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1. Write a program in C++ to calculate age of a student.

Your program should

assign the current year to a variable and obtain an input of year of birth from the
2. You are required to help the salesman to determine the commission and total
salary that will be received. The commission is 45% from the total sales and total
salary is total sales plus commission. Write a complete program.
3. Write a program to determine the total payment that should be made if the
customer buys t-shirts with certain quantity and the price of each t-shirt is
4. Write a program to determine the total marks for coursework if the student
requires taking 2 test and 2 assignments which each assessment contributes
20% and 30% respectively. The score for every assessment is 100 before
5. You watch a movie at cinema with several numbers of people. Given the ticket
price is RM25 person. Coincidently, the cinema is offering discount 5% for each
person/ticket. Write a program to determine total price of ticket (after discount) if
x number of people watch the movie.
6. The charges for adult and teenager to play the game are RM 23 and RM 14
respectively. You are required to write a program to determine the total payment
if the customer pay x tickets for adult and y tickets teenager.
7. The charges for sms and calls are RM0.03/sms and RM 0.12/minute
respectively. Write a program to determine the total charges if the total sms is x
and calls is y minutes.
8. Write a flow chart to calculate and display an average of three numbers using
sequential design, determine whether the average is higher than 50 or not.
9. Write a flow chart to calculate an average score of 20 students.
10. Write a flow chart to calculate an average of a series positive numbers. The
process will stop if number entered has a negative value.
11. The cost to send a telegram to UK is RM15.50 for the first 15 letters and RM0.50
for the subsequent letters. Draw a flowchart to calculate the cost of sending the

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