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Group 35

Tasks taken on by Candice

Task 1 : The Film information on :
- title of the film
- brief outline of whole film and title sequence
Task 6 : Audience Detail - Information on :
Core target Audience
Wider Audience
How to attract target audience
Task 12 : Production Schedule dated document that indicates what you are
going to do

Tasks taken on by Kamille

Task 2: Type of title Sequence information on:
type of title sequence ( discrete etc)
Title sequences that have influenced yours
conventions of Title sequence

Your decisions to conform or challenge the

Task 8 Mise-en-scene - Information on:

Props you intend to use and why
Costumes created for each character
other aspects of Mise en scene you intend to use
Task 13 Risk Assessment - Information on :
Any risks that you may come across whilst filming

Tasks taken on by Lucy

Task 3 : What genre of film is it Information on:
Genre chosen and why
influenced yours

Title sequences in the same genre that have

Task 9 : Sound Design Information on :

Diegetic & Non Diegetic sound youll use
Rough Soundscape for title sequence
Sequences that have influenced your sound design

Task taken on by Julia

Task 4: Representation Information on:
Characters you will introduce and/or make reference to
Different social groups evident in opening
how you will represent this group
Task 10: Title Credits Information on :
what your credits will look like
If they will integrate with the action of the sequence

Briefly introduce a rough template of titles you intend to

Tasks taken on by the whole

Task 5: Institutional detail Information on:
If your production will be mainstream or independent
Who will distribute your film
Films that are from the same distribution as you
Task 7 : Mise en scene Information on:
which locations you will use ( evidence in photos)
which settings you will use ( evidence in photos)
Task 11 : Cinematic Details Information on :
Full storyboard or animatic including title and sounds
Key camera and editing decisions
they appear in

Where titles will be placed / what they say and order

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