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El Clarn de El Faro

06 de Noviembre de 2016

El Faro Gold
Medal Week!

20 Baptisms!

El Clarn de El Faro

06 de Noviembre de 2016

Message From Presidente Dayton

In Everything We Give Thanks

Beloved missionaries of the Spain Barcelona Mission, one of the Christ-like virtues is
a grateful heart. Expressing our thanks to the Lord for everything with which he blesses
us pleases the Lord because it is a manifestation that we know that He is the source of
everything literally everything we have in our lives. The very air we breathe, the
beautiful earth on which we live, our strong and healthy bodies, the food we eat, the
families we were born into and the blessing of the gospel in our lives. In I Thessalonians
5:16-18 we read, Rejoice evermore. Pray without ceasing. In everything give thanks
for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you. Similarly in Hebrews 13:15-16
we learn that, By him therefore let us offer the sacrifice of praise to God continually,
that is, the fruit of our lips giving thanks to his name. But to do good and to
communicate forget not: for with such sacrifices God is well pleased. In the Old
Testament, Psalms 92 says it most simply in verse 1, It is a good thing to give thanks
unto the Lord, and to sing praises unto thy name, O most High.

In the spirit of the above-referenced admonitions I want to take this opportunity to

thank the amazing missionaries of El Faro for the role they played in being spiritually
prepared for the visit of Elder Nelson last week. In the brief visit that I had with all of
you just before the luncheon with Elder Nelson, I asked all of you to begin preparing
for a sacred and special experience by communicating only by whispering until Elder
Nelson entered the cultural hall and then to create an almost temple-like
environment by remaining completely silent from the time the picture was taken until
we entered the chapel and began the meeting. When we came down the
staircase, I could hear very faintly a beautiful sound emanating from the hall. As we
entered the room, you were a most wonderful sight, as every single person was
exactly in place, humming We Thank Three Oh God for A Prophet. As I looked at
all of you, I got emotional because you looked so incredibly respectful of this visiting
prophet, you were so loving of him, and you emanated such goodness and
righteousness. You were truly in tune with the Spirit because I felt His presence and it
was the perfect setting for a prophet of God to open up and share his whisperings of
the Spirit. After the photo as we filed into the chapel, not a word was spoken, the
reverence was unbelievable, and it all contributed to a very, very special feeling as
Elder Nelson entered the chapel and sat down. I felt such great love for each of you

El Clarn de El Faro

06 de Noviembre de 2016

Message From Presidente Dayton, cont.

and was so incredibly proud of you all. Elder Kearon leaned over to me and said, I
have never seen a missionary group so ready to receive instruction from a prophet.
There is an almost General Conference-like feeling in this room. Thank you for helping
them get ready. At that moment I knew where the real thanks belongedwith
every single missionary who had prepared him/herself for a sacred experience and
had the spiritual maturity to know what a special setting that can create for a spiritual
experience. We all had that spiritual experience as we came and listened to a
prophets voice. It was an afternoon we will always remember, not just because a
visiting general authority came to speak to us, but because you had truly prepared
yourselves for a spiritual feast in the presence of a prophet of God. Thank you, thank
In addition, a very special thing happened this last week for which I would like to
give each and every one of you thanks for your dedication, hard work, powerful
testimonies, ability to challenge and commit, and your ability to bring your
investigators to the waters of baptism. This last week we had ----- 20 BAPTISMS in a
period of one week!! In all the time we have served in the Mission, that is the largest
number of baptisms we have ever seen in one week. And it followed a wonderful
week last week in which we had 10 baptisms. While I am sure that during the years
that El Faro had more missionaries in our mission that number of baptisms in one week
had been seen before . But even then it did not occur very often, so this week has
been very very special. The 20 baptisms is just a number until you realize that it
represent 20 precious children of our Father in Heaven who are now on their way to
returning to live with Him, of having exaltation. I express my congratulations to you
great missionaries for this remarkable accomplishment and thank you for being such
wonderful ambassadors of the Lord Jesus Christ. How we love you and how we
rejoice in the privilege of serving side by side with you in this great work. Again, please
know of our gratitude for who you are and how you bless our lives and, more
importantly, the lives of those whom you love and teach. May the Lord bless you
continuously as you use your faith to find those whom He has prepared to hear the
everlasting gospel . You are truly golden just like this issue of El Clarn.
En gratitud,
Presidente Merril T Dayton

El Clarn de El Faro

06 de Noviembre de 2016

Message From Hermana Dayton

Faith vs. Unbelief

Faith is recognizing God's will in a given matter and acting upon it. The Prophet
Joseph Smith taught, faith is a principle of action and of power." So, we exercise faith
by doing. "And now as I said concerning faith, faith is not to have a perfect knowledge
of things; therefore if ye have faith ye hope for things which are not seen, which are
true." (Alma 32:21) In the Book of Mormon we read, "And now, I, Moroni, would speak
somewhat concerning these things; I would show unto the world that faith is things
which are hoped for and not seen; wherefore, dispute not because ye see not, for ye
receive no witness until after the trial of your faith (Ether 12:6). Very often we ask for
something, maybe that we will find those prepared to receive the Gospel. We work
hard, we fast and pray and continue to work. Then we begin to plead with the Lord,
work with all of our might, and we continue to wait. We continue to exercise faith and
believe. I've noticed that very often God does not reward us immediately with our
desires but lets us wrestle with our situation before success finally comes. Our faith then
becomes stronger and we value the convert we waited so long to receive. "For if there
be no faith among the children of men God can do no miracle among them;
wherefore, he showed not himself until after their faith." (Ether 12:12). So part of the
testing in this life is to hang in there, continue to trust the Lord and continue to exercise
great faith in Him. The Lord said, "For behold, I am God; and I am a God of miracles; and
I will show unto the world that I am the same yesterday, today, and forever; and I work
not among the children of men save it be according to their faith." (2 Nephi 27:23). So
the Lord does work through us according to the faith that we have.
In Elder Richard G Scott's Conference talk, "The Transforming Power of Faith and
Character" he teaches us some empowering principles upon which faith is based: "TRUST
IN GOD--and in His willingness to provide help when needed, no matter how challenging
the circumstance.
OBEDIENCE--to His commandments and a life that demonstrates that He can trust you.

El Clarn de El Faro

06 de Noviembre de 2016

Message From Hermana Dayton

SENSITIVITY to the quiet prompting of the Holy Spirit.
COURAGEOUS implementation of that prompting.
PATIENCE and understanding when God lets you struggle to grow and when answers
come a piece at a time over an extended period.

As I looked over these, I realized these are 5 character traits we have studied over this
past year. Elder Scott goes on further to explain that, "Worthy character will strengthen
your capacity to recognize the direction of the Spirit and to be obedient to it. Your
consistent exercise of Faith builds strong character. A secure foundation for your
growing character is laid by making Jesus Christ and His teachings the center of your
life." So, it is easy to understand why faith in the Lord Jesus Christ is the first principle of the
Our faith in Jesus Christ and obedience to His commandments strengthen our
character and provide us with happiness. Our character is a measure of what we are
becoming and evidence of how we are using our time on earth during this time of trial
and testing. How well we meet the challenges determines how strong our character will
be. Our faith in Jesus Christ and His teachings fortify our character.
"Yea, and how is it that ye have forgotten that the Lord is able to do all things
according to his will, for the children of men, if it so be that they exercise faith in him?
Wherefore, let us be faithful to him." (1 Nephi 7:12)
President Dayton and I feel grateful for the great faith we see you exemplify in the
mission. We KNOW that as we continue to exercise our faith in Jesus Christ and remain
faithful to Him, we will feel of His love for all we are doing to bring souls to Him. We love
you and will continue to pray for you daily as you faithfully serve the Savior.
Hermana Dayton

Christlike Attributes- Faith, Charity, Love, Virtue, Hope, and Humility, Knowledge & Wisdom,
Patience, Diligence, Creativity, Enthusiasm, Generosity, Forgiveness, Dependability, Availability,
Orderliness, Gratitude, Endurance, Persuasiveness, Compassion, Alertness, Character, Decisiveness,
Determination, Truthfulness, Benevolence, Honor, Sincerity, Punctuality, Joyfulness, Gentleness, Self
Control, Initiative, Cautiousness, Loyalty, Meekness, Sensitivity, Obedience, Discernment, Boldness,
Discretion, Responsibility, Attentiveness, Hospitality, Thoroughness, Deference, Justice,
Contentment, Tolerance, Resourcefulness, Thriftiness, Security

El Clarn de El Faro

06 de Noviembre de 2016


Maria Carmen Perez Ortega

Tarragona A

lderes Dunn y Beck

Giovanni Eduardo Gil Snchez

Zaragoza 2A

lderes Maurer y Alleman

Lusmila del Carmen Gaona Pintado

Zaragoza 2A

lderes Maurer y Alleman

Kattia Libeth Gil Gaona

Zaragoza 2A

lderes Maurer y Alleman

Karla Raquel Gil Gaona

Zaragoza 2A

lderes Maurer y Alleman

Edwin Giovanny Gil Gaona

Zaragoza 2A

lderes Maurer y Alleman

Paula Tomas Montmany

Barcelona 3A

lderes Parker y Sherman

Egina Akpos

Vitoria A

lderes Ramrez y Hemeyer

Dreams Junior Yakubu Musa

Vitoria A

lderes Ramrez y Hemeyer

Mia Dreams Yakubu Musa

Vitoria A

lderes Ramrez y Hemeyer

Llaudys Ivanel Perez Galv


lderes Jensen y Keen

Reynaldo David GarcFa MartFenz

Vitoria C

Hermanas Plant y Stapley

Jennifer Mercedes Jara Villalba

Bilbao C

Hermanas Tamayo y Cummings

Matias Trinidad Jara Villalba

Bilbao C

Hermanas Tamayo y Cummings

Edwin William Rodriguez Rodriguez

Hospitalet 2A

lderes Wadsworth y Simon

Nely Jackelin Otiniano Llerena

Hospitalet 2A

lderes Wadsworth y Simon

Ivn Pez Brians

Sabadell 1A

lderes Baumann y Wood

Diego Antonio Almiron

Terrassa A

lderes Mallette y Muoz

Marcos Heredia Garcia

Matar A

lderes Tonks e Ibarra

Daisy Alexandra Sailema Amancha

Badalona 2A

lderes McNutt y Bristol

El Clarn de El Faro

06 de Noviembre de 2016


Eran contados y se
inscriban sus nombres

Confirmaciones esta semana


Confirmaciones este mes


Confirmaciones hasta la fecha este
























Fechas bautismales














Inv reunion sacramental














Lecciones con un














I say unto37%
that34%ye must
Lecciones con un m. p.
repent, and be born again

















Nuevos Investigadores




El Clarn de El Faro

06 de Noviembre de 2016

And the Spirit shall be given unto you by the prayer of faith.
Doctrine & Covenants 42:14

Compaerismos que lograron

las pautas de excelencia:

Oremos por estos investigadores con

fechas bautismales para esta semana:

lderes Parker y Sherman

lderes Baumann y Wood

CUATRO: lderes Anderson y Cvijanovich

Barcelona 3A
Barcelona 3B
Sabadell 1B
Sabadell 2A
Terrassa B
Badalona 1A
Badalona 2B
Zaragoza 2C
Lleida C
Bilbao C
San Sebastin A
Tarragona A
Tarragona B
Valencia 3C
Valencia 1A
Valencia 1B
Valencia 1C
Valencia 2C
Pamplona B
Logroo B
Palma 1A

The Zone
Zaragoza is in the Zone!
-With 5 baptisms!

Carlos, Ruth,
Jean Carlos
Michael, Patricia
Paola, Marina
Jose Angel
Manuel, Aitana,
Michael, Morphy,
Javier, Eustakia
Cristian, Eumelia,
Catalina, Mayerlin,

El Clarn de El Faro

de abril de 2014
06 de Noviembre de 132016

The Miracle of Baptism

Irma was baptized first then she
I am so grateful that Carolina
came out and watched her
followed the spirit to invite
husband. After changing the
Indra to church, that Indra
musical number brought the
accepted, and that the
members reached out to
welcomed them and gave such
welcome them in warmly.
a powerful testimony. Irma and
Seeing this special family get
Miguel were invited to share
baptized was by far the most
their testimonies as we all sat
there in silence. Miguel gets up
experienced on my mission
and Irma looks at us all shocked
After the baptism, Carolina
because he is not the type to
and her husband thanked us
do that kind of thing he is more
for teaching their friends and I
of a closed off to himself
felt so strongly that "l nos
Catalan man. He bore one of
ayudar cuando actuamos
the most powerful testimonies
con fe para llevar a cabo su
I've ever heard and they
thanked me and Hermana
_______ for coming into his home Estoy muy feliz por otro lado!
and teaching us. He ended and
sat down hugging and kissing his
________! Y estoy muy animado
wife. Irma got up and bore her
por eso! Y me da fuerzas para
testimony almost to tears and
she shared with all of us there
investigadores!!!!! Es curioso
how thankful she was for
Hermana ______ and me. At
bautismos fueron referencias
that moment I felt the spirit so
dadas por el mismo miembro
strong I started crying and Irma
as que es una muestra del
did too.Six month before I got
poder de las referencias.
my first baptism and I'm so
Espero poder tener ms
happy the lord was able to
bautismos en mi tiempo aqu,
humble me and I was able to
s que con fe y trabajo
gain patience and witness what
vendrn muchos ms.
I witnessed six years ago as the
gospel entered into my home So I am really happy to say
and changed the relationship of
that we had a fantastic week.
my parents.
We had great experiences
with finding news, teaching,
It has been an incredible week!
and as well we had the
After quoting Thomas S Monson
baptism of Maria Luisa. It was a
for almost a year, I finally
spiritual experience that I'll
realized what he actually meant
never forget.. For this past
when he said "ahora es el
month, we have met, taught,
momento en que los miembros
and seen progression in her life.
y los misioneros se unan y
For me, it was a very heart felt
trabajen juntos." The opportunity
experience to see her and her
to work closely with the Puelles
husband there. She has told us
family to bring Indra, Jordi and
countless times that she always
Fernando into the church has
knew that there was something
been unforgettable. The Lord
lacking in her life. She had
had been preparing them for a
been praying to know where
long time to receive the gospel.
she could find that peace and

happiness. Well, her prayers

were answered! It pleases me
to see someone really want to
submit their will to the lord and

On Saturday we had the

baptism of Angel and it was the
smoothest baptismal service
I've ever seen. The credit goes
to his father of course, who is
the second counselor in the
bishopric. He planned it all and
made sure it all went smoothly.
Angel was adopted about a
year ago and we started giving
him the discussions about 2
months ago and he loves the
church. It was so incredible to
see the joy in his and his fathers
eyes as they entered the waters
together and the spirit was
confirmed him on Sunday. It is
incredible to be a part of this
process as this newly united
family takes the steps to
become eternal.
This week was very gratifying,
Ikers baptism went flawless, it
was amazing being able to
help Iker in his preparation this
week. We met with him also
every day and made sure that
everything. It couldnt have
gone any smoother and the
spirit that was felt couldnt have
felt any sweeter. He wept while
we sang a musical number and
that will be one that will forever
be engraved on my heart.
Y bueno muy feliz por el
bautismo de Yamileth que
hemos tenido este sbado. Ha
sido muy muy especial todo y
casi perfecto no lo fue por el

El Clarn de El Faro

06 de Noviembre de 2016

The Miracle of Baptism

retraso de ella para llegar al

Pero lo dems
increble. La organizacin, y los
miembros que estuvieron fue muy
fundamental y hemos hecho un
buen trabajo presidente. Luego
ayer le veamos en la tarde y le
preguntaba que tal se haba
sentido y ella muy muy contenta
no tena palabras para explicar.
Ella beba caf y fumaba pero
muy poco y dice que no lo har
ms que sabe que el bautismo es
algo muy serio. Y bueno ya
orientadores, llamamiento. Bien
seguimos con Regina y sus hijos
Dreams, Mia; son de Nigeria y su
bautismo ser fijo hasta lo que nos
ha dicho el sbado 5 de

Well this has been another great

week up here in _______. The work
here has completely changed
and I can't believe the progress
we are making! The members are
more involved in the work and
they have received much training
about how to carry out their
callings. That's all thanks to the
______ of course. Also we have

found some great people to

teach as well. I just love the work
here! So some huge news for us is
the baptismal date we set this
week! A couple weeks ago we
met an Irish man while using one
of the many unique finding ideas
we came up with. At first he didn't
want to talk to me, but something
told him to listen. Well I'm sure glad
he listened because he is
amazing! We had a lesson with
him on Joseph Smith and he was
just overwhelmed by the Spirit that
he felt. We had to sit down for a
minute and take a breather
because the lesson was just so
spiritual. So this man, named
Shane, accepted to be baptized
the 12 of November and he is
already had a lot of the
discussions and he has been to
church a couple times. He is just a
man who has been waiting for the
gospel his whole life!

Our miracle this week is our new

name is Cristina and she's
definitely looking for the truth. We
had our second lesson with her this

week and we asked her if she had

prayed about the Book of
Mormon. She said she had but
prayed through Mother Mary or
however the Catholics do it and
she already kind of knew that we
don't do that so before we said
anything about it she asked us,
"Do I pray wrong?" We told her we
were happy she had prayed and
politely explained how we've
been taught to pray in the
scriptures. Then she broke down
into tears and we just sat there for
a minute or two and I was thinking,
"Oh man we offended her and
now she won't want to be taught
anymore." But she gathered
herself she said, "Why have I been
taught wrong? I want to pray the
right way." We were able to bear
strong testimony of the Great
Apostasy again and how we know
that she'll be able to find the
whole truth and fullness in this
gospel. Then we invited her to be
baptized next month and she said
if she knew it was true by then
then she will be baptized!

hacemos todo lo que podemos a fin de que la obra avance;

pero sta es la obra del Seor, l la dirige y l est al mando. Nos
maravillamos al verlo abrir puertas que nosotros no podemos
abrir y efectuar milagros que apenas podemos imaginar
lder Neil A. Andersen

Calendar Reminders
09/11 Enfoque de Zona

15/11 Transfers

Specialized Conferences
21/11 Lleida Conference
22/11 Vitoria/Bilbao Conference
23/11 Hospitalet Conference
28/11 Palma Conference
29/11 Bar/Badalona Conference 02/12 Valencia Conference

El Clarn de El Faro

de abril de 2014
06 de Noviembre de 132016

Noticias de la misin
Bautismos en la Misin

Burgos A

Terrassa A

Vitoria A


El Clarn de El Faro

de abril de 2014
06 de Noviembre de 132016

Noticias de la misin
Bautismos en la Misin

Bilbao B

Hospitalet 2A

Barcelona 3A

Martorell B

El Clarn de El Faro

de abril de 2014
06 de Noviembre de 132016

Noticias de la misin
Bautismos en la Misin

Zaragoza 2A

El Clarn de El Faro

de abril de 2014
06 de Noviembre de 132016

Noticias de la misin
Bautismos en la Misin

Vitoria A y C

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