Larken, Children

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Larken, Children, not kids, at the behest of their guardians and the multi-million

pound advertising industry; whether you or anyone else likes it or not, or agrees
with me or not, are worshipping Lucifer. Every time we remove the word of God, and
His protection; and let's face it, it's pretty much non existent to the majority of folk
these days as is evident by the comments, we open up the abity for demons to
enter our and their lives.
You can bring to mind anything you wish but to assume people understand what
you mean just by uttering the words doesnt prove a point. Now I'm going to have to
assume by you mentioning them, that you are less educated about the truth behind
them. Also that you're ignorantly labeling true Bible believing Christianity with
Rome, which would be a fatal mistake.

True Christianity and Rome couldn't be more different hence the Reformation.

I don't give a crap if you give a crap about what "my"? God likes, He's ours.

Not believing in either IS fence sitting. It's abhorrent that men these days don't use
the spine which they were endowed with by their Creator, but rather pander to the
satanic (through ignorance) politically correct agenda, which has, as planned,
helped destroy the Christian west.

With great power comes great responsibility and men like you have a duty, again
whether you care or not, to inform people of their errors and the truth

For the record, God instituted government in the bible but it's plain to see why you'd
want to aid in its destruction. We all know governments lie, steal and cheat, sexually
rape Gods children and then murder them to cover up their satanic acts, satanic
acts being the important note here.
Lucifer and his angels, demons, ghosts; as portrayed in all Halloween movies
through the years and every year round this time, have infiltrated the minds of
men, For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against

against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high
places. Ephesians 6:12 King James Bible
maybe you can tell us which part of that biblical prophecy is incorrect.

You might want to look into what the founding fathers felt and believed about God
and the Holy Bible and how Godly the learning establishments like Harvard were at
their inception and how they promoted the truth in Jesus Christ only to have
aforementioned "lukewarm" Christians pander to liberal ideas ergo setting in the
rott of true Christian destruction. They would be disgusted.

Brian, you are incorrect. More pandering to the PC brigade nonsense through liberal
sound bites and ignorance. Say all you wish about catchwords like "superstitious"
beliefs and relinquishing personal responsibility, Christianity DEMANDS the highest
level of personal responsibility that no non believer could ever begin to imagine,

Unless they change their ways and beliefs of course.

Larken the "opinions" of the Holy Bible are what the police today would call witness
statements, for want of a better term. They are the recollections if the people of
that time. Many of the people attributed to books of the Holy Bible never even met
each other, yet they talk of the same or very similar accounts. The preponderance
of their facts in a court of law today would be overwhelmingly greater than mere
circumstantial evidence, specially when all archaeological scientific artefacts
corroborates such accounts.

Buck, he's being educated, not assaulted! The name of God is God, I'm English
that's what we call God, I'm not Greek, Aramaic or Hebrew. God isn't interested in
translations he's interested in obedience to His law and character development.
Larken, again, God and His word teaches obedience, if we're obedient happiness is a
consequence if that obedience. That isn't to say we won't come across unhaooiness,
for certain things are meant to try us.

Jon, that's ignorant myth mate. Check out the lecture "battle of the Bibles" at

Suzanna contradicting herself there. It is 100% based on devil worship, just because
you choose to believe it not, doesn't make you correct. Or you could educate us and
teach us the history of it.

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