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Maintenance Instructions


Isolation before Maintenance Work

Before any work is carried out on or near parts which are normally live, or
where danger would arise to men working if the motor were to be inadvertently
started, it is essential that the apparatus be isolated and proved dead. In the
case of equipment operating above 650 volts the conductors should be
efficiently earthed.


For equipment to operate satisfactorily it is essential that it be kept clean.
Before removing covers and opening doors, loose dirt and dust resting on the
top of the enclosure should be removed with a brush.
a) When air is used for cleaning, a suction type device with dust receptacle
should preferably be employed. If it is necessary to use compressed air, it is
preferable employ a portable type blower.
b) Cotton waste should not be used for cleaning. If cloths are used they
should be chemically cleaned and free from loose fibers. This is particularly
important in oil-immersed equipment as the presence of loose fibers in the oil
may lead to failure due to the alignment of the fibers under dielectric stress.
c) When solvents are used for cleaning or degreasing they should of a nonflammable and non- toxic nature whenever possible, and it all times
precautions against fire should be observed.
After maintenance work all covers and doors including those of
instruments and relays should be securely replaced so as to exclude dust.

Marking of Covers and Connections

All covers, cables, and shields, etc., should be marked carefully before
removal to ensure correct replacement. If connections are disturbed or
temporary connection made for testing purposes, they should be clearly
marked to facilitate reconnection and the permanent connection must be
restored and the temporary connections removed before the unit is returned to


Tightness of Connections
After maintenance, the bolts, screws and locking devices of all currentcarrying and earth connection should be securely replaced.
Connections, which have not been disturbed, should be checked for
soundness. It is not sufficient for nuts and bolts to appear to be tight.
Sometimes a bolt will not be threaded quite far enough and give the impression
of a tight connection when in fact, the connection is loose. A millivolt drop test
will reveal bad connections and it may be possible to detect a bad connection
by looking for a signs of overheating.
Connecting aluminum-to-aluminum, cooper or brass satisfactorily
requires care particularly if the joint has to be made and broken from time to
time, and the use of proprietary compounds recommended for use with
aluminum, cooper or brass connection may be advantageous.

Testing of Protective Devices

a) Where practicable, test should be made for the correct operation and
calibration of protective devices periodically and particularly after faults.
Reading should be recorded and compared with the figures obtained when
commissioning the gear, the tests being carried out as far as possible under the
same conditions on each occasion. It is essential that the setting be restored to
the correct values after the test and verified that they are correct.
b) Where a single phasing protective device is fitted, this should be
checked when maintenance is carried out.
c) Where instruments and relays are fed from current transformers, it is
essential to short circuit the transformer secondary terminals if the instrument
or relay is disconnected, to safeguard against shock and against damage to the

Maintenance of Insulation
Reliable insulation is as important as conductors and contacts and, with
this in view, close visual inspection and regular testing if insulation are most
a.) Testing
Visual examination usually suffices for moulded
insulation but other insulation, such as synthetic resin-bonded paper or
fabric and impregnated or laminated wood, is particularly susceptible to
the ingress of moisture, overheating or tracking and visual inspection
should be supplement by regular testing. Insulation resistance
measurements are easily made and are the most suitable for routine test
but, for their proper interpretation, systematic testing and recording

methods are essential. It is only possible to judge the condition of

insulation by comparing insulation resistance reading taken over a
considerable period. If this show a steady decline in value, the danger is
greater than if a steady low value is recorded. If humidity and/ or
temperature reading of the ambient air can be taken and recorded at the
same time as the insulation resistance reading, this may be
advantageous. Where possible, the insulation to be tested should be
allowed to reach ambient temperature before resistance tests are made.
Laminated insulation may be tested susceptible to the ingress of
moisture, particularly through the edge of the laminate. High voltage
resistance test and visual examination should provide valuable indication
of the dielectric quality of this type of insulation. Moulded insulation does
not deteriorate in the manner of synthetic resin-bonded insulation, but it
may give a low resistance reading under humid conditions. Through
visual examination for cracks or other mechanical damage is as important
as electrical tests.
b) Cleaning
It is advisable when cleaning insulation to wipe across
the likely tracking path and not in line with it. The use of a brush in
conjunction with suction is recommended and note should also be taken
of the recommendation set out in paragraph 2.

Switches and Fuses

Maintenance of isolators and isolating switches: Before working on
isolators or isolating switches, particular care is necessary to make sure that
both sides of the device and any auxiliary circuits are dead. Some items of
equipment are provided with isolators and switches, which may be of the knifeswitch pattern, plug and socket pattern, or some other form. The contacts of
isolators and isolating switches are less frequently operated than others, and
are therefore particularly liable to failure arising from cumulative effects over a
long period. Because of their position the circuit, they tend to be neglected, and
it is therefore important during maintenance to inspect them for signs of over
heating and to replace parts where there is the slightest doubt. Knife-switch
contact should require no more than cleaning with a smooth file or fine glass
paper. Knife contacts should be lightly smeared with petroleum jelly or either
suitable lubricant.
Where cartridge fuses are used, replacements should be of the same
pattern as the original. In no circumstances should attempts be made to rewire
a non-rewirable fuse. The contact points should be examined for signs of over
heating. Where a locking device holds the fuse in position, it should be
replaced when the work is finished. It should be remembered that fuse-links
incorrectly chosen or badly fitted may contribute to overheating and damage to
the plant being protected.


Control Circuits Fuses

The reliability of control gear will be seriously hazarded by control circuit
faults and it is therefore most important to locate and correct immediately any
fault, which caused the operation of any control circuits to fuse and to report
the occurrence. Every fuse-link should be tested for continuity each time a
routine inspection is carried out, where this is not an inevitable part of the final
running test. Clear labeling of fuses in agreement with connection diagrams is
also desirable. Such labeling should also indicate the
fuse ratings.

Auxiliary Devices
Auxiliary devices include such items as limit switches, lighting sensor
switches. Safety of personnel and equipment depends largely on the reliability
of auxiliary devices and it is essential that all such devices be properly
inspected and maintained. Satisfactory maintenance of the control circuits for
brakes is essential for safety of personnel and plant well as for proper
operation. Deterioration of working parts or maladjustment may impose more
arduous conditions on the control gear than those for which it was originally

For the safety of personnel working with or associated with apparatus
described in this manual it is recommended that the Buyer should comply with
the instructions and information contained herein. The Buyer should also
ensure that all personnel who will be associated with this apparatus are familiar
with these instructions and information.
The apparatus described in this manual should be correctly installed, in a
suitable location, by technically qualified and competent person experienced in
the class of work involved. The completed installation should be examined and
approved by a responsible person to ensure that it is correct and in a safe
condition for operation. The Buyer should also ensure that safe systems of
work appropriate to the operation, maintenance and testing of LIVE
APPARATUS, are adopted and are enforced upon the personnel concerned.
For maintenance and testing the Buyer should ensure that either:a) The apparatus is isolated and all parts are made safe to touch before
any work is carried out upon it. In this event it must not be possible for the
apparatus to become LIVE whilst work is proceeding.
OR b) SPECIAL PRECAUTIONS are taken to ensure safety if the apparatus
is not isolated. Such work must be under the direct supervision of a responsible
The Buyer should ensure that access to this apparatus is restricted to
authorized person only.


Always observe work safety procedures.

Take careful notice of all warning labels and danger signs fixed to the
Only authorized persons are permitted to enter the electrical equipment
Special precautions must be taken when an electrician is working on live
electrical equipment.

Do not touch live terminals.


Do not interefere in any way with the operation of the equipment.

Electrical equipment must be made DEAD before changing any
component or connecting wire to a terminal.
When working on any piece of equipment which can MOVE, observe
works safety procedures and permit to work to avoid DANGER.
Only the authorized operating personnel are permitted to operate this
plant. Tests which cause the plant to operate must use the normal operators
controls, and the authorized operating personnel must supervise such tests to
ensure they are SAFE.
Before working on any equipment, check if it is in an area which is
subject to any additional safety instructions because of the possible presence
of hazardous or explosive gases. Always observe the additional safety
Do not touch capacitor terminals or associated cables before they are
short circuited and earthed.




Analysis of Faults.
Changes in Service Conditions.
End of Useful Life of Components.
Isolation before Maintenance Work.
Marking of Covers and Connections.
Tightness of Connections.
Testing of Protective Devices.
Maintenance of Insulation.
Switches and Fuses.
Control Circuit Fuses.
Maintenance of Pushbuttons.
Auxiliary Devices.
Air Break Contactors.
Time Delay Devices.
Overload Devices
Resistance Units.
Logic Units.
Care of Water-Soaked Switchgear & Motor
Control Gear



The maintenance of electric motor control switchgear means keeping the
gear in good working condition, but those concerned with this work should also
familiarize themselves with the plant and report any changes which effect the
plant or its control gear. Many of the failures in control gear are caused by
incorrect application of particular models and can only be cured by their
replacement by a suitable model. Recommended procedures for testing,
inspection and maintenance of the principal components of motor control gear
are also recommended below.

The essence of good maintenance is applied common sense. Good
maintenance is an important part of good engineering practice in a plant. If the
staff responsible give due regard to the safety of personnel, safety of the plant
and continuity of operation then, generally speaking, costs will take care of
themselves and there will be few problems with the maintenance of control

Analysis of faults
Every fault should be recorded and analyzed, and consideration should
be given to the cause of breakdown. Wherever possible, the appropriate
remedial action should be taken to avoid the recurrence of the fault.

Changes in service conditions

The maintenance staff should always be on the lookout for, and should
report immediately any changes in service conditions which may have a
detrimental effect on the control gear. Such changes may either necessitate
more frequent maintenance or the replacement of the equipment.
These changes occur in:
a) Load conditions
b) Safety conditions
c) Site conditions

End of useful life of components

There comes a time with control gear when various components such as
contactor magnets, overloads, etc., become worn and require large scale
renewal. It is often difficult to decide when this moment has arrived, but when
routine maintenance becomes costly the position should be reviewed and the

equipment completely overhauled or replaced. Improvements in design over a

long period may alone make a change to the latest design worthwhile.

Isolation before maintenance work

Before any work is carried out on or near parts which are normally live, or
where danger would arise to men working if the motor were to be inadvertently
started, it is essential that the apparatus be isolated and proved dead. In the
case of equipment operating above 650 volts the conductors should be
efficiently earthed.

For equipment to operate satisfactorily it is essential that it be kept clean.
Before removing covers and opening doors, loose dirt and dust resting on the
top of the enclosure should be removed with a brush.
a) When air is used for cleaning, a suction type device with dust
receptacle should preferably be employed. If it is necessary to use compressed
air, it is preferable to employ a portable type blower.
b) Cotton waste should not be used for cleaning. If cloths are used they
should be chemically cleaned and free from loose fibers. This is particularly
important in oil-immersed equipment as the presence of loose fibers in the oil
may lead to failure due to the alignment of the fibers under dielectric stress.
c) When solvents are used for cleaning or degreasing they should be of a
non-flammable and non-toxic nature whenever possible, and at all times
precautions against fire should be observed.
After maintenance work all covers and doors including those of
instruments and relays should be securely replaced so as to exclude dust.

Marking of covers and connections

All covers, cables, and shields, etc., should be marked carefully before
removal to ensure correct replacement. If connections are disturbed or
temporary connections made for testing purposes, they should be clearly
marked to facilitate reconnection and the permanent connection must be
restored and the temporary connections removed before the unit is returned to
9. Tightness of connections
After maintenance, the bolts, screws and locking devices of all currentcarrying and earth connections should be securely replaced. Connections
which have not been disturbed should be checked for soundness. It is not
sufficient for nuts and bolts to appear to be tight. Sometimes a bolt will not be

threaded quite far enough and give the impression of a tight connection when
in fact, the connection is loose.
A millivolt drop test will reveal bad connections and it may be possible to
detect a bad connection by looking for signs of overheating. Connecting
aluminum to aluminum, copper or brass satisfactorily requires care particularly
if the joint has to be made and broken from time to time, and the use of
proprietary compounds recommended for use with aluminum, copper or brass
connections may be advantageous.

Testing of protective devices

a) Where practicable, tests should be made for the correct operation and
calibration of protective devices periodically and particularly after faults.
Readings should be recorded and compared with the figures obtained when
commissioning the gear, the tests being carried out as far as possible under the
same conditions on each occasion. It is essential that the settings be restored
to the correct values after the test and verified that they are correct.
b) Where a single phasing protective device is fitted, this should be
checked when maintenance is carried out.
c) Where instruments and relays are fed from current transformers, it is
essential to short-circuit the transformer secondary terminals if the instrument
or relay is disconnected, to safeguard against shock and against damage to the
11. Maintenance of insulation
Reliable insulation is as important as conductors and contacts and, with
this in view, close visual inspection and regular testing of insulation are most
a) Testing.
Visual examination usually suffices for moulded
insulation but other insulation, such as synthetic resin-bonded paper or fabric
and impregnated or laminated wood, is particularly susceptible to the ingress of
moisture, overheating or tracking and visual inspection should be
supplemented by regular testing. Insulation resistance measurements are
easily made and are the most suitable for routine tests but, for their proper
interpretation, systematic testing and recording methods are essential. It is only
possible to judge the condition of insulation by comparing insulation resistance
readings taken over a considerable period. If these show a steady decline in
value, the danger is greater than if a steady low value is recorded. If humidity
and/or temperature readings of the ambient air can be taken and recorded at

the same time as the insulation resistance readings, this may be

advantageous. Where possible, the insulation to be tested should be allowed to
reach ambient temperature before resistance tests are made. Laminated
insulation may be susceptible to the ingress of moisture, particularly through
the edges of the laminate. High voltage resistance tests and visual examination
should provide valuable indication of the dielectric quality of this type of
insulation. Moulded insulation does not deteriorate in the manner of synthetic
resin-bonded insulation, but it may give a low resistance reading under humid
conditions. Thorough visual examination for cracks or other mechanical
damage is as important as electrical tests.
b) Cleaning.
It is advisable when cleaning insulation to wipe across
the likely tracking path and not inline with it. The use of a brush in conjunction
with suction is recommended and note should also be taken of the
recommendations set out in paragraph 7.

Switches and fuses

Maintenance of isolators and isolating switches:
Before working on
isolators or isolating switches, particular care is necessary to make sure that
both sides of the device, and any auxiliary circuits, are dead.
Some items of equipment are provided with isolators and isolating switches
which may be of the knife-switch pattern, plug and socket pattern, or some
other form. The contacts of isolators and isolating switches are less frequently
operated than others, and are therefore particularly liable to failure arising from
cumulative effects over a long period. Because of their position in the circuit,
they tend to be neglected, and it is therefore important during maintenance to
inspect them for signs of overheating and to replace parts where there is the
slightest doubt. Knife-switch contacts should require no more than cleaning
with a smooth file or fine glass paper. Knife contacts should be lightly smeared
with petroleum jelly or other suitable lubricant. Where cartridge fuses are used,
replacements should be of the same pattern as the original. In no
circumstances should attempts be made to rewire a non-rewirable fuse. The
contact points should be examined for signs of overheating. Where a locking
device holds the fuse in position, it should be replaced when the work is
finished. It should be remembered that fuse-links incorrectly chosen or badly
fitted may contribute to overheating and damage to the plant being protected.

Control circuit fuses

The reliability of control gear will be seriously hazarded by control circuit
faults and it is therefore most important to locate and correct immediately any
fault which caused the operation of any control circuit to fuse and to report the
occurrence. Every fuse-link should be tested for continuity each time a routine
inspection is carried out, where this is not an inevitable part of the final running

test. Clear labeling of fuses in agreement with connection diagrams is also

desirable. Such labeling should also indicate the fuse ratings.

Maintenance of pushbuttons
Local and remote stop buttons are important components of many motor
controls installations. Failure to ensure proper maintenance of either
operational or emergency stop buttons may produce dangerous conditions.
Maintenance work on motor control equipment should therefore always include
careful inspection of and attention to stop buttons; the fact the emergency
stop buttons may seldom be used makes it more necessary that there be
regular inspection. Any defects in local or remote start buttons will generally be
indicated at an early stage, but examination of contacts and insulation is an
advantage, particularly as insulation failure may lead to inadvertent operation.
The operation of inch buttons should be checked to ensure that in no
circumstances will a rapid release of pressure on the button cause the
contactor to remain closed. It is an advantage to list the location of all remote
pushbuttons inside the door of the enclosure.

Auxiliary devices
Auxiliary devices include such items as pressure switches, vacuum
switches, limit switches, flow switches, speed sensitive switches, brakes,
magnetic switches and float switches. Safety of personnel and equipment
depends largely on the reliability of auxiliary devices and it is essential that all
such devices be properly inspected and maintained. Satisfactory maintenance
of the control circuits for brakes is essential for safety of personnel and plant as
well as for proper operation. Deterioration of working parts or maladjustment
may impose more arduous conditions on the control gear than those for which
it was originally designed.

Air-break contactors
It is good practice after an overhaul to disconnect the motor leads at the
starter so that the correct operation of the contactors and relays can be
checked without the motor and, of course, the plant having to be run.
a) Maintenance of contacts
The correct treatment of contacts depends on the material from which
they are made, as well as on the duty of the equipment. Generally, copper
contacts may be cleaned with a smooth file or fine glass paper (emery paper
should not be used). This cleaning should be confined to removing projecting
pieces of metal. Contacts should never be lubricated with either grease or oil,
unless the manufacturer recommends a proprietary lubricant which will not
adversely affect the breaking performance.

Silver or silver-plated contacts seldom require cleaning in spite of a

frequent is colored appearance.
The pressure and alignment of contacts should always be checked.
Recommendations regarding the method of checking are usually included in
the service sheet supplied by the manufacturer.
When new contacts have been fitted it is desirable to operate the
equipment a few times to ensure that everything is satisfactory before it is put
back into service.
With the introduction of the cadmium silver oxide contact, a new era of
longer contact life was born. In addition to longer contact life came new visual
contact inspection mean of judging when contacts need replacement.
To get maximum life from your contacts, yet replace them before a costly
shutdown occurs, the following should be noted:

What causes a contact to wear out

In establishing and interrupting motor currents, contacts are subjected to
both electrical and mechanical wear. Normally mechanical wear is insignificant.
Electrical wear, caused by arcing, erodes the contacts; and during arcing a
small part of each contact is vaporized and blown away.
Accurate determination of the time to replace contacts should actually
combine measurement of wear allowance and judgment regarding the
appearance of the contacts.

Visual inspection
Caution: Contacts should never be inspected without first disconnecting
the power at the branch circuit disconnecting source. In starters provided with
a separate low voltage power supply, the separate control source should also
be disconnected.
As contacts continually make and interrupt a current, the surface of the
contact will change in color, contour, and smoothness, resulting in
discolorations, irregularity of surface, and pitting. Normally a new contact has a
uniform silver color. As electrical wear occurs, the silver color may change to
blue, brown or black. The black color is primarily a result of silver oxidation
which is beneficial to contact operation. The presence of small black embedded
granules in the contacts indicates the presence of cadmium oxide, which is
also an excellent electrical conductor.
Irregularity of contour is caused by uneven electrical wear. Such wear
does not necessarily indicate that a contact is worn out. Considerable silver is
built into the contact to provide for wear allowance.
Irregularity of contour usually involves a slantwise type of wear. As an
example, one corner of a contact may wear away more quickly than the other
three corners. This type of wear is normal. Even though the wear allowance of
the contact may not be exceeded, contacts should be replaced if it is noted that
one contact is nearing the condition in which it will be making direct contact
with the plate. The plate is the material on which the contact tips are fastened.
If the plate material is contacted, welding of the contacts may occur.
Pitting is caused by melting and vaporization of the material. The pitted
surface has high spots and low spots, and tests indicate that such a surface
provides a better contact than a smooth surface. The size of a pit mark, or
crater, is proportional to the amperes of the arcing current. On a high amperage
contact, the pit marks will be larger than on a low amperage contact.
Pitting of a contact that is wearing well will show a uniform texture. When
it appears that chunks are being torn away from the arcing surface, it is
advisable to replace the contact. Curling of a contact is a condition in which the
corners of the contact separate from the plate to which the contact is fastened.
If such separation is occurring, the contact should be replaced.
Curling is usually a result of service that produces very high heat. An
example of such service is severe inching or jogging of the contactor, or when

the device is subjected to fault conditions that occur from short circuits or
grounds in the system. If the condition continues to exist with each replacement
of contacts, the application should be carefully checked to determine if the
contactor is properly rated for the application, and whether other associated
equipment is operating properly.
Inspection of contacts is a simple maintenance operation. Merely remove
the contact block cover and slide out the movable contact bar. Where periodic
maintenance is performed regularly, inspection of the movable contacts alone
will tell the story. If the movable contacts are in reasonably good condition,
chances are that the stationary contacts are also in good condition. If the
contacts appear to be questionable, check the stationary contacts also, and the
wear allowance as described in the next paragraphs. With a little experience,
you will soon become an expert in judging contacts by their appearance and
you will avoid the needless waste of throwing away good usable
Measurement of wear allowance
Wear allowance of a contact is defined as the total thickness of contact
material which may be worn away before the contact becomes inadequate to
carry the rated current. Generally, a contact is serviceable as long as the
remaining wear allowance is not less than a specified minimum value. Usually
this minimum value is in the order of 0.015 inch.
On a contactor, the means of determining how much wear allowance an
arrangement of contacts has remaining is to insert a 0.031 inch feeler gauge
between the armature and the magnet frame, and move the armature toward
the sealed position until it comes to rest against the feeler gauge. At this point,
if the contacts are touching, the wear allowance has not been exceeded, and
the contacts are still usable. In many instances, visual observation of the
contacts during measurement of wear allowance may be difficult. A more
reliable method of determining whether the contacts are or are not touching is
to use a continuity checker. There should be continuity with the armature
closed against the 1/32 feeler gauge. It is advisable to use a wide feeler gauge
to avoid the possibility of tilting the armature while holding it closed.
If the continuity checker indicates continuity, the contacts have sufficient
wear allowance to still be usable. If there is no continuity, the contacts should
be replaced. Be sure to check the continuity checker to make sure that it is
working properly.

When to replace contacts

Determination of when to replace contacts should combine both visual
inspection and measurement of wear allowance. If there is extreme pitting and
curling of the corners, or if the contact has eroded at the corners to a point
where the contact bridge is beginning to show, the contacts should be
replaced. However, even with contacts whose appearance is good, they should
be replaced if they do not check out satisfactorily on measurement of wear
Do not file silver contacts, as all you are doing is removing useful life.
Filing of the contacts will neither improve the performance, nor extend the life
of the contact.
Replacement of contacts
Caution: Contacts should never be inspected or replaced without first
disconnecting the power at the motor branch circuit disconnecting device. In
starters provided with a separate low voltage supply, the separate control
source should also be disconnected.
When you have determined that the contacts should be replaced, it is
advisable to replace the stationary contact, the movable contact and the
movable contact spring. Also, if a device is used to control a three-phase motor,
it is advisable to replace all of the power pole contacts whenever any one pole
needs replacement. Contact kits are readily available containing all of the
necessary contacts and springs to make this replacement readily. The contact
kit part number providing all the necessary parts for replacement of the
contacts is usually included on the nameplate of the device.
Remember, do not replace contacts unnecessarily; but when it is
necessary, replace all the power contacts in that device.
b) Replacement of contactor units
It is recognized that it may be uneconomic to replace contacts or other
small components in quality produced compact designs. For such equipment
maintenance may well consist of replacement of the complete contactor.
c) Flexible braids
Flexible braids should be examined especially for fraying at the
terminations, and renewed if necessary. In industrial situations subject to
corrosive atmosphere, the braids should be of tinned copper wire.

d) Latched contactors
These should have the latching features carefully tested, since safety of
personnel may depend on their correct position.
e) Arc-chutes
The insulation of large arc-chutes should be cleaned, and any doubtful
parts replaced. Care should be taken in assembly, as what might appear to be
a minor change in the arc control arrangements may well be disastrous to the
performance of the device. It is most important to ensure that arc-chutes are
replaced in their correct position after maintenance, since a misplaced arcchute may impede the moving parts of the contactor.
f) Auxiliary contacts
Auxiliary contacts are as important as main contacts; sometimes, from
the safety standpoint, they are more so. They should therefore receive detailed
attention and be replaced if incurring doubt to their operational suitability.
g) Operating magnets
The operating magnet should be checked for freedom of movement. Pole
faces should be examined for the collection of material in the gaps, and taken
to remove any oil or grease without damaging the pole face; otherwise sticking
may occur. If, with d.c. operated contactors, the magnet inadvertently remains
closed when the coil is de-energized, the anti-residual device (or pull-off spring,
if fitted) should be checked. With a.c. operated magnets the air gap should be
checked when the magnet is closed and adjusted to the gap recommended by
the manufacturer, where necessary. Excessive humming in a.c. operated
magnets may be due to a number of causes, of which the following are
Dirty magnet faces. All dirt and grit should be removed from the
magnet faces.
Excessive contact roll or excessive contact pressure. Contact roll
and spring pressure should be checked against the manufacturers
Inadequate air gap in magnetic circuit. Mechanical contact between
the pole face where an air gap is intended will result in a noisy magnet, and
reduction of the air gap can result in the armature failing to drop out when the
coil is de-energized.
The air gap should be checked by inserting a piece of thin paper between
the pole faces; this paper should be easily removed when the contactor is
energized. If the contactor appears sluggish in dropping out when de-energized

and it is mechanically free, the air gap should be checked against the
manufacturers instructions.
Incorrect alignment of magnet faces. This is unlikely to be the
cause of noise on new installations, but after lengthy service or very severe
operation uneven contact on the magnet faces may result in excessive noise.
The alignment of the faces may be checked by inserting a piece of thin paper
between the surfaces and operating the contactor. The impression left on the
paper will indicate any area of uneven contact. It should be verified that there is
no undue wear in other relevant parts. Any high spots remaining on the surface
should be carefully removed, and care should be taken to ensure that the air
gap in the magnet circuit is not reduced unduly.
Broken shading ring. In all probability this will result in a very noisy
chattering magnet. A temporary repair can often be effected by fitting a loop of
copper wire tightly in the shading ring slots and hard soldering or brazing the
joint, but the magnet should be replaced or the manufacturer should be
consulted regarding a permanent repair.

Time delay devices

These are of many types and are employed for sequence operation and
in connection with overload protection. The most important types are: a.

Magnetic devices
Oil dashpot devices
Air dashpot devices
Thermal switch devices
Induction pattern devices with inverse time limit
Electronic devices

Magnetic devices
These make use of the delaying action produced by a short-circuit turn
surrounding an iron circuit. Maintenance is limited to ensuring that the
movement is free and that the non-magnetic spacer is not excessively worn or

b) Oil dashpot devices

The oil should be maintenance at the correct level at all times. Oil
dashpot devices generally use only a small quantity of oil which may form a
sludge of varying consistency fairly quickly. It is most important that only the oil
recommended by the manufacturer should be used both to give the correct
delay and to minimize sludging. If the oil becomes cloudy or if any sludge is
formed, the dashpot should be cleaned out well with solvent and fresh oil put in

to the correct level. If a hard sludge forms rapidly, the manufacturer should be
consulted. The use of silicone fluids may be advantageous where wide
variations of temperature occur or reduction of sludging and closer control if
viscosity is needed.
c) Air dashpot devices, pneumatic timers
These are of two types:
(i) Diaphragm type
(ii) Piston-in-cylinder type
Where a dust tight enclosure is provided, care should be taken during
maintenance work not to impair the effectiveness of the enclosure. Types which
have a piston moving in a cylinder, even if graphite lubricated, may require an
occasional drop of light oil, but this should only be done with the
manufacturers approval.
d) Thermal devices
These include bi-metallic strip, solder plot, and similar devices and should
require little maintenance. The operating time of all thermal devices is
considerably affected by ambient air temperature unless provided with a
suitable compensator. Neglect of markers instructions may adversely affect the
e) Induction pattern devices with inverse time-limit
Such devices operate in a timer inversely proportional to the current
flowing, generally with a definite minimum time. These devices are usually
housed in their own enclosure because of the importance of excluding dust.
Care should therefore be taken not to admit dust when opening the cases and
to replace the covers in such a way that dust cannot subsequently enter. The
contacts should be adjusted only if necessary and then with extreme care and
as little as possible. The induction disc should never be rotated by hand as this
may result in damage to the devices; instead, the time setting adjuster should
be used.
f) Electric devices
The delay in switching is provided by electronic circuitry encased within a
moulded housing. There are usually no user serviceable parts and if problems
occur complete unit replacement is recommended. These units are usually of a
two-part construction timer module and plug-in base. Care should be taken to
ensure good contact between the timer module and its plug-in base is
maintained. Loose fitting and dirty contacts are prime causes of failure.


Overload devices
These are of many types and are employed for protection of motors.
These are used in conjunction with some form of timing/delay device to allow
for motor staring currents to subside to normal running levels. Many of the
timing methods are described in 17 above and are incorporated within the
overload device and are not separate units. Care should be taken to ensure
clean and tight contacts of the power terminators on the device and the
cleanliness of the tripping contacts. Maintenance of all overload devices is
generally limited to visual inspection for dust and tightness of connection. It is
beneficial to occasionally test the overload by current injection to ensure they
are still within calibration. The most common types of overload devices are:
a) Magnetic devices
b) Thermal devices
c) Electronic devices
a) Magnetic devices
These use the current drawn by the motor to generate a magnetic field
which attracts a plunger through the field which operates a set of tripping
contacts. The time delay is usually provided by oil dash ports.
b) Thermal devices
These devices are of two basic types, bi-metallic and eutectic.
The bi-metallic overload devices employ the bending properties of a bimetal when heated. The current drawn by the motor is utilized to heat the bimetal strip. The bending is used to operate a set of trip contacts. These
devices usually have no user replaceable or maintainable parts and complete
replacement is necessary. The eutectic (or solder pot) overload devices employ
a heating element through which the motor current is passed. This heater
element heats a pot of solder into which a spring loaded ratchet pin is set.
When the solder melts the ratchet pin operates a trip contact. These devices
typically have only the heater elements as user replaceable items.
c) Electronic devices
These devices use electronic circuiting to calculate overload conditions
and usually operate internal relays as trip contacts.

Resistance units
Little maintenance is normally required beyond blowing out dirt and
examination for loose connections, cracked grids and hot spots. Where the
duty is severe, spares should be stocked. The ventilating apertures to resistors
should not be obstructed because dangerous rise of temperature of the
resistors may result.


Logic devices
Little maintenance is required for logic devices as these are increasingly
either electronic or plug-in types, very few user maintainable parts are included.
On failure complete unit replacement is advisable.
Logic devices include:
a) Relays
b) Programmable controllers
c) Digital counters
d) Industrial computers
It is advisable to keep a spare programme for any controller/computerbased control sequences in case of system failure. This will greatly assist in
reprogramming any new equipment and reduce down time. General
maintenance includes visual inspection for tightness of connections and to
keep the units free from dust.
21. Care of Water-Soaked Motor
21.1 General Recommendations
a) Cleaning
All equipment should be hosed down and scrubbed with a stiff brush.
Water pressure should be limited to 25 pounds per square inch maximum on
insulating parts. Water temperature should not exceed 90 C, 194 F maximum.
Chlorothene or any approved solvent should be used for a final cleaning of
insulating surfaces,contact tips and magnet pole faces. Contact tips should
also be cleaned with acetone to remove the film left by Chlorothene. Steam
cleaning should not be used except on cabinets and enclosures from which the
interiors have been removed.
b) Drying
Drying in the sun or in a warm dry room will take about 2 to 4 days. If
heat is used for drying, it should be limited to about 212 F, preferably starting
at about 150 degrees or lower and gradually building up to 212 F. Plaster
drying equipment, electric heaters, or baking ovens may be used.
Approximately 24 hours drying is required using this method. For equipment
operating at voltages above 2,500, greater caution in drying and cleaning
should be taken, because of the greater susceptibility to insulation breakdown.
c) Lubrication
All mechanical joints, sliders, bearings, and moving parts should be
cleaned and lubricated with any good lubricating oil. Exception: No oil should
be applied to contact surfaces or magnet pole faces.

d) Final check
Test insulation resistance with megger or ohmmeter. A 500 volt or 1000
volt megger is recommended; higher voltages are not suitable for testing
controls rated at 600 volts. One megohm is recommended as minimum
resistance, but equipment may operate satisfactorily with less. In operation,
normal drying will cause this resistance value to increase. Restore power to
one device at a time, watching for evidence of leakage, spitting, or smoking.
For all equipment passing up to this point, load may then be restored, while still
watching for spitting or smoking at contacts. Check to be sure that no open
circuit conditions exist.
21.2 Specific recommendations
a) Coil and transformers
Wash with clean hot water and dry by any of methods listed above, or by
applying a low voltage (about 10% of rated voltage) to the coil for 2 or 3 hours.
Magnet armature should be in open position or coil should be removed from
magnet. For drying D.C. coil by this method, a resistor in parallel with the coil is
recommended to provide a discharge path for the kick voltage induced when
the circuit is opened. Special care should be taken to dry out D.C. coils, since
in operation, the inductive voltage may be several times normal voltage. Check
with the megger for insulation resistance (one megohm)
b) Magnets
Wash, clean, and dry with cloth or air hose. Lubricate bearings, pins, etc.
Clean magnet pole faces with chlorothene to remove all oil film and surface dirt
which might cause the armature to stick.
c) Contact surfaces
Clean tips with chlorothene, then with acetone to remove the chlorothene
film. Filing the tips is not recommended, but may be used is the surface is very
difficult to clean. Do not use sandpaper or emery-cloth which would deposit grit
on the tips. Small contacts can be filed by rubbing Kraft paper over the
surface. Particular care should be taken with small contacts such as electrical
interlocks, overload relays, and pushbuttons.
d) Insulating parts
All surfaces of contact blocks and chamber covers, yoke bars, overload
relay blocks, etc. should be cleaned with chlorothene, particularly between
poles, and dried carefully. Surface drying is generally sufficient for glazed
porcelain, melamine, and non-absorbent plastics. Unglazed porcelain, bakelite,
and Rostone absorb water and should be baked to dry thoroughly (Rostone is
the cold molded material used in vertical bus insulators). Check with megger

from pole to pole and from each pole to ground, for one megohm minimum
insulation resistance.
e) Thermal overload relays
Melting alloy type relays should be partially disassembled to permit
cleaning contacts and moving parts. Lubricate to be sure the parts can move
freely. Clean heater surfaces to permit normal heat radiation. Bi-metallic type
overloads should not be taken apart, because of their intricate assembly. For
emergency service, they can be used if they check satisfactorily, mechanically
and electrically. To check mechanically, press downward on lower end of bimetal strip with a screwdriver; this should trip the relay and open control circuit
contacts. Ultimately, bi-metal overload relays should be replaced.

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