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Why not get those

groceries delivered? Right: Dan Schulte, CEO of Pieroth Wines
Bottom: Kabinett Wine Bar’s extensive wine
By Jill Thomas Wirahadiraksa admits it’s up cellar
to 20 percent, although this Top: Wines on display at Kabinett Wine
Grocery shopping can be a varies by item. However, Bar
back-breaking chore for considering that Costco is a Top right: A view of Kabinett Wine Bar’s in-
those of us who don’t drive. wholesale store, this trans- terior
The alternative? Have it de- lates to prices comparable to Photos courtesy Kabinett Wine Bar
livered. We’ve checked out or still cheaper than retail., which Products: In a random
promises to deliver Costco sample of six items, the web-
products — which you can site was anywhere between
order online — anywhere in 2 percent and 50 percent
Korea, even Jeju Island. The cheaper than retail prices in
site is also being expanded Itaewon, Seoul. Pot of
to non-Costco products, in- Denmark sour cream:
cluding books, games and ezshopkorea 6,900 won
the odd cheeky Victoria’s (Itaewon 7,000 won); 100g
Secret item. ground beef 1,650 won
Who it’s for: The time-, (2,500 won); 12 bagels 6,100
transport-, and proximity- won (9,000 won); two 250g
challenged. “In Seoul, we packs of Casa Cecconi ravio-
target people who don’t have li 9,700 won (12,000 won);
a car, or who are working box of Weetabix Minis 7,200
and want to save time,” says won (8,000 won); three
one of the brains behind the 1.25kg bottles of Heinz
scheme, long-time expat tomato ketchup 11,500 won
Ylona Wirahadiraksa. “Out- (12,000 won).
side of Seoul, it’s foreigners Delivery: Same-day deliv-
who don’t have access to ery if you order and pay be-
Western products.” fore noon; otherwise it will
First impressions: The web- arrive the next day. Free de-
site is easy to use, with a list of livery for orders over
product categories on the left- 250,000 won if you pay by
hand bar and photos of the bank transfer.
items, accompanied by price, Verdict: Yes, it galls that
manufacturer and quantity
details. The range of stuff is
wide, although — inevitably
— very American-focused.
The catch: There’s a
there’s a markup, but the
convenience of not having to
go to Costco in person is well
worth it. A big thumbs-up
Schulte’s wines fill a void in Seoul
markup on what you buy — ( While Seoul might not be mailing-list style of business. where I was coming in, and n’t a regular part of your
New York City or London, it Regina Walton’s Just set up a mailing list, see more and more I was becoming lifestyle.
does have many interesting ac- Expat Interviews who is interested, and then do a more of a consultant rather Through Kabinett, Schulte is
tivities and events. Some of the tasting at their house ... And I than just supplying their wines. working with other local busi-
Fried green tomatoes, more worthy of note are wine
tasting events put on by Dan
Schulte, CEO of Pieroth Wines,
was ready to move on ... I was
still keeping my eyes open to see
if could see anything interest-
told them immediately that
would never work here.
“It has to be something
I would come in and advise
them on their business, right
nesses. Clients include a Latin
dance school and a theater com-
down to helping them with their pany to co-sponsor events. The
not just a chick flick Korea.
Considering that I use wine
tasting events to prove that
He added: “I had quite high
standards of what would keep
through networking and you
have to get access to this kind of
upper level of society who have
“We started doing all of these
things and we started thinking,
result is a space that hosts
many social functions in a back-
drop where anyone from a wine
Expect to get funny looks. We Seoul is moving up in the cul- me here.” Something interest- the money to drink, the extra well, why don’t we just open our novice to a wine connoisseur can
are heading into the early Joe McPherson ture ranks, imagine my excite- ing presented itself when he time and who’ve traveled, be- own bar?” enjoy themselves.
throes of tomato season. We are on Dining ment when I heard that there heard that Pieroth Wines was cause in Korea, that’s who the The need for Kabinett be- Regarding their events,
so early that many tomatoes at was a new wine bar in Seoul. looking for someone to send to wine drinkers are.” came evident. He realized that Schulte says: “We always try
the market will be green. I have cup of mayonnaise, a quarter Imagine my additional excite- Europe to learn about wines in- He started marketing Pieroth while there are bars and present them in a way that is
been given quizzical comments cup of mustard, the best you ment when I heard that this depth, and who would in turn by going to events exclusively, lounges south of the Han River kind of down to earth and every-
by grocers when I select green have, some lemon juice and a ta- wine bar was operated by none help them establish their wine networking and making sales. where you can sit down and one can have fun. You always
tomatoes from a pile of perfect- blespoon of wasabi. If you have a other than Dan Schulte and business in Seoul. Over time he says he started have a nice quiet drink, north of walk away from our events feel-
ly red ones. Red tomatoes are blender, blend the mixture until his associates at Pieroth Pieroth Wines, a German “meeting key people who are the Han there weren’t any “nice ing like you’ve learned some-
good and fine, but green it’s smooth and creamy. This Wines. wine company specializing in people who know other people,” places where you could go thing.”
‘maters have a certain zest and sauce can go on more things “It’s just one of those things top-quality wines, fit his high and their sales grew. where you could take a girl on a “Originally, wine was just a
firmness that make them per- than fried green tomatoes. that you happen to be in the standards and he fit what they After a while he started creat- date and just have a nice hobby. I’m originally from the
fect for frying. Even better, if you can get right place in the right time,” were looking for, due to his suc- ing events where these people drink.” (San Francisco) Bay Area,”
Frying? Tomatoes? Outside of your hands on some bacon said Schulte on how he found cess in establishing Cambridge would come to special wine The wine bar is bathed in a Schulte explained.
the southeastern United States, (Costco has excellent bacon), the position with Pieroth Wines. University Press in the com- events and, in turn, bring new soft light, decorated in red Now, he’s a resident of Seoul
fried green tomatoes is not much toast some bread, get a variety After working in Japan for petitive textbook market in people with them. They realized tones with stonework and ac- who has an exciting career
more than a soppy movie star- of lettuce leaves from your lo- two years, he came to Korea ini- Korea. that there weren’t many events cented with light and dark where he brings something new
ring the mom from “Weeds” and cal grocer and make a fried tially to work for Cambridge In terms of marketing, Dan happening here for expats, or tones of wood. The atmosphere and interesting to the drinking
the crazy lady from “Misery.” green tomato BLT using the University Press, specializing in has achieved great success with wine related events. is welcoming, cozy and comfort- and dining scene.
tarted up mayo you just made. marketing “English language Pieroth. Initially, Dan had to Dan acted, and now Pieroth able.
Fried green tomatoes learning books to all the univer- convince Pieroth that a mailing Wines fills that void by having The feelings from Pieroth
Asian coleslaw sities in Korea. I did that for list business style wouldn’t “accessible and fun” wine events are the same. You feel Regina can be reached
Make sure you get green, real- about seven years. It had work in Korea. events. welcome, cozy and comfortable, through her blog
ly green tomatoes. Any hint of red A great side for this or any reached a maturity point, and I “They wanted to set up a “I had so many customers even if wine and wine tasting is- — Ed.
or pink will make them soggy in spring or summer meal is an
the end. Slice them fairly thickly. Asian coleslaw. In a blender,
In one bowl, combine two cups of combine a half cup of peanut
milk with a tablespoon of vinegar
and a few dashes of hot sauce.
In another bowl, combine
two cups of flour with a liberal
butter, a quarter cup of water,
two tablespoons of rice vinegar,
two tablespoons of honey, one
tablespoon of soy sauce, a tea-
Chocolate and wine don’t mix
bit of salt, pepper and Cajun spoon of sesame oil, three cloves Easter is very much linked with Shiraz offers bags of spicy, dark fruit the mouth; just don’t be tempted to pair
seasoning, if you have any. of chopped garlic, a small knob chocolate in the West. Although choco- Dan Ellis which can feel a little dense in the it with your Dream Cacao!
Next, heat around a quarter of finely chopped ginger, a late eggs have not found their way into on Wine mouth and Viognier is a hugely aro- Last up is another Yalumba wine:
of an inch or half a centimeter chopped green onion and a good Korean Easter celebrations, it is worth matic and perfumed grape whose addi- Riesling. It is noticeably fairly deep yel-
of vegetable oil in a skillet over pinch of Korean chili powder. expanding on my last column, and the Wine and chocolate are both givers of tion lifts the wine, offering an apricot low with obvious legs, the tears that
medium-high heat. Dip the Pulse-blend it until it is matching of food and wine. Certain pleasure. So let’s just keep them separate. lightness otherwise missed. cling to the side of the glass, which sug-
tomato slices in the milk then smooth and creamy. Combine foods were simply not made to be eaten For those of you that are planning a The Yalumba offers a face full of fruit gested to me some sweetness. Although
coat them in flour. Fry them in the dressing with a head of with wine and I am of the opinion that post-Easter party this weekend, I have with cherry stone and plums, a hint of not bone dry, this is not a sweet wine by
the oil in small batches, turn- shredded cabbage, a shredded chocolate is one of them. three wines for your consideration. cloves and an almost ethereal finish. any means. It has a very distinctive
ing them after each side turns white onion and three shredded The introduction of complex, dark First up is the Wine Spectator rated Highly recommended. nose of petrol, honey, pineapple and
brown. Drain them on a rack. carrots. Garnish with peanuts, chocolate, often with countries of origin, Yalumba Barossa Shiraz/Viognier — Next up is the easy-to-get Argento lemon rind. Although the petrol could
sunflower seeds and crushed much like wine, could fool you into available for 22,000 won ($22) from Cabernet Sauvignon, touched on in a be off putting, it is a real quality of age-
Sauce uncooked ramyeon noodles. thinking the two could be combined, Podo Plaza — in Apgujeong previous column and available for ing Rieslings and does grow on you.
So don’t worry about the that the complexity of the chocolate ( 17,000 won from Buy The Way conve- It is a really refreshing glass of wine.
Here’s a good little sauce for strange looks from the produce could somehow complement the wine. This is an Australian Barossa Shiraz nience stores. I rate this as the best con- There is an initial palate cleansing
your fried green tomatoes. guy at Home Plus. He doesn’t Unfortunately it is the very quality and if Shiraz is the grape of Australia, venience store wine, available in my burst of citrus fruit with a touch of
Char a couple of Korean pep- know what he’s missing, unless that makes chocolate such a sensuous then Barossa is the region to look to- area at least. It has a fairly sweet nose sweetness. With good length of flavor, it
pers over a gas flame using a you get the hankering to share experience — its body temperature wards. These are the bold, in your face of red fruit with a hint of chocolate, sug- has an excellent lemon/orange rind fin-
pair of metal tongs. Make sure your concoctions with him and melting point and mouth coating prop- New World Shiraz’s that have picked gesting its time in oak. It is ever so ish. Think Christmas candied rind.
they’re all good and blackened. the neighbors. erties that all but destroy a wine. A up so many fans. slightly jammy with a pleasant wet leaf Costing 25,000 won from Podo Plaza,
Put them in a plastic bag for tongue coated with chocolate cannot Shiraz/Viognier is a blend perfected aroma. this is an excellent sunny day drink.
fifteen minutes. Rinse the taste, and the sweetness that exists in in the Northern Rhone in France, With lovely soft tannins and a re-
charred skin off the peppers, Joe can be reached through all but the darkest of dark chocolate is where with wines from the Cote Rotie freshing blackcurrant, plum and vanil-
slice them open, remove the his website, the ZenKimchi only going to succeed in bringing a bit- appellation, you get hugely complex la taste, it is difficult not to like. It has Dan can be reached through his web-
seeds and chop them finely. Korean Food Journal, zenkim- ter wine experience. and hugely expensive wines. a smooth, silky, chocolate like feeling in site at — Ed.
Combine the peppers with a — Ed.

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