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The legend of Prince Tedi

Once, there was a prince named Indra permana. He was very handsome,
six pack body and smart boy. One day, the king of the kingdom who Indra
permanas father wanted to retired. So the king suggested his first son to
became the next king, Prince Indra permana himself. So the prince held a contest
to looked for the next princess, but there was no girl came to the palace.
Because prince Indra had a bad attitude, he was very arrogant, stingy and
grumpy, so there was no girl wanted to be his wife. How poor prince
The king gave 14 days for his son, if the prince couldnt find a princess,
the crown of the king would be belongs to Prince Tedi, as a second son of the
king. So, prince Indra ordered his young brother Tedi Aurora to looked for a girl to
became prince Indras princess. He suggested Tedi to looked for it on a far away
village, then the king agreed and Tedi as a loyal brother approved that.
Next early morning, Prince Tedi and his warrior begun his adventure. He
would went to the another island, acrossed the sea and fight with the beast. But,
in the jungle, they were lost. He and his warrior couldnt find a way out, they
trapped on a nightmare. 4 days had gone away, 10 days to the limit, but he still
couldnt find way out. But princes Tedi hadnt given up, after one night, he was
under attack. The enemy came directly from the darkness, the pince was
confuse, they came from everywhere. One by one Tedis warrior were dead, then
he tried to escape on that invasion. He ordered his warrior to runned away, but it
was useless. tedi was under attack, luckly, he found a river. So he jumped and let
the flow bring his body. He was resignation.
He was on dreaming while the river were bringing his body, he was
dreaming about his brother, his father, his palace and his girlfriend. He was
dreaming about his mother too, suddenly, there was a sound called him. He tried
to looked for it, but it was so darkness, he saw nothing. He tried to kept walking,
he saw a flash of light between a darkness. Someone called him, finally he could
opened his eyes and he saw a woman. That woman woke him up
where am I? And who are you? Damn, my head is so heavy said Tedi
you are in Lavia, I am Nadya sir. Come with me, Ill give you some help at
my home Nadya replied
Then prince Tedi followed Nadya to came her home, with a terrible looked
like cause of terrible nigthmare. he didnt found his warriors around him, he was
so dizzy to thinking about that. After walking for 5 minutes, he was in the village,
beautiful village. The citizen was looking the prince weirdly, then he arrived at
Nadyas home.
just sleep for a while, I want to take some medicine said Nadya
please accompany me to your leader, I want to talk to him Tedi replied

but look your condition, you are in half past dead. Just take a rest first
said Nadya
just take me there, Im okey now. Dont worry about that, my condition is
not what you are thinking
allright stubborn boy Nadya replied
After talked with the leader of the village, Tedi knew that he was in 2000
km from his palace. so there was nobody knew that he was a Prince, son of the
king. He wanted to went home, but he was confuse wanted went home by what.
There were no horse, a ship or any transportation. The citizen only use a dog to
help their activity, most of the citizen work as a farmer, herdsman, merchant.
With this condition, he was thinking that impossible to went home in a limit days.
So he started to made a ship, from wood and anything else. Cause he wanted to
went home by passed the sea, he was afraid if he went home with the same
route. There would be another attacker, so he started made a ship on the next
early morning.

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