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Case Study: Camp Wahanowin

1. What is Bruce Nashmans marketing challenge?

2. Assess Camp Wahanowins internal capabilities and its fit within the
external operating environment.
3. Perform a consumer and competitive analysis for Camp Wahanowin.
What are the implications from your analysis?
4. Design a marketing plan for Wahanowin. Include your rationale for the
chosen target market, any necessary pricing changes and a promotional
plan. Justify your marketing plan from both a qualitative and
quantitative point of view.
5. As Bruce Nashman, owner and director of Camp Wahanowin, do
whatever analysis you deem necessary and develop a comprehensive
marketing plan for Camp Wahanowin.
Case Study: The Montreal Stars
1. What is the relationship between the CWHL and the Montreal Stars? What are the
implications of this relationship for Hewings and the implementation of possible
2. What are the issues facing Hewings? How would you prioritize them?
3. What is the nature of the service (experience) offered by the Montreal Stars? How
would you profile the customers for this service or services?
4. How would you evaluate the performance of the CWHL and of the Montreal Stars?
What constraints do both these organizations face?
5. What is the nature of the competition?
6. The case describes the communication strategy of 201112. What is your evaluation
of this strategy?
7. What recommendations would you make to Hewings for 2015-16 and in the longer
Case Study: The Ontario Hockey League
1. Conduct a SWOT analysis of the OHL. What are the biggest strengths, weaknesses,
threats and opportunities for the business in its current state?
2. What are some of the key variables from your analysis that are related to attendance?
What do these analyses imply?
3. Assess the three most struggling franchises in terms of attendance figures. Make a
decision on the following questions regarding each franchise:
Do they need to be relocated? If so, why?

Are there franchises that need to be closed for good? If so, why?
4. Develop a marketing plan for one of the three worst OHL franchises. The plan must
increase attendance. A successful plan will provide interesting, original and unique
ideas for price, promotion, product and placement.
Case Study: Bank of America Sports Sponsorship
1. What decisions would you make on each of the four situationsNASCAR, USOC,
Dallas Cowboys, and the Colonialdescribed in the case? Why?
2. What is your assessment of Bednars approach to evaluating sponsorship decisions for
Bank of America? Please examine each of the two components separately (Return on
Objectives and Return on Investment
3. Bednar considers a sponsorships ability to help the banks business segments to be
significant. How does this appear to work in practice? Consider each of the three
elements of Return on Investment.
4. Regarding the specific LaSalle sports properties, what difference, if any, does it make
that Bank of America owned the Chicago Marath n and LaSalle Bank Open? What are
your views about hometown sponsorships?
5. Based on your efforts to apply Bank of Americas approach to the four specific ports
properties, what suggestions do you have for modifying the approach?
6. Some companies sponsor arts and cultural events and organizations. How applicable,
if at all, is the banks approach to sports sp ns rships to such non-profit activities?
Case Study: Maria Sharapova: Marketing a Champion (A)

Should Max Eisenbud and the other members of team Sharapova engage in the
Motorola partnership? Should they consider any of the other possibilities? Why?
What should the teams general marketing strategy be for Maria Sharapova?
How can we describe the brand Sharapova?
What is agent Max Eisenbud's role? What can he do for Sharapova and for IMG? And
how is he compensated for his efforts?
How would you describe IMG's approach to selling athlete endorsements? What are
its strengths and weaknesses? How easy is it for competitors to replicate IMG's

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