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San Francisco De Sales School

National Highway, San Pedro Laguna, City


Name: _____________________________________________________________________
Teacher: Ms. Virginia T. Ramos
Parent`s Signature:

I. Blacken the circle of the correct answer marked A,

B, C, D that correspond to your answer.
1. Which of the following animals that can walk?
Oa. Snail
Oc. Bird
Ob. Dog
Od. Worms
2. Which animal can live both on land and in water?
Oa. Crab
Oc. Lion
Ob. Cat
Od. Pig
3. Choose which animal has feathers?
Oa. Penguin
Oc. Snake
Ob. Ostrich
Od. Salamander
4. What body parts do fish use for swimming?
Oa. Legs
Oc. Scales
Oc. Tail
Od. Fins
5. The following animals can live both land and water except one?
Oa. Frog
Oc. Turtle
Ob. Crocodile
Od. Cow
6. Which group of animals that live in the water?
Oa. Bird, bee, butterfly
Oc. dog, duck, rooster
Ob. clams, fish, crab
Od. Goat, snake, worm
7. Which animals have similar body parts used for swimming?
Oa. Rabbit and duck
Oc. horse and dog
Ob. bird and butterfly
Od. None of the above
8. The birds can move by means of their feet. Where can they use
Oa. Only on the land
Oc. only on the air
Ob. both land and water
Od. Only in the water
9. Which among these animals eat only plants?
Oa. cows
Oc. goat
Ob. carabao
Od. All of the above
10. Some animals live in different places. Which of the following
sentences below tells the
reason why?
Oa. They find food.
Oc. They are protected.
Ob. They can move freely
Od. All of the above.
11. Animal born looking like their parents.
Oa. Horse, cat and turtle
Oc. chicks, ducklings,
Ob. fly, grasshopper, and frog
Od. Butterfly, bee,

12. What body parts do frogs use to move in the water?

Oa. Long legs
Oc. tail
Ob. webbed feet
Od. Stocky skin
13. Which part of animals that can crawl?
Oa. Snake and earthworms
Oc. duck and hen
Oc. goat and cat
Od. Frog and fish

14. What do animals need in order to grow?

Oa. Food, clothes, air, and water
Oc. water, food, and
Ob. air, food, raincoat and water
Od. Shelter, ribbons,
food, and water
15. What should you give to an animal when it becomes thirsty?
Oa. Water
Oc. shelter
Ob. air
Od. Food
16. Why do you find frogs in the garden?
Oa. They like flowers.
Oc. They live with other
Ob. They enjoy staying there.
Od. They get food there.
17. What will happen to animals if they will not get enough things they
Oa. They will become stronger.
Oc. They will die.
Ob. They will look for other animals.
Od. They will go to
a far place.
18. Cows, goats and carabaos are animals that eat grass. Which
among the habitat they
may live?
Oa. Forest
Oc. Pond
Ob. grassland
Od. Sea
19. Why do birdsfly?
Oa. because they have beaks.
Oc. because they
wings and feathers
Ob. because they have feet.
Od. Because they have
small feet
20. Which animal uses its gills to live in the water?
Oa. Frog
Oc. fish
Ob. duck
Od. Lizard
21. How do birds use their sharp beaks?
Oa. For getting food
Oc. for breathing
Ob. for movement
Od. For climbing the
22. Which paisr of young and mature animals is NOT correct?
Oa. puppy dog
Oc. caterpillar fish
Ob. tadpole frog
Od. pig piglet
23. Where are most wild animals found?
Oa. in a pond
Oc. in the forest
Ob. at the sea
Od. on a farm
24. Which body part is common to animals?
Oa. tail
Oc. fins
Ob. eyes
Od. feathers
25. Which group of animals is covered with feathers?
Oa. sheep, dog, cat
Oc. duck, goose, chicken

Ob. snail, crab, turtle

Od. dog, bird, ostrich
26. How earthworms and snakes alike?
Oa. They are long.
Ob. They are both live in
the water.
Ob. They crawl.
Od. They are covered
with scales.
27. Which animal can walk and run?
Oa. fish
Oc. butterfly
Ob. bird
Od. cat
28. What do some animals give to people?
Oa. food
Ob. water
Od. air
29. Where does bird come from?
Oa. from an egg
Oc. from a shell
Ob. from a chicken
Od. from a corn
30. Why should we show concern for animals?
Oa. Animals can give us food.
Oc. Animals are useful in
our life.
Ob. Animals are around us.
Od. a and c

31. What should you do with the habitats of animals?

Oa. Cut old trees of the forest.
Ob. Throw all waste product in the water.
Oc. Avoid burning of plastic that may cause air pollution
Od. all of the above
32. How does kangaroo move from one place to another?
Oa. Kangaroo can crawl.
Oc. Kangaroo can hop.
Ob. Kangaroo can jump.
Od. b and c
33. Why can grasshoppers hop?
Oa. They have claws.
Oc. They have wings.
Ob. They have fins.
Od. They have legs.
34. How are the chicken and the duck different?
Oa. They differ in size.
Oc. They differ in their
body shape.
Ob. They differ in their wings.
Od. They differ in their
35. Which of the following animals has a mouth that can eat grass?
Oa. fish
Oc. eagle
Ob. fox
Od. goat
36. How does the frog get their food?
Oa. Frogs used their teeth in getting food.
Ob. Frogs used their legs in getting food.
Oc. Frogs used their tongue in getting their food.
Od. all of the above.
37. What will you do if you saw people practicing harmful to animals?
Oa. I will ignore them.
Oc. I will pretend I did
not see them.

Ob. I will report them to the authority

Od. None of the

38. How will you show your love to animals?
Oa. I will give them food and shelter
Oc. I will let them
stay outside
Ob. I will kick them.
Od. All of the above
39. How do bees suck the nectar of the flowers?
Oa. They used their mouth in sucking the nectar.
Ob. They used their teeth in sucking the nectar.
Oc. They used their proboscis in sucking the nectar.
Od. None of the above.
40. Which statement is correct about the needs of animal in order to
Oa. Animals need three basic group of food.
Ob. Animals need food and love.
Oc. Animals need food, water and clothes.
Od. Animals need food, water, and air.

San Francisco De Sales School

National Highway, San Pedro Laguna, City


Name: _____________________________________________________________________
Teacher: Ms. Virginia T. Ramos
Parent`s Signature:

I. Look at the pictures below. Write numbers 1-6

according their correct order.

II. What kind of plants of the following pictures? Write

S if it is a shrub, T if it is a tree and V for vine plants.





III. Choose the letter of the correct answer. Circle your

11. The part of te plant that absorbs water and nutrients from the
a. stem
b. leaf
c. root
d. flower
12. Which part of a plant that makes food for the plant?
a. stem
b. flower
c. root
d. trunk
13. Part of the plant that holds and supports the leaves and
a. root
b. flower
c. stem
d. leaf

14. Part of the plant that comes in different colors and produces
a. flowers
b. stem
c. leaves
15. How do roots help the plant to grow?
a. They get water from the soil
c. They get sunlight.
b. They get soil.
d. They get air.

16. Which of the following plants that have woody stems and
smaller than trees?
a. shrubs
b. trees
c. vines
d. None of
the above
17. What will happen if the plants have no roots?
a. The plant will grow faster.
c. The plant will die
b. The plant will grow healthy.
d. all of the above
18. How will you take care of your plants?
a. I will water my plants.
c. I will throw away my
b. I will step on my plants.
d. I will break the stem of
my plants.
19. What is the work of the leaves of a plant?
a. Leaves get water from the soil.
b. Leaves get air and sunlight
c. Leaves get water from the rain.
d. Leaves get water from the flowers.
20. Why should we take care of plants?
a. Plants provide shade.
c. Plants are useful to people

B. Plants bear
d. Plants gives us

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