Nude Boy Books Prove He Was Not A Pedo

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The only items during any of the raids that took place in Neverland which

actually showed full frontal boy nudes were two coffee table books from
the 1960s, Boy A Photographic Essay and Boys will be boys, both of them
can be found in the Library of Congress or bought on Amazon. And these
two books actually prove that MJ was not a pedophile here's why.
1. When MJ left for the third leg of the Dangerous your in Aug 1993 he
knew very well that the Chandlers could accuse him. MJ had a meeting
with Evan Chandler on Aug 4 1993 in the Westwood Marquis Hotel where
Evan Chandler threatened to ruin him unless he give him what he
wanted, that was 20 million which Chandler later lowered to 1 million. MJ
refused to pay. If he had been guilty, if he had used those books for
sexual gratification he would have destroyed them right after he learned
that Chandler had a plan to accuse him , which was actually on July 9
1993 but at least before he left for the tour knowing full well that
Chandler could trigger a criminal investigation which would mean a rain
on his ranch.The very fact that the police found those books proves that
MJ didn't even remember having them and therefore didn't destroy them
in July or Aug 1993. And if he didn't remember them that means he didn't
use them for sexual gratification which means he was not a pedophile as
a pedophile most certainly would have used those books for just that!

2. He didn't buy them, a fan named Rhonda sent them to him in 1983,
she inscribed one of the books it was read out loud during the trial. From
your fan "Rhonda" kiss kiss hug hug 1983. The other book was by the
same authors also published in the 60s, out of print by the 80s so most
likely they were sent together. This book, Boys will be boys, was inscribed
by MJ himself, indicating that he wanted to send it back to the fan, one
does not inscribe a book for himself. There can be a number of reasons
why it was not sent back.
A pedo would not just wait for some stranger to send him some books
with nude boys, he would activelly look for such material but there is zero
evidence that MJ ever did such a thing. However there is evidence that MJ
actively looked for pictures of nude women, as this store owner witnessed
"He also bought a bunch of old nude stuff-clipped out pictures from nudist
magazines and old shots of posed nude women."
And a pedo, if he finally gets such a book like that would not think about

sending it back, obviously.

3. The police took the two books in 1993 and then didn't find them during
the 2003 raid which means MJ didn't miss them at all. Instead they found
art books which had nude men, women, boys, girls alike but no frontal
boy nudes. So someone who wanted to look at teenage penises for 10
years suddenly switched to a few artbooks which did not show that at all
instead of reobtaining the original books. That makes no sense.

4. A pedo would have paged the hell ouf those books in 10 years and
therefore there would be wear and tear there would be fingerprints all
over those pages. But the prosecution did not present any such evidence
there is no evidene that MJ ever paged those books at all.

5. A pedo would not be satified looking at the same pictures for 10 years
he would want new stuff. But police found no other pictures of frontal boy
nudes at all. Just those two books.

6. MJ's inscription in Boys will be boys is about the cover of that book
which shows four happy boys jumping in a lake. A pedo would not have
these thoughts while looking at boys in their swimming trunks:
"Look at the true spirit of happiness and joy on these boys' faces. This is
the spirit of boyhood. A life I never had and will always dream of. This is
the life I want for my children. MJ"
Wow what a monster indeed! He focused on the boys's happiness instead
of their dick. That proves he was a pedo, obviously? Not.

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