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Expat living is a page dedicated

to the issues that affect expats'
daily lives. It is your page,
where you can share stories about
your life in Korea. Send story
ideas to Matthew Lamers

Overseas with
your main squeeze
I find it hilarious and iron-
ic that a person who spent Stephanie Morris
the majority of her early on Women’s Issues
twenties in an embittered
and cynical frame of mind
when it came to relationships
has now, in her late twenties,
chosen to explore various
I’m feeling up for a bit of a
challenge. Let’s toss living to-
gether AND working together
into the mix, and combine it
A Korean motorcycle diary
kinds of unions found in the with the physical alienation Following is a photo diary of a motorcycle trip Sam tide came in, it carried in more and more of this plant,
corner of the world she has from all that we hold near and Little took two weekends ago. Photos and captions by and the people were picking it up and bagging it. The
happened to find herself. The dear, the support systems we Sam Little. — Ed. little homemade sticks with anchor-like ends were
fact that this is relevant and have so carefully constructed neat, and their outfits were funky. The water was freez-
ironic only to the four people around ourselves in the event Top photo: This is from a lake on the east coast (I ing, but people were still working hard and enjoying
in Korea I actually know is that our union goes nuclear — don’t the name of the lake because I lost my atlas off themselves.
also not lost on me. But trust and put the two of us smack- the back of the bike). The sun was setting and the
me; it’s there. The irony, that dab in the middle of a country mountains were tiered, like something you see in a Right and bottom right photos: These pictures
is. In spades. where no one understands postcard. There were birds and nature, and the sun were taken on my way back from the far northeast cor-
But I digress. what we’re even saying, much was still warm on my face. I stood by the lake smiling ner of Korea. I was on my way back down from the
I pride myself on being less where we’re coming from. and thinking what a great experience I was having rid- Goseong unification observatory, as bikes are not al-
able to distinguish the subtle That sounds like fun! Fact: ing around Korea on my motorcycle. It was only the lowed to go any farther north, only cars. So I only saw
differences and nuances that One would have to have more first day, and I had two more to go. I made it from Seoul a military checkpoint where I was turned me back.
may or may not appear in than a few idiotic tendencies to the far northeast, and down to Seocho in one day. I This little fishing village was just south of the observa-
and which may define vari- (of which I happen to be in found it much easier to get around Korea then I ever tory. It was a gem, and I strolled around the port for an
ous types of relationships. possession of in large quanti- imagined. hour or so, taking pictures and watching the people go
Just don’t ask me to turn ties) to embark on such an about their daily lives. People were friendly, offering
that looking glass on myself adventure. Fact: One would Bottom left photo: I rode back down the east coast me snacks, and of course, beer and soju. It was a mem-
or any of my so-called-rela- also have to boast something towards Ganseong, and came across this long beach. At orable experience, as I had reached the east coast and
tionships, as the second akin to the strength of steel the end of the beach, there were many people wading been as far northeast as I could go. That was my goal
that’s asked of me, I sudden- and a solid sense of who they in the water and collecting plants from the sea. As the on this trip.
ly seem to go blind, deaf and are, what they want and
dumb. Both in the verbal where they want to go, as in-
and intellectual sense. dividuals and as a couple pri-
As far as the rest of the or to committing to this.
world goes, I am an Einstein See? Idiot AND right. See
equivalent when it comes to how I did that?
EQ, but when it comes to Has it been hard? Hell,
myself? That’s another story yes. Has it been fraught with
altogether. So what does this challenges, trials, tribula-
genius decide to take it upon tions and everything in be-
herself to do? If you guessed: tween? Hell, yes. Has it been
Move to South Korea to worth it so far? See above.
teach English with the man Nothing that’s worth any-
she happens to be in a rela- thing in life is ever easy.
tionship with, you’re an id- Easy to come by, easy to ac-
iot. And also right. You can complish, easy to under-
be both. Trust me. stand or get through. In the
Thus, the continuation of our end, whatever the end might
relationship saga will feature: be, that’s what makes it
The I’m-moving-to-Korea- worth doing. So, for those of
with-you-so-if-you-mess-this- us who are involved in this
up-I’ll-kill-you relationship: ridiculously ill-advised ad-
Oh yes, that’s right. Not only venture that you would have
has this jaded ex-cynic decid- to be an idiot to get on board
ed to write about relation- with, we’re doing something
ships in a foreign country; which some, if not most,
she has chosen to engage in would be too afraid to do.
one herself. And not just any Plunging head-first into un-
one. This one. Perhaps the charted waters, not knowing
biggest one, the biggest chal- how deep you’ll be able to go.
lenge, the biggest risk, the That’s really what a rela-
one you stand to lose the tionship is, anyway. Or, maybe,
most from, should it fail — what it should at least be.
you know — the way all my
other relationships have up
until this point.
After all, I decided, relation-
ships aren’t quite complicated
or difficult enough these days,
Stephanie can be reached
through her blog at steph- —
A way to break down prejudices
Adalia Ellis came to Korea in dance one more time. “It was MIZY Center. The MIZY Center value of taking a step back, not
2002 as an English teacher, but Regina Walton’s very by accident, but some of — Myeongdong Info Zone of becoming overwhelmed with
left as a completely different Expat Interviews the most wonderful, beautiful Youth — is a youth cultural cen- the emotion of anger — and say
Letter to the editor person. “The first year and a things that happen in a person’s ter formed by the Korean ‘okay, what can I do to change it
am sure he should have done half to two years I was here is school on Vancouver Island, life are seemingly by accident.” Commission for UNESCO. Park — even a little?’”
something wrong — such as what gave me meaning for be- Canada, which had a very She was in a restaurant and was very interested in her form- In addition, to teaching the his-
Distortion in speaking out too loudly, or ing in Korea beyond just teach- strong dance program, she looked up at the TV and saw ing a history of hip-hop course. tory of hip-hop, Adalia is passion-
‘Prejudice’ article something else.”
I wonder if you would feel
ing English. I loved it. It was a
magical time.”
gained a lot of experience. “We
would do performances for
what she described as one of the
most disturbing things she’d
Adalia stresses that although
hip-hop appears to be a very
ate about salsa dancing. “Falling
in love with salsa was definitely
My name is David Kim, the the same way if your wife or Adalia and I met when we at- schools like elementary schools seen in her life. “The Bubble modern form of music, that it unplanned.” She was first ex-
person who was assaulted girlfriend were almost raped tended a get together for blacks and high schools on lots of dif- Sisters, these Korean women has a deep history tied to African posed to salsa in South Carolina
along with my wife. and dragged into a room who where living in Seoul. Over ferent social issues. When I was dressed up as the extremely culture, slavery, reconstruction through friends. In Korea, she
Regarding the first letter: while you fought for your dinner, I found out that had in that group, that’s when I had stereotypical black women. I re- and black American history. was invited by a friend to come to
Are you telling me that if you life, and your wife’s — all be- been an avid salsa dancer and a lot of exposure to dance. Just member standing there and I The course she created was salsa classes with her. From
get seriously hurt here, the cause you were speaking too also a dance teacher. Like me, being able to see how movement was fighting back tears. I was called HipHopUcation and she there, she just fell in love with it
police will not, and are not loudly. she’d also been in Korea for a can be used to tell a story, to ex- standing there and seeing them taught it for about a year and a and eventually started to teach
expected to, call an ambu- My wife had two of her teeth few years. When you talk to press emotion and to educate. act — it was the worst portray- half. She said through the people after getting positive feed-
lance? broken. I had surgery on my Adalia you immediately notice So that was my first real experi- al I’d seen of black people prob- course, she’d formed friendships back on how she was able to
Are you telling me that filing jaw and I can’t feel my jaw due her open and welcoming spirit. ence as a dancer,” she said. ably in a long time and it that will last a lifetime. break down dance movements
a report is more important to nerve-ending damage. Ellis left Korea just last month “I did that for four years and shocked me.” “I was amazed by their will- into easier steps that people
than medical attention? The incident happened on but while she was here she was traveled all over Canada and She noticed that people in the ingness to understand and their could understand.
You suggest that foreigners March 10, and I was in the hos- active with one of her other pas- western America.” Before she restaurant were laughing. She desire to understand the history Adalia is now back in the
keep quiet and not talk loudly. pital for almost two weeks. sions — dance. Her earliest came to Korea she had been went home that evening frus- of hip-hop so they could better United States where she will
Are you kidding? After leaving the hospital, we memories of dance are when she working with a youth group in trated and angry. She was al- understand not just hip-hop, start studying for a master’s in
If a Korean were to be se- contacted the police almost was a young girl. Se said that at South Carolina called Youth ready annoyed with how hip- but the history of African- teaching to become certified as a
verely beaten, and his wife every day, but no one called “five or six I would make up Out Loud. This group is a per- hop was being sold and por- Americans.” She felt that it was social studies secondary educa-
nearly raped, in any country, it back so that we could give our dances in the living room. Ever formance art group and she trayed in Korea. She said she a way to break down prejudices. tion teacher. From there, she said
would be expected that the at- statement. since I was little I’ve been really worked as their coordinator for was really angry but realized “If you understand the history of she wants to “start a program for
tackers would be apprehended It’s approaching a month drawn to movement and was in about five years. “I would chore- that education was a way to someone, if you understand young people using the arts, and
and held on bail. since the incident, and, to this love with dancing — unfortu- ograph dances, teach them and overcome these sorts of preju- where they’re coming from, it’s it would be a leadership develop-
At the very least, the victims day, we have not yet been able nately, though, where I grew up they would perform them.” dices. She remembered that she hard to be fearful and it’s hard ment program also connected
would have a chance to tell to give our statement. in South Carolina there weren’t When she came to Korea she had her African history course to have prejudices about them.” with the arts, which would even-
their story to the police. We did The law should be straight- opportunities for children who said she thought she had hung notes from university with her. She was very happy because it tually become a school.”
not have that chance. forward: If you break the law, were biracial (or) for children up her dancing shoes for good. Those notes formed the foun- encouraged open-minds and a
Also, my wife is Korean; I you go to jail. You should not who were not wealthy to really “(I) wasn’t thinking, actually, dation of a course she later willingness to learn.
came to Korea to spend time have options like paying your take dance classes and get expe- that I would be dancing.” taught on the history of hip-hop. She stressed that she also Regina can be reached
with my wife’s family before way out. rience in dance training.” It took a traumatic experi- A friend put her in contact learned from her students. “I through her blog at http://ex-
getting married. You said: “I — David Kim, Seoul At an international high ence to inspire her to take up with Park Young-min of the learned from my students the — Ed.

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