Dennerle Nano Marinus

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2011 15:18 Seite 1

Nano Marinus
Nano-style sea water aquaria

Simply fascinating
- fascinatingly simple

Easy-care mini-reefs for the home

Experience nature

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Nano sea water aquaria

Discover the fascinating new world of nano sea water aquaria bringing the
magic of tropical coral reefs into your living room!
An aquarium with coral reef dwellers need not be a big, complicated and
expensive affair. If you just observe a few basic principles regarding set-up,
stocking and care and keep to the Dennerle Nano Marinus system, everything is very simple.
The following pages explain what you need to know in order to get your
aquarium off to a successful start. In next to no time, you will be able to sit
back and enjoy your very own little piece of marine paradise.

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An old rule states that the larger a sea water aquarium is, the greater its ability
to cope with stress and to maintain biological stability.
This does not mean that small aquaria are necessarily unstable, however. On
the contrary with the right equipment and a well balanced stock of creatures, nano aquaria with a water volume of 30 to 60 litres can be run with longterm biological stability today.
While many creatures only feel at home in a large sea water aquarium, some
tiny reef dwellers will thrive substantially better in a small aquarium. Most of
these nano reef dwellers are fascinating in appearance and behaviour. In
nature they lead extremely stationary lives, e.g. in or on a tiny den, and
remain within a highly restricted terrain. In large aquaria they are barely visible
and may well be eaten quickly by the fish. A Nano Cube is ideal for such
The Dennerle Nano Marinus system opens up a totally new world - even for
experienced sea water aquarium enthusiasts.

What do I need for a nano sea water aquarium?

Basic requirements

Nano Marinus Cube

Base support
Flow pump
Bed material
Sea salt
Densimeter (Arometer)
Trace elements
schwarze Rckwandfolie
Feed for the various reef dwellers

The Dennerle Nano Cube Complete Plus set provides a perfectly coordinated system covering all these basic requirements.


Time switch
Long tweezers (preferably made of plastic)
Glass cleaner (magnetic or blade-type cleaner)
1-2 litre measuring beaker with scale
Clean bucket
Starter bacteria

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What is special about the new

Dennerle Nano Marinus system?
To date, sea water aquaria have been regarded with marked scepticism. They
have been considered too complex and expensive, requiring complicated
equipment and stocked with over-sensitive creatures.
Dennerle has developed a whole new approach to the topic of nano-scale
seascapes. It now offers a simple, perfectly coordinated system combining
reliable operation
minimal care needs and
a low entry-level price.
Dennerle has consistently followed nature's model in developing this new

What do sea water organisms need?

An ideal flow of water

Suitable light for photosynthesis
Limy settlement substrate
Stable water values in a range corresponding to the natural maritime
Vital minerals and trace elements
Fellow Cube dwellers which will integrate well
Appropriate nutrition for moving creatures and filter feeders

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The Dennerle Easy Care system for effectively functioning nano sea water
aquaria consists of seven modules designed for optimum combination on
the basis of extensive practical trials.

Nano Marinus Reef Sand

Natural, limy bed mixture with an ideal grain size of 0.7 1.2 mm.
A perfect habitat for filtering bacteria and all creatures from the
sand zone.

Nano Marinus Reef Salt

Special sea salt for nano sea water aquaria with a precise balance
of trace elements for healthy growth and magnificent colours.

Nano Marinus Bio-Circulator 4in1

The core element of the Easy Care system: Water flow, surface
extraction, filtration and 24-hour feed unit for filter feeders.

Nano Marinus Reef Light

Sunshine for the nano reef in your home: Powerful light and an
ideal colour spectrum for light-loving corals.

Nano ThermoConstant 25
The electronically controlled fully automatic mini-heater for an
ideal feel-good temperature of 25 C.

Regular water care

Replacing 10-15% of the water each week removes undesired
waste substances and adds fresh minerals. Depleted trace elements
are replenished with Nano Marinus Reef Elements.

Living rocks and a carefully chosen stock of marine creatures

Healthy living rocks from the sea and a stock of creatures tailored
to nano aquaria provide long-term stability for a biosystem in
which corals are able to flourish.

Just keep to these rules, and it's sure to work!


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The right location

Choose a relatively dark spot in a corner, for example. Direct sunlight
should be avoided as it may lead to algae formation and overheating.
Before you begin, rinse the aquarium with warm tap water (without
cleaning agents). The black decorative foil provided can be stuck onto
the back of the Nano Cube.
Place the aquarium with the safety underlay on a smooth, horizontal
surface of adequate load-bearing capacity. Total weight of the filled
approx. 40 kg (Cube 30) / 75 kg (Cube 60).

Set-up and start-up This is all there is to it!

The quick-start method just 60 minutes!
This method enables immediate, complete set-up of the Nano Cube.
Experience shows that biological stability is ensured from the outset.
You need the following from an up-and-running coral reef aquarium:
Biologically mature aquarium water and bed material
Living rocks: approx. 4 kg (Cube 30) / 8 kg (Cube 60)

Fit base support.

Fill aquarium with matured, uncleaned bed
material up to a height of 2-3 cm.

Pour the mature sea water into the aquarium

carefully over a plate, so as to avoid swirling up the
bed. Initially fill Cube only 2/3 full.

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Install heater and flow pump (do not switch on

yet). Apply water level indicator.

Place living rocks and macro-algae in the

aquarium. Wasser bis zur Max.-Markierung
auffllen. Pour in water up to Max. marking.

Install lamp and cover panel and start up the system. Lighting time:
1st week 8 h/day
From 2nd week 10 h/day
That's it. In the following days you will be
able to observe which small creatures have already found their way into your Nano Cube
aquarium with the rocks.

After a week, place the first small and robust soft corals in the aquarium.
After the second week you can add other sea creatures, such as hermit
crabs or shrimps.

The living bed, which is permeated with filtering bacteria and sediments and
contains countless small marine creatures such as crabs and worms, will ensure that the desired biological balance is swiftly attained.
In order to avoid removing these important small organisms, the bed mix
should be rinsed only very carefully (if at all) in a little aquarium water before
pouring it into the aquarium.
Sediments may cloud the aquarium water slightly at first. The water will clear
in a matter of days, however.

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The running-in method

Biological running-in of the Nano Cube takes place in several stages.
More sensitive sea creatures can be added after 8-10 weeks.


Install and start up flow pump and heater.

As freshly mixed salt water is initially too chemically
aggressive for many small organisms, a little
patience is now required.

After a week, add approx. 4 kg (Cube 30) / 8 kg

(Cube 60) of living rocks and, if possible, a handful
of living bed material from an up-and-running reef
You should now also add a bundle of macro-algae,
ideally the green wire algae Chaetomorpha linum.
Switch on the lighting as follows:
1st2nd week 6 h/day
3rd4th week 8 h/day
From 5th week 10 h/day






Fit base support.

Wash Marinus Reef Sand and pour in to a height
of 2-3 cm. Add the prepared sea water from a
separate container.

Robust soft corals can be added after the

six-week running-in phase, when the water and
bed are biologically active and the brown diatoms
with oxygen bubbles have disappeared.

Other sea creatures such as shrimps or hermit

crabs can be added after 8-10 weeks. Nano fish
which remain small and are to spend all their lives
in the nano environment should be introduced
into the aquarium after 14 - 16 weeks at the
earliest, with no more than two such fish to be
kept in a Cube 30.

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For a more reliable running-in phase, you can use Nano Marinus
FB7 BactoClean ClearWater filtering bacteria.

The running-in phase

In the running-in phase, numerous algae will fight for predominance in your
aquarium, spreading abundantly. As a result, the aquarium will acquire a
quite unsightly appearance during this period. This is a normal process and
no cause for concern.
Diatoms, which produce slimy brown coverings, generally become established particularly quickly. A brown covering to which tiny oxygen bubbles are
attached appears over the bed and living rocks. During this phase, the prevailing conditions are highly unfavourable for corals and other invertebrates.
They would fail to acclimatise, and would actually perish for the most part.
These algae need a great deal of silicic acid in order to grow, however. As
soon as the supply of this substance is exhausted, they will diminish of their
own accord. The macro-algae which you have added are of assistance here,
competing with the undesired micro-algae. If the algae coverings become
too extreme, they should be extracted with a thin hose during the weekly
water change or removed by mechanical means.

Diatoms are normal in the running-in phase.

A little patience is required until a biological balance is

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A few tips
Preparing sea water
The starting water which you use when preparing the sea water should be
as pure as possible. Water from a reverse osmosis system or distilled water
are best. You should use tap water only if it is guaranteed free of harmful
substances (copper, nitrate, phosphate, etc.).
The water should not be too cold when mixing. Around room temperature
is ideal, in order to prevent subsequent lime deposits on the inside of the
40 g =1 slightly heaped dosagespoon of Nano Marinus Reef Salt per litre
produce sea water with a density of 1.023 (at 25 C). The water can be used
as soon as all salt constituents have dissolved and it is clear. The density
should always be checked with the densimeter beforehand, however. If the
density is too low, add a little salt. If the density is too high, add a little starting water.
Never pour sea salt directly into the aquarium!
Nano Marinus Reef Salt
Special sea salt for small sea water aquaria
Natural mix of all the main and trace elements contained in tropical sea
Premium quality, pharmaceutically pure salts
Ideal basis for coral fish, rock and soft corals, shrimps and all other
creatures which inhabit coral reefs
Tailored to the sensitive nutrient situation in nano aquaria

Measuring the density of the sea water

The density is a measure of the correct salt content and is thus the
most important water value in the sea water. Marine creatures
react highly sensitively to lower or higher salt levels and brief
fluctuations in density.
Measurement procedure:
Grip the tip of the dry and clean densimeter with dry fingers and
submerge in the water until it floats on its own.
The densimeter must float freely.
There must be no air bubbles on the densimeter, as these will
falsify the reading.
Read the value from the scale at the level of the water surface
(not at the level of the water which is "climbing" up the densimeter above the surface level).


The right way to

read the density:




Recommended density:
1.022 to 1.024 (at 25 C)
Ideal value: 1.023 (at 25 C)

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Wash and pour in bed compound

Rinse the Nano Marinus bed compound thoroughly in a bucket under flowing tap water to remove fine waste.
Any initial slight clouding of the aquarium water will quickly disappear.
Do not build up the bed to a height of more than 2 3 cm, in order to avoid
subsequent oxygen deficiencies in the lower area.

Nano Marinus Reef Sand

Special bed mix for small sea water aquaria
Natural high-purity calcium/magnesium carbonate
Ideal grain size of 0.7 - 1.2 mm
Ideal for shrimps, crabs, gobies, tube worms, sea anemones, snails and
diverse microfauna
Free of harmful substances. No release of nitrate or phosphate
Stabilises the pH value, supplies valuable carbonate hardness

What are living rocks?

Rocks themselves are not alive. But in a coral reef rock-like lime substance is
continually produced from the skeletons of dead rock corals and the shells
of mussels and other creatures which are bound together by sponges and
calcareous algae. This soft, porous rock is inhabited by countless marine
creatures and contains the most diverse range of useful bacteria.
Every piece of living rock is a veritable microcosmos in its own right.
After placing such a rock in an aquarium without epibacteria-eating fish
i.e. in a Nano Cube, it will soon be possible to observe how the most diverse
organisms develop on the rock. These may take the form of corals, sea squirts
or magnificent decorative algae and no-one knows beforehand what will
grow there. As such, a piece of living rock from a coral reef is a never-ending
source of unique surprises.
It is important for the rock to have been stored in healthy sea water for several
weeks at the retail outlet, so as to ensure that there are no dying organisms
such as sponges on its surface. Choose attractively shaped and porous pieces
of rock.
Good reef rock does not look grey and "dead", but is covered in diverse organisms, e.g. pink-coloured lime red algae, green or red macro-algae, tube
worms or small corals.
Always place the rocks in the aquarium with the side covered in such organisms facing upwards.

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The Bio-Circulator
The Nano Marinus Bio-Circulator 4in1 is the core element of the Nano Marinus system. This world first has been developed especially for the Nano
Cubes. Its combination of four functions provides for a biologically stable habitat and simple care of healthy and fascinating acquascapes featuring active,
colourful corals, fish, crabs and shrimps.

The powerful, quiet pump ensures ideal

flow conditions. The flow direction can
be controlled with the aid of the flow
Pump delivery rate: max. 500 l/h.
For Cube 30 with throttled
nozzle: 250 l/h

The skimmer provides for a crystal-clear

water surface (a greasy-looking layer of
bacteria, algae and other micro-organisms which impairs gas exchange will
otherwise form on the surface of the

With small bio foam

for 30 l

With large bio foam

for 60 l

Without bio foam

Continuously distributes
micro-organisms extracted
from the surface as natural
plankton food in the
aquarium, providing a
source of basic nutrition for
all filter-feeding reef

We recommend
running aquaria with
large numbers of filterfeeding reef dwellers
(corals, mussels,
sponges, tube worms,
etc.) without a bio
foam, so that these
creatures benefit from
the available plankton
in full, without filtering
out any of this source of


A fine bio foam ensures

swift clarification of the
water after cleaning the
glass, for example.

With angled bio

foam for compact
fitting in corners

Why do Dennerle Nano Marinus Cubes

not require a skimmer?
The aim was to develop a system which can be run with long-term
biological stability while keeping the required energy, care and technical equipment to a minimum.
A skimmer is essentially necessary in order to remove waste matter
in large aquaria containing large stocks of fish. In nano aquaria, a
skimmer entails a number of disadvantages: it takes up space, has
an unsightly appearance, is noisy and requires regular maintenance.
In addition to this, it also removes valuable matter such as plankton
and vital trace elements.
With the Dennerle Nano Marinus system, waste matter is removed
in the course of the weekly replacement of part of the water and is
also processed by reef organisms. Filter feeders, which are among
the creatures for which the Nano Cube was developed, benefit
especially from this plankton-friendly system.

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Reef Light
Lighting is required for your Nano Cube not solely to enable you to observe
the creatures in the aquarium, but also and above all to ensure proper nutrition of the corals. Almost all corals incorporate single-cell algae in their body
tissue which cover the major portion of their nutrition needs.
These so-called symbiotic algae (zooxanthelles) require ten (recommended)
to twelve hours of light of a suitable strength and in an appropriate spectral
composition each day for the purposes of photosynthesis.

The Nano Marinus

Reef Light bathes
your aquarium in
glorious sunshine

Daily illumination with the attachable Nano Marinus Reef Light is thus of vital
importance to corals. We recommend fitting the light with a timer to switch
it on and off on a regular basis.
The Nano Marinus Reef Light creates light conditions akin to those in a natural coral reef. With the specially developed Nano Marinus Blue/White 1:3
compact fluorescent tube it guarantees
fresh, vivid 10,000 kelvin light plus actinic blue light
brilliant, fluorescent colours for corals and other sea creatures
outstanding growing light for corals
Reef Light 24 W for Cube 30: Light output 1,200 lumen
Reef Light 36 W for Cube 60: Light output 2,150 lumen

Many corals are inhabited by symbiotic algae.

These live entirely or predominantly from light.

This is what the generally brown-coloured symbiotic algae

(zooxanthelles) look like under the microscope.

The deeper one ventures into the sea, red gives way increasingly to the blue range of the spectrum.
All the organisms are adapted to this light.


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What creatures are suitable for the

Nano Cube?
A small Nano Cube should only be home to creatures for which such an
aquarium offers a viable long-term habitat.
A small coral requires little space, for example - and the same goes for a living
sponge, a colony of mushroom polyps or tube worms.
Other suitable creatures include tiny gobies,2.5 cm long gobies, which have
a reduced air bladder and are not very active swimmers, tiny shrimps and
other crustaceans, small snails or echinoderms such as serpent stars or starfish.

Recommendable creatures for a Nano Cube

Sessile invertebratese
e.g. mushroom polyps, soft corals, tube corals, cabbage corals and sea
fans, tube worms

Moving invertebrates
e.g. shrimps and hermit crabs, tiny starfish and serpent stars, snails

Tiny nano fish

e.g. of the Gobiodon, Elacatinus, Trimma or Eviota varieties, which lead very
stationary lives in their natural habitat and are not active swimmers

Rock corals are relatively demanding in terms of care and are thus not
recommendable for inexperienced sea water aquarium owners.

Protect marine creatures!

Dennerle would urge you to buy marine creatures responsibly.
Please only stock your Nano Cube with creatures which are suitable for
such a habitat because they require only minimal space in their natural
environment, too. Wherever possible, buy specially bred creatures!

Mushroom polyps
Mushroom polyps are among the least demanding creatures suitable for the
Nano Cube habitat. Due to their symbiotic algae, they require nothing but
light and gentle water movement. Suitable varieties include the beautifully
coloured Ricordea florida as well as Discosoma and Rhodactis.
Some varieties have adapted to life with little light and thus also colonise darker areas of the reef.

Ricordea florida

Discosoma sp.

Rhodactis indosinensis

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Button polyps
Button polyps form extensive colonies. They often occur in two different colours and look like a colourful "carpet of flowers" as illustrated by the particularly recommendable example from the Zoanthus variety.
Thanks to their symbiotic algae they are not reliant on any additional feed,
although many varieties will accept feed and will grow more quickly as a result.
Button polyps are highly robust and undemanding creatures which are fond
of a somewhat stronger water flow.
Zoanthus sociatus

Button polyps should always be handled with the greatest of care.
Some varieties contain a highly toxic bodily secretion palytoxin (first
and foremost the Palythoa and Protopalythoa varieties). Handling these
varieties without adequate protection may result in serious injury.

Xenia sp.

Soft corals
Soft corals of the Xenia variety are very popular, particularly the types whose
polyps "pump", i.e. whose tentacles perform a rhythmic closing motion.
Litophyton arboreum

Flower corals of the Litophyton, Nephthea and Capnella varieties are among
the most interesting corals for the Nano Cube. They possess symbiotic algae
and are easy to breed. Soft corals are always eye-catchers, swaying gracefully
in the water flow.

Capnella imbricata
Sarcophyton sp.

Sinularia sp.

Sinularia dura

Cabbage corals
The umbrella-shaped toadstool corals of the Sarcophyton variety are very
robust and undemanding, as is the Sinularia variety. They have been firmly
established as standard stock for sea water aquaria for many decades. They
have been kept in sea water aquaria for decades and enjoy great popularity
to this day.When disturbed, they are able to retract their polyps entirely.

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Tube corals
Tube corals take their name from the tube-like latticework from which the
flower-like polyps spring up.
The daisy polyp of the Knopia variety, named after the German aquarium expert and author Daniel Knop, is one of the prettiest corals at home in a Nano
Cube by dint of its flower-like appearance. Similarly to the tube corals of the
Clavularia variety, they are ideal for all sizes of Nano Cube.
Sea fans
Sea fans are also known as sea whips or Gorgonians. They grow upright and
with thin branches, as illustrated by Pseudopterogorgia americanum, for
Some Gorgonians, which possess symbiotic algae, are ideal for Nano Cubes.
They are also simple to breed.
Close relatives of the sea fans, the star polyps (variety Briareum) embellish
the rock substrate with a pretty cushion covering. They are extremely hardy
and undemanding. Their flower-like appearance makes them a must in every
Nano Cube.

Knopia octocontacanalis

Pseudopterogorgia americanum

Briareum asbestinum

Caution: "Trojan horse"!

Despite their attractive appearance, Aiptasia should be kept out of
aquaria, as they can spread so abundantly that they may cause harm to
other invertebrates.

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Bispira viola

Mikroprotula ovicellata

Bristle worms

Tube worms
Tiny feather duster worms such as Bispira viola (approx. 35 mm) often find
their way into Nano Cubes unnoticed, together with the living rock. They
reproduce asexually there, sometimes forming dense groups. They filter
plankton out of the water with their garland of feeding tentacles, which lends
them a flower-like appearance.
Calcareous tube worms such as this Microprotula ovicellata (approx. 3050 mm) may also enter the Nano Cube together with living rock, on which
they breed abundantly.
Bristle worms
Bristle worms are related to earthworms. While their appearance may not be
to everyone's taste, they are extremely useful in aquaria as they eat feed residues and other waste. Some varieties also clean up algae from the glass
sides. Caution: Do not touch with your bare hands the bristles can cause
The Asterina burtoni starfish measuring 10-20 mm in size are interesting candidates for the Nano Cube. As grazers they eat epibacteria from rocks and
the glass sides of aquaria.
Asterina burtoni starfish reproduce by division. Missing arms subsequently
grow on the next generation - a fascinating spectacle. They should be kept
in check to prevent them from breeding too abundantly, however.

Asterina burtoni

Serpent star

Haliclona sp.

Serpent stars
Little serpent stars also easily find their way into Nano Cubes together with
living rock. They reproduce by division. The Amphipholis squamata measuring
only around 10 mm in diameter actually reproduce sexually.
Serpent stars are omnivores, also devouring residual feed and waste. They
are fond of sitting in narrow gaps, from which just 1 or 2 arms stretch out in
search of food.
Sponges come in a great variety of shapes and colours. They live by filtering
fine suspended matter out of the water. The photograph shows a blue
sponge of the Haliclona variety.

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Algae-eating snails are an absolute must in every Nano Cube. They help to
limit algae growth and are self-sufficient.

Euplica versicolor

Euplica with spawn

Young Euplica snails

Some varieties may even reproduce in the aquarium, but this never becomes
a problem.
It is fascinating to watch baby dove snails (Euplica sp.) grow in the spawn
on the glass sides of the aquarium.

Nerita sp.

Nerita snails (variety Nerita) grow to around 25 mm in size and are among
the best algae-eaters. Their shells often feature pretty markings.
Turban snails of the Turbo and Astraea varieties (Turbo petholatis is shown
here) are also excellent algae-eaters. The adult snails measure around 40 mm
in length.
Turbo petholatus

Algae are also the preferred source of nourishment for trochus snails of the
Trochus (picture shows Trochus conus) and Tectus varieties. They also grow
to a length of up to 40 mm.
Worm snails of the Vermetidae family spend all their lives in a stationary
position inside a tubular shell which they produce themselves. The tubular
shell is closed by a lid, with just 2 small antennae protruding out. They
capture their food with the aid of a sticky, slimy net which they produce
themselves and duly devour together with the suspended matter which
forms their catch a fascinating spectacle to behold.

Trochus conus

For some varieties of snail it is helpful to refrain from cleaning the rear
pane or areas of the side panes on a regular basis, allowing the snails to
"graze" over these surfaces.
Worm snail


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Crabs & shrimps

Hermit crabs (Paguristes and Clibanarius)
Small hermit crabs help to keep the Nano Cube free of
algae. It is delightful to watch them climbing around
the decorative rocks.
The Cube should only contain one variety, however.
Fiery red Paguristes cadenati or blue-legged
Clibanarius tricolor are an ideal choice.
Ensure that there are always a few larger snail shells
Nano Marinus Reef Shells in the Cube, so that they
can move into a new home the next time they moult.

Lybia tessellata

Boxer crab (Lybia tessellata)

The boxer crab holds two tiny sea anemones in its pincers. In case of danger
it uses these to defend itself like a boxer using his fists.
The sea anemones derive food from this symbiotic relationship, as the crab
drags the anemones through nutritious bed sediments, eating some of the
particles which become attached to the anemones itself.

Thor amboinensis
Thor amboinensis (20 mm) is a comical character it wiggles its rear whenever it is excited, earning it the alternative name "sexy shrimp".
It lives in small groups on a coral, a sea anemone or a mushroom polyp.
Thor amboinensis

Lysmata amboinensis

Lysmata boggessi

Northern cleaner shrimp (Lysmata amboinensis)

This is probably the best-known type of shrimp in sea water aquaria. Cleaner
shrimps are agile, peaceful creatures which integrate very well into existing
habitats. They are not discerning eaters, and will even take food directly from
your hand. They should be kept in pairs.
Related varieties include the pretty peppermint shrimp, Lysmata wurdemanni,
and L. boggessi.
Commensal shrimps (Periclimenes, Urocaridella)
Commensal shrimps are sometimes transparent and have a fairy-like air. Creatures belonging to the Periclimenes and Urocaridella genuses live together
with a sessile invertebrate, e.g. a coral or a mushroom polyp. A Nano Cube
is the perfect aquarium for these shrimps.

Urocaridella antonbruunii


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The overwhelming majority of coral fish, including those that remain small,
are active swimmers and thus not suitable for keeping in a Nano Cube.
The popular clownfish, which rose to prominence in the film "Find Nemo" is
a typical example. It requires more space than a small aquarium is able to
offer at least 100 litres.
Gobies are a different story. They swim only extremely short stretches, spending most of their time observing their surroundings from a coral or rock.
The smallest gobies measure barely more than 20 mm in length. The radius
within which they move in their natural environment is also barely any larger
than the base area of a Nano Cube with a volume of 30 l.
The Nano Cubes have not been developed primarily as a habitat for fish,
however, but rather for corals and other invertebrates - creatures which require little care and technical support. The aim is to bring a small cross-section of life from a natural reef into your living room in the form of a
small-scale habitat which will retain its biological stability in the long term
with a minimum of care.
Fish with a high metabolic rate require larger amounts of feed. This means
that a more extensive range of technical equipment, such as a skimmer, is
necessary in order to maintain the water quality. As a rule, an invertebrate
aquarium containing corals and shrimps is biologically much less complicated
than an aquarium with fish but no less fascinating.
With this in mind, you should run your Nano Cube for the first few
months without any fish. Wait until it has become biologically stable
before adding fish two members of a nano fish variety with the Cube
30, for example.

Who's taboo?
No creatures which are unable to survive in the long term under the prevailing conditions in a Nano Cube should ever be kept in such an aquarium.
It is important to heed the needs of the creatures in your Cube at all times.
This means that the Nano Cube is not suitable for particularly active swimmers or for young fish which will be too large for these aquaria when they
reach adulthood.
Species with specialised nutritional needs or which require extremely constant conditions will also fail to thrive in nano aquaria in the long term.
All the creatures in the aquarium, such as shrimps or crabs, should be as peaceable as possible to ensure their easy integration.

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Possible stocks of fish for a

Nano Marinus Cube 60

A couple of fish of a small variety which are not particularly active swimmers (up to 6 cm), e.g.:
2 small blennies, e.g. Ecsenius bimaculatus, Ecsenius stigmatura or Emblemaria pandionis or
2 coral gobies of the Gobiodon variety or
2 small partner gobies with Alpheidae, e.g. Stonogobiops nematodes
or Stonogobiops yasha with Alpheus randalli, or
2 bluestripe pipefish - Doryrhamphus excisus (for experienced sea water
aquarium enthusiasts only)
a group of 3-5 fish of a very small variety which displays very little swimming activity and which forms small "harems" in nature, too, e.g.
3-5 candycane gobies (Trimma cana)
3-5 Trimma rubromaculatus
35 Eviota bifasciata or Eviota pellucida

The white-lined coral goby (Gobiodon albofasciatus) grows to a length of

only 25 mm and requires little space. It spends most of its time sitting on a
coral or a mushroom polyp. Numerous other Gobiodon varieties are ideal for
keeping in a Nano Cube.
The Trimma genus comprises a wealth of magnificently coloured tiny fishes,
none of which are very active swimmers. The photograph opposite shows the
pretty red-stripped goby (Trimma cana), which grows to just 30 mm in length.
Gobies of the genus Eviota usually grow to between 25 and 30 mm in length
and enjoy sitting on a coral, observing their surroundings. The photograph
opposite shows Eviota bifasciata.

The genus Elacatinus (formerly Gobiosoma) comprises numerous varieties

which attain a maximum length of just 40 mm, making them suitable for a
Nano Cube. The photograph shows Elacatinus multifasciatus.
The spikefin goby (Discordipinna griessingeri) is surely one of the most
attractive gobies imaginable. It only attains a length of around 30 mm and
is much too small for a normal-sized aquarium. In a Nano Cube it is in its
element. Always keep this variety in pairs.

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Nano Marinus Cube 30 Example 1

Here is an example of a well
balanced, biologically stable
nano sea water aquarium.
The stock is dominated by
various types of soft corals and a
group of 10 Thor amboinensis.
These pretty shrimps do not like
to be alone and only feel at
home in a group.

Toadstool leather (Sarcophyton sp.)

Daisy polyp
(tube coral, Knopia

"Sexy shrimp"
(Thor amboinensis)

Mushroom polyp (Discosama sp.

(Caulerpa prolifera)


The aquarium had been running

without any problems for a year
at Dennerle's research laboratory
when this photograph was taken.
Only very minimal care is

Button polyp (Zoanthus sp.)


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Toadstool leather coral (Sarcophyton sp.)

Mushroom polyp (Discosoma sp.)

Finger leather coral

(Sinularia sp.)
ma sp.)

Button polyp (Zoanthus sp.)

Wire algae
(Chaetomorpha sp.)

hroom polyp (Discosoma sp.)


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Nano Marinus Cube 30 Example 2

The stars of this beautiful nano
reef aquarium are two northern
cleaner shrimps (Lysmata
These highly attractive and
agile shrimps are very tame and
will even eat their feed
CrustaGran Marinus directly
out of your hand.

Daisy polyp
(tube coral, Knop
Fan coral
Pinnigorgia sp.)

Wire algae
(Chaetomorpha sp.)

mushroom polyp
(Riccordea florida)
This aquarium had also been running with full biological stability
for over a year at the Dennerle
research laboratory when the
photograph was taken.

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Seaweed (Caulerpa prolifera)

Toadstool leather coral (Sarcophyton sp.)

Northern cleaner
(Lysmata amboinensis)

(Caulerpa racemosa)

Cactus algae
(Halimeda opuntia)

Mushroom polyp
(Discosoma sp.)

Button polyp (Zoanthus sp.)


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Continual change
As soon as your Nano Cube is set up and illuminated, numerous varieties of
marine algae begin to fight for predominance. Each variety reproduces up
to the limits of its "ecological niche", in order to exploit nutrients, minerals
and light for maximum growth. In nature, the algae behave in this way in
order to counter the ravages of frenzied feeding by the creatures to which
they are exposed.
While algae are essentially always unwelcome in fresh water aquaria, in sea
water aquaria apart from the troublesome micro-algae there are also very
pretty and useful leaf algae, which are referred to as macro-algae or decorative algae. These macro-algae are also able to check the growth of troublesome micro-algae by providing them with competition for nutrients.
This is particularly important during the
running-in phase. The green wire algae
Chaetomorpha is most effective here, because it grows very fast without becoming
firmly attached and is easily removable
from the aquarium at a later juncture.
If you would like to have macro-algae in
your aquarium after this phase, attractive decorative algae such as red algae
of the genus Halymenia or green calcareous algae such as Halimeda are available from your specialist outlet for sea water aquaria.
These help to suppress micro-algae while also producing vital oxygen. The
same goes for the highly desirable lime red algae, which cover rock surfaces
to produce a lichen-like appearance.

Red algae Halymenia sp.


Cactus algae Halimeda sp.

Lime red algae Mesophyllum sp.

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The creatures in your Nano Cube also influence each others' behaviour. These behaviour
patterns are readily recognisable if you take a
close look at your Nano Cube, also observing
the micro-organisms.
Every species of creature will reproduce up to
the limits of its "ecological niche", thereby affecting other species either by competing for
nutrients or through predatory activity.
If several different species of creature eat the
same micro-algae, for example, they will each
attempt to expand their population more
quickly than the others, and one of them soon
wins out as a rule.
In this way, each individual Nano Cube develops its very own fauna population. As such,
each Nano Cube is quite unique no two
Cubes in the world are the same. And the spectrum of species and the population continue to
change - day-in, day-out. That's what makes a
Nano Cube so exciting! Take a close look at
your Cube and try to discover and follow these
changes for yourself.

The beauty is in the tiny details!

Gammaridea are only

around 5 mm long and
normally enter the aquarium together with living
rock. Would you have
imagined that such small
creatures could be such
assiduous cleaners? They
immediately form sludge
which drops into the
tubes in which they live
into small balls which
they subsequently
dispose of outside of the


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The diets of the creatures which inhabit reefs are as varied as their anatomy
and behaviour. Some are predators which hunt other creatures, while plankton eaters such as sessile coral polyps or tube worms wait for their food to
be washed their way by the flow of the water. The Dennerle Nano Marinus
system covers three diet categories.

Basic rules for feeding:

Shrimps and other crustaceans

Basic feeding with CrustaGran Marinus: 1-2 feed pearls per day per creature, depending on the size and activity of the creatures
Frozen feed, e.g. Mysis (suspended shrimps), Artemia (brine shrimps) or
krill, should be used in place of CrustaGran as a feed supplement at least
two or three times a week.

Filter feeders and small creatures

(corals, tube worms, mussels, sponges, etc.)
Basic feeding with Nano Marinus CoralActiv: 1/2 1 flat measuring spoon
to 30 l of aquarium water every 2-3 days, according to density of stock in
Freshly hatched Artemia nauplien as a feed supplement once a week

Stir CoralActiv briefly with sea water in a small container until all constituents
have "dissolved", then pour into aquarium (do not pour powder directly into
the aquarium).
Remove the bio foam of the Bio-Circulator or raise by several cm as appropriate in order to prevent the feed from being filtered out.

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Basic feeding with NanoGran Marinus (provided that the fish accept dry feed):
One pinch two to three times a day.
Frozen feed (e.g. Cyclops, lobster eggs,
Mysis, Artemia) as a feed supplement in
place of NanoGran at least two to three
times a week
If the variety of fish in your aquarium does
not accept dry feed: A tiny amount of
frozen feed (Cyclops, lobster eggs, Artemia,
Mysis) twice a day

Do not overfeed!


Too much feed imposes an unnecessary

strain on the water and may lead to poor
water quality and excessive algae formation. Overfeeding is the most common
cause of problems with sea water aquaria. Remember that in an established
aquarium the creatures will also find a
fair amount of natural food.
Creatures which do not go directly to
the food can be fed using tweezers or a
Feed moderately, but regularly.

A break for food

Use an adapter with
a switch for the
Bio-Circulator. You
can then simply
switch off the water
flow while feeding
your creatures.
But don't forget to
switch the BioCirculator on again!


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Aquarium care
A few simple measures are all it takes to ensure the well-being of the creatures
in your Nano Marinus Cube.
Carry out a visual check of the technical equipment (pump, skimmer,
lamp, heater, timer)
Is the temperature correct? (25 C)
Replenish evaporated water up to the marking on the water level indicator
(reverse osmosis water, distilled water or pollutant-free tap water)
Take a look at the creatures in your Cube: Do they look normal? Are they
behaving normally?
Feed the creatures in your aquarium
Replace 10-20 % of the water with sea water at the appropriate temperature. Important: Use special Nano Marinus Reef Salt!
Clean the panes of the Cube, ideally with a blade-type cleaner. The "round
corners" can be cleaned using Dennerle Filter Wool, for example. If a substantial amount of biomass is scraped off the surfaces, remove it from the
aquarium by manual means (e.g. by drawing it off with a pipette) or filter
it out with the Bio-Circulator.
Clean Bio-Circulator bio foam, ideally pressing it out in a container filled
with the sea water removed during water-changing, in order to avoid
stressing the filtering bacteria.
The cover panel should also be kept clean at all times, to ensure that the
full light output enters the aquarium at all times.
Replenish vital trace elements with Nano Marinus Reef Elements, observing the recommended dosage. Never overdose trace elements!
Check the density. Recommended value: 1.023
Monthly or as necessary
Trim or thin out macro-algae
Thin out corals


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Why is it necessary to replace part of

the water?
Replacing part of the water removes waste matter
and supplies the aquarium with vital minerals
(e.g. calcium, magnesium) and trace elements.
A fully set-up Nano Marinus Cube 30 has a net water
content of approx. 22 l of water.
The practical Dennerle water level indicator facilitates
water changing. A water replacement volume of 2 l
corresponds to approx. 10 % of the total water
content, while 4 l corresponds to approx. 20 %.
Never replace more than 25 % at any one time.
The replacement water must have the same temperature and density as
the aquarium water. Always avoid sudden changes to the water values
(temperature, density, etc.), as these cause major stress to the creatures
in the aquarium.

Introducing creatures into the Cube

Before introducing a newly purchased creature into the Nano Cube, you
must adapt the transport water to the aquarium water over a period of
around 45 minutes, to avoid any shock resulting from divergent water
Introduce the new creature as follows:
Place the newly acquired creature in a clean plastic container together with
part of the water from the transport bag. Then slowly drip aquarium water
into this container using a thin hose with hose clip, or add small quantities
of aquarium water every couple of minutes.
After approx. 45 minutes around three quarters of the water in the plastic
container should consist of aquarium water and only one quarter of transport
The new addition can now be introduced into the aquarium. If possible, you
should introduce the new creature under water, without removing it from
the water.


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When things get out of hand...

Corals and other sessile cnidarians grow at varying rates. Some species have
developed an extremely fast mode of reproduction in nature, in order to contend with the ravages of predators. When such large-scale assaults by predators are absent in an aquarium, the level of propagation may suppress the
development of other creatures. You need to intervene here with a spot of
"gardening" to make up for the lack of predators.
When much sought-after corals are involved,
you may be able to cut off parts of the species
concerned and pass them on to other aquarium enthusiasts. Many cabbage corals and
soft corals can be bred by taking cut-off pieces
and allowing them to grow on new substrate
In the case of so-called "trojan horses", i.e. troublesome organisms which are
harmful to other creatures (e.g. Aiptasia), you should remove the culprits
from the aquarium. This is best done by taking the piece of living rock
concerned out of the aquarium and replacing it with another piece of rock,
as any attempt to remove these organisms by mechanical means may
actually further their propagation in the aquarium.

If you intend to breed corals by cutting off pieces of living coral, you
should remove these pieces from the aquarium quickly, so as to avoid
releasing too many bodily secretions into the aquarium water. You
should also try to minimise harm to the corals' tissue, as they will then
heal more quickly and effectively.

Gloves recommended
Many corals and sessile invertebrates protect themselves by means of
stomach poisons. While these are usually not poisonous for humans,
they may cause skin irritations in sensitive people. Nettle poisons
released by creatures may cause unpleasant burns on sensitive areas of
skin (e.g. on the insides of the lower arms).
In addition. some varieties of button polyp (Zoanthiniaria) contain the
toxic substance palytoxin, which is very dangerous for humans. We
recommend wearing clean latex gloves to protect yourself from the
cnidarians' bodily secretions when working in the aquarium.

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Special aspects of the running-in

The running-in phase sees a propagation of filtering bacteria which convert
ammonium into nitrite and nitrite into nitrate. For a time, there is a risk that
while the first step is completed the second step is still in progress. The water
is then toxic for aquarium dwellers, because it contains too much nitrite. You
can check the nitrite level quite simply, using a standard test solution. If you
follow our recommendations for running in your Cube, experience shows
that you will not encounter raised nitrite levels, however.
Undesired algae
In the first few months there is always a danger of one or more undesired
varieties of micro-algae spreading excessively. Brown diatom coverings
generally recede of their own accord after a short while, but other algae,
such as red slimy algae or green thread algae, can be very persistent.
Do not overstock your aquarium
Avoid overfeeding, temporarily reduce amount of feed if appropriate
Change part of the water (max. 25 %) regularly twice a week,
if appropriate
Keep density in the normal range (1.022 1.024)
Extract micro-algae or remove by mechanical means
Slimy algae

Thread algae


Optimum sea water

Many water quality parameters are measurable. Some should be measured regularly (e.g. temperature, density), others only when problems
arise (e.g. nitrite, nitrate or phosphate). Simple test kits are available
from specialist retailers for this purpose.
If you set up and maintain your Nano Marinus Cube in accordance with
the Dennerle Easy Care system, replace part of the water on a regular
basis and if the creatures in the aquarium look healthy and are thriving,
experience shows that many water chemistry factors do not require to
be measured.

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Accurate measurements of individual water values are only necessary when

corals appear unhealthy, display poor growth or even die.

Recommended water values

pH value
Carbonate hardness
612 d
400450 mg/l


< 20
< 0,1


What about holiday times?

You need to leave your Nano Marinus Cube unattended for a week? No
problem, provided that you use the supplied cover panel, which drastically reduces water evaporation, and that the temperature in the room
containing the aquarium does not rise above 26 C during the day.
3-4 days without feeding are no problem for an up-and-running, biologically stable Cube. If you are planning to go on holiday for a longer
period, it is best to instruct friends or neighbours on feeding and water
changing and to prepare the sea water in advance.

When things get too hot...

The ideal temperature for keeping tropical marine creatures is approx.
25 C. During hot summer periods, several days involving a higher
temperature of 26-27 C do not pose a problem for most of the creatures. The water temperature should not rise above 28 C, however!
Aquarium fans are commercially available which enable the temperature to be lowered by 2-4 C by means of evaporative cooling (evaporated water should be replaced at regular intervals!). Alternatively, you
can place the Nano Cube in a cooler spot during hot periods.

Discover the fantastic world of tropical coral reefs.

With the new Dennerle Nano Marinus system:
Fascinatingly simple simple fascinating.
Welcome to a whole new world!

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Publisher's details
Concept and text (responsible): Dr. Carsten Gretenkord, Dennerle GmbH
Photographs: Nautilus picture archive Daniel Knop, Martin Grund (Dennerle GmbH),
Chris Lukhaup
Computer graphics and composition: Timo Fledie (Dennerle GmbH)
2010 Dennerle GmbH, D-66957 Vinningen, Germany.
Dennerle GmbH holds all the rights to this work. The entire work is protected by copyright. Any exploitation beyond the limits defined by copyright law shall be inadmissible without the consent of
Dennerle GmbH and shall constitute a punishable offence. The same shall apply in particular to duplication, microfilming, storage and processing in electronic systems and translations.
All the information provided in this guide has been checked thoroughly and corresponds to current
knowledge and findings. No guarantee can be provided for this information, however. The authors
and Dennerle GmbH shall not be liable for any cases of injury, damage to property or financial loss.


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Discover the beauty of

marine aquascapes with
Nano Marinus

Dennerle GmbH
D-66957 Vinningen

Experience nature

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