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Katie Colbran, Lee-Ann Groenheide, Maria Wagner

Lesson 3

ED 3501 November 4th , 2016

Grade/Subject: 6 - English Language Arts, Physical Education & Career and technology Foundations
Unit: Nutrition Lesson: 3 Duration: 40 mins
General Learning Outcomes:
Work independently and with others while exploring careers in technology (CTF)
Cooperation Students will interact positively with others (PHYS-Ed C)
Specific Learning Outcomes:
Identify and demonstrate positive behaviors that show respect for self and others (C-6.6)
Consider the ideas of other (ELA-1.2)
I collaborate to achieve common goals (CTF 3-3)
By the end of this lesson students will:
1. Work cooperatively in the computer lab with their peers to pick a healthy snack to make
2. Demonstrate an understanding of how to effectively researching using the internet
Key Questions:
Students behavior during their time
Are students able to complete an assigned task in the
working with their peers, are they on task?
allotted time while working in a group?
Have the students understood the
guidelines of picking a healthy snack?
Written/Performance Assessments:
Formative Snack choice with ingredient list
Formative Students have chosen a health snack hitting at least 2 of the 5 food groups
Resource #1:
Resource #2:
Computers (in the computer lab)
Writing materials
Introduction (5 min.):
*Students will meet in classroom and will head straight to the library once everyone attendance is completed.
Hook/Attention Grabber:
As the students pile into the computer lab,
SAY: Before you grab a chair, lets gather around.
ASK: Who likes jokes?
SAY: Good I have some great ones!
SAY: Knock Knock Who's there? Olive! Olive who? Olive you!
Knock Knock. Who's there? Loaf! Loaf who? I don't just like bread, I loaf it.
Knock Knock Who's there? Beets! Beets who? Beets me.
Assessment of Prior Knowledge:
SAY: During my knock knock jokes I mentioned 3 foods
ASK: What foods were mentioned? What are the 5 food groups? Which food group do those foods I mentioned fit into?
DO: Teacher picks students with their hands up to answer the question, calls on 2-5 individuals.
ASK: What is our purpose of being in the computer lab today?

for Learning and Behaviour: The teacher will go over the rules of responsible internet use.
SAY: During your time in the computer lab I am allowing your group to research while using the internet. We must make
sure we go over appropriate computer lab etiquette.
ASK: What does appropriate behavior look like while using the internet?
DO: Teacher will point to the digital citizenship poster.

Katie Colbran, Lee-Ann Groenheide, Maria Wagner

ED 3501 November 4th , 2016

SAY: We have been given the opportunity to use this computer lab, we need to make sure we are responsible while we
are in here and respect all the equipment we use. If respect isnt shown, those who are being disrespectful wont have
the chance to come back here, so please be on your best behaviour.
ASK: Before starting, questions?
Transition to Body:
SAY: Before picking a seat we are going to make our groups, stand in a line and number yourselves off 1-4. All the 1s go
together, 2s go together etc.
Body (32 min.):
Learning Activity #1 (20 mins):
SAY: Pick a spot at a computer with your group, you will have the next 20 mins to work on the computer to research a
healthy snack option, which you will be making next class. This snack should take your group approximately 15 mins to
make during class time. Remember you must choose a snack that hits at least two of the five food groups we learned in
class, protein, Fruits, vegetables, grains, and dairy. Your recipe should make enough for each group member. HAPPY
*Teacher will have written instructions as well on the whiteboard for those who prefer written.
DO: During this work period the teacher will be walking around the lab making sure the groups are on task, and if any
students need help the teacher is easily accessible.
Check for understanding:
ASK: Is everyone finding yummy snacks to make?
ASK: Any really awesome sites youd like to share with the rest of the class?
Learning Activity #2 (10 mins):
DO: Teacher will stand up in front of the whole class and will grab the students attention by echo clapping.
SAY: Now we should be wrapping up our research and your group should have chosen a snack. You will write your
recipe and the ingredients down on a piece of paper from your notebook, I only need one copy so pick one person from
your group to write it down. Make sure you have all your ingredients written down and also include your group
members full names on the top right corner on the piece of paper.
Learning Activity #3 (2 mins):
DO: Teacher will choose a volunteer to walk around the computer lab and collect each groups recipe list
SAY: Please log off of the computers your groups are using and push in your chairs. Stand quietly behind your chairs.
We are now going calmly and quietly line up at the door and head back to class, once we get back to class pick a table
and sit with your group.
SAY: You may line up at the door once I call your birthday month, APRIL.. SEPTEMBER ect.
*Teacher will walk with students back to class. Once all the students are sitting down,
DO: Teacher will use echo clapping again to grab the students attention.
ASK: Did any groups during their research find a snack that hit all 5 food groups?
Closure (3 min.):
Consolidation/Assessment of Learning:
DO: Teacher will write on the board the 5 food group categories SAY: Choose one person from your group to come up
to the board and put a check mark in the food groups their snack fits in to.
Feedback from Students:
ASK: Which food group has the most check marks?
ASK: Why do you think that is?
SAY: By showing me thumbs up or thumbs down
ASK: Do you feel more comfortable choosing healthy snack options?
Feedback to Students:
SAY: Using thumbs up or thumbs down, show me how well you worked with your other group members today
DO: Teacher will demo thumbs up/thumbs down
ASK: Did everyone enjoy researching on the computer?
SAY: I want you to write three ways you will be respectful while working in the school kitchen tomorrow.
SAY: Also if you would like you can bring in an apron to wear during our time in the kitchen.
Transition to Next Lesson:
SAY: And before you leave just a reminder that we will meet in the classroom tomorrow at the beginning of class and
then we will move to the school kitchen to make our snacks. I hope you all have a great evening, and teach your parents
and siblings one key thing you took away about todays lesson and what you have accomplished.

Katie Colbran, Lee-Ann Groenheide, Maria Wagner

ED 3501 November 4th , 2016

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