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Who I am
My name which is Juan Carlos Gonzalez
I am a unique person, a person who trusts himself and want himself, I can build
on my self-confidence to do everything that I propose and I am sure that my
ways I can get it, thinking always positive, overcoming all barriers, and not give
in to any adversity that comes along the way.
My Projects for education

Education Project for democracy

The backbone of our projection in the field of education is given by enhancing
the autonomy understood as freedom, cooperation, participation, justice, so
that our children (as), youth, parents and mothers, teachers (as ) and
managers (as) teachers we feel responsible citizens, assume attitudes,
democratic projects for our school environment, creating opportunities for
reflection and action to improve the participation of different bodies that are
part of it, in order to overcome the fragmentation of the educational
community and build a democratic and inclusive school culture, based on
values and principles citizens in recognition and respect for human rights,
peaceful coexistence and peace.
My Projects for health
In health, my mandate, at least 150 centers priority health care (CAPS) in
places dificl access to clinics and hospitals in the country, with the purpose of
garanizar the attention of users will be created, and will create 5 central
emergency in the country (CEUP) located in different corners where priority and
emergency treatments professionals in different branches of medicine and thus
prevent more Colombians continue to die from not access quickly be found to
be cared for in an emergency vital type.
A specialized hospital administration and finance team, which will advance the
process of accreditation in hospital quality advertised.
My Projects for economy
In economic news my efforts are dedicated to supporting microenterprise.
Productivity, intends to support and promote the actions of seamstresses,
shopkeepers, shoemakers, carpenters, mechanics, food producers, decorators,
druggists, bakers, beauticians and other activities and offices to strengthen
their productive and help them ensure sustainable income shares .

A public employment policy is proposed to attract capital investment and

permanent foreign companies to provide employment and establish links with
local businesses.

access for people with disabilities to training programs for work, productivity,
employment and access to credit and housing programs advertised.
You strengthen the overall field for more employment and higher productivity
and lower the cost of the basket avoiding the importation of products grown in
Ustro country

Once the group has come to an agreement, each student will start writing
about the following items:

The most serious problems Colombia is facing.

the three main economic problems facing the country are employment, health
management and infrastructure.

First believes that unemployment is perhaps the worst difficulty for the
country. But it is not just a problem of lack of jobs, but productivity and quality
of employment, the country also has one of the highest rates of informality in
the hemisphere and in addition it has great distortions of incentives, this refers
to salary costs as parafiscal that they induce hiring workers informally.

In the second problem, the health, finds that "there is a huge increase in
spending that does not translate into better results." But again, there is one
problem in this sector, there is widespread corruption and a system that has a
financial settlement and pressures of judges who do increasingly unviable.

Finally there is the problem of infrastructure. "The state lost the ability to
manage contracts and concessions" refirero me to spend time leaving plenty of
funding for these programs. "When we had the money, we could not. And when
we could. No I had the money, "he concluded.
The opportunities our country has to improve.
1. Being responsible citizens. It's easy to complain but before that you have to
be responsible citizens, respectful of the rule of law, our families, our
neighbors, our coworkers, etc.

2. Put aside indifference, be aware of the reality that surrounds us and get to
know the problems of our immediate environment (neighborhood, community,
etc.), to thus know what activities in which we participate and what we can
require government involvement or involved.

3. Identify a problem and focus on it. If most situations are interrelated with
each other, it is very likely that a problem does not have a solution, but
requires many changes in other (cultural, educational, technical, institutional,
etc.) areas or solutions to medium and long term . You can not pretend to solve
the world at once. We must focus on a problem, set priorities and determine
based on that agenda forward.
4. Inform. Having chosen a topic of interest, you have to learn about it. "Get the
data" Internet and social networks, lower costs for information, as well as
transparency agencies in Mexico or -very good- research centers in the country.
There are already many specialists who publish on various topics. Investigates
the latest theories or models that exist, get data and reflects.
5. Organize. Surely there are organizations or groups that are also interested
and work on the issue you want to solve, know them, get organized with them,
and promote agendas that share, you will probably have differences with
others who, like you, want to solve the same problem, converses with them
and, as far as possible, find their points of agreement and build partnerships.
6. Participate. Finally it's time to actively participate, either from your computer
or writing a blog commenting on social networks, to more intense work on the
street. Yes, we must demand the authorities, monitor that they are doing their
job and do not remove your finger from the line. But do not pretend to solve
them all, it is better to work in coordination, recognize when they commit and
yes, denounce them and press them when they fail.
Of course this answer is not exhaustive, but hopefully serve as initial guidance
for all people who want to exercise their citizenship effective and participatory
manner. Because, basically, an activist is just a citizen who is exercising their
rights as citizens.

People (experts or famous) you will work with in the Presidency.

But to bring certain people of common ground to my campaign, I would circle
of professionals and experts in each of the disciplines of human knowledge to
become involved in each of the areas that make up the Colombian
organization, whether individuals, government organizations or not internal
international associations or whether public or private support growth of the
country to achieve resurgence in economic and social plane will giving
solutions to the probem raised above.

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