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Those who know do not say; those who say do not know. -Lao-tzu. (ushistory.

org) The
influence of Daoism in China is that it has contributed to how many people live and conduct
themselves. According to Daoists, the entire universe and everything in it flows with a
mysterious, unknowable force called the Tao. Translated literally as The Way,(
Tao has many different meanings it is the word that is used to describe ultimate reality, explains
the powers that drives the universe, and wonder of human nature. Daoists believe that, despite all
appearances, everyone and everything is one together. Opinions of good and evil or true and
false only happen when people forget that they are all one in the Tao( The goal of
Daoists is to not forget and live in the moment, but if they are to forget then remember the
oneness with the universe. Lao-tzu reminds believers that the Tao is difficult to grasp:the Tao
that can be spoken is not the true Tao( Tao Te Ching is the key book to Daoism
and was created around the third century BCE and is also known as the Lao-tzu. This short
book of around 5,000 Chinese characters is divided into 81 brief chapters filled with short,
enigmatic paragraphs of advice on life, and poetic descriptions of the nature of the universe.
The Daoists refer to the book as a way of life and how to conduct themselves everyday. No one
person wrote the Tao Te Ching, but instead it was compiled by many anonymous people over
many years. Another very important book to Daoists is the Chuang-tzu. Although it was
published after the Tao Te Ching, the writing of the Chuang-tzu started before it. Similar to the
Tao Te Ching it is a collection of wisdom from many different people even though it is credited
to Chuang Tzu or Zhuangzi.

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