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Subject: CRM

MID semester evaluation

MM 30
Attempt all questions of assignment and submit by Nov. 10, 2016 to SK Puri. Late
submission will attract deduction of marks as per the days of delay in submission. It can
be handed over to Priyanka or Ritika, as the case maybe, on or before Nov.10,2016
Question No.1. 20 Marks
Life style of people is changing. We are becoming more health conscious, enjoying
more leisure and want to have better life. We Indians are changing in our food habits as
well tastes. In short our approach to life is changing.
In service industry, the expertise and the courtesies of service providers become most
crucial to the overall satisfaction of customers. The basic level of the service is, why we
are buying the service, next level is satisfaction and benefit and the third level is the
extension of satisfaction called Service Plus
Hospitality industry (mainly hotels) is paying attention to guests needs. Host has to be
courteous and has to serve for satisfaction through his or her verbal/non verbal
Hotels in India are also acquiring state of the art technology.
Strategies for effective Customer relationship: client loyalty programs, reward and
customer recognition programs are seen in all big chains of hotels.
ITC has introduced personalized cards. Customer relationship is also through
magazine- ITC (Namaste);Oberois (The Chronical );Hyatt Regency (Events)
The Maurya Sheraton way: In the year 2000, it was patronized by the presidents of the
USA and Russia, Prime Minister of Japan and most importantly by Bill Gates. Bill Gates
has a penchant for time management; He wants food to be served within four minutes
of placing an order. The hotel got a certificate of appreciation from Bill Gates.
.Q!. Host tries to impress with their dress, accent, mannerism, etc, but the crux of
Service Plus lies somewhere else. Explain where the crux of Service Plus lies in
Hospitality Industry?
Q2 Try to gather the loyalty programs of following:

1. Taj group of hotels

2. ITC group of hotels
3. The Maurya Sheraton
Q3. Comment on following statement for Hospitality Industry:
Effective customer relationship is not just the function of infrastructure & facilities,
technology & information, comfort & food, and people and warmth, but it is the process
of planning, organizing, staffing, coordinating, controlling and budgeting. This process
has to be managed most efficiently.
Question No. 2 10 Marks
(a)Design a feedback form of a Chinese restaurant having minimum five questions.
These can be both close and open ended. (5 marks)
(b) What are the main reasons of failure of a CRM initiative? How do you move from
CRM to e-CRM. Comment on the change management. (5 marks)
Same assignment is given to both IFBS and FBS for submission by Nov. 10,2016
For any difficulty in the assignment contact
SK Puri

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