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The Dao is the law of yin and yang changes in the universe(Master Wang Daoke).

The word
Dao refers to the way, a path, and the way of doing something or the path you take to live. Many
people look at nature and say That's beautiful, how did that get there?. Daoists look at nature
and say Thats beautiful and they stop there. Daoists believe that nature is in your body and that
you cant change the universe, but you can change yourself. Master Yuan Xiu Gang, a daoist
priest, states that to understand the Dao you first have to understand yourself and your body; the
Dao treats your body like a small universe. An example of Lao-tzu from author Chad Hansen
Ph.D, is using the art Tai Chi to absorb your opponent's strikes and aggressiveness and keeping
your balance to let them fall as a result of their aggressiveness. This shows how the soft can beat
the hard or the aggressive. Anything that is too hard will be broken and the tree with the hardest
bark can be cut down. Nothing but the heavens is softer or more yielding than water. But when it
attacks things hard, nothing can find the resistance to stop it. Many people believe that Daoism
started with trying to preserve energy and qi(chi). Qi means that there is a leader of the blood
and when the qi is strong then the blood circulation is stronger and you feel much, much
better(Master Yuan Xiu Gang). When car tires are full of air they can support tons of weight of
the vehicle this demonstrates how the air, which is a sof element works in our body and can
overcome hardness(Master Wang Daoke). In Daoism all changes are caused by Yin and Yang.
Left ca be the Yin and right can be the Yang. Open and closed is Yin and Yang. The best
condition is the balance of soft and hard, softness and hardness. Everything in Daoism has to
respond to one principal, the Yin and Yang. You should learn to appreciate empty space(Chand
Hansen Ph.D.). When you have four walls and a door, but nothing inside it is the emptiness
inside that is useful. The Dao is made of empty space. The Dao, or path, is empty and it allows

us to walk in the path and follow the path because there is nothing. Just as we take advantage of
what is, we should understand the usefulness of what is not(Opening Dao, 20:00).

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