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Volume 25, Number 23

From your
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November 13, 2016

A Look Inside...

Page 2

College Passion
Page 3


Mike Northcutt -

It was the largest gathering on our campus in
our history. Over 2,000 attended this years Trunk or
Treat. Over 150 volunteers were both amazing and
exhausted. Every visitor received a gospel message in
some form. Was it worth the cost, work and trouble?
Just ask the 40 plus people that were saved. To reach
those no one is reaching, we often have to do what no
one is doing.

The second most important Sunday of our
church year is coming up on December 11. (The
most important Sunday is Easter). On December 11,
Im asking everyone to re-commit to be a disciple. I
realize we are disciples for life, but an annual public
commitment is good for us. It also gives those who
have failed an opportunity to start again.

Jeremy Lynch -

Christmas Festival - December 3, from 9 AM - 12 PM

Admission: 1 Canned good or school supply item
Come experience and learn about the true meaning of

RA & GA Basketball - Grades 1-3 co-ed (begin in January)

& grades 4-6 boys & girls teams (begin December 10).

RA Campout - November 18 - 19 @ the Deals home.

Preschool Worship

We are changing the term BTH to Preschool Worship

describing our 10:30 AM Sunday time for preschoolers.

Family Worship with Preschoolers

November 20 @ 4:30 PM in room 207

Parent Nights - Books are optional ($10/each)

Five Love Languages for Children - 4-week study led by

Beth Gillem, room 110. Sunday nights @ 5 PM

We are not the flock that rocks nor the
frozen chosen. We have intentionally provided two
worship services with different styles. Every generation
matters to us.

Ownership Road - Led by Jeremy Lynch in room 122,

Sundays at 5:15 PM. How to spiritually lead your family.

Invite your one. You may have frequently
invited someone to visit Eastmont, but dont give up.
Just because they are not receptive today doesnt mean
they will say no tomorrow. Stay in touch with them.
Genuinely care about them. Dont be obnoxious or
rude. Pray and let God guide you.


Our Guatemala mission team will leave in a
few days. It is our largest team ever (24). You are also a
vital part of this work. Yard sale donations help provide
materials. Encouragement gives strength. Your prayers
will destroy unseen obstacles so the work can continue.

Small Group Bible Study

Sometimes I forget and call our Life Groups
by their old name of Sunday School Classes. The
purposes are still the same. 1) Transform lives 2) Build
community 3) Reach others. As our Life Groups go so
goes our church. Thanks for being so faithful.

More than ever I am honored to be your pastor.
I frequently brag on you to my preacher friends. Too
many churches are content to sit and do nothing until
Christ returns. You are not that way. Keep dreaming.
Keep serving. Keep praying.

Over 350 saved through SOS Ministry at the
State Fair. PTL.


Good News Club

Tuesdays, from 3 - 4:30 PM @ Wares Ferry Elementary

Taylor Cassidy (10/30/16)

by Profession of Faith and Baptism

Cleve Mallory -

Sundays @ 9:20 AM, Explore the Bible 1&2 Peter, Jude

Youth on Mission (YOM)

Sundays @ 5 PM


Student Worship Service at 6:15 PM on Wednesdays.

Novembers message series is 10,000 Reasons: Living the
Thankful Life

Winter Retreat - Meltdown

January 14-16, 2017, Orange Beach, Alabama. The cost

is $100 per person. The deadline to register is Sunday,
December 18. Registration packets are available.

Art Long -

Singles Christmas Party

Saturday, December 17 - More information & sign up

coming soon.


Lance Maddox -

The Worship Choir Needs You!

Join us on Wednesday nights at 6 PM in the choir suite

behind the sanctuary. No auditions required! Listening
CDs of our choir specials are available in the music suite.

Kids Choir (2 yr - 6th Grade)

Meets Sunday nights at 5 PM


Gene Kim -

Home Groups: Dinner & Bible Study

Thursday Nights at 7 PM. Will meet at the Klepacs house

(4036 Samantha Dr.) in November - January
Topic is: What is the Gospel?

Sunday Night Small Groups

Will meet in the college room at 5 PM. Well be going

through the book Follow Me by David Platt.

Thanksgiving Party

At the Klepacs on November 17th at 7 PM.

Kari Jobe Concert

Wednesday, November 16 at Frazer. Meet at church at

6 PM. Ticket cost is $20. Sign up with Gene.

Passion Conference

January 2-4 at the Georgia Dome. A gathering of tens of

thousands of young adults to worship God together.
Cost: $125 (first-timers), $175 (others), $60 (hotel only).
Sign up with Gene.

Billy Dickey -

Forever Young Volunteers Needed

Joyce Simon & Margaret Philhower are retiring as

hostesses to receive and setup covered dishes. We
need 2-3 people who are willing to serve in this needed
ministry. Please contact Billy Dickey at 277-6300 if you
are interested in serving.

Forever Young

Tuesday, November 22, at 10 AM in room 205.

Note date change due to hosting the Alabama State
Baptist Convention.
Special Guest: Coosada Singing Ladies, led by Debra Bird
Covered dish lunch to follow.

Ark Encounter & Creation Museum

March 6-10, 2017 Cost: $715/person (double occupancy)

5 days, 4 nights
We now have a waiting list! Please contact Cheryl to be
added. If we have enough people to sign up, we will add a
second bus.


Billy Dickey - (international)

Gene Kim - (local / national)

Operation Christmas Child - Dates to Remember

November 13 Dedication Sunday (return filled shoeboxes)

December 9-10 Volunteer to go to ATL Processing Center
Bus & hotel options are available, contact Jeremy for info.
Bus departure at 5 & 10 AM & return Saturday evening.
Friday shifts available, 9 AM - 1 PM, 3 PM - 7 PM;
Saturday, 9 AM - 3 PM

Breakfast and Bake Sale Fundraiser Report

Thanks to the many who baked, bought, and enjoyed the

items for our breakfast and bake sale fundraiser! We raised
over $2500 to support our missions efforts!

SOS Fair Update

Thanks to the many who prayed, served, and stopped by to

support SOS ministries at the Alabama National Fair. God
certainly moved in a mighty way with 352 souls coming to
know Jesus as their Lord & Savior! Please continue to pray
for them as they grow in their relationship to the Lord, and
consider partnering with this ministry in the future.

Recycling for Missions

We are collecting empty inkjet cartridges (no laser or toner

cartridges) and used cell phones (no accessories). Place
these items in the ministry baskets located around the
church. All proceeds go toward Eastmont Mission Trips.
Thank you for recycling for missions.


Barbara Turner in the loss of her husband, Pete.


Sign up for the E-Encourager

Would you like to receive the Encourager via e-mail rather

than through mail-out? You will get it sooner, in full color
& save the church a little money in the process. Call the
church office or visit
to sign up.

Disability Ministry

Interpreter services are now being offered for

the 10:30 AM service and Wednesday night
prayer service.

Check out our Website!

Its up-to-date, mobile friendly, and full of great

information about our church! We post details about our
major church activities on our events page. Check it out
today at

Thank you notes received by the church are displayed

on the bulletin board outside the church office.


The Encourager

Periodicals Postage
Montgomery, AL

Eastmont Baptist Church

4505 Atlanta Highway
Montgomery, Alabama 36109
The Encourager USPS No. 018-816 is published and mailed
bi-weekly by Eastmont Baptist Church, 4505 Atlanta Highway,
Montgomery, AL 36109. Postmaster: Send address changes to
Encourager, 4505 Atlanta Highway, Montgomery, AL 36109.

November 13, 2016

Sunday, November 13

8:10 AM
9:20 AM
10:30 AM
5:00 PM

Worship Service
Sunday School
Worship Service

Monday, November 14

6:00 PM

Ladies Bible Study

Tuesday, November 15

8:30 AM AL State Baptist Convention

Wednesday, November 16

8:30 AM AL State Baptist Convention

5:00 PM
5:15 PM
Fellowship Meal
6:00 PM
Adult Choir
Orchestra Practice
6:15 PM
Timeout (youth)
Mission Groups
Prayer Meeting

Thursday, November 17

10:00 AM
5:30 PM

Bible Study


Sunday, November 20

8:10 AM
9:20 AM
10:30 AM
5:00 PM

Worship Service
Sunday School
Worship Service

Monday, November 21

6:00 PM

Ladies Bible Study

Tuesday, November 22

6:00 AM
10:00 AM
5:30 PM

Insanity Workout
Forever Young

Wednesday, November 23

6:15 PM
Prayer Meeting
No other evening activities

Thursday, November 24

Church Office Closed

Friday, November 25
Church Office Closed

November 16, 2016

Chicken Tenders, Mac & Cheese, English Peas, Salad, Dessert, & Drink

November 23, 2016

No Wednesday Night Fellowship Meal



(Max. $15/family)


October 30, 2016

Preschool........................... 71
Children............................. 76
Students............................. 71
Adults............................... 588
Total.................................. 806

November 6, 2016

Preschool........................... 73
Children............................. 75
Students............................. 64
Adults............................... 621
Total.................................. 833


October 30, 2016

General Budget
Emergency Fund

November 6, 2016
General Budget
Emergency Fund


November 13, 2016

Richard Cartwright - 514-6953

November 20, 2016

Joe Torrillo - 272-5439


November 13, 2016

Randal Stevens & Joe Clements

November 20, 2016

Dallas Vick & Steve Ragsdale

Office: (334) 277-6300 Fax: (334) 277-6322 Careline: (334) 277-6384 Website: Kindergarten: (334) 244-9324
Prayer Room: (334) 277-8876 E-mail: Facebook: Twitter: @eastmontbaptist


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