Unit 3 Business Environment

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Learning Hours: 60 Hours. Course: HND Business – Level 4 CREDIT VALUE: 15 CREDITS Term: 1
Self-learning hours: 90 hours. TQT: 150
Unit Leader: Sunita Kotta Lecturer: External Verifier: Mr Melvin Hopkins
ASSIGNMENT TITLE: ALDI FROM AN HR PERSPECTIVE or an organisation of your choice.
Learners Name Term: 1 Cohort: SEPT2016 Intake:
Hand out Date: Week Commencing 04/10/2016 Submission Date: 23/12/2016
Final Submission where turnitin will be blocked: 19/05/2017
In this assessment, you will use the scenario of Aldi and have opportunities to provide evidence against the assessment
Indicate Outcome
Learning the page numbers where the evidenceAssessment
can be found.
In this assessment you will have the Task Evidence Page
Criteria opportunity to present evidence that shows Number number
you are able to:
LO 1: Explain the purpose and scope of P1 Explain the purpose and the functions of
Human Resource Management in terms HRM, applicable to workforce planning and
resourcing an organisation.
of resourcing an organisation with talent
and skills appropriate to fulfil business P2 Explain the strengths and weaknesses of
objectives. different approaches to recruitment and
LO2: Evaluate the effectiveness of the P3 Explain the benefits of different HRM
key elements of Human Resource practices within an organisation for both the
employer and employee.
Management in an organisation.
P4 Evaluate the effectiveness of different HRM
practices in terms of raising organisational
profit and productivity
LO3: Analyse internal and external P5 Analyse the importance of employee relations
factors that affect Human Resource in respect to influencing HRM decision-
Management decision-making,
P6 Identify the key elements of employment
including employment legislation legislation and the impact it has upon HRM
LO 4: Apply Human Resource P7 Illustrate the application of HRM practices in
Management practices in a work-related a work-related context, using specific
Please see that you include the Turn-it-in Report attached: Yes If no Reason: % of the turn it in report.
report. This work will not be accepted without No
the Turn it in report.
Learners Declaration: I certify that the work submitted for this unit is my own and the research sources are fully acknowledged.
Learners Signature: Date:
Any  act  of  plagiarism  will  be  seriously  dealt  with  according  to  the  colleges  and  awarding  bodies’  regulations.  In  this  context the definition
and scope of plagiarism are presented below:
Plagiarism  is  presenting  someone’s  work  as  your  won.  It  includes  copying  information  directly  from  the  web  or  books  without  referencing
the material; submitting joint coursework as an individual effort; copying another student’s  coursework;  stealing  coursework  form  another  
student and submitting it as your own work. Suspected plagiarism will be investigated and if found to have occurred will be dealt with
according to the college procedure. (For further details please refer to the plagiarism policy and the student code of conduct.)
Due Dates
Issue Date 03/10/2016 Submission Date 23/12/2016
Formative Feedback for LO1 Week commencing from the 12/12/2016 Deadline for submission. No 19/05/2017
Formative feedback for LO2 Week commencing from the 12/12/2016 more submissions allowed
Formative feedback for LO3 Week commencing from the 19/12/2016 after this date unless
Formative feedback for LO4 Week commencing from the 19/12/2016 mitigating.
Assignment Guidelines:
 Use a standard report structure, Word-process the report and use Normal script of a proper font size 12.
 Produce an academic report, detailing the above issues with an approx. word limit of 3,500, with +/- 10% margin.
 Complete the title page and sign the statement of authenticity. The Assignment front sheet should be attached in the front.
 It should be uploaded on to Turnitin on the submission date
 Assignments submitted after the deadline will not be accepted unless mitigating. Assignments submitted after the submission date may not be
eligible for support towards feedbacks, if not submitted in time.
 Resubmission is capped to a pass. Learners are allowed to resubmit only once and if fails to pass at the time of resubmission, would be advised to
retake the unit.
 Collusion and Plagiarism must be avoided.
 Start each answer on a new page and pages should be numbered. Highlight each question clearly.
 Include a Bibliography at the end of the assignment and use the Harvard referencing system.
 All work should be comprehensively referenced and all sources must be fully acknowledged, such as books and journals, websites (include the
date of visit), etc.
 Try to give the page numbers, publishers' details and the year of publication
 In order to pass you need to address all the LO
 In order to get a merit you need to address the characteristics of pass and address all  the  M’s
 In order to get a Distinction you need to address the characteristics of pass, merit and address D’s.
Use a common format for the questions, for example:
 Introduction (analyse the question.)
 Underpinning Knowledge (write about the relevant theory/points)
 Applied knowledge(Data Analysis)
 Conclusions and Recommendations (summarizing the whole scenario keeping in view pass, merit, distinction criteria.)
Unit Number and title Unit 3 HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT
Qualification BTEC HND Business (Level 4)
Start Date 19/09/2016
Deadline/ Hand-in 23/12/2016
The main purpose of this assignment is to:
Enable the students to enable students to appreciate and apply principles of effective Human Resource
Management. People are the lifeblood of any organisation and being able to attract, recruit and retain talented
staff is the core of all HRM activity.
Important instructions to students towards submission format:
The submission is in the form of an individual written report. This should be written in a concise, formal style
using single spacing and font size 12. You are required to make use of headings, paragraphs and subsections
as appropriate, and all work must be supported with research and referenced using the Harvard referencing
system. Please also provide a bibliography using the Harvard referencing system. The recommended word
limit is 3,000–3,500 words, although you will not be penalised for exceeding the total word limit. While
attempting  the  questions  you  need  to  address  all  the  LO  and  assessment  criteria’s  as  specified  towards  pass  
merit  and  distinction.    You  will  have  to  pass  all  the  P’s    to  achieve  an  overall  pass,  address  all  the  M’s  to  
achieve  an  overall  merit  besides  addressing  all  the  P’s  and  address  all  the  D’s  to  achieve  an  overall  merit  
besides  addressing  all  the  P’s  and  M’s.  You  will  be  given  only  one  chance  towards  resubmission  and  this  is  
capped  to  pass  only.  If  you  fail  to  address  the  P’s  as  specified  while  Resubmission,  you  will  be  asked  to  repeat  
the unit.
Unit Learning Outcomes:
LO1 Explain the purpose and scope of Human Resource Management in terms of resourcing an organisation with talent and
skills appropriate to fulfil business functions.
LO2 Evaluate the effectiveness of the key elements of Human Resource Management in an organisation.
LO3 Analyse internal and external factors that affect Human Resource Management decision-making, including employment
LO4 Apply Human Resource Management practices in a work-related context.
Choosing an organisation of your choice or for the scenario as Aldi which is  one  of  the  world’s  leading  grocery  
retailers with more than 7,000 stores across 70 countries. The company originates from Germany, where it was
founded in 1913 as one of the first retailers to offer self-service. Aldi has operated in the UK since 1990, and
now has over 500 stores employing in  excess  of  20,000  people.  Aldi  is  one  of  the  world’s  largest privately
owned companies and its stakeholders include suppliers, customers, employees and the communities in which
it operates.
As a newly appointed Human Resource Manager towards staff management for the new branch, planning
to be opened at Wembley central and responsible for Aldi or an organisation of your choice, please address
the  LO  and  assessment  criteria’s  as  specified  below. [ Students should be encouraged to use their own
place of work, if appropriate], you have been asked with leading on the restructuring the concept of the
department as part of organisational change.
TASK 1 to 4 Addressing LO1, LO2 ,LO3 and LO4 :
The Human Resources (HR) department will be restructured based on the findings of a review report,
which you have been asked to complete. You are to review the effectiveness of the HR function within the
chosen organisation or Aldi, researching the role and scope of HR and reviewing and assessing the main
HR functions within the organisation. This has to be submitted as specified below addressing all the LO
and AC.
The assessment report should cover the following in general, but answer the P questions as specified
below against each LO for the relevant tasks and adhere to the merit and distinctions questions towards
achieving a merit or distinction:
1. An overview of the organisation.
2. An explanation on the purpose of the HR function and the key roles and responsibilities of the HR function.
3. An assessment of the approach to workforce planning, recruitment and selection, development and training, performance
management and reward systems.
4. The approach to and effectiveness of employee relations and employee engagement, and comment on the adoption of flexible
organisation  and  flexible  working  practice  and  ‘employer  of choice
5. Key areas of employment legislation within which the organisation must work.
6. Apply HRM practices for the above chosen scenario
Task 1: You are required to carry out a research by using supportive materials like books, Journals, websites, etc., and write
a report of the findings on LO 1. The answers need to be reflected to the Scenario Aldi or an organisation chosen of your
choice for the Purpose.
LO1: Explain the purpose and scope of HRM in terms of resourcing Aldi or an organisation chosen of your choice with talent and
skills appropriate to fulfil business objectives:
P1 Explain the purpose and the functions of HRM, applicable to workforce planning and resourcing the chosen organisation of
your choice or Aldi.
P2 Explain the strengths and weakness of different approaches to recruitment and selection for the chosen organisation or Aldi.
Note: To address the merit and distinction please refer to the assessment guidelines as specified below.
Task 2: You are required to carry out a research by using supportive materials like books, Journals, websites, etc., and write
a report of the findings on LO 2. The answers need to be reflected to the Scenario Aldi or an organisation chosen of your
choice for the Purpose.
LO 2: Evaluate the effectiveness of the key elements of HRM for Aldi or the organisation chose of your choice :
P3 Explain the benefits of different HRM practices within Aldi or the organisation chosen of your choice for both the employer ad
P4  Evaluate  the  effectiveness  of  different  HRM  practices  in  terms  of  raising  Aldi’s  or  the  chosen  organisations    profit  and  
Note: To address the merit and distinction please refer to the assessment guidelines as specified below.
Task 3: You are required to carry out a research by using supportive materials like books, Journals, websites, etc., and write
a report of the findings on LO 3. The answers need to be reflected to the Scenario Aldi or an organisation chosen of your
choice for the Purpose.
LO3: Analyse internal and external factors that affect HRM decision-making at Aldi or the chosen organisation of your choice,
including employment Legislation :
P5 Analyse the importance of employee relations in respect to influencing HRM decision making for the chosen organisation or
P6 Identify the key elements of employment legislation and the impact it has upon HRM decision making for the chosen
organisation or Aldi.
Note: To address the merit and distinction please refer to the assessment guidelines as specified below.
Task 4: You are required to carry out a research by using supportive materials like books, Journals, websites, etc., and write
a report of the findings on LO 4. The answers need to be reflected to the Scenario Aldi or an organisation chosen of your
choice for the Purpose.
LO4: Apply HRM practices in a work-related context for the chosen organisation or Aldi
P7 Illustrate the application of HRM practices in a work-related context , using specific examples from the chosen organisation or
Note: To address the merit and distinction please refer to the assessment guidelines as specified below.
The module will be assessed meeting all the Assessment Criteria (AC), as specified by the awarding body, Pearson Edexcel.
Please read the instructions carefully while addressing the tasks specified.
Contribution: 100% of the module
Outline Details: Individual report approx. 3,500 words. Details enclosed in the assignment brief above.
Guidance in addition to  the  Pass  criteria’s,  this  assignment  gives  you  the  opportunity  to  submit  
evidence in order to achieve the following Merit and Distinction grades. Learning outcome and
assessment criteria, Assessment Grid indicating their pass, merit and distinction:
Unit 3: Human Resource Management
Learning Outcomes Pass Merit Distinction
LO1 Explain the purpose and scope of Human P1 Explain the purpose M1 Assess how D1 Critically evaluate
Resource Management in terms of resourcing an and the functions of the functions of the strengths and
organisation with talent and skills appropriate to HRM, applicable to HRM can weaknesses of different
fulfil business objectives workforce planning provide talent approaches to
and resourcing for the and skills recruitment and
chosen organisation. appropriate to selection, supported by
fulfil business specific examples for the
objectives for the chosen organisation
P2 Explain the M2 Evaluate the
strengths and strengths and
weaknesses of weaknesses of
different approaches different
to recruitment and approaches to
selection for the recruitment and
chosen organisation. selection for the
LO2 Evaluate the effectiveness of the key elements of P3 Explain the benefits M3 Explore the D2 Critically evaluate
Human Resource Management in an organisation of different HRM different methods HRM practices and
practices within the used in HRM application within an
chosen organisation practices, organisational context,
for both the employer providing using a range of specific
and employee. specific examples examples for the chosen
P4 Evaluate the to support organisation.
effectiveness of evaluation within
different HRM the chosen
practices in terms of organisational
raising organisational context
profit and productivity
with reference to the
chosen organisation.
LO3 Analyse internal and external factors that affect P5 Analyse the M4 Evaluate the LO3 & 4
Human Resource Management decision-making, importance of key aspects of D3 Critically evaluate
including employment legislation employee relations in employee employee relations and
respect to influencing relations the application of HRM
HRM decision-making. management and practices that inform
For the chosen employment and influence decision-
organisation legislation that making in an
P6 Identify the key affect HRM organisational context
elements of decision-making for the chose scenario.
employment in an
legislation and the organisational
impact it has upon context for the
HRM decision-making chosen
for the chosen organisation.
LO4 Apply Human Resource Management practices in P7 Illustrate the M5 Provide a
a work-related context application of HRM rationale for the
practices in a work- application of
related context, using specific HRM
specific examples for practices in a
the chosen scenario. work-related
context with
special reference
to the chosen
Achievement Summary
The Following Sections to be completed by the assessor:
Centre Number: 12727
Please  note  that  the  assessor’s  signature  below  denotes  conformation  that  he/she  has  in  no way influenced the outcome of the
Assessors Name:
Assessors Signature:
Learners Name (to be filled by the Assessor)
Intake: Cohort: 1 Term: 1 Campus: WEMBLEY
Learners Edexcel Reference Number
Has the Unit been Internally Verified? Date of verification:
Name of the Internal Verifier:
Internal verifiers signature :
If Sampled ,Internal verifiers comments on the assignment brief:
Evidence Summary of the evidence required by the student Evidence presented
Learning Outcome Evidence for the criteria to pass, merit and distinction as specified Assessors Internal verification
in the student feedback and contextualised. decision decision. (agree,
Task 1: You are required to carry out a research by using supportive materials like books, Journals, websites,
etc., and write a report of the findings on LO 1. The answers need to be reflected to the Scenario Aldi or an
organisation chosen of your choice for the Purpose.
LO1: Explain the purpose P1 Explain the purpose M1 Assess how the D1 Critically evaluate the P1 (P,M,D) P1 (P,M,D)
and scope of HRM in and the functions of functions of HRM strengths and weaknesses
terms of resourcing Aldi HRM, applicable to can provide talent of different approaches to
and skills recruitment and selection,
or an organisation chosen workforce planning
appropriate to fulfil supported by specific
of your choice with talent and resourcing the
business objectives examples for the chosen
and skills appropriate to chosen organisation of for the chosen scenario
fulfil business objectives your choice or Aldi organisation
P2 Explain the M2 Evaluate the P2 (P,M,D) P2(P,M,D)
strengths and weakness strengths and
of different approaches weaknesses of
different approaches
to recruitment and
to recruitment and
selection for the chosen
selection for the
organisation or Aldi. chosen scenario.
Contextualised Feedback addressing LO1, reflecting the pass , merit and distinction:
IV comments towards LO1 :
Task 2: You are required to carry out a research by using supportive materials like books, Journals, websites, etc., and write a
report of the findings on LO 2. The answers need to be reflected to the Scenario Aldi or an organisation chosen of your choice for
the Purpose
LO 2: Evaluate the P3 Explain the benefits M3 Explore the D2 Critically evaluate P3 (P,M,D) P3 (P,M,D)
effectiveness of the key of different HRM different methods HRM practices and
elements of HRM for Aldi practices within Aldi or used in HRM application within an
practices, providing organisational context,
or the organisation the organisation chosen
specific examples to using a range of specific
chosen of your choice : of your choice for both
support evaluation examples for the chosen
the employer and within the chosen scenario.
employee organisational
P4 Evaluate the
effectiveness of
different HRM P4(P,M,D) P4 (P,M,D)
practices in terms of
raising Aldi’s  or  the  
chosen organisations
profit and productivity
Contextualised Feedback addressing LO2, reflecting the pass , merit and distinction:
IV comments towards LO2
Task 3: You are required to carry out a research by using supportive materials like books, Journals, websites, etc., and write a report of the
findings on LO 3. The answers need to be reflected to the Scenario Aldi or an organisation chosen of your choice for the Purpose.
LO 3 Analyse internal P5 Analyse the M4 Evaluate the key D3 Critically evaluate P5 (P,M,D) P5 (P,M,D)
and external factors that importance of aspects of employee employee relations and
affect HRM decision- employee relations in relations management the application of HRM
and employment practices that inform
making at Aldi or the respect to influencing
legislation that affect and influence decision-
chosen organisation of HRM decision making
HRM decision-making making in the chosen
your choice, including for the chosen to the chosen organisational context.
employment Legislation : organisation or Aldi. organisational context.
P6 Identify the key P6 (P,M,D) P6 (P,M,D)
elements of
employment legislation
and the impact it has
upon HRM decision
making for the chosen
organisation or Aldi.
Contextualised Feedback addressing LO3, reflecting the pass , merit and distinction:
IV comments towards LO3 :
Task 4: You are required to carry out a research by using supportive materials like books, Journals, websites, etc., and write a
report of the findings on LO 4. The answers need to be reflected to the Scenario Aldi or an organisation chosen of your choice for
the Purpose.
LO4: Apply HRM P7 Illustrate the M5 Provide a
practices in a work- application of HRM rationale for the P7 (P,M,D) P7 (P,M,D)
related context for the practices in a work- application of specific
HRM practices in a
chosen organisation or related context , using
work-related context
Aldi specific examples
with special to the
from the chosen scenario chosen for
organisation or Aldi. the purpose.
Contextualised feedback addressing Pass, merit and distinction for LO4:
IV comments towards LO 4:
Merit grades M1 M2 M2 M3 M4 M5 P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 P7
Distinction D1 D2 D3 Resubmit : Retake:
grades awarded
Any other comments
Grade given by the Assessor:
Pass Merit Distinction Resubmission Retake
Assessors Signature: Date:
IV Grading Check: Comments if any:
Disagree Modify grade to
IV signature:
Students feedback:
Student Signature: Date:
Any  act  of  plagiarism  will  be  seriously  dealt  with  according  to  the  colleges  and  awarding  bodies’  regulations.  In  this  context the
definition and scope of plagiarism are presented below:
Plagiarism  is  presenting  someone’s  work  as  your  won.  It includes copying information directly from the web or books without
referencing  the  material;  submitting  joint  coursework  as  an  individual  effort;  copying  another  student’s  coursework;  stealing
coursework form another student and submitting it as your own work. Suspected plagiarism will be investigated and if found to have
occurred will be dealt with according to the college procedure. (For further details please refer to the plagiarism policy and the student
code of conduct.)

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