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THE GATHERING STORM!! WII IL LI ILI I IS AMERICA DOOMED? Are YOU doomed to a horrible death too terrible for your mind to grasp, and which you dare not even contemplate? “Summit meetings” will ALL fail! This last demoniacal struggle, fiercely seeth- ing backstage even now, will NOT be between Communism and Capitalism, has nothing to do with integration, etc., etc., but as all the top brass everywhere well know, is nothing but window dressing for the masses. You have never faintly im- agined the utterly unbelievable brutal carnage of this coming world wide holocaust being planned backstage NOW while powerful propaganda mills keep your mind and attention diverted and THE TRUTH HIDDEN FROM VIEW. You. your sons and daughters; and millions more; will have their eyes, their ears, their hair, their teeth, their arms, their legs, their hopes, their ambitions, their aspirations, their love, their life’s blood, their everything: spattered and smeared and plastered all over the landscape, or burned to a cinder: and FOR WHO AND FOR WHY AND FOR WHAT? We fought one war to “make the world safe for democracy.” raat WILL THIS TOTAL WAR BE FOUGHT TO “MAKE THE WORLD SAFE” R?? Within the pages of this 70,000 word U.S. Capyrighted book you will find ALL the answers, simple as ABC and as crystal clear as the noonday sun! Went into all the 48 States in just 14 days and into 18 foreign countries to circle the earth in just a few months. Why did a prominent import-export man write: “I am in contact with thousands of people around the world. Quote ntfe prices on lots of 1,000 to 25.000 copies. I'll get a copy to each if I have to give it away!” Why did a man after reading it immediately order five copies sent to relatives and friends, then drive 200 miles to see the author? Why did a party write and offer to come clear across the U.S. to see the author? What impelled a man to come from a foreign country and arrive unannounced to see the author? What impelled readers of the book to write scores of unsolicited letters such as these? “It nearly knocked the wind out of me. It's packed with TNT!” - Quebec, Canada. “Most books walk softly in Truths. Your book ROARS!” - Worces‘er, Mass. “I believe it is true! Send me another book.” - A pastor, Los Angeles, Cal. “The most astounding book I have ever seen! Just can’t put it down!” - Munhall, Pa. © “So packed with power I could only read a small portion at a time!” - A re- tired printer, Lansing, Mich. “You certainly have an Atomic and Hydrogen bomb all tied up in one pack. age!” - Lompoc, Cal, “Our Creator's boundless blessings on you and yours!” - Washington, D. C. i too will be SPELLBOUND and STAGGERED by what you learn! So far as ; FROM NO OTHER PLACE ON EARTH can you get ALL the information 7¢ d‘in this one book. YOU BE THE JUDGE! If you are to be blown to bits, or burned to a cinder, why not find out the truth of FOR WHO AND FOR WHY AND-FOR WHAT? i ‘ Prices of ‘our present limited stock has been CUT IN HALF to make way for the fourth printing. Simply say. “send book,’ and RUSH only $1.00, cash or check or M.O., to— GOD'S TRUTH Box 425 Salem Sta., Dept. FS., Winston-Salem, N. C. 4 1 WHAT FLYING SAUCERS MEANS TO YOU The pages of FLYING SAUCERS are open to all who have something important to say concerning UFO and allied subjects. It is the policy of this magazine to present both sides of any question, and to re- frain from discrimination. However, the editor considers himself “one of the gang” and will slug it out with anyone who cares to enter o battle of words. Manuscripts are NOT paid for (FLYING. SAUCERS is ot a commercial project), and nothing is solicited with any guarantee of publication if cir- cumstances intervene. FLYING SAUCERS assumes no responsibility tor photos, draw- ings, manuscripts, and will not return un- less sufficient return postage is furnished by contributor. Manuscripts should be typed, or written neatly, one side of paper. The Editor ADVERTISING RATES Advertising office FLYING SAUCERS. Box AD, Wisconsin. Phone, Amherst 0137. RATES: Back cover cna ce neneecnecuenennwens $150.00 inside COVER ..eeeeneeeneee- $125.00 Full page .........0....2.. $100.00 Half page ...............-..c0-.. $ 50.00 Quarter page ......0...-...... $ 30.00 Eighth page ................... $ 15.00 Column inch .................... $ 8.00 Classified _............... 10¢ per word Special discounts on multiple insertions 6 issues 40% off — 12 issues 50% off Closing Date: First day of second month pre- ceding cover date. Example: Apri) issue closes February } Specifications: Page size, 1%'’'x5’’ Column size T%x2%" Covers, 8''x5'’. Color, black, Addition- al colors on back covers only, by special ar- rangement. Payment: Au orders must be accompanied by payment, except trom long established accounts, accredited agencies. Al) classified. cash with order. FLYING SAUCERS guarantees refund to al) | Gissatisfied customers. Advertisers who do not cooperate will be denied further access to its facilities. FLYING SAUCERS Contents August, 1960 FS-16 Ray Palmer, Editor Gray Barker, Contributing Editor August C. Roberts, Photo Editor Gene Duplantier, Art Editor EVitoriocld 2. cece eee ee 4 By Ray Palmer . The Hanover Balloon ................ 9 By George C. Cappelle What The Bible Says About The Polar Mystery Area ........ 13 Air Force Right On Killian “Saucer? oon cec eee cence V7 By Fred A. Kirsch Chasing The Flying Saucers ........ 21 By Gray Barker | Saw A Flying Saucer ................ 3) The Case Against The Straith Letter ...00.00000.000000... as By John Weigle Saucer Club News .................... o3 Personals .................... weennene eee 45 Do We Have A Double Sun? .... 41 a By Henry Rasmusen Letters ee eneenceecncccceneeceneces ectecseceee. 4A Front Cover Photo: Too Good To Be True? Buy your magazine at the same newsstand every month. Your dealer will appreciate it. Watch closely for the next issue of Flying Saucers. . Address all correspondence to ‘‘Editorial Of- fice, FLYING SAUCERS, Amherst, Wiseonsin,”’ FLYING SAUCERS is published every other month by Palmer Publications, Ine, (C-137 Hickory. Mundelein, Illinois. Re-entered as second class matter at the Post Office at Amherst, Wisconsin. Additional entry at San- dusky, Ohio, Subseriptions: 1 year (6 issues), .00; 2 years (12 Issues) $4.00. Some material in this merece is copyrighted by others, and may not be reproduced without permission. Printed in U.S.A. by Stephens Prin ng Corpor- ation, Sandusky, Ohio.

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