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Beats Master Techline

Unlike their allies the Ogors live simple lives. They are uninterested in great machines or powerful
magics, but rather find the advantages of mundanity, physical strength, and the natural world. Ogors are
able to find uses for animals not previously thought of before due to a combination of ingenious
stupidity and the bravery to try and jump ontop of dangerous things to try and ride them. Though Beast
Mastery has already been pioneered by other races, the Ogors seek to perfect it.
Hunting 1 + Horsemanship 1 + Militarism 1 = Breaking- 2
-Effect: Allows for the Beast Pit Structure. A province with a Beast Pit is needed for any further uses of
the Beast Master Techline. Due the presence skilled tamers and handlers a Beast Pit allows for more
better growth of animal-based resources. The following uncommon resources give an extra +1 resource
if in the same Province as a Beast Pit: Chitin, Furs, Herbivores
Domestication- 3, Req. Animal Husbandry -2
-Effect: The Domestic Animal Uncommon Resource can now be trained at the Beast Pit. The Domestic
Animal Uncommon Resource can be created 1/turn at the cost of 5 Food, 1 Material, and an Industry or
Downtime per Beast Pit, and can be shipped to another province as per movement of troops. When
established the Domestic Animal Uncommon Resource takes up one of provinces uncommon
resources and cannot be moved. Once established the Resource can be chosen to act as one of the
following Uncommon Resources: Herbivores, Furs, Chitin, Fiber, Dyes, or Silk all exploited by the
Ranch Structure.
Players using this structure are expected to use existing animals established in the world either through
gameplay, exploration, or established player writing. Beast mastery is just as much about knowing
about and caring for your animals as it is about utilizing them.
Selective Breeding- 4, Req- Domestication- 3
-Effect: Allows for the Beast Master Hut add-on to be constructed onto existing Beast Pits. The Beast
Master Hut opens up for the ability to construct the Specialist Animal Uncommon Resource. These
beasts cost 6 Food, 2 Material, and 1 Industry/Downtime to construct, and share the 1/turn limit with
the Domestic Animal Uncommon Resources. The Specialist Animals can be built in the following
Guard Animals: Loyal beasts that patrol the lands with their masters: +1 Security
Lab Animals: Creatures with the handy ability to aid in research, whether through natural hardiness,
genetic similarity, or rapid breeding: +1 Research

Messenger Birds: Unassuming and common avians carry messages covertly: +1 Intrigue
Trackers: These animals have keen noses and sharp ears and are able to pick up trails and clues people
cannot: Scouts from this province have +5 to Scout Checks
Warbeasts- 4: Req- Domestication 3 + Formations 2
-Effect: Allows the construction of the Warbeasts Unit from the Beast Master Hut. Warbeasts are
creatures trained and intelligent enough to fight alongside their masters. A unit of Warbeasts costs 10
Food, 4 Material, and an Industry/downtime, and shares the 1/turn limit with Domestic Animals and
Specialist Animals. A unit of Warbeasts is a military unit that adds +1 Unit Slot to a province that does
not stack with other Warbeasts. Warbeasts are made by the player based off of existing animals in the
world, you shouldnt be saying you made a unit of warbeasts with Distintegration Eyes or Titanium
Scales unless there is precedence for it. Once created they are submitted to the GM for
approval/balancing ranging from increased creation cost, upkeep, or mechanical rebalancing.

Monster Breaking- 4
-Effect: Allows for the use of a Downtime by the PC to lead an expedition to tame a monster unit. The
player is expected to describe how they do so, as well as bring along an amount of resources they think
would be sufficient to tame the unit. If the GM deems this sufficient the unit is tamed and put under the
control of the player, if not the material is lost and the player retreats with a small clue about how to
better tame the Unit next time. Once tamed the Monster Unit can now be bred according to Warbeast
rules. Monsters narratively established as part of Monster units cannot be tamed as Warbeasts until they
are broken.
Dire Beasts-5, Req Warbeasts-4, Blood Magic-4
-Effect: It is unclear what the exact effects of this may be. It could be hypothesized that Beast Masters
trained not only in taming, but magical arts of flesh and blood, could create truly powerful beasts
infused with magical capability. As of now it is only a theory, but a theory to work towards nonetheless.
Cultural Advancement Bonus Pitch
National Animal: Cost 2 Culture. Effect: Upon purchase each Civilization may choose a National
Animal. Each Civilization gains +1 Morale, while the Founding Civilization gains +2 Morale, +1
Loyalty and the agreement that the Founder's National Animal can beat up any of the other
civilizations' National Animal.

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