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In many regions of China traditional religions and practices, such as Daoism, are

not allowed to be practiced freely. Since China is a communist country, many followers
cannot practice their religions or principals publicly. The article mentions that President
Xi Jinping believes China is losing its moral compass and he wants the ruling
Communist Party to be more tolerant of traditional faiths(Kang Lim and Blanchard).
President Xi believes that people care more about money than the cultures in China and
wants to make a change. He also feels that when making China more tolerant of
religion, it will draw more practices and expand his country. President Xi hopes that
Chinas original and traditional faiths, Daoism, Confucianism, and Buddhism, will help to
fill that moral void that has corrupted China for so long. When Xi Jinping became
president, he helped fund the anti-corruption campaign when religious freedom was a
controversial topic in China. Daoism, a philosophy-turned-religion preaches living in
harmony with nature and simplicity (Kang Lim and Blanchard). The goal of Daoism is to
preach harmony as previously stated and evidence suggest that crime rates will go
down if China is more tolerant of peoples practices, allowing more people to practice
Daoism. During the early years under Communism, China's crime rate was low and
corruption rare. By contrast, between 2008 and 2012 about 143,000 government
officials - or an average of 78 a day - were convicted of graft or dereliction of duty,
according to a Supreme Court report (Kang Lim and Blanchard). Despite all of
President Xis attempts at making China a high moral standard country and having
religious tolerance, still the most important concept in China is developing their
economy more and making more money. One thing that this article helped me realize is

that Daoism is a major part of peoples lives and affects they way the live and even how
the country lives and conducts itself.


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