Wells - Oralana

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1. How soon after the eruption of a permanent

tooth is the apex usually fully developed?
1. Immediately
2. 3 months
3. 2 or 3 years
4. 5 or 6 years
2. Special consideration should be given in
preparing a tooth for operative or endodontic
restoration because two pulp canals are usually
found in the
1. Mesial root of maxillary molars
2. Root system of a mandibular canine
3. Distal root of mandibular first molars
4. Lingual root of maxillar first premolar
3. The primary function of the dental pulp is to
1. Form dentin
2. Provide nutrition
3. Provide sensation
4. Protect the periodontium
5. Assure root end closure
6. Prevent multiple foramina
4. Well-developed pulp horns in anterior teeth
extending into the three labial lobes indicates
that the tooth belongs to a person who has
1. Youth
2. Passed middle age
3. A calcium deficiency
4. Class II malocclusion
5. Class III malocclusion
6. Teeth of the typical tritubercular form
5. Gingival and alveolar mucosa differ in that
attached gingival is
1. Light pink and freely movable, while alveolar
mucosa is red and tightly bound down
2. Red and tightly bound down, while alveolar
mucosa is light pink and freely movable
3. Red and freely movable while the alveolar
mucosa is light pink and firmly bound down
4. Light pink and firmly bound down, while
alveolar mucosa is red and freely movable.
6. Bone surrounding the root of the tooth and
providing attachment for principal fibers of the
periodontal ligament is
1. Alveolar bone proper
2. Bone trabeculae
3. Cancellous bone
4. Supporting bone
5. Compact bone
7. Radiographically the anterior palatine foramen is
roughly a
1. Circular radiolucent area
2. Radiopaque circular area
3. Radiolucent and radiopaque circular area
4. Heart-shaped radiolucent area
5. Radiopaque elliptical area

8. The mandible is the mobile osseous component

of the masticatory system because
a) It affords protection to nerves and vascular
vessels against the tongue
b) It serves as anchorage for the articular,
muscular, and alveolar processes
c) It has its right and left central parts rigidly
united at the symphisis
d) Its alveolar process, as the other processes,
is formed during the development of the
teeth and will disappear if the teeth are lost
e) Its arch is wider in the molar region than the
arch of its alveolar process forming the socalled molar shelf
1. A,b
2. A,b,c,e
3. B,d
4. C,d,e
5. All of the above
9. The alveolar crest and interdental septum can
be altered by
a. Tilting of the tooth
b. Drifting of the tooth
c. Rotation of the tooth
d. Changing the height of the
gingivoenamel junction (eruption of the
1. A,b,c
2. A,b,d
3. A,c,d
4. B
5. B,c,d
6. All of the above
10. Which of the following permanent teeth is
generally the first to erupt?
1. Maxillary central incisor
2. Mandibular first molar
3. Mandibular central incisor
4. Mandibular lateral incisor
11. The first evidence of calcification of the
permanent first molars occurs approximately at
1. Birth
2. 3 years of age
3. 6 years of age
4. None of the above
12. Pulp cavities is primary teeth are generally
a. Proportionately smaller than in
permanent tooth
b. Proportionately largen than in
permanent tooth
c. Correspond in size to that of the
permanent teeth
d. Distinguished by long, pointed pulp
e. Obliterated
1. A,e
2. B,d

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3. C,d
4. B,e
5. A
6. B
7. C
Within a tooth the entire space occupied by
dental pulp is properly referred to as the
1. Pulp cavity
2. Pulp chamber
3. Intradental space
4. Interdental space
5. Pulp canals
6. Interproximal space
Following the intial period of functional activity,
the size of the pulp cavity is constantly reduced.
Appreciable alteration in the size of the pulp
chamber is a direct result of
1. Deposition of primary dentin
2. Deposition of secondary dentin
3. Pulp fibrosis
4. Metaplasia
5. All of the above
When lingual surfaces of the maxillar incisors
are compared, the maxillary lateral incisors
would characteristically have
a. A shallow lingual fossa
b. More pronounced marginal ridges
c. A smooth exaggerated cingulum
d. A more rounded incisal outline
1. A,d
2. B,d
3. B,c
4. A
5. D
Which of the ff statements regarding the occlusal
surface of the mandibular permanent first molar
are correct?
a. The lingual cusps are sharper and more
pointed than the buccal cusps
b. A typical transverse ridge divides the
occlusal surface
c. The cusps and groove pattern is
distinctly different from that of a typical
second molar
d. The mesiolingual cusp is wider
mesiodistally than the mesiobuccal cusp
e. The mesiobuccal cusp tends to be much
larger than the other buccal cusps
1. A,c
2. A,d
3. B,c
4. B,e
5. C,d
6. C,e

17. The mesial marginal ridge of most posterior

teeth is located more occlusally than is the distal







marginal ridge. Which tooth is most likely to be

the exception?
1. Maxillary first premolar
2. Maxillary second molar
3. Mandibular permanent second molar
4. Mandibular first molar
In respect to occlusal morphology, the
mandibular third molar is most similar to be
1. Maxillary permanent first molar
2. Mandibular permanent first molar
3. Mandibular permanent second molar
4. Mandibular deciduous second molar
The mesial outline of the labial aspect of the
mandibular permanent canine, from the contact
area to the apex of the rooth is
1. Convex
2. Concave
3. Irregular
4. Relatively straight
From the occlusal view, the mandibular
permanent first molar has four major cusps. In
increasing size from the small to large, they are
1. DB, DL, ML, MB
2. D, DB, MB, ML
3. DL, MB, ML, DB
4. ML, MB, DB, DL
5. MB, ML, DL, D
In comparison with the mandibular permanent
canine, the maxillary permanent canine in the
same mouth
1. Has a shorter root
2. Is wider mesiodistally
3. Is narrower mesiodistally
4. Has a less pronounced cingulum
Mandibular premolars differ from maxillar
premolar in that the mandibular premolars
a. Are longer and larger in all directions
b. Have crowns much more rounded and
lingual cusps not as strongly developed
c. Have roots much less flattened
d. Have crowns tilted lingually
1. A,b,c
2. A,b,d
3. B,c,d
4. C,d
A maxillary right canine may be distinguished
from a maxillary left canine because
1. The root always curves to the distal in the
apical one-third
2. The distal half of the canine shows more
convexity than the mesial half
3. Labially, the cusp tip is placed distal to a line
which bisects the crown and root
4. Lingually, the cervical line slopes mesially

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24. The posterior teeth most likely to have a

pronounced concavity on its mesial surface is
1. Maxillary first premolar
2. Maxillary second premolar
3. Mandibular first molar
4. Mandibular first premolar
5. Mandibular second premolar
25. The anterior tooth most likely to have a
bifurcated root is the permanent
1. Maxillary canine
2. Mandibular canine
3. Maxillary central incisor
4. Mandibular lateral incisor
5. Mandibular central incisor
26. Viewed from the occlusal aspect which two teeth
may have buccal convergence of the proximal
1. Mandibular second premolar and maxillary
first molar
2. Mandibular first premolar and mandibular
second premolar
3. Maxillary first premolar and mandibular
second premolar
4. Maxillary second premolar and mandibular
first premolar
27. What is the usual relationship of the lingual cusp
tips of the maxillary premolars to the buccal
cusp tips?
1. Buccal to the buccal cusp tip
2. Exactly lingual to the buccal cusp tip
3. Lingual and distal to the buccal cusp tip
4. Lingual and mesial to the buccal cusp tip
28. The mandibular second premolar most closely
resembles the mandibular first premolar?
1. From the buccal aspect
2. From the occlusal aspect
3. In that both have bifurcated roots
4. In that the lingual cusp is of the same size
29. The number and arrangement of cusps,
numbers, and location of roots, the
developmental grooves, and the oblique ridge
are similar in the maxillary deciduous second
molar and the
1. Maxillary second premolar
2. Maxillary permanent first molar
3. Mandibular permanent first molar
4. Maxillary permanent second molar
5. Mandibular permanent second molar
30. In anesthesia of the mandibular arch, local
infiltration is more likely to be effective in the
1. Molar area
2. Incisor area
3. Premolar area
4. All of the above
31. .

32. When restoring coronal structure, the creation of

excessively round buccoproximal line angles
tends to
1. Create defensive fuction with the interdental
2. Decrease defective function in relation to the
interdental papilla
3. Improve the function of the interdental
4. Decrease occlusal loading
33. Which of the ff jaw positions is determined
almost exclusively by tooth contact?
1. Maximum opening
2. Terminal hinge
3. Masticatory cycles
4. Postural position
5. Retruded contacting position
6. Intercuspal position
34. In the ff horizontal pantographic tracing of the
left condyle, locate the movement of the condyle
in extreme left lateral mandibular movement
36. Cervical line contours are closely related to the
attachment of the gingival at the neck of the
tooth. The greatest contours of the cervical lines
and gingival attachments occur on which of the ff
1. Distal surface of anterior teeth
2. Distal surface of posterior teeth
3. Mesial surface of anterior teeth
4. Mesial surface of posterior teeth
37. In the ff drawing of maxillary permanent teeth.
38. Identify the mandibular movement in the
diagram in question 37,
1. Intercuspal position
2. Protruded contacting movement
3. Lateral contacting movement (working side)
4. Lateral contacting movement (nonworking
5. Lateral protrusive contacting movement
39. In the ff drawing, identify cusp, tooth and jaw
movement indicated by arrow
a. ML
b. DL
c. MB
d. DB
e. LI
f. BU
Maxillary tooth
g. 2nd molar
h. 1st molar
i. 2nd premolar
j. 1st premolar
Jaw movement
k. Working side lateral
l. Nonworking side lateral

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m. Protrusive
n. Lateral protrusive
1. E,I,L
2. E,J,L
3. A,H,K
4. E,I,K
5. E,J,K
6. E,I,M
7. E,J,N
8. A,J,N
40. Which of the ff statements are true concerning
the act of swallowing?
a. Several swallows are necessary to
empty the mouth of a large food mass
b. Atypical swallowing or empty mouth
swallowing without tooth contact is
typical of the very young or very cold
c. The act of swallowing is an innate
neuromuscular reflex that is either
present at birth or established shortly
d. Swallowing activity can be
accomplished in spite of tremendous
tissue destruction or loss of much of the
masticatory structures through disease
or injury.
1. A,b,c
2. A,b,d
3. A,c,d
4. B,c,d
41. In the ff horizontal pantographic tracing of left
condyle, locate the movement of the condyle in
terminal hinge position

42. In the ff drawing of maxillary permanent teeth

the arrow represents a possible contacting area
and direction for a mandibular cusp
Identify the mandibular cusp
1. MB cusp of the first molar
2. DL cusp of the first molar
3. Ml cusp of the first molar
4. DB cusp of the first molar
5. Fifth cusp of the first molar
6. MB cusp of the second molar
7. ML cusp of the second molar
8. DB cusp of the second molar
43. Identify the mandibular movement indicated by
the arrow in the drawing below
1. Intercuspal position
2. Protruded contacting movement
3. Lateral contacting movement (working side)
4. Lateral contacting movement (nonworking
5. Lateral protrusive contacting movement

44. Identify the cusp of the maxillary tooth and

mandibular movement in an ideal occlusion
represented by the arrow in the drawing below
Max cusp
a. Buccal cusp of 2nd premolar
b. Li cusp of 2nd premolar
c. Bu cusp of 1st premolar
d. Li cusp of 1st premolar
Mandibular movement
e. Lateral contacting movement (working
f. Lateral contacting movement
(nonworking side)
1. C,G
2. C,F
3. B,G
4. B,F
5. D,G
6. D,F
7. D,E
45. In an ideal occlusion, an exaggerated Bennett
component in lateral jaw movement has its
greatest potential for interference in which of the
ff anatomic entities?
1. Mesiodistal positioning of cusp tips
2. Buccolingual positioning of cusp tips
3. Position of central fossa
4. Depth of central fossa
46. Which of the ff teeth are most often in abnormal
relation and contact with adjacent teeth in the
same arch?
1. Mandibular 1st premolars
2. Maxillary canines
3. Mandibular 2nd molars
4. Maxillary lateral incisors
5. Maxillary 2nd premolars
47. The lingual cusps of the mandibular permanent
first molar are widely separated. In ideal
occlusion which cusps moves between these
cusps in lateral excursion?
1. MB cusp of the max 1st molar
2. ML cusp of the max 2nd molar
3. Lingual cusp of the max 2nd premolar
4. ML cusp of the max 1st molar
5. DL cusp of the max 1st molar
48. Viewed labially, contact areas of anterior teeth
are incisal to the middle third of the tooth. An
exception to this rule is the
1. Mesial contact of the maxillary canine
2. Distal contact of the maxillary canine
3. Mesial contact of the maxillary lateral incisor
4. Mesial contact of the mandibular lateral
5. Distal contact of the mandibular lateral

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49. In the intercuspal position of the lingual cusp of

the maxillary second premolar contacts the
1. Distal fossa of the mandibular second
2. Mesial marginal ridge of the mandibular first
3. Distal marginal ridge of the mandibular
second molar
4. Distal marginal ridge of the mandibular first
50. Architecture of the mandible, tMJ, and teeth
tends to produce functional harmony. This is
best exemplified by combination of
1. Short protrusive-retrusive horizontal
movement of the mandible
2. Long vertical mandibular movement
3. Shearing laterally directed mandibular
4. Long protrusive horizontal mandibular
51. Overjet means
1. Overclosure
2. buck teeth
3. Malocclusion
4. Vertical overlap
5. Horizontal overlap
52. In a class 1 relationship and in centric occlusion
opposing contact may be expected at
1. Buccal slopes of lingual cusps of mandibular
posterior teeth
2. Buccal slopes of lingual cusps of maxillary
posterior teeth
3. Buccal slopes of buccal cusps of maxillary
posterior teeth
4. Lingual slopes of lingual cusps of
mandibular posterior teeth
5. Maxillary lingual slopes of buccal cusps into
mandibular sulci
53. The MB cusp of the maxillary permanent first
molar occludes with the mandibular permanent
first molar in
1. Central occlusal fossa
2. Lingual groove
3. Distobuccal groove
4. Mesiobuccal groove
54. In an ideal intercuspal position, tips of the lingual
cusps of a three-cusped mandibular second
1. Lie in the central groove of the maxillary
second premolar
2. Contact the lingual cusp of the maxillary
second premolar
3. Contact the buccal cusp of the maxillary
second premolar
4. Are free of contact

55. In normal occlusion the buccal cusps of

maxillary teeth occlude
1. With the lingual surface of the mandibular
2. With the buccal surface of the mandibular
3. In the central sulci of the mandibular teeth
4. Cusp tip to cusp tip
56. In the intercuspal position, the incisor third of the
labial surface of the mandibular canine opposes
1. Maxillary lateral incisor and maxillary canine
at the approximation of their marginal ridges
just lingual to the contact area
2. Mesiolingual fossa of the maxillary canine at
the point on the lingual slope of the mesial
marginal ridge near the junction of the
cervical and middle thirds
3. Incisal embrasure between maxillary canine
and lateral incisor
4. None of the above
57. In a permanent dentition which exhibits severe
crowding and overlapping of mandibular incisors
and in which the mandibular canines articulate
between the maxillary lateral incisors and
maxillary canines, the condition is referred to as
1. Class I occlusion
2. Class I malocclusion
3. Class II occlusion
4. Class II malocclusion
5. Class III occlusion
6. Class III malocclusion
58. The mesial contact area of a maxillary lateral
incisor is usually located
1. In the incisal third of the crown
2. At the junction of the middle and incisal
thirds of the crown
3. At the junction of the middle and cervical
thirds of the crown
4. At the middle of the middle third
59. When the permanent maxillary arch is viewed
occlusally, generally the
1. Distobuccal angle of the first molar is acute
2. Second molar is wider mesiodistally than the
first molar
3. Second premolar is wider buccolingually
than the first molar
4. Lingual embrasures are wider than the
buccal embrasures
60. Teeth require adjacent and opposing contacts of
1. Negative but active nature
2. Positive and active nature
3. Negative and passive nature
4. Positive but passive nature

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5. None of the above, the words are mutually

6. All of the above. Contact is the important
feature, not whether it is positive or negative
61. In an ideal intercuspal position the DL cusp of
the maxillary first molar occludes in the
1. Mesial fossa of the mandibular second
2. Central fossa of the mandibular first molar
3. Mesial fossa of the mandibular first molar
4. Embrasure between mandibular first and
second molars
62. Incisal wear of anterior teeth increases the ratio
of lingual surface of crown length to labial
surface crown length in
1. Maxillary canines only
2. Mandibular canines only
3. All maxillary anterior teeth
4. All mandibular anterior teeth
63. In an ideal intercuspal position to the DB cusp of
a maxillary second molar
1. Occludes in the distal fossa of the
mandibular second molar
2. Occludes in the central fossa of the
mandibular second molar
3. Lies in the sulcus of the buccal groove of the
mandibular second molar
4. Lies in the buccal embrasures between the
mandibular second and third molars
5. Contacts the distal marginal ridge of the
mandibular second molar
64. In the intercuspal position, the lingual cusp of
the mandibular first premolar usually occludes
1. In the lingual embrasure between the
maxillary canine and the first premolar
2. In the lingual embrasure between the
maxillary premolars
3. With the mesial marginal ridge of the
maxillary second premolar and the distal
marginal ridge of the first premolar





4. With the lingual surface of the maxillary first

5. With no maxillary tooth
In an ideal intercuspal position the distal cusp of
a mandibular first molar
1. Is free of contact
2. Lies in the mesial fossa of the maxillary first
3. Lies in the central fossa of the maxillary first
4. Relates to the distal fossa of the maxillary
first molar
5. Lies in the buccal embrasure between the
maxillary first and second molars
The normal relation of the maxillary permanent
first molar to the mandibular arch, in the
intercuspal position, is established when
1. It occludes with the mandibular second
premolar and mandibular first molar
2. Its distal surface is in the same plane as the
distal surface of the mandibular first molar
3. Its distobuccal cusp falls in the mesiobuccal
groove of the mandibular first molar
4. The mesiolingual cusp falls in the central
fossa of the mandibular first molar
In ideal occlusion, buccal cusps of maxillary
teeth occludes with
1. Grooves and embrasures
2. Grooves only
3. A marginal ridge and embrasures
4. Marginal ridges only
The lingual surface of the mandibular second
premolar differs from the lingual surface of the
mandibular premolar in that its
1. Surface is narrower mesiodistally
2. Surface has no more than one cusp
3. Lingual cusp is proportionately lower and
has less development
4. Surface is proportionately much wider and
mesiodistally and the mesiolingual cusp is

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