pinprick pain sensation,
spinal cord.
ii) Cornea, conjunctiva, vitrous humour, pupil, aqueous humour
iii) Leaf in boiling water, leaf in methylated spirit, leaf in water, leaf in iodine.
iv) Microbes enter body, pus formation, diapedesis by WBC, phagocytosis.
v) Graafian follicles, ostium, ovum, uterus, Fallopian tube.
d] State the difference between the following based on the feature given in the
bracket :
i) Corpus callosum and Corpus luteum (location)
ii) Karyokinesis and Cytokinesis (definition)
iii) Hormone and Enzyme (glands)
iv) Exosmosis and Endosmosis (tonicity of solution surrounding the cells)
v) Active immunity and Pssive immunity (definition)
e] Explain the terms :
i) Acquired immunity
iii) Photolysis
v) Nucleosome

ii) Bleeding in the plants
iv) Mortality

Given below are few sets of 4 terms each. In each set one term is odd and cannot
be grouped into the category to which the other three belong. Identify the odd
term in each set and name the category to which the other three belong

g] i)

Menstruation, fertilization, implantation, gestation
Pituitary gland, adrenal gland, salivary gland,Thyroid
Diabetes insipidus, Cataract, Myxoedema, dwarfism
Cuticle, Stomata Hydathodes, Lenticles
Glucose, water, oxygen, carbon dioxide

Odd term


Color blindness is a heredity disease carried on the X chromosome. Draw the

punnett square to find possibility (in%) of the birth of a color blind child to a
carrier mother and normal father
ii) Give an example of a hereditary trait carried on the Y chromosome
iii) What is mutation? Give an example ?



Practice Papers

Question : 2
a] i) Mention the effect of Nervous System on the following organs by the autonomous
nervous system, in the table given on the new page.
1. Heart
2. Pupil of the eye
3. Salivary glands

Sympathetic System

Parasympathetic system

ii) List Four major activities of the WHO

b] Write down the difference between the following pairs as indicated within the
brackets :
i) Diploid and Haploid (symbols used)
ii) Xylem and Phloem (function)
iii) Lenticels and Stomata (Position on the plants)
iv) Rods and Cones (pigment present)
v) Thalamus and Hypothalamus ( Function)
Question : 3
a] Draw a neat diagram of the nerve cell :
i) Label 4 important parts of the cell.
ii) State the functions of any two parts you have labeled.


b] State the significance of osmosis in the plants and animals.


c] State one advantages and one disadvantage of transpiration.


d] Express using equations the occurrences in the light dependent phase of




Question : 4
a] The diagram represents a phenomenon occurring during the cell division
i) Which type of cell division does this state occur in?
ii) Name the phenomenon
iii) What are the advantages of this phenomenon?



Biology (I.C.S.E. X)


b] Below is shown the microscopic view of onion cells.

i) Name two parts of these cells that indicate that they are the plant cells.
ii) Draw a diagram to show one of these cells in the telophase stage of the cell
Iii) Label the distinguishing features that indicate that indicate that it is a plant cell
Undergoing cell Division.
c) State on morphological & one anatomical adaptation in plants to control excessive
d) Name the structure in the ear responsible for the static balance.


Question : 5
a] The diagram below shows a certain gland in our body, which is attached to the brain
i) Name the gland
ii) Label the parts 1 and 2.
iii) Name two hormones secreted by part labelled 2
iv) Mention two differences between endocrine
and exocrine glands.
v) What are the tropic hormones ?
b] i) Define Mendels law of purity of gametes
ii) In a cross involving Pea plant, a true breeding tall pea plant (TT) bearing red
flowers (RR) was crossed with a true breeding dwarf pea plant(tt) bearing white
flowers (rr).
The offspring obtained from the this were all tall pea plants bearing red flowers.
a) Is it a monohybrid or dihybrid cross? Give a logical reason
b) What are the genotypes of the pea plants in the F1 generation?
c) Draw a punnet square to obtain the result of F2 generation by giving its
phenotypic ratio.


Practice Papers


Question : 6
a] i)

Copy the outline into your answer sheet in pencil and label the following parts.
Testis, epididymis, seminal vesicle, vasdeferens
ii) Name the hormone produced by the Gonads
iii) Why are sperms produced in large number?

b] Define :
i) Ovulation
iii) Osmoregulation

ii)Law of Dominance
iv) Tubectomy

Question : 7
a] Study the diagram carefully and answer the questions that follow :
i) Label the guide lines 1-8
ii) Give the functions of parts labelled as 1&7
iii) Why is part labelled (11) thicker than (1)

b] Study the diagram and answer the following questions:

i) Where does ultra filtration take place.
ii) Which structure contains the lowest concentration
of urea ?
iii) Which structure contains the highest concentration
of urea ?
iv) Which structure does normally contain the lowest
concentration of glucose ?
v) Write the composition of urine of man





Biology (I.C.S.E. X)
I.C.S.E. - X


Marks : 80
Time Allowed : 2 Hrs.

Question : 1
a] Name the following :
i) An organization that looks after maternal and child welfare centres.
ii) Inflammation of meninges.
iii) The tube which connects the cavity of the middle ear with the throat
iv) The condition of a cell placed in hypotonic solution
v) The tube that leads from the ovary to the uterus.


b] Explain the following terms :

i) Nucleosome
ii) Ultrafiltration
iii) Antiseptic
iv) Guttation
v) Hormones.


c] Differentiate between :
i) Vaccination and Sterilization
ii) Menarche and Menopause
iii) Passive immunity and Active immunity
iv) Semi-circular canal and Cochlea
v) Plasmolysis and De plasmolysis


d) Give function of each

i) Acrosome
iii) Centrosome
v) Plasma



e) Choose the correct alternative from the choices given below each statements so
as to complete its meaning :
i) Angina Pectoris is due to
a) defective nutrition
b) inadequate supply of oxygen to the heart muscle.
c) defective functions of mitral value
d) infection by a virus
ii) The secretion of ADH(anti-diuretic hormone) is inhibited by
a) emotion and stress
b) nicotine
c) alcohol
d) morphine
iii) Which one of the following is the correct route that a sperm follow when it leaves
the testis of a mammal?
a) Vas deference epididymis urethra
b) Urethra epididymis vas deference
c) Epididymis urethra vas deference
d) Epididymis vas deference urethra
iv) What was directly responsible for the rapid rise of world population in the twentieth
a) Increase food production
b) Better transport facilities
c) Better education and job prospects
d) Use of antibiotics and prophylactic vaccinations.


Practice Papers

v) T in DTP vaccination stands for

a) Tuberculosis
b) Typhoid

c) Tetanus



d) Tonsillitis

State whether the following statements are true or false. If false, rewrite the
correct form of the statement by changing the first or last word only :
i) Cones are photoreceptor cells that are sensitive to dim light.
ii) Dilation of the pupil is brought about by the sympathetic nervous system
iii) Tubectomy is the surgical method of sterilization in man.
iv) The Beta cells of the pancreas secrete insulin.
v) Photolysis is the process of splitting of water molecules in the presence of grana
and temperature.

g] Given below are five sets of terms. In each case arrange and rewrite each set so
as to be in logical sequence
i) Lens, pupil, conjunctiva, yellow spot, cornea
ii) Vagina, ovary, uterus, oviduct, cervix
iii) association neuron, effectors, motor neuron, receptor, sensory neuron.
iv) DNA, chromatin, Chromosome, nucleosome, histone
v) Xylem, hydathodes, root-hair, veins, leaf
h] Give one example of each :
i) Vaccine
iii) Mixed nerve
v) Air borne disease

ii) Mutation disease
iv) Endocrine gland

Question : 2
a] Given below is an experimental set up to demonstrate a certain phenomenon in a
living cell
i) Name the phenomenon to being demonstrated.
ii) Define the phenomenon
iii) What change would occur in the set up if no
weight was kept on the piston?
iv) What does the cellophane represent in a
living plant cell
v) What type of tonicity does the water outside the
funnel represent?
b] i) What is nerve?
ii) Name the three different types of nerves
iii) What are the two sets of the paired nerves arising from the central nervous system?
How many pairs of nerves occur in each?
iv) Mention any one manner in which the optic and auditory nerves are similar
v) Mention one way in which the kinds of sensation carried by the optic and auditory
nerves differ.

Biology (I.C.S.E. X)


Question : 3
a] Given below is the diagram of a technique in human female reproductive system.
i) Name the parts numbered 1 to 4
ii) Explain what has been done at part 5
iii) How does the operation describe above serve
the intended purpose?

b] Give appropriate terms for the following

i) The space over which a nerve impulse passes from the axon of one neuron to the
Dendrites of another.
ii) The science and practice of maintaining good health.
iii) The deliberate infection with a mild form of disease to stimulate the formation
of antibodies.
iv) The category of organisms that prepare their own food from basic raw materials.
v) The escape of plant sap from the ruptured or cut surface of a plant.
Question : 4
a] Given below are three wrongly sequenced phases of mitotic prophase. Study these
carefully and answer the questions which follows :

i) Is it an animal cell or a plant cell? Give one reason

ii) What should be the correct sequence of the three (use only the alphabets A, B
and C)?
iii) Name the parts labeled 1 and 2?
iv) Name the phase which will come next to the last of these three
v) Draw a simple diagram of the phase name in (iv) of the same cell.
b] i) How is that carbon monoxide (CO) is far more harmful than Carbon dioxide (CO2)
for human health?
ii) Differentiate between birth rate and growth rate of population
iii) Describe briefly the principle underlying hormonal method of contraception
iv) What is the sign of family welfare?
v) What is demography?


Practice Papers



Question : 5
a] The figure shows a family pedigree to show the inheritance of hemophilia.


i) Is the allele for hemophilia dominant or recessive?

ii) State with reason that genotype of individuals 1, 2 and 4
iii) What are the possible genotypes of individuals 3 and 5?
b] Given below are the diagrams of a certain structure in plants in two conditions.[5]
i) Name the structure shown
ii) Name the parts numbered 1- 5
iii) What is the most apparent difference between
A and B in the structure shown?
iv) Describe the mechanism which brings about the
change in the structure depicted in A and B
Question : 6
a] The diagram given below represents the spinal cord of a mammal seen in a transverse
section together with the nerves, study the same and then answer the following

b] i)

Label the part 1-8 indicated by guidelines.

What do the arrow Indicated? What is the pathway indicated termed?
What type of nerve is shown in the diagram.
Name the hormones produced by the following glands and give one function in
each case.
1. Thyroid
2. Pancreas
3. Adrenal medulla
Question : 7
a] Given below is the diagrammatic representation of the transverse section of a
part of a plant . Study the same and answer the question that follow :

Biology (I.C.S.E. X)


i) Name the part of the plant that is shown

ii) Label the parts 1 to 6 indicated in the diagram
iii) Write the functions of part 3 and 5
b] i) What is the meaning of the term double circulation?
ii) Explain the mechanism of blood clotting.

I.C.S.E. - X



Marks : 80
Time Allowed : 2 Hrs.

Question : 1
a] Name the following :
i) The vehicular standard for controlling air pollution.
ii) The phenomenon by which living or dead plant cells absorb water by surface
iii) The immediate product of photosynthesis.
iv) Phase of cardiac cycle when the sound LUBB in produced.
v) Condition in which blood passes with urine.
b] Choose the correct answer from the four options given below each statement:[5]
i) The number of daughter cells in meosis cell division are
a) 2 Haploid cells
b) 2 Diploid cells
c) 4 Haploid cells
d) 4 Diploid cells
ii) Development of an egg without fertilization
a) Gametogenesis
b) Parthenogenesis
c) Abiogenesis
d) Sporogenesis
iii) Which of the following is not a part of the female reproduction system the human
a) Uterus
b) Ovary
c) Ureter
d) Fallopian tube
iv) Phototrophic mode of nutrition requires
a) Chlorophyll
b) Sunlight
c) CO2 and water d) All of the above
v) Plasmolysis identifies the process of
a) Imbibition
b) diffusion
c) Active Transport
d) Osmosis
c] Give the exact location of the following:
i) Nissils granules
ii) Ciliary muscles
iii) Malleus
iv) Utreculus
v) Cordine Tendine
d] State one main function of the following :
i) ADH
ii) Acrosome
iii) Choroid
iv) Hypothalamus
v) Lymph


Practice Papers


e] Differentiate between the following on the basis of the given criteria:

i) Myopia and hypermetropia. (Position of image with reference to the retina)
ii) Lenticel and stomata (Location)
iii) Tubectomy and Vasectomy (Parts operation)
iv) Animal and Plant cytokinesis (cell plate)
v) Active and Passive immunity (How it is acquired)


Match the items in column A with the most appropriate in column B. Rewrite the
Matching pairs :
Column A
Column B
i) Demography
a) Sterilization in females
ii) IUDs
b) Population dynamics
iii) Birthrate
c) Termination of pregnancy
iv) Tubectomy
d) Prevents pregnancy in females
v) MTP
e) Natality

g] Given below are six sets with four terms each. In each set a term is an odd one
and cannot be grouped in the same category to which the others belong. Identify
the odd one in each set and name the category to which the other three belongs.
No. Set
Odd one Category
Cell wall, large vacuole, plastids, centrosome
Haemophilla, colour blindness, albinism
Night blindness
Yellow spot, rod cells, cochlea, cone cells
Testes, Kidney, ureter, urethra
Pituitary gland, thyroid gland, Sebaceous gland
Adrenal gland.
h] Give below is a diagram depicting a defect of the human eye. Study the same and
Answer the question that follow:
i) Name the defect
ii) Give reasons for this eye defect
iii) Draw a neat labelled diagram to show
how the above defect can be rectified.
iv) Name the eye defect in which some parts of
the object are seen in focus while
others are blurred.


Biology (I.C.S.E. X)


Question : 2
a] The diagram below represents a surgical sterilization method in males. Study the
Same and answer the questions that follows:
i) Label the parts marked A, B, C, D
ii) a) Name the surgical method represented in
the diagram
b) Also name the corresponding
surgical method conducted in females
iii) What is the function of the part labelled A?
iv) Name the cells of part D that produce
a hormone?
b] Draw Punnet squares and predict the Genotypes in the progeny of a genetic cross
When there is a cross between :
i) Case 1 : Normal mother and Hemophilia father
ii) Case 2 : Carrier mother and Hemophilia father
iii) Define the law of on Inheritance stated on a Dihybrid cross.
Question : 3
a] Given below the simplified pathway of the circulatory system of man.
i) Name the blood vessels marked 1 to 8
ii) Name the chamber of the heart which
a) receives blood from 1
b) pumps blood into blood vessel 8

B) The given diagram refers to the ear of a mammal

Label parts marked 1 to 5
Which structure:
a) Converts sound waves into mechanical
b) Converts vibrations into nerve impulses
c) Responds to change in position.
d) Transmits impulses to the brain
e) Equalizes atmospheric pressure
and pressure in the ear.


[2 ]
[2 ]


Practice Papers


Question : 4
a] The figure represents an experiment performed to demonstrate a certain aspect of
i) What is the aim of this experiment?
ii) What is the chemical substance numbered
2? What does it do
iii) What happens at leaf A and B when tested
with iodine solution? Why?
iv) Write a balanced chemical equation to
represent photosynthesis
b] Answer the following question:
i) Mention any two activities of the Red Cross
ii) Name the diseases for which the following vaccines are effective:
a) TAB
b) BCG
c) DTP
d) Salks vaccine
iii) Match the following and Rewrite the matching pairs:
Column A
Column B
a) Ear Muffs
1) Particulate matter
b) Aerosol
2) High noise level
c) Electrostatic precipitation
3) Chlorofluorocarbon
d) Catalytic Convertors
4) CO and NO.


Question : 5
a] Complete the following table by filling in the blanks numbered 1 to 10 :
Pancreas (Beta cells)

Hormone secreted
Thyroid stimulatin hormone


Effect on body
Regulates basal metabolism
Controls blood sugar
Increases heart beat
Reabsorption of water from
kidney tubules
Regulates carbohydrate protein
and fat metabolism

b] Answer the following questions:

i) Which part of the human excretory system
a) Produces urine
b) Stores urine
c) Carries urine to the urinary bladder
ii) Mention 2 adaptation found in a plant to reduce transpiration
iii) State three main reason for rise in world human population in recent past

[1 ]

[1 ]



Biology (I.C.S.E. X)
Question : 6
a) Metaphase stage of mitosis with 6 chromonsomes
b) What will be the number of chromosomes in daughter cells formed due toa) Meiosis
b) Mtiosis
c) Name the type of cell division that occurs during
a) Formation of pollen
b) Development of embryo/foetus
c) Growth of shoot
d] Answer the following questions:
i) On a bright sunny day, the leaves of certain plants roll up. Give reasons
ii) Explain the process of coagulation of blood. (Give the flowchart also)



Question : 7
a] Study the given diagram carefully and
answer the questions that follow:
i) Name and define the phenomenon
shown by this experiment
ii) Which limb of the U-tube contains
more concentrated solution (A) or (B)


iii) Which limb of the U-tube is functionally

comparable to the root hair of the plant?
iv) Give 2 examples of semi-permeable membrane


b] Answer the following questions:

i) State two important functions of the placenta.
ii) Give two points of difference between identical Twins and Fraternal twins.
iii) Briefly describe the first aid treatment you would give to a boy who has just
swallowed poison.
I.C.S.E. - X



Marks : 80
Time Allowed : 2 Hrs.

Question : 1
a] Name the following :
i) The gland which secretes oxytocin
ii) The part of brain which is concerned with memory.
iii) A structure present in only plant cell.
iv) A vaccine for snake poison.
iv) The point at which one neuron ends and the other starts.



Practice Papers



b] The first pair in the following lists indicates the kind of relationship that exists
Between both the items. Rewrite and complete the second pair on a similar basis.
Example : Ear : Hearing : Eye : Sight
i) Emergency hormone : Adrenaline : : Birth hormone : ..
ii) Cochlea : Hearing : : Semicircular canals : ..
iii) Mitosis : two cell : : Meiosis
iv) Cranial nerves : : 12 pairs : : Spinal nerves
v) Hormonal pills : Prevent ovulation : : Condom : .
c] Mention where in living organisms are the following specifically located and state
Their main function :
i) Eustachian tube
ii) Umbilical cord
iii) Thyroid gland
iv) Epididymis
vi) Palisade cells
d] State whether the following statements are True of False. If false, rewrite the
correct from of the statements by changing the last word only
i) Deafness is caused due to rupturing of Pinna.
ii) Fertilisation takes place in the human uterus.
iii) Veins have broader lumen.
iv) Guttation is seen in plants due to excessive root pressure.
iv) Spermatogenesis takes place in gonads of females.
e] Complete following statements by choosing appropriate terms from the options
provided :
i) The structure that controls pituitary gland is called
a) Thalamus
b) Hypothalamus
c) Diencephalon d) Pons
ii) is an artery carrying deoxygenated blood.
a) Pulmonary artery
b) Carotid artery
c) Renal artery
d) Aorta
iii) The purines are
a) Adenine and Thymine
b) Guanine and Cytosine
c) Adenine and Cytosine
d) Adenine and Guanine
iv) Root hair is a
a) Cilium
b) Cell
c) Extension of cell
d) Group of cells.
v) The physical expression of genetic character is called .
a) Character
b) Genotype
c) Phenotype
d) Trait


Biology (I.C.S.E. X)

Given below is a table consisting of a set of items belonging to a common

Complete the table by filling in the category of the others and the odd one in the
blanks :

Category of the others

Odd one

1. Pleura, Pericardium,
Meninges, Spinal Cord
2. Phenol, Boric acid, Iodine
3. Ultrafiltration, Reabsorption
Diffusion, Tubular secretion
4. Coughing, Sneezing, Eating
5. BCG, Rabies, Cholera,
g] State one difference in each of the following with respect to the aspect stated
Within brackets :
i) Plasma and Lymph (composition)
ii) Atrio ventricular valve & Semilunar valve (location)
iii) Glucocorticoids and Mineralocorticoids (function)
iv) Myopia and Hypermetropia (Position of image)
vii) Tubectomy and Vasectomy (Definition)
h] Give below are five sets of five terms each. In each case, rewrite the terms in
logical Sequence as directed at the end of each statement. One has been done for
you as an example.
Vagina, Ovary, Uterus, Oviduct, Cervix, (pathway of egg after fertilization)
Answer : Ovary Oviduct Uterus Cervix Vagina
i) S.phase, Karyokinesis, G1 phase, Cytokinesis, G2pahse (sequence of events in cell
ii) Pericycle, Endodermis, Root hair, Xylem, Cortex (Movement of water from soil to
root interior)
iii) Vas deferens, epididymis, seminiferous tubules, urethra, ejaculatory duct (path of
Sperm movement to exterior)
iv) De-starched plant, iodine added, washed in water, a leaf boiled in alcohol,
placed in sunlight (testing for presence of starch)
v) Clot, Thrombin, Fibrinogen, Prothrombin, Fibrin (Blood Clotting)


Practice Papers


Question : 2
a] Given below is the diagram of the human ear. Study the same and answer the
questions that follow.
i) What role does the part A play in hearing ?
ii) What common term is given to the parts
labelled B, C and D ?
iii) Give the biological term for the parts labelled
E and F.
iv) Label the part G and state its function.
v) Name the structure that responds to change
in position.
b] i) Draw a labelled diagram of the internal structure of a chloroplast
ii) Define the following terms :
a) Stimulus
b) Active Transport
Question : 3
a] i) Mention two structural difference between arteries and vein.
ii) Name the chamber of the heart that receives deoxygenated blood from the body.
iii) Name the valve that is closed at the beginning of ventricular diastole.
iv) Name the valve present in between left auricle and left ventiricle.
b] Say why :
i) Salt and sugar are used to preserve food in the food industry.
ii) An image cannot be perceived at the blind spot.
iii) Pisum sativum was chosen by Mendel for hybridization experiments.
iv) The fetus respires but does not breathe.
v) Meiotic division brings about variations in the offspring.
Question : 4
a] The figure below refers to the structure of human sperm. Study the diagram and
answer the questions.
i) Label the parts A, B, C and D.
ii) State the functions of part A.
iii) Arrange the following terms in correct sequence
with respect to the route that a sperm follows when
it leaves the testis of a mammal.
Vas deferens Urethra Epididymis
iv) Define Gestation.



Biology (I.C.S.E. X)
b] i) State any 3 functions of WHO
ii) State the full form of DTP, IUD


Question : 5
a] i)

A genetic disease is caused by a recessive allele (r), the normal condition (R) is
The mother is a carrier for the disease while father has normal alleles.


a) Complete the given diagram to show genotype of possible children.

b) Will any of their children suffer from this genetic disease. Give reasons to
support your answer.
ii) Explain the following terms :
a. Adrenal Virilism
b. Alleles
b] Given below is a simple diagram of the human kidney cut open longitudinally.
Answer the following questions :
i) Give the definition of excretion
ii) Why is right kidney lower in position as
compared to left kidney?
iii) Why does the cortex of the show a dotted
iv) Write two difference in the composition of the
blood flowing through blood vessels A and B
Question : 6
a] Complete the following table by filling in the blanks numbered 1-10


Body growth
Water reabsorption by kidney
Glucose to glycogen


Addisons Disease

b] Explain the statements giving scientific reasons :

i) ATP is considered as energy currency of the cell.
ii) The hand automatically shows the directions to turn by a cyclist without thinking.


Practice Papers


iii) Most often only one embryo is formed at a time, although there are two ovaries in
iv) There has been a rise in population in recent years.
vi) During the day transpiration and photosynthesis are interlinked.
Question : 7
a] The diagram below shows the vertical section of the human eye. Observe the
diagram and answer the questions that follow :
i) State the functional relationship between part 1 and 2.
ii) Name one defect of the eye which involves only part 5.
iii) Give two points of differences between the two
types of photoreceptors found in part 4.
iv) What is the condition of part 5 in myopia ?
v) What is the function of part 3 ?
b] Give one term for the following statements :
i) Treatment of diseases by use of chemical substances ..
ii) Number of individuals per square kilometer at any given time..
iii) Substance that increase the formation of urine
iv) The type of blood circulation in the human body
v) Conversion of Adenosine Diphosphate to Adenosine Tri Phosphate by addition of
an inorganic phosphate


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