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Dear Mr.

President [Outline]
Thesis: The presidential electoral process undermines the citizens
of this country, the majority is muted by the special interests who
are elected to select our presidents.


Preamble - Founding Principles

A. The United States Democracy is no longer alive, rather the
United States Oligarchy lives in its place.
B. The electoral college and the presidential electoral
process as a whole go against the ideal of all men being
created equal, set forth in our Declaration of
Independence, however the votes of the average American
citizen do not count in the election of our president. The
ideal of popular sovereignty set forth in the Declaration
of Independence is no longer supported by our elections
C. The electoral process not including the want of the people
is outrageously against the ideals set forth and believed
by our founding fathers; a democratic electoral process
wherein the voice of the majority is overruled by the few
is not democratic, rather oligarchic.

II. List of Complaints - Commentary Analysis

A. Mathematically speaking, states with higher populations
have less of a say in terms of the number of votes
relative to their populations. For example, California has
a electoral vote to population ratio of 1:677,345 while
Wyoming has a ratio of 1:187,875 (as of the 2010 Census).
As well as when a candidate wins the majority of a state,
they automatically gain all electoral votes in said state.
This is clearly unfair because the entirety of the a state
does not vote for one candidate, the populous is not
unanimous. On the contrary, the populations voting
patterns are quite diverse between the number of parties
people identify with and the candidate they have voted
B. Mention Counter argument as a point to reinforce your

III. Stirring Conclusion - And for the support of this Declaration, with

a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to

each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor. - DOI

A. The election process of the President of the United States

is quite flawed in the sense that it does not reflect the
view of the people in many cases. An example of this being
Al Gore winning the popular vote against George Bush,
however the electorates voted in favor of Bush. The
popular opinion of the people has no power in government
in our modern country, thus undermining the integrity of
our Constitution and Declaration of Independence.
B. I hope the electoral college is removed and replaced by
the simplicity of the popular vote, thus the ideas and
wants of the American people are reflected by the office
of the president.
C. If this issue is not addressed, the voice of the people
will continue to be silenced by the American Oligarchy,
and the government will continue to no longer represent
the peoples choice. In tern, we the people of the United
States of America will be forced to execute our right to
form a new government, as given by the Declaration of
Independence and Constitution.
D. Change in our government starts with the voice of the people
being represented, the electoral college removes this
representation. You were elected because electors wanted you,
you can make the peoples voices heard.

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