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c  cc
^c Diligence Collaborative Learning Teams will be introduced on Tuesday.
^c e a great contributor to your new team by having your WebQuest completed by
tomorrows class time.
^c During tomorrows class we willintroduce the Autobiography book that we will all
be reading in preparing to write your own autobiography.

^c During tomorrows class we will introduce the countries of Latin America and the
Learning Task

cccc cc c
CA Content Standards: National Health Education Standards: 1.12.8, 2.12.1, 2.12.3, 2.12.4,
2.12.9, 2.12.10, 3.12.3, 3.12.4, 4.12.2, 5.12.1, 5.12.2, 5.12.4, 5.12.6, and 6.12.1

!"-"!click onto the following link to answer the questions below

^c What is the legal age for drinking alcohol in the United States? 21
^c Why is it important to know and understand the affects of alcohol on your body?
ecause if you dont know you can cause serious problems.
XWhat doesc  mean? Is a process that uses yeast or bacteria to change the sugars
in the food into alcohol.
^c What are some of the different forms of alcohol? The different forms are cleaner,
antiseptic or sedative.
^c Where is alcohol absorbed once ingested? Alcohol is absorbed into the bloodstream.
^c What parts of the human body is affected most? The most affected system is the
central nervous system.
^c What is meant by Alcohol is a depressant? It alters a persons perception,
emotion, movement, vision, and hearing. It blocks messages to brain.
^c #
chappens when alcohol is consumed in large amounts. What are some
of the affects of #
? The affects of this is that you stagger, lose
coordination, and slur your speech.
^c Compare the Image of a 15 year old brain to the right of the pagewhy is the brain
less active when alcohol is consumed? ecause it reduces the amount of activity in

Dr. J. Smith, Facilitator ITU: DILIGENCE iGenda 1
Ms. J. Markley, Facilitator A Child Called It by Dave Pelzer
Mr. M. Pryor, Facilitator c cccccccc cc 
c  cc
Monday Facilitator World Geography: Latin America
^c What happens to the body when
c occurs? Violent vomiting,
sleppiness, unconsciousness, difficult breathing, seizures, dangerously low blood
sugar, and even death occur.
^c There are a number of reasons why teens drink. What do you think is the number
one reason? Peer pressure.
^c When reading about some of the downsides to drinking when you are underage,
what did the University of Washington find out? If you drink alcohol then you will
become fat.
^c What is your perspective on how you can avoid drinking? You can avoid friends that
^c What quality does it take to not become a problem drinker? You should have a high
^c Write a paragraph on this critical thinking questionIf you know of someone who
you believe has a problem with drinking, what would you do or say to them?
If I had a friend with drinking I would first ask him why he does it. I would then ask him to
stop. If he doesnt agree then I would convince him to go to a class therapy session. I would
go with him to meetings and help him stop. If this didnt work I would take him to a place
were they would tell us the effects of drug use, and see If he would be willing to stop.

Click onto  c $ in the section titled %"& c"'c- c"

^c Why was Chet concerned about his friend Dave? ecause alcohol changed him into
a person that didnt get good grades and quit his soccer team.
^c In what ways has the term  c $ changed over time? Why? The term has
changed from long term to short term. ecause of the rise of people how drink.
^c What do you think is the main reason teens  c $(cecause companies
make it look fun so when students get under peer pressure they drink it.
^c What are some of the more serious and longer-lasting risks ofc c $ (c
Alcohol poisoning, hung-over, or throwing up.
^c What is the most life-threatening consequence ofc c $ (cDeath
^c What is meant byc
 c) (cWhen you are drunk and you judge things
^c What are some of the issues associated with thec 
one why binge drinks? You can gain weight, stay awake, moody, will affect your
^c How do  c $  affect non-drinkers? They can cause stress and pain to the
others around them.
^c What is the best approach to take if you know of someone who is a  c $ ?
You can talk a person you trust.

Click onto  cc c c

 in the section titled %"& c"'c- c
^c What is the definition of alcoholic? (Click onto the word
) A person who
is physically and mentally addicted to alcohol.

Dr. J. Smith, Facilitator ITU: DILIGENCE iGenda 1
Ms. J. Markley, Facilitator A Child Called It by Dave Pelzer
Mr. M. Pryor, Facilitator c cccccccc cc 
c  cc
Monday Facilitator World Geography: Latin America
^c What is the difference between a problem drinker and a social drinker? A problem
drinker cant stop and is addicted, and social drinker does it under peer pressure and
can stop.
^c How can a person identify the disease of alcoholism? ecause the person will drink
heavily and become worse over time.
^c How does alcoholism change the function of a family unit? ecause the child fells
angry, hurt, sad, or any other emotions.
^c What can be done to help a parent see the realities of their alcoholism? That they
dont have connection to their family and someone can tell them.
^c The next section on  c cc*c c
cwill be beneficial when connecting to
our literature autobiography selection to read during this unitc cc 
$ccc  cc  c c 
c You might be subjected to a parents changing moods
c It may be hard to do things with friends or other people
c You might be stressed or worried
^c List the areas that a person can do if they have an alcoholic parent You can
acknowledge the problem, be informed, be aware, find support, learn healthy
strategies, or stop the cycle.
^c When a person is an alcoholic they want to keep it a secret. Why do you think this is
normally the case when dealing with alcoholism? ecause when they drink they
become shy of what they have become and dont want to stop.

Click onto the following link

^c ead the article called ED MCCOMS: A ILLIONAIES DINKING

POLEM to answer the following questions
c Why do you think that Charline didnt suspect her husbands alcohol
problem? ecause she knew him so well and didnt want to believe that he
could do that.
c What caused ed to be hospitalized? ecause he had hepatitis and collapsed
into a seizure.
c What caused ed to stop drinking? ecause he had a wake up call that he
almost died.
c What three things does ed attribute to his alcohol recovery? ecause of
good medical technology, and higher power, and a motivated passionate.
c ed said that it is plain as to why his life was sparedwhat is that? ecause
God had other plans for ed do accomplish.

Dr. J. Smith, Facilitator ITU: DILIGENCE iGenda 1
Ms. J. Markley, Facilitator A Child Called It by Dave Pelzer
Mr. M. Pryor, Facilitator c cccccccc cc 
c  cc
Monday Facilitator World Geography: Latin America

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