Chapter 8 - Word Problems Practice Worksheet

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Test Prep GRE

with Vince Kotchian

Chapter 8: Word Problems Practice Worksheet

Please complete the following problems. The answers are at the end of the worksheet.

1. Averages
The average weight of 10 people in an elevator is 160 lb. One person gets off the
elevator, and the average weight of the remaining people is now 165 lb. How much did
the person who exited weigh?
A. 95
B. 105
C. 115
D. 145
E. 160

2. Mixtures
Earths atmosphere is about 78% nitrogen, and Marss atmosphere is about 2% nitrogen.
If 8 liters of Earths air are mixed with 2 liters of Marss air, what percent nitrogen will the
mixture be? Round your answer to the nearest whole percent.
A. 13%
B. 14%
C. 40%
D. 60%
E. 63%

3. Rate
A red and a blue car begin driving at constant speeds in opposite directions around a
1,000-meter oval track. After the red car has traveled 400 meters, it is passed by the blue
car. Then 6 seconds later, the red car finishes one lap around the track. How fast is each
car going?

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4. Work
Giant monster Abe can destroy 7 buildings in 4 hours, and giant monster Bubba can
destroy 17 buildings in 4 hours. If the monsters work together, how many buildings can
they destroy per hour?

5. System of equations
A coffee shop has 90 five-pound bags of coffee beans in storage. The Sumatran bags sell
for $12 per pound, and the Colombian bags sell for $14 per pound. If the total retail price
of the bags is $5,900, how many of each type of bag are there?

6. Interest
If $10,000 is invested at an annual interest rate of 1%, compounded annually, how much
will it be worth after 4 years?

7. Number lines



Points A, B, and C are equally spaced along a number line: CD = AC.

What is the coordinate of point B? Write your answer as a fraction.

8. Arithmetic sequences and sums

The sum of the numbers from -10 to 0 is -55. What is the sum of the numbers from

-10 to 25?

9. Sequence word problems

In a certain sequence, an = an-2 + an-3. If a4 is 100 and a3 is -50, what is a6?

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Chapter 8 Answers
1. Averages: C

2. Mixtures: E
3. Rate
Red car: 100 m/s
Blue car: 150 m/s

4. Work: 6

5. System of equations: 40 Sumatran bags and 50 Colombian bags

6. Interest: $10,406.04

7. Number lines: 2532

8. Arithmetic sequences and sums: 270
Explanation: There are 36 numbers from -10 to 25, so the calculation is

36(-10+ 25)

Also note that the sum of the numbers from -10 to 10 is 0, so the problem can be done
by finding the sum of the numbers from 11 to 25.

9. Sequence word problems: 50

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