Technology Auto Wala

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Once I reached Hijli station by train at 2:00 a.m. and I had no other option than to book an auto
which charged me Rs 200 for just 1 Km from Puri gate. I got offended with this unfair amount of
fare asked by the auto wala and realized how these people are making abnormal profits because
of helplessness of the students. This is a very common problem faced by every IIT KGP student,
who has to agree to any amount asked by the auto walas at unavoidable situations. So here I am
with a plan to resolve this issue.
1. What is the problem thats being addressed by your Idea?
Its a matter of concern that every time we have to catch a train from Kharagpur or Hijli station,
we have to pay Rs 110-150 to hire an auto or a cab. The fare charged by a booked auto or cab is
10 times more than that charged by a shared auto outside Puri Gate, for which one has to wait for
long as the auto wala denies moving without getting its vehicle fully occupied. There is a whole
lot of students in this campus who go to their home-towns on weekends, so this problem arises
every time they have to pay Rs 110-150 for just 5 kms distance (IIT Kharagpur to Kharagpur
station) for catching majorly local trains whose fare is approx. Rs 30 (Kharagpur to Kolkata),
additionally the fare varies on the basis of different residential halls. If a student has to reach
station or come back to campus at night, then the auto fare makes a hole in the pocket, which is
approx. Rs 200. Auto walas and some private booking websites are making illegal profits from
this as the distance as well cost of travelling for them are very less. So, we gave a thought over
this issue and came up with a proposal.
2. a) What exactly our Idea is?
In the existing system, both students and auto walas suffer as students have to spend more money
and auto walas have to wait the whole day outside Puri Gate for passengers. As per our plan,
firstly the concerned authority of IIT Kgp will have to join hands with Auto association and find
out how many registered autos are there travelling on this route (Kgp Station to IIT campus).
Secondly, information has to be collected regarding the timings of local trains and most popular
trains from railway website and booking counter which is inside the campus. Then a webpage
has to be developed on which a student can see the status of seat availability and can book the
desirable seats online. For security purpose, they will get verified by security code verification
through institute email ID and they have to make payment after reaching destination. Moreover,
students pay more fare which the auto walas decide on the basis of distance of halls, as it is not
very safe to park cycles near SBI due to threat of theft. Initially, the plan can be implemented for
just one month on trial basis for finding the pros and cons of this venture, later it can be
implemented accordingly for destinations such as; Hijli, Big Bazar, Gol Bazar etc. The auto
facilities can be provided to halls before Semester or Puja holidays as the students would be
carrying heavy luggage with them.

b) Which section of students will be benefited and how?

i) The whole student community will get benefited and travelling would be more secured as a
proper record about the autos would be maintained.
ii) Economical and even auto fares
c) How would we implement it?
a) Agreement with Auto association and finding out the registered number of autos
b) Developing a new online booking web-service named Technology Auto wala
c) Maintenance of Bicycle stand near SBI by IIT authority
d) Dissemination of information about this new initiative

3. Feasibility, Limitations and Constraints in implementing the Idea

Feasibility: This plan is feasible as only few modifications are required in the existing
unorganized system of transportation.
i) Auto association may not agree on the term and conditions of Technology Auto Wala plan,
especially on the maintenance of bicycle stand.
ii) It will be difficult for students carrying heavy luggage, to reach Puri Gate
i) Initially it will surely be problematic for auto walas to accept this technical process
ii) Limited space for bicycle stand
4. Rough estimate of budget and resources required
a) Budget:
Website design

Rs. 50,000

System administrator

Rs. 10,000/per month

Computer system

Rs. 50,000

Mobile Bills

Rs. 500/per month

b) Resources required:
One system administrator
Guards for bicycle stand

5. Flow chart for booking process

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