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erwin indrawan's

Apr 2010 - May 2011

Turn your tweets into a Twitter eBook

for free at TWOURNAL.COM
Optimized for web, not recommended for print.

I do motiongraphics.. err, makan yuk?

Copyright erwin indrawan 2011

eindraw's Twournal


Sun Apr 11
02:01pm Yea, tp beda agama. Gm dong.. :) RT @ZodiacFacts:
#ZodiacFacts #Geminis and #Leos both of which help to make this
romance long lasting.
04:13pm @teeqs whoops. Re: gemini&leo

Mon Apr 12
10:07am Man, Bangkok is a bloody mess. Can't imagine how hard being
Vejjajiva right now. Let's hope for peaceful solution.
11:10am Hanging out at Depo Bangunan while having tons of 'real' work
to do today. A man's got to do what a man's got to do.
12:37pm Wow, you're hot but not as hot as Jakarta.
12:54pm happy bday @silviahendarta, wish you a--.. happy bday!


erwin indrawan

12:58pm Leave Justin Bieber alone! #justinbiebersucks ..i mean leave

him alone-in a dark corner-duct taped
01:02pm Don't say "Justin Bieber sucks" when you still have that CullenBella avatar on.. It just, doesn't work that way.
04:01pm To all chicks that dig nerds, I just bought another book rack.
How're you doin' ^___* ?
04:08pm who dig nerds.. halahh
04:33pm deshbor konfesyenel euyy
05:40pm Yeah! RT: @thejakartaglobe: Indonesian movie database to fill
in blanks on local cinema http://bit.ly/aTcqGj
11:12pm Film gangster kalo di-dubbing ke bahasa Indonesia, para
henchmen nya jd terdengar kayak tukang parkir: "Boosssh!"
11:24pm MY WIFE IS A GANGSTER 3 (2006)is on indosiar. An
underrated second sequel w surprisingly funny gags, mostly due to Lee
Beom-su's performance
11:33pm Even though I don't understand the language, Korean dubbed
into Bahasa = not working.

Tue Apr 13
09:59am Whoa.. Amy Search is on Dahsyat. 4L4y-AL4y itu pasti mikir
"ini siapa yg nyanyiin lagu ST12 ya?"
10:02am Oh, maksud gw.. "1n1 514P4 y6 ny4Ny11n L49u ST12 y4?"
10:36am I wish i could act like a #Gemini. My sign? euh.. gemini.
10:38am @ramasugeng seniornya "ST12" pastinya "Es Teh Tiga Gelas"
02:32pm Ini mengeluh atau gembira? RT: @leviluv9: Subhanallah...
Bandung superceraaaaahh dan ppppuuuanaaasss....
02:39pm WiFi Adorama Kemang = L.A.M.E.


eindraw's Twournal

03:30pm WILL IT BLEND? This episode: iPad http://


Wed Apr 14
10:45am @suhakri @jawajawir mantap gan! sundul.
11:25am Norak ya gue, baru tau www.iconfinder.com
11:28am How to use PNG to be icon? Open PNG in Preview>Cmd+A
then Cmd+C. Find the icon you want to replace>Get Info, click icon on
upper left>Ctrl+V
11:31am Eh, maksudnya bukan Ctrl+V tapi Cmd+V :P
06:55pm Or woman RT @ihatequotes: Never trust the man who tells u
all his troubles but keeps from u all his joys. -Proverb #ihatequotes

Thu Apr 15
12:20am @primahari astaga.. ckckck *sambil ngunyah gorengan*
12:28am @primahari lah, nasi goreng kambing kaga kolesterol?
11:29am Weee!! RT @jivemovies Coming Up: Hot Tub Time Machine
ONLY @blitzmegaplex
02:31pm I hope the technology doesn't fall into the wrong hands http://
03:38pm Getting ready for a stressful weekend.. Anything to make ends
meet, right? :)
08:04pm Cannes will feature new movies from: Lee Chang-dong, Im
Sang-so, Takeshi Kitano, Alejandro Gonzales Innaritu, Hideo Nakata
and ..Diego Luna?


erwin indrawan

11:45pm THE LOVELY BONES (2009) what really bums me out is

once the CGI takes over, it numbs all the drama which sadly is the big
part of this movie
11:53pm Anybody here read The Lovely Bones novel? I bet it's
emotionally draining :)

Fri Apr 16
02:08am "Song to The Siren" -This Mortal Coil of LOVELY BONES,
reminds me of "By This River" -Brian Eno of THE SON'S ROOM
(2001)-->The loss of life.
08:25am Happy bday Paus Benediktus XVI. Dia punya twitter gak ya?
08:48am @AffiFD Dah ntn filmnya? Score nya sadis Fi.
09:26am Love the AE Optical Lens Flare plugin from Video Copilot!
09:48am @AffiFD @vipertongue @simandoux the movie itself is not
as depressing as i anticipated. Not sure abt the heavy use of CGI tho.
09:56am "Matamu stereo., lihat ke kiri ke kanan".. ladies and gentlemen,
WALI. #haduhh
02:14pm Two bad decisions in a row. Man, i feel like an ass.
02:30pm Bhs indonesia nya "Get a life" itu apa ya?
05:35pm Mari mencari celah.. http://twitpic.com/1fyvm4
11:25pm @teeqs Nahan2 sekarang enak kemudian!

Sat Apr 17
12:24am Sukses bro! Buat @kongkows @erwinhayamz @deenar18 juga.
RT: @mulki_naz: nyiapin kostum buat suting klip besok


eindraw's Twournal

12:49am "Get Out" -Circa Survive is #nowplaying, Anthony Green's

power-voice gives a lot of soul to the music as Claudio Sanchez to
Coheed & Cambria
12:50am www.myspace.com/circasurvive Take a listen.
02:03pm mari beristirahat dulu sejenak. *kucek2 mata* ..cari yg dingin
dulu di kulkas.

Sun Apr 18
10:09am Good weather for a full day work.. Thank God.
10:46am Haw-haw-haw.. "What A Wonderful World"-Louis Armstrong
(death metal version) http://bit.ly/cEDxQh Check out his expression :D
12:33pm Dkt tempat gw (walk distance) trnyt ada Pondok Suryo, coba
ah bebeknya. I think we won't be storing any fat in this heat.
12:39pm Well this is new. Krn ukuran pahanya lbh kecil dr normal, mrk
naro 2 potong paha d piring gw.
12:44pm Ah, the crispy skin is too nikmeh to be put aside. (Ini mo mkn
atau ngetwit yak) #ketauanmakansendiri
12:45pm Will try next time! RT @mulki_SrS: @erwin22 been there,
good food. nasi cobeknya bos..
12:47pm @primahari siapp. :) eh TS 1 dan 2 yg 3D jd diputer gak sih?
12:58pm @mulki_SrS for rp.20rb/piece, they better do. ;)
12:59pm Lah, si @tjenie? Mirip doang sih. RT @jawajawir: Kita ini
butuh Judge Bao
01:05pm @tantin_hadi ya kayak sit--.. *siul2* re: low fat 1 kardus
02:20pm Shit. Baru inget kalo ada F1, kelewat deh start nya.
07:53pm bosen sama dafont.com? Cobain www,fontsquirrel.com..
bagus2 & haratiss.


erwin indrawan

Mon Apr 19
03:06am Now, let's render this bitch. *click*
07:20pm Color fail. http://twitpic.com/1gsy4w
09:10pm Itu efek komputer tik. RT: @teeqs: Abis nonton lovely
bones..bagus! Anaknya cantik

Tue Apr 20
10:26am terribly wanna see KICK-ASS (2010) so bad. Will it come to
@cinema21 or @blitzmegaplex ?
10:37am Hit-Girl in KICK ASS is played by Chloe Moretz,you saw her
in 500 D OF SUMMER (2009) as Rachel Hansen.Her upcoming movie
is LET ME IN (2010)
10:41am LET ME IN (2010) is a remake of LET THE RIGHT ONE
IN, my favorite movie in 2008. Chloe Moretz will play a character named
Abby, a vampire.
11:31am Hahaha like a massive 'mobil goyang' eh? RT:
@thejakartaglobe: Overtly sexual woman cause earthquakes http://bit.ly/
11:40am Man, I hate 'Sementara bikinin dulu aja'-type of client.
11:46am Now, i have to discard a day-worth of work because of their
unclear script. Ass. #afternoonrants
12:25pm @ogeelektrovirgo jiahahaha.. taeee :D
03:37pm @vipertongue and Sandra Bullock in THE NET *halah*
10:55pm Steak EtCetera, trus nyebrang ke Camden. #ngayalmalem


eindraw's Twournal

Wed Apr 21
12:36am Mnrt gw rambut Mulan gak matching sama warna piano.
Rambut Mulan R:255 G:15 B:15 sdgkn pianonya R:171 G:17 B:25
01:19am Whee..! KEANE rilis album bulan Mei. http://
12:02pm Memperingati hari Kartini dg menonton DASEPO
NAUGHTY GIRL (2006) starring Kim Ok-bin.
12:50pm @tyasasko bos, kl ngejwb RT alangkah lbh baik kl pk tanda
pemisah. Ada yg nulisnya seblm "RT" atau pk "<--" utk yg nge-jwb di bag.
akhir :)
12:59pm @tyasasko hanya saran aja kok pak.. namanya jg sesama
tweeps ye gaa :)
10:00pm Heh? HIGH-KICK GIRL udh diputer di globalTV? Cepet
10:23pm Getting ready for the second revision. *cracking my knuckles*..
but first, shower and coffee.
10:46pm i need a haircut #nothingtotweet
10:58pm I recently enjoy that show in MTV called PRANKED,
particularly its 2 hosts (Streeter & Amir). Hilarious. #lateniteglobaltvMTV
11:11pm @tantin_hadi Huss.. Jangan jadi lemah ahh. re: Beer & cigs

Thu Apr 22
01:20am More cleavage equals more SMS #midnitequizfact
01:24am Q: Ada 10 bola di keranjang, kamu ambil 3 bola. Ada brp bola
yg kamu miliki sekarang?. A: I dunno, but hey, nice jugs! #midnitequiz


erwin indrawan

01:26am btw, the answer is 3 ..i'm a genius #midnitequiz

11:29am Gimana mau menghimbau org utk tidak buang sampah
sembarangan kalo tong sampah aja susah ditemui. #earthday
11:44am @rayafahreza 7D not 5D? No followfocus? Who's the director?
Robert Rodriguez? :D. Tx 4 the trivia man
12:07pm Recently i saw a cute chick and i thought "i'm sure i stalked this
girl years ago, but where?". Yeah, sad.
02:43pm @ramasugeng stuju. Less macet --> Less stress --> Less
smoking. re: Foke
03:30pm Klien ngaret lagi. Kemaren ngaret 3 jam, hari ini 5 jam. What
am i gonna do about it? Nothing. The pay is good.
03:35pm As long as they got a fast WiFi and cool aircon. I'm good. Oh,
and nearby toilet.
03:51pm Like this a lot! http://www.yankodesign.com/2010/04/12/kodakbrownie-revived-for-the-2012-olympics/
07:05pm I apologize to all my nonsmokerfriends who'd been stinked by
me in my cig smoking days. My fresh shirt smells like crap
09:26pm @F1rsty gue udah berenti sejak sept 2006 :D So yeah, i
sincerely apologize.
09:31pm Baru pertama kali nyobain RAMEN 88, little salty for my taste
but the chasiu is heavenly. #gakgaul
09:33pm Welcoming my culinary partner in crime @vilia_indahwati to
the Tweetville. Marii
10:02pm @gun28_07 i'm good man. berat brp lo skrg? hahaha

Fri Apr 23
01:05am @vilia_indahwati oiyah, ada si jack @jackartsonic


eindraw's Twournal

06:53am Friday! Kinda excited. Am going to see MICMACS A TIRELARIGOT (2009 Jean Piere Jeunet) tonite.
07:01am Jean-Pierre Jeunet is the director of AMELIE in 2001
07:16am Aww shit! not you tooo: GREEN HORNET (Michel Gondry)
is gonna be released in 3D http://bit.ly/bnnvCD
01:37pm Setelah 2 minggu, baru akhirnya sempet bersihin kamar mandi
secara mendetil. *terdengar teriakan "ewww"*
03:07pm After TOY STORY3, this is just lazy --> Pixar Announces
Monsters Inc. 2 http://bit.ly/9TAKgu via @TotalFilm
03:15pm @suhakri now that's a sequel i wanna see :), Monsters is just
good as one movie. Tp Pixar gitu lho.. pasti bagus bikin apapun juga.
03:17pm A good read about The Story Behind Cannes http://
www.totalfilm.com/features/the-story-behind-cannes via @TotalFilm

Sat Apr 24
12:07am MICMACS is Mission:Impossible meets Amelie. Sure the
plot is predictable&lack of impediments but it's funny, charming &very
entertaining 4/5
11:51am I beg to differ, she chose her now boyfriend over me. RT:
@ZodiacFacts: A #Sagittarius never wants to downgrade when finding a
12:13pm @leviluv9 not anymore :) re: problems w sagitarius girl
01:37pm Nasi langgi, pagongan, bogana, kanoman, kulo, kuring: habis.
Got the last nasi rembang. HA!
01:44pm I don't understand the necessity of having two BBs. They must
have 4 hands


erwin indrawan

04:51pm Tp gak bimbang kan? RT @teeqs: Excited n nervous.. Mixed

feeling and I enjoyed it!

Sun Apr 25
02:05am So.. you didn't humiliate yourself at the club earlier huh? RT:
@vilia_indahwati: and the one who trusts in Him will never be put to
12:35pm Just getting to like SCRUBS: Med School w/o Zach Braff and
they ended it after 12th eps. Damn.
12:40pm My favorite character is the one played by Dave Franco. Yes,
the lil' brother of James.
07:18pm LE CONCERT (2009) Outstanding plot, good casts, pitchperfect editing ensembled into an amazing movie 4.5/5

Mon Apr 26
12:06pm Monday is a good day for wandering around jkt.
12:45pm Sauna itu sehat lho RT @davidbagong: Tapi hareudang. RT
@erwin22: Monday is a good day for wandering around jkt.
12:48pm "God, if you're up there. Please make a miracle" -Ivan Gavrilov,
a commie leader (from LE CONCERT)
12:55pm Itu yg majang iklan "24 Malls" yg terang2an ngikutin desain
poster film 27 DRESSES dimana2, apa gak tau malu ya?
01:17pm Pushing the up/down button repeatedly while waiting 4d
elevator won't make it move any faster! Although it'd be awesome if it
03:18pm Hiya. Jadi kebablasan belanja. Budget sampe bulan mei
dinyatakan suspend.


eindraw's Twournal

05:04pm If there's "Made in China" printed on your original Japanese

brand products, you're being ripped off.
05:08pm #nowplaying "Rindu Transferan" -Erwin Indrawan
05:24pm Today, I took a wrong turn in Jl.Pinangsia. FML
05:29pm Why am i so twittery today? Yes, the answer is kena macet.
05:43pm Kom.pa.ti.bel : KW, palsu, non-original. Contoh kalimat:
"Batere Canon, ada koh.. yg original atau kompatibel?"
05:50pm Yeah, they called me "Koh".. It's better than being called "Bu"
by a waitress at Ramen88 days ago. Dunno why.
08:15pm @teeqs yeah, nothing confuses 'man' and 'woman' look other
than buzz-cut hair
10:08pm Been there.. RT: @davidbagong: Maksud hati mau nge-backup,
jdnya malah nge-delete...:(
10:57pm di-Undo aja.. #malesin RT: @davidbagong: Another
accident...mau masak mantau, salah angetin, jadi roti batu dah...hahaha

Tue Apr 27
12:46am #nowplaying "Bucky Done Gun" -M.I.A. Tet-teret-ret-tet-tettt..
01:35pm *poke*.. *poke-poke-poke*.. Kaburr RT @vilia_indahwati:
Why am I so grumpy today *grouch*
04:38pm Bad-ass licence plate! http://twitpic.com/1itu7s
09:38pm Hot banget nih tanggapannya, perjuangan tiada henti ya :D RT:
@jawajawir: Hello hellogoodbye RT @AdrieSubono: hellogoodbye?
09:43pm HOAX! http://bit.ly/cUCG0m cek dulu dong!.RT:
@MencobaBelajar: jika memaksa mata terbuka saat bersin, bola mata
bsmeloncat keluar. #mbljr



erwin indrawan

09:49pm @MencobaBelajar Sering2 nonton Mythbuster sebelum bikin

berita bos. re: "bersin dg mata terbuka" http://bit.ly/9xsIFK
09:59pm Gue gak mau berkomentar ttg film Amit Wirmani sblm
nonton filmnya dulu. Pasti bnyak org2 yg udh menghakimi tanpa nonton
sebelumnya. Tipikal.
11:35pm Playing CLERKS (1994) in the back to accompany me while
i'm working. That movie still cracks me up big time. :)

Wed Apr 28
12:37am After 4 months, back to geek glasses *updating avatar*
09:39am @leviluv9 thanks lev. Cute is primarily what i aim for. Hahaha
09:49am Twilight Eclipse? RT: @suhakri: kenapa yah tahun ini film
summernya nggak ada yg bikin bener bener gregetan pengen nonton...
09:55am Am not jumping on friday IRONMAN2 bandwagon
09:58am @suhakri neither, i'm not really into bestiality nor necrophilia
10:42am @shadeshinsoku bareng2 tidak berpartisipasi kan maksudnya?
01:18pm @shadeshinsoku yahh.. gue udh keburu janji mo ntn bareng
temen gue. Yg pasti bukan jum-$#%@^&!-at ini sih, hehehe
02:04pm Abis makan di warjep ya? RT @tyasasko: Pengen ke jepang..!!!
02:52pm What the F is going on in kemang? Macret bangret
03:35pm @yonan32 @jawajawir tenangg.. menurut sumber dr dalam,
sampe weekend ini masih ada kok.
04:25pm @gun28_07 abis sushi trus sop buntut? ck ck ck
06:24pm I had McD earlier today at it was geeuuuudddd :) RT:
@vilia_indahwati: I'm hungry, and all I can think of is junk food.... Oh
my !



eindraw's Twournal

06:46pm @vilia_indahwati eh, kemaren gue ketemu ma agus di ITC

ambas, dia abis beli popok segambreng. We should visit them sometime
11:01pm what about waistband rubber? *stuffing my SONY undies into
refrigerator*RT: @MencobaBelajar: Rubber bands last longer when kept
11:10pm In all seriousness, I like the idea about putting undergarments
in a refrigerator. Imagine how semriwing it'd be when u first wearing
11:11pm Never tried it though.

Thu Apr 29
12:18pm What? Kt nya tetep Onky Alexander. Protes! RT:
@film_indonesia: Aktor Ario Bayu akan memerankan Boy dlm
#segera_produksi @catatan_si_boy
12:40pm Life is short. Eat fast food.
12:59pm Hey that was my first tweet begins with "Life is". Wow, i feel
like a coelholian right now
01:12pm And now (i swear) the radio playing "Life"-Desree. God, what
is Your plan with me? #lebay
01:27pm "You can zigzag or stick out both legs by any ways necessary.
Just don't land your feet on the ground" -Motorcyclers' rule no.4

Fri Apr 30
10:51am @vipertongue or when your hair obscuring your face from the
camera while you're in action, us guys love that too.



erwin indrawan

11:58am The long ones or the short one? RT: @pevpearce: Is that true
that Lady Gaga amputated one of her legs?
12:14pm i sense a coming TRANSFORMERS-sequel mess. #ironman2
12:29pm Animasi 3D (non-cell animation) yg dibuat dalam format 3D
berarti istilahnya apa? "Animasi 3D-3D" ?
12:30pm Kabarin gue juga bos :D #nebeng RT: @monsterikan: kalau
lagi ada workshop / pelatihan yg berhubungan dgn menulis pls tell me so
01:28pm I heart XL. No, i'm not talking about their network service.
02:39pm COPOUT (2010) Dear Mr. @thatkevinsmith, please stick to
directing your own script before you lose your soul. Thanks for your kind
02:59pm Pa kabarnya Anne Suzuki yg maen di INITIAL-D ya?
#random #wetdream #iusedtodriveasuzuki
09:58pm Pegel kaki krn trefik jumat malem #nothingtotweet

Sat May 01
04:23am WTF #saturdaymorning
04:57pm Hey, last night w you guys already WAS a circus. RT:
@teeqs: ..ih ada yg mo ke sirkus! Cih! *lirik @erwin22

Sun May 02
01:50pm Bakmi TRIES dkt Giant BSD: certified FAVORITE by yours
02:26pm Mariii ,pake babi kan? RT @ViliaIndahwati: @davidbagong
@erwin22 : he eh.... Ayo kapan kita buktikan taste lidah masing2
02:53pm I'm too healthy to be in a bad mood today



eindraw's Twournal

11:32pm Now i know why they pay shitload of money for a voiceover
person. Because good quality VO still sounds clear even on crappy
11:47pm Kl elo yg maen, jdl nya jd "Memantau" ,pak. RT
@shadeshinsoku: Merantau ok bgt nih, pengin main film jdnya

Mon May 03
08:20am @teeqs u s q
08:58am if only I had unlimited high-speed internet connection right
now.... http://www.theauteurs.com
08:59am are you that self-centered? RT: @pevpearce: Am I the only one
who thinks that justin bieber is gay?
10:33am @a_hardjadinata twitpic braxon pls
11:02am I've got an extra bone.. right here! *pelvic thrust* RT
@MencobaBelajar: 8% Dari populasi dunia memiliki tulang ekstra.
11:05am Monday = driving around jkt. Hopefully find a treasure.
01:25pm @davidbagong pake krupuk ya? Re:bs malang

*kidding* RT: @cinema21: http://bit.ly/aCDeGD Sylvester Stallone:
Tidak Akan Ada Rambo V.

Tue May 04
10:04am @AffiFD Gw turut berduka cita Fi.
10:04am @ViliaIndahwati vaksin anjing gila? stuju wi.. udh saatnya.



erwin indrawan

10:14am @ViliaIndahwati #waritis (pake hastag) bukan *war it is*..

heheh tetep ngoreksi lho
10:30am IRONMAN 2 (2010 John Favreau) is a modern day
BATMAN&ROBIN (1997 Joel Schumacher). #ironman2
10:49am For me it's all style no substance. RT: @yonan32: @erwin22
11:05am @yonan32 ha3, maybe i was being too harsh. But my point
remains:too many characters, unconvincing plot, excessive FX.
Well,that's my opinion
11:11am @yonan32 disagree all you want bro :D it's still my opinion.
01:41pm @davidbagong @a_hardjadinata @ViliaIndahwati moooo..
(terjemahan: Pesen jg satu)
04:23pm Wheeee.. tiba2 sibuk *jedotin kpala*
04:45pm @ViliaIndahwati @davidbagong @a_hardjadinata Moooo..
(terjemahan: selamat ya) *teteup konsisten jadi sapi*
04:45pm @teeqs huss, ini kerjaan elo juga. *meskipun kerjanya dikantor klien*
07:43pm Boy still need his breastmilk RT @kompasdotcom: Justin
Bieber: Kim Kardashian Pacar Saya http://bit.ly/9HnqrK
11:23pm Mulai bekerja lagi.. *hoahm*

Wed May 05
12:15am Ini kualitas kertasnya gak bgs atau org indonesia yg sk remes2
duit kertas ya. Kok setiap dpt pchan 2000 udh pd kucel semua
12:40am @bimozulkarnain "pecahan" bim.. bukan "recehan", 2000 mah
bukan receh :P



eindraw's Twournal

01:47am @ramasugeng leceknya engga, tapi celana melorot melulu :) re:

seribuan logam
01:50am @bimozulkarnain @tyasasko bimo suka di-colling-in tyas ya?
hueheuheu. Di-calling atuh bim.
01:53am Whoa, 5 girls are hosting SMS quiz on globalTV.. jd inget
suasana daerah hayamwuruk.
02:38am VOLTES V on globalTV. Classic!
01:41pm Deadline makin hari makin ajaib.
01:53pm Attention hypochondriacs. Saya menerima buangan BB kalian.
RT: @MencobaBelajar: Dr semua tipe BB, BB Onyx memiliki radiasi plg
besar. #mbljr
08:02pm @ViliaIndahwati @davidbagong No pork! NO PORK!! You
order pork one more time i'll call the police i tell you! re: Mie Babi
11:57pm Main sulap lagi.. main sulap lagi. *udah pasti malem ini

Thu May 06
12:20pm +1 RT: @AffiFD: Before you type +1, really think about what
it is you're agreeing to.
12:38pm R e n d e r i n g. Ngapain ya sambil nunggu. Tidur? Tar aja deh.
01:02pm Gw gak pernah ngasih duit ke pengamen yg nyanyinya gak
serius. #random #importantlessonaboutme
01:45pm Matthew Vaughn to direct X-MEN:FIRST CLASS (2011). All I
wanna say is: KICK_ASS!!! http://bit.ly/9yKU6u
02:05pm Warner Bros reveals official DARK KNIGHT (2008) sequel
release: July 20, 2012. Masih lama cuy.



erwin indrawan

02:10pm Director of ECLIPSE (2010) is David Slade, because his last

movie is 30 DAYS OF NIGHT (2007), a decent movie about bad-ass
02:11pm Who's gonna direct TWILIGHT: BREAKING DAWN? Bill
Condon. His last movie? DREAMGIRLS (2006). Is it gonna be musical?
02:17pm Br tau kl Michael C.Hall itu suaminya Jennifer Carpenter. Mrk
berdua berperan sbg kakak-adik di serial DEXTER. How weird. Cinlok?
Tetep aneh
02:21pm Will Smith & Tommy Lee Jones udah confirm utk maen
di MEN IN BLACK III wait-for-it 3D. Sutradaranya tetep Barry
02:43pm Yuho Yazawa.. cari ahh. #biarmatatetepmelek
03:46pm We definitely do :D RT @leviluv9: @erwin22 eh,we still use
our baseball uniform number at the end of our account name!
03:48pm @a_hardjadinata@davidbagong @ViliaIndahwati abis dr
korean, mampir di puri bambu. Teteup.
04:51pm @tjenie did you just quote from rihanna? hahahaha
05:05pm NIGHTMARE ON ELM STREET only got 15% in
@rottentomatoes. So I guess, back to music video Mr.Bayer? I still
gonna watch the movie of course.
05:39pm @leviluv9 o-mai-god-lev.. you're-obsessed
05:48pm @jawajawir jangan teriak "Aaron I love you." yak.. tulis lewat
surat aja, lebih beradab. :D
05:58pm @jawajawir as long as i don't have to grab the other end of it.
Then, ok.
06:00pm Brangkaatt! RT: @ViliaIndahwati: @davidbagong @erwin22
@a_hardjadinata : pagi bacuk, siang puri bambu, malam korea. halah !



eindraw's Twournal

06:32pm Cieee RT: @bimozulkarnain: Nonton " On The Spot " di

Trans7...ada video klip Thalita feat Konig........
06:37pm @bimozulkarnain ahahaha.. taeeee :))
10:19pm Harga kopi berbanding lurus dg kecepatan wifi nya. Kalo
kopinya murah, ya...

Fri May 07
10:10am Indomie Goreng Telor Keju Corned Bakso.. Rp.11.500 <-- the
Big Mac of warung indomie. I don't how they contain all of em into d
02:04pm Namanya "Bank" bos, mgkn pernah dgr? :) RT @mulki_SrS:
lagi nyari duit (harfiah)*disimpen dimanaaaa nya?*
03:13pm Sorry kri, i believe it's "grammAr" :-D RT @suhakri: How to be
annoying : say sorry, correct people's grammer and add smiley
03:21pm @suhakri damn, bukan pertamax ya gan?
05:15pm @jawajawir http://twitpic.com/1lq1au - hahaha, pwnd.
10:13pm Saudari AA, i'm proud of you. Bisnisnya maju dan udh brenti
merokok pula. *jempol*
10:25pm @jawajawir pantesan elo mo k bdg nya hr ini. Mo nyambut
copeland d airport yak?
11:03pm @ameleea lah, situ kan A.S. skrg :) .Tp gak pa pa deh, i'm
proud of you too.. Hehehe

Sat May 08
08:30am RT @mulki_SrS: Innalillahi wa Inna illaihi Rajiun.. Selamat
beristirahat Abah Us Us, semoga diberi tempat terbaik di sisi Allah
05:33pm Off we go to see @copelandband and say goodbye


erwin indrawan

06:46pm @dengkhulx thx man. Bdg ujan wae euy, tp hareudang

Sun May 09
12:23am It saddens me to see their beautiful music comes to an end.
#copeland #farewelltour
01:22am @bimozulkarnain kok film? Konser bim
11:42am Aaron's (vocal) last words: "Have a good night. We've been
Copeland!" #copeland #farewelltour
11:44am Jonathan's (drum) last words: "Mojang Bdg gareulis euy!". I
swear he said that. #copeland #farewelltour
02:59pm My mom is playing w her brand new food processor. I'd say it'll
last about 2 months top. (sorry mom) #madato #perbaikangizi
03:06pm Ok, apel+lemon+sawi+nanas+plum = Nice texture and
viscocity but very sour. Way to go mom. Next.. #happymomsday
03:10pm Now she's preparing for kacangijo. *praying* Don't get me
wrong, she's a great cook but she never reads the manual.
03:15pm @leviluv9 those are exactly what she's preparing. Hahaha. Tx
10:30pm Hands up! Guns out! Represents! The world town! -M.I.A.
#nowplaying #inmyhead
10:51pm @gun28_07 wah, project apa nih?

Mon May 10
12:02pm Cyanide and Happiness FTW http://explosm.net
02:04pm Just saw a guy riding a motorcycle w his left hand on the
steering handle and the other one holding his sleeping son. Parenting


eindraw's Twournal

03:13pm Asiknya menghirup racun di dapur printing, tp kok kaga

mabok2 ya?
03:44pm I don't know how those printer-operator dudes can handle such
strong fumes from the CMYK toners. I'm feeling dizzy just now..*whoa
03:46pm hey, what's that cyan-colored bunny doing in front of me?.. oh,
that's just the monitor. *eneg*
04:04pm @ViliaIndahwati @davidbagong yups, tp kyknya ttep
mendingan lem aibon. Nongkrong di tmpt printer gak asik.. terlalu
banyak cowo bersliweran.
04:08pm @ViliaIndahwati @davidbagong at least aibon lebih portable
dude.. bisa dibawa kemana2.
06:04pm @leviluv9 strawberry lev :)
11:46pm Br 2 bln sejak terakhir ditabrak motor. Skrg udh ditabrak lg,
kali ini sama drunk motorcycler. Fuck.

Tue May 11
08:02am @dengkhulx teu nanaon gan, ngan body mobilna weh soek.
09:14am Jd males nyetir. My car is like a big magnet for incapable
drivers.. and drunks.
04:54pm Di-vaksin hepatitis dulu aah.. #casual
05:08pm @ViliaIndahwati @a_hardjadinata liat avatar gw aja.. Re: poto
nyang cakep
06:25pm if you're not into cars: erween22@yahoo.com RT:
@ramasugeng: Urgent: Hot Girls for automotive TV Show. Please
sendCV: cast@tunercorp.com,



erwin indrawan

06:33pm Always thought my parents are cool, but not this AWESOME!
Found this in their room. http://twitpic.com/1mwgyj
06:40pm @jackartsonic legendary bozzz :D
07:58pm FACT: Your dad is a motherfucker.
08:03pm Not available in grown-up size. Shame. http://bit.ly/cJU6bt
10:13pm Yg namanya 'Referensi visual' makin sekarang makin ketauan
dr mana sumbernya. Berarti udh cenderung plagiat dong.

Wed May 12
12:14pm Setting my expectation in moderate level for ROBINHOOD
01:36pm One of the only two things i liked in IRONMAN 2 (2010): the
Ironette dancers. Silakann http://bit.ly/cEGzea
02:14pm @silviahendarta scarlett johansson tentu saja
03:15pm @silviahendarta it's not her hair that i particularly interested
in :D
10:26pm ROBINHOOD(2010) Fairly good introduction to the titular
character that left you demand for an immediate sequel 3.5/5

Thu May 13
12:07am Oo.. itu toh yg namanya Shinta Bachir *darah mulai ninggalin
11:04am +1 RT: @vipertongue: If there is one thing we can learn from
Facebook, it's that some people really should "Like" their own posts a lot
11:05am Harus di-share ke seluruh dunia http://


eindraw's Twournal

11:28am @ramasugeng untung aja bukan "bagus.. berapa?" :D

12:50pm Ngrokok lagi? lemahhh.. :( RT: @tyasasko: damn... I tried to
smoke again now I'm fuckin dizzy and nauseous..
12:53pm @ogeelektrovirgo tapi suka kannn?? re:band melayu
01:00pm @tyasasko ade ape coba2 lagi? gak perlu banget
01:01pm @AffiFD ke arah tangerang atuh. re: SMS
01:42pm Rule of thumb: If the TVC is B-grade, so is the product it sells.
01:48pm Tarohan, gak bakal ada yg bisa tau kl ada 1 anak airsoft
gun diselipin diantara Densus-88. (selama orgnya bukan cina, putih,
03:23pm ITC Ambassador parking FAIL
03:32pm Half an hour and still no sign of vacant space. *nginget2 ajaran
The Secret*
03:48pm I was in the middle of watching GIRL WITH A DRAGON
TATTOO before i'm caught up in this mess. Bah!
05:15pm Pencari sumbangan berkeliaran dimana2. Gak bs dibedain
mana yg beneran. Tp mnrt gw cara gerilya spt itu agak mengganggu.
07:16pm yeah? I thought "look at that!"-pose is the sure thing RT:
@suhakri: Does every couple has to be in kissing pose in their pre wed
07:18pm @ViliaIndahwati sirik gue :( re: gili trawangan

Fri May 14
10:07am Ada pelem gw dong :D RT: @jiffest: Kompilasi film pendek
pemenang JIFFEST Script Competition. JIFFest Traveling 2010 Padang,
hari ini 14.00



erwin indrawan

10:36am I can see why David Ficher wants to remake THE GIRL WITH
THE DRAGON TATTOO (2010). Can't wait to see his version.
10:38am Me supporting remakes? Yeah, this one is an exception. Believe
me.. you want to see David Fincher's jab at this one :)
11:13am I decided to watch CHLOE (2010 Atom Egoyan) on DVD
because it has sexual theme, starring Amanda Seyfried, uncensored.
Catch my drift?
11:39am @dengkhulx everything is bacol for me :D (Bahan Ngocol)
03:50pm Hahaha sori, senin deh gue bawain ke kantor elo. RT:
@dengkhulx: Downloading A Bittersweet Life stlh dikomporin
@erwin22 tp ga dipinjem2in
04:35pm Gak keberatan ama kerjaan kuli, asalkan cuan nya gede.
04:51pm Jakarta, bersiaplah.
06:09pm @tantin_hadi tinggalin aja shooting nya, mending kita nge-bir
08:16pm Just found out there's a quiz called CEWEK/COWOK on
Trans. TV quiz is getting weirder and weirder. Should be called "Tebak
Bencong" instead.
08:34pm Whee.. KICK-ASS (2010) udah mau maen euy!
08:53pm @jawajawir tp tumben timelinenya @tjenie bersih dr cacimaki.
Lg good mood ya?
10:41pm Eva Green's latest movie is CRACKS (2009) directed by
Jordan Scott, daughter of Ridley. #gogreen
11:32pm @tantin_hadi jiah, dia baru bales sekarang. Besok yu.

Sat May 15



eindraw's Twournal

12:29am @tjenie @jawajawir wow, semoga sukses dan tetep kenceng

deh. Re:botoxl
07:57am AH, Kau ini! *iri* RT @ViliaIndahwati: Morning @Villa
Ombak Part 2 http://twitpic.com/1nt1h2
08:07am Bersiap u/ menjalani vonis seumur hidup ya. RT @teeqs:
Excited, nervous..ngantuk
08:09am Whoa. Tim Thomas Indonesia lolos ke final! Yeah! *fist pump*
09:32am @ViliaIndahwati oo..jd gt? Mau gw kirimin gw lg jongkok
rileks di toilet kost gw nih?
10:41am @davidbagong @viliaindahwati damn, gw udh boker hr ini.
Kalo belum, kan ada 'added bonus appearance'.
10:55am Real men don't care what Farah Quinn is cooking. #manlytips
08:22pm Gile, laper bener.. untung aja sedang menuju makan gratisan.

Sun May 16
01:26am All is great. Thank God for today. See you in the morning
tweetbuddies. GBU.
12:10pm Congrats @teeqs and Andrew. Mohon maap gak keburu
menghadiri akad nikah kalian. Tuhan memberkati.
01:34pm AYO TAUFIK! ANJRIT! (sori)
02:22pm Deuce! *tegang*
02:23pm Langsung bunting RT: @ogeelektrovirgo: Markis kido skali
smash 271km/h..badan kena smash dia apa kbr ya?
03:05pm Oh well. *tidur siang kayaknya lebih asik nih* #thomascup
08:17pm Harga Crocs yg mahal bikin anda meriang? Jgn takut,kan ada
"Koin Untuk Crocs". Get it? hahah.. Koin.. Croc--..no? *back to folding



erwin indrawan

08:19pm @davidbagong babi trousss..gak sehat! *sambil makan nasi

goreng tektek*

Mon May 17
09:40am 9.40 AM. Still no sign of breakfast.
02:55pm Ice tea sih di-refill, tapi es nya juga ditambah dong. Jadi anget
02:56pm Wayo-Men mayan enak menn! #halahh
03:40pm I came w a fresh ironed shirt and she was already there wearing
t-shirt and sandals. No date for me.
10:01pm me 6.18 cal in the last 24 hrs RT: @MencobaBelajar: Sekali
Nge-Tweet, Mampu Membakar 1,03 Kalori http://www.tweetcalories.com
11:18pm coba ketik REG MAMA trus kirim ke 9090.. kalo ada jawaban,
berarti.. hiiiiiyyyyy

Tue May 18
10:08am @teeqs nope, dia cuma balik ke planetnya .re: Mama loren
10:53am @tjenie @jawajawir dia lagi baca puisi pak tomi.. dan PMS
11:27am RAYUAN ARWAH PENASARAN (2010) yg tertera di
webpage 21, Pemain: Artis Jepang (bukan nama), Sutradara: --- (blank).
12:16pm COHEED&CAMBRIA tunggu gue disana njrit! #bokek
12:25pm Buset pak! RT: @mulki_SrS: koplikss.. ternyata master rem
bocoss!! untung istri n baby sdh sampe rmh kmrn pas blong..



eindraw's Twournal

01:07pm "I bang Dian Sastro on a daily basis. Your argument is invalid" Indraguna Sutowo
05:24pm 2 main reasons why i can't take JONAH HEX (2010) seriously:
1) Neveldine & Taylor (CRANK 1&2,GAMER) as the scriptwriters. 2)
Megan Fox.
09:01pm Kecewa. Beli "Sego kucing" trnyt bukan pake daging kucing.
11:56pm HA? Requirement minimal Core 2 Duo 2.6 GHz or higher!
*elus2 Mac tua "kamu gak cukup kenceng"*

Wed May 19
12:09am @tyasasko namanya Camille Belle pak, maen di 10.000 BC dan
PUSH re: cantik
01:30am Whoa.. #tanggap RT: @ogeelektrovirgo: Mau 2 di dlm 1..emg
10:11am @gun28_07 that's nice. Congrats man
10:58am lbh parah dibanding yg terakhir? RT: @jawajawir: Ya Tuhan,
mohon pulangkan org kulit putih imbisil itu ke negaranya.
11:06am @jawajawir item-putih dong :)) re:sobatnya @tjenie
11:42am @a_hardjadinata udh keliatan membesar semenjak yg terakhir
nampaknya. Re; Trex pup
01:54pm Next time broder. Next time. #BakmiTries

Thu May 20
10:28am Another bad-ass license plate! http://twitpic.com/1paj9c
11:18am SMI's ongoing last speech is her way of saying "Top that,
muthafucka! I RULE!".



erwin indrawan

11:30am RT: @shadeshinsoku: All of the top achievers are life-long

03:42pm nah, ini baru namanya PMS, @tjenie. :D RT: @suhakri:
@jawajawir bntr, lg urusan ama satpamnya dulu gara gara gua pecahin
pintu kaca bca nya.
04:03pm @suhakri: @tjenie @jawajawir satpam udh elo mutilasi dan
elo kubur kan kri?
05:47pm "Do you want my love" is #nowplaying on radio, pa kabar ya si
geulis Coco Lee?
05:51pm @thebambee ya yg terakhir lahh. Re:babe

Fri May 21
11:15am I'm so waiting for this--> LOS OJOS DE JULIA(2010) http://
latinhorror.com/onthehorrizon/losojosdejulia/ from Guillermo Del Toro
03:02pm KICK-ASS (2010 Matthew Vaughn) Kick-ass! Enough said.
03:48pm @ogeelektrovirgo @shadeshinsoku ini tanya-jawab padahal
kalian duduknya sebrang2an ya
04:47pm It somehow tickles me when someone say "It's a slice of
life" ..not in a good way if i might add. *wait for it-*
06:48pm Heh? br jam segini ngejualnya? RT: @suhakri: Ada mau beli 3
tiket shrek 3D di Blitz GI jam 7.30, seat C8, C9 dan C10 . Dikorting deh
07:02pm Selamat tinggal weekend. Selamat datang deadline. x___x

Sat May 22
11:51am tergantung ruangannya: tertutup/terbuka RT: @jawajawir: Yea
badai pasti berlalu, kaya bau kentut.


eindraw's Twournal

11:53am @thebambee lho.. katanya mo tidurr :D

12:06pm "Thigh Massage Video" got 59.734.637 views on YouTube.
12:37pm Semalem mimpi denger suara ketawa kuntilanak di ruang
tamu. Pas terbangun, gw cuman mikir "Dia ngetawain apa ya? perasaan
gak ada yg lucu."
12:40pm Shit, mimpi denger suara kuntilanak artinya apa ya? *gak
punya primbon*
01:02pm @jawajawir oh damn.. kayak @pocongasli gitu ya
01:05pm @leviluv9 will she be hot? re:ketemu kuntilanak
01:13pm @jawajawir Wahaha.. bener juga. Gw jd gak yakin skrg.
02:34pm You wanna be a blonde? Really? RT: @pevpearce: Mau ngecat rambut blonde. Tp cocok ngga ya ? Mau sedikit experimen
04:28pm @davidbagong @a_hardjadinata @ViliaIndahwati ini bener2
diskusi intelek tingkat tinggi. waw :)

Sun May 23
09:25am Wkt denger Gesang meninggal, temen gw cuma bilang "wah,
siapa ya 1 lg? kl 2 meninggal biasanya ada/bawa 1 org lg"... Ibu Ainun
12:26pm Shit, it's sunday and all i can think about is the effing deadline.
09:38pm Have a great Pentecost Sunday. Yeah, telat.
10:25pm 'till death do D'Bodors apart. Kang Kusye is on Metro TV.

Mon May 24



erwin indrawan

09:32am That CocaCola animation TVC with the boy and giant
robots and giant rock-creatures is totally AWESOME! AWESOME!
10:11am Itu benernya iklan susu BIOKIDS atau KEITA sih? #protesaja
10:48am been there :) RT: @vipertongue: That sinking feeling you get
when you start-up your Mac and all you get is a blinking questionmark.
12:04pm Yep, they found the girl who will replace Megan Fox in
TRANSF***ERS 3. This girl, http://bit.ly/d9PLSX
12:15pm @Julius_JK namanya Rosie Huntington Whiteley pak.. catet! :)
12:26pm What about bikini wax? RT: @thejakartaglobe: Transvestites
not allowed to cut ladies' hair due to new fatwa http://bit.ly/cbzA6D
01:55pm bummed to see my favorite warung soto downsizing its place.
07:16pm Gah! Plontos lg deh gw X-(
07:28pm Since I quit, cigarettes are no longer cool.
09:57pm Menghayati sekali rupanya :P RT @ogeelektrovirgo: Isabella

Tue May 25
12:58am Ck ck ck.. *geleng2* RT: @tyasasko: Misssss youuu
both..#haiiiiyaaah@fibbyvb Paaaaaeeeeeee RT @tyasasko:
01:05am Finally, Milla Jovovich in 3D will come true! http://bit.ly/
brVesM 19 years since BLUE LAGOON (1991), i guess my prayer is
01:06am @tyasasko oya? asik.. lokasi dan jam nya dong. Gue besok ada
nge-finalize kerjaan di fatmawati, moga2 bisa mampir.



eindraw's Twournal

12:43pm Wah, ketemu lg nih client ngasal. Kali ini udh ampir 2 jam
nunggu. Pret.
01:07pm Animator 3D itu setidaknya.. setidaknya hrs bs bikin modelling
handphone muter2, itu paling terpakai di jaman skrg.
01:34pm @silviahendarta iya.. hehehe.
04:12pm Not valid, dewi persik also said the same thing. RT
@ihatequotes: #justbecause you look sexy, doesn't mean you're naughty.
05:41pm @teeqs wah, @ramasugeng abis dr alexis lgsg ke mercure.
08:59pm Sebelom ditelen, dioperin dulu k cewe sebelahnya.
*siapinkamera* RT @tantin_hadi: @teeqs tp cowo2 pd suka kl di telen
09:27pm Are CROCS really that comfortable?. . . . . . . . . . Nah.

Wed May 26
12:55am Attention! Cute alert! #SMSquizGlobalTV
01:20am @davidbagong ya heu euh ateuh.. tp lutu pisan njiss :D
01:30am @davidbagong pa lagi kalo udh mulai maenin mulutnya sampe
timbul kerut2 di dagunya. *nom nom nom*
10:16am tapping @dengkhulx on the shoulder RT: @twitchfilm: Choi
Min-Sik. Lee Byung-Hyun. Kim Ji-Woon. I SAW THE DEVIL Teaser.
10:17am Me. Waiting. RT: @blitzmegaplex: Javier Bardem in Irritu's
BIUTIFUL. Coming soon exclusively to @blitzmegaplex courtesy of



erwin indrawan

10:27am A futile warning. RT: @RottenTomatoes: Sex and the City 2's
#tomatometer starts off #rotten at 0% with 5 reviews. http://ht.ly/1PLLz
01:51pm Acara hari ini: Tour dr kantor ke kantor.
02:11pm @ogeelektrovirgo solusinya sih punya kantor sendiri aja.. tp
terlalu muluk buat gw :D
04:50pm Fansnya band sendiri ya? RT @bimozulkarnain: #nowplaying
sheila - @konigband
06:51pm feeling gue bener, mestinya hari ini gak cuci mobil. Pret.
09:55pm Agree. Horrible. RT: @twitchfilm: Topping Today's List Of
Very Bad Ideas: The Producer Of TWILIGHT Remaking MARTYRS.
10:41pm So, they're artistically superior? RT: @MencobaBelajar: All of
the polar bear is left-handed. #mbljr
10:42pm So, they wipe their asses w their right hand? RT:
@MencobaBelajar: All of the polar bear is left-handed. #mbljr
11:18pm "There needs to be an application for phones that works
as a breathalyzer to prevent drunk dialing" http://bit.ly/bQOQVo via
11:19pm Another fodder for dick jokes RT: @MencobaBelajar: Your
feet are bigger in the afternoon than the rest of the day. #mbljr

Thu May 27
01:36pm @tjenie Happy bday pak tommy, Ultahnya bareng frodo ya..
Kok bisa? Hehehe.
02:55pm Pertanyaan yg lucu. Ini Indonesia bung :) RT: @elwinmok:
Film "i know what you did on facebook"... Bayar rights brand fb gak yah?



eindraw's Twournal

09:58pm Online tutorials are free, download them as many as your ass
10:32pm No matter how expensive they are, i think 'long sleeve
shirt(tucked)-jeans-trainer shoes' is never a right combo.

Fri May 28
09:16am Baru kali ini dpt flight AirAsia yang di"re-scheduled" pergi dan
pulangnya. Biar ada early notice juga tetep aja delay mah delay. :(
10:03am Hahaha dkabayan RT: @jackartsonic: Lu musti tau ya,teknik
tkg loak. Kl ada org jual brg 1 juta,lu tawar jgn ragu2. Seratus perak.
10:20am @suhakri still beats nothing at all. re:pixar let down
12:50pm I wonder if i pay for 3 bucketful of groceries in Indomart and
the clerk still be asking "Hanya ini saja pak?"
12:53pm I mean basket, who shops carrying a bucket these days?

Sat May 29
09:58am Ini lagi yg menuh2in bdg.. ckckck RT: @ViliaIndahwati:
Rencana sampe bandung jam 9, On the way with Korry, Katrin, Dydee &
Madonna. Yihaa !
01:42pm One of the most bad-ass movie poster i ever seen http://
05:40pm Berharap Dashboard Confessional nyanyiin "Vindicated"
malem ini.
05:53pm @davidbagong 4l4y5 bozzz.. Engga banget
06:08pm @tyasasko msh otw pak. Elo dah msk?



erwin indrawan

Sun May 30
01:48am RIP Dennis Hopper
01:52am C'mon man, get w the program. RT @dengkhulx: @erwin22 yo
bro, haven't watch ANY of your korean movie
02:20am For a band like DC, the security was surprisingly low. You can
sneak in a sniper riffle in a briefcase as long as you can show your ticket.
03:28pm Welcoming my dear sister @mh37na to the tweetville
04:33pm Ayo bikin lagi yg baru.. RT @dengkhulx: Always fun to receive
message or email from Jejak Darah readers.
08:20pm Hamilton vs. Button with Nicole Scherzinger in between. If
only F1 was soap opera.
08:31pm Anticipating Ms. Nicole's bouncy twins in 3.. 2.. 1..
10:14pm MERANTAU (2009 Gareth Evans) is on RCTI. The hero dies
in the end. *evil laugh*
11:15pm Euu.. besok tgl 31 fi.. RT: @AffiFD: It'll be June again in an
hour. Where did May go? It scares me how time flies so fast..

Mon May 31
09:16am Avoid istana boneka at all cost. The place dulls your musical
senses. RT @jackartsonic: Siap2 ke Dufan dgn para dosen musik.
09:20am Nooooooo.. (infinity) RT @twitchfilm: Guillermo Del Toro
Quits THE HOBBIT http://bit.ly/bZ0GjZ
09:59am @thebambee pagi barbaraa :)
10:32am @jawajawir YIESH!! :D
11:21am Don't bother to quit smoking if you do it half-heartedly. Or that
"mengurangi rokok" method.. pointless.



eindraw's Twournal

11:28am Djarum Super (don't judge me)-->Gudang Garam Super-->A

Mild-->Marlboro-->Marlboro Light-->Quit Smoking
11:51am Another lame excuse: "Rugi dong jadi perokok pasif", it's like
you salt your own wound.
11:55am Wah, ahmad dhani is holding a snake in a music video and dewi
persik is playing with his snake. What kind of perverted innuendo is that?
01:45pm If she's a non-smoker and somehow put up w your smoking
habit.. that's love, my friend :)
01:52pm If it's the other way around.. He wants something from you
ladies ;)
02:02pm kita biarkan lintah itu tetap menempel pd kulit? RT
@jawajawir: Di hari tanpa tembakau ini, mari ... *bingung
02:15pm @jawajawir teteupp :P
06:39pm Gitu dong! *jempol* RT: @thebambee: aa=))=)) di
lintas berita ada "seorang cewe memperkosa 10 pria" gokil sooob !!
Emansipasi gendeng :p
10:19pm Hot damn. RT: @twitchfilm: Malaysia Has An IRON MAN To
Call Their Own With MANTERA http://bit.ly/bT0EYI
10:25pm MANTERA = Man Transformable Exo-Robotic Armor
10:44pm @belindaluis sad news :( RT @SonyMusicID: Guys, It's
confirmed Usher will not come to Jakarta for a concert. Too bad! :(
10:47pm Oh, here's another one.. "Gue ngerokok supaya kurus".
Actually i agree on that one.. eventually :)

Tue Jun 01



erwin indrawan

01:15am @davidbagong emang situ dah nonton ya? just checking :) re:
robin hood
01:22am @davidbagong coba ya.. jangan beli bajakan! . . . . . . kalo
belum kualitas ori. *tiba2 kangen jessica mila*
10:25am () . . . . . . . . kenapa? kepengen aja nyobain.
11:06am @suhakri pembajakan is a form of flattery :D
02:21pm 'Beer Pong' itu apaan sih? Kedengerannya menarik.
04:31pm Thanks @mulki_srs @suhakri @yonan32 :) trnyt gw salah
ketik, maksud gw 'Beer Porn'
11:49pm Eurgh, my stomach is acting up again. Must.. finish.. dragon..
fruit.. and spicy.. pringles..

Wed Jun 02
12:22pm Kata siapaa RT: @thebambee: It's confrimed! Ne-Yo bakal
konser di Jakarta!!
01:59pm Heh? 711 mampangprapatan? kapan dibangunnya ya
02:03pm Updating Mac OS X 947 MB.. 0% |||||||||||||||||.....
100% (untung di kantor klien)
03:32pm @gun28_07 what is?
04:56pm Kayaknya sampe sekarang cuman gue motiongrapher yg belum
pernah nyobain Trapcode Form #kuranggaul eh #kurangeksplor :)
09:23pm @jawajawir heh? ngapain lo di RS?
09:49pm @dengkhulx aminnn.. (ngarep kangtau.com) re: meeting



eindraw's Twournal

Thu Jun 03
12:49am This dragon fruit is a huge win as late nite snack. Gotta get
some more tomorrow.
10:55am Just wanna say.. thank God for today. Hey that rhymes :)
01:12pm Di-dadar telor? di-selai? atau di-jus? RT @davidbagong: Too
much meat this week, so now...mushroom for lunch :)
03:08pm @teeqs situ expert ya? :P RE: mushroom
03:29pm Bruce Lee -->Jet Lee --> Now it's Donnie Yen's turn.
RETURN OF CHEN ZHEN (2010 Andrew Lau) teaser http://
06:03pm @davidbagong lho kok bs bareng? Ini d kantor tmn gw jg lg
mati listrik.
06:07pm *BLEEP!* RT @shadeshinsoku: fuck
09:52pm Yep, saw a seleb prancing around the mall carrying an iPad
while wearing a big-ass sling bag on his shoulder. Instant douche!
09:59pm SHREK 4 (2010 Mike Mitchell) For me, Shrek saga ended
nicely in the second sequel. The third one? Not even funny. 2.5/5
10:06pm @teeqs dibanding SHREK 1 2 3? spertinya udh kering ide.
Kaga fun menrt gue sih.
10:22pm @jawajawir Menrt gue fit :) ..gue ngebandingin sama SHREK
1 2 3 soalnya. Yg ini keliatannya udah kering ide.
10:25pm @teeqs @fannyrahmasari gue gak tau namanya, tp dia artis
sinetron cukup terkenal. Btw, it's a "he" tik, not "she" :)
10:27pm or.. keep it, uh "personal" by not sharing RT: @rayafahreza:
#personalvideotips: 1. xfer your video to a pc, format camera memory,



erwin indrawan

10:35pm @rayafahreza exactly, "sharing" is a wide term. Repairing

crashed computer/digital device to other people.. that's "sharing" :) IMO
11:13pm Oh yea, one highlight from SHREK 4: it features intro of "Sure
Shot" from Beastie Boys. Do you know which scene?
11:27pm Gue: "Captain America? psch! pasti kostumnya konyol tuh".
BAM! http://www.aintitcool.com/node/45326 ternyata kerenn :D
11:28pm @jawajawir me! me! me! re: link (eh, becanda ya?)
11:32pm Utility belt nya bagus, bisa buat kamera pocket, rokok, card
reader, ext. harddisk, Blackberry, iPod http://bit.ly/cZCZ6i
11:41pm Berarti pengen liat. RT: @ameleea: Video ariel luna tuh pd
ngapain sih? Gak pengen liat tp pengen tau..
11:52pm @tyasasko gile man. it's gonna do some serious damage to their
career. Kesian.

Fri Jun 04
12:47am @bimokonig dude.. why are doing that? jangan ikutan nyebarin
laa. :) kesian
12:48am Moga2 @blitzmegaplex mau muterin film ini disini RT:
@RottenTomatoes: SPLICE stays at #fresh 66% on the #tomatometer
01:13am Fuck, Roy Suryo's face will surely be all over our TV again.
09:18am Yesh! RT @blitzmegaplex: @erwin22 Yep, we will have
SPLICE. No confirmed date yet; we are hoping for late June/early July.
02:14pm Cue for celine dion *flute* RT @davidbagong: RT
@JoseCarol: Whether OBAMA would come to visit or not our Nation
would still GO ON!

Sat Jun 05


eindraw's Twournal

10:00am Gagal deh rencana mau maen ke bintaro :(. . . . . . . . . . . .eh,

beneran, gue gak becanda.
10:34am @davidbagong Yep.. kabarnya, check it out http://
10:35am Funny T-Shirts, very inspiring. http://store.glennz.com/
11:53am Damn you LEGENDS OF THE GUARDIANS(2010) trailer.
Now i'm constantly playing 30Sec To Mars-"Kings & Queens" on iTunes
GA'HOOLE (2010) is the newest movie from Zack Snyder (300,
Watchmen), will be released Sept 2010

Sun Jun 06
09:29am When it comes to Parker, Mary Louise is way hotter than Sarah
Jessica. #apaansih
09:37am @dengkhulx 'you never know how much you miss someone
until you're stuck w somebody else'
12:18pm Pengen berenang outdoor tp kok ujan begini ya. . . . . . . eh, gw
01:42pm @xensoeart Anytime broder :)
01:58pm Liat ada ABG pake Nike 'Pigeon' Dunk buat nge-gym (kond
50%). That shoes caused a riot in NYC back in 2005 due to its l http://
02:00pm Oh, sori.. I didnt see the character count :) ..twitlonger deh
02:05pm Back in 2005, those shoes could cost est. $1000 on eBay (Kalo
gak salah, gw bukan trmsk sneakerhead)
06:48pm Had a near death experience: Lost my wallet and found it 30
min later. #ThankGod



erwin indrawan

07:25pm @dengkhulx nothing. Dompet ketinggalan di locker.. gue

nyadarnya 30 menit kemudian. Pas dicari lagi ternyata masih ada di
locker itu.
07:25pm @ViliaIndahwati nothing. Dompet ketinggalan di locker..
gue nyadarnya 30 menit kemudian. Pas dicari lagi ternyata masih ada di
locker itu.
07:26pm @suhakri oya? bukan dompet ketinggalan di rumah kan? :)
07:29pm That's because you're already married *nyumput* RT:
@primahari: Terus? Knp kl ubanan? Gue suka dg uban di kepala gue.
08:10pm @dengkhulx eu, does it matter? bukan gym locker dude.. tapi
locker tempat berenang.
08:18pm Keuntungan tinggal di gang sempit berliku: Pizza delivery jadi
terlambat --> kompensasI: voucher pizza gratis *ka-ching ;)*
08:34pm HOUSE 6th ssn finale was shot using Canon 5D Mk II &offthe-shelf lenses. Eager to see what it's like. (HOUSE is usually shot w
35mm camera)
08:40pm @primahari i'm not yet convinced w your argument since i'm
not richard gere :D
08:45pm @davidbagong heuheuheu.. yeah, you're right :)
09:13pm If you mute the audio, Choki looks like he's trying to sell a girl
to a bunch of men. *Not that i'm watching Take Him Out.
09:16pm plus one. RT: @jokoanwar: Film jelek asal bikin hanya akan
buat penonton kapok ntn film lokal. Film lokal dibunuh oleh orang
filmnya sendiri

Mon Jun 07
01:02am Aw, fuck you Narji #kuisbolarcti #gwsirikgitu?



eindraw's Twournal

11:08am Hari ini diisi dg ngejar tutorial yg udh numpuk.

12:39pm Dana aspirasi my ass. Prestasi dulu njrit! #TolakDanaAspirasi
12:46pm Beuh, masih ada juga yg sinis sama pengaruh twitter. Are you
living in a cave, man? #TolakDanaAspirasi
01:08pm Sebab berprestasi = punya hati nurani = jauh dari korupsi
01:23pm Ah! Tutorial nya keputus. i'm half-learning here. Oh well..
01:56pm CITY OF FATHERS (2009 Park Ji-won) A violent gangster
flick with a core of menye-menye melodrama. Yawn 2.5/5
02:02pm I always like how they brush/animate the Korean hanja/kanji on
the screen as movie titles. It's elegant and very organic.
02:08pm And so they are in movie posters. Elegant. Here are some
examples: http://www.hancinema.net/all_korean_movies.php
02:49pm @davidbagong wah, baru denger tuh rumah situ banjir.. emang
dapur elo banjir dr mana?
03:19pm Brett Ratner will remake SNOW WHITE 3D, Kim Kardashian
will be LARA CROFT & Carrie Bradshaw will have a prequel movie.
Tahi dalam pembuatan.
03:26pm How come all superheroes wear boots? Wouldnt they seem
faster if they were wearing some sweet Air Jordans or something? FilmDrunk.com

Tue Jun 08
10:01am Tengkyu broder. RT @xensoeart: bis ntn "Yang Kembali (The
Visit)" karya bang @erwin22 Mantabss....!!!!



erwin indrawan

10:10am Wah, 3Gs baru turun jadi 1 juta dong. (nggarep-dot-ko-dotaidi)

11:35am Hahaha, panda langsing. RT: @suhakri: @tjenie si frodo
diginiin lucu deh http://tweetphoto.com/26177232
11:56am Article FAIL (at this time) RT: @kompasdotcom: Trik Tepat
Karier Melesat http://bit.ly/9dgMgs
12:39pm @dengkhulx Bandung teaaa... hahaha
02:47pm Mindy Kaling and Aziz Anshari should be paired in a rom-com
movie. No, i'm not racy.. it's just they're both funny.
03:06pm Waw.. iPhone 4 kalah pamor. Hidup Indonesia!
10:02pm Aargh. Circa Survive mau perform di Jimmy Fallon NBC dan
gw gak punya cable TV :( ...YouTube!

Wed Jun 09
12:08am Meskipun gak punya iPhone RT: @webdesignledger: RT
@thephotoargus 10 Must Have Apps for iPhone Photography | Gear
10:06am Something's wrong with Ray Allen. 1 quarter left.
10:35am @a_hardjadinata jiah, elo percaya aja. Bikin RT mah gampang,
tinggal ketik.
02:17pm Forgive me for i have sinned. #overdosisbabipanggang
05:17pm Di Indo ada yg pake kecap manis *ye ga? @davidbagong*
RT @MencobaBelajar: Di Jepang, kalian bs menemukan orang yg mkn
pasta mnggnakan sumpit

Thu Jun 10
01:38am beer me! *burp*.. aahhh


eindraw's Twournal

Fri Jun 11
01:35am I hope it's not too late, but i just realize how happy i am to see
my best friend found someone he deserves.
11:45pm tidur dulu gitu?.. nah.
11:58pm @bimokonig teu ngartos.. naon nguyen lang teh?

Sat Jun 12
10:28am Hahaha Dejavu RT: @teeqs: Coba celana lo! Masih kepake
kan?! RT @tantin_hadi: Wuuuaaduhhh.....what have I done last nite??!!
12:17pm Di bandung aja gm? :)RT: @teeqs: Kongkow2 yuk di malam
minggu @tantin_hadi @erwin22 @dEvistiLicious @tyasasko @ameleea
@ramasugeng @Judithya
12:17pm @jawajawir si @tjenie ?
12:24pm @ogeelektrovirgo hahahaha.. huss, jgn sompral di tengah2
mereka. Bahaya. re:segiempat
12:39pm Pasang muka ramah sehari jeprut. RT: @primahari: Makan
dulu sebelum kerja. Kalo pingsan pas lg handle customer kan malu :)
12:44pm @teeqs itulah bedanya married/engga :) .Re:dicuekin

Sun Jun 13
01:41am Not a fan of team USA's jerseys. The big white stripe across the
chest looks ridiculously similar to a beauty pageant contestant
11:58am RT @forces2: Light travels faster than sound, that's why some
people appear bright until you hear them speak



erwin indrawan

05:29pm Yg penting biji tetep pd tmptnya RT @mulki_SrS: pas dilontar

otak ketinggalan d bwh, pas jatoh pantat ketinggalan d atas #hysteria

Mon Jun 14
12:39am No money shot on Ms. Scherzinger? #f1
01:04am VC Optical Flares is infecting our TV Stations.
#motiongraphic #geektalk
01:14am tifster dan roy suryo di tvOne. Move along, nothing to see
here.. continue enjoying the World Cup, people.
01:36am Schwansteiger's porn name would be Schlongstiffer. #halah
10:30am @ramasugeng penonton nya tuir2 berarti. Re: Jayalah rock
10:35am Mari belajar.. a video by a newbie :) http://vimeo.com/12527762
10:39am Pagi2 di Nanny's Pavilion jl.riau. Dari 19 org disini, cuman GW
cowo satu2nya. Pengangguran WINS!
11:06am @leviluv9 yaahh. Da sbnrnya engga rencana kesini lev. Gw
sambil nungguin mbl d bengkel :)
11:25am @jawajawir euh..euh.. "hi, nice jugs. Are they fresh?"

Tue Jun 15
02:28pm maigod, semua org jadi ganggu gini.. ikutan ahhh
02:31pm ..bersama Yastakoo..
02:34pm kok gak berhasil?
02:37pm This echo thing works for "umbrella" joke.. c'mon tweeps, you
can do it
03:56pm @teeqs yiah, maksudnya tadii.. Pas twitter nya ber-echo ria .re:


eindraw's Twournal

04:10pm Total waktu diperlukan u/ perpanjang SIM: 1 jam. Not bad at

all :)
05:59pm Oo, neng @pevpearce jd komentator bola. Silakan konsen..
06:44pm Apel ma jeruk ya? Gelo siah :) RT @davidbagong:
Saingannya...mas Roy di tvOne :) RT @erwin22: @pevpearce jd
komentator bola
07:01pm I'm wondering what's the logical reason behind those bright
neon orange shoes.
09:17pm attention @tantin_hadi ..pemain Portugal yg namanya Raul
Meireles tattoo nya dimana2. Silakan konsen..
09:35pm @teeqs itu namanya inget fetish nya temen tikk. cc:
10:53pm Selamat! *jempol* RT: @AffiFD: Casting Another Stone

Wed Jun 16
12:55am and it's about to go 8. RT: @pandji: RT @FinalsHistory: Seven
of the Celtics 17 NBA titles have been won on the road
02:24pm Hah? Singapur banjir?! #barubukatwitter #emangkenapa
02:30pm @davidbagong dah liat banyak twitpic nya. Pa kbr fudkort yg d
orchard plaza ya? Kuah semua dong
02:31pm @jawajawir hahaha, abis berapa tuh ya biaya kirimnya?
03:04pm @teeqs iya, dr bogor katanya. :P
03:13pm Jgn2 situ gak bw kendaraan :P RT @bimokonig: Wadugh....gue
lupa pakir di lantai brp??skip parah..PR bgt musti telusurin satu2
03:16pm Nge-cat uban dulu ahh *uhuk-tua-uhuk*
06:00pm Striker Honduras umurnya 37 taun. Old dude FTW!



erwin indrawan

06:02pm *eh 36 th jalan ding

11:24pm THE A-TEAM (Joe Carnahan 2010) Big bang! Boom! Jessica Biel-Big bang! Boom!.. repeat. 2.5/5 (Menghibur dan mayan buat

Thu Jun 17
10:35am Btw, album Stone Temple Pilots terbaru bagus gak sih?
02:41pm I don't think McD is an ideal spot to escape from "tsamina
mina.. ee.. ee!" *sigh*
08:10pm Damn, pertandingan yg gw lewatkan justru pertandingan yg
seru :(

Fri Jun 18
12:00am Alright. Boobies show bersama Narji. #rcti
12:34am @primahari gue ada picnic roll nih dr Bdg *evl laugh*
10:10am Ayo celtics! Kok mandul gini sih
11:21am "Lizzie Mcguire Movie" menyeruak diantara para pemain NBA
di trending topics.
11:22am Selamat deh LA Lakers.
01:11pm Maksud lo 'keberuntungan'?RT @primahari: Keajaiban hari ini
dimulai dr complain client, gosongnya ac kamar, nunggu dri http://mtw.tl/
01:50pm @primahari hehehe, tabaahhh :)
04:13pm There's nothing traditional in cheap plastic bright colored noise



eindraw's Twournal

Sat Jun 19
01:14am yiahh.. telkomvision gak nyiarin world cup ya? Celaka.. gak ada
antene UHF pula disini. Masih mendingan tv di kost gue dong.
01:23am Love vuvuzela http://www.lovecreative.com/vuvuzela/
01:28am @princyrn thanks dear :D Buset, blom tidur nih? emang
nonton world cup gitu?
07:59am "That's what she said!" -Michael Scott RT @ihatequotes: Go
Hard or Go Home! -@KimKardashian #ihatequotes
08:01am @f1rsty thanks ya! :) GBU too.
08:02am @davidbagong tengkyu broder! Still not drunk yet
08:04am @jawajawir huss, jangan taun inihh.. :) thanks Fit!
10:54am @silviahendarta tengkyu Sil. :) and to you
10:55am @thebambee tengkyu dear :) Jbu too..
12:48pm @tantin_hadi gue udah di bandung lagi bo. Sowri can't come.
02:17pm @tantin_hadi ada peringatan 1 taun wafatnya paman gue.
Malesin kan jawaban gue :))
02:18pm @ogeelektrovirgo thanks Gee.. :D
02:18pm @teeqs @tantin_hadi tenkyuu.. R&Ban nya ditunda juli yak.
05:38pm You mean you're stuck w them RT @teeqs: Friends always
come and go, but family will always be there, I ma family
07:05pm @dengkhulx busett. Kaga kenapa2 tuh? Kayak film action aja
08:49pm Anjrit. *nyiapin kamera* RT @dengkhulx: pake lidah ga bro...?
RT @bimokonig: thx om...muah muah..
09:17pm Si jabulani kembali bikin ulah
10:51pm Good game!
11:58pm @primahari Wah,jangan2 ini gara2 cerita ttg Farah Quinn
kemaren. re: bahenol.



erwin indrawan

11:59pm @gun28_07 tengkyu broder. Elo duluan married ajaa, gm?

Sun Jun 20
12:06am Neil Blomkamp is THE HOBBIT director? Blomkamp
BlomSiap lahh http://bit.ly/daKtEz
08:00pm Kupingnya ngaceng bgt ya RT @a_hardjadinata: http://

Mon Jun 21
12:59am "My microphone matches my golden belt. Your argument is
invalid" -Kris Dayanti #harmoni
01:03am "My konde-hawk compliments my shoulder spikes. Your
argument is invalid" -Titi DJ #harmoni
01:04am "What?.. I'm normal" -Ruth Sahanaya #harmoni
05:47pm In a strange land where the chinese speak bledag bledug
06:51pm Watching POR-PRK makes me crave for babi..
07:13pm @davidbagong tau nih mo d bw kemana, gm tour leader aja
08:10pm What the F #PRK ??
09:22pm @dengkhulx oh shit..*masang lensa* Yaah keburu layu
09:56pm True ;) RT @jawajawir: Kalo tadi bikin pengen makan Babi, yg
sekarang bikin pengen bakmie Casiu.

Tue Jun 22



eindraw's Twournal

07:35pm Tempe penyet.. 500m>Tempe penyet.. 1km>Tempe penyet..

5km>Tempe penyet.. #pasuruan
08:09pm @davidbagong emang kita lewat pasuruan ya? Inul dari
pasuruan kan? (naon deui)
08:22pm Rawon Nguling.. Legen- - - -dary #probolinggo

Wed Jun 23
09:16am Meh.. #bromo
09:19am I'm just kidding :). Bromo is the most beautiful thing i've ever
seen in my life. Glorious to God. #bromo
09:49am @jawajawir hahayy.. Serasa City slickers
11:50am Becak low rider. #probolinggo
11:56am @sat17 iya pak, trip ma keluarga. Pa kabar? Follow dl ah
12:03pm Daerahnya rokok merk TALI JAGAT, MINNA, APACHE,
WARUNG KOPI (heh?) #probolinggo
04:13pm @ogeelektrovirgo apa sih yg belom elo coba ji? Hahaha
04:18pm @bimokonig yoi bim, nyari wangsit. Hehehe
04:19pm @ogeelektrovirgo hahahahahaha.. Good one
04:21pm Baso tenes AG-->makan baso pake lontong.. Catet
04:48pm @bimokonig ayam juga boleh, palagi yg bohay
09:31pm Vuvufukinzela berkumandang lagi.. Pret!
10:31pm @jawajawir yeah, beli BB selagi di bondowoso. Seems
mandatory :) .Engga fit, dpt minjem
11:00pm @tjenie @jawajawir horee obraalll

Thu Jun 24


erwin indrawan

08:54am Biar siaran ulangan, tp #AUS-#SRB seru jg.

10:36am View from where I'm sitting right now #bondowoso http://
11:36am @davidbagong agak mendung sih emang. Very windy
11:38am @jawajawir serius tuh? Katanya 'bondowoso' itu arti
harafiahnya 'modal omong doang'.. Hehehe
01:27pm @AffiFD di bondowoso fi.. Vintage abis kotanya, i like it! :)
01:40pm Rule of thumb: Don't mess w people who handle your food. RT
@pandji: #GiveHappiness dg tdk ketus kpd waiter/waitress di restoran
10:36pm Wah, Hamsik dan V-Tech lagi. Bye #ITA
10:45pm Andrea Pirlo itu mukenye mirip ma Anton Chigurh di NO

Fri Jun 25
09:27am On the road again #situbondo
10:11am Tebu dan Lori lori #situbondo
11:56am Wah akhirnya dia bikin film lg RT @twitchfilm: A Trailer For
Todd Solondz's LIFE DURING WARTIME http://bit.ly/94xTCJ
11:57am Sama dong. #ferrygoyang RT @tyasasko: Jumatan kali ini
nyebrang pulau..
06:01pm Touch down #legian
06:15pm @davidbagong tanaya trnyt emang cozy bgt. Hoki pula, mesen
1 kmr triple trnyt dikasih 2 kmr double dg tanpa penambahan harga
10:24pm Nobar kali ini artinya Nonton di Bar #halah
11:07pm +1 tp emang gak ada yg dipertaruhkan sih RT @jackartsonic:
Brajil persus Portugal. Kuciwa.



eindraw's Twournal

11:11pm Oo baguss, udh Jl.raya legian emang biasanya padet skrg

ditambah galian pipa pulak. Macret! #legian

Sat Jun 26
11:02am @dengkhulx they make good porn movies also. Re:french
12:02pm @dengkhulx di bali pak. Nyoba2 jd kuta cowboy
01:13pm Babi guling 'Karya Rebo' kali ini skornya kurang tinggi. #bali
06:38pm First time watching COUGAR TOWN. I just found out it's cocreated by Bill Lawrence (SCRUBS)
06:44pm A..aand so far it's quite amusing. :D #gakpunyacable
08:06pm @irfianta welcome to bandung! Hahaha.. Enjoy aja bosss

Sun Jun 27
11:00am Di Joger. Lucu anjrit. Ketawa siah. #bali
11:13am @gun28_07 euh, spt nya elo gak baca twitter gw 2 hari ini yak?
12:16pm Nasi pedes Bu Andika skornya tetep bagus #bali
12:44pm Weiss.. Hafal nih RT @tantin_hadi: Shoot me shoot me...cari
bak tu ka kik kuk kek...shoot me shoot me aaahhhhh #iniyggue http://
09:47pm "hehehe.. salah ya gw?" -Wasit #GER-#ENG
11:49pm "Yang.. Kuta hujann lagi, di bawah payung hitam ku
berlindungg.." -Dian Pishesa #ketauanumurnya #bali

Mon Jun 28
10:52am Nasi pedas, the sequel #bali



erwin indrawan

11:07am Enak ya.. Keringet kayak mandi cc: @teeqs RT @gun28_07:

@erwin22 mau dunkkk nasi pedassssnyaa

Tue Jun 29
02:08pm @dengkhulx more movies by Kim Ki-duk w mute characters:
Bad Guy, The Isle, Breath. Silakaan
05:07pm View from where i'm sta- ..waduh keburu ilang mataharinya
08:17pm Masa bakti saya sbg sopir tembak akan segera berakhir. Senang
melayani anda. #bali
11:51pm Bar tmpt gw ntn bareng semuanya ngedukung #JPN jd pas
#PAR menang, sepi..

Wed Jun 30
01:20pm Akhirnya nyobain jg ayam betutu. Mandi keringet lg. #bali
01:38pm "Walk-in interview itu maksudnya wawancara sambil jalan kaki
gt?". Gue: *capung melintas diatas kepala*
01:44pm @davidbagong o bukan, di betutu yg franchise itu lho. Enak jg
04:30pm Jiah. RT @ogeelektrovirgo: Iya nih..herman bgt ngantuknya

Thu Jul 01
07:30am Ouch! RT @RottenTomatoes: With 8 reviews and many to
come, The Last Airbender bends its #tomatometer into the shape of



eindraw's Twournal

07:36am Akhirnya.. Mana manaa? RT @twitchfilm: Bekmambetov's

BLACK LIGHTNING Going International http://bit.ly/aI10gt
09:21pm Yak, gw setuju kalo TOY STORY itu termasuk trilogi terbaik
sepanjang masa
11:13pm hot or cold? RT: @davidbagong: Suddenly...craving for ice milo

Fri Jul 02
10:12am Spanish Buzz *giggles*..
10:29am Trailer for LET ME IN (2010) http://
www.deadline.com/2010/07/exclusive-hot-trailer-let-me-in/ Two words:
"Chloe" and "Moretz"
04:08pm check next week for updates RT: @MencobaBelajar: Hanya
ada lima 7eleven di Indonesia. #mbljr
10:40pm Kripik kentang keju ini enak banget ya #oncomjaya
10:42pm *nom nom nom* #5menitlagibrasilpulang

Sat Jul 03
01:46am Let's see how drunk we are when the game ends. #minus2bar
02:38am Half time. Half drunk.
03:02am of course he does RT: @twitchfilm: Trent Reznor Scoring
David Fincher's THE SOCIAL NETWORK http://bit.ly/aKDSXP
03:04am @davidbagong me got cocktails and those -2 degree celcius
beers. beuhh, oh and cherries
03:09am Good thing we sealed our bet at the half time of the game. I
paid half price for the drinks :) #URU 0 - #GHA 1.. pheew :)


erwin indrawan

09:00pm Jersey squad #GER keren! Tp sayang strip celananya warna

putih.. Gak sama kayak strip pundak
09:33pm @teeqs that is so gay of you to question me that. :-S
10:20pm Ini sih Jerman vs Tevez kayaknya #worldcup
10:48pm Ein Zwei Die #ARG

Sun Jul 04
11:34am 14.00 RT @davidbagong: Tweepz...ada yg tau, car free day di
jkt itu sampe jam brapa ya?
12:07pm Mie Nursijan.. Oh memori. #lebay
12:09pm Btw, mie Nursijan (sejak 1968) udh ganti kepemilikan,
perintisnya skrg jd karyawan/pengelola saja. Sad fact.
12:24pm Mie Nursijan tampak depan http://twitpic.com/22a2u4
12:33pm Di Gg.Nursijan, Lengkong kecil. Emang elo blom pernah? RT
@jackartsonic: Dimana nih TKP?
12:36pm Hahayy salah, untung bukan foto gw yg lg sama BCL RT
@erwin22: Mie Nursijan tampak depan http://twitpic.com/22a2u4
01:55pm 2 keychains are always w me: '4 boys of South Park' for my car
keys and 'JiFFest 2001' for my kost key. #keychain #gakpenting
03:02pm Why? Is your dog pretty? RT @dengkhulx: Never give pearl to
a dog...
10:28pm Yg penting jgn yg angel-face, terlalu klise :) RT: @tiMObros:
aktor 20-30an mana yg paling cocok utk mjd Indonesian's most heartless

Mon Jul 05



eindraw's Twournal

09:06am Dan 1 pria Indonesia *angkat tangan* RT @detikcom: Cewek

Virtual Banyak Digandrungi Pria Jepang http://de.tk/xIs1S
10:02am @irfianta hahahaha.. hus! mending sama virtual girl gue mah
10:27am @dengkhulx halahhh.. eh pak, gue dah di jkt lg yak :)
12:00pm He forgot to put "Wanker" on the list RT @jokoanwar: OH MY
GOD!! RT @dabgenthong: kartu nama sangar http://bit.ly/bzL6Z9
12:05pm Memangnya bisa hilang? #tidakpenting RT @detikcom: Cara
Dapatkan Kembali Libido Yang Hilang http://de.tk/FvGj2
08:02pm Today is one of those days when i said to myself "mulai besok
deh gue diet, pasti!" *nom*

Tue Jul 06
09:37am THE LAST AIRBENDER reviewnya bener2 menyedihkan
(8% di @rottentomatoes). Gw rasa Shyamalan mirip sm Rudi Soejarwo,
1 hit wonder & that's it
10:08am Gue sih tetep akan nonton, tp ekspektasi gw gak tinggi RT:
@irfianta: Do we have to buy that, man? re: Airbender 8% on RT
10:14am Little Obama is Indonesian Karate Kid (via filmdrunk) http://
10:19am Wheii.. baru aja liat TVC "Smartfren-KFC" bikinan gw tayang.
10:48am eh, barusan liat @thebambee di #dahsyat
10:58am @jawajawir segera bikin barikade pake CPU, map folder dan
CD case! re:penggusuran
11:05am @thebambee oo kalo demek itu dah pasti :P
11:07am Salut buat para editor film! Gue nyelsein proses "Log and
Transfer" aja kayaknya gak beres2 dari kemaren. Belum ngeditnya.. :-S



erwin indrawan

11:26am bcause he's no longer "gondrong",yea we blieve that RT:

@detikcom: Gugun Digugat Cerai Bkn Krn Tak Bs Nafkahi Lahir-batin
11:27am @thebambee hei.. obviously you haven't seen my ass :)
11:30am Whoa.. Indonesian answer to WEEDS RT: @detikcom: Ibu
Rumah Tangga di Lombok Timur Terima Kiriman Paket Ganja 16 Kg
01:47pm Ah tidak tidak tidak tidak tidak.. *tarik napas* ..tidak tidak
tidak tidak tidak #singfest2010
01:48pm katy perry.. *hening* #singfest2010
05:35pm Kabar buruk utk atlit angkat besi. RT @MencobaBelajar:
Malam ini gaya gravitasi akan meningkat 6x lebih kuat. #mbljr
09:12pm @dengkhulx thanks for accompanying my dinner w your 'bau
sukeng' tweets
11:49pm Mmm.. dragon fruit dingin.
11:58pm KNIGHT & DAY (2010 James Mangold) If you like
espionag--..let me rephrase, if you like fun action movie, this movie might
satisfy you.

Wed Jul 07
01:32am Waw.. Full orange, head to toe. #URU - #NED
01:42am @irfianta diteliti detil-nya pak, siapa tau ada yg nyoba nge-hack
account elo
03:03am What? 2 goals already? I only went to the bathroom
04:37pm @bimokonig semoga lekas baik2 saja bro. re:dirawat
04:38pm @teeqs sabarr.. happy hour tinggal 2 hari lagi. re: bosan



eindraw's Twournal

07:28pm Pgn Big Bite 711 dr kmrn, akhirnya kesampean jg. My mouth is
hurting right now from opening too wide.
07:35pm @davidbagong nope, hotdog
11:11pm Paul & Jokobodo ngeramalin #ESP yg menang. Udah lah Jad,
gak ada harapan. RT @irfianta: GO GERMANY!!

Thu Jul 08
02:20am David Villa pasti kege-eran melulu kl berkunjung ke daerah
Puncak. #krikrik
02:43am I'm pretty sure that joke's not new anyway :) RT @AffiFD:
@erwin22 dang, you beat me to it re: Villa puncak. Joke
02:46am -1 RT @kompasdotcom: Jerman-Spanyol Sama Kuat http://
02:59am Pauuuulll!
03:19am Mr.Gurita FTW!
03:27am so much for 3964 RT: @yonan32: and #ger went out with a
whimper. so much for mauling #eng and #arg
09:53am You happy now? :)RT: @n_a_d_i_a: What? How did he
"meninggal"? RT @kompasiana: Paul Gurita Meninggal http://
10:18am Obviously, he's a #GER supporter http://www.youtube.com/
10:41am is it the rain kri? or the grey sky? RT: @suhakri: My life is
surrounded by a lot of good people and i feel grateful about it.
12:52pm Adegannya pasti PNS.. #halah RT @kompasdotcom: Video
Porno PNS Vs PNS Beredar http://bit.ly/d4vH0j



erwin indrawan

12:55pm Makanya kroscek dl sblm posting RT @FaktanyaAdalah: Nih

Adminnya Kompas gmn -_- diapus aja nih hoho http://bit.ly/doCqVS
Maaf ya semua
01:32pm "The Freshmen" -Verve Pipe is #nowplaying
02:12pm On Oasis biopic, I think the one who can portray Liam is.. well,
Liam. http://bit.ly/96rfmZ Jim Sturgess? please..
04:53pm @davidbagong or cry for Germany :)) re: good weather for a
07:54pm You spelled "Bieber" wrong.. .. .. .. .. .. D'oh! RT: @jawajawir:
Yg ngambil CD Justin Beiber dari meja gw, ngaku!

Fri Jul 09
01:07am The host's name is "Charity". Really? What kind of parents give
their child "Charity" for a name. #kuissmsglobaltv
09:16am Hey you spelled "bieber" wrong.. .. .. ..Dammit why am i keep
doing this. RT @suhakri: Jaden smith is way worse than biebor boy.
09:18am *Ready my clip-on 3D glasses* RT @RottenTomatoes: We
proclaim Despicable Me...CERTIFIED FRESH!! http://ow.ly/28Zab
11:02am When you paid her, did you say "This is for charity" RT:
@dengkhulx: She's the main talent for one of my TV ad. RE: Her name
is "Charity".
11:12am The trailer I've been waiting for is finally here! I SAW THE
DEVIL (2010 Kim Ji-woon) http://bit.ly/aAc3T6
11:32am :D no FPI joke there? RT: @ismanhs: @erwin22 And here
I thought the full title was "I Saw The Devil... But I Didn't See No



eindraw's Twournal

04:29pm Start counting paniki restaurant instead RT: @dengkhulx: In a

Place where u can find church around every 1 km rad. Give up counting
after 14
09:01pm Saya mendukung Paulus. Go #ESP http://
09:16pm Why #ESP ? Well, they make good horror movies: THE
ORPHANAGE, REC, DEVIL's BACKBONE. Netherlands only have
09:20pm Uh yeah.. I don't want to sound douchey. RT:
@FaktanyaAdalah: #faktanya lebih sering bilang "naik busway" daripada
"naik transjakarta".
09:39pm Cheers mate! *jempol* RT: @irfianta: http://
twitpic.com/23r6w6 - PETIR Launching LIVE @PRJ Now on ANTV!
10:01pm @AffiFD is this a 'gay trap' thing? hehehe. Re: gud-lookin
10:08pm Ladies and gentlemen, Mr. Bob Tutupoly. #bukanemapatmata
11:50pm (SPLICE 2010 Vince Natali) If you're a fan of venereal
horrors like early Cronenberg or Yuzna, this one's definitely for the new

Sat Jul 10
12:22am For once, I'm actually excited to Seagal in this movie.. .. .. No
I'm Not! Ha. The New MACHETE Trailer. Utter Madness! http://bit.ly/



erwin indrawan

12:28am But seriously, Danny Trejo finally gets his deserving titular
movie. And what an assembled cast! De Niro, Alba, Seagal, Cheech, Don
01:18am @irfianta Happy bday dude. God bless :)
01:38pm The Twihard Hierarchy (via Screenjunkies) http://
07:54pm Harus di-share ke seantero negri http://
08:04pm Setoran kerjaan udh beres. Now it's time for some serious
binge eating.
10:03pm You're very welcome. Semoga hasilnya memuaskan RT
@dengkhulx: Is it mine? Thanks bro!
10:06pm Damn, i think we ate the whole ocean here.. @ pondokmutiara
10:09pm Well, you can buy a.. *bzzzzz* ,you know? RT @teeqs: Yup
hubby just bought ps3, prepared to be ignored...*sigh

Sun Jul 11
02:10am Biar Lahm-Butt Ozil Selamat #halah #GER
02:17am @gun28_07 kaga sih.. gue dukung #ESP :) Gw di jkt lah.
03:20am Kick-Ass-Match!
03:24am Yeah, the real winner here is him RT @davidbagong: Paul...he's
right, again...
06:06pm Dapet diskonan kaos Puma yg edisi KOZYNDAN (i'm a huge
fan of their artwork). Harga? Di bwh 200rb :D saja.
10:22pm 'La Furia Roja' or 'The Red Fury' sounds menacing. 'Hup
Holland Hup' sounds like an instruction to a pet dog named Holland.



eindraw's Twournal

11:49pm Yeah! Shakira! Shake dat booty #worldcup

Mon Jul 12
01:03am "Feminine hygiene jokes are the lowest form of humor.
Period." (via lamebook.com)
01:28am Is he German? Whaduupp.. RT: @WorldCupCNN: At the
World Cup final! We've already had a pitch invader (guy tackled heading
for the trophy).
01:53am Ini kompetisi tackling ya? #ESP-#NED
02:19am Skor biji pelir (skor kacamata udh bosen) #halftime #ESP#NED
02:24am "I know KungFu" -Neo De Jong
03:13am Where the hell is Torres?
03:34am None of the players give good heads tonight #thatswhatshesaid
04:01am Throw your hands in the air! #ESP !!
04:32am And now.. Time for dedy cobusir's predi-- *matiin tv*
11:48am Molor ngaret atau tidur nih? RT @detikcom: Gara-gara
Spanyol vs Belanda, Sidang Paripurna DPR Molor http://de.tk/uNiNb
12:52pm Due to #NED's defeat, I think the ones who were disappointed
the most are @bobbieden 's followers. Why? http://bit.ly/aUfvBX
01:10pm @tyasasko msh d RS bro? Dm?
10:39pm Iya deehh, iya deehhh.. bagus kantornya *sirik* http://
ilovedust.com/about-us-contact via @designerdepot
11:04pm Terusin nonton DEXTER dulu ah bentar.. It's so exciting to see
John Litghow as a villain in the series.



erwin indrawan

11:08pm RIP Harvey Pekar. I know about him from the movie
AMERICAN SPLENDOR (2003). Paul Giamatti did a remarkable
performance portraying him.
11:15pm @dengkhulx take it easy dude..

Tue Jul 13
01:04am @affifd Happy bday dear Affi, sukses selalu dan terus
berjaya! :)
04:17pm Bohong, kepala saya besar, tp kok saya.. apa tadi? ..ya, pikun.
RT: @detikcom: Punya Kepala Besar Kurangi Risiko Pikun http://de.tk/
04:41pm Concept art for live-action Robot Taekwon V http://
www.thetaekwonvlab.co.kr/74 -->Surprise, surprise..it has a resemblance
05:04pm @irfianta both.. i hope. Re: bighead-dickhead
08:45pm Duh, makan ayam bakar penyet aja kok rasanya enak bgt ya
*burp*. Puji Tuhan.
09:39pm Amitha-Bachan RT: @OvArtha: Amithaba RT @teeqs:
Alhamdulillah RT @erwin22: mkn ayam bakar penyet aja kok rasanya
enak ya*burp*. Puji Tuhan
11:44pm Rest in Peace, George Costanza's former boss.

Wed Jul 14
12:51am Now it's World Cup for women? Under 20? Ow.. yeah.
12:53am @thebambee Happy bday Bimbiii :) Yang langsing ya.



eindraw's Twournal

02:49pm RT @FaktanyaAdalah: Efek 3D di Iron Man 2 salah satu

efeknya ternyata dibuat oleh orang Indonesia bernama Andre Surya!
04:07pm Jadi laper denger NAYA RT: @leviluv9: Coba di NAYA, jl
06:38pm @leviluv9 ular lev.. enak banget :)
06:47pm @leviluv9 cobain deh. eh, termasuk haram ya? Ular ini
dimasaknya ala chinese food: sup hisit, goreng tepung dll

Thu Jul 15
12:21am I still like Ralph Macchio's crane kick better. Sorry Jaden.
01:06am *GASP!* RT @vipertongue: *making the sign of the cross* RT
@swardhani: What is it with guys and star wars? It's just a movie.
01:08am "I killed an innocent man" -Dexter. Oh, this is good.
01:18am Yes, i am staring at your cleavage and no, ariel has nothing to
do with that.
07:38am M2M? really?.. (hey, i'm not judging) RT @dengkhulx: Sikecil
bersiap2 sekolah... *backsound: the day you went away-m2m*
07:47am Waking up for a stupid reason: nightmare.
08:03am @irfianta worse.. waria.
08:09am @leviluv9 that would be an awesome dream!
03:39pm Di Indonesia, terdepak McD disebut Tony Jack's. RT
@MencobaBelajar: Di Australia, Burger King disebut Hungry Jack's.
09:57pm Ya Tuhan, kapan ya saya punya kesempatan pergi ke ComicCon? #geekprayer



erwin indrawan

10:29pm Wondering why all sausages r colored red. It's food coloring
anyway. Imagine rainbow sausages, like crayons. That'd b awesome!

Fri Jul 16
12:54am R E N D E R I N G ...ok, what to do, what to do. Ah, Dexter.
02:54pm Ok great, can we uh.. continue w our lives now? RT
@detikcom: Penyebar Pertama Video Porno Ariel Music Editor
Peterpan http://de.tk/1dxkL
04:28pm Duh penasaran pgn ntn INTERCEPTION (2010 dir:
Christopher Gibolan) #dunialain
09:30pm You mean the mosaic-free kind? :) RT: @vipertongue: When
it comes to independent foreign cinema, I think I'll stick to the japanese
09:40pm ini pasti titisan nya koya pagayo http://twitpic.com/25sw72
11:17pm bilangin "Don't be a 8===D mas" RT: @jawajawir: Review
apa spoiler mas?! syet dah

Sat Jul 17
12:00am And here we are.. DEXTER season 4 finale. *jreng jrenggg*
01:13am What i learned from DEXTER s4: 1. Julie Benz is hotter than
ever / 2. Brandon Routh is a lucky son of a B / 3. John Lithgow did a
great job.
01:14am Oh, the overall plot? Way better than season 3, just a notch
below season 1. DEXTER is all about the villain, not abt the titular
01:24am I have to say, the ending was.. WOW! #dexter #telat



eindraw's Twournal

01:41am Starting to think this INCEPTION movie is overrated. I know..

i'm being silly :)
10:41pm @xensoeart take it easy dude. It's part of the plan :)

Sun Jul 18
02:39pm CHLOE(2009) Getting excited to see Amanda Seyfried's
steamy sex scene is expected. Witnessing her remarkable acting is a
pleasant surprise
02:54pm As a psyhosexual thriller, CHLOE is nowhere near LA
CONFIDENTIAL, but its superb casts manage to hit the ball across the
mediocre teritory
03:44pm @AffiFD not.at.all (payahnya justru gak ada violence, hehehe)

Mon Jul 19
09:54am @princyrn lha? pindah kerja di bdg lg?
10:39am "Our plan works! switching to non-subsidized fuel is inevitable"
*evil laugh*RT: @detikcom: BBM Kualitas Jelek Diduga Rusak Fuel
Pump Mobil
01:15pm Big yes RT @jiffest: Film poster is a medium in which the
nation's identity would be reflected by it, regardless of wha http://mtw.tl/
03:09pm @jiffest yes, but unfortunately not in a good way.
05:32pm @robertronny @jiffest @dtorini Agree. Also, a movie poster
reflects the quality of its movie. If the design is crappy, http://mtw.tl/



erwin indrawan

06:11pm Remember that HIMYM episode when the girls are annoyed
by nearby car alarm? Happened to me this morning: 1 HOUR OF
06:12pm The car's owner was lucky cause I was too lazy to get out of
bed. Otherwise it could become a story how a psychopath killed his first

Tue Jul 20
12:08am @robertronny @jiffest @dtorini Thanks all :)
01:52am Pas bangun pagi nanti pokoknya hrs pake sound efek
08:59pm A.W.E.S.O.M.E. RT @detikcom: Jeroan Mayat yang Terpajang
di Mal http://de.tk/DVtQ9
10:37pm Pac-Man? Really? Why?
10:47pm @jawajawir kayaknya lucu tuhh
10:59pm If you think mind-infiltrating in INCEPTION (2010) is twisted..
watch PAPRIKA (2006 Satoshi Kon) and find out how twisted should be
11:01pm Watch MILLENNIUM ACTRESS (2001 Satoshi Kon) while
you're at it. Better yet, watch all Satoshi Kon's movies. I really can't
recommend enough
11:27pm Lebih keren kalo setiap akhir lagu diakhiri bunyi: "Twee-weewee-wee, Woop-woop!" #pacman #harmonisctv
11:50pm Bujug, ini kopi "Aroma" solid banget ya, aer panasnya susah
tembus gini.

Wed Jul 21


eindraw's Twournal

12:36am Ok lah, krn segmen lagu AT Mahmud barusan, kita bisa maafin
piano Pac-man nya.
12:42am #Taugaksih Ace of Base punya single baru (2010) judulnya "Mr
Replay" http://bit.ly/bQXezJ .Sama-sama..
12:51am Is that a compliment, dude? RT: @tyasasko: Bjork =
@astridbasjar keren cidd....!!!
12:58am Anne Heche is on #globaltv ,is she recently gay/straight ? Any
01:18am Check your totem RT: @AffiFD: I feel like I just stepped out of
a very bad drama-action flick. Or maybe I'm still in it.
just waking up. Thought it'd be more dramatic w that foghorn sound.
08:22am Whoa! *bongkar lemari dapur cari merica* RT @detikcom:
Bersin Berkali-kali Sama Seperti Orgasme? http://de.tk/Doync
12:53pm @dengkhulx no, it didn't.. instead i'm having runny nose now
01:00pm Why "Limp Bizkit" is trending? Because you're all questioning
01:43pm @suhakri happy bday mate. God bless :)
04:17pm Proof that drugs make you stupid. Getting caught twice? RT:
@thejakartaglobe: TV actor Revaldo busted for drugs, again. http://
10:07pm Hahaha, pengalaman berbicara RT: @teeqs: Ah beda agama
ribet RT: @tantin_hadi: @ameleea cantikk...mau gak tanaya ama
ponakan gue Eca?
10:13pm Gue berharap acara MAGIC'S BIGGEST SECRET
REVEALED di #globalTV ngasih tau caranya gmn Fauzi Badila bs
kawin sm Shenk Lotta #bukanempatmata


erwin indrawan

10:14pm SinChan? RT: @dengkhulx: 1 day I will write a book w the

protagonist who likes to wear a bra around his head for fun *not kinky
but playful*
11:20pm Kampret nih IM2, kayak BBB aja "putus..nyambung..putusnyambung-putus-nyambung". Err, not that i know BBB.

Thu Jul 22
11:58am Ok, enough procrastinating. Time to work. Semangaa--..shit,
there goes my willpower
12:17pm *Tanpa Pakaian* RT: @detikcom: 8 Cara Terlihat Seksi Tanpa
Pakaian Mini http://de.tk/XTsXO
03:37pm @princyrn haduh, knp sih? mara2 mulu ya
10:12pm @tjenie @jawajawir C-C-Ciiieeeeee

Fri Jul 23
12:35am C'mon vimeo.. approve my video. Yasutlah, besok aja.
10:29am @dengkhulx dari Kompas: Bandit Gunakan Korset sebagai
Topeng http://bit.ly/b16RMy
11:09am My vacation video is online. The video is just like any
other photographs, but moving at 25 fps. Thx for watching http://
11:39am For #DSLR tagging purpose. My vacation video around
Surabaya-Bromo-Bali shot with #canon #550D #T2i #Tamron http://
vimeo.com/13545601 .Tx
11:42am Untung bukan "Profit Kian Terdesak, CEO Nokia Terjun
Bebas" RT: @detikcom: Profit Terjun Bebas, CEO Nokia Kian Terdesak


eindraw's Twournal

11:52am This poster seriously remind me of a porn scene where the

oldman get to watch a threesome. http://21cineplex.com/images/film/
11:55am And this one? no need to explain. . . . . Ok, a gang rape.
11:58am @jawajawir hahaha, yasutlah di rumah kan bisa :D
01:47pm Ini dia! Hostnya 'Kitchen Babe' sekarang bener2 'babe'.
Gentlemen, this is Raline Shah. #globaltv
08:29pm (.^_^.) It's cute dammit.
11:39pm My vacation #DSLR video around Surabaya-BromoBali shot with #canon #550D #T2i #Tamron 28-75mm http://
vimeo.com/13545601 Tx for watching
11:52pm PREDATORS (2010 Nimrod Antal) It's fast, bloody (mostly
neon-green) and loud. Most importantly, more action and less CGI, the
way i like it.

Sat Jul 24
12:17am Wow, Danny Trejo is 66 yrs old in PREDATORS. And his
action movie MACHETE is on the way! Eat that Stallone (64).. he beats
your ass.
09:24am Toyor2 kecil produsernya, @tantin_hadi RT @ismanhs: Ada yg
tahu acara kuis Ranking 1 TransTV itu spt apa? Kantor diajak ikutan
09:50am Wah batere abis. Adios dulu amigos.
11:33am @a_hardjadinata glad to hear that :)
11:54am My vacation #DSLR video around Surabaya-BromoBali shot with #canon #550D #T2i #Tamron 28-75mm http://
vimeo.com/13545601 Tx for watching



erwin indrawan

11:55am @dengkhulx no beer? lame.. :)

04:58pm I always choose to watch DVDs over tutorials.
05:07pm http://www.bikinfilm.com I.. I.. I'm.. Speech..less. (@___@!)***
I think i need to lie down
06:50pm @jawajawir it's never a good sign when you see that many
HIGHLIGHTS in one page :D
08:43pm When i saw a man talking loudly over the cellphone, i just
thought "Dude, this ain't 1998. Most people have HP now"
09:19pm Aren't deaf people also mute? (serius). . . . . . *silent* RT
@dengkhulx: @erwin22 cut him some slacks dude, he's deaf...
10:05pm Ko-.. Komedi?.. RT @jokoanwar: Our next film:
#EKSEKUTORS ttg 5 org anak muda yg membunuhi politikus. An
action/thrille http://mtw.tl/lfgm3d

Sun Jul 25
12:58pm BESTSELLER(2010 Lee Jeong-ho) The premise is pure gold
but the storytelling is text-book thriller 101. Uh..oh, I can smell Holiwud
12:59pm TOL=Tidak Otomatis Lancar RT @tyasasko: Knp macet
begini...katanya bebas hambatan..:(
05:43pm Bgmn kriminal bego terbongkar identitasnya? Nomor HP
u/ menteror (lwt SMS) dipake u/ menyapa dua minggu kemudian.
07:20pm Ah iya, ini THE CRAZIES blom ditonton. *bangkit dr leha2
trus slonjoran dpn tv*



eindraw's Twournal

09:31pm THE CRAZIES (2010) Bad ass! This one's holding the torch
after 28 DAYS LATER & DAWN OF THE DEAD. I wonder how good
is the 1973 original.
09:33pm Btw, whoever did the cinematography deserves an award.
09:45pm Have you guys seen character posters for the ladies
of SUCKER PUNCH (2011 Zach Snyder) ?? *mimisan* http://
11:15pm Kreatif. *jempol* RT: @terselubung: Video Penampakan
Pocong Yang Dibonceng Sepeda Motor http://bit.ly/9ka0Lz
11:20pm That's what she said. RT: @thebambee: I wanna go deeper than
I ever been before

Mon Jul 26
01:24am My vacation #DSLR video around Surabaya-BromoBali shot with #canon #550D #T2i #Tamron 28-75mm http://
vimeo.com/13545601 Tx for watching
11:30am Oh shit! That sucks dude. RT: @davidbagong: Ditabrak angkot
krn "maap pak, ga keliatan.." *sigh* http://tweetphoto.com/34998220
11:30am @davidbagong btw, tumben mobil elo yg 'kalah'.. biasanya yg
bonyok mobil lawan elo.
11:32am @tantin_hadi cieee anak trans. Pinjem dong seragamnya..
11:40am Top pisan. RT: @sulelubis: Nanti malam sy akan buat
#kultwit ttg "Yoso'95 alias Oco". Ttg asal-usul dan dampak sosial pada



erwin indrawan

12:51pm SHORTBUS (2006). The only movie that made me jump

off my seat. Literally. (you know what scene) #notmytop10movies
12:59pm @vipertongue hahaha, you didn't finish it either eh? same here.
04:25pm @ViliaIndahwati @davidbagong Doa tolak bala :D Sabar
dude. Tp kl soal STNK&SIM mah elo mestinya udh tau suatu saat pasti
bakal kejadian.
04:28pm *click link* RT: @terselubung: #terselubung 3 Tips Supaya
Ganteng http://bit.ly/diQdyN
04:44pm @davidbagong @a_hardjadinata @ViliaIndahwati halah,
STNKnya tetep mati atuh. Gm kl bs ngajak polisi makan2 trus STNKnya
otomatis diurusin
04:46pm @ramasugeng happy bday bro.. Semoga tercapai cita2mu jd
gitaris handal. *celingakcelingukcari @ameleea*
04:51pm Eksperimen ID: Kopi Tetes / No: 2010-JL07-02 / Spesimen: 1)
Kopi Aroma 2) Susu kental Carnation.
05:18pm Mnrt selera saya, Kopi lebih cocok dicampur susu kental merk
Frisian Flag drpd merk Carnation. Rasa krimnya lebih 'tebal/dense'
05:32pm Ahh, nge-klik TT "Noynoy" ternyata gak berbau porno sama
06:18pm @jawajawir nganggur fit :))
11:17pm Ustadzah Hikaru.. eheuheuheuheu RT: @FPIYeah: Betul! RT
@EpitEpit: kalo penyanyi jepang favoritnya pasti ustadzah hikaru ya?

Tue Jul 27



eindraw's Twournal

11:52am Trailer for SUCKER PUNCH (2011) http://www.youtube.com/

watch?v=3sjrdgd0fWQ AAANNJRIIIII..TTT!
12:06pm I don't think THE OFFICE can survive without Steve Carell.
Damn you Steve for pulling a Caruso. http://bit.ly/bICkiG
01:09pm @TruthPower i said "can" not "will", of course The Office will
continue but it will lose power without carrell. That's wht i think
01:21pm @princyrn i'm really sorry to hear that. Nanti dicoba lg aja
03:34pm DEXTER season 5 trailer (kl blom ntn season 4
JANGAN LIAT) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CUbCMbWBRE&feature=player_embedded

Wed Jul 28
10:09am Br nyadar kalo BCL (BungaCLestari) kl dibalik LCB
(LaudyaCBela) #apaansih #mimpi3some
10:12am Dan RY (Raul-Yanti) bisa jg jadi RY (Rafi-Yuni) #apaansih
11:28am What? So my trackpad now can do inertial scrolling? Oh yes
please.. The update is 75MB? Tar aja dehh
11:41am @ViliaIndahwati @davidbagong my what? PIN? sony eriksen
mah gak ada PIN nyaa
11:59am @davidbagong @ViliaIndahwati iya, merknya "SOMAD": SOni
yg Menggunakan trackpAD ..halah.
02:48pm @gun28_07 happy bday dude. God bless :)
02:57pm Ada lagi.. KKD bisa jadi KK Dheeraj atau Kim Ki-duk. Dua
maestro perfilman. via @raditherapy
03:00pm But KK Dheeraj is a maestro of douchebaggery in douchedom. The farhat-abbas of cinema.



erwin indrawan

04:34pm Tifster rajin banget browsingnya ya RT @detikcom: Setiap

Hari Kominfo Temukan 4 Juta Situs Porno Baru http://de.tk/qH878
04:39pm Jgn sampe Kominfo liat yg ini, porno soalnya http://bit.ly/
05:05pm @dengkhulx knape lo? lagi melongo di depan bioskop ya?
11:09pm Franda ah. RT @bimokonig: At "Bukan4Mata" Trans7..all Hail
Konig http://twitpic.com/29gm7p
11:49pm SALT (2010) An action spy-thriller movie with an outdated
theme starring female version of Steven Seagal. Pow!! 2.5/5
11:54pm @dengkhulx Elo ntn bukan4mata gak? dia duduk di paling kiri.
LuTu dengan big letter "T" lah pokoknya.

Thu Jul 29
01:33am Only took me 1/4 second to find out it's photoshopped. #TSDS
11:39am Stlh "Kucing Garong" dan "Keong Racun", Nia Daniati pasti
panas mau bikin lagu "Farhat Abbas". #laguberjudulsatwa
01:37pm Eh, kpn dmn lev? RT @leviluv9: Ada rcn nonton konser
TemperTrapp bareng?
10:11pm Dengerin @hardrockfm dan nungguin @FPIyeah nih, apakah
se-santun @treespotter dan @SarkasTwit
10:14pm Yaa, si @FPIyeah kaga dtg katanya
11:08pm Silakaan jgn malu2 :) RT @dengkhulx: Next: Mother/
Memories of Murder courtesy of @erwin22
11:50pm Terusin dulu ah nonton KILLER BEAN FOREVER (2009)



eindraw's Twournal

Fri Jul 30
06:33am Hidup vitalong-c, krn menayangkan iklannya yg dibintangi
lunmay. Gitu dong.
10:35am @tyasasko Happy bday bro. Ayo makan2 mie ayam.
12:20pm Barusan liat ada org pake jaket bertuliskan "KANCUT Kumpulan Anak Cute" ..*capung*
01:28pm Pong Harjatmo FTW! RT @detikcom: Panjat Gedung DPR,
Pong Mengaku Spiderman http://de.tk/XNHD7
02:28pm #pongharjatmo FTW! There, i said it again.
02:35pm From far above, it looks like a cute tattoo on a butt-cheek eh?
08:02pm Today --> Saturday --> Sunday --> Coheed and Cambria Day.
Here we go, bye JKT.

Mon Aug 02
06:14pm Here we go! http://twitpic.com/2axthm
06:49pm @teeqs beli di spore tik
08:01pm Fuck yeah Coheed and Cambria! ..sekian laporan
08:22pm SLASH! YEAAA.. *melipir ke toilet*
08:31pm Yes sir RT @dengkhulx: @erwin22 fort canning?
08:38pm Backdropnya tengkorak dg tulisan 'R&FnR'..Rock N Fukin
Roll! *eyes roll* http://twitpic.com/2ayu14
09:16pm 'Rocket Queen' anyeeeng! #slash #ketauanumurnya
09:20pm Miles Kennedy ini hrs diakui vokalnya 'rich' krn hrs mengcover
Axl dan Weiland.. dan dia mampu.
09:27pm @tyasasko yes sir.
10:03pm Yeah! Barusan nyanyiin lagu you-know-what. #slash


erwin indrawan

10:11pm Seru? More like legendary! RT @princyrn: Enjoy the show..

Sigana seru nya win?
10:19pm Encore #slash
10:33pm Rock n Rolla http://twitpic.com/2azr0z
10:37pm @jawajawir terlalu singkat fit Co&Ca nya, tp bermutu!
11:06pm @leviluv9: @uiihh @hayamz_SrS @mulki_SrS pengen, tp gw
kayaknya belum ada di jkt hr rabu siang

Tue Aug 03
11:14pm Kedengerannya set list konser #slash di istora sama kayak
kemaren di fort canning. (yaaeyalahh)
11:16pm ini ngetik di iPad ternyata menyenangkan jg ya :) ..Bukan,
BUKAN punya gue tentunya.
11:20pm Ngetik ngetik ngetik ngetik quick brown fox jumps over a lazy
dog ngetik ngetik # halah #udik

Wed Aug 04
05:33am @davidbagong what r u doing up at this hour dude? can't
06:51am More 'Tahi dlm pembuatan' (all confirmed): TOTAL RECALL
remake, FANTASTIC4 reboot, Justin Bieber's biopic movie.. in 3 fuckin
06:54am On the other side od the news.. New Vivid pornstar is born, her
name is Montana Fishburne. Yes, the 19yo daughter of Laurence.
07:08am @dengkhulx probably has that "Take the blue pill" followed by
"now, let's fuck" #montana



eindraw's Twournal

07:22am RT @kompasdotcom :Pasutri Tukang Sayur Dibantai Saat

Tidur http://bit.ly/aySKKA <-- So, "Attack of the Killer Tomatoes" is
real? #tasteless

Thu Aug 05
09:07pm @totalfilm Dumb and Dumbledore #harrypottermovies

Fri Aug 06
11:25am IMDb's homepage new layout. Like it. http://www.imdb.com
11:29am The boys are back! Trailer for JACKASS in 3 muthafukin D !
03:43pm I don't care how lame I may sound, but i'm definitely gonna
watch STEP UP 3D (2010)
03:55pm #nowplaying "If you fall for me. I'm not easy to please..
I'm only gonna break your heart" -Taio Cruz .What a jackass!
08:22pm Waktu Coheed And Cambria maen masa penonton nya koor
"We want slash! We want slash!".. Kampung! (kesel Co&Ca gak ada
08:28pm @leviluv9 @sulelubis @uiihh @candilkece @wicak4x4
@hayamz_SrS @mulki_SrS Gue di jkt euy.
09:32pm Movie time. Jumat malem enaknya nonton ini: http://
11:30pm Mengada2 RT erwin22: Iya RT @erwin22: Masa sih? RT
@kompasdotcom: Banyak Org Tak Sadar, Dia Sakit Jiwa http://
bit.ly/94DgIi <--kamu yg gila



erwin indrawan

11:33pm RT @teeqs: AMIN RT @sayakagani: Ya Allah SWT

berikanlah berkah Mu di bulan Ramadhan taun ini.. Amieen... <-- 3
huruf: T, H dan R *sirik*
11:35pm @ViliaIndahwati bukan wi, bokep Disney.
11:44pm @AffiFD ciee.. mana fotonya? liat cobaa

Sat Aug 07
12:13am If Facebook, YouTube and Skype were advertised in the 1960's:
http://ow.ly/2m51U via @DesignerDepot
09:19am Ngobrol sm org bengkel, korban fuel pump trnyt msh banyak.
Dan menrt dia gak cuma pemakai premium, pemakai pertamax jg.
09:33am ARE YOU INSANE FOKE? RT @detikcomnews: Gandeng
FPI Awasi Hiburan Malam, Pemprov DKI Legalkan Premanisme http://
09:36am @tyasasko ngecek apanya pak? Kl fuel pump bermasalah elo
pasti akan tau dg sendirinya: mobil elo gak mau jalan meskpn mesin bs
09:41am Great,here comes the Uruk-hai *geleng2* Anybody has an
unused C4? RT @detikcom: Rayakan Milad, Seribuan Anggt FPI Konvo
09:44am Airsoft riffles? Use the real thing RT @rayafahreza: FPI
convoy? I hereby order all active airsofters to snipe FPIs with your AEGs
05:04pm Here's an idea for a t-shirt: "You just got Foke'd"
05:38pm @teeqs @tantin_hadi situ mau di-bambu runcing ya? re: party
bareng FPI
06:37pm Uh-oh, dapet email lg dr orang yg nanya mengenai GuillainBarre Syndrome. :(



eindraw's Twournal

07:00pm @dengkhulx yes sir, that's the one.

07:07pm @dengkhulx Hehehe, good one. Eh kalo nama penyakit elo
08:03pm Brandon udah tampil blom ya? #imb
08:24pm Hahahahaha... RT @leviluv9: Heran deh ama geng motor itu.
Kok sukanya nongkrong depan Toko BH Monalisa..
08:32pm Maafkan saya Tuhan, saya terus memikirkan blow-up doll kalo
liat penyanyi seriosa yg cantik. "WOoooo.." #imb
08:33pm @leviluv9 kan ketemuan nya di jkt lev.. elo udh tau kan?
11:19pm Homopedonecrobestiality --> A person who likes to have
sex with dead baby animals that are the same gender as him/her (via

Sun Aug 08
06:22am I just dreamed about snuff movies and got killed by Viggo
Mortensen. I dunno why.
08:17am Not in the same scene ,dudeRT @dengkhulx: Hey that's new!
Viggofetish!!! Yay! RT @erwin22: I just dreamed about snuff m http://
09:57am Mac OS X banyak banget sih update nya.. Pret!
11:02am Tweet gw terakhir di-RT sama 'kingdomofpret' .. awesome!
*capung melintas*
06:59pm @princyrn ha? Engga tuh.. keu-eung.
10:57pm Makanan-gratis-grand-opening-resto-jepang-blok-M FTW!
11:38pm J.J.Abrams (STAR TREK) & Bong Joon-ho (THE HOST) will
work together? If it happens 2 be true, i'd be shitting myself. http://bit.ly/



erwin indrawan

11:42pm It's confirmed! SAW 3D will be the LAST of the franchise.

http://bit.ly/axqPql . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .yeah, right.
11:54pm @n_a_d_i_a Yes! And for the last time, i hope they make it the
bloodiest. In non-comical way, of course.

Mon Aug 09
12:09am Seriously, I'm waiting for the Rp.3.000K/bottle sake (gratisan) I
had earlier to kick in. Nothing's happening until this second. Dammit.
12:19am Oh, maybe if i lie myself down.. *nyoba*
12:42am @tyasasko yahh, situ pulang dari teraskota, Pure Saturday lagi
maen tuh disana.
08:36am Hahayy, juara nih artikel RT @detikcom: Inception Insiden
Pemblokiran BlackBerry di Indonesia http://de.tk/cq9Rl
03:55pm Karena motonya "hidup mulia atau mati syahid", http://fpi.or.id
mestinya diganti jd http://fpi.or.die aja sekalian
06:01pm Kaget bener denger berita wafatnya @ogeelektrovirgo . Met
jalan Oji, pertemanan kita & kebaikan elo akan selalu gue kenang.
Tuhan memberkati
10:03pm Wah, oke jg nih. Androidnya donut ya? RT @InsertUpdate:
Nexian Unlimited Journey Paket Data 2GB/ Bulan http://bit.ly/9CGTqQ

Tue Aug 10
02:09pm #nowplaying "Kite"Copeland in memory of @ogeelektrovirgo

Wed Aug 11



eindraw's Twournal

11:12am Lunch dimana ya? *kaburr*

12:10pm @princyrn hiyaa, situ kan puasa tuh
04:29pm Please don't..
04:30pm Please don't.. RT @InsertUpdate: Enjoy Melawak, Andre
Taulani Kangen Menyanyi http://bit.ly/awfrXC
04:30pm Please don't.. RT @terselubung: #terselubung Video Baru
Sinta And Jojo Segera Beredar http://bit.ly/dflNhi
07:49pm Tiket kereta api udh ludes? WOOoooooT? Masih H minus
berapa ini..
07:55pm Giliran sakit kepala ilang, semangat kerja jg ilang. #halah
09:20pm Why? Why did you throw a water bottle at jastin biber. You
should just let her sing. http://youtu.be/YuIgKzroLH0

Thu Aug 12
12:47am Merasa bersalah abis ngabisin 1 kantong gede gorengan usus
ayam jam segi--.. oh iya, masih ada gorengan ceker. *buka kulkas*
12:57am THE DEVIL'S GAME (2008 Yoon In-ho) "A bet which leads
to a body-swapping experience". Potentially interesting? Yes. The result?
01:02am One of the actress in DEVIL'S GAME, behold, Eun-song
http://bit.ly/cNRC3e Duh, lesung pipit nyaa.. *cup cup cium monitor*
01:04am @leviluv9 kalo "jiggong" ? #krik
11:50am "@detikcom: Duh! Repotnya Mengurus Macan http://de.tk/
UvD5T "<--This headline cracks me up :) it's like "Duh! Beratnya
mompa ban traktor"



erwin indrawan

12:05pm Top 25 Geeks in Movies http://bit.ly/a87mPh <-- My favorite is

04:32pm *ehemmm* RT @tyasasko: Deadline deadline..mudah2an
minggu depan selesai semua..aminn
04:55pm @tyasasko ehem, dah lama nih gak kerja sama.. ehemm :)
05:16pm Wah, lagu2 di album Taio Cruz ini racun sekali buat para
wanita, apalagi kl tequila ikut terlibat. Ck ck ck..
05:24pm GOBLOGG :D "Keong Racun versi Darth Vader & Storm
Trooper #Starwars http://youtu.be/QiqdmICVVJ4 "via @Heiggl
@AnniWO @uiihh
05:46pm Please stop.. bokekk RT @IsmayaLive: Limited TEMPER
TRAP Jakarta presale 1+presale 2 tickets will be sold start 14 Aug

Fri Aug 13
11:17am Wndring how many min cost for RD nya @tiMObros RT
@twitchfilm: What Did It Cost I SAW THE DEVIL To Gain Release? 7
Min http://bit.ly/8YwDEA
12:00pm Berkenalan dg seorang bernama 'Rita'.. I'm feeling like Dexter
already. *grin*
12:37pm @uiihh kenalan bukan berarti harus menghamili kan dinnn..
eh, boleh gak ya?
04:13pm Indosat FAIL. Masa hrs pake BB demi koneksi internet yg
stabil. -___-'
04:40pm @davidbagong you just gave me more reason to avoid BB.
Coba aja konek pake GRPS indosat, jgn pake RIM. Cobaa..
04:43pm @dengkhulx *ikut berdoa* :) #halah



eindraw's Twournal

04:44pm @tantin_hadi gue org nya gak happening Tin.. belum perlu
pake BB :)
04:56pm Paket Merdeka IM2 'Unlimited'. Serius, unlimited?
Bulanannya? Rp.50rb,- Waah asik, quotanya? 150MB. . . . . . . .Kill me
04:57pm @dengkhulx nitip bacuk (babi cuka) lah.. di seberang aloy.
Geus nyobaan encan?
06:58pm Nah kalo yg ini gue pengen nonton http://bit.ly/b9nnDu

Sat Aug 14
12:31am Blum nontonn.. bagus ya? RT @AffiFD: Dang it, that's the
season finale? Just when smthg interesting finally happened to Peter?
12:36am Suzanna movies RT @INAFFF10: So, what do you want to see
at this year's festival? Do send us some suggestions
01:11pm I surely will see EAT PRAY LOVE regardless all the naysayers
say. Why? #indonesia
01:37pm WEEDS season 6 premiere 16th Aug 2010, http://youtu.be/
hz3xt6Ga_BY Cihuyy.. tinggal 12 minggu sampe semua komplit di lapak
DVD terdekat.
07:53pm SUNSHINE (2007 Danny Boyle) is on GlobalTV. Beautiful
movie. Because it has Rose Byrne, of course.

Sun Aug 15
12:48am Baru weekend pertama bln puasa tin, msh malu2 RT
@tantin_hadi: is there any r&b club open out there?
12:49am Hey, ada THE DUDESONS di GlobalTV. Awesowe!


erwin indrawan

10:51pm Shall we feast? http://twitpic.com/2f1knf

Mon Aug 16
05:10pm Nyokap: "kl seri MT itu bkn kopling ya?" ,Gue: "Manual mam
kan pake M" ,Nyokap: "Oh iya, bkn 'Matic' ya?"
11:28pm Err, should i take some esterogen pills before i watch THE
EXPENDABLES to prevent hormonal imbalance?
11:52pm Watching OLD dudes in an action movs is like watching a kid
running around in a porcelain store. U hope 4 smthing to crack really

Tue Aug 17
12:13am Dirgahayu Indonesiaku! #Indonesia65
02:57pm Good dad. RT @dengkhulx: I will do my best to keep her away
from Twilight series.

Wed Aug 18
10:16am No wonder i'm not getting any :( RT @treespotter: Sexual
Activity by Smartphone Brands: iPhone(10), BlackBerry(8.1), An http://
10:29am YAYY! *slit wrist* RT @cinema21: Vampires Suck akan tayang
mulai Kamis, 19 Agustus 2010 which is tomorrow!
10:46am RT @twitchfilm: It's Teen Slasher 101 In The Trailer For Wes
Craven's MY SOUL TO TAKE http://bit.ly/cqhgnT
10:50am @dengkhulx yeah, you jinxed it :P



eindraw's Twournal

08:44pm Wish list: N.E.R.D, Ciara, Flo-Rida, Maxwell, Missy

Elliott, Bone Thugs n Harmony ..paling ujung2nya Keith Martin.
08:47pm Ke$ha dong! KE$HAAA.. she'z da shizzznit! #bukanerwin
09:33pm Brits laughing at THE LAST AIRBENDER (2010) http://
bit.ly/bbHVcv Heuheueheu.. he said "bender"

Thu Aug 19
12:12am She likes MICHAEL LEARNS TO ROCK. What should i do?
12:18am Michael. Learns. T-- GAH!
08:48am Damn, i wanna see SCOTT PILGRIM VS THE WORLD
(2010) really bad. #curhatpagi
11:39am Pemutaran film MINGGU PAGI DI VICTORIA PARK (2010)
di KineForum http://bit.ly/aejIXo
05:24pm Aww man! RT @blitzmegaplex: Step Up 3D tidak tayang di
blitzmegaplex, sorry =( /cc @dhani624
05:35pm @blitzmegaplex Yeah, I understand :). It's just that my eyes
prefer your 3D cinemas over XXI's
05:39pm Yeah! RT @blitzmegaplex: Legend of the Guardians : The Owl
of GaHoole in 2D & 3D is tentatively scheduled for Sept release. /cc
06:33pm Oh, good.. we can talk about food now. Seriously, ini snack yg
menyenangkan. http://twitpic.com/2g596a
10:50pm #nowplaying "Kang Maman Mencari Gadis Jujur"

Fri Aug 20


erwin indrawan

12:48am @tantin_hadi masih waras Tin?

12:05pm Latest attraction in Taman Safari: "Berenang Dengan Buaya".
Really, I'm not kidding.
01:20pm @teeqs si @tantin_hadi 'tidur dg buaya' bukan berenang
01:31pm RT @ishahening naikkan gaji motion designer! turunkan harga
gadget! kembalikan nodata.tv! <--STUJU! Eh,itu bokep kan?
11:07pm #HARMONI should really-really consider hiring a new piano
11:27pm Daripada mikirin 'Save The Planet', gimana kalo mikirin 'Save
Indonesia' dulu mister?
11:30pm whoa, camel toe.. Oh shit, it's a dude. #harmoni
11:34pm @jawajawir @suhakri Selamatkan planet dari maleysia
11:44pm @ameleea agak 'males' kalo menurut gue. Gak keliatan elegan
sama sekali, kayak 'pelindung piano' aja :)

Sat Aug 21
01:20am Who is this anchor dude in Liputan Malam SCTV? He's..
03:08pm Yg penting jgn ke malay. RT @ishahening: guys, ayolah, ada
yang mau nonton the album leaf di malay/sg? bareng! yuk!
10:26pm Met this guy this afternoon. He just got castrated but i think
he's fine w it. http://twitpic.com/2guhi9
10:32pm Bobby, a while ago. http://twitpic.com/2gujvg
11:45pm Up until this moment PIRANHA 3D got 82% in Tomatometer.
That INCEPTION movie? 87%.. *BRAAHHMMM!*
11:55pm @baho82 go with the lowest expectation, and you shan't be



eindraw's Twournal

Sun Aug 22
12:27am Reading the lineup for Midnight Madness edition @ Toronto
Intl Film Fest 2010 *DROOL.. (with caps)
07:23pm Please, no more "Ya Sudahlah", i'm begging you
07:27pm "Apapun yang terjadee.. Ku kan slalu ada untukmuu.."
07:52pm Pilihannya antr duduk ntn GOLDEN WAYS brg ortu / mandi
aer dingin d cuaca bdg yg dingin ini. No brainer! *ngambil anduk*
08:05pm @ViliaIndahwati halahh, abis makan MAKAN (besar) apalagi
nih wii?
08:11pm Wooo.. BRANDON! (don't judge me)
10:36pm @ViliaIndahwati di-'glonggong' ya ma nyokap? :D

Mon Aug 23
01:59am @ViliaIndahwati shoot! Now i'm hungry :(
09:45am @dengkhulx udah d jkt lg. Gm bacuk? Berhasil nyoba gak?
09:47am @ViliaIndahwati with capital F. Hahayy. Kl gt ramen yuk?
10:50am Just realize how empty i am without my modem. What am i
suppose to do now?
11:14am Ngosek WC sambil dgrin Sigur Ros. If this was in a Tony Kaye
movie, it would be a symbol of purification.
11:17am @teeqs Girlfriends usually hesitant to hook me up with
porns. . . . .Yeah, you're right



erwin indrawan

01:02pm Yea,but wht other options do we hv? Shyamaladingdong? RT

@detikcom: Film Sylvester Stallone Kembali Rajai Box Office http://
03:11pm Jln tembus Mega Kuningan - Guru Mughni sedang ditutup u/
perbaikan jalan.

Tue Aug 24
02:20pm Para 4l4y mgkn lg ngetawain kita yg kepo sama kata
'unyu' (atau cuma gw ya yg gak ngerti)
02:47pm @princyrn unyu-unyuu.. Mukanya hrs gini (^3^) katanya
05:41pm @dian_waluyo tgl 3 kayaknya gw berhalangan datang dee :(

Wed Aug 25
12:22am @princyrn 1 bottle of wine should knock you out :)
10:33am OMG! Just found out, SATOSHI KON DIED? THIS IS
12:20pm Any new parents here planning to name their daughter 'Alexis'?
It's a beautiful name.
12:22pm #Epakabar si Alexis Bledel ya?
12:24pm :( RT @jiffest: RIP Satoshi Kon. One of Japan's prominent
director who brought us PAPRIKA(screened on JIFFEST 2007)&
01:33pm @teeqs artinya, para bokap pasti saling sikut & cekikikan kalo
ada anak kecil yg namanya 'Alexis' :)
02:12pm Jems Kemeren flaunting his 3D camera used in Avatar. http://
02:53pm http://imdb.to/cmQQkx LOL! No.. seriously


eindraw's Twournal

03:20pm Blake Lively interviewed by Ben Affleck. Awesome

photography. and SFW kok http://bzfd.it/d0QDGh

Thu Aug 26
12:36am Vampires Suck The Expendables.. That's what is playing in XXI
right now.
12:41am Grown-Ups Killers Salt The Last Airbender . . . *sigh* come on
XXI, bring us Scott Pilgrim.
12:58am I know THE KING OF FIGHTERS (2010) will suck balls, but
it has Maggie Q and Francois Yip! #dillema
01:41am Halah, ini komentator ngapain jg ngehubung2in Puyol vs.
Boateng di worldcup. #barca - #acmilan
09:53am Freelancers' russian roulette. Happens to me too RT
@sulelubis: sangkain job, trnyt telemarketer
12:11pm Must. Resist. . . .Bukankoleksitapi'arsip'betul? ..Gahh! RT
@kompasdotcom: Habib Rizieq Bantah Koleksi 'Playboy' http://bit.ly/

Fri Aug 27
Amaria)Ada makna yg lbh besar dr sekedar kisah yg disampaikan, yaitu
ttg kekuatan kaum wanita. RCMD!
12:20am IMHO, maybe Lola Amaria should focus more on directing
rather on acting in her own movie. She truly has the potential.
12:22am Oh, Lola Amaria was among the audience when i saw the
movie earlier this evening. I got a chance to shake her hand and say
"thank you" :)


erwin indrawan

11:35am oh, bagus. Site berita film www.aintitcool.com di-blok! mungkin

krn mengandung "tit" dalam alamatnya.
02:14pm Kalo semua org udh tau 'SMS Mama' itu adl M.O. penipuan,
setidaknya para penipu itu hrs kreatif dong. "Tolong kirim papa pulsa..".
03:40pm So should it be "MI:4" or "Tom and Jerry"? RT @detikcom:
Tom Cruise Akan Melawan Jeremy Renner di 'Mission: Impossible 4'
03:56pm :) Pengen ngasih salam.. but then again, umm, No. RT
@ViliaIndahwati: Kisah dibalik pelemparan kedubes malay http://
10:17pm @princyrn whoa. That's awesome! :D

Sat Aug 28
01:14pm You talked to your mom like that?..tsk RT @ishahening:
akhirnya sms 'mama minta pulsa' gw bales 'apeu ah maneh, cicing siah
06:20pm @dengkhulx whoa, i thougt u were kidding about teaching her
06:21pm @davidbagong "papa lg di panti pijat, tlg kirim uang"
11:30pm Haduhh.. baru ttg Antoine Dodson meme. *ngakak guling2*
11:35pm even Hayley Williams of Paramore did the Antoine Dodson
meme! \m/

Sun Aug 29
10:57am You ever seen those dashboard solar-powered plastic flowers?
Yeah, I agree. Pointless.


eindraw's Twournal

12:38pm Ready your anaglyph glasses, this is the main titles for STEP
UP 3D (2010) http://bit.ly/cs8M9H
01:12pm Motiongraphic enthusiasts, check out http://www.lookva.tv
07:02pm @dengkhulx lah, situ udh punya kacamata 3Dnya toh? It
should work sih.

Mon Aug 30
10:56am @sulelubis my condolences for the passing of your father.
Tuhan memberkati.
12:54pm @tyasasko well, yg punya telinga, hidung dan tenggorokan jg
banyak kan? :)
01:17pm Polo shirts are made for guys. I don't think i ever saw chicks
that look good wearing them (except they're semi-transparent).

Tue Aug 31
10:27am *klik RT dan fav* RT @terselubung: #terselubung 10 Celebriti
Tercantik Korea http://bit.ly/cH7aiu
11:48am Trailer 'palsu' dlm film GRINDHOUSE yg bakal dibuat jd film
beneran stlh MACHETE (2010) adalah THANKSGIVING (Eli Roth)
11:50am Gue pribadi paling suka sama trailer 'palsu' yg judulnya DON'T
(Edgar Wright), kayaknya bener2 fun kl dijadiin film beneran.
11:52am Trailer palsu yg satu lagi judulnya WEREWOLF WOMEN
OF THE SS (Rob Zombie) mnrt gw idenya udh basi. Kecuali yg maen
werewolf nya Katy Perry.


erwin indrawan

11:56am Cari aja di YouTube.. ada semua kok :) tp peringatan buat yg

puasa: Mengandung penampakan aurat.
12:05pm Trnyt syuting sekuel HUMAN CENTIPEDE sdg berlangsung.
Kl ini org yg dijahit berderet mulut-ke-pantat nya berjumlah 12 org!
12:06pm Komen juara ttg sekuel HUMAN CENTIPEDE 2: "11 out of
12 people think this idea sucks ass."-Donkey Hodey (from Film Drunk)
12:11pm Utk fans film cinma-vrit, nantikan UNDOCUMENTED
(Chris Peckover) kayaknya menjanjikan. http://bit.ly/ajMZFw
12:20pm Film yg pengen gw tonton saat ini adl GRIMM LOVE (2006)
diangkat dr kisah nyata kanibal & korban yg sukarela menawarkan
dirinya utk dimakan.
12:31pm Penarikan film PIRANHA itu termasuk pem-BLOKIR-an
bukan ya? Kl soal baju seksi, dlm film AVATAR jg banyak yg pake baju
minim. Heloo Neytiri
12:33pm Besok, AVATAR Special Edition akan rilis lagi di bioskop2
12:38pm @yonan32 Agree :). Dan penarikan film dijamin bakal
memarakkan pembelian DVD bajakan. What a policy.
01:13pm Sori, hanya Chuck Norris yg mampu nge-blokir pornografi. RT
@MenkoPorno: Blokir Pornografi!
01:31pm If it wasn't for the internet, i'd be less clueless than i am right
now. #random
01:38pm "I hate Twitter as much as i love irony"
05:15pm JavaRockinLand taun ini jelas ada peningkatan, buktinya
taun lalu ada Secondhand Serenade (KW1) dan taun ini Dashboard
Confessional (ASELI)
09:19pm @dengkhulx bikin short yuk. Gw ada script, mau gak baca?


eindraw's Twournal

09:25pm Ternyata closing title animation-nya SHERLOCK HOLMES

(2010) itu emang keren ya. Nyoba bikin ah.. #barumerhatiin

Wed Sep 01
12:16am Hot Babes Test Drive Bras On Alton Towers Extreme Coasters.
This is an important experiment. http://youtu.be/MX6QBOcSur0
12:56pm " September ceriaa.. " ..Oh shut up!
12:59pm 50+ Very useful Free Ai Patterns, for lazies.. like me http://
01:39pm Anyenghareudangpisan
02:08pm MY DOG TULIP (2010) handmade computer (no papers/
plastic) animation by The Fierlingers. Wicked. http://nyti.ms/9ICdOU
02:13pm Tifi.. Tifi.. Tifi.. Tifi.. *klik link* Ah! bukan. RT @detikcom:
Ketahuan Akses Porno, Menteri Mengundurkan Diri http://de.tk/I7Kfz
05:32pm Unicorn Being a Jerk by C.W. Moss http://bit.ly/cld6jE

Thu Sep 02
12:41am How cool is the new multitouch iPod nano huh? Fuckin A! It's
like a mini-me iPad.
12:55am iPod touch baru bener2 tipis, gak bisa belaga *nelpon* pake
iPod touch lagi deh kayaknya :D
02:04am Man. My wrist is killing me, this wacom thingy feels like a
10:50am Wrong. But then again, i have no friends and a cheapskate. RT
@ZodiacFacts: #ZodiacFacts #Gemini love talking on the phone



erwin indrawan

12:35pm Tiba2, iklan "Lapar? Telp 14045!" jd kurang efektif d siang hari
bulan puasa ini.
12:42pm Anyenghareudangpisan (repeated)
01:16pm Except for KOPAJA drivers RT @ihatequotes: Having lots of
critics means u are incredible. Keep going!
10:19pm "That movie was so bad I almost walked out, and I saw it on a
10:36pm Erwin, stop fuckin' around (*i wish*) and get to work!

Fri Sep 03
12:21am RESIDENT EVIL: AFTERLIFE rilis tgl 10 Sept 2010. Sekuel
ketiga dr Resident Evil pertama taun 2002. Udah 8 taun yg lalu! *Tsk.
12:25am RESIDENT EVIL : AFTERLIFE jd film adaptasi video game
pertama yg dibuat dlm format 3D. Berharap film adaptasi game laen gak
jd pd latah..
12:27am Kenapa? Karena artinya film2 Uwe Boll akan terasa lebih
'nyata'. Tahi dalam bentuk 3 dimensi.
12:30am Oh, Uwe Boll itu sutradara spesialis bikin film adaptasi video
game. A crappy one i'm afraid.
12:34am Kalo Uwe Boll bikin film 3D, pasti Seltzer-Friedberg (spesialis
film2 parodi) juga bakal bikin film 3D. Amit2.
12:38am Ngomongin soal t*hi. Trailer film2 lokal jg gak kalah lho..
12:42am Sisi positifnya? Fahrani's side boob di PERJAKA TERAKHIR
2 kembali tampil!



eindraw's Twournal

12:44am (saya meracau.. baiklah saya akan kembali nerusin nonton film
01:03am Lagi banyak desainer yg bikin logo iTunes 10 ya? Bagi gue
juaranya ini http://bit.ly/aDfvxF ,bahkan ini utk iTunes 11
10:42am PAJU (2009 Park Chan-ok) Nice little melodrama with
unconventional story structure. If you like Hong Sang-soo movies, you'll
like this one.
11:37am Liking the song "Up" (OST Step Up 3D) lately, and found
out the singer was Jesse McCartney. Ah ya sudah, terlanjur suka sama
11:30pm Gw bener2 setuju kl John Hamm jd pemeran Superman yg
akan dtg. Look at him, he's fuckin' Superman!

Sat Sep 04
12:45am Nyoba bikin title design ala ROCKNROLLA aja deh. Bikin
materinya dulu.. http://twitpic.com/2kvtje
01:07am @robertronny Congrats on your short movie! Well done. Any
chance i can see it ?
03:24pm THE HOUSEMAID (2009 Im Sang-soo) Hyper-real plot,
hyper-real characters, hyper-real atmosphere. All in a good mix of eroticthriller-drama.
03:27pm Now, i crave for the original 1960 THE HOUSEMAID (Kim
Ki-young) *sigh*
03:32pm Oh, THE HOUSEMAID (1960) is available for watching here!



erwin indrawan

03:43pm The last 2 Korean movies I saw (PAJU & HOUSEMAID)

introduce me to the beauty of Seo Woo. My goodness. http://

Sun Sep 05
01:30am "Today I fell asleep in 3 of my classes. None of the teachers
noticed. I appreciate my Asian eyes sometimes" -LameBook. Goodnite
10:23am Euh, stiff neck *groan*. The kind of stiff in the morning that's
not good.
10:26am Problem w stiff neck is you can't do a headspin after a windmillflare combo. Oh wait, i'm not a b-boy. Should b ok then.
05:10pm You were saying? http://twitpic.com/2lh7c7

Mon Sep 06
08:52pm @dengkhulx I hope that's a good thing :). Thanks man.

Tue Sep 07
11:36am Hujan bikin sedih. Bukan apa2, gw br selesei ngepel lantai
11:39am Hujan bikin sedih. Bukan apa2, warung seberang gak mau
11:49am Now listening to "Airplanes" -B.O.B feat. Eminem & Hayley
Williams. Like Pak Tino Sidin said "Bagus!"
11:50am Ngomong2 soal Pak Tino Sidin. Ada wallpapernya lho di http://
bit.ly/9H934A "Bagus!"



eindraw's Twournal

11:52am Yap bikin stuck, 2 hari lg kayak gini gw akan mulai mengkanibal kaki gue sendiri. RT @suhakri: Kenapa hujan deras siang2 2 hr
12:04pm The movie MACHETE (2010) is Anti-White and must be
stopped! According to this FB group http://bit.ly/b2ofoz
12:07pm Founded by Andrew Yeoman, leader of Bay Area National
Anarchist. Guess what? He never saw the movie! ..only the trailer. LOL!
as in TOLOL
09:28pm The new opera mini is schweeet..
09:35pm Ac1113k! qu tun66u p45ti'a RT @detikcom: Justin Bieber
Dirayu untuk Konser di Jakarta Tahun Depan http://de.tk/mvgiU

Wed Sep 08
01:18am I spent 30 minutes w my Opera Mini trying to edit the 'speed
dial' feature. Until i click..guess what? "Help" -____-'
01:19am Next time, R.T.F.M. erwin!
01:27am Selesai keyframing. Inilah bagian yg melelahkan di dunia
motion graphic: menghias/detailing. *bikin kopi pake gelas bir*
01:57am Akhirnya Rooney pecah telor juga sama tim nasional. Selamet
12:46pm If it turns out bad, critics will eat that movie title alive RT
@filmoodotcom: Film Judge Dredd Yg Baru Brjudul: DREDD http://
01:01pm Ngeliat Asmirandah di TV kok kerjaanya nangis melulu ya?
How can she be that sad with her fat sinetron paycheck?



erwin indrawan

01:21pm Nowadays,boys listen to "Kau-tolak-diriku" music while girls

listen to "Ku-tak-butuh-lelaki" music. Please,I still want my kids to

Thu Sep 09
10:01am "Dear Obama.. XOXO, SBY. PS: Today is my bday ;)" RT
@detikcom: SBY Surati Obama Sampaikan Protes Soal Pembakaran
Alquran http://de.tk/xYBB6
10:07am Jakarta udh sepi tp kayaknya gak bisa ikut menikmati krn hrs di
rumah. Yep, I'm taking a job on lebaran holiday. *cirambay*
10:30am You know a date wouldn't end up well when she called you
"pak" all evening. #yeahtruestory #random #lagingelamun
11:22am Selalu lucu kl yg kayak gini kejadian di TL: 2 twit yg kebetulan
'nyambung' http://twitpic.com/2mlvk7

Fri Sep 10
09:35am Mengucapkan selamat lebaran utk temen2 yg merayakan.
Tuhan memberkati :)
11:31pm @tyasasko met hari lebaran bro! Enjoy your festive holiday.

Sat Sep 11
11:55am Looks like my lil' nephew has something in common w Lenny
Bruce: he's simply pushing the limit to see how far he could get away
12:00pm Being among the family of 4 (with 2 little kids) sans pembantu
RT is like poking a sleeping lion.



eindraw's Twournal

Mon Sep 13
11:31am Design resource freebies yg sangat yahud, http://
mediamilitia.com ,God bless those guys.
06:37pm Just watched the first episode of MODERN FAMILY. Funny!
It has Julie Bowen, you know.. that "Yoga ass" chick from WEEDS. And
Ed O'Neill !

Tue Sep 14
09:35pm Forgive me Father for i'm about to sin: i'm making videos for
indosiar using all HIGH saturated colors
10:11pm Sumpia udang, kenalin Nu greentea. Nu greentea, sumpia
udang. Nah, silakan ngobrol di dalem. *nom nom nom gluk gluk*
10:33pm "Birds taste better than fish. Perhaps evolution is the process of
becoming tastier." -Castaway On The Moon (2009 Lee Hae-jun)

Wed Sep 15
02:22pm Ahh.. trailer film MURDERER (2010 Na Hong-jin) telah tiba!
Moga2 se-dahsyat film pertamanya:THE CHASER http://bit.ly/au58mK
03:52pm *jempol* (kaki) RT @raditherapy: judul film2 yg bakal
tayang: Keong Racun, Cin...Tetangga Gw Kuntilanak & K2K's Rintihan
Kuntilanak Perawan
03:54pm Cuman masalah waktu aja sampe ada film GENDERUWO
CARI MANTU atau POCONG I'M IN LOVE ..sabar win. Tetap



erwin indrawan

Thu Sep 16
10:26pm Nomer gue 10757, kenapa engga? Dukung petisi online
kebebasan beragama. http://bit.ly/bMPYww

Fri Sep 17
12:04am Whoaa.. Are these 2 anchorwomen on TvOne twins?
12:13am Bulan ini nemu 2 film Asia yg bagus: CASTAWAY ON THE
MOON (2009)-KOR dan FINE TOTALLY FINE (2008)-JPN. Both are
really charming. Very recmnd
11:18am A duck beaked me in the rectum. I was lucky to experience that
in my dream last nite. I no longer wondering.
01:10pm That's why i run to alcohol instead RT @davidbagong: Anger
wouldn't solve a problem, it will make another problem, trust me
01:16pm Udah nongkrong di toilet seharian, tetep aja belum dapet ide :(
02:42pm @film_indonesia apa gak malah jadi kesannya tambah 'ekslusif'
tuh? Re: #AsosiasiFilmMakerIndonesia
02:48pm Anyone who dates Mayweather Jr. should bring a white towel
at anytime. Just in case. (NEWS: Mayweather Jr. pukuli mantan pacar)
04:29pm Rite now I'm drinking this fancy-imported beverage that
already expires 2 months ago. Does that make me hardcore or cheap?

Sat Sep 18
03:24pm Gimana? warna ganjreng nya udah "Indosiar-look" belum?



eindraw's Twournal

Sun Sep 19
11:31pm hello beer, long time no see (@bremer)

Mon Sep 20
12:26am "Sialan, menrt peraturan baru, per 1 Okt mobil gue udh gak
bisa pake premium lg dong!". Itu org sebenernya sombong atau pelit ya?
12:34am What if Hummer H3 had sex with the New X-Trail? I think the
child would be this guy: http://twitpic.com/2q1xht #nemufotodiHP
02:32pm Yes! Finally, a solid argument. http://bit.ly/a2EJmP
03:49pm Bloc Party, Nada Surf, now Copeland. Am liking
@hardrockfm's playlist this afternoon.
03:51pm Yahh.. baru aja dipuji. Owlcity skrg dimaenin. -_____-`
04:22pm "Hey, Fucko, we like to call it inter-species erotica." #tebakfilm

Tue Sep 21
01:17pm "Hujan. Bechek. Gak ada project." -Cinta Laura (freelance
04:43pm Damn. *lepas kacamata*. . . . . . . . . . . . JDUG!! RT
@VIVAnewsGroup: Kacamata Bikin Wajah Tampak 3 Tahun Lebih Tua
04:50pm Sayangnya 'budaya nonton' di Indonesia lebih berkonotasi pada
'kecelakaan kendaraan' daripada ke 'film'.



erwin indrawan

05:05pm Eh, nanti bambang marah lhoo RT @detikcom: Ke Ragunan,

Flo Rida Nonton Atraksi Mayangsari http://de.tk/TrN26
10:22pm "Aa-Aa-..*record scratch*..-Aye!" RT @twitchfilm: Twitch: The
UK BIG TITS ZOMBIE Trailer Comes In Tittylicious 3D! http://bit.ly/

Wed Sep 22
01:13pm Ini pasti twit berikutnya "Nothing is perfect" ya? RT
@princyrn: ..I'm nothing..
08:05pm Tekateki: apa yg sekelilingnya kencang, tengahnya keriput?
Jwb: Me at FloRida concert

Thu Sep 23
12:40pm Things I learned from Hiphop concert last night. (Siap2 mo
nyampah di timeline)
12:40pm 1. Hiphop artists have buffed bodies. Kinda make sense
considering how heavy their blings are.
12:40pm 2. They have buttloads of towels to throw at the audience. If
the concert went for another hour, I'm sure every of us will get at least
12:40pm 3. And not just towels, also shirts, shoes, baseball caps. It's like
the audience are all naked and need to be clothed.
12:41pm 4. Hiphop artists like to have their bodyguards near them all
the time. Including the time when they're performing, ON STAGE.
12:41pm 5. Every second is "I want all of you to raise your hand!" or
"Lemme see your hand in the air!". It's like Nazi party with DJ.



eindraw's Twournal

12:41pm 6. Hiphop artists like to bring female audiences to the stage.

Nice :)
12:42pm 7. Lastly, hiphop artists know how to party and make us
jumping around to their music.
01:15pm Makan nasi rawon. Me:"Mas, bisa minta nambah toge?".
Mas2:"tAUge?". Is it just me or he really punched the 'AU' part?
03:25pm "I'm only happy when it rains.." ~Garbage <-- stupid song.

Fri Sep 24
02:16pm Ada yg ngeh gak kl TVC Pop Mie (stage) itu niru pleketiplek
TVC Puma? Sampe k lagu2nya malah. Mbok ya dibedain dikit kek,
usaha. #tsk

Mon Sep 27
12:04pm Oh goody.. mau presentasi lupa nge-charge dulu. MacBook
bisa pake batere AA gak ya? *gosok2 betere ke rambut*

Tue Sep 28
10:35am There's a "That's-what-she-said" joke in here somewhere RT
@pevpearce: Let me see your peacock
12:00pm You know why FPI are all against Q! Film Festival? Because
the festival reminds them how gay they are.
05:19pm Oh iya, iklan POP MIE yg niru iklan PUMA itu: PopMie-> http://youtu.be/DzugqKJ58W8 dan Puma --> http://youtu.be/
ElzFlkOTZ_s ..bandingkan



erwin indrawan

05:50pm Dude, seriuosly.. RT @charliesalseros: Manicure pedicure

07:45pm You know the universe had been good 2 us once when we saw
Olivia Wilde & Mischa Barton making out in THE OC ssn.2
07:53pm Yea? but there's blood, and placentas, and other fluids RT
@detikcom: Seks Makin Mantap Pasca Melahirkan http://de.tk/0drd

Wed Sep 29
10:25am Tiba2 kepikiran Jeremy Teti bilang "Who's your teti?.. Who's
your tetttiii?" #WhatIsWrongWithMe
01:08pm Today, my mom just bought an iPad 3G. That's right, 'My mom'
and 'iPad', in a same sentence. FML. *menangis d pojokan*
01:17pm If sum1 joked to me:"Haha, haregene msh pake buku notes?
Nyokap lo aja udh pake iPad". I could totally answer that.
01:48pm Makasih ya simpatinya teman2, saya akan berusaha lbh giat! :)
*nyari e-Pad di online store RRC*
02:03pm Yes please. Eh, maksudnya, hey language young lady. RT
@pevpearce: Fvk
04:48pm Utk siapapun yg punya ide bikin sirup segar dari Sengkit &
Plum, aku padamu.. http://twitpic.com/2t0pza
11:01pm Ah, buat saya RESIDENT EVIL 3D cukup menghibur kok.
Milla Jovovich is still foxxxy as hell!
11:16pm Pak @tifsembiring berarti kena AIDS dong. Itunya = Otaknya

Fri Oct 01



eindraw's Twournal

01:07pm Homili Jumat pertama: "Menjalankan agama tanpa mendalami

kehdpan rohani hanya menghasilkan org2 fanatik"
01:38pm fanaticism leads to.. terrorism RT @dengkhulx: Whuidiy... Top
neh anak Jumper... Re:fanatik
05:46pm Did he die? RT @ApakahKamuTau: Stlh jatuh dr pswt 2x,
geger otak, buta sblh & luka bakar srius, Ernest Hemingway mnembak
kpalanya sndri
10:26pm Pengen sekali2 nge-RT pujian, tp apa daya, nyokap gw gak
punya twitter.
10:27pm Dia cuman punya iPad. (puas? Puas?)
10:48pm @AffiFD ahh, thankyou very much Affi. You just made my
day! :D
10:52pm @AffIFD (tp gw ttp malu2 utk meng-RT ) #hadohh
10:55pm Salahkan traffic kemang ya jd gw gak bs nyusul k Coquelicot
@teeqs @tantin_hadi @dian_waluyo

Sat Oct 02
12:24am I'm not that excited about STAR WARS 3D (2012). There i
said it.
12:51am @robertronny IMO, post-conversion is like a CGI human,
both never b convincing. I don't think it will add any value other than Z
depth :)
01:16am @robertronny You and I and million others, man :D .And this
is George Lucas we're talking about, of course it's gonna be *something*.
02:41pm Anaknya dewa hujan kayaknya lg maen2 sama keran nih.
02:49pm Terdampar di pasar benhil. Bingung antara ayam tangkap, roti
canai atau mie Aceh pk udang.



erwin indrawan

04:56pm Oh semanggi, seperti kata EMF, "You're unbelievable!"

Sun Oct 03
12:22pm Pengen ngumpat pd hujan tp takut disamber geledek
08:28pm Waw.. Voltes V theme song performed live. Ternyata ini toh
penyanyinya http://youtu.be/AL7ZEw-LKMI

Mon Oct 04
09:15am @jackartsonic @imel17 Waw, udh 1 taun ya? Happy bday lil'

Tue Oct 05
12:30am You know you've crashed a good party when you find this!
(Peringatan 20th tembok Berlin @ Kempinski) http://twitpic.com/2unn45
10:24am Cool design! 25 Blaxploitation Movie Posters. http://bit.ly/
10:55am With Zach Snyder, I can imagine Jor-EL banishes General
Zod, Ursa & Non screaming "THIS.. IS.. KRYPTON!" and kick them
into the Phantom Zone

Wed Oct 06
11:20am Oh, HELL YES!! RT @blitzmegaplex: Korean Film Festival
exclusively at blitzmegaplex GI - updated ticketing info here http://
12:17pm Geeks rejoice! Peter Jackson confirmed to direct THE
HOBBITS 3D! set to be released Dec 2012, 2013 http://bit.ly/9G9BRt


eindraw's Twournal

04:55pm Biskuit Roma Sari Gandum itu gak kalah enaknya sama
Arnott's macadamia cookies.#justsaying masih #twitbosan
11:51pm Beer night still continues, but mine is over, and it's not even 12
pm (lame, i know) http://twitpic.com/2v63qz

Thu Oct 07
06:11am SBY:"Saya prihatin". *lanjut sarapan* RT @kompasdotcom:
Hancur, Kapal Nelayan Ditabrak Malaysia http://bit.ly/covtSd
05:51pm Me bought a T-shirt, went home and found out sablonan-nya
ber-glitter T________T:
05:57pm Ha.. bloody haa.. 0_____o @sat17 @teeqs @irfianta
06:59pm Wohh, Take A Celebrity Out tayang hari ini jam 20.00. Pengen
liat openingnya hasil bikinan sendiri. *posisi lilin pegang antena TV*
07:48pm I didn't find MAC GRUBER (2010) amusing.
11:36pm @dengkhulx well, there's a difference btween 'good' annoying
like Ron Burgundy and 'bad' annoying like MacGruber. But that's just
me :)

Fri Oct 08
12:01am Aneh! Semua lagu Rage Against The Machine selalu KEREN
dan PAS buat mengiringi end credit nya film. (Baru ntn THE OTHER
07:10am @princyrn take care and see you soon
07:13am @dengkhulx tonight tonight is gonna be perrfect if you try try
try (are we talking about the same thing?)



erwin indrawan

07:34am #pengakuan I can't tell the difference between 4-Minute,

SNSD, WonderGirls and Secret outside their personnel count.
07:36am Q:"Catchy song! What band is this?" A:"How many members?"
Q:"euh.. 9." A:"SNSD!"
01:43pm Oh bagus. Makin enak aja pr petugas parkir liar. RT
@kompasdotcom: Inilah Skema Kenaikan Tarif Parkir http://bit.ly/
02:19pm Hey you :) RT @davidbagong: Finally...get ready for your new
home :) http://plixi.com/p/49326825
02:21pm Dg sedih menyatakan tdk bs datang ke Pasar Seni ITB 2010 :'(
05:27pm "Udah kamu di rumah aja. Diluar ujan gede." *ngomong ma
kamera* #ihik
06:44pm ya Tuhan, kapan ya saya punya mobil matic? *pijet2 paha kiri*

Sat Oct 09
01:21am Si @billy payah #JRL
04:16pm Damn. RT @princyrn: Sandra dewi with her boyfriend
#USS.. :p http://plixi.com/p/49547990
06:12pm I alwys feel like i'm a cannibal when i'm ordering a take-out
Sekba. "Saya mau usus,perut,pipi & darahh!"
06:40pm I stay away from drugs solely to avoid being over-paranoid of
recent news in TL: "Erwin Diminta Menyerahkan Diri Pd Polisi"

Sun Oct 10
06:59am @jawajawir kalo maen pas hujan namanya jd hidroponik


eindraw's Twournal

11:59am Seriously, jakarta, are you bipolar or something?

12:39pm Suddenly, "Jalan2 pake kolor doang" doesn't sound so terrible.
12:56pm @davidbagong nah man, jkt hr ini panasnya kayak neraka
02:59pm @dengkhulx dangling? More like sweating. It's ugly.
03:26pm @dengkhulx thx 4 the heads up. From own experience, i
10:54pm Baru nonton HUNG (2009).. HBO is really pushing the
envelope regarding the sex scenes, eh? Very explicit.
11:01pm I guess I wouldn't be surprised if 5 years from now there would
be hard-core XXX movies with an actual good story.
11:03pm @dengkhulx dejavu nih :D re: hangin'

Mon Oct 11
10:30am @tantin_hadi dinikmati aja tin. Kan udh lama bgt gak kayak
gini. Re: morning bengong
11:25am Gue gak makan Indomie karena mengandung bahan kosmetik.
Iiiiihhh, eke? masa pake kosmetik? *buang muka*
11:34am Kalo ngedenger ada org ngomong "Kemang? Wah jauh ya?",
dlm hati pasti gue jawab "Bukan, anda-lah yg jauh."
11:35am @tyasasko lebih butuh 'project' sih pak drpd libur :)
11:38am Inner beauty ya RT @jawajawir: Berarti usus kita kl gak putih
bersinar, atau gak berjerawat, atau gak keriput, atau halus seperti kulit
12:00pm @ameleea euh, elo udh menjawab sendiri :) re: Glee, Avatar
12:17pm @ameleea if you asked me, 2010 itu taunnya INCEPTION. Tp
elo cari disini deh http://www.imdb.com/search/title?year=2010



erwin indrawan

01:59pm @ViliaIndahwati @nextanna @davidbagong --____--' kalo elo

punya anjing kayaknya bakal diajarin spy dia bs gantiin elo di kantor ya,
Wi? -_-'

Tue Oct 12
03:00pm @davidbagong: Pelajaran hari ini : Ngga boleh cabut tanaman
*pukul* >> kayak FPI nih maen pukul.
05:28pm ...at least i work at the convenience of my own home
(menghibur diri)
05:32pm Wheee.. Serial THE WALKING DEAD premiere tgl 5 Nov

Wed Oct 13
09:42am Now i know why it's called 'Anderson Cooper 360'.. we can
watch everything from all angles. Sinting.
10:11am First miner is rescued! Thank God.
10:53am Eat Shit Corrupt #edisiAnggotaDPR
10:55am Eat Prey Burn #edisiFPI
11:00am Hahaha.. RT @ismanhs: #thatsWhatSheSaid (RT @deon:
@masova WOW!!! UDAH KELUAR?)
01:05pm IM2 Inside dg quota 500MB/bln, terlalu kecil u/
tethering..terlalu besar u/ mobile internet.
06:34pm Gerakan 1jt facebookers utk #saveJiffest ?
08:29pm RT @BrightQuote: "I met God. I met the devil. God won" Mario Sepulveda, Chilean miner

Thu Oct 14



eindraw's Twournal

01:04am EAT PRAY LOVE (2010 Ryan Murphy) This is what i was
thinking throughout the movie while eating my popcorn: "Tha'hell does
this woman want?!"
09:05am Am a simple man. I enjoy light breakfast, cup of coffee and
bikin invoice.
09:12am RT @AffiFD: +1 RT @opitak: Nyawa di Chile harganya mahal
10:30am Manuel Gonzalez FTW! He's the first man in, and the last man
10:42am Where did i put my coffee jar? shit RT @detikcom: Minum
Kopi Pahit Tiap Pagi untuk Lawan Pikun http://de.tk/KSu9H
01:25pm RT @VIVAnewsGroup: FPI Akan Kepung Tera Patrick di
Bandara http://bit.ly/da5GWH <-- Ugliest.. bukkake.. ever!
02:14pm Hiring a pornstar in your movie but NOT doing porn is like
going to saritem for just a hug.
05:57pm Yay! Got my SECRET REUNION (2010) tickets.
11:38pm Merasa sgt buncit krn kembung. Tp tetep gak bs naro gelas
kopi diatas perut selagi dlm posisi duduk. Bummer.
11:50pm Twit kamu yg pake hashtag 'nomention' sering bikin saya ge-er.
11:51pm *twilight zone theme* RT @jawajawir: Photo: My
Doppelganger http://tumblr.com/xuclq7kyj | via @erwin22

Fri Oct 15
11:48pm The world is getting weirder evryday RT @thejakartaglobe:
Gay Indonesian Serial Killer to Marry Female Drug Dealer



erwin indrawan

Sat Oct 16
12:04pm yeah? then i'm gay.. definitely gay! RT @pevpearce: There is
nothing wrong with being Gay. I love Gays.
02:23pm @jawajawir mberrr
05:59pm #RomantisAdalah Rokok Makan Gratis #purba

Mon Oct 18
10:46am Same project different channel. God is good.
11:38am Wah lucu juga! RT @jawajawir: Ke Jogja kita? RT
@SoundRhythm: MEW confirmed buat show disebuah fest di Candi
Prambanan, Jogya 11 Des2010
12:00pm She really IS the ultimate cock-tease RT @detikcom: Katy
Perry Tunda Ngeseks Sampai Resmi Nikah http://de.tk/AVzed
12:02pm Pauly Shore? RT @filmoodotcom: THE FLASH segera
diangkat ke layar lebar. Tebak siapa kira2 yg jd calon pemeran utamanya
12:52pm Saw an awesome sticker on some car's rear window "Tat Tit
Tut.. Gandeng Kehed. Geus Nyaho Macet."
04:36pm Mau sprei gratis? Dateng aja k daerah cawang, banyak bendera
partai demokrat ukuran gaban.
04:55pm RT @tantin_hadi: I'm starving...pengen makan nasi..dmn ya
belinya? --> it's not like you're in the north pole, Tin

Tue Oct 19
10:29am Wah, RED (2010) udah maen ya? cihuy



eindraw's Twournal

12:22pm Tina Yuzuki aka. Rio #MendadakGakNgantuk

12:26pm She's the one in the middle. Now, this IS the girlband I wanna
see http://bit.ly/9sukUo
12:32pm Aaaand.. gentlemen, this is their video http://youtu.be/
lwqF8LCfkWE Ebisu Muscats!
12:35pm @vipertongue :D who am i kidding rite? Well, if you have her
full ..er.. videography. I seriously envy you.
10:21pm Beli makanan diskonan di supermarket kok kenyangnya kayak
di-diskon juga ya? *minum aer yg banyak aja deh*

Wed Oct 20
09:55am Terus terang jd agak sedih krn gak ngeliat ada nama temen2
peserta JiFFest script competition '07 di list donatur. (Sori, internal)
10:06am I don't trust pencari sodakoh who doesn't make eye contacts
while i'm asking questions.
09:32pm Evrytm i see 'farhat abbas' in my TL, i concentrate really2 hard.
Who knows, maybe "exploding head" like in the movie SCANNERS
could b real.

Thu Oct 21
03:01pm @AffiFD i like it, i think it's great. Didn't see you though :( ..
re: Mizone.
04:21pm @nextanna Whoa! Happy Birthday.. Kado gue nitip ke
@viliaindahwati deh. Tuhan memberkati ya. :)
07:33pm I came, I saw, I beat ChongLi -- Veni, vidi, van damme. #telat



erwin indrawan

07:44pm Christian Bale is at his body transformation mode again.

Sinting ni orang.. Trailer #2 for THE FIGHTER http://bit.ly/9o7fqZ
10:36pm ROKKAP (2010) Gak pake promo, #filmindonesia ini tiba2
maen aja di bioskop. Indie? Harus didukung.

Sat Oct 23
12:53am Beer night + classic disco = Damn nice.
12:55am Real men don't drink flavored beer. Seriously. #manlytips
12:24pm Been sitting at my computer all week. Time to kick my own ass!
Let's work out.
12:24pm @kokow_SrS 99rb/bln tanpa quota? That's a pretty good deal,

Sun Oct 24
01:14pm Dr semua permukaan datar yg bs dijadiin ALAS tulis, mbak ini
nulis bonnya diatas boxset DVD yg gw beil. Thx for the... http://mtw.tl/
01:16pm Did i just twitlonger myself?. Sori folks..
08:06pm Mulai hr ini gw akan nyoba makan malem tanpa nasi. Kecuali
kalo menunya nasi goreng.. masa cm mkn kecap doang.
08:24pm @nextanna ikutan program pemerintah utk mengurangi perut

Mon Oct 25
10:13am @ViliaIndahwati hmm, ramen...*nglamun, 5 menit
kemudian*.. Yuk?



eindraw's Twournal

01:06pm Cool. RT @yonan32: #nowplaying Weezer - "Unbreak My

Heart" http://ning.it/cBg85z - yep, that song
01:10pm @robertronny Happy bday, man. May the force be w the bday
01:27pm @ViliaIndahwati malem ini ada miting ey :(
01:36pm Tiba di lapo, panik, semua pengen dihajar. #nyebut
03:46pm Hot coffee. . . . . . Hot coffee. . . . . . .Hot coffee. . . . . . . . . (jadi
pengen ngopi gak sekarang?)
04:28pm RT @INAFFF10: 2010 Line Up is up in our website. Check
04:36pm Ngarepin ada film CATFISH (2010) di @INAFFF10 , ternyata
gak ada :( .Surprise movie?
04:37pm atau PARANORMAL ACTIVITY 2 (2010) ?..hayo.
04:38pm Yang wajib tonton setiap @INAFFF10 adalah opening, closing
dan surprise movie. Tentu saja.
04:44pm @jawajawir lagi mikirin rumah ya fit? :)
05:16pm Nyesel gak grocery shopping kemaren. Now am stranded in my
kost with only ice cubes in my fridge :( #SOS #...---...
05:32pm Ouch.. RT @silviahendarta: sad view from office:
pemandangan dari atas mobil2 kerendem banjir sampe jendela di
parkiran sequis center
05:33pm Senjata andalan hari ini. http://yfrog.com/n7k3wej
06:08pm @princyrn gimana bintaro? aman sentosa stlh ujan?
06:21pm Naiini nih.. penyebab banjirnya! #edisiTIF RT
@TMCPoldaMetro: 17:10 Banjir 15-20 cm di RE Martadinata (dpn
Alexis), berimbas lalin padat.

Tue Oct 26


erwin indrawan

12:57am You mean "Same shit, different dude" right?

10:28am To whoever run this city, now you got blood on your hands. RT
@VIVAnewsGroup: Mahasiswi Tewas Terseret Banjir Jakarta http://
12:19pm @davidbagong who's sick dude?
12:46pm Okeh 'jan.. cukup ya. Cukup segitu aja hari ini.
02:03pm Kalo gak salah: "Keparat". RT @suhakri: Voorijder itu bahasa
indonya apa yah
10:23pm Dammit, telat.. Ada ARMY OF DARKNESS di Star Movie

Wed Oct 27
10:57am RT @palangmerah: Rek Bencana Alam Umum via BCA KCU
Sudirman, No.Rek: 035.311223.3, a/n Kantor Pusat PMI (Perhimpunan
PMI) -->Let's go to ATM
11:08am Apapun bentuknya, berapapun jumlahnya, bagaimanapun
bentuk doanya, bantuan sangatlah berarti utk saudara2 kita.
04:06pm @davidbagong "rumah boxie" ? -_____-'
11:10pm So, Nolan said the third Batman movie will be titled "The Dark
Knight Rises". . . . *muffled chuckles*... huh-huh-huh, dark knight rises...
11:37pm I second this. RT @n_a_d_i_a: Motorcycles in Jakarta Traffic:
Go Kill Yourselves #rejectedDMideas
11:41pm if RED (2010) is Retired: Extremely Dangerous then THE
EXPANDABLES is like retarded extremely dumb
11:47pm *The Expendables (now, who's retarded.. -____- )

Thu Oct 28


eindraw's Twournal

12:02am Ahahahahah.. http://bit.ly/b0cmYr

08:59am The Dark Knight Rises is sponsored by Viagra. #boong
12:53pm That geeky chick in MYTHBUSTERS is hot.

Fri Oct 29
11:53am Epic Win http://bit.ly/a1GLXP
01:22pm Ayam lagii.. ayam lageee.. (i'm talking about lunch, of course..)
01:43pm "face-boker"? RT @detikcom: 'Friendship Page' Dekatkan
Faceboker dengan Sahabat http://de.tk/oLKoH

Sun Oct 31
12:08am Ouw, ada HELLBOY di TransTV. Never tired of watching this
movie. One of Mr. Del Toro's best.
12:12am IMO, the 2nd Hellboy movie is not as good as the original. I
think Mr.Del Toro kebablasan on the special fx.
12:15am His best work so far is still his early movie: THE DEVIL'S
12:25am Too bad he backed out from directing THE HOBBITS (2011).
His version of the hobbits would kick ass! Literally. Kungfu hobbits!
08:49am @dengkhulx Blade 2 jg bgs! Tp agak kurang 'imaginatif' kl
dibanding HB :) #MulaiDebatKusir
12:53pm Free Willy In My Pants #MoviesInMyPants #nyaman
12:54pm Hadoh lambatnya.. please deh Indosat. Gue keburu punya cucu



erwin indrawan

12:58pm I can't wait to never see them RT @raditherapy: upcoming

@ filmindonesia :"Arwah Goyang Karawang" & satu lagi filmMaxima
"Hantu Tanah Kusir"
01:10pm -___________________-* (gak bisa berkata2) http://bit.ly/
01:16pm @primahari kawin lari soalnya pim.. susah resepsinya. Masa
hrs bikin event marathon?
03:28pm @sat17 wah kl smart d tmpt gw sih bisa cucu gw udh punya
cucu lg. Haha
04:27pm @teeqs yg pelacur? Ya semua laaah..
04:47pm Gone in 60 seconds http://twitpic.com/32jpi5
06:00pm @n_a_d_i_a Itu kan udh abis setengahnya.. Ini jg heran bs
brenti sbentar u/ motret. :)
11:11pm Semangat!! #BelomSenenSiahTolooo
11:25pm Everytime the bachelor girl approaches Ricky Nelson's booth, u
can almost hear her say "You're gay!" *slams off-button* #TCO

Mon Nov 01
12:00am VAN HELSING is on TransTv. That movie is so bad i'd rather
see KK Dheeraj's horror movies. Oh wait.. I take it back.
12:45am Hey,looks like TransTv has redeemed itself from previous
mistake! DAWN OF THE DEAD is on! Now!
08:34am Tunggu aja, kalo hari ini ujan, pasti ada yg statusnya ngutip lagu
Guns N Roses itu.
10:33am @charliesalseros Happy bday dude. Wish you happiness and
all. Tuhan memberkati.



eindraw's Twournal

10:35am Gue heran, kok banyak yg sinis sama @indonesiaberdoa soal 1

follower=25 rupiah? Kl akhirnya sumbangannya nyampe& berguna. Bkn
nya itu baik?
10:52am Unless you envy @lagygaga 's follower count, i don't have a
problem following someone for good cause. Jujur/engga ujungnya.. not
me to judge

Tue Nov 02
11:25am A necessary comment from down there.. http://

Wed Nov 03
12:34pm Yes, THANK YOU! Goodbye 'Addie MS'. RT @dengkhulx:
Did anybody bother to tell @erwin22 he kinda lookalike Linkin Park's
vocalist Chester?
12:39pm Apakah MERANTAU (2009 Gareth Evans) @film_indonesia
pertama yg dirilis ver. Blu-Ray nya? That's awesome! http://bit.ly/
12:55pm @suhakri -_____________-* jastin timberlek-nya indonesia!
01:07pm @dengkhulx yeah.. outta my house to your office =D re:
02:06pm 99 Persen Pria Tidak Keberatan/Silakan Saja. RT @detikcom:
80 Persen Wanita Mendesah Hanya untuk Pura-pura Orgasme http://
02:34pm @dengkhulx you're not gay but you claim yourself a
'dickhead' ? hm



erwin indrawan

02:52pm Ada gak yg mau gue ompreng-in ke Surabaya tgl 11 Des? I'll be
quiet deh in the pojokan :)
03:04pm Tumben nih, IM2 hari ini lancar jaya *ngelus2 modem*
06:15pm Gue punya dong! Ada yg mau beli? #MentalCalo RT
@blitzmegaplex: Tix for Surprise Movie at @INAFFF10 r sold out 2
hours after pre-sale began
HALLOWS (2011) is post-converted to 3D. Ok then.. yg 2D aja

Thu Nov 04
02:53pm RT @VIVAnewsGroup: Spanduk Cemooh Ariel Terpampang
di Bandung http://bit.ly/cYsqWM <-- Sirik tanda tak mampu.
04:15pm Dan Dunia Jomblo #halah RT @kompasdotcom: "Self Service"
Tren Dunia Penerbangan http://bit.ly/aMVYA4
04:29pm Gw semakin suka sama acara MONSTER FISH di Nat Geo.
Ada yg suka jg?
04:32pm Hari ini gw #random banget. Ketauan lg diserang bosen :D
05:30pm Eye direction FAIL http://twitpic.com/33s5r9

Fri Nov 05
01:40pm Unless your wife is Marissa RT @OMGFactsSex: Staring at
women's breasts can make you LIVE LONGER!
07:31pm RT @INAFFF10: RT @silverwind: REDLINE was produced
by Madhouse -->Studio animasi andalan-nya sang legenda (alm.) Satoshi



eindraw's Twournal

07:36pm Eh! Hari ini adalah premiere serial THE WALKING DEAD!
Yeahhh. *manasin bakut*
10:57pm Just watched the pilot episode of THE WALKING DEAD.
That was freakin' EPIC! Frank Darabont FTW.

Sat Nov 06
11:28am @dengkhulx there's this button called "PAUSE", dude. Re:
missing DVD chapters

Mon Nov 08
09:00am This short film is in short: Inspiring! SKATEISTAN: To Live
and Skate Kabul. http://bit.ly/9bKrvd
03:12pm You hear me right, i don't own a blackberry.. no need to look at
me like that. Thanks :)
03:32pm Kamboja ? RT @detikcom: Mawar Mengaku Diciumi dan
Dipegang-pegang oleh K http://de.tk/WyFyz
03:33pm Siapapun pengirim SMS "Mama Minta Pulsa" pantas diganjar
dengan SMS "Kredit Tanpa Agunan". #seriously
03:37pm Kaos resmi FPI, dijual di mall. http://twitpic.com/34zxhh
04:02pm @ameleea beki tumewu (jauh ya?) :)
11:03pm Neng Gemma Artenton, akang udh gak sabar nunggu 17 Nov.
11:04pm @jawajawir kabarnya bunuh2an supaya dpt tiket nya ya? re:
Soul Kitchen

Tue Nov 09



erwin indrawan

09:28am Q: "If a vegetarian becomes a zombie - what do they eat?" A:

"People in comas" -Lamebook
11:55am @davidbagong siram aer panas. re: ngabangunin org
01:07pm Siyalan kau! RT @dengkhulx: Pengumuman (supertak)
penting: Walking Dead ep 2 udah siap ditonton *grin*
02:58pm @dengkhulx @edokomari betul juga.. tunggu rilis DVDnya jg
03:14pm @edokomari atas jawaban edo, pak @dengkhulx diharap
jangan spoilerr!
03:32pm @AffiFD wah, kantor baru dimana fi?
11:42pm Baru baca twitter, tau2 si tiffie udh bikin ulah lagi. Same shit
different day. #YeeGakRen?

Wed Nov 10
10:09am RT @INAFFF10: 6 days to go before INAFFF at
@blitzmegaplex @GrandIndo. We've Opening Film invitations for 20
winners. Follow us & help RT.
02:45pm Manakah yg akan duluan? 1. Saya ketiduran di meja cafe / 2.
Pesanan kopi saya datang.
02:47pm Ah! Ice Vietnamese coffee FTW
02:52pm You know you watch too much porn when you read 'maksi' as
'maksiat', and 'evakuasi' as 'ejakulasi' #GuiltyAsCharged
03:06pm @jawajawir: =)) =)) clubbing yuk @suhakri =)) =)) <-there's sumthing wrong w this sentence
03:44pm @suhakri @jawajawir oh, bukan nya dancing to DJ's tunes ya?



eindraw's Twournal

03:47pm Adalah ide yg sangat buruk mendgrkan lagu2 LIFEHOUSE

disaat sudah pasti tgl 4 Des gw gak bisa ntn konsernya :(
03:53pm Hm, banyak jg ya yg mengutip dari Lamebook tanpa memberi
tanda kutipan. #Tsk
05:55pm Kabar baik hari ini: JiFFest akan terlaksana dr tgl 25 Nov
sampai 5 Des 2010. Wheeee.. *salto dari genteng*

Thu Nov 11
10:09am Ini SMS papa minta pulsa kok dimulai dg "Visit us at
SMSCaster.com" ya?.. Fail.
10:25am Ini promo new STARWORLD pake musik 'Somewhere Only
We Know'-nya KEANE, tp ditulisnya 'Bedshapped'.. Fail.
10:30am @charliesalseros i'm on it. *nge-forward sms kta*
10:39am Yg paling gw inget dr film THE SOCIAL NETWORK
semalem: 1. Efek diorama di scene balapan mendayung / 2. Kolor merah
bertuliskan "Stanford"
10:44am Oya, musik nya Trent Reznor di film itu menrt gw gak terlalu
memorable ya?.. gak seperti waktu di film FIGHT CLUB (1999)
10:51am Soal aktor: Gue terkesan dg akting nya Armie Hammer yg jadi
si kembar Cameron/Tyler Winklevoss. Dan Justin Timberlake juga.
10:59am Secara visual: Menurut gue terlalu kompositif , terukur dan
rapi. Saking bagusnya jd agak menjauhkan emosi penonton dg unsur
10:59am @bimokonig The Social Network, bro
11:06am Kesimpulan: THE SOCIAL NETWORK adalah salah satu film
terbaik 2010. . . . setelah MacGrubber. (kidding woy)



erwin indrawan

11:34am @bimokonig bagooooosss.. tp gak sebagus filmnya K.K.

Dheeraj *dirajam hantu2nya KKD*
01:05pm Udah cukup bersantai2nya!. Skrg waktunya makan siang.
01:07pm @teeqs 'bumil milih2 makanan' itu oksimoron :D
01:12pm You mean 'comedy gore': so gory it's funny. RT @INAFFF10:
If u like extreme gore, watch MUTANT GIRLS SQUAD only at... http://

Fri Nov 12
11:34am @ishahening you mean 'eat.work.suicide' ? :P Me too
11:38am Hahaha.. awesome RT @elwinmok: Hidup warmo!!! RT
@citrapariwara10: Wajang Jaja terplih sbg salah satu pembaca nominasi
di malam #CP2010
12:14pm @ishahening Gak nonton sha.. Lg ada deadline :( Elo ntn ya?
08:59pm Menantikan episode 2 THE WALKING DEAD jam 22.00
*kerja mulai gak konsen*
09:03pm @dengkhulx sperm? regularly?
09:03pm @dengkhulx *pistol hand gesture*.. *BANG!*

Sat Nov 13
12:50am Zombie nya gak konsisten. #TheWalkingDead
01:25pm @davidbagong ha! Looks like our moms out-cool us.
01:31pm Bagos! Ujan gede turun pas buka pintu mau keluar rumah.
Kacaulah skejul hr ini. (tumben punya skejul kegiatan)
02:00pm "I don't undrstnd how this world will work. Cause time will tell
us nothing, we'll take a chance on smthing." Down River by The Temper


eindraw's Twournal

02:02pm Ujan yg bikin menye2. #halah

03:04pm Twit terakhir di-RT sama @halahbanget -____-'
09:40pm #premonition. Uh-oh, I see lots of alcohol coming later tonite.
Where's my bottle of water?

Sun Nov 14
03:57am Real men know how to hold their liqour. At least to drive
home.. um.. safely. Nite tweetheads.
10:30pm Udah lama banget gak pergi ke club. Serius. #LastNite
10:32pm Ok, ini sebagian yg terjadi di club.. #LastNite #Nyampah
10:33pm Ada 1/4 lingkaran garam nempel di ujung hidung setelah
minum tequila itu GAK keren. Apalagi baru ngeh-nya 1 jam kemudian.
#LastNite #Maluin
10:33pm Jangan berdiri di deket panggung ada tempat gelayutan-nya,
kepala ketendang selagi minum bir itu dobel sakitnya (gigi & ubun2)
10:34pm "Cougar" itu hanya julukan, betul gak? Subjek-nya sendiri
gak harus beneran pake baju animal print, betul gak? #LastNite
10:35pm Mantan istrinya fauzi baadila itu cantik bangett ya.. Balegug si
fauzi! #LastNite #StalkMode
10:35pm Baru sekali ini ngeliat ada org pake korsi roda di dance floor.
How awesome was that! Too bad he didn't do a wheelie. #LastNite
11:06pm @AffiFD Hahaha, iya ya. But on *my* nose, it looked more
like dead skins. #ew
11:41pm @wulie_312 Oh, that was me alright :) But no, i stayed out
from the dance floor.. seriously. I found ABGs.. um.. too jolly :)



erwin indrawan

Mon Nov 15
12:28am Udah nge-render lama, baru ngeh kalo setting-nya salah. Ini
pasti efek kepala ketendang kemeren malem.
12:34am @davidbagong *plak jidat* ..mesti ditendang lagi gitu? biar
normal lagi
12:37am I believe some people pray for 2012 merely so they can watch
12:44am Waw.. Neve Campbell still looks hot! New stills from SCREAM
4 (2011 Wes Craven) http://bit.ly/aFumdJ
12:53am Aand.. first look of Amanda Seyfried in LITTLE RED
RIDING HOOD (2011) *merinding disko* http://bit.ly/db3ynW
11:27am GREEN LANTERN (2011 Martin Campbell) pre-preview:
http://youtu.be/RrBwKMxhtXQ GO GREEN!
11:56am Suka dengan videoklip "Waiting For The End"-nya Linkin Park.
11:58am Dan lagunya juga, agak 311-ish gitu
10:31pm Belum sempet baca mendetail film2 JiFFest 2010.. tp banyak
banget yg film yg "Invitation Only" ya? Ck ck ck..
10:41pm THIS! IS! SPAR -*commercial break*-TAAAAA... #TransTV

Tue Nov 16
01:20pm Is it still okay to title my CD "MY SUPER DUPER
AWESOME MP3 COMPILATIONZ!!" ? Ah, i'm writing this anyway.



eindraw's Twournal

01:27pm 2 jam!.. makan waktu 2 jam mecahin masalah 'MoGraph cache'

di Cinema 4D, solusinya? Click and drag icon-nya dari baris 1 ke baris 2.
02:02pm Done! http://twitpic.com/37aoy9
02:09pm @boyke7 -_____-' halahh
03:37pm @sat17 kurang expert masalahnya pak. Hehehe
11:58pm After Neil Blomkamp (DISTRICT 9) we got ourselvs another
talented sci-fi director: Gareth Edwards. MONSTERS(2010) is inspiring!

Wed Nov 17
12:09am One thing is quite prominent throughout the movie
MONSTER: the production is very design conscious. Kinda reminds me
of MOON (2009)
12:11am *MONSTERS, with 's'. . . . Laper euy
07:05pm TIME TRAVELLER(2010) Typical melancholic drama,
doesn't live up to the premise. Makes me wonder how good the anime
source is
07:16pm THE CLINIC(2009) A descent survival thriller that will be
dried in memory right after you walked out from the theater @inafff10
more holes than a punkhead's ears,but it's still fun and gripping. Gemma
10:05pm Tidak setuju dg metode sensor-nya @inafff10 .Agak
mengganggu konsentrasi & memperlakukan penonton spt anak kecil.
11:47pm Asli, lbh gampang konek ke internet pake kulkas gw drpd pake
modem IM2 ini. *mau ngebanting tp takut nyesel*



erwin indrawan

Thu Nov 18
10:56am Rendering again and again. I swear i can hear my MBP's
singing that Koes Plus song "Kerja keras bagai kudaa.."
04:03pm GREEN LANTERN (2011 Martin Campbell) Trailer http://
youtu.be/qJABsJQCZHA .If you liked it then you should have..uh.. put a
ring on it.
04:16pm Ahahaha *pingsan*.. "Shigeo Tokuda: Husband, Grandfather,
Retiree and a Japanese Porn Star" http://bit.ly/bOrYhJ
05:14pm @robertronny nonton inafff, bro?
06:35pm 1 jam lagi NORWEGIAN NINJA maen, dan skrg gw msh ada
di senayan. *degdegan*
07:18pm @robertronny serius? Knp? Gw suka krn gak kayak film
monster yg kita expect, plotnya jelas, dan spirit dibalik pembuatannya.

Fri Nov 19
12:42am @robertronny NOR NINJA menrt gw very stylish, tp cerita &
humornya gw gak ngerti. Hehehe, maybe it's European thing. Abis itu
12:46am Gun owners? of course they are! RT @OMGFactsSex: Jazz
fans and gun owners are among the most sexually active Americans.
12:49am Gubrak.. lupa pake mention. *plakk*
12:50am @robertronny Monsters, Time Traveller, The Clinic, Alice
Creed, Ninja Troppen, Corridor. So far juaranya: NONE! Hahaha
01:40am @robertronny ada d timeline gw bro. In short: Time
traveller standar, Clinic decent tp forgettable, Creed bnyk plothole tp


eindraw's Twournal

02:01am @robertronny So what's next for you? gw masih ada Whale

Watching, surprise movie, Redline
12:00pm Hari ini libur dulu nonton @INAFFF10 nya krn hrs ngejar
kerjaan yg ditunda dr 3 hari yg lalu. Besok tancep lagi.
12:20pm Ini FAIL banget :D -->Movie Mix-Up Causes Children to
View Horror Flick http://bit.ly/c2OU0K (Megamind 3D ketuker sama
12:26pm My @INAFFF10 surprise movie forecast: PARANORMAL
ACTIVITY 2 #Crossingfingers
01:37pm Wedeww!! RT @cinema21: Hollywood XXI kembali di buka
hari ini.
09:00pm @princyrn: Sakit bgt..tapi lega akhirnya <--abis pencet jerawat
ya? :)
09:44pm JAPRI? (JihAn-PRImus) RT @InsertUpdate: Jihan FahiraPrimus Masih Cari Nama Anak ke-3
11:03pm @jawajawir huh,. itu setelah banyak di-protes tuhh
11:06pm Damn, baru aja td beli RT @tiMObros: untuk yg belum
beli DVD Rumah Dara & waiting for "something extra",check http://
11:17pm I need Combantrin. My butt itches. #TMI

Sat Nov 20
11:53am First "leaked" photo of Karl Urban in Judge Dredd costume
11:58am WAITING FOR SUPERMAN(screened in @jiffest ) on
shortlist for best doc Oscar nominations, alongside w Banksy's EXIT



erwin indrawan

12:09pm Liat foto Judge Dredd jd inget lagu "I Am The Law" nya
Anthrax. "I judge the rich, I judge the poor, I am the law!"
05:44pm WHALE WATCHING MASSACRE Bloody, fun &
unapologetic. Who'd hv known whale watching can be so thrilling
06:14pm @robertronny yea man, gw kira filmnya slow burn gt, trnyt
teror! Heheh. Ntn surprise movie malem ini?
09:29pm Damn! @inafff10 nailed it again this year! Surprise movie is a
total screamer. It's Pang Ho Cheung's DREAM HOME
09:35pm Damn! @inafff10 nailed it again this year! Surprise movie is a
total screamer. It's Pang Ho Cheung's slasher DREAM HOME
09:45pm Yeah, 'Pang Ho cheung's slasher' sounds like an oxymoron. But
he did a good job, as good as his romcoms/melodrama
11:51pm Iya, tebakan gue salah. Trnyt surprise movie-nya bukan

Sun Nov 21
01:36am @robertronny pang ho cheung's slasher DREAM HOME.
Kinda surprised me how versatile he is on taking this genre.
02:10pm REDLINE Mindblowing visual & adrenaline-pumping
alien car race that can put Wachowski's SPEEDRACER cry in shame!
02:29pm I can't say REDLINE is MadHouse's best work (hard to beat
Satoshi Kon's movies) but it's among the great ones



eindraw's Twournal

05:48pm BLACK DEATH After his imprssive SEVERANCE

&TRIANGLE, I think Christopher Smith dropped the ball w this one. Bgrade plot &quality. @inafff10
05:58pm That's it. Thanks @inafff10 for 5 days of sheer 'terror'. Keep up
the good work and i'll see you next year!
09:02pm Siyal, masih kebayang2 visualnya REDLINE. It looks like
nothing you've seen before! Menyesal gw gak nonton dua kali.
09:07pm @AffiFD "Benny's" ? *tetep denial* :))
11:54pm Kalo gw hrs milih, film yg plg berkesan di INAFFF'10 adalah
DREAM HOME (krn gw ngikutin karya2 Pang Ho Cheung), REDLINE
&MONSTERS juara dua.

Mon Nov 22
11:00am @princyrn Happy birthday dear. Happiness is just one prayer
away. Take it one step at a time and you shall get it. Tuhan memberkati :)
11:45pm Mana nih boyband gaek-nya?! Katanya jd penutup
#AMA2010 ... eh, wait. Forget what i just said,

Tue Nov 23
12:12am @AffiFD so.. i guess, you were once one of those screaming
girls huh? :))
12:39am @bimokonig eh, gue kagum lagi mo.. come on, you did good.
12:41am Now, am having a cold beer and left over cumi goreng tepung. I
don't know why i'm doing this at this hour. *Pencet2Perut*
08:44pm Can't decide whether i should tweet about my food or my
thoughts rite now.



erwin indrawan

Wed Nov 24
09:24pm Serius, ngeliat poster film CIN.. TETANGGA GUE
KUNTILANAK bikin eneg, marah & lapar (yg terakhir krn emang blom
dinner) http://bit.ly/e1v1IU

Thu Nov 25
06:01pm Watched RUMAH DARA DVD, Glad to finally saw the
'uncensored' version. Great work.

Fri Nov 26
12:16am UNSTOPPABLE is nail-biting fun, but 85% fresh on
@RottenTomatoes ? I don't think so.
12:22am #pengakuan Gue ntn 'Gary Unmarried' hanya utk liat Jaime
King. Jay Mohr is kinda annoying.
01:26pm Bukti kl gw berpikir jauh k depan: Gw memilih utk jarang
mandi supaya tato gak cepet pudar dlm 10 th yg akan dtg
04:08pm *ngilu2* RT @dengkhulx: Anak Suka Pegang Rudal Ibu RT
@soalBOWBOW: #soalBOWBOW Aspri adalah singkatan dari ...
11:59pm HONEY(BAL) Beautiful, touching story abt relationship
btween father &son. Superb acting by the child actor. Wow. @jiffest

Sat Nov 27
12:25am I guess HONEY(BAL) is not everyone's cup of tea. It's an
ambient movie with slow emotional build-up from start to... http://mtw.tl/



eindraw's Twournal

12:27am @primahari oh, emang elo ada di dalem jg ya? Gak liat :P Elo
suka gak filmnya?
07:33am Dia gak se-bawel itu laa.. #halah RT @VIVAnewsGroup:
Obama Jalani 12 Jahitan di Mulut http://bit.ly/eNn6jl
08:54am @mmozaa i should tell you, HONEY is not everyone's cup of
tea, many people won't endure the slow pace story. But in the end, very
11:17am Br bs ntn THE WALKING DEAD ep.04 hr ini. *SPOILER
ALERT* Just one question: Why do the zombies kill the eyecandy
character? Whyyyy?? *sobs*
02:56pm Hokben and their styrofoam plates successfully make us like
refugees inside a mall.
10:06pm Seriously, @INAFFF10 should consider bringing DREAM
HOME to regular screening for wider audience. Good slasher flick is
10:50pm Festival screening FTW! RT @INAFFF10: DREAM HOME
will be released exclusively at @blitzmegaplex starting 22 Dec w/ censor
of course ;)

Sun Nov 28
12:14pm Procrastination takes its toll on my Sunday. Selamat ya win.
Kerja sana..
01:27pm I hope that song "Fly To Seoul (Boom-Boom-Boom)" is not
taunting North Korea's all-alert missile launcher. #SickOfIt
08:02pm Under any circumstances, you won't catch me wearing a
sweater over my shoulders like a cape. I guarantee you. #ApaSih



erwin indrawan

Mon Nov 29
12:26am WHEN WE LEAVE (2010) You know that after-movie silence
because you're emotionally drained? Yeah, this movie gives you that :)
12:32am Sibel Kekilli gave a powerful performance in WHEN WE
LEAVE. She definitely has grown since the last time i saw her in Fatih
Akin's HEAD-ON
10:21am Sure Leslie Nielsen is always remembered as Lt. Frank Drebin,
but for me, he's always be Count Dracula. #RIP .
12:48pm Kabarnya Planet Holiwud lg ngejualin memorabilia-nya ya?
Kesempetan bagi anda yg mau punya patung T-800 di dpn pintu sbg

Tue Nov 30
12:54pm Ehemmm! #ObsesiLamaBersemiKembali RT @detikcom:
Susan Bachtiar Resmi Jadi Janda http://de.tk/fH7po
01:20pm @vipertongue *trampled by millions. Same with you*
01:22pm What kind of fool wants to divorce Susan Bachtiar, huh?
02:53pm Gw mengajukan diri menggantikan bangkai ayam. RT
@detikcom: Miyabi Siap-siap Dilempari FPI Bangkai Ayam http://de.tk/
10:13pm SON OF BABYLON A post-war movie about heartfelt sorrow
and search for the loved one. Eye-opening & remarkable! Don't miss it.
10:15pm So far, none of the movies i saw in @jiffest has a happy ending
(even the documentaries!). Thank goodness tomorrow is SCOTT
PILGRIM time! :D


eindraw's Twournal

Wed Dec 01
10:48am Images from GHOST RIDER: Spirit of Vengeance. Hey, they
disregard continuity: Nicolas Cage has his natural hair! http://bit.ly/
10:57am Hahaha, a man arrested for masturbating during HARRY
POTTER movie. http://bit.ly/fIdGtr So I guess Hermione is THAT hot,
huh? (belom nonton)

Thu Dec 02
12:06am SCOTT PILGRIM.First Edgar Wright's movie I saw w/out
Pegg &Frost and it's a visual BLAST! Literally. Oh, btw, Kim rocks!
11:42am Hore! Dapet undangan ntn UNCLE BOONMEE hari Senin.
*windmill to flare to headspin*
04:48pm Heh? THE WALKING DEAD season 1 cuman 6 episode?
pemalesan -____-"
05:00pm Di kulkas cuman ada: apel, bir dan susu kental. Mo dipadanin
kayak gimana juga gak akan match.
05:05pm Itu iPad bener2 diposisikan sedemikian rupa sehingga logo
apple nya keliatan jelas banget ya? Not even subtle. #PidatoSBY
05:18pm *On a brink of being a pedophile* http://bit.ly/hHcAyx
05:26pm And now.. for a slightly different age. Oh she's 20 now? Nice.
08:01pm I know my body is my temple, but a bowl of sop sumsum & sate
kambing are just too damn hard to resist. *PijetTengkuk*



erwin indrawan

Fri Dec 03
12:02am @AffiFD wishing a very happy bday to your little miss
sunshine, ok? Tuhan memberkati :)
12:35am *buka case DVD dan nyalain player*
12:35am Hmm, nerusin kerjaan, packing baju buat besok, atau ntn
02:12pm The time 'karma' truly exist will be the day when I actually
consider Kredit Tanpa Agunan from these fuckin' SMSs
05:34pm #Kode (eh, bener gak penggunaan hashtagnya?) RT
@detikcom: Jessica Iskandar Ingin Ajak Chris John Nyanyi http://
07:27pm Gebleg. Berat badan gw turun lagi! Perut gw spt-nya produksi
gas hidrogen ya?
07:34pm At least he won't do the same mistake thrice. (too soon?) RT
@pevpearce: Inalilahi wainalilaihi rojiunnn, artis muda http://mtw.tl/
07:55pm eh, helium kali.. Kok hidrogen. #telat #dibahas
08:16pm Mulai curiga jangan2 berita ttg Leslie Nielsen trnyt utk promo
08:42pm Harus disebarkan ke sepenjuru negeri. RT @pevpearce: Guess
Fashion Show Party. http://plixi.com/p/60673331
10:57pm Ah siyal.. gak bisa nonton, pdhl udh ngincer -_- RT
@robertronny: #INCENDIES is strong,powerful &gut wrenching! A
must see!

Sat Dec 04



eindraw's Twournal

12:23am Ada MONKEYBONE(2001) di RCTI. Karya Henry Selick

12:32am Gw rasa kl ada gelar utk aktor spesialis maen d film yg 'CGI
Heavy'. Brendan Fraser adl MahaGuru.
12:42am @kembangdwisari :D Stop motion effect rules!
12:48am Utk yg btanya2 apakah Brendan Fraser in real life kawin sama
CGI character; itu gak benar. (gw gak trlu yakin sih)
12:55am My favorite Brendan Fraser's movie character? Link in
ENCINO MAN, hands down.
09:53pm Still no sign of William Bell in NatGeo's Megacity:Jakarta on
TvOne. This is alternate universe ammiright?
10:09pm @jawajawir Gimana Lifehouse??

Sun Dec 05
08:10am RT @ameleea: Goodluck guys!! RT infobandung: Don't miss it!
Mizone Flashmob Bandung beberapa menit lagi ! <-- #oksimoron ?
12:38pm Epic win! Tinggal tambah nasi lengko. RT @AffiFD: Kawinan
orang Cirebon emang top. Menunya tahu gejrot, empal gentong http://
03:40pm @primahari gw mah 'Susahnya Jaga Saldo di Jkt'
10:00pm I used to think that Donald Trump has the most hideous hair,
until i saw Ary Sudharsono's. Btw, GO CHRIS JOHN!
10:18pm After ari sudarsono, commercial break is filled w Sule & Dedi
cobuzir. What the heck is this? Freak hair parade?
10:29pm I bet David Saucedo has a tattoo of the word "Saucy"
somewhere concealed.



erwin indrawan

Mon Dec 06
01:12pm Hoax! *murung* RT @detikcom: Perokok Jadi Lebih Bahagia
Setelah Berhenti Merokok http://de.tk/oZfy1
01:48pm @princyrn nge-wine aja yu, maybe you'll loosen up a bit :)
06:00pm "..tripel dabel yu.." #IndonesiaBanget
10:14pm UNCLE BOONMEE Yes, i enjoyed the movie,and yes, it has
unusual circumstances &interesting concept abt 'spirits', but Palme D'Or?
11:01pm PTA FTW BBQ! @AffiFD @vipertongue
11:35pm @jawajawir makanya, sedia permen karet kl ada yg diskusi.

Tue Dec 07
12:08am Baca tweetnya @AffiFD ttg MAGNOLIA (1999 P.T Anderson)
bikin gw jd pgn nonton lg.
12:33am @AffiFD euh, i'm a dude fi. I don't share sob stories :P (aka
gak bakal ngaku kl nangis)
07:43pm Jadi gw gak ngehits ya kalo gak ngedengerin The National?
08:39pm Kiper dodol! Ampir aja
09:06pm Pr pemaen INA krg sadar akan risikonya: Kalo kalah, nanti
SBY jd emosional trus nyiptain lagu lagi
09:34pm Yeah Barry Prima! *lho RT @VIVAnewsGroup: Menit 89, BP
Bawa Indonesia Berbalik Unggul http://bit.ly/hDNNPD
10:12pm RT @bimokonig: Biar Markus keBobolan, tp mlm ini Markus
hrs memBobolkan Gawang @kikiAmelia <-- Udh bobol dr kapan tau
kali mo
10:29pm @kembangdwisari Meat Me? (sounds like a pick-up line gone
bad ya? :)) dimanakah itu?


eindraw's Twournal

Wed Dec 08
10:21am Bukti jantung atlet itu kuat & terlatih: Markus Horison pasti
kaget setiap pagi bangun ngeliat muka Kiki Amalia tanpa makeup.
01:24pm "@detikcom: Brad Pitt Remas Bokong Jolie di Premiere 'The
Tourist' http://de.tk/xmzQQ "<--Jgn sampe Raul&KD baca ini (that
joke's still on?)
03:33pm Saya lbh handal! *sikut* RT @jawajawir: Anda butuh navigator
handal d jalur pantura dr Jkt ke Sby utk 10 Des? Hub sy http://mtw.tl/
04:13pm RT @terselubung: #terselubung 10 Binatang Paling
Mematikan Yg Mesti Anda Hindari http://bit.ly/hM3Rr6 <-- redundant
10:31pm "surabaia.. oh surabaia.." *nyanyi2 krn stres* RT @jawajawir: :
( RT: @mewwire: Can't wait for Soundburst!

Thu Dec 09
10:14am Amazing race Asia finale hari ini jam brp sih? Hari ini kan?
11:45am Mid air? whoa RT @kompasdotcom: Pesawat Garuda Ditabrak
Mobil http://bit.ly/fiTNV1
01:36pm RT @ishahening: new post: color grading demo on Motion By
Design http://bit.ly/esTuq3
11:09pm PARANORMAL ACTIVITY 2 (2010) The movie does an
excellent job aligning its storyline to the original, but as a horror movie?
its a bore.

Fri Dec 10



erwin indrawan

10:59pm EASY A (2010) Aside from 1.5 hours of Emma Stone being
insanely GORGEOUS, the story is uh.. um.. shit, I gotta see it again for
the story.
11:12pm EASY A is easily a significant step up from director Will Gluck
after his 'underrated' FIRED UP (2009) which I like. A sharp comedy.

Sat Dec 11
10:29am Moga2 Scott Weiland gak O.D. duluan sebelum sempet konser
disini ya (tee-hee). @AdrieSubono ,you're the man!
10:33am @AffiFD: ...It will be a MAJOR accomplishment. Let's wait.
<-- "Major Accomplishment." *salute*
10:38am Para motiongrapher, please.. kalo pake 'Trapcode Starglow'
setdknya di-tweak sedikit kek settingan-nya. Jgn default2 banget. Tx.
11:00am @boyke7 Halahh :).. tp serius, sayang bgt kan udh susah2 bikin
animasinya trus pake starglownya yg "ijo-kuning-magenta" itu -____-"
11:14am Ini oren jus nya Pizza Hut diminum jangan ya? warna-nya
bener-bener R:255 G:255 B: 0 ...agak bikin takut.
11:31am I still have my fingers crossed that at some point, Thor utters
the immortal words, Stop. Hammer time. -@FilmDrunk on THOR
02:30pm Watching Amazing Race Asia marathon, i almost forgot the
two Richards had hair
03:03pm @AffiFD oh ya? I missed that part. Kok boleh ya kl gt?
09:13pm @dengkhulx Unless you're in U2 concert. Oh itu "I Love U2"

Sun Dec 12


eindraw's Twournal

11:30pm We guys don't mind :) RT @n_a_d_i_a: Emma Stone is too

pretty for her nerd-turned-slut role in Easy A.

Mon Dec 13
10:17am *cringe* This is like watching HOSTEL ! SLR durability test
aka. camera torture. http://youtu.be/D1tTBncIsm8
04:53pm RT @ismanhs: Considering today's ring and buzztones, phones
setting are categorized into: Off, Vibrate Only and Annoying For
Everyone Else.
05:00pm My mom has a knack for weird ringtones, I planned to tell
my sister about it, but she ended up w/ "Wah, lucu rongtonenya mam..
mintaa!" -_-'
11:18pm Nonton DVD atau nerusin kerja ya? Hahahahahaha.. *geli
sendiri sama pertanyaannya* *nyalain player*

Tue Dec 14
09:31am #nowplaying 'Wonderful Tonight' - Eric Clapton. Halah, ada
apa ini?
10:18am @dengkhulx @bimokonig masukin lagu2 konig dong makanya.

Wed Dec 15
12:33am HP7 (2010) David Yates is definitely in 'the zone', he almost
can't go wrong w the franchise. Greatness.
12:38am The special FX in HP7 is somewhat spectacular yet subtle and
balanced. Dobby is now a believable character



erwin indrawan

08:55am @dengkhulx Santa Clause is as real as Chuck Norris

10:21am Hhh..Here comes the inevitable: archiving and organising files
for 2011. Where should i archive all these porn??
10:44am @sat17 hyahahaha.. Minta dong saatt..
07:37pm Shayne is uber cute, but Noelle has the body #TheBachelor
#Dibahas #Penting
08:30pm oh, namanya @bandradioactive .You guys nailed that DC's

Thu Dec 16
12:45am Film gangsterindo SERIGALA TERAKHIR (2010 Upi) ini
terlihat spt film GodFather jika dibandingkan dg BAD WOLVES (2005
01:00am Hilangkan seluruh audio di film #SerigalaTerakhir ,ganti dg
musik pop. Voila! Instant boyband music video!
11:58am @AffiFD Yg udh muncul di TV show mah mestinya udh gak
takut lagii :) Sukses yak!
02:02pm KICK. ASS !! -->RT @davidbagong http://plixi.com/

Fri Dec 17
10:52am Cihuyness --> Spike Jonze and Charlie Kaufman are reuniting,
again! http://bit.ly/dLctzX
11:07am CYRUS (2010 The Duplass Bros) Delightful comedy/drama
w great casts. Nice to see Jonah Hill played the titular char outside his
usual range



eindraw's Twournal

12:02pm I SAW THE DEVIL (2010) I like it! It's stylish, dark, intense
and brutal. But substantially, it's not Kim Ji-woon's greatest.
12:08pm I SAW THE DEVIL has 2 of the most prominent Korean
actors against each other: Lee Byung-hun and Choi Min-sik. Both mofos
are CRAZY as fuck!
12:11pm One scene in that movie successfully made me scream
"Anjriiitt" for it's camera work. It's involving 3 guys brawling inside a taxi.
See it!
02:45pm Duncan Sheik?? A.S.T.A.GA.N.A.G.A! *cek atm*
10:42pm @robertronny third time's the charm :) re: Jonze & Kaufman.
Devil bagus ron?

Sat Dec 18
12:30am THE READER is on StarMovies. If u watch it right after
DOWNFALL, you must've yelled "That's Hitler! Cease him!" in the SS
trial scene.
12:34am @robertronny Iya salah pake ungkapan :).. maksudnya "Three
time's da bomb!" #dibahas
03:24pm Jennifeeer!!! RT @VIVAnews: Firman Cedera Otot Iga,
Bachdim Selangkangan http://bit.ly/dUJRqT

Sun Dec 19
12:35pm Knp smp skrg blm ada yg bkin film hantu 3D pake 'first person
POV' ya? Mnrt gw kuntilanak aja bs jd serem lg!
12:38pm Bedanya dg wahana rumah hantu adl 'feel'-nya. Film lbh
dramatis (mestinya) &nyata krn ada keterikatan dg emosi penonton.



erwin indrawan

04:16pm Bumpernya Pemilihan Wajah Femina ini pasti dibikin oleh

Andrew Kramer, saya yakin.
06:59pm Sorry SCREAM AWARDS.. See u in halftime. GO
10:08pm @n_a_d_i_a Stuju. Tp agak kurang fair sih sebab directornya
sama dan semuanya bener2 mirror dr yg asli. re: Funny Games
10:15pm Bahwa sesungguhnya, rahasia ketoprak itu ada pd bumbu
kacang-nya (bukan pd tampang penjual-nya).*TapiGakNendang*

Mon Dec 20
12:43pm @Wenni hi wenni *waving*
01:55pm Mulai skrg hrs mikirin apa respon ter-ngehe tanpa hrs
mengumpat kalo2 ada "operator indosat" nelpon.
05:23pm TRON LEGACY Premiere in Melbourne - Interactive skate
ramp http://bit.ly/guzANK <--K.E.R.E.E.E.E.N

Tue Dec 21
12:04am Screwdriver for pussies: 3 part orange juice and 1 part vodka.
12:45am @AffiFD euh fi, news flash: It's all f.a.k.e. :) don't take it too
seriously. But team shayne ftw!
03:49pm Foto2 produksi &poster AMPHIBIOUS 3D (2010 Brian
Yuzna) yang katanya @film_indonesia ,tp director &aktor utamanya
bule http://bit.ly/g9cq6I
04:23pm @JosepXavier @film_indonesia iya betul, tp kayaknya aktor
utamanya Michael Par dan Jenna Fassaert kan? But still, can't wait to
see it :)


eindraw's Twournal

04:27pm Whoa, really? RT @jiffest: We are praying for Jafar Panahi's

safety. We were lucky to have him as our guest in JIFFest 2001.
08:17pm @anaztasja @cidui Ini knp kayak pd nyemplung k aer panas
ya? "yaw! Yow! Yow!" :D
08:52pm You lost me at "akika" RT @pevpearce: Semua udah standby
depan OVJ di trans7? Akika undindang mau keluar! Yuk! Mwah!
09:10pm @vipertongue sounds like my usual conversation.. without the
bacardi part
11:56pm DEVIL (2010) Surprisingly this movie exceeded my
expectation. But then again, the 'Shyamalan-standard' these days has
been quite poor.

Wed Dec 22
12:06am And yeah.. my guess of who's the DEVIL was incorrect :P .But
at least I got the gender right. #pembelaan
12:09am @ishahening na- naek sepeda?.. *menggigit bibir*
12:22am Gue heran, hari gini masih aja ada scene yg melibatkan lift/
elevator yg bisa jatuh bebas. Kemana safety lock nya tuh?
12:23am Dan karabiner yg bisa merekah krn digantungi 1 org
aja. Kapasitas sebuah karabiner itu kalo gak salah sampe 2 ton.
12:55am @davidbagong buatan cungkuo maksudnya? wah ane suka tuh..
cewe2 cungkuo
01:14am REIGN OF FIRE (2002) on StarMovies. I bet some women
can't recognize Matt McConaughey in this movie because it's not a
romantic comedy.



erwin indrawan

11:27am Her: "Pin BB brp?" Me: "Gue gak pake BB" Her: "Oh, pk
iPhone ya?" Me: "Eu..engga jg". Oh, the demand for being a Jakartan.
*wink @anaztasja
01:30pm RT @detikcom: Pulpen Ajaib Bisa Redakan Stres http://de.tk/
CXwkJ <-- I bet it can vibrate.
02:11pm What i learned from GOT TO DANCE UK final: If you're an
ADULT, you don't stand a fuckin' chance.
02:38pm Ini senayan kok macet bgt, lebih macet drpd invoice terakhir
gw ya. #curcol
06:24pm @dengkhulx belom ada project lg dari kantor situ.. gimana bisa
macet?? :P
07:03pm @dengkhulx januari? :D
10:39pm @wulie_312 serius lo lan? Hahaha Re:dilamar lwt YM
11:24pm *gubrak* hahaha.. gelo! RT @twitchfilm: Merry Christmas
From The Makers Of THE HUMAN CENTIPEDE http://goo.gl/fb/
11:35pm @cidui pengen! tp belum nemu filmnya.. Masuk kandidat
dugaan gue utk surprise movie inafff, tp ternyata bukan :)
11:41pm @robertronny DEVIL is quite good actually, exceeded my
"shyamalan-expectation" :) Gue rasa kayak serial twilight zone tp versi

Thu Dec 23
12:01am @robertronny Blom ron.. tp nanti pasti gue tonton. Where's
your review?



eindraw's Twournal

12:05am Even Sam Raimi has a bad movie like SPIDER-MAN 3.

Thankfully, he redeemed himself with DRAG ME TO HELL (2009)
later on.
12:28am @anaztasja: br abis diomongin sm @erwin22 nih. ai punya
mata kanan skrg bengkak. kacamata ai miring. gmn donk ai? <-- Yes!
Berhasil! *lho
01:14am @dengkhulx god-awful? hehehe.. I think we disagree on this
one. It's alright.
10:08am I don't like #TheBachelorette as much as i don't like watching
a gangbang w 10 guys & 1 girl
12:01pm Tq Kk !! RT @jawajawir: Diingatkan kpd para 4lay, bhw Bhs
Indonesia pny huruf vokal yaitu : A,I,U,E,O. Mohon dipergunakan
01:25pm Psch! Apalagi yg eselon atas ya. RT @detikcom: Dirjen Pajak:
Saya Kaget Gayus Punya Duit Miliaran http://de.tk/hOQY9
01:34pm Br tau kl agt DPRD Banten mndpt komisi 4% dr dana aspirasi
APBN 2011, bahkan sblm dana aspirasi turun. Kerennn.
01:37pm Can anyone pay me before i even start working? That'd be
super. Thank you.
01:49pm @boyke7 pindah k banten? Ga mau ah, nanti disantet kuda
10:01pm @AffiFD ah, udh banyak spoiler anyway di TL. Dan gw pun
blom ntn. *nemenin guling2*

Fri Dec 24
01:57am Enaknya kalo di bandung: 1. Kalo lapar jam segini selalu
tersedia makanan. *ini nyalain kompor gimana ya*



erwin indrawan

02:00am 2. Tidur kaga usah pake AC. (krn emang gak punya)
02:01am 3. Ada housemaid. (bukan!.. bukan utk digodain)
02:04am 4. Gak pake bingung mikirin sarapan apa. I'll eat whatever on
the table.
09:52am @cidui terima kasih, selain itu jg saya ganteng. #pencitraan
11:01am 'Tiger Trio'? RT @teeqs: RT @ZodiacFacts: #ZodiacFacts
#Aries is more of a tiger where sex is concerned. -- Ehem!
10:47pm "That's what she said" RT @pevpearce: Thank you sayang utk
masukannya @salsapiny ;)
10:48pm @wulie_312 Thanks wulie :)
10:49pm @teeqs tengkyu Tiiiik :)
10:50pm @primahari tararengkyu pim! :)
10:53pm @anaztasja oya? kumisnya ikutan gak? Anyway merry xmas
ya.. Tuhan memberkati
10:56pm @silviahendarta barbie itu tingginya cuman 12 inci lho, ubi aja
bisa lebih panjang :) Merry xmas Sil.
11:03pm Trnyt masih merinding ngedenger lagu 'Malam Kudus'
berkumandang d gereja barusan. Thank Jesus.
11:10pm @ameleea tengkyu Amel :) met liburan ya.
11:12pm @jawajawir berarti gak ngilang2 amat lah xmas spirit kita. :D
Met natal ya Fit. Tuhan memberkati.
11:14pm @tantin_hadi Merry xmas Tin. Baek2 lah elo di semarang, jgn
sampe ditangkep polisi.
11:30pm @dengkhulx Merry Xmas to you and your family! Tuhan

Sat Dec 25



eindraw's Twournal

12:32am @suhakri thanksalot! And to you.. .. (silence).. .. *Kri-kri-kri*

(eh itu 'krik' ya)
01:16am Met Natal 2010 bagi temen2 yg merayakan, dan utk temen2 yg
lain, semoga turut merasakan sukacitanya juga. Tuhan memberkati :)

Sun Dec 26
03:49pm Kebetulan gak sih 'PSSI' itu kalo diacak jd 'PISS' ? They've
been nothing but pissing people off.
04:08pm Pdhl kerumunan org di GBK saat ini paling pas kalo disusupi
flashmob-nya Mizone. Dijamin berdarah2!
05:22pm This can be responded w/ a resounding "Yaeyalaaahhh" RT
@davidbagong: Arah cipaganti-setiabudi padat merayap menjurus
berhenti :)
05:38pm @davidbagong Yaeyaa--.. *dibekep*
05:57pm @jackartsonic Oii, met natal! Utk Imel dan Josh juga :) Tuhan
06:18pm @Wenni tendjewberrimud wenni :) Happy holidays.
06:27pm Om @AdrieSubono ,ajarin PSSI noh gimana mestinya
ticketing yg benar. #NurdinTurun
06:33pm Yg trending baru "Halid" nih, nanti bisa rancu sama "datang
bulan" #eh #NurdinTurun
07:02pm Go Indonesia! #NurdinTurun
08:00pm @jackartsonic he eh tur.. elo udh di bdg?
08:06pm @dengkhulx That one time I hooked up with a womanwrestler. re: fell from bed
08:46pm @davidbagong impor dari guangzhou sigana. re: kiper
08:48pm 1 gol ajaa lahhh.. Go Indonesia! #NurdinTurun



erwin indrawan

08:59pm +1! RT @ismanhs: Salute to Arif Suyono and Bambang

Pamungkas who kept playing to win until the end of the match.
09:04pm @davidbagong mending.. isunya malah leg 2 tetep di bukit jalil.
09:07pm Hadeuhh.. ini ada iklan XL pake kiki amalia lagi. *Makin
10:18pm P e r m i s i i i . . . P e r m i s i i i . . . G a n t i - u s e r n a m e - a
a a a h h . . . @eindraw . . . M a k a s i h :)
10:35pm @primahari buah apel - buah pir
11:00pm Buang sial, buang sial #GantiAvatar
11:04pm @davidbagong aQ g4K s34L4y i7uu..!
11:05pm @primahari serasa umur 22 lahh kira kira.. :D
11:16pm At least sial-nya beda. RT @anaztasja: jiah. makin sial deh.
"@eindraw: Buang sial, buang sial #GantiAvatar"
11:27pm @AffiFD ya? saya?
11:28pm @ViliaIndahwati salah wi.. erwinindrawawawawawaw... *ngeper*
11:32pm Setuju! Lempar buku aja RT @teeqs: Gak usah kepancing, hrs
tunjukin kl Ind lbh terpelajar & berpendidikan attitudenya dibanding
Malaysia ya

Mon Dec 27
12:00am @anaztasja ari sency teh palih mana?, da saya mah nuju aya di

Tue Dec 28
11:30am @tantin_hadi sapa tuh @erween_21 ?


eindraw's Twournal

12:02pm Blog entry "Indonesia Masih Bisa" oleh Bambang Pamungkas

aka @bepe20 http://bit.ly/g7fmiu Wajib baca seblm final besok!
12:08pm @anaztasja @cidui @an99a Mari bergabung di "Bojongsoang
Street Crew" cab. Bdg! *gang sign* *ambil angklung*
06:15pm Kuatir sama kost-an gw di Jkt.. moga2 gak terbang kebawa
10:57pm Hello camden, long time no see. Ready your Bintang tower.

Wed Dec 29
07:38pm Belom sil. *ekspresi yakin* RT @silviahendarta: Jupe dah
disorot belum? *masihdijalanbelumliattipi* #kurangpenting

Thu Dec 30
09:49am @donniekusuma kalo buat saya itu "mobil" motivasi
12:35pm *cough.bullsh-t.cough* RT @davidbagong: Nyoba ngisi angin
pake nitrogen...katanya jd lebih empuk
02:40pm Kerenn! RT @n_a_d_i_a: And here's the "Raih esokmu"
campaign for Frisian Flag in its full 90 seconds glory :) http://on.fb.me/
05:06pm @leviluv9 7hAnk5 L3v, 1y4 niY b14r Lbh 64UL. H3_4x
11:03pm Yesh! Ada AIR TERJUN PENGANTIN (Rizal Mantovani) di
#SCTV.. Ini akan sgt "menghibur" buat gue :)
11:09pm First thing first.. Tamara Bleszinski is freakin' H.O.T., Tyas
Mirasih is freakin' N.O.T.
11:16pm Dlm scene penyiksaan, si aktor Marcel/Mischa (gak bisa
bedain) ini aktingnya antara ketakutan dan rasa cemas akan aktingnya


erwin indrawan

11:17pm @wulie_312 asik Lan.. empuk banget buat dihina2 :D dan juga
'empuk' jg utk diliatin.
11:28pm Dlm film pembunuhan berantai, urutan korban paling benar
adlh: 1. Cowo 2. Cewe biasa 3. Cewe cantik 4. Cewe cantik & semok 5.
End credit.
11:32pm Biarpun dalam hutan yg gelap, cahaya lampu harus tetap
tersorot pada belahan dada. #AirTerjunPengantin
11:44pm Heuheuheu, ketauan orgnya sering bohong RT @primahari:
Jadi ceritanya si penjahat di air terjun pengantin ini pinokio yah?
Idungnya panjang

Fri Dec 31
12:08am @primahari masih tahan nonton aer terjun penganten pim?
gue udh engga :)
12:17am Happy bday to my hetero-bestmate @davidbagong ! and happy
new year's eve.
02:17pm *di-Fav, sapa tau butuh u/ argumen* RT @ApakahKamuTau:
Protein pd sperma pria dpt mngncangkan kulit &mngurangi kriput
03:56pm Sebelum 2010 abis, pengen nyempetin nulis 10 film
'berkesan' (bukan 'terbaik' ya) selama taun 2010. Here we go..
#SecaraAcak #MauNyampah
03:56pm #1 MONSTERS (Gareth Edwards) Syuting gerilya + Budget
$15.000 + Efek spesial bikinan sendiri = Film monster berkelas A yg
03:57pm #2 DREAM HOME (Pang Ho Cheung) Sutradara spesialis
drama komedi + Slasher + Cerita solid = Film sadis dg kedalaman
cerita & karakter.



eindraw's Twournal

03:57pm #3 SCOTT PILGRIM (Edgar Wright) Komedi yg pintar +

Visualisasi game 8 bit = Film romantik komedi yg memuaskan nalar
sklgus indera.
03:57pm #4 MOTHER (Bong Joon-ho) Drama kriminal + Penuturan
menarik + Kim Hye-ja & Won Bin = Film drama ttg ibu dan anak plg
mengejutkan taun ini.
03:57pm #5 CASTAWAY ON THE MOON (Lee Hae-jun) Cowo yg
terdampar di pulau + Cewe agorafobia di sbrg lautan = Film drama
ganjil yg sgt menyentuh.
03:58pm #6 HONEY/BAL (Semih Kaplanoglu) Kisah hubungan antara
ayah & anak Minus musik skor & efek = Film drama yg minimalis
namun brilian.
03:58pm #7 REDLINE (Takeshi Koike) Teknik animasi sel (gbr tangan)
dari MadHouse Studio + Balapan mobil oktan tinggi + Planet asing =
03:58pm #8 INCEPTION (Christopher Nolan) Udah pasti + Tentu saja
+ Berkesan = Udah pasti tentu saja berkesan.
03:59pm #9 Film2 animasi dari PIXAR, Dreamworks (kecuali SHREK
4) dan Walt Disney.
03:59pm #10 EASY A (Will Gluck) Komedi remaja ala film2 John
Hughes + internet + Emma Stone = Film komedi yg mencerdaskan
bangsa. #halah.
04:01pm #DenganCatatan ,saya belum nonton BEDEVILLED,
HANTU TANAH KUSIR.. ah masih banyak yg pgn ditntn
04:05pm @wulie_312 hahahaha.. kok gak pake taplak? #halah
04:05pm @boyke7 500 days itu film 2009 boss :)



erwin indrawan

04:21pm @primahari Aminn, gue doain dah. Re: punya anak. Btw,
Erwin nikah juga itu kehendak Ilahi lho.. bukan resolusi :P
04:30pm @jawajawir --______--" Elo salah.. ini Indrawawawaw..
08:29pm #Pamer .Ayo, rubah jd robot! RT @donniekusuma: Ya saya
memang masih pemula dalam membuat model mobil di 3D, tapi saya



eindraw's Twournal


Sat Jan 01
09:41am Selamat 1.1.11 tweman2! Semoga hangover-nya gak parah2
amat. Here's to you! *angkat gelas*.. No?
09:46am Resolusi 2011? Jumlah follower bertambah. Supaya cita2 saya
mendirikan 'Erwinian Orthodox' segera terwujud.
11:45am +1 *dammit finger!* #nyamber RT @dengkhulx: Mending
bangbros saga... RT @Mcgietsalonik: Tar malem om bagus, twilight saga.
03:19pm Skalian liat motion bikinan gw #ehm RT @pevitaofficial: Hr
ini ada @pevpearce diacara kuis Apa..Apa..Apa.. d ANTV 17.30
09:55pm #BaruLiat yg namanya Jay Freeman aka. Saurik di CNBC. He
looks like a caveman :D

Sun Jan 02
09:55am :) RT @yonan32: Early 21st century parental challenge:
explaining to your kids that not all displays are touchable.


erwin indrawan

03:03pm jelema ngajago RT @soalSUNDA: "Anu osok ngatur jalanan

disebatna ________" #soalSUNDA
09:42pm Can't help but think that 'American Chopper' is the male
version of 'The Kardasians'. And i watch AC. So..um..
10:05pm @dengkhulx sapa tuh kim kardasian? *brusaha ngeles*
10:09pm And 'Trick My Truck' is the redneck version of 'Pimp My Ride'
10:30pm Watching Cher on Leno.. Instantly, my mom and i are making
every facelift joke we know.
11:14pm Should be written "EXTRA COCAINE" because i can't stop
eating it --> http://twitpic.com/3mdw5a
11:23pm Ah, Monday. My "Oh, this is just a holiday belly" excuse is
about to expire soon :(

Mon Jan 03
09:22am @silviahendarta haduh, patah? Apanya yg patah?
11:52pm @anaztasja @cidui @an99a @dixiedelic besok kelas si piter
libur bukan? Setau gw

Tue Jan 04
12:10am @anaztasja @cidui @an99a @dixiedelic okedah.. kl gt pd bw
sarung, suling, calung, sama burung gagak ya. (yg terakhir buat ritual
12:50am #nowplaying "Derezzed" by Daft Punk. Disarankan jgn
ngedengerin lagu ini smbl megang tutup panci, piring ato wajan.
Bawaannya pgn dilempar.
07:36pm Whoah! It's @tyasasko with his brand new ride! http://


eindraw's Twournal

10:31pm + stiker Apple. RT @ishahening: Saat ini gw menganggap

Apple memuakkan. Apalagi user2nya yg sok "Apple banget" :|

Wed Jan 05
09:36am "If you watch Cinderella backwards, it's about a woman who
learns her place". *pake helm* *dijitak @AffIFD* *gak sakit*
11:19am Ya ya ya.. promosi film, gue tau. RT @detikcom: Aida Kesal
Foto Adegan Mandinya Beredar di Internet http://de.tk/uHYwv
12:59pm The World Is Enough #LessAmbitiousMovies
01:09pm Band of Brothers And Sister And Yo Mamma Too #LessAm-Loh,ini mah lagu 'Word Up' #umur
01:11pm RT @nextanna: Stoppable #LessAmbitiousMovies
02:03pm Mock Martin Sheen in TRON all u want. Just remember, he's
once married to Kate Beckinsale.
04:43pm Sowrum RT @soalSUNDA: "Lamun mobil keur ruksak, kedah
geura-geura dibawa ka ________" #soalSUNDA
09:48pm @tantin_hadi ayo cuti lagi! Kan msh awal taun, quota cuti msh

Thu Jan 06
06:22pm I admire THE HUMAN CENTIPEDE (2010) for its gruesome
idea. As a movie? Not as engaging.
10:16pm @cidui Berarti sudah dong :) Trnyt tidak se-graphic yg
11:48pm Ini Starworld kayaknya lupa matiin 'Loop mode' u/ acara
Master Chef ya.



erwin indrawan

Fri Jan 07
12:27am Selama gak ketauan beruangnya. Mgkn selagi dia sedang tidur?
RT @teeqs: Minum susu beruang lg hamil boleh gak sih?
03:09pm Thandie Newton, or Zoe Saldana, that is the question.
03:34pm @vipertongue yeah? and plus she's not an action heroine. Zoe
04:05pm Seriously, a scene with person/s swagger-walking away from an
explosion should be put in museum.
04:14pm I thought 'air laut' was. #krik RT @pevpearce: Envy is a sin.
05:02pm RT @film_indonesia: Film #WorkingGirls akan diputar lg
@Kineforum mulai tgl 16,18,20,25 Januari 2011 jam 19.30 & 22 Jan. jam
05:11pm RT @kompasdotcom: Air Mata Wanita Bikin Pria "Ilfil"?
http://bit.ly/dFyjzL <--Not really, if it involves a deepthroat sit-*digeplak*
05:15pm @teeqs ah, you said that because you're pregnant at the
moment :P
05:49pm News! Jenifer Kurniawan can't roll her 'R'.. Helo cinca lowra
2.0 @hardrockfm #penting
05:58pm @teeqs @tantin_hadi *ngejengkang* :)) bumil geloo
06:28pm BeCe-eL, JuPe, BePe, eSBeYe.. But I don't think initial
nicknames will work for Jenifer Kurniawan. It will only ruin the fantasy.
06:44pm RT @ishahening: JKT. JMT. MCT. BGST. NGPT.<-MBRRRR
11:04pm JULIA'S EYES (2010) A decent thriller but if u expect it to be
on a par w The Orphanage, prepare to b dissapointed.



eindraw's Twournal

11:27pm Don't you hate it when you expect a character to do some

OBVIOUS things in a life/death matter but he/she didn't? #JuliasEyes
11:34pm @robertronny :D Yeah. Set up nya terlalu lama menrt gue,
jd agak kendor di 1/2 awal. Untung aja grafiknya naek scr meyakinkan
sampe ending.
11:36pm @jawajawir a solid yes.
11:49pm THE KIDS ARE ALL RIGHT (2010) Funny, vibrant,
intelligent drama about an unconventional family. Wonderful
performance by Annette Bening.

Sat Jan 08
12:02am @robertronny Agree, Moore rarely disappoints, but in this
movie, i think Bening outshines her. Just saying.
12:09am Ini BLACK SWAN bakal maen di bioskop sini gak ya? Kalo
engga gue nonton yg ilegal nih. #NgancemGakJelas
12:33am @robertronny Let The Right One In pastinya udah laa,
remake-nya pasti akan nonton. I see you liked it eh?
11:26am @dengkhulx shymaladingdong didn't direct DEVIL, dude. He
didn't even wrote it.
11:54am Smwhere, Punjabi is preparing a contract. RT @detikcom:
Kisah Gayus Seperti Sinetron, SBY Harus Serius Benahi Sistem http://
12:00pm Am hving 'The Worst Case of Benjamin Button' rite now: I get
ABG pimples on my face while still keeping the wrinkles.
12:53pm @donniekusuma bahkan jerawatnya bisa di motion tracking
pak :D
12:54pm @dengkhulx dan situ br ngasihtau nya 1/2 jam sblm acr mulai :(



erwin indrawan

03:42pm Gw yakin @tifsembiring pny staff khusus yg men-filter twitter

mention u/ dia. Akal sseorg gak mgkn bs menghadapi hujatan sebnyk itu.
03:53pm Hey, don't give him ideas. RT @ismanhs: Next thing you know,
RIM would sell BlackBerry Hijab.
03:54pm @davidbagong masokis tu de meks!
04:47pm @dengkhulx sip lah. Nuhun *berekeun bedak doris
05:38pm AND SOON THE DARKNESS (2010) Can't think of anything
good about this thriller except it features Amber Heard &Odette
Yustman in bikinis.
05:42pm So, should they change the name to "The Late Elfa's
Singers" ? ..Too soon? #RIPElfaSecioria
10:54pm Inafff is Inafff !!

Sun Jan 09
09:50am Gudmorning. Apakah #TifatulTurun udh jadi TT?
#Tifaturun ?
12:16pm @anaztasja Sounds fun! :) Tp hr ini kebetulan ada acara ey.
12:20pm @jawajawir 'Stop Jew'?.. Rasis nih
12:24pm kdg2 Kungfu Panda jg kok.RT @suhakri: Acara wushu atau
barongsay itu soundtracknya cuma lagu kungfu master doank yah
12:31pm Ini ttg hak privasi &kebebasan. Bkn RIM, bro. RT
@bimokonig: Udah gausah ribut mslh RIM ditutup..emg BlackBerry
TUHAN? BB bkn sgala nya.
01:12pm THE MAN FROM NOWHERE (2010) An excellent take on
the subgenre since A BITTERSWEET LIFE (2005). It has one of the
best knife-fight in movies.



eindraw's Twournal

01:17pm THE MAN FROM NOWHERE is No.1 box office in Korea

2010. I think it has to do w/ Won Bin being "i am hard" & his 6-pack
abs. :-/
10:49pm That was the worst ikan stim i've ever tasted.. mahal pula. They
couldn't even get it cooked properly. :-/ #HKC
10:59pm @AffiFD Hyaa, ikan stim harga 700rb itu ikan apa fi? :)
11:03pm -____-" harus ya pake lagu. RT @cidui: Dilematis, tdr or ntn rerun Junior Masterchef.. #NowSinging Dilemma - Nelly feat. Kelly R.
11:14pm @si_dede Woh, ada di twitter skrg.. gitu dong :). Gue mo ntn
re-run nya jam 11.. Yeah, they're mutants.
11:17pm @ViliaIndahwati HAHAHA, bener. Tp jgn sampe tante dee
denger.. nanti dia merasa puas.
11:26pm @ViliaIndahwati gue nyampein salam dari @jackartsonic ah..
Nama elo Willy kan? #PembalasanLebihKejam
11:42pm Nonton Junior Masterchef dulu..
11:45pm @ViliaIndahwati @jackartsonic @davidbagong (-.-") Ervilia
Indahwan (kayak nama mutant)

Mon Jan 10
10:14am @jackartsonic @ViliaIndahwati @nextanna @davidbagong
@si_dede @Julius_JK Gudmorning ladies & gentlemen & mutants
11:24am @si_dede Pssst! *nutupin telunjuk ke arah @ViliaIndahwati *
11:54am @davidbagong jyahaha *fist bump* ..@ViliaIndahwati
11:14pm Yah, elo sih ngingetin gw ttg bahaya alkohol, jd aja pgn bikin
screwdriver. Cheers!



erwin indrawan

11:34pm LET ME IN(2010) A superb remake but def not better than
the original. I expect sum diffrences/improvemnt but it turns out to be
too similar.
11:44pm Tapi saya gak keberatan digigit vampir kalo cantiknya kayak
Abby. #eaaa #LetMeIn
11:51pm @jawajawir ho oh, baru aja baca gue. :)
11:57pm Yg gue gak ngerti knp sutradara pake warm tone color utk
scene yg banyak salju. Kan jd redundant dan gak kontras sama warna
darah. #LetMeIn

Tue Jan 11
12:01am Kalo *berkualitas* pasti banyak yg support. RT
@film_indonesia: Optimis dg kualitas karya film Indonesia di 2011.
Amiiin. #filmIndonesia2011
12:25am @bimokonig 'Mise en scene' ,bro.. gak cukup cuman
pengadeganan aja :)
12:48am @bimokonig hence the "gue gak ngerti" part :)
12:49am @gunz_zo tunggu 10 bulan lagi bro.. 11-11-11
10:44am @dengkhulx kan gw blg 'the original is better'. Elo udh ntn
11:02am @dengkhulx -____-" remake-nya bagus kok.
11:06am @donniekusuma happy bday dude! serius lo di 11-1-11?
01:16pm @dengkhulx hahahaha.. nailed it.
02:21pm Azharis rejoice! RT @thejakartaglobe: Filipino Younghusband
Brothers Set to Join IPL Club http://bit.ly/e40Zlb



eindraw's Twournal

03:47pm @ViliaIndahwati @davidbagong persib hebat euy, pemaen nya

cina semua
04:14pm Le to the Bay.. http://twitpic.com/3p13d2 http://
08:38pm @anaztasja woi, kemane ente? Kok td gak ada?
10:35pm Last Comic Standing on FX. Fukin' hillarious!

Wed Jan 12
12:16am Dear Lord, please give me strength to stop eating these kripik
singkong manis. It's past midnight already.
01:15am Teaser of new Norwegian thriller BABYCALL (2011) starring
Noomi Rapace. http://youtu.be/T-DNZoTubZw Looks promising!
01:20am @robertronny Bagus, tp agak surprise filmnya trnyt gak seserem/sakit yg diharapkan dari premis-nya. Good ol' Cronenberg-esque
horror :)
01:22am PARANORMAL ACTIVITY 3 will be released on October
2011.Talk about milking the cash cow. #Hadeuhh
01:44am @robertronny Gw sih gak ada masalah sm dvd bajakan/
download utk film2 yg susah dicari original-nya
11:56am Vincent Gallo (director/actor of BUFALLO 66 & THE
BROWN BUNNY) is offering his escort.. and sperm. Hahaha, awesome
dude. http://bit.ly/d4ir
06:42pm Ngeliat trailer KALUNG JAILANGKUNG jd pesimis sama
#FilmIndonesia genre horor di taun 2011 ini.
08:50pm Pastinya sob! RT @dengkhulx: Optimis sm trailer kita cuy! RT
@eindraw: Ngeliat trailer KALUNG JAILANGKUNG jd pesimis sama



erwin indrawan

08:59pm Kumis Rompal Muka Tebal #KRMT

11:08pm SICK!! RT @sat17: thumbs up for this guy.... really luv his
works with c4d and zbrush...... http://bit.ly/g6Qqpm

Thu Jan 13
09:39am @vipertongue Happy bday, dude. Hopefully it's still early
enough before i made it into 'tdk bs dibalas satupersatu' category.
09:46am *Lg mikir nyampurin sereal pake NuGreen Tea krn males beli
10:08am @an99a_ i got Koko Krunch. Chocolate & greentea..
kombinasi serasi :)
10:33am @an99a_ @cidui *jd kepikir nyampur sereal pake chivas*..
Biar hangover setdknya tubuh cukup serat.
11:46am How did i bruise my toe only by doing a little 'stirring the pot'
dance? #umur #abaiken
12:01pm "Ya ada d matamu" #eaaa #gombal101 RT @leviluv9: Rintik
hujan & terik matahari.. Cantik sih.. Tp dmn pelangi?
01:32pm THIS IS PREPOSTEROUS! RT @detikcom: Perempuan
Jerman Harus Pakai Bra Saat Kerja http://de.tk/DpCJp
01:45pm Did you notice that Starbucks' logo looks like a prom queen w/
each hand grabbing two uncircumcised d*cks? ..Oh, just me? Sorry.
02:22pm @suhakri i guess i have an eye for bukak--.. uh, logos. :)
02:24pm @silviahendarta Good news is, they gonna change the logo
soon. Bad news is, they keep the image. :))
04:25pm #BaruLiat videoklipnya Keri Hilson "The Way You Love Me"..
HOT DAMN! Dewi Persik ain't shit! http://youtu.be/SUAl1H9_-G0



eindraw's Twournal

05:33pm Hasil dari kebosenan akut hari ini.. http://twitpic.com/3plq1e

10:51pm @cidui @anaztasja coba ya, jgn cerita ttg 2 cewe di locker
room ke cowo macem gue.. hyahaha. *perverted laugh* #eh
11:03pm @anaztasja @cidui latian di balik layar? oo iya dong.. tapi gak
ada hubungannya sm hiphop. *perverted laugh* #teteup #eh.
11:06pm Difollow sama "Alkitabku" selama bbrp jam sblm di-unfollow
lg. That didn't last long :D. Maybe because of my "Starbucks logo" tweet

Fri Jan 14
12:21am 2011 is the year of ALIEN movies: Battle:LA, Super 8,
Cowboys vs Aliens, I Am Number Four, Battleship, Paul, Green Lantern,
Transformers 3
12:23am Is Kiki Amalia planning to star in any movies this year? That'd
be an alien movie also.
12:35am Emang kuntilanak suara ngikiknya jelas begitu ya? Gue kok
dibilanginnya kayak suara decitan anak ayam. #Trans7
10:45am Woh, another hot chef di @811show.
10:50am Is ( o )( o ) a requirement for woman chef these days?
10:53am @elwinmok Happy bday man. Yay! :)
11:46am @jawajawir are you talking abt food or ( o )( o ) ? Re: dimakan
atau diliatin
05:07pm Yeah, she's over her lesbian phase. (R we still doing that joke?)
RT @VIVAnews: Justin Bieber Dicampakkan Selena Gomez? http://
08:24pm Not sure about THE GIRL WITH THE DRAGON TATTOO
remake. But Rooney Mara is looking good! http://bit.ly/eR9mib



erwin indrawan

08:40pm And I love this photo of Anthony Hopkins in THE RITE (2010
Mikael Hfstrm) http://bit.ly/eGV4bH

Sat Jan 15
07:59am In a strange land they call Mauk, Tangerang.
10:21am @cidui Ha? emang elo di tangerang tinggalnya? Gw kerja euy.
10:23am @dengkhulx Iya dongg, ini buat film blockbuster gw
12:25pm Autofellatio ftw! RT @OMGFactsSex: A barnacles penis is
150% of its body length.
11:38pm Solid crew, shooting 15 jam terasa menyenangkan. Tx
@tyasasko @alibonte dan temen2 semuanya.

Sun Jan 16
12:09am Ada yg lewat Planet Hollywood? Neon sign-nya rusak, jd
terbaca "PLANET HO". (it's twitpic worthy but i was too tired)
09:45am @dengkhulx saksikan di bioskop terdekat ya! Jgn lupa ajak
ayah ibu kakek nenek a'a teteh koko cici
09:48am *tarik selimut lagi*
02:54pm @cidui Enjoy the movie! You know i did. :D Abis itu ntn yg
07:47pm Congratulations @wulie_312 on the newborn baby! Yay!
08:18pm @teeqs ssssst ah!
10:32pm @ameleea @teeqs somebody's havin' a baby, that's ada apa. :)

Mon Jan 17



eindraw's Twournal

09:18am Aw fudge! Ada golden globe ya. Lupa.

09:28am Aaron Sorkin wins the best screenplay. Very deserving! He's a
brilliant scriptwriter.
10:34am Hey. It's The Dude! Yeah man.
01:52pm Sekali2 perang tarif itu antar penyedia Bensin gitu, jgn antar
GSM mulu. Bayangin "Rp. 0,0001 bs dpt bensin sepuasnya!"
04:41pm @ramasugeng hahaha.. Betul!

Tue Jan 18
02:14pm Cihuy, ANOTHER YEAR (2010 Mike Leigh) masuk
jadwalnya @blitzmegaplex bulan Maret. Eh, kl BIUTIFUL (2010) kapan
02:19pm Gw berharap NEVER LET ME GO (2010 Mark Romanek) jg
masuk Indo. #ngarep #RomanekIsMyHero
10:42pm Akhirnya nyobain Marutama ramen. Segaar!

Wed Jan 19
09:39am Good morning. YOGI BEAR 3D starts playing on theaters
today, are you all excited to see it?. Thought so.
10:02am @an99a_ (-.-") nonton saklar lampu d dinding kayaknya lbh
menarik dr Yogi Bear.
11:30am @n_a_d_i_a JPU itu apa sih?
12:23pm @n_a_d_i_a oh, guilty as charged :) tp gw sih yg di trotoar
Mega Kuningan.
12:27pm RT @ameleea: UT nya nge hang ciiinn..quickpull dulu.. <-Huh-huh-huh.. she said, "quick pull".. huh-huh-huh (Butthead voice)
12:28pm @Dennie28 oii, ngantor lo!


erwin indrawan

12:33pm @Dennie28 Gw curiga elo bikin account twitter krn mo pamer

pake iPhone ya? #Tsk
12:42pm Interesting. The 5 Best and 5 Worst Sundance Purchases.
12:45pm From fake trailer to real movie to bad-ass poster!. HOBO
WITH A SHOTGUN (2011) http://bit.ly/fj6s99
12:50pm Teaser for PARAMANJANG (2011 Park Chan-wook) Shot
entirely on iPhone 4. Goodness gracious. http://youtu.be/fdDXiYuolMA
12:59pm Visually, it looks like something from a Kim Ki-duk's movie,
not Park Chan-wook. #IMO #Paramanjang
01:01pm Ohey, there's behind the scenes video. The iPhone camera rig
looks awesome! http://youtu.be/s9YYlG5Syq8 #Paramanjang
01:45pm Gayusnya aja udh terlihat kbosenan RT @ameleea: Eym! RT
@teeqs: Buset nih udh sejam menimbang2 mulu, apenye yg ditimbang
01:59pm @robertronny belum rilis dude. Ini baru teaser dan BTS nya yg
udh ada.
02:00pm Koruptor FTW! #Pret
02:31pm Note to self: Hrs belajar berkomunikasi dg "saya" dan "kamu"
terutama ke klien. Bicara "Invoice gue kirimin ke elo ya bu?" agak krg
02:38pm @cidui Eits, kalo klien-nya cewe seksi ya "kamu" dong.. Kalo
banci? ya "kamyuu" :P
02:58pm Seven Years -Saosin #NowPlaying #SokRelevan
04:53pm @Anjinggombal sa7ta mawar ku7kan pdmu sampai kamu se7
jadian sama aku. #anjinggombal
04:55pm #eaaa Gatel2 sekujur badan abis ikutan #AnjingGombal



eindraw's Twournal

11:29pm Hore, saya jd Taurus. RT @anaztasja: it's Ophiuchus -- the 13th

sign of zodiac http://bit.ly/cyDcOT

Thu Jan 20
12:31am Mampus, ini anak kecil lebih sakti dari Akai!! In-fukin-sane!
12:56am Woozah! Anne Hathaway as Catwoman, Tom Hardy as Bane in
the new Batman movie! http://bit.ly/i7YeDw
01:23am 22 photos of Emma Stone in hi-res. http://bit.ly/efFTlc You're
welcome :)
11:05am So, Josh Radnor follows Zach Braff's footstep
from TV series to directing his own indie rom-com-->
12:27pm Don't forget Benjamin Bratt (*wurst) :) RT @trialogy: Kevin
Bacon, Jon Hamm. I think it's obvious what the preferred meat in
Hollywood is
12:50pm Makan di warteg. Jd inget joke ttg 'Touch screen itu temuan org
Indonesia'. Hahaha.
12:56pm @an99a_ gw rasa emang franchise nya sama.. cuman versi
amerika aja. Check out this 9 y.o. kid named Jaylen.. he's sick!
01:13pm @an99a_ Sakti abis, 9 taun tapi B-boying nya mantep bgt. Gw
rasa dia pasti masuk semifinal.
01:26pm @anaztasja @an99a_ Brandon ain't shit! ..hahaha *kidding
01:27pm @donniekusuma @Dennie28 Ssstt.. mereka lagi tidur bareng.
Pelan2 ngomongnya..
01:34pm @Dennie28 @donniekusuma wah, pasti bentar lg elo bakal
pasang iklan "PIJAT MACHO, 081*****".. atau udah?



erwin indrawan

06:01pm @cidui @anaztasja @an99a_ @dixiedelic @celdha moga2

sempet deh :).. eh, mulainya suka ngaret kan? bagoosss
07:21pm Steven Tyler is fun! I got a good feeling about him being this
season's judge. #AmericanIdol
07:27pm @anaztasja @cidui @an99a_ @dixiedelic @celdha Wah,
ternyata gak sempat. Maap guys. *push up 10x*

Fri Jan 21
12:11am DID YOU KNOW: Yg pertama kali bikin 'Logo Idol' jadi
bentuk 3D (spt bola rugby) adalah Indonesian Idol? Skrg American Idol
12:13am Awalnya 'Logo Idol' itu selalu flat/2D. Lalu ada anak RCTI
bikin logo Indonesian Idol pake model 3D dan bentuknya jd kayak
12:15am Terjadilah sdkt kontroversi krn logo-nya tdk memenuhi aturan
standar. Lalu akhirnya logo itu diproses sampe ke US dan akhirnya
12:18am Saya sendiri wkt msh di RCTI bikin logo utk "Asian Idol"
lalu diterusin sama @sat17 utk dibikin model 3D nya, krn akhirnya jd
trademark RCTI
12:10pm Lho, juri #AmericanIdol itu ada 4 :Steven Tyler, Randy
Jackson, J.Lo dan Pantatnya J.Lo. (R we still doing that joke?)
01:56pm Hey Mauk, be nice with me this Friday okay? Tx.

Sat Jan 22
05:39pm @dengkhulx Maaannnnaaaaaaaa.... maaaannnaaaaaaaa...


eindraw's Twournal

05:41pm Hahahaha ha ha... *sepi 1 menit* ...oh, elo serius nih? RT

@jawajawir: Duh cape abis ngantri tiket JB. Makan dulu deh sebelum
nonton Ne-Yo.
06:09pm Archived. #JB -->RT @jawajawir: @suhakri tiket loe udah
aman ya. Iya, gw gak blg siapa2.
11:16pm In a strange land where live band is playing. The vocalist got a
MANOWAR look but sings BON JOVI ballads.
11:27pm @ismanhs :) indeed. Hardrock bands are awesomee!

Sun Jan 23
12:43am The words "Babushka doll" tickle me. Dunno why.
01:25am At this very moment across the world, some people are
watching HOBO WITH A SHOTGUN (2010) at #sundance2011.
Frickity frick!
01:30am Mendadak inget lagu Manowar, "Stand and fight!
Say what you feel. Born with a heart of steel!" #KetauanUmur
01:37am I'll definitely make sure you guys know when my follower-count
reached "455", "7175", and "80085"
10:00am @cidui @anaztasja -____-' here comes the 'Oom' again
11:33am Teaser 4 Malay horror DILARANG MASUK (2011 Jeff
Chiang) http://bit.ly/frmbgI .No diffrnt than Indo horror so far except 4
that funny accent.
11:51am Well said. :) A girl like you really don't have to. RT
@pevpearce: Why do I think too much. This is so not me



erwin indrawan

12:15pm @anaztasja @cidui ampir aja di masukin kategori 'RT

pencitraan' sampe ngeliat kata "unkle" hahaha
12:35pm Makan siang dibuka dg MAQUI'S cookies. #pencitraan
01:48pm @cidui @anaztasja Cihuy! Next dinner on me! #tipu
02:06pm Jadi laper :(.. #SalahFokus RT @primahari: Gmn nasib
kepiting & udang kalo ibu kepiting & udang yg lg pd hamil dimasak terus
02:08pm Lama2 bosen juga nih sama #AmericanIdol, diulang2 melulu.
(trus knp ditonton?)
02:11pm @primahari Kayaknya lebih nggak bagus buat kantong gue
drpd soal umur :)
02:20pm Ah sudah tau. :) #abaiken #tut
03:21pm @kembangkembang Ouch :). That's why I never give up my
seat to anybody. Safe choice. #SelfishSunuvaBee
06:25pm @anaztasja Gw prnh ngalamin kayak gt (bny klik2 layar putih),
itu harddisk yg rusak. :(
06:30pm @anaztasja Yg pasti hrs diganti HDnya. Mudah2an yg lama
belum corrupt & msh bisa di-backup. Sorry to hear that.
06:32pm @anaztasja Oyah, coba dulu di-start pake Safe mode. Siapa
tau masih bs (gw sih wkt itu msh bisa bbrp kali). Ini caranya http://bit.ly/
06:59pm Kucing? KUCING?!! RT @ApakahKamuTau: Hwn pliharaan,
spt kucing &anjing, dpt mjaga tknan darah di bwh kontrol, cocok u terapi
jantung &stroke
07:03pm Word! Hehehe RT @Julius_JK: Kucing buat gw justru tambah
tekanan darah tinggi.



eindraw's Twournal

10:42pm @AffiFD "Gue suka tuh denger Boys One".. perlu 2 menit
sampe ngeh kl maksudnya Boyzone.
10:44pm Ini crop circle mau ngalihin perhatian kita thdp apa lagi nih??
10:52pm @hanfei_hung Tapi situ jangan panggil "om" ya?.. *suara
10:54pm "That's what she said"--> RT @pevpearce: Ini lagunya Nikita
willy yg "ku akan menanti walau menanti yang panjang" enak juga ya
11:34pm Tanpa gw ketahui, kedua tangan gw bersekongkol. Yg kiri
megang leher botol &tgn kanan ngebuka tutupnya. Ya udh, apa boleh
buat.. *minum bir*

Mon Jan 24
10:24am I believe the #UFO was here to take Kiki Amalia home. She's
from Sleman isn't she?
11:09am Bukti kalo saya tidak konsumtif: Liat MAGNUM di icebox
Wall's tapi saya ngambilnya PADDLE POP. 5 buah, sesuai kebutuhan.
11:14am MY IDIOT BROTHER (2011) becomes the biggest Sundance
deal yet. Hm, aneh. http://bit.ly/i7oG7E
11:22am Poster of the day. http://bit.ly/i31yPB (Oh, how I want to put my
head in the middle)
06:22pm Aww man.. RT @ApakahKamuTau: Takaran bir sehat adlh tdk
lbh dr 2dosis minum. 1dosis yg dsarankan adlh 12ons atau stara dgn 1,5
10:12pm #Kode RT @cidui: I really into banana recently.. Banana
smoothies.. Banana cake.. Banana ice cream.. Pisang ijo.. Pisang epek



erwin indrawan

10:15pm Gw mngabaikan ini sebab lg ngosek WC--> RT @dengkhulx:

Just enjoy every moment &make memories, soon u'll be saying how
much u miss this day.
10:51pm Oh joy! ada SO YOU THINK YOU CAN DANCE 7 di AXN.
11:02pm Where's Mary Murphy? We need some screaming up in here!

Tue Jan 25
12:18am So far, #SYTYCD7 is filled w contemporary & ballroom
dancers, where are the hiphop dancers, krumpers and breakdancers
01:07am I know rite?! RT @pevpearce: ()
08:55pm No #oscar nomination for Nolan. Ok.
08:58pm And 10 #oscar nominations for TRUE GRIT. OK. It's *that*
good huh?
10:13pm *Teringat kembali gak sempet nonton INCENDIES (2010)
waktu @jiffest kemaren -____-" ,sebal.
10:15pm Gue lebih terkesan dg aktingnya Andrew Garfield di SOCIAL
NETWORK drpd Jeremy Renner di THE TOWN. #YaYaYaProtesAje
10:26pm Agak lucu liat Mike Leigh masuk nominasi #oscar u/ Best
Screenplay krn sutradara itu terkenal selalu gak pake script/improv kl
bikin film.
10:35pm Kalo Banksy menang #oscar u/ Best Documentary, yg ngambil
pialanya bakal siapa ya? Hehehe..
10:36pm (Banksy itu seorang graffiti artist, jd identitas sebenarnya gak
boleh diketahui)



eindraw's Twournal

10:41pm And no Best Visual Effects nomination for SCOTT PILGRIM

VS THE WORLD(2010)? Bummer.
11:37pm @AffiFD Eu-yeah.. I was talking about his acting -____-

Wed Jan 26
01:03pm Is the sun having PMS or something? Sheesh.
01:53pm @trialogy Hahaha, good menopausal pun joke. Period.
02:02pm *sedih krn tidak diakui* :( RT @detikcom: Scarlett Johansson
Bantah Punya Pacar Baru... http://de.tk/PqO6a via @detikhot
07:05pm Argh.. celana kolor abis. Semua lg dicuci. . . . . . Side B!
10:08pm Tdnya gw gak percaya 'tenaga dalam' smp brsn berppsan dg 4
tante2 sosialita. Bau parfumnya menghantam gw mundur hg bbrp mtr.

Thu Jan 27
10:59am Will Ferrell will appear in 4 eps of THE OFFICE. Interesting.
11:11am The new spider-man costume looks like it was made by Nike,
don't you think? http://bit.ly/ejyB1w
11:12am @Dennie28 @donniekusuma foreplay pagi ya kalian berdua?
11:17am Ha! RT @vipertongue: It was never explained how Peter got
the costume. I doubt a radioactive spider bite gives you tailoring skills.
11:22am @teeqs @donniekusuma @Dennie28 Yes. Or as in Kingkong's
languange "RAAWWR!"
11:49am Let's settle this once & for all: OIL WRESTLING --> RT
@detikcom: Cakar-Cakaran Jupe - Depe Sampai di Polsek Matraman



erwin indrawan

12:31pm "Akan mulai kerja abis acara TV ini selsei" --> Ikrar
Procrastinator #12
01:51pm Lah, that would defeat the purpose, yee gak? RT
@kompasdotcom: Koin untuk Presiden Tak Boleh Menghina http://bit.ly/
01:55pm Yg pantas itu Olla mnggantikn Luna di vid-..*dijitak* RT
@detikcom: Pantaskah Olla Ramlan Gantikan Luna Maya d 'Dahsyat'?
06:22pm Dear god of cooking, if there will be MASTER CHEF
INDONESIA please don't let the judges be Rudi Choirudin or Benu
06:24pm let it be Farah Quinn *cough-in bikini-cough* #LanjutanDoa
06:51pm Mark my words: Chris Medina will be in the top 20!
10:48pm Voice-over recording is not glamorous. At. All. It's a tiring
process. http://twitpic.com/3tw3ur

Fri Jan 28
12:32am @an99a_ Yow, happy bday dude! Yay!
01:36pm And let one of the judges be @VindyLee *cough-in bikinicough* #LanjutanDoaPart2
09:01pm @Dennie28 calibrate sendiri aja kalee.. udh brp taun jd
desainer pak?
10:04pm Combo of the day: Traffic jumat arah Kemang + Perbaikan
jalan dpn apt. Marbela = Fun!
10:54pm @donniekusuma: Nyalip naek motor..*wuuss* <-- Lempar



eindraw's Twournal

Sat Jan 29
12:52am Happy bday to The girl with the lobster tattoo
@tantin_hadi .Cheers!
12:57am @n_a_d_i_a but still worth watching yea? (blom nonton) re: I
10:13am @n_a_d_i_a Ok then :). Kinda like that movie
IRREVERSIBLE but with revenge torture in the end eh?
11:18am @si_dede tp di bdg kan gak ada 7/11. Adanya Tujuh Sebelas :)

Sun Jan 30
01:27pm Siang2 yg panas enaknya dengerin Copeland biar
adem. . . . . . . .dan minum es kopyor duren.
02:12pm Betapa besar perbedaan kesan yg didpt dr nama "Koming" dan
"Ko Miming" #abaiken
02:36pm @davidbagong tambah sate kambing #lho
06:34pm @angcreamy Whassup my man! :)
06:38pm @angcreamy ibarat perut gue komputer mah, langsung ngeHANG. Hehehe.
08:54pm Don't u hate it when the guy across yr table is 10secs earlier
than u and got the last lele?
09:50pm Congrats bro! Akhirnya.. RT @jackartsonic: Hari ini akhirnya
Joshua manggil "papa" stlh selama ini manggilnya "babah" :)
11:22pm #HarmoniSCTV might be a showcase for some celebrity
plastic surgeons.
11:59pm @jawajawir cie.. FPCST12



erwin indrawan

Mon Jan 31
12:05am @jawajawir hus! nanti kedengeran si @suhakri marah lho. Kan
dia ketum nya.
12:38am Seriously?! Damn. RT @anaztasja: airport negara gw emg
TOP! koper soft-case gw dijebol aja gitu! retsleting dibongkar. gembok
12:44am Besok ada presentasi pagi2 dan saat ini sedikitpun gak ngantuk.
*nyari buku ttg politik & ekonomi* *gak punya*
01:00am Henry Cavill has been cast as Zach Snyder's SUPERMAN!
11:58am 10 Minutes of sheer A.W.E.S.O.M.E.N.E.S.S. from robot movie
ENDHIRAN (2010 Shankar) http://youtu.be/svOlz2ei4Yk .Now I can die
in peace.
12:07pm Kalo gitu kenapa si Yahya "baby-dick" Zaini kaga dipenjara?
12:38pm Masukin penjara semua!! RT @detikcom: 62,7 Persen Siswa
SMP Pernah Berzina... http://de.tk/0L8ip via @detikforum
09:03pm My new favorite TV show is playing: 'Dining With Death' on
09:04pm @AffiFD hahaha. Fokus fi! Fokus!
11:44pm What the hell is this?! SO YOU THINK YOU CAN
CONTEMPORARY DANCE? So far season 7 has been unexciting.

Tue Feb 01
09:13am @suhakri keliatannya contemporary bgtu diistimewakan. Jdnya
jarang bgt ada genre lain.


eindraw's Twournal

09:24am Kl Ariel sejak awal minta maaf sec publik (kyk kasus Edison
Chen), gw yakin hasilnya akan sgt berbeda. #HasilMerenungSeharian
10:21am @cidui Gw blom ntn. Tp film A.G.Inaritu selalu berkesan dan
wajib tonton.
10:25am Tak ada wanita yg tdk suka sepatu. Fair. RT @detikcom: Tidak
Ada Pria yang Tak Nonton Film Porno http://de.tk/2Lwdi
10:46am #np "In The Absence of Sun" -Duncan Sheik *13 hari lagi* *13
hari lagi* *13 hari lagi*
10:52am @vipertongue 200rb man, beli di BLADE, transfer trus dianter
tiketnya. Atau lgsg ke HRC jg bisa.
10:58am @vipertongue It's a concert dude. Why would you want a
table? To stand on it & boost your view? :D I guess you should ask HRC
about it.
11:04am Ehemm!! cc buntario. RT @Dennie28: Interpiu (@ One Pacific
Place w/ 2 others) http://4sq.com/e8kfyN
11:15am RT @si_dede: Maya beach / maya bay. Info, budgeting ,susunin
trip ke phuket / bangkok ? YM : chasing_rainbow61 http://plixi.com/
11:17am @si_dede eh elo salah reply, ini bukan sim_f ya..
11:18am @cidui Biar deket kl ke WC ya? re: sabtu ketoprak pedes
11:19am @Dennie28 hus! lagi interview kok twitteran?
11:21am Farhat abas. RT @VIVAnews: Siapa Musuh Baru James Bond?
11:33am Watch: Paul Rudd & Jason Segel reprise their characters in I
LOVE YOU, MAN mini-sequel http://bit.ly/eElgpg
01:36pm "<insert kaskus lingo here>!" RT @VIVAnews: Pertamax
Tembus Rp8.000, Apa Kata Hatta? http://bit.ly/dEGrM2



erwin indrawan

04:46pm Bayangkan scrot--.. gak jd ah :P RT @ApakahKamuTau: Jus

acerola mngdg vit.C 3000x lbh bnyk dr jus jeruk. Vit.C akn mbuat kulit
minim kerutan
10:19pm Farhat is an asshole. RT @dengkhulx: Its easy 2 judge others
when u R not in their shoes. Think abt THAT nxt time u wanna say shit
abt ppl.
10:20pm @dengkhulx Manaaaa?? re: "SariMurni TVC on air..."
10:39pm @cidui sounds fun sih :) tapi gue bakal gempor kalo 2 kelas
berturut2. *batuk rejan*
10:45pm "Suit suiwww! Neng geulis bade kamana neng?" http://
11:08pm Penampakan UFO di Yerusalem: http://youtu.be/
SrmPTnhaHzs Hayoo. hoax/bukan?

Wed Feb 02
11:14am Nailed it. -->RT @JimCameron: Kim, youre already in 3D!
RT @KimKardashian: @JimCameron! I'm ready for my leading role in
11:46am Janin benjol? RT @detikcom: Risiko Berhubungan Intim Saat
Hamil http://de.tk/8SMSg
11:49am @VeHandojo Jawaban utk "Kobelco"? "Bolehci" #KriukImlek
01:08pm Smtms I click the name in 'In a relationship with' status &
go "What? That douche's no better than me! Why did she pick him?"
01:10pm ..Ok, most of the times.
06:00pm Kalem aja cuy. Dari jaman dulu, setiap imlek pasti ujan kok. :)



eindraw's Twournal

09:20pm Leighton Meester is the blonde one, Minka Kelly is brunette.

Now repeat that sentence 10x before u watch THE ROOMMATE.
09:34pm Just saw DIE A VIOLENT DEATH (2010), felt like a KW2 of
PHOBIA (4BIA). Meh. The only good thing abt that movie is the badass
10:58pm @cidui c'mon now, santai aja :). There's always next class.
11:36pm Menu imlek taun ini: Sayur rebung, babi manis, lapis legit,
siomay, kue2 kering. *Anak kost menitikkan air mata*
11:45pm @cidui Xie xie :) Itu altinya yu halus ngasi angpaw sama owe!
11:46pm @nextanna babi kecap
11:49pm @ismanhs ..and turkey dinner while wearing ghost costumes?
re: Chinese NY traditional way.

Thu Feb 03
12:13am Tarang mencrang. RT @soalSUNDA: Panon hideung, pipi
koneng, irung mancung, _____ _____.. #soalSUNDA
12:19am Selamat taun baru imlek bagi yg merayakan! Semoga rejekinya
melompat tinggi kayak kelinci bagi semua.
12:26am @leviluv9 Thanks lev. Hey, kelincinya kan pake roket. #maksa
09:22am @davidbagong kionghi kionghi.. mari makan babi
09:23am @princyrn tengkyu.. have a prosperous year
09:26am Selamet taun baru kelenci bagi yg merayakan! Gong xi fa cai
10:02am @jawajawir tararengkyu jeuung :)



erwin indrawan

10:42am @film_indonesia RT @twitchfilm: Lots Of Screams. Even

More Bikinis. Indonesia Has A BEACH CREATURE. http://goo.gl/fb/
11:05am "House is a feeling"
11:14am @ViliaIndahwati I'm sorry I didn't quite get what you were
saying. But since today is lunar new year, I wish you "sin tiau hiap
lu".GBU too.
11:15am @gunz_zo haiyaa.. xie xie, kamsiah :) GBU too bro.
11:39am @leviluv9 Angpawsick gw lev..
04:20pm I think it's impossible to be more oriental than Ti-Phone TVC.
05:43pm @sulelubis istilahnya 'klasik' le, bukan 'kuno' #senasib
05:58pm @leviluv9 Hai tantee..
08:16pm Bcause u're a chick? :) RT @silviahendarta: Pdhl udh selemari
tupperware dan lock&lock in all shapes colors &sizes, msh beli lg. Why
oh why?
09:09pm @AffiFD So take the food to the bathroom with you. Simple.
10:16pm Imlek belum lengkap kalo blom liat Alena.
10:20pm @gunz_zo cintailah produk planet lain #BukanEmpatMata
10:22pm OMG Totally! ;) RT @pevpearce Watching "Eagle Eye" for the
2nd time. Still. One of the best movie.
10:28pm @primahari blom liat tinatun hari ini.. i hope it's not a bad

Fri Feb 04



eindraw's Twournal

10:55am Do you remember that innocent girl in The Lovely Bones

(2009)? She's back and kickin' ass in HANNA (2010). Trailer: http://
01:14pm @anaztasja @cidui @dixiedelic @an99a_ Gue jg diajarin

Sat Feb 05
01:01am @Dennie28 @donniekusuma congrats dude! Hahaha. Btw,
tukang pukul yg bs ngegulung kingkong itu kyk apa ya?
01:04am @dengkhulx kl perkutut suaranya kyk kentut, mgkn aja kan
bunyi kentutnya merdu. Itulah yg dikontesin. Lomba kentut.
01:05am @Dennie28 manaa? Email dongg
10:10am First poster of CAPTAIN AMERICA (2011) http://bit.ly/
eB14FB <--I agree, if u're standing near an explosion, cover your
package w your shield
01:10pm Watch this amazing short animation. ONE RAT SHORT by
Studio Charlex. http://bit.ly/dXINFP
01:34pm How Animation is Done: 15 min video doc of Production
I.G. (Maker of Ghost in The Shell). Very insightful. http://

Sun Feb 06
10:32pm +1 RT @ViliaIndahwati: Hal paling bodoh yang pernah kita
lakukan adalah menolong Tuhan @ChrisManusama

Mon Feb 07



erwin indrawan

09:50am Hey, I'm wearing black already. #SeninHitam #avatar

09:55am Tuhan tidak butuh dibela. #SeninHitam
08:58pm 'Dining With Death' is starting in 5 minutes on AFC.
10:10pm -____-" http://bit.ly/dPYzVW I don't even wanna joke on this
10:14pm @Dennie28 Coba deh elo ngesot tanpa pake tangan, capek
banget. *dibahas*
10:35pm First trailer for SUPER 8 (2011 J.J. Abrams) http://youtu.be/
yu5dLtRnaOY C'mon Jayjay, just tell us what's the movie about dammit!
11:08pm @jawajawir oh fitri, you're gonna regret giving me that link. :))
But seriously.. tetep gak ngejelasin apapun, sama kayak d artikel lain
11:16pm Adakah yg nyadar jika tulisan "IM3" diputar 180 jadi "EWI"?
#abaiken #MasihJam11Woi
11:24pm @ishahening Hahaha, true. If JJ Abrams, Michael Bay &
Andrew Kramer had gay 3-some, the scene would create many Op-flares
beautiful presets.
11:46pm @jawajawir Kalo yg berpantun namanya "silit"

Tue Feb 08
12:38am @bimokonig Happy bday kasep! Umur boleh nambah, tapi
berat badan jangan. #halah
08:16am Pagi2 terbangun krn denger ada yg ngomong "Ketupat sayur!
ketupat sayur!". Ternyata suara perut gw. Good morning all.
10:46am RT @IDoThat2: If you touch your tongue while yawning, it can
stop the yawn. Try it. <--Also slap yourself/ punch your groin/ stomp your



eindraw's Twournal

11:15am @cidui euh, kondisi nyawa-nya? #NyamberJaya re: perbedaan

hukuman mati dan seumur hidup
11:18am Google lagi lucu nih logonya.. dalam rangka apa sih?
11:19am RT @ishahening: eindraw Jules Verne's bday! my favorite! re:
11:29am @cidui 'Hukuman mati' ujungnya mati di-eksekusi, 'Hukuman
seumur hidup' ujungnya bervariasi: bisa dpt keringanan, remisi atau mati
di penj
09:08pm Ngagorejat. RT @soalSUNDA: "Jampe - jampe harupat, geura
gede, geura ______" #soalSUNDA
09:30pm Gw slalu cengengesan baca tulisan "LOWONGAN KERJA.
Syarat: Wanita, Bisa ngeBlow" yg ditempel d pintu salon. Knp ya?
11:22pm Kalo misalnya ada wabah zombie di kota besar, yg bertugas utk
membasmi mereka itu Polisi, Brimob atau Detasemen-88 ya? #IniSerius
11:27pm Teach me master. *salam kungfu* RT @sat17: Today's
practice...fiiuuhhh..... http://yfrog.com/h0tklp http://yfrog.com/h3971p
11:27pm @jawajawir bayarin tiket ke indo nya mahal cyiin

Wed Feb 09
01:35am I wonder if psychiatrists nowadays answered their patients with
"You should tweet about it" as a suggestion.
11:30am Emang ada ya jabatan 'Ketua RT'? Apa kualifikasinya? Kalo
nge-RT aja mah, gue juga bisa. #TwitterOD
11:33am @teeqs @Dennie28 @tantin_hadi Suasana interview-->
flowers." *unyu*



erwin indrawan

11:40am @anaztasja Oh God! My eyes! It's burning my eyes! re:

L'Oreal :)
01:08pm It's confirmed! Robin Scherbatsky will play Maria Hill in THE
AVENGERS (2012). http://bit.ly/dJaQWG Yeaa boiy!
01:20pm I'm sure Streep will shine as Thatcher in THE IRON LADY.
But in this pic, she looks dumb, really really dumb, for real. http://bit.ly/
10:18pm @anaztasja nasiib.. nasiib. Ini pasti @cidui yg ngabisin sampe
gw gak kebagian.
10:24pm Dikit lagi. #eh RT @pevpearce: Mau nonton "No String
Attached". Udah keluar belum ya?
11:09pm Gendang gendut, tali kecapi. Kenyang perut, senanglah hati.
11:34pm Lagu "The Boy Is Mine" -nya Monica & Brandy itu enak
didenger tp hrs berhati2 supaya jangan sampai sing along. #ApaSih
11:36pm Whoever control her thong,.. ah you get the point. RT
@ViliaIndahwati: whoever controls his tongue, controls his destiny
11:43pm Oh you're such a tease. *blushing* RT @pevpearce: Will you
be my valentine?

Thu Feb 10
12:11am @robertronny are you kidding bro? I think 2010 was a good
year for movies. Many memorable ones.
12:26am @robertronny Well, I do think 2010 was a good year. And at
least Michael Bay didn't make any movie in 2010. Hehehe



eindraw's Twournal

12:53am @robertronny I'm pretty sure i tweeted the list last year. Le
Concert, Monsters, Bal, Mother, Dream Home, Inception (of course)..
01:05am @primahari hei hei hei.. twit gue jgn dipotong dong.. kan
interpretasi-nya bs beda :)
10:52am Whatever you think you're good at, the Koreans can do it
02:28pm Lebay. RT @detikcom: Proyek MRT, Jakarta Akan Sejajar Dg
Kota Megapolitan Asia... http://de.tk/gDppk
02:32pm Bukan 'bibir' itu tweeps. Moving on. RT @detikcom:
FOTOHOT BIbir Merah Debby Ayu http://de.tk/X3K5F
06:16pm @sossisagaya @robertronny Yup. Along w MICMACS which
also good, but LE CONCERT is more impressive, imo
06:19pm "Biar jijaii yg penting kawaii" #Abaiken
11:20pm THE GREEN HORNET (2010) Aside from rather weak script
by Rogen & Goldberg, I think Gondry hits the spot with his direction.
Fun & enjoyable.
11:40pm Minka Kelly's Best Breast Moment. http://bit.ly/ePMS33 You're

Fri Feb 11
08:35am @robertronny oh iya, Melanie.. bukan Marie *tepok jidat :)
08:36am @dengkhulx daripada "tolol" mendingan "nolol" #halah
08:57am "berduQa" -->RT @primahari: Ikut berduka RT
@saipuljamiell: Ntn insert pagi trans skrg yukkk ada aq n calon istriqu
berbagi berita bahagia



erwin indrawan

09:00am @vipertongue but we ARE cruel & close minded. We see the
future in Stallone's DEMOLITION MAN, you know.
09:07am @vipertongue Only Chuck Norris knows it, dude. Not us.
09:54am First trailer for X-MEN FIRST CLASS (2011 Matthew
Vaughn) http://youtu.be/04LSYwveufY Ah yes! Those dark blue-yellow
11:05am Boss2 yg galak di kantor biasanya disebabkan krn sering
diomelin istri di rumah.
11:30am Just like your hair, man. RT @VIVAnews: Donald Trump: AS
Sudah Jadi Bahan Tertawaan http://bit.ly/hG8DwG
11:30am @jawajawir untung gue bukan boss. Hehehe.
12:40pm Baru ngeh perannya Edward Furlong di film THE
GREEN HORNET, maennya sebentar banget. Mati pula. :D
03:42pm 'Penembak jitu' lebih bagus disingkat 'Sniper' aja daripada 'Peju'
05:14pm YIES! RT @filmoodotcom: JeeJa Yanin siap bertarung
kembali di CHOCOLATE 2 http://bit.ly/enGpuy
07:49pm This is funny and tragic at the same time. Damn. RT
@detikcom: Brrrttt! Remaja Tewas Kesetrum di Atap KRL JakartaBogor http://de.tk/oWkHl
07:56pm "Here we go, come with me, There's a world out there that we
should see.." -Far East Movement aka. racun telinga.

Sat Feb 12
01:08am Viva la revolution! #Egypt



eindraw's Twournal

09:17am Gimme! RT @anaztasja: http://twitpic.com/3ypfy4 - look what i

got hey eindraw ihiiiy! *kali ini ga cuma 2 butir kok* :p
09:44am EXIT THROUGH THE GIFT SHOP (2010 Banksy)
Insightful, funny & even voyeuristic, in a sense. (but I secretly think it's a
09:49am Why hoax? Simply because Banksy is an artist, and he might
have treated this movie as his craft. A convincing one.
10:10am Indomie for bfast , knowing later tonight imma have a ramen.
How bout bakmi for lunch? that'd be complete.
10:15am This #WhiteNow hastag sounds like what MJ said to himself
everyday in front of his mirror.
10:25am @dengkhulx I dont wanna shoot you.. I wanna strangle you!
(ttd. ketua ForumPembelaEmmaStone)
10:32am @suhakri Pasta #pencitraan .Mie Ayam gerobak #realita
10:47am James Franco to star in Hughes Bros' AKIRA? http://bit.ly/
epva4z Please, god of movies, don't let this movie happen.
10:49am Every time there's a progress on Hollywood's AKIRA movie, a
Playboy bunny lose one cup size somewhere. How's that.
03:16pm Emang bisa? RT @tantin_hadi: Gak sembuh2 nih sakit
gigi...argggghh..tambah bengkak kayaknya

Sun Feb 13
01:02am One trick at a time. House is a feeling.
11:19am :D Pret! RT @raditherapy: astaga film K2K baru: 'Dedemit
Gunung Kidul', posternya 'Drive Angry 3D' pun dibajak hahaha http://
11:40am Mbak yg satu ini sering bgt pake no-mensyen yak. #tsk



erwin indrawan

11:50am @anaztasja iya! #lho. Eh, gak ikut kelas d TA geuningan?

11:57am Ah! Kuku sudah rapih, ngupil pun enak dan terkendali.
12:09pm Yes! Tweet terakhir lgsg disambut oleh bot KingdomOfUpil.
02:47pm #Pencitraan #KingKong RT @Dennie28: Tip of the Day:
Never overtrain you upper arm, or you'll have a hard time fitting in a
09:28pm Ntar tidur ktm Suzanna RT @yonan32: Siang ktm Susan
Bachtiar, malemnya ketemu Dewi Perssik. Hr Minggu yg menarik.
09:41pm @dengkhulx cheapskate! re: iPad
09:42pm Mendingan 'bego bego ganteng'.. ye gak? RT @ishahening:
GGB. Ganteng Ganteng Bego :|
11:34pm Watching ROCKNROLLA again, makes me realize how slim
the chance of Ritchie ever to make his next signature movie.
11:50pm @donniekusuma cuma poster? Film itu gw bilang sih dr semua
segi keren bgt!
11:56pm After SHERLOCK HOLMES 2, Ritchie is in talks to direct the
remake of CANONBALL RUN. Hollywood own his bollocks now.

Mon Feb 14
12:09am @Dennie28 @donniekusuma Heh?? Ni anak ngigo ya?
12:13am Can you believe Kelly Hu is 43 today? Yeah, me neither.
10:13am @teeqs wah, gue malem ini ntn duncan sheik Tik..
10:58am Amazing dystopian short movie. THE 3RD LETTER (2010
Grzegorz Jonkajtys). Shot on Canon 5D MII http://bit.ly/e2Bbey
11:22am Forget the effin' sinetron, read this! Hahaha. RT @ismanhs:
Ringkasan sinetron #Supergirl (Dalam Lima Menit): http://bit.ly/



eindraw's Twournal

05:30pm You know that little red LED light above the urinoir? That
means 'It's recording' ,right? #narsis

Tue Feb 15
01:24am Cool! Wahkita gak ktm yak? RT @an99a_: Ofkors I made it!
#DuncanSheik http://yfrog.com/h33kaqsj
01:35am Ballad singer + broken heart + alcohol = hillarious.
01:48am RT @jawajawir: Kalo sempurna dibilang lebay, biarlah. Cuma
kata itu yg mengambarkan konser malam ini. :) -Duncan Sheik http://
02:02am If he's a Sheik, where were his concubines? #DuncanSheik
05:19pm Cihuy, akhirnya nemu jg film BEDEVILLED (2010) *geol2
pantat*. Sekian.
05:29pm For me, yesterday concert will be remembered as 'Duncan
Sheik feat. Drunken Chick'.
10:34pm Watching 4 eps of WEEDS season 6. I swear Andy Botwin
(Justin Kirk) is FUCKIN' HILLARIOUS!
10:37pm *hilarious
11:14pm You did a good job @ishahening :) RT @an99a_: Suka deh kl
ntn konser ada gimmicks animasi visualnya. http://yfrog.com/h2nslfvj
11:16pm Ohey! Ada Laura Basuki di #RCTI #FilmIndonesia

Wed Feb 16
11:32am 2011 Sets Record for Most Sequels http://aol.it/g4l0u7



erwin indrawan

01:10pm How? It's not like they hv "DPR" written on their forehead. RT
@detikcom: Stop! Anggt DPR Dilarang Msk Kompleks... http://mtw.tl/
04:52pm @davidbagong yeah? nanti cekedot deh kl ke bdg.
04:53pm -____-" ini nyanyi nya sambil serodotan ya? RT @cidui:
Giiirrrlll I neeedd giiirrrllll.. Seerrr.. Seerrr.. #np Tae Yang - I Need
04:55pm Deg2an nge-hack firmware kamera.. heu-heu-heu.
11:19pm NO! They're all mine! Mine! HAHAHA RT @anaztasja: jd
siapakah yg menghabiskan caklet-nya? adakah dr curut ini @dixiedelic
@cidui haha! :D

Thu Feb 17
12:06am @cidui @dixiedelic @anaztasja hahaha.. subliminal tuh, diem2
ada yg doyan sate curut.
12:29am Weee.. ada Jaylen di LIVE TO DANCE. That kid is sick!
01:21pm @kembangkembang that's a horrible horrible thought. Hiiy.
Re: local movies only
04:11pm Stlh ngepremanin film lokal yg blom jelas benefitnya, skrg
negara mau malak dr bule2 itu? *tepok tangan*
04:24pm "Bike to work", "Bike to school", skrg ada spanduk "Bike to
mosque". Gm kalo "Bike to discotheque"?
05:02pm @dengkhulx pulangnya sblm basi-an, jd msh kencengg.
05:04pm @tantin_hadi makanya gowes nya selagi masih 'kenceng',



eindraw's Twournal

05:44pm Penyakit kameraman amatir /gue adalah srg lupa check list
sblm rolling--> WB, ISO, picture style, bitrate & memastikan fokus!
*head diving*
06:09pm @trialogy Wah, suka motret? What's your flickr page? can i
06:17pm Diundang doa selamatan sm tetangga seberang rumah &
they're really close.. like 10 meters away close. U know what it means:
06:21pm Ah.. ternyata nasi box :-| *ngintip ke seberang*
06:36pm @trialogy Some great pics you got there :) You have an eye for
composition. Gw blom punya flickr.. (I know.. hari gini :) )
11:55pm Srsly Guise http://bit.ly/e5BHbB

Fri Feb 18
09:26am @trialogy Yep, a newbie "video-shooter":) http://bit.ly/fpt8Gy
12:59pm Seriously,I'd b excited if Justin Lin helmed the new
TERMINATOR movie. One reason: Asian John Connor! (played by
Sung Kang)
07:32pm Confirmed! IRON MAN 3 (2013) will b written &directed by
Shane Black. Bagoosss! http://bit.ly/hqpByC
07:35pm I wonder if the title would b "IRON MAN 3: Kiss Kiss Clank
Clank" #ShaneBlack
09:26pm Ada yg berkantor di lantai 6-8? Boleh gak saya berkunjung
kesana? :)

Sat Feb 19



erwin indrawan

12:33am FRICKETY, FRICK! GAH! RT @thejakartaglobe: It has

started: 21Cineplex says no more new foreign films coming into... http://
12:36am So, now we're stuck w local movies and indie foreign movies?
10:18am You know you have idle hands when you're having potato chips
& krupuk palembang for breakfast. *kriuk kriuk*
12:45pm Bummer. Hari ini melewatkan perayaan cap gomeh di seluruh
bdg. Pdhl pasti bagus bgt buat foto2/video.
01:04pm @trialogy Thanks :) Actually, AM making something right
now. Teaser should be up soon, hehehe.
01:06pm @nikkihans Wow, lemme guess.. a #ShaneBlack die hard fan?
01:28pm A dumb comment by a bigtime director. RT @detikcom:
Hanung:Film Indonesia Bergairah Krn Org Indonesia. http://de.tk/dyoIP
02:46pm @AffiFD imo, perfilman d indo justru bergairah krn adanya
film holiwud. AADC, sherina emang jg tonggak, tp boxoffice http://
02:57pm Intinya sih gw pesimis kl perfilman Indo akan bergairah kl yg
beredar d bioskop hanya film lokal aja.
03:27pm Bentuk poni jaman skrg yg menyudut di tengah itu sbnrnya
viral campaign-nya LEVI'S ya?
04:46pm Menyesal gak bawa kamera! Cuaca lg bagus benerrr

Sun Feb 20
12:53pm U p l o a d i n g v i d e o . . . . . Seriously, my nails grow faster
than the progress bar.
01:06pm Ini screenshot VIDEO yg sedang saya upload ---> http://
twitpic.com/41qi24 Tonton ya :)



eindraw's Twournal

02:43pm Teaser for my latest work DIORAMA JAKARTA (2011) http://

vimeo.com/20155577 Please check. Tx. :)
02:52pm Saya bangsawan! (eh.. atau budak ya?) RT @ApakahKamuTau:
Tatto asal dr tattau, artinya mberi tanda. Dgunakan u/ mbedakan
budak & bangsawan
02:55pm RT @xensoeart: I'm Down.... <-- You need Qory
Sandiovora! ..eh Sanrionova?
02:59pm Thanks, sbg LEGO-mania elo pasti bisa relate :)
#DioramaJakarta RT @tjenie: @eindraw kerennnn
03:16pm @xensoeart Serius lo gak tau? Dia kandidat miss universe 2010
dr Indo, terkenal dg quotenya "When you are down, woman can make
you up..."
05:47pm Tx. That's what i'm aiming for. RT @silviahendarta: interesting!
Feels like a giant overlooking the city #dioramajakarta
08:00pm @sat17 Thxalot dude! I'm shooting more videos just about
now :)
08:02pm Teaser for my latest work DIORAMA JAKARTA (2011) http://
vimeo.com/20155577 Please check. Tx. :) #DioramaJakarta
08:24pm If TRUE BEAUTY season 1 was aired across the US, how
can they make season 2 knowing that 'their secret' is already out there?
09:35pm Woh, check out this chick on AFC! *ngacay* #CocoCooks
09:36pm @dengkhulx The show secretly spy on the contestants to judge
their 'inner beauty' *rolls yes*
09:39pm @AffiFD Yes, please. Do :) Now! #eh
09:44pm @dengkhulx sex scenes? ada.. bestiality tapinya
09:55pm @dengkhulx Tonton dulu aje human centipede-nya. Gw skrg lg
mo ntn BEDEVILLED. Katanya sih bagus.


erwin indrawan

10:25pm RT @VIVAnews: Kolom @lalatimothy: Pajak Film Impor

Membantu Film Nasional? http://bit.ly/gP0BeM
10:57pm Well helo mbak pemain biola. *malu2* #Harmoni
11:47pm @tantin_hadi avatar elo bener2 menggambarkan "Kencang
Dalam Kegelapan" bener.

Mon Feb 21
12:13am Ujian kesabaran adalah bikin vietnamese coffee. Aroma-nya
udh sampe nembus 2 ruangan tp hrs nunggu sampe tetesan terakhir br bs
12:14am Dan sekarang gue udh kayak junkie lg sakaw: dikit2 sniffing.
Damn coffee.
11:33am Txalot bro! RT @davidbagong: Finally watch Diorama
Jakarta's teaser, http://vimeo.com/20155577, by @eindraw
12:24pm @trialogy so, my new video is up. It's a teaser :) DIORAMA
JAKARTA (2011) http://vimeo.com/20155577
12:47pm Nice tats! http://bit.ly/fPVABP
10:25pm @trialogy Hehehe,nice trick yeah? Thanksalot :)
11:54pm That's very awesome of you! Tx :) RT @cidui: Oiyah.. Hoy
eindraw td videonya gw pamerin k temen2.. :D smuanya takjub sm
excavator liliputnya
11:56pm @tantin_hadi Funny! How 'bout meditating over a pitcher of
ice cold beer huh?

Tue Feb 22
10:47am @AffiFD Wah, FD masuk SWA? Neat-o!



eindraw's Twournal

12:32pm "Assholomio...... ooooo'sodomia!....." -Ace Ventura RT

@detikcom: O Basilico Mio! http://de.tk/pKg5C
09:27pm @trialogy The Visit itu dibikin 2008, pk kemera HD JVC oleh
DOP beneran :) #LateReply
09:59pm Ngedengerin Provokatifproaktif d @Hardrockfm ttg pajak film
dan bioskop
10:16pm @kembangkembang Oh, man.. this IS really not a good time
for mati lampu. :( Re: Camilla Belle
10:32pm @hardrockfm Nasionalisme bioskop yg "mberikan ksmptan pd
smua film Indo u tayang d bioskop" justru jd bumerang krn menyuburkan
film2 sampah.
11:10pm @Dennie28 @donniekusuma What the hell?
11:30pm @Dennie28 @donniekusuma jiahh.. ternyata gak tau artinya ______-"

Wed Feb 23
09:43am #kode RT @cidui: Kakiku pegal2..
10:59am Oh, so that's what it's called. *ngupdate bio* -->RT
@IDoThat2: 'Dysania' is the state of finding it hard to get out of bed in
the morning.
11:48am Huekkk.. RT @VIVAnews: Sperma Kuda Tingkatkan Stamina?
12:15pm #pengakuan Belum nonton ARWAH GOYANG
12:27pm @kembangkembang oh abso-effin'-lutely! I wanna livetweet
about the bitch-fight and their cupsizes.
12:28pm @primahari ada yg 3D nya gak? Or should i say 3DD ?



erwin indrawan

12:31pm @tantin_hadi kok tumben elo belom nonton film itu?

01:42pm @kembangkembang I've seen the HD footage of the infamous
bitch-fight scene, and they were wearing these 'nipple patches'. Not cool!
02:14pm Duh, nanti anak nya nulis surat lg deh.. RT @detikcom:
FOTO-FOTO : 'Nurdin Halid' Diinjak-injak di Solo... http://
02:37pm "Last name Ever, first name Greatest.." -'Forever' by Drake
05:28pm @hanfei_hung congratulations dude! :)
06:02pm Jahat banget sih tetangga sebelah menebar wangi nge-goreng
kentang sama sosis di jam segini.. :(
06:15pm @silviahendarta ahh! bagus tuh! Tp sayang terlalu tinggi. :( It
would tone down the illusion.
10:21pm @sat17 hyaa.. Jd film horror.
11:54pm I, swear I've heard "...featuring DJ Steven Foe" earlier on
the radio tonite. That dude's still alive? And still DJ-ing? Wow. . .

Thu Feb 24
12:33am Yahh.. my lil' bboy Jalen kaga lolos babak final. :
( #LiveToDance
09:10am Bim, elo salah ketik 'bubur' tuh. RT @bimokonig: Awali
Aktiftas pagi ini dgn Jujur,niscaya hgga akhir mlm akan slalu Jujur..
02:44pm @an99a_ @anaztasja @cidui wehehe, jd kita mo bikin video
aja nih. Let's go lah.



eindraw's Twournal

09:14pm @cidui @anaztasja @an99a_ Aku jg gak bs mba'Nes.

Aku kecapekan abis syuting adegan three-some. (THREE hours or
SOMEthing maksudnya)
10:07pm Ah yes, it's malam Jumat. Ready your horror DVDs for tonight.
Imma watch BEDEVILLED (2010).
10:51pm @jawajawir never say never.
10:57pm "The Long and Winding Road" by The Beatles. W.H.O.A.
11:42pm 10 Worst Best Oscar Winners. Interesting. http://aol.it/efXOw3

Fri Feb 25
12:24am To be fair, Chris Medina did start with a bang in the audition.
But through the next rounds, he just wasn't really as good as we hope for.
09:52am Dikit amat. #tsk RT @detikcom: Maia Estianty, Wanita Seribu
Gaya Rambut... http://de.tk/65nni via @wolipop
10:06am @dengkhulx Yg diboncengnya ngangkang, coba kalo nyamping
kan lebih macho, bow.
05:39pm Of course she is. Come on. RT @detikcom: Jennifer Bachdim
Dilirik Main Film Horor... http://de.tk/wtLs4 via @detikhot
11:29pm @jawajawir @yonan32 so much for the 'surprise' eh?

Sat Feb 26
10:23am @anaztasja wah, kacrut tuh gw disitu! Hahaha..
11:17am @jackartsonic salah salah nanti mirip jusup kala siah. :D
11:20am @ramasugeng cuman 1 huruf lho yg membedakan SM*SH dan
SL*SH. #halah


erwin indrawan

04:49pm 1.Write "SM" on your left butt cheek 2.THEN Write "SH" on
your right one 3.Drop your pants & moon somebody 4.Voila! "SM*SH"!

Sun Feb 27
10:52am Kenapa sih para hiphop-ers itu celananya suka digulung
sebelah? . . . .Kalo digulung dua2nya kayak kebanjiran, erwin.. duh
03:34pm The iron from laundry removed the R from my REEBOK
shorts. It means it's only ONE STRIPE away to change the remaining
"eebok" to "cebok"
03:39pm I'm dead serious. http://twitpic.com/44akya
07:24pm Utk mbak #nomention yg sedang ada di Puri Bambu: saya
sebal dg anda. Terimakasih. *gigit2 mousepad*
07:44pm @wulie_312 @tantin_hadi ini sangat tidak membantu bagi saya
yg sdg ngidam makan babi -_____-"
09:30pm @charliesalseros ada char. Beli yg merk iYem aja. Re: mesin

Mon Feb 28
09:19am Wow, love the animation for the nominations! #Oscar
10:27am Ha! Banksy gak menang! #Oscars
11:32am Huh, TOY STORY 3 udh gak mungkin menang best picture
sebab dia tadi menang best animated feature. #oscars
11:43am p r e d i c t a b l e . . . #oscars
02:47pm RT @kompasdotcom: Toyota Eropa Sunat 2.000 Karyawan
http://kom.ps/BRa <-- That's A LOT of foreskins!
05:21pm Don't you hate it when you have a rash but people insist that
you have a hickie. It's double the insult when you're not getting 'any'.


eindraw's Twournal

05:36pm Gw kok males banget kerja ya hari ini? Ada yg punya cambuk?
(Bukan, bukan cambuk semacam itu)
05:38pm Wait.. ada klien yg nge-follow gw gak ya?
05:39pm @donniekusuma Lho kok punya cambuk kuda? Mas ini kusir
05:46pm @teeqs @donniekusuma tipe kuda-nya si donnie sih biasanya
kuda ngondek.
05:48pm @donniekusuma @teeqs Gue dapet bocoran dari si kingkong.
re: Kuda ngondek
05:50pm I can't hold it any longer! I must have you! *ngomong sama roti
tawar+selai kaya*
06:05pm @cidui Ha? Ada apa kok mau cuti 3 bulan? Perasaan, perut elo
gak menunjukkan kehamilan..
06:05pm Jangan. RT @tantin_hadi: Ayoo semangat semangat....*loncat2
di mobil
08:00pm @tantin_hadi @teeqs Larii, ada kIngkong ngamuk!

Tue Mar 01
10:17am Bulan Maret, orang2 mikirin SPT, gw sih mikirin STP.
10:39am @bimokonig Bingo!
10:48am @leviluv9 stone temple pilots sih, tp jwban elo bgs jg.
#dijelasin :D
10:52am Peju. #WOIIIMasihPagi2 RT @soalSUNDA: "unggal
awal bulan Ibu meni sumringah, kumargi dipasihan _____ ku Bapa"
10:04pm @dengkhulx di-grill enak nih. Re:babigembrot



erwin indrawan

10:48pm @anaztasja kbetulan ada meeting nes (yeah, hansip kayak gw

jg ada loh miting2an)
10:56pm Gak asiknya meeting di kantor klien yg msh br kenal: Gak bs
pesen makan sambil meeting.
11:13pm @Julius_JK Bahaya ah pake muka melas.. nanti ngaruh ke
quotation gue. Hehehe.
11:42pm @Julius_JK You're not helping man.. NOT helping (_ _ ")
11:47pm Hyahahay.. RT @jawajawir: Chinese knock-off internet: http://

Wed Mar 02
09:37am Argh, such a nice day to go out and shoot some videos, but
gotta work and stay at home.
09:48am @donniekusuma Yeti oktavia? #halah
10:04am Just finished disinfecting my pantry with BLEACH solution &
water. Now it reeks of orgy sex party. *kipas2*
10:15am @trialogy @vipertongue *having a cold shower* #eh
10:43am @dian_waluyo @tyasasko @dEvistiLicious @tantin_hadi
@teeqs @ameleea @anggiyasri @wulie_312 Gue termsk 'ladies' ya?
01:17pm Gue rasa hari ini matahari mulai buka cabang baru.
05:54pm Sialan nih, #AmericanIdol bikin gak bisa konsen kerja.
#Alesan #PdhlTinggalMatiinTV
10:48pm I said bang, bang, bang-giddy-bang. I said bang, bang, banggiddy-bang. #HIMYM #abaiken



eindraw's Twournal

11:27pm Yeah, we have two paula-abduls and one black-simon for

judges. #AmericanIdol
11:52pm Abis pada ngedengerin Casey Abrams, para kontestan lain
tepuk tangan sambil dalem hati "Anyeengg! Gue hrs ngelawan org ini ya.

Thu Mar 03
01:53am Nampan-nya bagus. #iPad2
09:11am Sehebat dan secanggih apapun yg namanya iPad, tetep aja gak
bisa dimasukin saku celana kayak HP. #Ditoyor
09:33am @AffiFD Is there any synchronized lawn-mowing also? :) re:
life in suburb
09:35am @suhakri oya?.. pdhl kerenan yg bisa digulung ya?
11:09am http://twitpic.com/45jfm6 Christine Judge on a motorcycle.
01:47pm @Dennie28 ciee.. tajir bener nih anak. Re: iPad2
01:58pm @Dennie28 I wasn't even considering it in the first place. ciee..
04:31pm Oh.. BLT itu kepanjangannya "Bacon Lettuce Tomato", kirain
"Babi Lalab Tomat" *mangut2*
04:50pm Selamat tinggal Java Jazz 2011, saya harus bekerja weekend ini.
(Pdhl emang gak niat nonton)
11:35pm Come on, admit it.. You could picture Haley Reinhart as a porn
star, right? .. right? Oh, just me? #AmericanIdol
11:58pm @anaztasja really? I thought she was 'menor' in this episode.

Fri Mar 04



erwin indrawan

02:30pm Mumpung d benhil, ayam tangkap dulu ah. (ini ayam beneran
02:34pm ANJRIT! Thrice &CS maen brg! *mimisan* RT
@OfficialThrice: Such a treat to play w/ @circasurvive tonight. Such a
gr8 band.
02:37pm @jackartsonic ayam beneran kali ini mah. *lho
02:37pm @dengkhulx montok jeung gurih juragaan..
02:40pm @cidui beuneurr. Masa cari 'ayam' di siang hari bolong sih.
Kan bs ketauan.
03:31pm @anaztasja Kirain 'Tipu Tipu Dikit' re:TTD
03:55pm @anaztasja selain #edisihoror ,buat cewe bisa jg jd
07:50pm @Dennie28 Anjir.. gede2 sok melas. re: home alone
07:59pm @Dennie28 Ngintipin elo mah namanya bukan perv, tp
08:00pm Be.. berarti.. SUCKER PUNCH (2010) gak bakal tayang di
bioskop ya? *berlinang airmata*
08:08pm Wahahaha *jengkang* RT @Dennie28: eindraw Masih aja gw
kena cap kingkong.... Di kantor skrg dipanggil goril.... apes
10:46pm Br ntn film pendek lokal: YOURS TRULY (2011). Good
story, intriguing characters w an awesome ending. Great job! http://
10:49pm Jd semangat pgn bikin film pendek lg! Semoga makin byk
pggemar film yg nyoba bikin film sendiri kayak film YOURS TRULLY.
Inspiring indeed.
11:07pm @ViliaIndahwati Oke lah! Yuk!.. *hening*.. tp sblmnya kita
nge-ATET dulu aja dah, gm?



eindraw's Twournal

11:18pm @davidbagong @ViliaIndahwati *nyanyi* "A.. T.. E.. T!" (gaya

tarian Y.M.C.A.)

Sat Mar 05
11:00am Dohh, pagi2 udh makan beginian, tp siapa yg bisa nolak ini
coba? Apalagi masih anget. http://twitpic.com/468791
11:04am "Obesitas Dapat Menurunkan Kemampuan Berpikir"..
gampang kan? @detikcom ?
11:15am Ahahahaha.. ini bot kayaknya. RT @detikcom: 'Makin Gemuk
Makin Bodoh' Mejeng Jadi Trending Topic... http://de.tk/ZmEcK
12:28pm Tuh, @anaztasja ..gue bilang jg, negara ini emang ada. RT
@kompasdotcom: Bercengkrama dengan Salju di Andorra http://kom.ps/
03:11pm @anaztasja sekali2 minta bentuk helm nya yg 'full-face'
dong :P.. Re: haircut
11:18pm RT @OrangDewasa: "Dok vginaku skit skli stlh aku hving sex
dg gajah" "Oya? Tp penis gajah itu sgt kcil loh" "Iya tp dia pkai jari dlu"
11:21pm Mata lelah krn sejak pagi di dpn komputer, tp kalo istirahat
ujung2nya nonton TV, jadi ya sama aja. (*_____*)

Sun Mar 06
10:31am Heran, bangun udh dari jam 8an, tp sampe skrg otak belom
bisa di-starter. (_ _ ~) Zzz
10:36am @donniekusuma Yeah. Clingy bastard!
10:59am Spilled some liquid soap earlier this morning. Cleaning it off
the floor made me feel ironic :-\



erwin indrawan

11:06am Wokeh! Setel oldschool hiphop aja deh, siapa tau bsnambah
semangat kerja di rumah. (di saat hari sedang cerah di luar sana! Ngok.)
11:07am @anaztasja You got a dog named 'Brunette'? How cute. Can I
see her/him?
11:19am @cidui Wah, kalo elo dan dika cuti, trus sptnya si nesi jd di
rumah. Jd siapa yg ikutan kelas agoy? Nyahahaha.
11:44am @anaztasja jiah, fotonya kok punggung? muke-nye menee..
How old is she?
11:46am RT @VIVAnews: Lady Gaga Protes Es Krim ASI http://bit.ly/
eQQYjm <-- Dude's just being jealous. (We're still doing that joke?)
01:07pm Are u kidding? She's freakin' cute! RT @anaztasja: http://
twitpic.com/46nz13 - eindraw dia agak kurang photogenic.
01:10pm @dengkhulx hey, those r my traits! And i'm not even a husband
yet. Re:abusive
01:14pm @trialogy Who cares abt techniques as long as you satisfy w the
results? Btw, r u 'Shooting from the hip'? :) #LateNanggep
01:18pm @trialogy *you're satisfied (sori. Itchy fingers)
02:11pm @trialogy Pokonya gw mau liat hasilnya :D ..(and i might try
that freelensing myself, hehehe)
02:16pm @dengkhulx *sunyi* yeah, i am.. (lemes)
02:24pm Check out this music clip directed by @tyasasko :"Ya Itu
Kamu" -Lia http://bit.ly/dWeafP Awesome job, dude! Loving the
08:31pm @tjenie hahahay.. tergoda beli iPad2 ya
09:32pm @donniekusuma Nanti, tunggu aje sampe persija masuk liga
inggris, baru elo dapet job dari MU.
11:54pm Break bentar.. *goyang2 pantat*



eindraw's Twournal

Mon Mar 07
01:10am Hm, malam ini begadang atau engga ya? Ini begadang-nya ada
artinya sih.. :-\
01:22am Baru liat videonya Paul McCartney yg "Dance Tonight" (2007)
di channel V, cuman butuh 5 detik buat nebak directornya Michel
01:25am Dan skrg #V lg muterin video "Fake Plastic Trees".. jd teringat
konser si Sheik kemaren.
01:29am Ternyata Michel Gondry pernah juga bikin video utk
Radiohead. Judulnya "Knives Out" taun 2001
01:33am Tapi videoklip itu menyebabkan konflik antara Gondry &
Yorke. Ujung2nya video itu gak masuk k dlm DVD "The Work of
Directors"-nya Gondry. :(
01:36am DVD "Work of Directors" adl salah 1 koleksi DVD gue yg
paling berharga krn berisi karya2 dr tiga director fav: Gondry, Jonze dan
01:37am Eh, rendering selesai. Sori, barusan meracau.
01:48am Aih matee :P I appreciate that, bro! RT @bimokonig: Gw lg
nggu DVD krya2nya eindraw ,its gonna be awesome..
02:27am Watching DOGTOWN on NatGeo Wild, heartbreaking :(
09:11am @bimokonig @dengkhulx Fellas, please.. There's a piece of
erwin for everybody. #eh #ditoyorBerjamaah
10:22am I just viewed my TOP20 Profile STALKERS. I can't believe I
don't have even one. *pundung*
10:58am @cidui I know you do! And it's gonna get worse.. :D Re:
kangen hiphop .Hahaha, sori



erwin indrawan

05:50pm #BaruTau skrg ada yg namanya "Laser graffiti"..Kerenn. http://

06:47pm Yeah! RT @ismanhs: How come people who litter on the street
don't get splashed by bird poos? I thought angry birds aim for swines?
08:05pm @tantin_hadi wah, hamil jg akhirnya. Re: ngidam cyin
09:58pm Buat seorg freelancer, sedih banget kalo sampe nolak suatu
pekerjaan. Perihh jenderal.
10:11pm @ViliaIndahwati Palingan ujung2nya dijogrokin lagi di
Cipanas. :P re:Stepper
10:13pm @trialogy Wait. What? What was that? *celingak celinguk*
10:16pm Selamat utk @tantin_hadi atas kehamilan pertamanya (yg
ketauan), ayo dirayakan dg 1 pitcher beer!
10:17pm (tadi itu #tweetnah ya.. psst)
10:21pm @dengkhulx kalo nolak cinta setelah menyalurkan napsu mah
gak sedih2 amat. #DitoyorBerjamaah
11:03pm @donniekusuma liat showreel elo dong don.. sapa tau kan. :)
11:04pm Celana kolor? RT @Dennie28: Bantal gembos -> gabisa
molor. Ban gembos -> ...
11:41pm @tantin_hadi @donniekusuma *zoom in-zoom out*

Tue Mar 08
10:40am Pengen nasi tutug oncom.. *sunyi* *kembali bekerja*
10:49am @cidui nyam nyam nyam *gigit2mousepad*
10:58am @cidui Gak habis dong.. kan gigit-nya pake kasih sayang #eaaa
05:48pm @cidui @dixiedelic @anaztasja @an99a_ @agoy888 Euh
sori ya, ini jauh lebih KERENN--> http://www.youtube.com/watch?



eindraw's Twournal

06:35pm @jawajawir mendingan jg jam 12 siang di gereja santa. Udah

itu santai :D Re:Rabu Abu
06:44pm @jawajawir gereja santa itu jam 06.00, 12.00 dan 18.00. Gue sih
misa jam 12.00
07:55pm @anastazja sakit apa mbaNes? Kok sakit jg kayak @an99a_
11:40pm @anaztasja Oh yeah, my bad :) So anyway, get well soon ok

Wed Mar 09
12:09am @anaztasja yeah, i missed it again.. Work. Mudah2an yg bsk bs
ikutan. Dah sakaw.
03:02am ". . .Only Works in Windows". -___________-"
03:03am Yeah, I'm up and working at this hour. This is not a bot.
03:04am .. a zombie is more likely.
03:08am "We spend about 1/3 of our lives sleeping".. well, for
motiongraphers, add another 1/3 for rendering videos. *yawns*
03:16am NOOoooo... RT @twitchfilm: Guillermo Del Toro Declares AT
THE MOUNTAINS OF MADNESS Dead. http://goo.gl/fb/7o2Ja
10:48am Selamat menyambut masa Pra-Paskah utk yg menjalani :)
10:48am *yoi.. gw baru bangun, hehehe*
10:53am @donniekusuma Ho oh, gue melanggar saran bang haji rhoma
nih. Tp ada artinya kok.
11:14am @irfianta di gereja santa sob, jam 12.00
02:01pm @davidbagong Whoa, that's one hell of a fever dude.. Kompres
aer dingin.
02:02pm Mulai curiga kalo komputer gue diem2 suka nangis tiap malam
di pojokan..



erwin indrawan

02:12pm @davidbagong dokter?.. Get well soon ok dude. Gue doain.

Thu Mar 10
06:09am Wah! Beruang ungu yang lucu :) *mulai gila krn begadang lagi*
06:14am @cidui Ha! iya, Lots-O-Huggin! pantesan, beruang kok bawa
tongkat. Normalnya kan pake skuter.
06:34am @leviluv9 Hahaha. To hell with bang rhoma! *tos*
06:37am Tnyt gak cuman dalam film aja, brief revisi juga punya
cliffhanger ending dg mencantumkan "Mudah2an gak ada yg ketinggalan
06:42am @jawajawir sbnernya udh sih fit.. cuman pengen keliatan kayak
org sibuk aja :P
02:10pm (_ _" ) itu filenya beda jenis, dek. RT @pevpearce: I need help.
Gimana caranya convert file (rar) jadi mp4 di mac?
04:16pm Tau gak apa yg menyebalkan? BATTLE: LOS ANGELES
(2011) rilis besok di US.. Indonesia cuman bisa gigit mousepad.
04:18pm Tau gak apa yg menyebalkan? SUCKER PUNCH (2011) rilis
25 Maret di US.. Indonesia cuman bisa gigit mousepad.
04:21pm Tapi tenangg.. setidaknya SKANDAL dan VIRGIN 3 akan rilis
bulan Maret ini. Tenaaangggg...
05:35pm @jawajawir Exactly! :D ha.
05:39pm Is Pia singing "Obama Saves" ? #AmericanIdol
05:47pm Hey James, where's your tail? #AmericanIdol

Fri Mar 11



eindraw's Twournal

12:03am Whaaat *falsetto* RT @RottenTomatoes: BATTLE: LOS

ANGELES: 39%, 31 reviews. http://bit.ly/d4CAMO
12:07am @primahari RANGO pim.. RANGO.. -_____-" trus CARS 2,
12:12am @primahari eeh.. maksudnya kita bakal missed film2 itu kann :
12:13am @tyasasko wuihh sadis pak.. elo pake itu buat syuting XL?
12:15am @ishahening food bloggers, on the other hand..
12:16am Aneh.. batere MBP makin di-abuse health nya malah makin
naek. Masokis juga ternyata..
12:27pm @trialogy N.I.C.E. :)
12:33pm Hoii badanku sayang, jangan sakit ya. *poke poke*
12:55pm @Dennie28 pokeri swet
12:57pm @davidbagong iya nih, gara2 alkohol dan party tiap malem
01:26pm @davidbagong how're you though? Dah sembuh?
03:06pm Did you see that aerial shot of the wake sweeping off the land?
Horrifying.. :( #PrayForJapan
03:11pm @pevpearce Nuklir itu sumber pembangkit tenaga listrik buat
mereka, dek. Bukan utk hulu ledak.
03:20pm @bimokonig anak kecil sih tepatnya :)
03:28pm +1 RT @jawajawir: AMIN! RT @idberry: Tsunami alert di
Bepu pk 05:40 besok pagi. Praying hard for my bro doddy & Iyenk at
Bepu, Japan.
06:07pm @teeqs @ameleea @wulie_312 kabar terakhir sih (dr
temennya tmn gue) mereka lg packing utk evakuasi k tmpt lbh aman.
Masih di beppu.



erwin indrawan

06:18pm @teeqs @ameleea @wulie_312 Beppu itu jaraknya mayan jauh

dari Sendai (kota paling dekat sama pusat gempa), sekitar 1000km.
06:41pm @anaztasja #noweating Indomie soto flavor.. YEAH!! (lbh
kenceng teriaknya)

Sat Mar 12
11:31pm @donniekusuma + jadi broker bisa juga kan? fee-nya buat
supervise aja hehehe.. #DeJaVu #halah
11:35pm @donniekusuma aehh.. Laris manesss!!

Sun Mar 13
02:02pm Semoga nanti gak masuk angin nonton STP. #uhuk #umur
02:30pm Anybody here waiting to see THE SMURFS movie? Yea, me
02:56pm @cidui "animasi" itu artinya "sesuatu yg bergerak" artinya luas
banget, kartun adalah bagian dari animasi. imo. :)
02:58pm @irfianta kalo me-visualisasikan komiknya gue mau nonton, tp
ini sok di gabung2in sama dunia modern dan live action. Shame.
03:00pm @dengkhulx Bee Gees elo tuh kisut. #halah
03:01pm @anaztasja @cidui :D iya bener. Maksud gw kata "animate" itu
kan artinya "bring something to life".. biasanya sst yg hdp itu bergerak.
03:09pm Akhirnya liat dance routine hiphop nya Alex dan Twitch.. INFREAKIN'-SANE! #SYTYCD7
03:20pm @cidui setau gue sih artinya sama. "Kartun" itu lgsg diadaptasi
dari kata "cartoon". Bedain sama karton.. itu mah jenis kertas.



eindraw's Twournal

03:29pm @anaztasja @cidui hey ini adl ptanyaan retoris! a joke. and
shudn't be RT-ed. huh. <--- *goyang2 pantat sambil moonwalk menjauh*
03:39pm @anaztasja aww.. thank you :) re: Poodle puppy.
03:45pm @anaztasja yeuu.. di-je-las-in. (-____- )
06:33pm *jengkang* Hrs d twit ya? RT @Dennie28: I just ousted
kinoy25 as the mayor of Lutuye on @foursquare! http://4sq.com/dBnQfI
06:35pm *jengkang lagi* RT @Dennie28: Snip..snip... (@ Lutuye)
06:38pm @Dennie28 abis nyalon efeknya jd puitis ya? *manggut2*
11:32pm Thank you Stone Temple Pilots for rocking out all your greatest
hits tonite! Great gig!
11:51pm Ada sih yg missing kayak "Big Bang Baby" atau "Lady Picture
Show".. tapi GAK PA PAAA DEHH.. #apaansih
11:56pm @jawajawir woiya.. "Creep"!

Mon Mar 14
11:23am Hari ini setel lagu2 STP yg gak dimaenin kemaren malem ah..
11:27am Kalo Stone Temple Pilots feat. Charly, nama bandnya jadi
STP12 #halah #abaiken
11:27am Judul albumnya "Cari Purple Lagi" #halahh #abaikaann
01:04pm Ngedengerin New Found Glory dan SEMAKIN MENYESAL
krn melewatkan konsernya tempo hari.
05:18pm Yang bilang karma itu gak ada patut dipukul pantatnya. *lagi
ngedit foto SM*SH krn tuntutan pekerjaan*
05:19pm SM*SH facts: 1. Anggota nya berjumlah 7 orang sodarasodara! *capek nge-masking nya*
05:21pm SM*SH facts: 2. Semua anggotanya ternyata laki2.



erwin indrawan

05:29pm SM*SH facts: 3. Sayangnya seluruh anggota boyband ini tidak

bisa berdiri dg sikap tegak/ berdiri normal. http://bit.ly/gnoqvY
05:29pm @davidbagong Ini udah cenat cenut bener mata gue -______05:29pm @silviahendarta yang tengah dong #ehh #KokJawabnyaCepet
05:36pm @anaztasja bertujuh kita gebukin X)
05:37pm @davidbagong @silviahendarta Jiah! dia tau sampe namanya
05:41pm SM*SH facts: 4. Band ini berasal dari Bandung. Trus kenapa
namanya bukan CEM*SH ya?
08:53pm #KodeAbis RT @detikcom: Jennifer 'Bachdim' Kurniawan
Suka Mobil Besar... http://de.tk/xmFCB

Tue Mar 15
04:13pm Astaga, belom makan siang. *cacing2 menjerit*
04:55pm Ini tim gegana yg lambat datengnya ,atau si polisi yg terlalu
terburu2 ngambil tindakan? Anyway, this terror is sickening.
10:32pm Today, I'm really excited to find out that a skate buddy of mine
(from long long.. long time ago) is still rockin those wheels. WHOoo..

Wed Mar 16
10:15am And Gegana's late arrival. :( RT @thejakartaglobe: Bomb
Explosion Blamed on Carelessness and Impatience http://bit.ly/dHwfqL
05:57pm Minutes to happiness.. (aka. bagiin invoice)

Thu Mar 17
11:49am Congratulations @teeqs on your newborn baby. Yayy!



eindraw's Twournal

11:52am Bersihin kandang dulu ah. #UpikAbuDay

11:28pm C'mon, you can picture this Haley chick as one of 'Barney's
victims' right? #AmericanIdol
11:32pm @an99a_ @anaztasja @yudhist123 @agoy888 Good to see you
well again, man.

Fri Mar 18
12:18am Really randy? "Not overpowering" it?. Jacob Lusk almost broke
my eardrums! #AmericanIdol
12:46am @irfianta Best of luck for tomorrow, dude. Really excited to
see the show. :)
12:51am So, after Darren Aronofsky exits THE WOLVERINE, I'm just
hoping the project doesn't fall to McG's hands. #PleaseAtuhEuy
02:39am Kbnykan begadang 2 minggu terakhir agak mengacaukan jam
istrht gw. Skrg jd nya gak bs tdr. *cari buku sejarah/ekonomi*
07:59pm Nungguin SM*SH muncul di KILAU 18 ANTV. Karena visual
LED nya gue yg bikin, oii
08:07pm Berkabung? Gue dong, asal bukan "bergabung" aja. RT
@dengkhulx: Sensus mati: berapa org yg berkabung kalo gua mati saat
ini ya?
10:08pm Dog in Japan stays by the side of its ailing friend in the rubble
http://yhoo.it/etsvIo via @Febbie_Febbie @suhakri

Sat Mar 19
12:17am Recently, 'Animal Precinct' became my midnight TV delight
because it's all about animals (dogs) being rescued. #AnimalPlanet
12:19am And their negligent owners being arrested, for sure.


erwin indrawan

12:23am Interesting trivia about 'Animal Precinct': Narrated by the voice

of Michael Madsen. Yes, it's Mr.Blonde from RESERVOIR DOGS

Sun Mar 20
10:58am Pernyataan sikap Persatuan Pelajar Indonesia di Jepang ttg
media Nasional yg tdk profesional terkait bencana di Jepang http://bit.ly/
11:01am Berita lebih lanjut ttg PLTN Fukushima per 19 Mar 2011 jg bisa
dilihat di website terkait.
12:32pm If you want your face to look bright all the time, always bring a
12:38pm Masukin comment di FB itu udh gak pake button "comment"
lagi ya? Pencet enter artinya submit. Ckckck.. rawan.
09:36pm Another good episode of DOGTOWN on NatGeo Wild. #nw
10:05pm Kalo skeptis sama Earth Hour di malam-Minggu nanti,
setidaknya jadiin aja alesan utk "gelap2an" sama pasangan.
10:47pm One of my friend named her newborn baby "Akira". I think it's
generally appropriate to name her next one "Changhong". (Hi @teeqs :))
10:48pm Btw, "Akira" is a beautiful name lhoo.. It's one of my favorite
anime of all time. #TwitLanjutanWajib

Mon Mar 21
01:41pm "Fraksi Gerindra" jangan disingkat jadi "Franda" #Makasih
04:37pm BENAR! Begitu pula dg es pacar cina.. heran. RT @trialogy:
Mengapa tidak ada podeng di es podeng ya? #abaikan
04:38pm #koreksi #jokeFail


eindraw's Twournal

04:45pm Akhirnya nonton CATFISH (2010), ternyata trailer-nya

menyesatkan sodara2. It's a good docu-drama nevertheless.
04:56pm Neat-o! THE TRENCHES, animated short inspired
by SUCKER PUNCH (2011) http://www.youtube.com/watch?
06:12pm But a matic car saves your sanity. RT @OMGFacts: Having a
STICK-shift instead of an automatic transmission can SAVE you a lot of

Tue Mar 22
12:18am BEDEVILLED (2010) is all I could ask for, from a horror
movie: great plot & characters, beautifully shot, in-your-face carnage.
12:19am @anaztasja eeh.. siapa bilang gue gak mau dateng? -____-"
12:49am @robertronny Film Korea 2010, dpt DVDnya baru2 ini
*cough-bajakan-cough*. Bagus bro, narasinya slow burn tp pay-off nya
sepadan. :D
01:02am @robertronny Oh iya, Confessions.. bagus tuh katanya.
Penasaran. Udh ntn A Serbian Film?
07:01am That's why i'm an avid procrastinator. RT @davidbagong: If u
do not enjoy what u're doing, u'll never be good at it. -Luke Parker
07:25am Met pagi. Masih senyum kl nginget headline "Eaaa"-nya
@detikcom .Dasar belegug :)
08:45am @AffiFD Ada, kemaren :D inappropriate, unfitting, FAIL.
03:27pm Her: "Makanannya sih emang agak mahal, tapi 'worth it' kok.."
| Me: (Yes! dia gak bilang 'worthed') | Her: "So, wanna joint?" | Me:



erwin indrawan

03:40pm @donniekusuma kenalin sama gue deh kalo ada cewe yg bikin2
3D kayak begitu :))
05:11pm @trialogy hm, that might actually explain her "cannabis over
red-yellow-green background" profile pic.
09:41pm @ismanhs Mrk teriaknya masih "Bapaaa..(nada panjang)..-uw.
(nada rendah)" ? #TkBapauDiJktDiemDiemAja
11:28pm @anaztasja @StellaSeptania O mudah, caranya siapkan 1 botol
chloroform, sapu tangan, seutas tali, dan 1 mangkok ramen.
11:44pm "El-loco Gonzales suka makan sosis SoNice.." Dammit! Now i
gotta sleep with that in my head.
11:49pm Ricky Gervais to appear in THE OFFICE 1-hour-finale May
19. Goodness gracious! http://bit.ly/flJwbN

Wed Mar 23
03:06pm -_-* RT @cidui: Knock knock | Who's there? | Kenny | Kenny
who? | Kenny pretend that airplane in the night sky is like shooting star
03:28pm *jengkang* RT @cidui: Knock knock | Who's there? | ERWIN
| ERWIN who? | ERWIN be miracle WIN you believe.. *maap unkl :P*
10:53pm Somewhere in heaven, Michael Jackson is moonwalking &
grabbing his crotch in joy for Liz Taylor. . . .What? Too soon?

Thu Mar 24
01:44am Nonton DEXTER kayak nonton serial silat aja: kaga bisa
brenti *sampe terngantuk2*. . . . Oh hi Julia Stiles! *seger lagi*
09:38am @anaztasja hahaha.. Good one.



eindraw's Twournal

09:45am Yaah.. padahal gw lebih sering ke toko sebelahnya, Along..

(obat kuat) RT @StellaSeptania: ingat kwetiau Akiat, ingat eindraw
11:45am +1 !! RT @film_indonesia: "@raditherapy: "The Perfect
House" http://bit.ly/ez2m4e @dperfecthouse | *posternya keren!
11:48pm @an99a_ wait, ini yakin bukan utk pelajar? Elo liat infonya
dm? Linknya dong.
11:53pm Cewe yg pake anting ring berdiameter gede kayak hulahup itu

Fri Mar 25
12:49am I'm not crazy bout cats, but to see one getting euthanized still
breaks my heart. #AnimalPrecinct
10:44am @anaztasja @dixiedelic @an99a_ @cidui DID SOMEONE
SAY PUPPY & RAMEN? *ngigo siang2*
11:00am @cidui @anaztasja @dixiedelic @an99a_ Ramen halal mah
gak ada bedanya sama indomie. *kabur*
11:04am @teeqs Happy bday! Let's party all night! ('party'='ngurus anak
11:08am Oh yay! Ada film TAKSI (1990) di TIM XXI jam 14.15 Mari
11:19am "You're gonna need a bigger bowl!" http://twitpic.com/4czkr4
02:06pm Yes mbak, i'm tapping my foot to WESTLIFE's song. I ain't
04:07pm Abis TAKSI lanjut TIGA DARA. Moga2 abis itu msh kuat ntn
07:19pm Really happy to catch TIGA DARA (1956) today. A charming
romantic movie, & did i mention it's very funny?



erwin indrawan

10:30pm IBUNDA (1986 Teguh Karya) doesn't have the strongest script,
but Tuti Indra Malaon gives a memorable performance as the titular
10:35pm TAKSI (1990 Arifin C Noer) It began strong and promising but
kinda lost its way throughout the second half. Still a decent drama IMO.
10:39pm Juaranya hari ini film TIGA DARA deh, bener2 enjoyable. :)
10:44pm @an99a_ Yes sir. Di TIM XXI dan Kineforum
11:57pm @jawajawir iya :D Besok pengen lagi sih kalo bisa.

Sat Mar 26
12:49am I STILL WANNA SEE IT! RT @RottenTomatoes: Sucker
Punch is #rotten. 23%- 75 reviews.A joyless fantasy polishing zero
substance for 2 hours.
02:55pm Hanya 10% yg brhasil di-archive RT @jokoanwar: Di Malay
dan Thai aja, film2 klasik item putihnya gampang didapet. Di http://
03:01pm Dr film TIGA DARA kmrn; taun 56 blom ada kata "dong",
"deh" dan "sih". Tapi trnyt ada kata "Keren mek!" :)
03:04pm Itu berarti interpretasi gw pd karakter Maria di film THE
VISIT(2008) gak meleset2 amat ya.
03:09pm Sbnrnya dulu itu pgn nya riset dulu dg ntn film2 klasik indo, tp
gak tau ngedapetinnya dimana.
08:57pm gelap euy..
09:05pm @cidui Tx :D. Buat elo, gue tambahin bulu mata aja gimana?
09:07pm Ini siapa sih colek colek?
09:24pm @hayamz_SrS erwin nyolek erwin :)



eindraw's Twournal

09:25pm @suhakri abis earth hour soundtracknya "Coming Out of The

Dark" -Gloria Estefan #umur
09:30pm @hayamz_SrS @mulki_SrS hahayy.. adaptorrr :D
09:30pm @suhakri tanya @tjenie deh.. dia pasti khatam lagu2nya
09:32pm Udah nih #earthhour nya? Gardunya udah boleh gue nyalain
lagi? #EdisiSabotase
09:46pm @primahari ho oh.. tapi ternyata jari gue sendiri.
10:18pm @wulie_312 iya, eternyata jari sendiri. Gara2 tangan gak
singkron dlm kegelapan. Hehehe

Sun Mar 27
09:22am Sampe anak gagak bertukar cincin juga lady gaga mah gak
mungkin ke balikpapan. #logis #barubangun #trusknapa
12:36pm Watch CUJO (1981) then. RT @anaztasja: hate watching dogs
movies. always end-up crying. every time.
03:23pm @anaztasja @StellaSeptania @cidui Ooh.. jd kalo masuk
ruang bakar pria keluar2nya jd begitu ya? *manggut2*

Mon Mar 28
12:05am L'ILLUSIONNISTE (2010) Brilliant visual, whimsical
characters & affecting story. Another great animation from Sylvain
Chomet. *speechless*
12:24am Semoga minggu ini bisa ntn ANOTHER YEAR, KEJARLAH
DAKU dan HIPHOPDININGRAT. Tp biasa; manusia berusaha,
deadline pekerjaan yg menentukan.



erwin indrawan

09:06am :D RT @ismanhs: Kalau air minum juga harus mengikuti SNI,

nanti label di kemasannya jadi "Air SNI".
12:36pm Before Armie Hammer see his doctor for examination,
I wonder if the nurse was tempted to introduce him w "Doctor, it's
Hammer time"
07:42pm Kalo ada tweet mention berjamaah, apakah saya termasuk
insecure kalo mikirin urutan-nya?
08:38pm @cidui euu yeah.. exactly. Insecure :P
08:51pm H4H4H4.. M3n73r1 63L0 !!
08:59pm @tantin_hadi jam berapeeee.. gak mau malem2 ah
09:06pm @tantin_hadi jam 10 deh.. di baso INO yak
09:09pm @dengkhulx elo baca aja twit nya si @tifsembiring .Menteri
09:13pm @wulie_312 U to the Mur atuh lan.. :P

Tue Mar 29
09:17pm @cidui kalo saya mah tiba2 suka menggonggong. Re: masuk
10:50pm "But if I let you go, I will never kno--.. #eh #nyamber RT
@cidui: "..And once again I'm thinkin about, Takin the easy way out"

Wed Mar 30
12:08am Eh, udah harus intensif dengerin Jimmy Eat World ya? Ok
12:37am "Pesen calamari, ada?" | "Ada mas, tp kebetulan cumi-nya
lg kecil2. Gimana?" | "Gak jadi mas." (sebab lgsg kebayangnya limbah
sunatan masal)


eindraw's Twournal

01:12am @anaztasja bujubusett.. Y U no go home ah?

01:25am @anaztasja Yeah. One of those days :)
12:45pm Selamat #HariFilmNasional 30 Maret 2011, selamat
menantikan film POCONG MANDI GOYANG PINGGUL. Salam, KK
06:50pm Good luck with that. *rolls eyes* RT @totalfilm: Batman to be
rebooted after The Dark Knight Rises http://bit.ly/e6Ezip
11:44pm @davidbagong maksudnya "root of all problem-solver" bukan?
11:57pm R e n d e r i n g . . . .
11:58pm Yes, folks. I simply have nothing to tweet.

Thu Mar 31
12:17am @davidbagong Hang in there, dude :). Just one of those days
that you should overcome. It'll be OK.
12:20am A.W.E.S.O.M.E.N.E.S.S.!.!.!.!. http://youtu.be/A13kHkWNJi0
02:09pm Ini mau ngikutin detikcom ya bikin headlinenya.. RT
@thejakartaglobe: Woohoo! Drivers Stay Plugged in with Wi-Fi Cars
02:11pm Hello Mauk, we meet again. You look just as far away as the
last time i saw you.
02:16pm I'm wondering if Foursquare can still tag this area. #Mauk
02:26pm @cidui hehehe, bener. 'Mauk' itu terdgr spt jawaban gw setiap
kali gw ditawarin makanan. 'MAUK!'
02:29pm @AffiFD "Itu mas2 pk kcmata yg waktu itu bawa ransel jg
keren mbak" *krik krik*. Engga ya?
02:31pm @donniekusuma Baok mah gak jauh, cuy
02:40pm @donniekusuma panjang dan berliku. -____-



erwin indrawan

08:54pm @cidui yaah, pdhl gw udh mulai lupa. Jd inget lg deh :p

Fri Apr 01
02:25am Yeah, right..
01:49pm @davidbagong elo sih kebanyakan, pdhl 4900-an jg ush cukup

Sat Apr 02
12:46pm I can understand a Hummer H3 with "B 16 DIK" license plate.
But "B 18 DIK" ? It reads "Be one ate dick" #FAIL
01:19pm @trialogy i've been in my shell for too long, it seems :) Baca
dimana infonya?
01:24pm Dan artinya ''Sultan Tongkat Emas"? Nice.#kode RT
@VIVAnews: Nikahi Marshanda, Ben Jd Sutan Tungkek Ameh http://
01:35pm @boyke7 heuheuheu. .. Panaash!
01:39pm Panas ya Jkt? Bentar ya, gw cuci mobil dulu. Sapa tau jd ujan
02:03pm Bajaj yg dilengkapi klakson itu redundant.
02:18pm Terhitung ada 7 (tujuh!) janur kuning spanjang perjlnan sampe
temp cuci mobil. Gw mulai curiga ini kampanye terselubungnya Golkar.
02:42pm @vipertongue I can see the headline: " Dingos Ate The Baby
Baby Baby Ooo" #krik
02:58pm #pengakuan Baru liat foto yg namanya Melinda Dee. Oh,
those are "Dee" for sure.. huh-huh-huh
03:00pm *berusaha keras menghapus Kenny G dan Meggi Z dari
03:56pm @yonan32 yep, itu jd nama panggilannya: "Deedee" #sotoy


eindraw's Twournal

04:15pm @anaztasja atau D-D-D-Daaymn!

Sun Apr 03
10:41am Tanda2 #umur no.27: Kalo nonton konser gak maksa hrs
berdiri deket stage. A clear wide view is good enough.
12:18pm @AffiFD I agree. Maybe it doesn't apply to all concerts. I'd be
screaming in front row too if any Korean girlband had a concert here. :)
01:19pm Sebal dg kenyataan bahwa saya butuh Windows utk bbrp
aplikasi tertentu. #MacDouche
02:18pm Well who doesn't ? RT @VIVAnews: Natalie Portman Suka
Lelucon Cabul http://bit.ly/e5D5Io
02:40pm @irfianta Dude, muka mah gak bisa boong :P
03:11pm @dengkhulx Tp dia nya yg gak mau. nyahaha
03:35pm No.1 Wanita yg stlh 6bln trnyt pria. RT @terselubung:
#terselubung 3 Tipe Wanita Yg Bikin Pria ilfil http://bit.ly/fBx4Fm
04:22pm Masalah dg kata "unduh" atau "unggah" adalah: terdapatnya
kemungkinan ditampar oleh org yg mendengarnya.
04:35pm "Good things come to those who scour each CD in toko
software bajakan." Heu heu heu..
08:12pm JEW! JEW! JEW! Yeah. I'm aware of how it sounds.

Mon Apr 04
01:08am Impeccable sound, great lightworks, JEW played like a true
veteran. A great concert indeed. Thx @jimmyeatworld @javamusikindo
01:14pm Eurgh.. tenggorokan gatel begini. Am feeling like
deepthroating a toilet brush.


erwin indrawan

02:41pm Woyy.. mata! http://twitpic.com/4gsvci

03:34pm @DearVilia Lets goo! Eh, tp salmon nya lagi di-brenti-in
05:14pm :'( kelilipan :'(
08:37pm Man.. jadi pengen makan buah semangka nih.
08:44pm @donniekusuma gara2 si tante melinda itu lah
11:06pm @jawajawir Aeehhh.. switswiwww!
11:17pm Sekarang jadi mikirin buah melon.. (pdhl gue GAK DOYAN
makan melon)
11:20pm Kayaknya kl yg skrg di HRC nge-tweet berbarengan semua, gue
yakin hestek #eaaa jadi trending topik.
11:22pm @vipertongue Dude! Makin parahh :D
11:23pm @donniekusuma ini cepet banget reply nya.. Hahaha *fist
11:28pm @bimokonig aah, you're catching up :)

Tue Apr 05
01:33pm PA-daripadayangmana-NAS
06:16pm @StellaSeptania @anaztasja @cidui @dixiedelic @agoy888
@an99a_ @yudhist123 Marii *Zzzzzz*
07:28pm Mayann.. duduk2 pasang muka bengong, ada yg ngasih Soyjoy
07:32pm "Because you're amazing.. just de wei yu arr.." *ngomong sama
HP yg udh dipake 4 taun*
09:19pm @cidui iya #kode.. HP = Hantu Perempuan



eindraw's Twournal

09:36pm Maksudnya 'pas' dg seleranya ya? *positif tingking*RT

@VIVAnews: Tak Ada Baju Tahanan yang Pas untuk Malinda http://
10:06pm @Dennie28 toket bro.. toket. Bilang aja.

Wed Apr 06
05:03am @jackartsonic Pagi cuy.. :)
08:42pm @dixiedelic @cidui carilah yg namanya Alvin deCastro. Koreo
nya keren. Kalo cewe gw suka sama yg namanya Yeya

Thu Apr 07
12:38am @dixiedelic siapa d maniac?
01:11am Beer me please..
01:33am @bimokonig BEER-tul, BEER-tul itu. *maksa*
01:35am @teeqs *toyor @tantin_hadi * *pake jarum* *kempes*
03:45pm Efek 2 hari kurang tidur: Mata jd siwer, foto Malinda
keliatannya jadi mirip bantal. Eh, bentar.

Fri Apr 08
06:03pm Buat yg blom nonton #Idol hari ini.. silakan kaget dg hasilnya.
06:15pm "Rumus Malinda Dee" jadi trending topic. Way to go Indonesia.
11:59pm Udah 2 taun ini pake LCD dan DVD merk LG (dan kulkas..
dan microwave), eeh skrg dpt kerjaan dr mrk. Universe emang lucu

Sat Apr 09


erwin indrawan

12:00am Mungkin ini tandanya gw harus pake merk laen juga.. sapa tau
kan? :P
12:06am @trialogy duh maap ya.. kebetulan saya canon user :P #aeee
12:08am @anaztasja You're welcome :). How're you? good?
12:14am @davidbagong Yoi, tp sayangnya gak ada kulkas dan
microwave merk Apple ya..
12:20am @trialogy aminn, pasti bakal upgrade.. kalo nanti saya dapet
project dari Nikon. #halah
12:22am @bimokonig oo boleh boleehh.. nanti kalo saya dapat gratisan
juga dari merk laen.. :D
12:34am @anaztasja @mindcellar um, yea.. maybe you should on
concentrate on getting well first? -____12:34am @jawajawir #eaaa masa penjajakan :)
12:37am @anaztasja @mindcellar um, yea.. maybe you should
concentrate on getting well first? -____- #RalatJuga #FreakJuga
12:43am 2 anjing Pitbull hrs disuntik mati krn luka parah akibat dogfight. Sedih. #AnimalCopsArizona
12:47am @davidbagong how's Boxi dude?
12:50am A Complete Guide to Seinfeld's Sneakers | http://soc.li/
sm02T0X via @ComplexMag @fullhausmedia
01:11am She's gorgeous! RT @davidbagong: @eindraw better and
bigger bro...:) http://plixi.com/p/90604911
01:14am @primahari Pimm.. keliatannya gue harus kerja penuh hari
Senin-Kamis. Jumat: State Affairs, Minggu: Kerity dan Trophy Wife. Ada
07:13pm NSFW --> RT @tantin_hadi: Yesssss!!! Just put it inside my
mouth now... http://twitpic.com/4ionfy



eindraw's Twournal

Sun Apr 10
10:59pm "Ada bir tuh win, satu botol di kulkas kalo mau minum". You,
are, awesome, Mom.
11:12pm Wait. What happened to the ol' saying "No matter how old you
are, your mom will always treat you like her little child" ?

Mon Apr 11
09:56am Watch this amazing short film BINKY (2010 Ruairi Robinson)
starring Max Records from "Where The Wild Things Are" http://bit.ly/
09:58am *BLINKY .sori :)
12:02pm Kalo home theater ga pa pa dongg.. RT @jackartsonic: ipad
dan gadget serupa mau dilarang masuk ruang sidang....cape deh
01:21pm Just posted a photo http://instagr.am/p/DC-ZG/
01:26pm @ishahening "eindraw" .. sama kayak twitter :)
01:28pm @ishahening hahaha, gw newbie abiss :D
02:25pm RT @jokoanwar Semoga film2 Indonesia lama di Sinematek
bisa direstorasi dan dibikin semacam Criterion Collection-nya.
07:15pm Okay. Ternyata liburannya singkat sekali sodara2.. Mari bekerja
07:34pm Ah, cewenya gak ada yg seksi. *ganti channel* #BigBrother
07:38pm @dixiedelic oh, sbentar.. gue baru liat nya sekilas soalnya :P
07:55pm It sucks how Cmd+A (select all) dan Cmd+Q (quit app) are so
closely positioned. -______10:10pm @anaztasja Parappa The Rapper kalo gue.. :) # Ps1



erwin indrawan

Tue Apr 12
03:24pm Salah nih kerja sambil dengerin Joss Stone. Bawaan nya jadi
santai2. *tidur2an*
03:26pm Hoi, arifinto.. gue menang. Salam hangat, Konspirasi zionis.
03:31pm Sepeda boleh fixie, tapi ketawanya gak usah "xixixixi" dong.
05:50pm @StellaSeptania I guess erika already told you i couldn't go
yea? lg Lem to the Bur gue.. :)
05:52pm @donniekusuma cciiieee.. pake android. Handset nya apa cuy?
06:02pm @tantin_hadi @teeqs bebi nya minta dijenguk *nyamber
08:49pm Bagaimana film BEACHES OF AGNES nya @jawajawir ?
Baguskah? *ngedumel krn gak bisa nonton*
08:53pm Deadline 11 jam lagi.. bbrp scene animasi masih belum
tergarap. Siapakah peserta yg akan tersingkir? Nantikan! #MulaiSiwer
11:06pm @jawajawir 'nyeni' as in 'wow.. (1 menit kemudian).. gue gak
ngerti ceritanya.' ?

Wed Apr 13
02:56am R e n d e r i n g . . . I n i . . . M e m b u n u h k u . . . *Zzzz*
03:16pm Atau konspirasi zionis. RT @sulelubis: peristiwa ulat bulu ini
sbnrnya bs diteliti secara ilmiah, tp kl mau gampang.. bilang saja ini azab.
04:34pm @davidbagong mungkin lebih cocok utk film porn drpd film
horor. contoh judul: "Ulat Bulu di Celana mu"
04:43pm Yaelahhh -____ -" RT @detikcom: Marzuki Alie: Serangan
Ulat Bulu Peringatan Tuhan http://de.tk/O4U0L
10:02pm When i say "Lem" you say "Bur".. Lem!..
10:20pm @silviahendarta lah.. kok ngondek? X)


eindraw's Twournal

10:22pm Btw, ulet bulu udah jadi TT blom sih?

10:38pm @anaztasja lho, kok ada domba nyasar? re: mbekk
10:39pm @indrinida siap2 obat gatel deh. :P

Thu Apr 14
12:46am @anaztasja di-je-las-kan.. yayaya, gak cape ya ngejelasin joke
sendiri :P
03:13am When i say "Lem!" you say "B-- ..helo?
05:11pm Waw.. Steven Tyler really pushes it when it comes to shirts he
wear ya?
05:12pm @DearVilia suuuuusssshhhhiiiiiiii...
05:24pm Hari ini :P
05:25pm OO teu nanaonn.. maksud reply jadi ke TL :P
05:25pm @DearVilia Hari ini :P
05:55pm Oh iya, bener. Setuju tuh. Gue juga gak ngerti. HahahaRT
@cidui: Knp ya Twitter God.. Kamu kok masi blm membuk (cont)
06:00pm Moga2 jangan cewe lagi yg di-eliminasi berikutnya di #Idol.
06:10pm @donniekusuma Halah.. itu mah @Dennie28
06:26pm @DearVilia and where would that be? :D Emang ada ya?
09:28pm @cidui wah, sini lg gak ntn tv euy..
09:29pm @Dennie28 iya dehh.. yang udh lama pake iPhone, ampunn

Fri Apr 15



erwin indrawan

01:07am What was up around kemang tonite? Penuh dimana2 gitu.

Luckily got a good spot @ bremer only a second before the next
01:01pm @princyrn bsd? Jauh kalee..
02:50pm Buat yg pake FCP, pikir2 dulu utk nge-update OS X yg "Pro
App" krn bisa bikin serial FCPnya gak valid lagi.
11:20pm Gak usah jauh2 pergi ke Bangkok, ke @blitzmegaplex aja..
Poster2 filmnya udh serasa kayak bioskop di Thailand :D

Sat Apr 16
12:17am STATE AFFAIRS (2009) is an impressive political thriller
from France, sharing same spots w the recent BREACH and STATE OF
PLAY. Mayan dehh
12:34am This police woman in #AnimalCopsSouthAfrica has the
crunchiest voice..
01:00am Midnite snacks. Gak lama lagi pasti abis *masang DVD http://
01:16am @anaztasja Beli sapu yg gagang nya panjaang bgt. Re: remote
10:43am @jawajawir kl gw, setiap kali dgr "You Have My Attention"
bawaannya sedih krn itu lagu terakhir di konser perpisahan mrk. Hehehe
10:59am Waktunya utk bersihin kandang. Smells like a monkey cage in
here. *sniff-sniff..*
11:13pm Whoah.. Studio 4C (Animatrix, Tekkon Kinkreet, Gotham
Knight) animates the death of Christ in "My Last Day" http://bit.ly/

Sun Apr 17


eindraw's Twournal

08:54pm Oo jadi kalo app nya menang award, harga nya jadi mahal,
gitu? GITU?
10:18pm @Dennie28 namanya 'Brushes'. harganya $4.99. Sedangkan
Autodesk ProSketch aja cuman $0.99
10:25pm @Dennie28 buat iphone, app buat mac mah gak pernah beli :P

Mon Apr 18
03:20pm Have you ever ordered for a hot Vietnamese and they only
gave you a cup of coffee? It sucked didn't it?
03:30pm @AffiFD ekspresinya kayak pas nemu toilet tapi ternyata wc
nya bau. #TerlaluDetil
03:38pm I wish Google had search engine that accepts "Lagu itu loh yg
intronya 'Teret.. terrett.. teeettt!'" and give me the right link.
09:05pm I bet my money on Lauren #SYTYCD7 ..wait, I don't have any
money. Pokonya Lauren lah.
09:07pm @jawajawir emangnya bs nyanyi lgsg trus dicariin? #latereply
10:48pm Cara baru membunuh waktu :D .. D o o d l i n g ! http://
11:09pm @trialogy thanksalot. I'm a bit rusty actually, dah lama gak
ngegambar manual (google image syndrome)

Tue Apr 19
02:08pm More doodling.. not good for the battery :) http://

Wed Apr 20



erwin indrawan

12:07am Knp suka ketuker melulu antara Porcupine dan Concubine ya?
pdhl artinya jauh bgt. :-/
12:21pm Whoa.. O____O RT @raditherapy: Sola Aoi @ Press-con
"Suster Keramas 2" http://plixi.com/p/94108230
08:22pm Whoo.. finally! A house dance crew in the competition. And
they're 7-12 yo kids! How awesome. #GotToDanceUK2
09:26pm SMS nyasar: "Ko pon y putuz? Mf q mo tny ni nmr'y lu"?" |
Gue: "Bertobatlah nak" . . .*send*
09:50pm TANDA TANYA (2011) Tujuannya baik, scriptnya berani,
karakter2nya pas, visualnya indah. Plotnya cukup rapi namun bag.
trakhir sgt dipaksakan
09:54pm Props to Yadi Sugandi (cinematographer) for those beautiful
visuals in #TandaTanya . . . & the art dept. & the lighting crew of
course :)

Thu Apr 21
11:42am After that INCEPTION movie, chicks now reject me with "In
your dream within a dream within a dream".
02:11pm Road to Bandung. http://twitpic.com/4nhjt2
04:52pm Alasan knp gw pk baju hitam di hr Kamis Putih adalah capek
krn selalu dikira anak SMA kl pake kemeja putih.
04:55pm Okey.. krn gw gak punya kemeja putih. Puas?
08:40pm Konon konser Justin Bieber tdnya akan digelar hr ini,
bertepatan dg hari Kartini, sbg wujud kedigjayaan wanita.

Fri Apr 22



eindraw's Twournal

04:25pm #BaruTau nama adiknya Syahrini itu "Aisyahrini".. Pasti

Syahrini pake Windows dan Aisyahrini pake Mac. #krik

Sat Apr 23
11:32am Attention wall bombers! Here's your canvas. http://t.co/
03:01pm Kodok merah. http://instagr.am/p/DcQqP/

Sun Apr 24
09:28am Selamat hari Paskah. Tuhan memberkati :)
06:29pm #np "In Exile" -@OfficialThrice .Kapan ya bisa nonton mereka
live? *komat kamit*.. amiiinnn.

Mon Apr 25
09:56am Did you know there's a jual-beli online site called
"noafgan.com" ? -______-" #BlameKaskus
05:52pm Diserobot sama mobil di pintu tol, td nya mau gw maki2 tp
urung stlh liat plat nomernya: B 15 EP
05:59pm Ok. tepatnya B 155 EP. But still... http://t.co/s1jfZ7J
07:39pm So You Think You Can Dance 7 result show on AXN. I'm busy
picking up my jaw again and again from the floor.

Tue Apr 26
12:07am This Lennox girl in MELISSA & JOEY seriously looks like a
female version of Ryan Reynolds.



erwin indrawan

11:51am Red band trailer for 30 MINUTES OR LESS (2011) http://

youtu.be/UlmMlGvHWIQ Aziz Anshari + Eisenberg + director of
ZOMBIELAND = Hilarious!
03:22pm Saya mah lebih suka Westlife.. lebih sangar, gitu.
03:44pm @ismanhs "unyu"? . . . aw, dammit!
04:00pm Whoa! FAST FIVE (2011 Justin Lin) is currently #fresh with
81% on @RottenTomatoes .hebaat..
04:02pm Kmrn liat trailernya POCONG GOYANG PINGGUL krn
penasaran sama penampakan SashaGrey. Efeknya: menyesal sampe
detik ini.
04:18pm Southpark + Apple + Human Centipede = HUMAN
CENTiPAD http://youtu.be/WkLJbfL16RU :))))
05:00pm Poked the screen a few times w Brushes app. Voila! http://
09:57pm @teeqs @tantin_hadi @ameleea @dian_waluyo @wulie_312
@dEvistiLicious @tyasasko There goes my beer buddy.. heuheuheu
10:08pm Wuidiihh sadiss! RT @twitchfilm: Tony Jaa and Jeeja Yanin
Teaming Up For TOM YUM GOONG 2 3D! http://goo.gl/fb/8Y8jA
10:51pm Ya ya ya.. kalo suka sama Farah Quinn harus kuat iman-nya
11:55pm @slykacang Oldboy 2.0 :p Re: Confessions

Wed Apr 27
10:30am Site @RAWmagz itu isinya bagus, tp sayang bgt image2
JPGnya di-compress berlebihan jd keliatannya pecah :). http://



eindraw's Twournal

11:23am Trackball raksasanya bs buat maen Missile Command ya? RT

@jawajawir: Buat yg beli Playbook, beli minyak kayu putihnya yang botol
gede ya.

Thu Apr 28
02:15am Setelah ngedit ini selesai, saya akan bosan dg lagu "Gunman"nya Them Crooked Vultures -____O
11:54am @nextanna Congrats. Let's hope it's a keeper for good. re: dog
12:06pm After strings of horrible posters, finally X-MEN: FIRST
CLASS (2011) released a decent one. http://bit.ly/kpbZfk
12:17pm @Dennie28 Ya, kalo itu mah emang bagus. Poster2 XMen itu
lho yg crappy semua.. photoshop disaster.
12:20pm Inspiring indeed :) RT @webdesignledger: An Honourable
Photoshop Master- BaoJun Yuan | The Design Inspiration http://bit.ly/
12:22pm My teacher taught me how to repair the photos, ut he forgot
to tell me how to charge. -BaoJun Yuan, 76 yo. Great guy! http://bit.ly/
01:25pm "Hm, keluar deh yg putih..", my sister's FB status. I know she's
talking about the iPhone, but still, for me.. it's disturbing.
01:28pm Whee, kerenn.. RT @AffiFD: Aaaand we're live people! :D
RT @fashionesedaily: Hey Look! Weve Got a Makeover! http://fdly.me/
01:54pm Illustrations inspired by HANNA (2011) http://bit.ly/hKbpgP
(mengumpat dlm hati krn gak bs ntn filmnya disini)
09:37pm Ha! Untung aja hr ini gak ke PP. #Brightspot
09:57pm Duh, kepengen makan bubur kamseng. *makan sayur asem*



erwin indrawan

10:14pm @totalfilm Inreception #weddingmovies

11:47pm Buat gue, best performance minggu ini adl Haley. But that's

Fri Apr 29
12:27am @AffiFD @ismanhs she's hot. (lho) #TeamHaley
11:38am Ah, she's an 'oleh-oleh dong' type of girl. RT @pevpearce:
Oleh-oleh! RT @ViaPermataSuci: Touchdown, Singapore!
12:10pm TRANSFORMERS 3 (2011)semakin sinting visual-nya & 3D
pula! Tp knp sound di trailernya kayak Inception ya? BRAAHHM!..
12:15pm @anaztasja SPOILERR!!! -_________-" #idol
12:28pm Rosie Huntington-W is no Megan Fox. I'm not prejudging her,
but I must say Megan Fox had become more than just an eye-candy.
12:30pm Ya itulah.. ngerti kan maksudnya? #AbaikanGrammarSaya Eh,
udh jamnya makan siang ya? *mengalihkan topik*
12:56pm @dengkhulx I'm showing it to you anyway, just in case, my
latest showreel http://www.vimeo.com/22985482 :D
01:00pm @anaztasja lah, situ yg nge-ritwit. I don't follow their acc..
01:19pm Knp sih gak diundang ke #RoyalWedding aja
dipermasalahkan? Kan mayan jd ngirit gak usah ngasih 'amplop'. #Pelit
01:51pm @dengkhulx Ooo.. mau di-burn ke DVD aja? No problem laa
03:47pm Hahaha "No tweeting inside Westminster Abbey". Restrictions
have been updated apparently. #RoyalWedding
03:54pm BBC, CNN, E!, Stasiun TV lokal.. ayo dipilih, dipilih..
04:49pm Big bird.. i mean The Queen is arrived #RoyalWedding



eindraw's Twournal

05:08pm Oo teu nanaon.. komentator tvone masih cuap2 aja di saat

prosesi. Kacrut
05:48pm @Julius_JK eta royal jelly.. eh royal wedding.
11:08pm @primahari elo ketuker antara Prince William dan Willy
Dozan ya..
11:57pm Goblosss :))) RT @PBHNetwork: Six Of The Most Outrageous
Job Applications & Resumes: http://su.pr/1iPGNT via @Turkman182

Sat Apr 30
12:30am @anaztasja enak ya? *memandang nanar keluar jendela* re:
01:21am Kl lg ntn HOUSE di AXN (eps. 'Help Me'), trivia: di-shot pake
kamera Canon 5D. Keren bgt.
01:24am Knp keren? Krn ini pertama kalinya sebuah primetime TV
drama di rekam pake kamera DSLR. (biasanya pake kamera 35mm)
07:06pm @jawajawir hehehe, artinya apa tuh? sikilku kemeng
11:32pm @tantin_hadi wah dimans?
11:36pm @tantin_hadi heuu.. terlalu mendadak tin. Gw udh capek

Sun May 01
01:35am Almost 2 AM, let the drunk tweets begin!
01:47am @teeqs si @tantin_hadi udh mulei tuhh keliatannya :p
12:23pm Dari Tweetphoto trus jadi Plixi skrg jd Lockerz. Ini yg punya
perusahaan nya gw rasa si Puff Daddy/P.Diddy/Diddy/Sean Combs
01:08pm NatGeo Sabtu 7 Mei ada Japan Megaquake, rekonstuksi
tsunami tempo bulan kmrn. Menarik.



erwin indrawan

02:42pm @tyasasko selamat hr buruh, semoga minggu depan saya dapet

'gaji' #eaaa
02:45pm #nowwatching One of my favorite routine in #SYTYCD7 "My
Chick Bad" prfrmd by Lauren & Twitch
02:51pm I wish they brought back Sara Von Gillern ( #SYTYCD3 ) for
the next season's all star. Aminn
05:52pm Gue gak heran kl nanti ada zoom-in to close-up Jengg-jengg!
berulang2 ala sinetron. #masterChefIndo
05:54pm Eh, atau udah ya? (baru tune in RCTI) #masterChefIndo
06:00pm Whoa, udah ada yg ORI lho.. http://t.co/A414hMN
06:07pm @dengkhulx bukan dude, KD vs Raul
06:09pm @jawajawir hahaha, trus ada tulisan 'bersambung' gak di
06:20pm Gw rasa mrk milih pake kata "apron" drpd "celemek" krn takut
kepleset. #masterChefIndo
06:35pm Jam 19.00 lsg dilanjutkan dg premier Master Chef Aus season 2
di #StarWorld . . . . . . Tahaannnnn.
06:37pm All in all, I wish #masterChefIndo for the best ya
@wulie_312 ..Cemagadhh!
06:45pm @hanfei_hung bedanya 400gr & 400ons adalah makan udang
400 ons pulangnya pake ambulans
07:54pm @wulie_312 @tantin_hadi @teeqs ooh nama resminya "jeng2
shot" ya? *manggut2*
09:44pm @trialogy kalo saya pro-murmer.

Mon May 02
10:36am Obama is speaking live, now.



eindraw's Twournal

10:49am I bet Paul Greengrass, Ridley Scott and Kathryn Bigelow are
busy taking calls from studio executives right about now.
10:54am I give it 2 years max until Hollywood made a movie about this
Osama killing.
10:55am ..starring Nicholas Cage.
11:07am Play some music score from "Rocky" while at it. RT
@thejakartaglobe: Read abt Pres.Obama's speech on Bin Laden's death
11:26am Srsly Indonesia?.. Come on! http://twitpic.com/4s7z4x
04:22pm Diorama http://instagr.am/p/Dx_mV/
04:50pm Lagi ah :) http://instagram.com/p/DyAtk/
11:36pm Working on some new footage. Am so relieved yesterday
was only a trailer.. So many mistakes to correct: exposure, color, FX

Tue May 03
11:02am WTH?! RT @donniekusuma: Bkn cm portfolio gw aja
yg dicuri, tp ada portfolio temen gw jg yg dpasang disitu tnp izin
11:44am Kalo lg sibuk, langitnya cerah. Kalo lg nganggur, langitnya
mendung. Pret.
03:29pm Sore2 di perumahan http://instagram.com/p/DyREJ/
11:29pm (()) Hehehe doggy. U^^U

Wed May 04
12:40pm It really matters who follows first ya? #tsk



erwin indrawan

06:43pm @robertronny Whoaa.. you're on a roll today dude. So many

reviews :D
07:45pm Kok para promotor itu gak ada yg kepikiran ngedatengin
RHCP ke f--kin indonesia ya?
07:48pm That's right, "f--king Indonesia". Just like @katyperry said.
07:56pm @davidbagong bilangin helmnya jgn dilepas pas nganterin
makanan. bisi ketiban panci
08:32pm Imo, what's missing so far from GOT TO DANCE UK 2 is a
wonder child dancer like Akai or Emily
08:36pm Aand there's a B-Mom. Yes! a 46 yo breakdancer woman.
Damn #GTDUK2
09:22pm @StellaSeptania @anaztasja Depends. Will the real MJ be
10:19pm *Nyiapin CV*. . . . .Eh,wait. RT @Wenni: RT @pinot: RCTI is
looking for Graphic Designer http://bit.ly/ciwjo9
10:21pm Skye is hot. #MasterchefAus2 #abaikan
10:34pm First clip from PIRATES OTC: ON STRANGER TIDES
(2011) http://bit.ly/kHhTPR -->Maen nya tgl 20 Mei ya? Hehehe
10:45pm SRSLY? RT @totalfilm: Warner Brothers buys
@RottenTomatoes can you spell conflict of interest? http://bit.ly/

Thu May 05
08:02pm Udh bbrp kali lewat booth Ducati di Pacific Place, so far sih
belum ada yg teriak "Boleeh, Ducati monster-nya kakaa!"



eindraw's Twournal

10:30pm @ApakahKamuTau: Potongan kue trmahal di dunia trdpat di

prnikahan Duke & Duchess of Windsor thn 1937 shrga $30rb --> Trus
dimakan Elaine.
11:07pm No pic = Hoax RT @WTFSexFacts: The largest sex orgy in
recorded history,involving 7000 participants, took place in the year 200
B.C. in Rome

Fri May 06
01:11am Follbek pls dunk kakaa.. *ngigo* *tidur lagi*
06:47pm Match Legally AE Gamma Adjustments nya dicentang kakaa..!
#BertaunTaunGakNyadar #Rebahan
06:52pm @ishahening coba mac-nya dikasih brands essence of ciken
atau kratingdeng. *poof menghilang*
07:52pm Addicted to kripiks. Ckckck http://t.co/o5WPrne

Sat May 07
07:52pm Hot damn! >>@tiMObros: stupid Lockerz....anyway , first
character teaser for project: GFG . help us Jesus. http://t.co/LZX9TRC
07:57pm Dateng ke lokasi jam 19.00 dan diumumkan konsernya jam
23.00! #DeathAngel (>____<)
11:11pm Kalo mrk akhirnya ngebawain "A Room With A View", berarti
penantian gw selama 20 taun tdk percuma :) #DeathAngel

Sun May 08
01:00am Mayanlah, "Veil Of Deception" dan "Seemingly Endless Time"
dinyanyiin. #DeathAngel



erwin indrawan

02:35pm film Serbuan Maut? Break a leg! ..wait, don't :)

RT @jackartsonic: Meeting Merantau Film at hanggar with
@BonarAbraham cc: @SandikaDjaja
04:13pm Selamat sore U^^U http://instagr.am/p/EAKQM/

Mon May 09
12:27am +1! RT @yonan32: astaga ini @makko keren sekali http://

Tue May 10
11:14am Liat foto temen di FB. Bikin mau nangis.. http://
12:10pm Ya Tuhan.. sembuhkan saya dari penyakit malas ini.
09:36pm Awful? It's totally awesome! @totalfilm: Awful poster of the
day #cannes http://t.co/D8gP6e4
10:47pm Why am i biting my nails? #MasterChefAus
10:55pm Episode restoran ini menegangkan dan seru! Kayak ntn film
action aja #MasterChefAus
11:04pm Aww, frick-on-a-stick! "To Be Continued" ! :
(( #MasterChefAus
11:16pm @anaztasja Her name is Boxi. Here's another shot of her :)

Wed May 11



eindraw's Twournal

10:33pm Kena macet dan terdengar The Script nyanyi "I'm not
mooveeeng.." di @hardrockfm .Pas banget.

Thu May 12
05:14pm Kesian nih, debunya udh tebel bgt :) http://t.co/xE0MvVb

Fri May 13
12:24pm "Why can't people meet?" | "Because, strangers have bad
reputations." -Seinfeld
04:25pm @ameleea: Pengen indomie rebus pake cengek dan telor.
<--Pasti abis ngedengerin J2O ya?
11:57pm :D RT @ismanhs: All house geckos are born cynics. They
always look down on you and say, "Tsk tsk tsk..."

Sat May 14
12:01am Jam 24.00, waktunya nonton Animal Cops di #AnimalPlanet
12:03am Aargh, penasarann RT @slykacang: Kevin Smith's #RedState
delivers a hard ass-kicking and most importantly, relevant horror
12:34am "Dubstep is just Transformers having sex".
01:01pm Note to self: Stash some money in my car, just in case.
#DompetKetinggalan oh, some SIM-A and some KTP as well
06:43pm @trialogy @ismanhs your avatar looks like mr. hulk's dream
woman. *lalu menghilang*

Sun May 15


erwin indrawan

11:09am Young lady, no need to announce-.... oh, 'color' with 'C', ohh my
bad. @pevpearce: Color of the day : RED
12:34pm @kompasdotcom: [Gagak Bernyanyi] Unik, Burung Gagak
Bisa Berkicau http://t.co/9A44jXx <-- Big deal.. bs bertukar cincin gak?
01:32pm "What the fuck man?!" -my sore throat on ayam penyet pedes.
01:34pm "Deal with it." -Erwin *nom nom nom*
03:34pm What is this place? It's all white. Am i in heaven? http://t.co/
04:26pm @jawajawir eh.. org axis kok ngomong "mau?" #halah
05:48pm Internet Wisdom: Beli paket data itu kerasa enaknya di hari2
trakhir krn bisa hambur ngabisin sisa quota. #GakMauRugiDotCom
05:51pm Ya ya ya... saya gak pake BB yg datanya unlimited, tp saya
bebas dari junk messages dr BBM. #DirajamBBers
07:52pm Word! @robertronny: #EliteSquad is based on true story
about police squad in Brazil to eradicate violent organized crime.A must
11:05pm Man, that's the second donor darah event i've missed.

Mon May 16
08:57am Keuntungan dr sakit tenggorokan: Suara jd mirip Barry White
waktu bgn tidur.

Tue May 17
12:12pm @anaztasja jgn lupa besok premier Dog Whisperer jam 7 (kl
gak salah) #NatGeo



eindraw's Twournal

09:09pm Audio: "the treatment for that is steroids" | Subtitle:

"pengobatan utk itu adlh dng asteroid" #SubtitleFAIL

Wed May 18
11:35am Dulu short movie script yg mestinya 12 halaman, gw bikinnya
25 halaman. Sekarang, syaratnya 25 halaman, gue bikinnya 12 halaman.
(-_____-" )
11:40am Dipotong stengahnya atau dipanjangin dua kalinya sama2 GAK
menguntungkan dari segi story-telling.
03:40pm Ada typo tuh di teaser Tintin. Mestinya "Directed by Robert
Zemeckis" http://bit.ly/l2WRoV
05:34pm Pdhl "Pelet Cangcut" ajaa. Lbh classy. RT @jokoanwar: RT
@lalatimothy: Film "Pelet Celana Dalam" ga lulus sensor, jadinya "Pelet
05:56pm Hey this Ellie Goulding chick nyanyiin "Your Song" sama
banget kayak Casey Abrams yak?
09:06pm Just in time for DOG WHISPERER. :D #NatGeo
10:25pm DOG WHISPERER yg ditayangin di #NatGeo adalah eps. 1
& 2 dr season 2 (2006), di US hr ini udh sampe season 7 (2011). Cihuy
msh banyak :D
10:52pm @DearVilia yg bagus adalah si Cesar ngejelasin logic dibalik
metode nya. Really spot on.
11:54pm @anaztasja "fist bump" itu kayak "tos!", one person making a
fist and bump other person's fist. Pernah liat kan?

Thu May 19
12:02am Dilanjutkan dengan "Cell Dogs" on #AnimalPlanet 24.00


erwin indrawan

12:12am Hey, this inmate looks like Napoleon Dynamite with a

mullet. :D http://t.co/v6bNVBc
05:34pm Yeaa Haley! Hajarr! #idol
06:01pm Ngantr r r r r r r r r r r r r ri http://t.co/6A9aWZz
10:28pm Gue harap gak ada klien yg beralasan "Kan tanggal 21 Mei
kiamat" pas gue tagih invoice.

Fri May 20
12:17pm So.. I gotta admit, my Adobe After Effects is obsolete. (Ya iya
laahh.. masih pake CS3)
01:24pm Mengatasi 'color shift' dalam mengimpor file ProRes 422 ke
dalam AE http://adobe.ly/bT52Mx #BaruTau *GelengGeleng
01:45pm Today's wisdom http://instagr.am/p/EdXqY/
03:16pm Yang ada isinya? -->RT @terselubung: #terselubung Tipe Bra
yang bikin cowo horny http://bit.ly/mngx6U
09:01pm @n_a_d_i_a Oh ok. Lucuan mana sama Run Fatboy Run?
#halah :) sama2 schwimmer soalnya
11:19pm Hari gini masih mau nyatut duit parkir? Parkir 3 jam ditagihnya
5 jam #tsk #LaCodefin

Sat May 21
12:14am If you like puppies, watch CELL DOGS . Now. #AnimalPlanet
12:07pm Any sentence contains the word "hong ba" is music to my ears.
01:16pm Nomer hoki, tp agak2 bau. http://t.co/K3SqbGS
05:36pm Adegan tasting dg musik latar spt itu terkesan bukannya enak/
engga tp beracun/tidak. #masterChefIndo



eindraw's Twournal

Mon May 23
07:58pm Setiap senin, TV nayangin How I Met Your Mother 4 eps
berturut2. Pas episode ke-4 abis, gw pasti nyari remote DVD krn
kebiasaan ganti disc
08:40pm Pom bensin yg masih jual premium di kawasan perumahan elit
itu udh masuk oksimoron blum ya?
09:17pm @dengkhulx Yaelahh baru nonton tohh. re: sympathy for mr
09:18pm Q: Apa saran yg paling tepat utk sopir metromini yg sedang
jenuh? | A: "You need a brake" #krik
10:27pm Dilihat dr trailernya, gue punya firasat buruk kalo KUNGFU
PANDA 2 (2011) bakal lucu banget. :(
10:31pm Kenapa sptnya bakal lucu? Krn gw tetep cekikikan biarpun udh
liat trailernya berulang kali. #kungfupanda2
10:32pm Did i say "cekikikan"? I mean "tertawa gagah membahana".

Wed May 25
11:45am Maaf ya Jakarta, saya cuci mobil dulu.
12:12pm @ismanhs Jamu Nyonya Pioneer #brandedtraditional
03:39pm Nooo :((((((((((((( --> @Silverchair: SILVERCHAIR NEWS
03:47pm Percaya atau engga, td pagi wkt sikat gigi tiba2 kepengen
dengerin album @Silverchair ,eeh skrg dpt berita mrk bubar. *pundung*
07:17pm Dan langsung #DogWhisperer di Nat Geo jam 21.00!
07:38pm @thebambee @gunz_zo Iya, gue ketua BPK... Barbara Pens
Kleup (-____-" )



erwin indrawan

09:27pm @thebambee @gunz_zo (-_____-" ) Yg bunting kayaknya gue

deh.. heu heu heu
10:49pm Another good episodes of #DogWhisperer ,particularly
JonBee's case (the Korean jindo breed).

Thu May 26
12:04am #eaaa :)) RT @DearVilia: @davidbagong neh cara bikin
lamaran, elu butuh bantuan @eindraw, take a look : http://bit.ly/isHn7x
12:04pm Mengucapkan selamat menunaikan ibadah @BenFolds bagi yg
merayakan ,malam ini. (khususnya @AffiFD )
01:01pm @teeqs @wulie_312 @thebambee *jengkang* ..tessie?
*jengkang lagi*
03:59pm "Ayo gan bikin film.. ane punya ide cemerlang.." is nowhere
near the correct way to sell your idea.
07:42pm Ini orang2 Jkt pd mau ke GI semua ya? Hebat bgt antrian nya
11:42pm Filmnya @Robbyertanto mestinya berjudul "7 Wanita 7 Cerita
1 Tempat" :) tp bagus kok, spt kata Rianti "Good job. I like it!"

Fri May 27
10:29am Jumat? Slow day? Mau membunuh waktu? Check out
http://5secondfilms.com #EhKokJadiIklan
10:44am @tjenie Selamat ulang taun pak tommy, semoga sukses jualan
nasi bakar nya. :)
02:54pm Remember kids, if you say it fast enough, no one can tell the
difference btwn "Pagi Pak" and "Fakyu Pak".



eindraw's Twournal

03:23pm FACT: It's impossible to think about the word "Kimochi"

without picturing a nekkid Japanese chick in your head.
09:34pm @Dennie28 yakin bukannya se-ayam2nya?
11:25pm @teeqs Dimana ada cacing semok begitu? re:mambo

Sat May 28
01:25am She should change her name to 'Amy Waterhouse' while at it
--> @ComplexMag: Amy Winehouse Is In Rehab Again http://t.co/
02:32pm @jawajawir ujung2nya mkv. Re: super 8
03:15pm Kalo mau beruban, setidaknya yg bentuknya glorious kek kayak
Mamik. Ini berceceran di segala tempat. *ngomong d dpn cermin*
03:18pm @dengkhulx kalo roti unyil? re:bogor
03:23pm @uiihh ah, mbak dina bisa aja :P
07:06pm Tinyworld app lagi free hari ini. Lgsg ke TKP. http://bit.ly/

Sun May 29
12:31pm Pengen pergi makan tp ada Sunday Marathon (Machines of
War) di #NatGeo .So I guess am stuck.
02:16pm @AffiFD Ah, your age-old obsession :D re: rufus boxset
05:06pm Yg bikin TVC nya "Teh Botol Less Sugar" pasti suka pake
Diptic App.
06:18pm @irfianta eh? Knp kok oops?



erwin indrawan



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