Integrated Lessons Block Plan: Kristin Madden

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Integrated Lessons Block Plan

Kristin Madden
Day #1

DAY #2

DAY #3

DAY #4

Day #5


Math Lesson - Measurement

Science Lesson 1 Pumpkin Investigation

Science Lesson 2 Bird Beak

Adaptations Investigation

Writing Lesson What Happened Here?

Mystery/Crime Scene Investigation

Guided Reading Lesson Reading, Writing,

and Vocabulary


After the mini-lesson, students will be

able to state the steps in measuring
an object.
After completing the stations, students
will be able to accurately measure
an objects height to the nearest
inch and record their findings in a

After the completed lesson, students will

be able to identify steps of the
scientific method, which helps us to
preform investigations.
After the students complete the
experiment, they will be able to draw
and write the similarities and
differences between how squash and
pumpkins look and feel.

After the mini-lesson, the

students will be able to define
what an adaptation is and
match an animal to its
After the discovery activity, the
students will be able to
describe in discussion the
different shaped beaks and
what the beaks can best help
the different birds to eat.

After completing the entire

writing activity, the
students will be able to
apply the writing process to
write a story.
After the students
participate in the mini
lesson, they will be able to
use the voice of a detective
and the voice of another
character to provide facts
and details in a given
writing prompt.


2.M.2: Estimate and measure the

length of an object by selecting and
using appropriate tools, such as
rulers, yardsticks, meter sticks, and
measuring tapes to the nearest inch,
foot, yard, centimeter and meter.
PS.5: Use appropriate tools

SEPS.3 Constructing and performing


2.LS.1 Determine patterns and

behavior (adaptations) of parents
and offspring which help
offspring to survive.
SEPS.3 Constructing and
performing investigations

2.W.3.2 Write a paragraph or

paragraphs on a topic that
introduce a topic, provide facts
and details about the topic, and
provide a concluding
2.W.4 Apply the writing process
to Generate a draft by
developing, selecting and
organizing ideas relevant to
topic, purpose, and genre;
revise writing, using
appropriate reference
materials, by adding details
(e.g., organization, sentence
structure, word choice); edit
writing for format and
conventions (e.g., spelling,
capitalization, usage,
punctuation); and provide
feedback to other writers.

After the guided reading station

on summarization, the students
should be able to verbally state
a summary of the article A Gift
for Bandit.
After the guided reading station
on using text-based-evidence
to answer a question, the
students should be able to
participate in a discussion
about what the author wrote in
the text to tell us what the
problem and solution is in the
During station two (Roll a
Storyat School), the students
will be able to logically write
the beginning, middle, and end
of a story.
2.RN.2.1 Ask and answer
questions about the main idea
and supporting facts and
details in a text to confirm
2.W.3.3 Develop topics for
friendly letters, stories, poems,
and other narrative purposes
that Include a beginning.
Use temporal words to signal
event order (e.g., first of all).
Provide details to describe
actions, thoughts, and feelings.
Provide an ending.

Growing to Succeed

Tape measure
1 cut-out ruler for each student and
one to model with (
1 pumpkin investigation notebook
for each student
Objects to measure during the minilesson
Station 1:
o 2 different sized pumpkins
o 4 gourds
Station 2:
o 3 different sized pumpkins
o Label the pumpkins with a string
tied around them with a number
Station 3:
o Pre-cut pumpkin, stems, and
noses for each student
o Crayons

Name: Kristin Madden

Picture of my family
PowerPoint slide with the scientific
Piece of paper (to write down student
response during mini-lesson)
For Experiment:
o1 squash
o1 pumpkin
oTools to cut them open and to scoop
out the insides
oPaper plates (2 per table group)
oPaper towels
oPumpkin investigation journals (1 per
student and 1 to model with)
oDocument camera
oKnife/pumpkin carving utensils

Dry erase board and markers

Magnet/phrase animal matches
(Provided on the Animal
Adaptations Magnet Match
YouTube video:
Discovery Activity:
o1 straining spoon, 1 set of
tweezers, 1 clothespin, 1
coffee stirrer, 1 cup of
water, sunflower seeds,
gummy worms, and a bowl
of cheerios in water (per
table group)
o1 Bird Beak Investigation
Recording Sheet per


Mini-lesson on measuring to the

nearest inch model and then have
students practice measuring objects
at their desk
Teach students to mirror the
measuring chant:
o Step 1 Line up with zero
o Step 2 Keep the ruler straight
o Step 3 find the right number
Pass out Pumpkin Investigation
Explain stations
o Station 1: measure height of
pumpkins and gourds. Write it
down in the Pumpkin
Investigation Notebook
o Station 2: Students put
pumpkins in order from
shortest tallest
o Station 3: make your own
pumpkin (measure the
pumpkin, stem, and nose;

Mini-lesson: scientific method

(explain and model)
Observe the outside of the pumpkin
and squash fill out Pumpkin
Investigation Notebook (continued
from yesterdays math lesson)
Question: Is there a difference
between the inside of a squash and
the inside of a pumpkin?
Open up pumpkin and squash, allow
students to explore
Fill out Pumpkin Investigation
Discuss findings science talk closure
(review scientific method and how we
went through the steps in our

Mini-lesson on adaptations
An adaptation is a special
skill or physical trait which
helps an animal to survive
and do everything it needs to
Pictures of different animals
and adaptations students
match them
YouTube video of different
Discovery activity: Which
beak works best for different
kinds of birds to feed
themselves and their
Student explore the different
beaks and fill out the Bird
Beak Investigation Recording
Closing discussion on which
beaks worked best for which

What Really Happened to

Humpty? Book by Jeanie
Franz Ransom
Magnifying glasses and lab
coats for each group of
Adult detective costume for
anticipatory set
Crime scene set-up (three
bears, footprints, caution
tape, other items of choice)
Character Voice Recordings
White board and markers
First Page of Story (one per
1 Prewriting Character
Diagram per student
1 Story Draft Paper per
1 Story Final Copy Paper per
1 piece of construction
paper per group
Staples to put the books

Ant. Set Have crime scene set up in

Today we are going to learn about
voice (student demonstrations for how
different people would ask for ice
Discuss different types of voices
Read What Really Happened to
Humpty? By Jeanie Franz Ransom
Discuss characters and voices in the
story (reread examples: Chicken Little,
Detective, Wolf, Spider, Little Red
Riding Hood, and Goldilocks)
Allow students to pretend to be
scientists/detectives and
observe/investigate the crime scene Discuss observations as a class
Split students into groups of 5 assign
each student a character (allow
groups to decide which character did
the crime)
Explain writing prompt (pretend you




Station 1:
1 A Gift for Bandit Scholastic
Article per student
1 dry erase board and marker
per student
Station 2 (Roll A StoryAt
Game/Activity instructions
2 Roll A StoryAt School
Rolling Sheet
1 Beginning, Middle, and End
writing paper per student
Pencils, crayons, markers,
Station 3 (Kaboom)
Game/Activity instructions
Popsicle sticks with
vocabulary words and
Kaboom written on them
One answer sheet with the
definition of each word so
that students can check each
other if they are unsure what
a word means
Anecdotal Notes for Guided
Reading Time
Mini-lesson - We can grow in many
different ways. Today we are going to
grow in reading, writing, and vocabulary.
The more we practice, the more we grow.
The more we grow, the more we
Explain stations
Station 1 Guided Reading (Read A Gift
for Bandit in the Scholastic Magazine)
o Summarization
o Text-based-evidence
Station 2 Roll a Storyat school
students roll dice to determine character,
setting, and event; they write a story with
beginning, middle, end
Station 3 Vocabulary Kaboom students
play game where they draw a stick with a
vocabulary words; give definition and use
in a sentence
Closing discussion What was your
favorite station? What did you learn?

Growing to Succeed

Name: Kristin Madden

draw/color the other things)

Closure ask students to
remind you how to measure

foods; ask what an

adaptation is


Formative: Questioning students,

closure discussion, monitoring
student activity during stations
Summative: Reading the students
pumpkin investigation notebooks

Formative: student activity during the

experiment and mini-lesson, closure
science talk discussion
Summative: Reading the students
pumpkin investigation notebooks

Formative: Response to
questions, matching the
magnets, group discussion
during the closure
Summative: Bird Beak
Recording Sheet

are the detective, interview your

character with at least 2 questions to
figure out who committed the crime)
Give students time to write they will
go through the writing process over
the next 5 days during writing/science
Conference with students
When all of the stories are completed,
allow students to share
Review what voice is in writing
Formative How the
students answer/act out
different voices; Writing
Summative Each students
finished writing piece


Students will use all of the coloring

materials at the back table so
supplies are not scattered around
the room (nobody will slip and fall)
Students are expected not to throw
the pumpkins or gourds or hit each
other with them
The students will not eat the
pumpkins or gourds
Students will walk to/from each
station, not run
Students will point the direction they
are going after each station so they
do not run into each other

Cut open the pumpkin and the

squash when the students are not in
the room
Remind students how to be safe with
the pumpkin/squash guts do not
throw it, dont touch anyone/anything
while your hands are dirty, dont eat
If there is a spill, notify the teacher
immediately so nobody slips
Wash hands when done exploring

Remind the students to

handle the bird beaks and the
foods carefully
Do not throw food/tools
If there is a spill, notify the
teacher immediately

Students will observe the crime

scene in small groups so they do not
trip over each other/push each other
The teacher will staple the books
No dangerous objects will be used in
the set up crime scene

Formative: Questions/answers
students give during guided
reading, closure discussion,
observation of students at
other stations (Are they
participating?), anecdotal notes
Summative: Roll a StoryAt
School! Papers the students
write (they have already
learned and practiced
beginning, middle, and end of
stories can they still apply
Students will walk to/from each station,
not run
Students will point the direction they are
going after each station so they do not
run into each other
Students will not throw the popsicle sticks
they use to play Kaboom

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