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The Tagalog Pantheon

Below, I have listed the major Pantheon gods and goddesses. This may or
may not include the Diwata, who were believed to have been gods in ancient
times. Now, the term diwata refers to mythical creatures akin to fairies and
nymphs (and in some cases, demons), but well get to that in a later lesson.

Bathala, or Bathalang Maykapal (or any
other spelling variations), is the head honcho
of the gods in the Tagalog myths. There are
definitely counterparts in the other dialects,
and you might recognize him as
Captan/Kaptan from the Visayan creation
myth. Bathala reigns supreme in the
heavens, though his beginnings were not
necessarily so set.
In his story, Bathala was more known to
have ruled over the barren Earth, while two
other gods (brothers, perhaps)Ulilang Kaluluwa (a snake living in the
clouds) and Galang Kaluluwa (the winged wanderer)ruled the skies. None
of the three knew each other, and when Ulilang met with Bathala, tempers
ran high. In a violent duel, Bathala emerged as the victor, and Ulilang was
killed, giving Bathala control of the heavens. Galang, the more good-natured
of the sky rulers, became Bathalas best friend, and after the sky wanderers
illnessleading to an ultimate deathBathala ruled supreme. The god is
known to have married a mortal woman, and from her sprang three of his
powerful offspring: Apolaki (God of War and Guardian of the Sun), Mayari
(Goddess of the Moon), and Tala (Goddess of the Stars).
Apolaki and Mayari
Im putting these two together for a reason. Apolaki is also known as Adlaw
(remember Liadlaw?), and he holds dominion over the sun. His sister, Mayari
(whose Visayan equivalent is Bulan), rules over the moon, and is known to be
the most beautiful goddess in Bathalas kingdom.
According to one myth (generally believed to be Pampangan), when Bathala
passed away, he did not designate the Earth to any of his children. Apolaki

and Mayari both fought over the Earths dominion; the sun god wanted to be
the sole ruler, but the goddess of the moon wanted an equal share. This
resulted in a ferocious battle, Apolaki taking out one of his sisters eyes.
Regretting his actions, he conceded and ruled the earth with Mayari, only
they would rule at different times. In the day, it was Apolakis moment, and
at night, Mayari shone in the sky (though her luminescence is dimmer, due
to the loss of one eye).
Not much is said about Tala as the daughter of Bathala, only that she ruled
the stars (and is usually referred to as the evening and morning star).
There are, however, varied accounts of her origination. One myth tells us
that she is not the daughter of Bathala, but in fact the child of moon goddess
Buan (probably a variation of Bulan). It is said that Tala warns her mother
of sun god Araos (Adlaw) rampage, and only when the sun is gone is it safe
for Buan to bring forth the stars in the sky.
The bird of legend is said to be the first creature inhabiting the universe, and
has been linked to the saving of Earths first humans: Malakas (strong) and
Maganda (beautiful). While this name is particularly not used in the
Tagalog creation myth about the bird who stirred up the waters and the
heavens, I believe there may be a correlation.

The Marias
Maria Cacao, Maria Makiling, and Maria Sinukuan are mountain goddesses (or
fairies) with their own separate jurisdictions. The most famous of the three,
Maria Makiling, is the guardian of Mount Makiling, located in Laguna. The
mountain is said to resemble the profile of a woman, perhaps of Maria

herself. Maria Cacao watches over Mount Lantoy in Cebu, and it is said that
her domain houses the Cacao plants, a useful ingredient in most Filipino
chocolate delicacies. Lastly, Maria Sinukuan holds dominion over Mount
Arayat in Pampanga. There, she is said to bring forth bountiful harvests from
the mountains fruit trees.
Moon eater Bakunawa is most akin to that of a gigantic sea serpent or
dragon, and is said to be the god of the underworld. Bakunawa is apparently
a major cause of the eclipse, for he swallows the moon at that time.
According to some accounts, Bathala and Bakunawa are mortal enemies. In
ancient times, it was believed that Bathala created seven moons to light up
the night sky. Enchanted by the beauty of the seven moons, Bakunawa leapt
from the sea and swallowed the moons, angering the king of the gods. To
keep the giant serpent from swallowing the moons whole, people in the
ancient villages would bang their pots and pans noisily outside their homes,
in hopes of scaring Bakunawa into spitting the moons back out.

Ancient Tagalog Deities in

Philippine Mythology

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The stories of ancient Philippine mythology include deities, creation stories,
mythical creatures, and beliefs. Ancient Philippine mythology varies among the
many indigenous tribes of the Philippines. Some groups during the pre-Spanish
conquest era believed in a single Supreme Being who created the world and
everything in it, while others chose to worship a multitude of tree and forest
deities (diwatas). Diwatas came from the Sanskrit worddevata which means
deity, one of the several significant Hindu influences in the Pre-Hispanic
religion of the ancient Filipinos. Below are some of the gods and goddesses
among the Tagalogs of the ancient Philippines:
The Tagalog people are a major ethnic group in the Philippines. They form a
majority in Manila, Marinduque and southern Luzon, and a plurality in Central
Luzon and the islands of Mindoro, Palawan, and Romblon.

Good Tagalog Deities in Ancient Philippine Mythology

The first part as shown below were the residents of Kaluwalhatian (the Ancient
Tagalog Skyworld). The list is divided into generations based on common beliefs
about the offspring of the gods.

Bathala The supreme god of being; creator of man and earth and addressed
sometimes as Bathalang Maykapal. He dwells in Kaluwalhatian together with the
lesser gods and goddesses. Aside from the lesser gods and goddesses, he sent
his anitos in order to assist the daily lives of every human. When most of the
natives were converted to Christianity during the Spanish Era, he was referred to
the Christian God. [Click here to learn more about Bathala]
Amanikable Originally this god was worshipped as the god of Hunters. In
more modern stories he has become associated as the ill-tempered god of the
sea, replacing Aman Sinaya among of the first generation gods (aside from
Bathala), he was never married after his love was spurned by a beautiful mortal
maiden, Maganda. In frustration, he swore vengeance against the humans by
sending turbulent waves and horrible tempests in order to wreck boats and to
drown men.
Idiyanale The goddess of labor and good deeds. Natives used to call for her
guidance in order to make their works successful. She married Dimangan and
had two offspring.
Dimangan The god of good harvest. He was married to Idiyanale and had two
Lakapati The goddess of fertility and the most understanding and kind of all
the deities. Also known as Ikapati, she was the giver of food and prosperity. Her
best gift to mankind was agriculture (cultivated fields). Through this, she was
respected and loved by the people. Later, she was married to Mapulon and had
a daughter.
Mapulon The god of seasons and husband of Lakapati of whom they had a
Pantheon of Ancient Tagalog Gods
Mayari The goddess of the moon and one of the three daughters of Bathala
by a mortal woman. She was the most charming of all the goddesses. She had
two sisters, Tala and Hanan.
Tala The goddess of the stars; sister of Mayari and Hanan and one of the
three daughters of Bathala by a mortal woman.
Hanan The goddess of morning; sister of Mayari and Tala and one of the three
daughters of Bathala by a mortal woman.
Dumakulem The strong, agile guardian of mountains and the son of Idiyanale
and Dimangan. His sister was Anitun Tabu. He later married Anagolay.
Anitun Tabu The fickle-minded goddess of wind and rain. She was the
daughter of Idiyanale and Dimangan and the sister of Dumakulem.
Anagolay The goddess of lost things and the only offspring of Lakapati and
Mapulon. She was married to Dumakulem.

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