Midterm Presentation Fall 2016 PDF

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*Some information in this presentation comes from outside sources.

Doctor Rakesh Shah pictured right,

graduated from the Medical College of
Baroda in India and then did his
residency at the Medical College of
Virginia, Abhishek Amin pictured left.


The Bay Area Heart Center will strive to provide the highest
level and quality of cardiac care available. This requires two
commitments.The first commitment is treat the patient as an
individual, and the second is to strive for continuous
improvement in the technical delivery of care in this
increasingly complex field. Bay Area Heart Center is a team
whose goal is the preservation of good health.
"Blood Pressure Machine, Doctor Scales - Detecto." Detecto RSS. N.p., n.d. Web. 1 Oct. 2016.


ISM is and Independent Study Mentorship course that is designed for

students wishing to mentor an adult professional in a chosen career.
Provides students the oppurtunity to learn about career fields they are
intrigued by.
Mentors and Teachers provide students with knowledge to create a
collegiate or professional level product and presentation.

Hyperlipidemia is also known as Hyperlipoproteinemia.

Hyperlipidemia is caused by a group of genetic diseases that lead to
vast amounts of lipids inside of ones body.
Hyperlipidemia is caused by the following mellitus, nephrosis,
hypothyroidism, and diabetes
Hyperlipidemia increases cholesterol levels as well as triglycerides
often leading to cardiovascular disease.
Randall, Otelio S., Deborah S. Romaine, and Nathan M. Segerson. "Hyperlipidemia." The Encyclopedia of the Heart and Heart Disease, Second Edition. N.p.: Facts On File, 2010. Health Reference
Center. Web. 1 Oct. 2016.

I chose Hyperlipidemia because my family has a history of cholesterol

problems, my grandfather passed away due to a cholesterol related
heart issue, and my father suffered from cholesterol issues.
Additionally I have always been intrigued by new scientific
discoveries, thats why I was interested in the treatments of
Lastly my mentor guided me and informed me that it would be a great
topic which we could do a lot with in the clinic.

Mild forms of Hyperlipidemia can be treated just by eating right,

reducing the amount of cholesterol in the body.
There are two medicinal treatments for Hyperlipidemia, Statin the
more commonly used treatment and PCSK9 Innhibitors which are a
more costly and severe medication used for more extreme cases.
Hyperlipidemia can be prevented by regular exercise since that will
reduce the amount of lipids in the body.
Wells, Ken R., and Taryn Terry, DC, MSACN, BA. "Hyperlipoproteinemia." The Gale Encyclopedia of Genetic Disorders. Ed. Tracie Moy and Laura Avery. 4th ed. Vol. 2.
Farmington Hills, MI: Gale, 2016. 958-961. Science in Context. Web. 1 Oct. 2016.

Statin Treatment blocks a resource in

ones liver used to create cholesterol.
Additionally Statin absorbs
cholesterol already deposited in ones
artery walls causing plaque and
disrupting flow.
Mayo Clinic Staff. "Statins: Are These Cholesterol-lowering Drugs Right for You?" Mayo Clinic. Mayo

Clinic, 8 Apr. 2015. Web. 1 Oct. 2016.



Statin can prevent more blockage from Statin treatment has been the go to
being created in your blood vessels
treatment to lower cholesterol but it
and prevent future heart attacks.
doesnt reduce it enough in 1/5 of
There is a wide variety of Statins
available such as atorvastatin
Additionally, some people are unable
(Lipitor), fluvastatin (Lescol),
to take Statin because of its side
lovastatin (Altoprev), pitavastatin
affects, muscle pain, liver damage, or
(Livalo), pravastatin (Pravachol),
rosuvastatin (Crestor) and simvastatin
leading to diabetes.
(Zocor) and they are covered by most Mayo Clinic Staff. "Statins: Are These Cholesterol-lowering Drugs Right for You?" Mayo
Clinic. Mayo Clinic, 8 Apr. 2015. Web. 1 Oct. 2016.

PCSK9 target a specific protein inside of

the liver and render it useless by blocking
the creation of it
It knocks out the proprotein called
convertase subtilisin kexin 9 which
significantly reduces the amount of low
density lipoproteins in the bloodstream of
the body.
Curfman, Gregory, MD. "PCSK9 Inhibitors: A Major Advance in Cholesterol-lowering Drug Therapy."
Web log post. Harvard Health Publication. Harvard University, 15 Apr. 2015. Web. 1 Oct. 2016.



Convertase subtilisin kexin 9 helps create

healthier arteries, fewer heart attacks and
strokes, as well as reduces cholesterol based

However, this treatment is very expensive,

a one year treatment could be upwards of

There are trials which show that PCSK9 is

extremely effective at reducing cholesterol
levels shown to be 60% lower in patients.
Over the course of the trial 50% of the
patients who took PCSK9 had a lower risk of
heart attack, stroke, or heart failure.

These drugs are still experimental since

the trials havent been published yet.
The FDA cant make PCSK9 an
recommended treatment until there are
published trials.

Curfman, Gregory, MD. "PCSK9 Inhibitors: A Major Advance in Cholesterol-lowering Drug Therapy." Web log post. Harvard Health Publication. Harvard University, 15 Apr. 2015. Web. 1 Oct. 2016.

I will be using powtoon to create the

demonstration of the difference
between the two treatments.
To the right you can see the sketches
I have created which will represent
my final product.

I must diligently continue to finish whatever I can as I get the time so I

do not procrastinate.
I must stick to my goal setting form.
I must continue researching my topic incase any new information
comes up.
I must continue to update my website so I can refer to it to show my
video product.

I enjoyed this project because I am got to learn a lot about cardiology

in addition to what I learned about Hyperlipidemia.
I liked the amount of technology and research going behind this one
topic and how there is still so much to learn about Hyperlipidemia.
I find this study valuable to me because it taught me that with good
exercise I can prevent this from happening to me and if it does there
are reliable treatments.

I would like to thank my mentor, Dr. Rakesh Shah

I would like to thank all of the office staff
I would like to thank my teacher, Mrs. Kristi Click
I would like to thank my evaluators, John Doe 1 and John Doe 2
Lastly I would like to thank my mom, Niti Amin and all of my family

Curfman, Gregory, MD. "PCSK9 Inhibitors: A Major Advance in Cholesterol-lowering Drug Therapy." Web log post. Harvard Health
Publication. Harvard University, 15 Apr. 2015. Web. 1 Oct. 2016.
Mayo Clinic Staff. "Statins: Are These Cholesterol-lowering Drugs Right for You?" Mayo Clinic. Mayo Clinic, 8 Apr. 2015. Web. 1 Oct. 2016.
Randall, Otelio S., Deborah S. Romaine, and Nathan M. Segerson. "Hyperlipidemia." The Encyclopedia of the Heart and Heart Disease, Second
Edition. N.p.: Facts On File, 2010. Health Reference Center. Web. 1 Oct. 2016.
Wells, Ken R., and Taryn Terry, DC, MSACN, BA. "Hyperlipoproteinemia." The Gale Encyclopedia of Genetic Disorders. Ed. Tracie Moy and
Laura Avery. 4th ed. Vol. 2. Farmington Hills, MI: Gale, 2016. 958-961. Science in Context. Web. 1 Oct. 2016.
"Blood Pressure Machine, Doctor Scales - Detecto." Detecto RSS. N.p., n.d. Web. 1 Oct. 2016.

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