ZXG10 IBSC (V6.30.202) Alarm and Notification Handling Reference

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Base Station Controller

Alarm and Notification Handling Reference

Version: V6.30.202

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Revision History
Revision No.

Revision Date

Revision Reason



Updated to V6.30.202f. For details, refer to the relevant release




First edition

Serial Number: SJ-20140527134815-015

Publishing Date: 2015-03-31 (R1.1)

SJ-20140527134815-015|2015-03-31 (R1.1)

ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

About This Manual ......................................................................................... I
Chapter 1 Overview .................................................................................... 1-1
Chapter 2 General Operations................................................................... 2-1
2.1 Finding the Managed Objects Through an Alarm Object ....................................... 2-1
2.1.1 Querying the Configuration Object............................................................. 2-1
2.1.2 Querying the Parent Object of a Configuration Object ................................. 2-4
2.1.3 Querying the Referring Object of a Configuration Object ............................. 2-6
2.2 Filtering Controller Alarms................................................................................. 2-10
2.2.1 Checking Board Alarms Through the Rack Diagram ................................. 2-10
2.2.2 Filtering Alarms Based on Alarm Location.................................................2-11
2.2.3 Querying Alarms by Office Information..................................................... 2-13

Chapter 3 Alarms........................................................................................ 3-1

3.1 Equipment Alarm................................................................................................ 3-1
3.1.1 198019456 All high-speed links between line card and switching boards
are out of synchronization........................................................................ 3-1
3.1.2 198019465 CSIX RX and TX packets is abnormal ...................................... 3-2
3.1.3 198028672 80g chip abnormal .................................................................. 3-3
3.1.4 198029952 802.3ah link fault .................................................................... 3-3
3.1.5 198030208 Fault alarm of CFM ................................................................. 3-5
3.1.6 198005633 Hard disk is faulty ................................................................... 3-6
3.1.7 198005635 The board is not plugged firmly................................................ 3-7
3.1.8 198005639 High Error Rate of Optical Interface ......................................... 3-8
3.1.9 198005640 FPGA exception ..................................................................... 3-9
3.1.10 198005644 The channel in a sub card is down ......................................... 3-9
3.1.11 198005645 Sub card abnormal.............................................................. 3-10
3.1.12 198005646 Phase-lock loop unlocked.....................................................3-11
3.1.13 198005647 High BER on E1 link ........................................................... 3-12
3.1.14 198005656 Input clock of subcard lost ................................................... 3-13
3.1.15 198005657 Error of LVDS path frame detection ...................................... 3-14
3.1.16 198005658 Failure in diagnosing link loop back of large T network .......... 3-15
3.1.17 198005663 Component fault ................................................................. 3-15
3.1.18 198005665 Fault on board (GPS) .......................................................... 3-16
3.1.19 198000256 Ethernet link to OMC is broken. ........................................... 3-17

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ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

3.1.20 198001284 The phase of 8K, 16K clock, input to backplane board, is
not matched ......................................................................................... 3-18
3.1.21 198001286 Input clock of board lost ...................................................... 3-19
3.1.22 198000002 Loss of optical signal........................................................... 3-20
3.1.23 198001792 Loss of SDH transmission link ............................................. 3-21
3.1.24 198001825 High BER on SDH / Sonet link ............................................. 3-22
3.1.25 198015874 Data traffic to PSN board is congested ................................. 3-23
3.1.26 198015875 GLI table lookup failed ........................................................ 3-24
3.1.27 198015876 GLI exception packets statistic over threshold....................... 3-25
3.1.28 198015877 GLIQV SRAM/DRAM error .................................................. 3-25
3.1.29 198002560 Board CPU overload ........................................................... 3-26
3.1.30 198002561 High temperature on CPU board .......................................... 3-27
3.1.31 198025601 TSNB internal connection chip fault...................................... 3-28
3.1.32 198025602 TDM switch abnormal ......................................................... 3-29
3.1.33 198005376 Internal media port of board is abnormal............................... 3-29
3.1.34 198066070 Board offline or CPU in reset status for a long period ............ 3-30
3.1.35 198005381 Input clock is abnormal........................................................ 3-31
3.1.36 198005389 CPU sub card in position is not configured in the database ..... 3-32
3.1.37 198005390 CPU sub card is missing from slot but is configured in
database .............................................................................................. 3-33
3.1.38 198005395 External port abnormal ........................................................ 3-34
3.1.39 198005396 Exceptional communication on UIM board or back plane ....... 3-34
3.1.40 198005399 DSP resource is unavailable................................................ 3-36
3.1.41 198066033 T-net center is fault ............................................................. 3-37
3.1.42 198005403 Board SRAM self-check fails ............................................... 3-37
3.1.43 198005404 Board OCXO oven fault....................................................... 3-38
3.1.44 198005405 Clock board phase-lock loop work mode abnormal................ 3-39
3.1.45 198026116 PP2S output clock lost......................................................... 3-39
3.1.46 198026117 PP2S clock reference lost.................................................... 3-40
3.1.47 198026118 16CHIP clock reference lost................................................. 3-41
3.1.48 198026127 Loss of Level 3 reference source clock................................. 3-41
3.1.49 198026128 Loss of Level2 reference source clock.................................. 3-42
3.1.50 198026129 Loss of Level1 reference source clock.................................. 3-43
3.1.51 198026131 CLKG board PLL is unlocked. Clock will drift ........................ 3-44
3.1.52 198026133 Output clock lost ................................................................. 3-45
3.1.53 198005632 Hard disk usage rate exceeds threshold. .............................. 3-45
3.1.54 198005637 Back card does not match with front board ........................... 3-46
3.1.55 198005660 Physical link down between master port and slave port ......... 3-47
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ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

3.1.56 198005661 Physical link down between media interface ports ................. 3-48
3.1.57 198005662 IDE running overtime .......................................................... 3-49
3.1.58 198005667 E1 is looped back ............................................................... 3-49
3.1.59 198005668 Cross-linked E1 alarm ......................................................... 3-50
3.1.60 198005669 Synchronization status check of FPGA failed ........................ 3-51
3.1.61 198005671 Sending or receiving packets using the cascade ports inner
board failed .......................................................................................... 3-51
3.1.62 198005641 Port Link Down ................................................................... 3-52
3.1.63 198005655 Errors detected in DSP........................................................ 3-53
3.1.64 198019712 APS channel mismatched ................................................... 3-54
3.1.65 198019713 APS mode mismatched....................................................... 3-55
3.1.66 198019714 APS configuration alarm...................................................... 3-56
3.1.67 198019715 MS APS channel gets errors................................................ 3-57
3.1.68 198005121 Inter-shelf media plane links abnormal ................................. 3-58
3.1.69 198005124 Capacity of TRUNK communication is insufficient ................. 3-59
3.1.70 198005125 GE optical connection is cross connected............................. 3-60
3.1.71 198005893 FPGA Memory check failed ................................................. 3-61
3.1.72 198005650 Conflicted MAC addresses of boards on the same shelf ........ 3-61
3.1.73 198005672 Synchronization Ethernet clock source is unusable ............... 3-62
3.1.74 198015878 GLI internal fabric port receive error ..................................... 3-63
3.1.75 198015879 GLI Port receive error.......................................................... 3-64
3.1.76 198015880 GLI board control and media plane communication error ....... 3-64
3.1.77 198015881 GLI port transmit error ......................................................... 3-65
3.1.78 198015882 GLI buffer error or allocate fail ............................................. 3-66
3.1.79 198005670 Oscillator status abnormal ................................................... 3-67
3.1.80 198005673 Backboard switch set is changed. ........................................ 3-67
3.1.81 198005653 Type B fault on board (GPS) phase-lock equipment .............. 3-68
3.1.82 198005674 Sending or receiving packets between management port
and CPU control port failed.................................................................... 3-69
3.1.83 198005130 The fiber port failed to change over ...................................... 3-70
3.1.84 198005131 The fiber's quality abnormal................................................. 3-71
3.1.85 198005675 The input electrical source is error ....................................... 3-72
3.1.86 198016641 Device's LRU algorithm invalid............................................. 3-72
3.1.87 198002563 FPGA clock speed abnormal alarm ...................................... 3-73
3.1.88 198002564 Auxiliary clock speed abnormal alarm .................................. 3-74
3.1.89 198005132 Mate board RUN signal invalid............................................. 3-74
3.1.90 198005676 Connect port flow over threshold.......................................... 3-75
3.1.91 198005795 The optical transceiver transmitter fault ................................ 3-76
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ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

3.1.92 198018436 Board loop back detection is abnormal ................................. 3-77

3.1.93 198005135 Port communication abnormal ............................................. 3-77
3.1.94 198015363 The number of dropped packets to other boards exceeds
the threshold......................................................................................... 3-78
3.1.95 198005677 Checksum error of device on the board is over threshold....... 3-79
3.1.96 198016896 APP driver memory operation abnormal ............................... 3-80
3.1.97 198105026 Media Ip address modified................................................... 3-80
3.1.98 198105029 OMP reboot alarm .............................................................. 3-81
3.1.99 198105034 Back card of LogService board is offline ............................... 3-82
3.1.100 198105036 The hard disk of LogService error ...................................... 3-83
3.1.101 198105037 Too high hard disk partition usage rate ............................... 3-84
3.1.102 198105039 Bursty flow rate of the control plane for shelf connection
overload ............................................................................................... 3-84
3.1.103 198087778 Dry contact alarm - Waterlog.............................................. 3-86
3.1.104 198087779 Dry contact alarm - Power loss .......................................... 3-86
3.1.105 198087780 Dry contact alarm - No.1 air conditioner fault....................... 3-87
3.1.106 198087781 Dry contact alarm - No.2 air conditioner fault....................... 3-88
3.1.107 198087782 Dry contact alarm - AC power abnormal ............................. 3-88
3.1.108 198087783 Dry contact alarm - Battery under-voltage ........................... 3-89
3.1.109 198087784 Dry contact alarm - SMR abnormal .................................... 3-90
3.1.110 198087785 Dry contact alarm - Under-voltage insulate drop .................. 3-90
3.1.111 198087786 Dry contact alarm - Device suspended................................ 3-91
3.1.112 198087787 User-defined Dry contact alarm 1 ....................................... 3-92
3.1.113 198087788 User-defined Dry contact alarm 2 ....................................... 3-92
3.1.114 198087789 User-defined Dry contact alarm 3 ....................................... 3-93
3.1.115 198087790 User-defined Dry contact alarm 4 ....................................... 3-94
3.1.116 198087791 User-defined Dry contact alarm 5 ....................................... 3-94
3.1.117 198087792 User-defined Dry contact alarm 6 ....................................... 3-95
3.1.118 198087793 User-defined Dry contact alarm 7 ....................................... 3-96
3.1.119 198087794 User-defined Dry contact alarm 8 ....................................... 3-96
3.1.120 198087795 User-defined Dry contact alarm 9 ....................................... 3-97
3.1.121 198087796 User-defined Dry contact alarm 10 ..................................... 3-98
3.1.122 198087797 User-defined Dry contact alarm 11 ..................................... 3-98
3.1.123 198083851 Dry contact alarm - Waterlog.............................................. 3-99
3.1.124 198083852 Dry contact alarm - Power loss .........................................3-100
3.1.125 198083853 Dry contact alarm - No.1 air conditioner fault......................3-100
3.1.126 198083854 Dry contact alarm - No.2 air conditioner fault......................3-101
3.1.127 198083855 Dry contact alarm - AC power abnormal ............................3-102
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ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

3.1.128 198083856 Dry contact alarm - Battery under-voltage ..........................3-102

3.1.129 198083857 Dry contact alarm - SMR abnormal ...................................3-103
3.1.130 198083858 Dry contact alarm - Under-voltage insulate drop.................3-104
3.1.131 198083859 Dry contact alarm - Device suspended ..............................3-104
3.1.132 198083860 User-defined Dry contact alarm 1 ......................................3-105
3.1.133 198083861 User-defined Dry contact alarm 2 ......................................3-106
3.1.134 198083862 User-defined Dry contact alarm 3 ......................................3-106
3.1.135 198083863 User-defined Dry contact alarm 4 ......................................3-107
3.1.136 198083864 User-defined Dry contact alarm 5 ......................................3-108
3.1.137 198083865 User-defined Dry contact alarm 6 ......................................3-108
3.1.138 198083866 User-defined Dry contact alarm 7 ......................................3-109
3.1.139 198083867 User-defined Dry contact alarm 8 ...................................... 3-110
3.1.140 198083868 User-defined Dry contact alarm 9 ...................................... 3-110
3.1.141 198083869 User-defined Dry contact alarm 10 .................................... 3-111
3.1.142 198083870 User-defined Dry contact alarm 11 .................................... 3-112
3.1.143 198080851 Dry contact alarm - Waterlog............................................. 3-112
3.1.144 198080852 Dry contact alarm - Power loss ......................................... 3-113
3.1.145 198080853 Dry contact alarm - No.1 air conditioner fault...................... 3-114
3.1.146 198080854 Dry contact alarm - No.2 air conditioner fault...................... 3-114
3.1.147 198080855 Dry contact alarm - AC power abnormal ............................ 3-115
3.1.148 198080856 Dry contact alarm - Battery under-voltage .......................... 3-116
3.1.149 198080857 Dry contact alarm - SMR abnormal ................................... 3-116
3.1.150 198080858 Dry contact alarm - Under-voltage insulate drop................. 3-117
3.1.151 198080859 Dry contact alarm - Device suspended .............................. 3-118
3.1.152 198080860 User-defined Dry contact alarm 1 ...................................... 3-118
3.1.153 198080861 User-defined Dry contact alarm 2 ...................................... 3-119
3.1.154 198080862 User-defined Dry contact alarm 3 ......................................3-120
3.1.155 198080863 User-defined Dry contact alarm 4 ......................................3-120
3.1.156 198080864 User-defined Dry contact alarm 5 ......................................3-121
3.1.157 198080865 User-defined Dry contact alarm 6 ......................................3-122
3.1.158 198080866 User-defined Dry contact alarm 7 ......................................3-122
3.1.159 198080867 User-defined Dry contact alarm 8 ......................................3-123
3.1.160 198080868 User-defined Dry contact alarm 9 ......................................3-124
3.1.161 198080869 User-defined Dry contact alarm 10 ....................................3-124
3.1.162 198080870 User-defined Dry contact alarm 11 ....................................3-125
3.1.163 198087340 FR device failure..............................................................3-126
3.1.164 198087341 FR congestion .................................................................3-127

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ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

3.1.165 198087352 NSVC's E1 failure alarm ...................................................3-128

3.1.166 198087465 NSVC's IP failure alarm ....................................................3-129
3.1.167 198087458 PS cell block caused by slave ...........................................3-130
3.1.168 198087000 Dry contact alarm 1 ..........................................................3-131
3.1.169 198087001 Dry contact alarm 2 ..........................................................3-132
3.1.170 198087002 Dry contact alarm 3 ..........................................................3-132
3.1.171 198087003 Dry contact alarm 4 ..........................................................3-133
3.1.172 198087004 Dry contact alarm 5 ..........................................................3-134
3.1.173 198087005 Dry contact alarm 6 ..........................................................3-134
3.1.174 198087006 Dry contact alarm 7 ..........................................................3-135
3.1.175 198087007 Dry contact alarm 8 ..........................................................3-135
3.1.176 198087008 Dry contact alarm 9 ..........................................................3-136
3.1.177 198087009 Dry contact alarm 10 ........................................................3-137
3.1.178 198087010 Dry contact alarm 11 ........................................................3-137
3.1.179 198087011 Dry contact alarm 12 ........................................................3-138
3.1.180 198087012 EAM dry contact 1 alarm ..................................................3-138
3.1.181 198087013 EAM dry contact 2 alarm ..................................................3-139
3.1.182 198087014 EAM dry contact 3 alarm ..................................................3-140
3.1.183 198087015 EAM dry contact 4 alarm ..................................................3-140
3.1.184 198087016 EAM dry contact 5 alarm ..................................................3-141
3.1.185 198087017 EAM dry contact 6 alarm ..................................................3-141
3.1.186 198087018 EAM dry contact 7 alarm ..................................................3-142
3.1.187 198087019 EAM dry contact 8 alarm ..................................................3-143
3.1.188 198087102 Power overvoltage/undervoltage alarm..............................3-143
3.1.189 198087103 13M input clock failure......................................................3-144
3.1.190 198087106 SYNCLK clock failure .......................................................3-145
3.1.191 198087107 Master and slave communication link failure ......................3-145
3.1.192 198087108 Standby CMM/CMB board not present ..............................3-146
3.1.193 198087109 Standby CMM/CMB board abnormal .................................3-147
3.1.194 198087110 CMM/CMB power failure alarm .........................................3-147
3.1.195 198087112 Communication link alarm between master and slave rack
(left) ....................................................................................................3-148
3.1.196 198087113 Communication link alarm between master and slave rack
(right) ..................................................................................................3-149
3.1.197 198087114 A interface E1 Rx carrier alarm .........................................3-149
3.1.198 198087115 A interface E1 Rx frame not synchronized..........................3-150
3.1.199 198087120 A interface E1 remote alarm .............................................3-151
3.1.200 198087121 B interface E1 Rx carrier alarm .........................................3-152
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ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

3.1.201 198087122 B interface E1 Rx frame not synchronized .........................3-153

3.1.202 198087127 B interface E1 remote alarm .............................................3-153
3.1.203 198087128 C interface E1 Rx carrier alarm .........................................3-154
3.1.204 198087129 C interface E1 Rx frame not synchronized .........................3-155
3.1.205 198087134 C interface E1 remote alarm .............................................3-156
3.1.206 198087135 D interface E1 Rx carrier alarm .........................................3-157
3.1.207 198087136 D interface E1 Rx frame not synchronized .........................3-157
3.1.208 198087141 D interface E1 remote alarm .............................................3-158
3.1.209 198087142 E interface E1 Rx carrier alarm .........................................3-159
3.1.210 198087143 E interface E1 Rx frame not synchronized .........................3-160
3.1.211 198087148 E interface E1 remote alarm..............................................3-160
3.1.212 198087149 F interface E1 Rx carrier alarm .........................................3-161
3.1.213 198087150 F interface E1 Rx frame not synchronized .........................3-162
3.1.214 198087153 F interface E1 Rx forward sliding indication........................3-163
3.1.215 198087155 F interface E1 remote alarm .............................................3-164
3.1.216 198087156 G interface E1 Rx carrier alarm .........................................3-164
3.1.217 198087157 G interface E2 Rx frame not synchronized .........................3-165
3.1.218 198087162 G interface E1 remote alarm .............................................3-166
3.1.219 198087163 H interface E1 Rx carrier alarm .........................................3-166
3.1.220 198087164 H interface E3 Rx frame not synchronized .........................3-167
3.1.221 198087169 H interface E1 remote alarm .............................................3-168
3.1.222 198087170 Temperature alarm...........................................................3-168
3.1.223 198087171 Fan absent ......................................................................3-169
3.1.224 198087172 Fan control board CPU alarm ...........................................3-170
3.1.225 198087173 Fan alarm........................................................................3-170
3.1.226 198087174 Fan temperature alarm .....................................................3-171
3.1.227 198087175 Fan 1 alarm .....................................................................3-172
3.1.228 198087176 Fan 2 alarm .....................................................................3-172
3.1.229 198087177 Fan control board alarm ...................................................3-173
3.1.230 198087178 LNA alarm .......................................................................3-174
3.1.231 198087179 Tower amplifier power alarm .............................................3-174
3.1.232 198087180 SWR of AEM HYCOM minor alarm ...................................3-175
3.1.233 198087181 SWR of AEM HYCOM major alarm ...................................3-175
3.1.234 198087182 AEM power alarm(BTS V2)...............................................3-176
3.1.235 198087183 AEM type alarm(BTS V2) .................................................3-177
3.1.236 198087184 AEM absent(BTS V2) .......................................................3-177
3.1.237 198087185 AEM power alarm ............................................................3-178

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ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

3.1.238 198087186 LNA0 alarm .....................................................................3-179

3.1.239 198087187 LNA1 alarm .....................................................................3-179
3.1.240 198087188 Tower Amplifier0 power alarm ...........................................3-180
3.1.241 198087189 Tower Amplifier1 power alarm ...........................................3-181
3.1.242 198087190 SWR of AEM HYCOM minor alarm ...................................3-182
3.1.243 198087191 SWR of AEM HYCOM major alarm ...................................3-183
3.1.244 198087192 AEM type alarm ...............................................................3-184
3.1.245 198087193 AEM Not-in-position alarm ................................................3-185
3.1.246 198087198 Uplink of ADC chip initialization failure...............................3-186
3.1.247 198087200 CIP resource can't be used...............................................3-187
3.1.248 198087201 Uplink failure....................................................................3-187
3.1.249 198087207 Watchdog of FUC overflow ...............................................3-188
3.1.250 198087216 Cell configuration parameter mismatch(BTS V2) ................3-189
3.1.251 198087221 Communication link between CMM and FUC break(BTS
3.1.252 198087224 Watchdog of TPU CIP overflow.........................................3-190
3.1.253 198087225 Software version of CIP mismatch.....................................3-191
3.1.254 198087226 Clock alarm for TPU and CMM .........................................3-191
3.1.255 198087228 TPU frame No. alarm .......................................................3-192
3.1.256 198087229 TPU CHP DSP0 initialization failure ..................................3-193
3.1.257 198087243 Cell configuration parameter mismatch..............................3-194
3.1.258 198087247 HDLC communication link between CMB and FUC
3.1.259 198087453 signal HDLC break off ......................................................3-195
3.1.260 198087253 FU fram No error alarm ....................................................3-196
3.1.261 198087254 Rx PLL1 unlock ...............................................................3-197
3.1.262 198087255 Rx PLL2 unlock ...............................................................3-197
3.1.263 198087256 Tx PLL1 unlock................................................................3-198
3.1.264 198087257 Tx PLL2 unlock................................................................3-199
3.1.265 198087258 52M referenced clock PLL unlock......................................3-199
3.1.266 198087259 Tx IF PLL unlock..............................................................3-200
3.1.267 198087260 EEPROM resource can't be used......................................3-201
3.1.268 198087261 FPGA interface failure ......................................................3-201
3.1.269 198087262 PA VSWR alarm(BTS V2).................................................3-202
3.1.270 198087263 PA overtemperature minor alarm(BTS V2) .........................3-202
3.1.271 198087264 PA overtemperature major alarm(BTS V2) .........................3-203
3.1.272 198087265 PA output power alarm .....................................................3-204
3.1.273 198087266 PA power overvoltage ......................................................3-204
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3.1.274 198087267 PA power lower voltage ....................................................3-205

3.1.275 198087268 Downlink checksum error of DLRC_AL1 ............................3-206
3.1.276 198087269 DUC chip initialization failure ............................................3-206
3.1.277 198087270 80w PA VSWR alarm .......................................................3-207
3.1.278 198087271 80w PA overtemperature ..................................................3-208
3.1.279 198087272 80w PA overtemperature major alarm................................3-208
3.1.280 198087273 80w PA output power alarm ..............................................3-209
3.1.281 198087274 80w PA power overvoltage ...............................................3-210
3.1.282 198087275 80w PA power lower voltage .............................................3-210
3.1.283 198087276 80w PA absent................................................................. 3-211
3.1.284 198087277 TXIF unlock ..................................................................... 3-211
3.1.285 198087278 TPF unlock ......................................................................3-212
3.1.286 198087279 TXRF unlock....................................................................3-213
3.1.287 198087280 RXRF unlock ...................................................................3-214
3.1.288 198087281 13 MHz clock lost.............................................................3-214
3.1.289 198087282 60 ms clock lost ...............................................................3-215
3.1.290 198087285 52 MHz clock lost.............................................................3-216
3.1.291 198087288 PA power overvoltage alarm .............................................3-217
3.1.292 198087289 PA power undervoltage alarm ...........................................3-217
3.1.293 198087290 PA VSWR alarm ..............................................................3-218
3.1.294 198087291 PA temperature minor alarm .............................................3-219
3.1.295 198087292 PA temperature major alarm .............................................3-219
3.1.296 198087293 PA forward power(3db) alarm............................................3-220
3.1.297 198087294 RTU power alarm.............................................................3-221
3.1.298 198087295 RTU power temperature alarm ..........................................3-221
3.1.299 198087296 RTU power output overvoltage alarm ................................3-222
3.1.300 198087297 RTU power input failure alarm...........................................3-223
3.1.301 198087298 IQ calibration parameters abnormal alarm .........................3-223
3.1.302 198087299 EAM heat exchanger alarm ..............................................3-224
3.1.303 198087300 EAM TRX layer fan-4 alarm ..............................................3-224
3.1.304 198087301 EAM AEM layer axis-flow fan alarm...................................3-225
3.1.305 198087302 EAM smoke alarm............................................................3-226
3.1.306 198087303 EAM waterproof alarm......................................................3-226
3.1.307 198087304 EAM lightning protection alarm .........................................3-227
3.1.308 198087305 EAM backdoor access control alarm .................................3-227
3.1.309 198087306 EAM frontdoor access control alarm..................................3-228
3.1.310 198087307 EAM PWR monitoring unit alarm.......................................3-229

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3.1.311 198087308 EAM heat exchanger electric heater alarm.........................3-229

3.1.312 198087309 EAM heat exchanger control board alarm ..........................3-230
3.1.313 198087310 EAM heat exchanger external circulation fan 2 alarm .........3-230
3.1.314 198087311 EAM heat exchanger external circulation fan 1 alarm..........3-231
3.1.315 198087312 EAM heat exchanger internal circulation fan 2 alarm ..........3-232
3.1.316 198087313 EAM heat exchanger internal circulation fan 1 alarm ..........3-232
3.1.317 198087314 EAM heat exchanger 485 communication alarm.................3-233
3.1.318 198087315 EAM temperature alarm ...................................................3-234
3.1.319 198087316 EAM TRX layer mixed-flow fan 1 alarm .............................3-234
3.1.320 198087317 EAM TRX layer mixed-flow fan 2 alarm .............................3-235
3.1.321 198087318 EAM TRX layer mixed-flow fan 3 alarm .............................3-235
3.1.322 198087319 Communication broken between EAM and CMB ................3-236
3.1.323 198087320 Power undervoltage alarm ................................................3-237
3.1.324 198087321 Inner fan 2 alarm (for M8202) ...........................................3-237
3.1.325 198087322 Inner fan 1 alarm (for M8202) ...........................................3-238
3.1.326 198087323 Outer fan 2 and fan 4 alarm (for M8202) ............................3-238
3.1.327 198087324 Outer fan 1 and fan 3 alarm (for M8202) ............................3-239
3.1.328 198087325 Rack temperature minor alarm..........................................3-240
3.1.329 198087326 Rack temperature major alarm..........................................3-240
3.1.330 198087327 Layer 3 fan 1 alarm (for M8206) ........................................3-241
3.1.331 198087328 Layer 3 fan 2 alarm (for M8206) ........................................3-242
3.1.332 198087329 Layer 3 fan 3 alarm (for M8206) ........................................3-242
3.1.333 198087330 Layer 2 fan 1 alarm (for M8206) ........................................3-243
3.1.334 198087331 Layer 2 fan 2 alarm (for M8206) ........................................3-244
3.1.335 198087332 Layer 2 fan 3 alarm (for M8206) ........................................3-244
3.1.336 198087333 Layer 1 fan 1 alarm (for M8206) ........................................3-245
3.1.337 198087334 Layer 1 fan 2 alarm (for M8206) ........................................3-246
3.1.338 198087335 Layer 1 fan 3 alarm (for M8206) ........................................3-246
3.1.339 198087391 FCU power undervoltage alarm ........................................3-247
3.1.340 198087403 The clock alarm about transmission of CCI board
Abis-E1 ...............................................................................................3-248
3.1.341 198087404 The local working clock alarm of CCI board .......................3-248
3.1.342 198087405 The clock alarm about transmission of CCI board 13M .......3-249
3.1.343 198087406 CCI opposite board alarm.................................................3-250
3.1.344 198087407 IQ FPGA internal clock alarm............................................3-250
3.1.345 198087408 IQ FPGA light interface alarm ...........................................3-251
3.1.346 198087409 IQ FPGA LVDS interface alarm .........................................3-251
3.1.347 198087410 IQ FPGA internal data alarm.............................................3-252
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ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

3.1.348 198087470 Fan absence alarm ..........................................................3-253

3.1.349 198087471 Fan rotate alarm ..............................................................3-253
3.1.350 198087472 CMB and FNCB RS485 link break alarm ...........................3-254
3.1.351 198087480 Status of TX5 filter alarm ..................................................3-255
3.1.352 198087481 Status of TX6 filter alarm ..................................................3-255
3.1.353 198087443 Diversity antenna lost .......................................................3-256
3.1.354 198087444 Diversity antenna identical ................................................3-256
3.1.355 198087411 13M,61.44M clock lost alarm.............................................3-257
3.1.356 198087412 60ms clock lost alarm.......................................................3-258
3.1.357 198087413 26MHz and 52MHz lost of clock alarm...............................3-258
3.1.358 198087414 the failure examination alarm of the 60ms uplink frame.......3-259
3.1.359 198087415 checking block data error alarm ........................................3-260
3.1.360 198087416 up link LVDS SERDES lost lock alarm ...............................3-260
3.1.361 198087417 FN error alarm .................................................................3-261
3.1.362 198087432 Diversity antenna lost .......................................................3-261
3.1.363 198087433 Diversity antenna identical ................................................3-262
3.1.364 198087451 board not support 16MHW................................................3-263
3.1.365 198087452 cmb or cpu overload.........................................................3-263
3.1.366 198087454 main HDLC break off........................................................3-264
3.1.367 198087455 FIB configure wrong .........................................................3-264
3.1.368 198087456 lay3 of FIB software has no response................................3-265
3.1.369 198087460 positive 12 voltage alarm ..................................................3-266
3.1.370 198087461 negative 12 voltage alarm.................................................3-266
3.1.371 198087462 DSP 1.2v voltage alarm....................................................3-267
3.1.372 198087463 6.4v voltage alarm............................................................3-268
3.1.373 198087464 5v voltage alarm ..............................................................3-268
3.1.374 198087473 DTPU CPU overload ........................................................3-269
3.1.375 198087483 GPS signal synchronization exception ...............................3-270
3.1.376 198087484 Second pulse loss............................................................3-270
3.1.377 198087485 Antenna open-circuit alarm ...............................................3-271
3.1.378 198087486 Antenna short-circuit alarm ...............................................3-272
3.1.379 198087487 Lost satellite alarm ...........................................................3-272
3.1.380 198087510 CPU of FIB overload ........................................................3-273
3.1.381 198088000 DTPU not support Baseband-Hop alarm............................3-274
3.1.382 198088001 PA Power Voltage Adjusting Path Disconnected.................3-274
3.1.383 198088002 PA Power Voltage Adjusting Data Error .............................3-275
3.1.384 198088003 PA Power Voltage Adjusting Data Illegal ............................3-276

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3.1.385 198088004 Access iBSC failure..........................................................3-276

3.1.386 198088005 Control link broken ...........................................................3-277
3.1.387 198088006 Operation link broken(CS) ................................................3-278
3.1.388 198088007 Operation link broken(PS) ................................................3-278
3.1.389 198088008 Parameter configuration mismatch ....................................3-279
3.1.390 198088009 DSP initialization failure....................................................3-279
3.1.391 198088010 Parameter configuration failure of AD6537.........................3-280
3.1.392 198088011 Tx PLL unlock ..................................................................3-281
3.1.393 198088012 Wrong parameter configuration for EEPROM.....................3-281
3.1.394 198088013 FLASH memory fault ........................................................3-282
3.1.395 198088014 Run abnormity of DSP......................................................3-283
3.1.396 198088015 FPGA interface fault.........................................................3-283
3.1.397 198088016 CHP frame fault ...............................................................3-284
3.1.398 198088017 Wrong receive channel of RF............................................3-284
3.1.399 198088018 Get DNS failure when configuration IP of active .................3-285
3.1.400 198088019 Analyse failure of DNS domain name ................................3-286
3.1.401 198088020 IPSec failure ....................................................................3-286
3.1.402 198088021 RF channel and HTRG board unconformity .......................3-287
3.1.403 198088022 Get HBTS'S IP address failure from DHCP Sever ..............3-287
3.1.404 198088023 Over temperature.............................................................3-288
3.1.405 198088024 Voltage abnormity ............................................................3-289
3.1.406 198088025 Abis link change alarm .....................................................3-289
3.1.407 198088026 IPOE uplink and downlink jam alarm .................................3-290
3.1.408 198088027 DIP E1 rack, rack type error..............................................3-291
3.1.409 198088028 DIP E1 rack, rack number error.........................................3-291
3.1.410 198088029 DIP E1 rack,slave rack 1 port error....................................3-292
3.1.411 198088030 DIP E1 rack,slave rack 2 port error ....................................3-292
3.1.412 198088031 DIP E1 rack,satellite back up flag error ..............................3-293
3.1.413 198088032 DIP E1 rack,oam time slot error ........................................3-294
3.1.414 198088033 DIP IP rack,access mode error(IP or IPOE) .......................3-294
3.1.415 198088034 DIP IP rack,rack number error...........................................3-295
3.1.416 198088035 DIP IP rack,site number error............................................3-295
3.1.417 198088036 DIP IP rack,sequence number error ..................................3-296
3.1.418 198088037 Mains power failure alarm.................................................3-297
3.1.419 198088038 Alarm of the trx's down link LRC failed...............................3-297
3.1.420 198005679 MAC address learning between UIM and CHUB/THUB of
the same shelf failed. ...........................................................................3-298
3.2 Communications Alarm....................................................................................3-299
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3.2.1 198022784 BFD Session Interrupted ......................................................3-299

3.2.2 198066029 PPP link broken...................................................................3-300
3.2.3 198066026 Association path broken .......................................................3-301
3.2.4 198029953 The Ethernet port state is OAM loop back .............................3-302
3.2.5 198005666 The number of the error packets from MAC port exceeds the
threshold .............................................................................................3-303
3.2.6 198000519 Trunk error ..........................................................................3-304
3.2.7 198000520 Trunk abnormal ...................................................................3-305
3.2.8 198015617 Some frames Received by FE/GE/ATM/MP/POS/E1 Port are
faulty ...................................................................................................3-306
3.2.9 198015618 Faulty frames received by port over threshold........................3-307
3.2.10 198015873 PSN board is sending out incorrect frames ..........................3-308
3.2.11 198066000 Abis link broken .................................................................3-309
3.2.12 198003841 The control plane retransmission ratio over the threshold ......3-310
3.2.13 198005651 IP / MAC address conflict ...................................................3-310
3.2.14 198066003 Control plane communication is abnormal between board
and its home module ............................................................................ 3-311
3.2.15 198005378 Board HW Error .................................................................3-312
3.2.16 198066004 Control plane communication is abnormal between MP and
OMP ...................................................................................................3-313
3.2.17 198005382 Communication between power board and OMP is
abnormal .............................................................................................3-314
3.2.18 198005397 Communication of RAWMACIP channel is abnormal ............3-315
3.2.19 198005401 Test packet check abnormal ...............................................3-316
3.2.20 198005664 The rate of error code in a mate link is high at
3.2.21 198005122 Loss of Active/standby communication link ..........................3-318
3.2.22 198005126 Incorrect FE Routing Connection ........................................3-318
3.2.23 198005127 FE Link Error Alarm ...........................................................3-320
3.2.24 198005128 Duplicate rack and shelf .....................................................3-320
3.2.25 198066005 SCCP subsystem unavailable.............................................3-321
3.2.26 198066008 MTP2 link sending overload................................................3-322
3.2.27 198066009 MTP2 link reception overload .............................................3-323
3.2.28 198066010 MTP3 Signalling Point Inaccessible.....................................3-324
3.2.29 198066011 MTP3 link unavailable ........................................................3-325
3.2.30 198066014 M3UA Signalling Point Inaccessible ....................................3-326
3.2.31 198066019 Association link broken.......................................................3-327
3.2.32 198005129 Ethernet port loop back error ..............................................3-328

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3.2.33 198031744 IPD session interrupted ......................................................3-328

3.2.34 198411393 BFD session negotiation failure...........................................3-330
3.2.35 198099803 Link Broken Between OMM and NE ....................................3-331
3.2.36 198099804 Link Broken Between Server And Alarmbox.........................3-332
3.2.37 198105035 The communication link between LogService board and
OMP is broken.....................................................................................3-334
3.2.38 198087775 Super site exchanged to the satellitic Abis link or slave
3.2.39 198087342 Cell interruption alarm ........................................................3-335
3.2.40 198087380 TRX Manual Block .............................................................3-337
3.2.41 198087336 Rack Abis control link broken..............................................3-337
3.2.42 198087468 lapd jam alarm...................................................................3-338
3.2.43 198087337 Site Abis control link broken................................................3-340
3.2.44 198087101 HW link broken ..................................................................3-341
3.2.45 198105047 The FTP link for full signal tracing is exceptional ..................3-341
3.3 Environment Alarm..........................................................................................3-342
3.3.1 198029184 SNTP server is unavailable ..................................................3-342
3.3.2 198025856 Rack temperature is high .....................................................3-343
3.3.3 198025857 Low temperature in Rack .....................................................3-344
3.3.4 198025858 Room temperature is higher than high threshold ....................3-345
3.3.5 198025859 Room temperature is lower than low threshold.......................3-346
3.3.6 198025860 Rack voltage is high.............................................................3-346
3.3.7 198025861 rack voltage is low ...............................................................3-347
3.3.8 198025862 Humidity is high ...................................................................3-348
3.3.9 198025863 Humidity is low ....................................................................3-349
3.3.10 198025864 Fault in fan plug-in box .......................................................3-350
3.3.11 198025865 Rack door alarm ................................................................3-351
3.3.12 198025866 Smoke detected.................................................................3-351
3.3.13 198025867 Infrared alarm ....................................................................3-352
3.3.14 198025868 Lightning alarm ..................................................................3-353
3.3.15 198025869 Loss of DC power supply to rack.........................................3-354
3.4 Processing Error Alarm....................................................................................3-354
3.4.1 198007936 Memory file buffer overflow...................................................3-354
3.4.2 198015360 Microcode Is Abnormal ........................................................3-355
3.4.3 198023040 Number of alarms exceeds threshold. ...................................3-356
3.4.4 198066031 OMP alarm pool is full, unable to store any more alarms. .......3-357
3.4.5 198066032 Loss of NTP time synchronisation .........................................3-357
3.4.6 198066027 SNTP failure........................................................................3-358
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3.4.7 198005387 Alarm due to inconsistent MP type ........................................3-359

3.4.8 198005388 Startup file does not exist .....................................................3-360
3.4.9 198005398 Office ID is not set correctly with control shelf ........................3-360
3.4.10 198005402 Database config is different from file named bootcfg.ini ........3-361
3.4.11 198005649 Port configuration is incorrect..............................................3-362
3.4.12 198005120 T Network Connection Not Conform to Configuration ...........3-364
3.4.13 198005123 Incorrect configuration for inserted board or device ..............3-364
3.4.14 198005889 Version Switches While Board Doesn't Reset ......................3-365
3.4.15 198005892 Boot Version Fails to Write to Backup Region ......................3-366
3.4.16 198066013 MTP3 link congestion.........................................................3-366
3.4.17 198066018 Association congestion.......................................................3-367
3.4.18 198014849 Process memory data aberrant ...........................................3-368
3.4.19 198087482 dbsapp data error alarm .....................................................3-369
3.4.20 198087505 Board Connect Fail ............................................................3-370
3.4.21 198105051 The configuration of master and slave logservice is
inconsistent .........................................................................................3-371
3.5 Qos Alarm ......................................................................................................3-372
3.5.1 198023296 Inter-board message communication flow rate exceeds the
alarm threshold ....................................................................................3-372
3.5.2 198066069 The number of times of signaling data transfer exceeds the
allowed threshold of the license ............................................................3-372
3.5.3 198105044 The internal KPI of the logic board is abnormal ......................3-373
3.5.4 198087344 MSC overload control alarm at FUC mode ............................3-375
3.5.5 198087345 CPU overload control alarm at FUC mode.............................3-375
3.5.6 198087346 Signaling point congestion control alarm at FUC mode...........3-376
3.5.7 198087347 MSC overload control alarm at SYS mode.............................3-377
3.5.8 198087348 CPU overload control alarm at SYS mode .............................3-378
3.5.9 198087349 Signaling point congestion control alarm at SYS mode ...........3-379
3.5.10 198087350 CCCH overload control ......................................................3-380
3.5.11 198087506 NSE block alarm ................................................................3-381
3.5.12 198087507 SGSN is blocked ...............................................................3-382
3.5.13 198087513 Board Ethernet port overload alarm.....................................3-383
3.5.14 198087758 Manual User Access control alarm ......................................3-384
3.5.15 198087759 CPU overload control alarm at Paging mode .......................3-384
3.5.16 198087773 CIC manual blocked alarm .................................................3-385
3.5.17 198087774 BVC manual blocked alarm ................................................3-386
3.5.18 198087517 Shelf overload control alarm at FUC mode ..........................3-387
3.5.19 198087518 Shelf overload control alarm at SYS mode...........................3-388
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3.5.20 198087381 The time-slot of air interface blocked manually.....................3-389

3.6 OMC alarm .....................................................................................................3-390
3.6.1 198099806 Hard Disk Fault On Server ...................................................3-390
3.6.2 198099807 Master To Slave Database Sync Failure ................................3-391
3.6.3 198099808 Link Broken Between Master and Slave ................................3-392
3.6.4 198099809 Back Card of SBCX Board Offline .........................................3-393
3.6.5 198099810 Slave SBCX Board Offline ....................................................3-394

Chapter 4 Notifications .............................................................................. 4-1

4.1 198020291 Protocol stack process failed to initialize during power on.................... 4-4
4.2 198018755 HDLC status changed ....................................................................... 4-4
4.3 198021329 LSDB Overflow................................................................................. 4-5
4.4 198021330 Configuration of OSPF mismatched ................................................... 4-6
4.5 198021331 Failed to add the ospf route to the courier routing table ....................... 4-7
4.6 198028231 Router ID not configured for OSPFv3 ................................................. 4-8
4.7 198028233 Configuration of OSPFv3 Mismatched................................................ 4-8
4.8 198020802 Conflicting IP address in subnet......................................................... 4-9
4.9 198020803 Conflicting MAC address in subnet .................................................. 4-10
4.10 198020804 Failed to generate static ARP from IP address .................................4-11
4.11 198020805 ARP detect failed .......................................................................... 4-12
4.12 198020806 ARP detect that the static ARP is not match ................................... 4-13
4.13 198021837 Failure in adding dynamic routings ................................................. 4-13
4.14 198021059 RIP Neighbor Configuration Errors ................................................. 4-14
4.15 198021060 RIP Interface Authentication Errors ................................................ 4-15
4.16 198021065 Incompatible RIP Version Number ................................................. 4-16
4.17 198022598 Routers with Conflicting System Id Exist in Network ........................ 4-16
4.18 198022599 ISIS Message Authentication Failure.............................................. 4-17
4.19 198018241 TCP Connection Aborted............................................................... 4-18
4.20 198018242 MD5 Verification Failure ................................................................ 4-19
4.21 198018243 Wrong MD5 Message Abstract ...................................................... 4-19
4.22 198028993 SCTP Primary Path Set Failed....................................................... 4-20
4.23 198021584 Neighbor Hold Timer Expired......................................................... 4-21
4.24 198021585 BGP Interface Down and Neighbor Link Broken.............................. 4-21
4.25 198029760 DNS server inaccessible ............................................................... 4-22
4.26 198030016 Ethernet link OAM event................................................................ 4-23
4.27 198000576 Loss of Frame on Trunk ................................................................ 4-23
4.28 198000834 MCC is faulty ................................................................................ 4-24
4.29 198001600 CPU resets on a board.................................................................. 4-25

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4.30 198008005 Memory file buffer overflow............................................................ 4-26

4.31 198016193 SIG_IPI Forwards Service Messages Abnormally ........................... 4-26
4.32 198017216 Error in MCS Multi-Core processor receiving configuration data
from DBS ....................................................................................................... 4-27
4.33 198023106 Board self-check fails .................................................................... 4-28
4.34 198023107 The board initialization failure ........................................................ 4-28
4.35 198023617 Configuration file is unusable ......................................................... 4-29
4.36 198003138 Board FLASH faults ...................................................................... 4-30
4.37 198003394 Start daylight saving time .............................................................. 4-31
4.38 198003395 End daylight saving time................................................................ 4-31
4.39 198025664 Abnormal Half-Fixed Connection Changes ..................................... 4-32
4.40 198005441 Port status on internal media plane changed .................................. 4-33
4.41 198005448 485 seriel bus link between CLKG/PWRD and OMP is broken ......... 4-34
4.42 198026176 Clock reference changed............................................................... 4-34
4.43 198026177 CLKG reference quality changed ................................................... 4-35
4.44 198026178 Clock work mode changed ............................................................ 4-36
4.45 198026179 Clock source invalidation reason changed ...................................... 4-36
4.46 198005702 Trunk configuration is inconsistent with function of board................. 4-37
4.47 198005705 MCU resets abnormally ................................................................. 4-38
4.48 198005708 The active/standby modules of PSN clock have changed over
successfully ................................................................................................... 4-38
4.49 198005710 The result of manual reference selection for SETS chip................... 4-39
4.50 198005711 Clock reference selection is being executed.................................... 4-40
4.51 198005712 The manual select base will be run, please wait for the result .......... 4-40
4.52 198005713 APC chip's peripheral RAM has hardware fault ............................... 4-41
4.53 198005715 PP2S source switched .................................................................. 4-42
4.54 198005718 Two master clock ports is directly connected .................................. 4-42
4.55 198005700 DSP resets for abnormities ............................................................ 4-43
4.56 198005701 Version Load Error ........................................................................ 4-44
4.57 198005714 No external clock for DSP.............................................................. 4-45
4.58 198019777 APS switch over occurred.............................................................. 4-45
4.59 198005188 UIM CS Changeover ..................................................................... 4-46
4.60 198005189 Notification of Active/Standby Changeover ..................................... 4-47
4.61 198005192 Board's Work Mode Unsupported................................................... 4-48
4.62 198005193 Notification of the power on status of the basic process ................... 4-49
4.63 198005194 Changeover of CS Optical Interfaces ............................................. 4-50
4.64 198005956 Board Version Error ...................................................................... 4-50
4.65 198005958 IDE Version Files Synchronization Information ................................ 4-51
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4.66 198005960 Version Fails to Be Switched ......................................................... 4-52

4.67 198005961 OMP Version Check Information .................................................... 4-53
4.68 198005962 Patch version operate fail .............................................................. 4-53
4.69 198011840 M3UA user office status change..................................................... 4-54
4.70 198013888 ASP status changed ..................................................................... 4-55
4.71 198013889 AS status changed........................................................................ 4-56
4.72 198013890 Sigtran error message received ..................................................... 4-57
4.73 198013891 Sigtran notification message received ............................................ 4-58
4.74 198013892 Allocate memory fail...................................................................... 4-59
4.75 198014144 Association establishment failed .................................................... 4-59
4.76 198014145 Association restart ........................................................................ 4-60
4.77 198005195 Board mix plug occurred................................................................ 4-61
4.78 198031040 ACL config failed .......................................................................... 4-62
4.79 198003649 Shortage of swap block resource ................................................... 4-62
4.80 198105001 Failed to get the table of configuration ............................................ 4-63
4.81 198105002 The route table is overloaded ........................................................ 4-65
4.82 198105003 Failed to handle DHCP message from other network ...................... 4-67
4.83 198105004 Failed to operate multicast group ................................................... 4-68
4.84 198105005 Clock difference of slave is large.................................................... 4-68
4.85 198105006 Slave losted external clock ............................................................ 4-69
4.86 198105008 Bandwidth automatic adjustment is useless .................................... 4-71
4.87 198105018 Unable to save Performance File ................................................... 4-72
4.88 198105019 SLAVE memory check fail notification............................................. 4-73
4.89 198105030 OMP received data is not complete................................................ 4-73
4.90 198105032 Transport Path Occupied BandWidth Overload ............................... 4-74
4.91 198105033 Transport Path group Occupied Bandwidth Overload ...................... 4-75
4.92 198105040 The pluged board is inconsistent with the configuration ................... 4-76
4.93 198105043 The slave's IPUDP configuration is modified ................................... 4-77
4.94 198105046 The log files on LogService board are unavailable .......................... 4-78
4.95 198105049 Saving the information of the dump slave. ...................................... 4-79
4.96 198087360 BCCH Exchange Fail .................................................................... 4-79
4.97 198087393 Ring state notification.................................................................... 4-80
4.98 198087394 Intelligent power up/down preparation notification ........................... 4-81
4.99 198087459 cell no gprs traffic inform ............................................................... 4-82
4.100 198087469 abis route change inform ............................................................. 4-82
4.101 198087353 NSVC deletion notification ........................................................... 4-83
4.102 198087395 SNS Size process failure notification ............................................ 4-84

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4.103 198087396 SNS Config process failure notification ......................................... 4-84

4.104 198087466 NSVC's IP deletion notification..................................................... 4-85
4.105 198087359 No access of BSC to MSC SPC ................................................... 4-86
4.106 198087503 Baseband frequency hopping exchange for trx fail ........................ 4-87
4.107 198087504 Baseband frequency hopping exchange for trx restore .................. 4-88
4.108 198087508 Block Successfully After Service released .................................... 4-88
4.109 198087751 dbsapp no avilable PCU resource inform ...................................... 4-89
4.110 198087754 Board back up............................................................................. 4-90
4.111 198087760 BTS master power recover notification.......................................... 4-91
4.112 198087761 BTS master power interruption notification .................................... 4-92
4.113 198087762 After BTS mains power failure TRX terminated notification............. 4-92
4.114 198087772 Super Site Connect in.................................................................. 4-93
4.115 198087798 Codec Fail .................................................................................. 4-94
4.116 198087799 Cell intelligent power-on or power-down........................................ 4-94
4.117 198087514 TRAU frame sync loss notification ................................................ 4-95
4.118 198087515 BCCH Exchange Success ........................................................... 4-95
4.119 198087516 Mute call detect........................................................................... 4-96
4.120 198087519 Release dynamic association by force .......................................... 4-97
4.121 198087520 Gb interface throughput exceed permissible value ........................ 4-98
4.122 198087338 TRX No Traffic ............................................................................ 4-98
4.123 198087434 Cannot detect up or down TRAU notification................................. 4-99
4.124 198087339 BTS self maintenance inform ......................................................4-100
4.125 198087477 site board cpu overload ..............................................................4-100
4.126 198087478 uplink user layer jam inform ........................................................4-101
4.127 198087479 downlink user layer jam inform....................................................4-101
4.128 198087488 chp cycle adjust trau information .................................................4-102
4.129 198087500 Radio Interface Synchronization ARF emendate Successfully.......4-103
4.130 198087501 Radio Interface Synchronization ARF emendate Failed ................4-103
4.131 198087502 Site IP Address conflicted...........................................................4-104
4.132 198087512 IDS Attack detecting...................................................................4-105
4.133 198003137 Failed to operate file...................................................................4-105

Glossary .......................................................................................................... I

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About This Manual

This manual describes how to handle ZXG10 iBSC alarms and notifications.

Intended Audience
This manual is intended for:

Maintenance engineers
On-duty staff in equipment room

What Is in This Manual

This manual has the following chapters:


1, Overview

Gives an overview of ZXG10 iBSC alarms and notifications.

2, General Operations

Describes the common operations for alarm handling.

3, Alarms

Describes the alarms in terms of alarm properties, causes, impact,

and Action.

4, Notifications

Describes the notifications in terms of notification properties, causes,

impact, and Action.

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Chapter 1

Functions of Fault Management
The fault management system collects fault information from all the NEs in the managed
network in near real-time, such as boards, links, databases, and servers, and then
displays the collected fault information in the format of alarm or notification. The fault
management system helps the system administrator quickly locate and resolve faults
in the managed network. It also provides telecom operators, network management
departments, and equipment vendors with correct and timely alarm data to ensure stable
network operations.

Fault Indication
The fault management system indicates a fault or event occurring in the network in the
form of alarm or notification.

A fault is indicated in the form of alarm when it persists and affects the reliability
and services of the system. An alarm will be cleared only after the fault is resolved.
Immediate troubleshooting is required when alarms occur.
A notification indicates a non-repeatable or instantaneous fault or event in the
system, for example, board reset and signaling overload. Such a fault or event is
normally caused by a sudden environment change or other accidental factors. No
special handling is required because the fault or event causing a notification can be
automatically handled by the system. However, a frequently-reported notification
requires troubleshooting.

Alarm Format
The alarms defined for the ZXG10 iBSCare provided with the information such as property
and possible causes. For details, refer to Table 1-1.
Table 1-1 Alarm Format Description


Alarm Code

Uniquely identifies an alarm.


Summarizes the fault information, such as the fault cause and phenomenon.

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ZXG10 iBSC Alarm and Notification Handling Reference



Alarm severity

There are four alarm severity levels, which are indicated in descending order
of severity as Critical, Major, Minor, and Warning.

Critical: indicates a fault that causes failures of system operations or

service capabilities. Immediate troubleshooting is required when a critical
alarm is reported.

Major: indicates a fault that seriously impacts proper system operations or

reduces service capabilities. Clearing the fault to restore the system as
soon as possible is required when a major alarm occurs.

Minor: indicates a fault that slightly influences proper system operations or

reduces service capabilities. Proper measures should be taken to clear
the fault in a timely manner and prevent the occurrence of more severe
alarms when a major alarm occurs.

Warning: indicates a fault that has a potential or gradual impact on proper

system operations or service capabilities. Warning messages need to
be analyzed and proper measures should be taken to clear the fault in a
timely manner and avoid more severe alarms.

Unknown: indicates a fault that severity is defined by users.

The impact degree described in the definition of alarm severity refers to the
impact on a single index, for example, reliability or security. Once the impact
on any index reaches the specified threshold, the severity level of the alarm
can be roughly determined. If an alarm has an impact on multiple indices, its
severity level should be escalated accordingly.
Alarm Type

Based on the triggering condition and system impact, alarms can be classified
into the following five types:

Equipment alarm: related with equipment hardware faults.

Communication alarm: related with information transmission faults (ITU-T

Recommendation X.733).

Processing error alarm: related with software or processing faults (defined

in ITU-T Recommendation X.733).

Environment alarm: related with the environment where the equipment is

located (defined in ITU-T Recommendation X.733).

QoS alarm: related with equipment operation performance or indexes.

Alarm Description

Provides the fault information in detail.

Alarm Cause

Provides probable alarm causes to help users troubleshoot, find preventive

measures, and restore the system to normal state in a timely manner.


Provides the consequence of each alarm and the impact on the system and

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Chapter 1 Overview




Provides the troubleshooting steps and suggestions.

During the alarm handling process, the following tips needs your attention:

After recording the fault information, O&M personnel needs to handle the
fault step by step as suggested. If there is no otherwise specified and the
fault is solved (that is, alarm is cleared), the alarm handling process ends.
If the fault persists, go to the next step.

If fault cannot be removed, contact the local ZTE office.

Notification Format
The notifications defined for the ZXG10 iBSC are provided with the information such as
property and possible causes. For details, refer to Table 1-2.
Table 1-2 Notification Format Description


Notification Code

Uniquely identifies a notification.


Summarizes the event information, such as the cause and phenomenon.

Notification severity

There are two alarm severity levels, which are indicated in descending order of
severity as Major, and Minor.

Major: indicates a fault that seriously impacts proper system operations or

reduces service capabilities. Clearing the fault to restore the system as
soon as possible is required when a major alarm occurs.

Minor: indicates a fault that slightly influences proper system operations or

reduces service capabilities. Proper measures should be taken to clear
the fault in a timely manner and prevent the occurrence of more severe
alarms when a major alarm occurs.

The impact degree described in the definition of notification severity refers

to the impact on a single index, for example, reliability or security. Once the
impact on any index reaches the specified threshold, the severity level of the
notification can be roughly determined. If a notification has an impact on
multiple indices, its severity level should be escalated accordingly.
Notification Type

The notification types are the same as the alarm types.


Provides the fault information in detail.

Notification Causes

Provides probable notification causes to help users troubleshoot, find

preventive measures, and restore the system to normal state in a timely


Provides the consequence of each notification and the impact on the system
and services.

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ZXG10 iBSC Alarm and Notification Handling Reference




Provides the troubleshooting steps and suggestions.

During the alarm handling process, the following tips needs your attention:

After recording the fault information, O&M personnel needs to handle the
fault step by step as suggested. If there is no otherwise specified and the
fault is solved (that is, alarm is cleared), the alarm handling process ends.
If the fault persists, go to the next step.

If fault cannot be removed, contact the local ZTE office.

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Chapter 2

General Operations
Table of Contents
Finding the Managed Objects Through an Alarm Object.............................................2-1
Filtering Controller Alarms ........................................................................................2-10

2.1 Finding the Managed Objects Through an Alarm

On the EMS, based on the key information of an alarm object, you can find the managed
elements and check their attributes (configuration parameters).
Key information of an alarm object:

Subnet and NE information

Alarm MO information (contained in the alarm details), including:

Alarm object MOC

Alarm object DN

Alarm object name, which is user-defined

Related managed objects:


Configuration object
Parent object
Referring object
Referred object

2.1.1 Querying the Configuration Object

This procedure takes the configuration object Adjacent Office Information (RemoteSp)
as an example to describe how to query related configuration objects of an alarm object.
Key information of the alarm object is as follows:

Alarm object MOC=REMOTESP

Alarm object DN=TransportNetwork=1,Ss7=1,LocalSp=1,RemoteSp=1
Subnet and NE information: SubNetwork=1333,MEID=1333

The complete DN information that can be used for checking or modifying the configuration
data is as follows:

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ConfigSet=0 indicates that the data is in the modification area (used for modifying NE
configuration data).
ConfigSet=1 indicates that the data is in the snapshot area (used for checking NE


Querying configuration objects through the GUI

1. From the navigation tree in the Configuration Management window, select
Snapshot Area under the NE node, see Figure 2-1.
Figure 2-1 Selecting the Snapshot Area

2. In the search box, enter the object type name Adjacent Office Information, and

. See Figure 2-2.

Figure 2-2 Querying the Object Type

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Chapter 2 General Operations

The Adjacent Office Information-List tab is displayed in the right pane.

3. Find the configuration object in the list.
You can set conditions to quickly find the object, for example, select DN as the
matching condition, like as the matching algorithm, and TransportNetwork=1 as
the matching value, see Figure 2-3.
Figure 2-3 Querying the Configuration Object

4. Double-click a configuration object and view its attributes in the displayed tab, see
Figure 2-4.
Figure 2-4 Attributes of a Configuration Object

Querying configuration objects through the MML

1. In the navigation tree of the MML Terminal, select Configuration Management
> Query Managed Object, see Figure 2-5.
Figure 2-5 Selecting the Command Type

2. Enter the command QUERY:MOC="RemoteSp",MOI="SubNetwork=1333,MEI

D=1333,ConfigSet=1,TransportNetwork=1,Ss7=1,LocalSp=1,RemoteSp=1"; to
query the managed object.

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The configuration object MOC is case sensitive.

The command result is as follows:

End of Steps

2.1.2 Querying the Parent Object of a Configuration Object

This procedure takes the No.7 Signalling Configuration(Ss7) parent object as an example
to describe how to query the configured parent object through the alarm object information.
Key information of the alarm object is as follows:

Alarm object MOC=REMOTESP

Alarm object DN=TransportNetwork=1,Ss7=1,LocalSp=1,RemoteSp=1
Subnet and NE information SubNetwork=1333,MEID=1333

Therefore, the DN information of No.7 Signalling Configuration(Ss7) is DN=TransportNe

The complete DN information that can be used for checking or modifying the configuration
data is as follows:


Querying the parent object through the GUI

1. From the navigation tree in the Configuration Management window, select
Snapshot Area under the NE node, see Figure 2-6.

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Figure 2-6 Selecting the Snapshot Area Node

2. In the search box, enter the object type name 7 Signalling Configuration, and

. See Figure 2-7.

Figure 2-7 Querying the Object Type

The No.7 Signalling Configuration-List tab is displayed in the right pane

3. Find the configuration object in the list.
You can set conditions to quickly find the object, for example, select DN as the
matching condition, like as the matching algorithm, and TransportNetwork=1 as
the matching value, see Figure 2-8.
Figure 2-8 Querying the Configuration Object

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4. Double-click the configuration object. Its attributes are shown the displayed tab,
see Figure 2-9.
Figure 2-9 Attributes of the Configuration Object

Querying the parent object through MML

1. In the navigation tree of the MML Terminal, select Configuration Management
> Query Managed Object, see Figure 2-10.
Figure 2-10 Selecting the Command Type

2. Enter the command QUERY:MOC="Ss7",MOI="SubNetwork=1333,MEID=133

3,ConfigSet=1,TransportNetwork=1,Ss7=1"; to query the managed object.
The command result is as follows:

End of Steps

2.1.3 Querying the Referring Object of a Configuration Object

This procedure takes the referring object Signalling Linkset (Sls) of the configuration
object Mtp3 Route (Mtp3Route) as an example to describe how to query the referring
object through the alarm object information.
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Key information of the alarm object:


Alarm object DN=TransportNetwork=1,Ss7=1,M3uaRoute=1
Subnet and NE information: SubNetwork=1333,MEID=1333

The complete DN information that can be used for checking or modifying the configuration
data is as follows:


Querying the referring object through the GUI

1. From the navigation tree in the Configuration Management window, select
Snapshot Area under the NE node, see Figure 2-11.
Figure 2-11 Selecting the Snapshot Area Node

2. In the search box, enter the object type name Mtp3 Route, and click
Figure 2-12.

, See

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Figure 2-12 Querying the Object Type

The Mtp3 Route-List tab is displayed in the right pane.

3. Find the configuration object in the list.
You can set conditions to quickly find the object, for example, select DN as the
matching condition, like as the matching algorithm, and Mtp3Route=1 as the
matching value, see Figure 2-13.
Figure 2-13 Querying the Configuration Object

4. Double-click the configuration object. Its attributes are shown the displayed tab,
see Figure 2-14.
Figure 2-14 Attributes of the Configuration Object

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5. Click Used signalling linkset 1.

displayed, see Figure 2-15.

The linked Signalling Linkset-List tab is

Figure 2-15 Locating the Signaling Link Set

Check the information of the signaling link set (Sls).


Querying the referring object through the MML

1. In the navigation tree of the MML Terminal, select Configuration Management
> Query Managed Object, see Figure 2-16.
Figure 2-16 Selecting the Command Type

2. Enter the command QUERY:MOC="Mtp3Route",MOI="SubNetwork=1333,ME

ID=1333,ConfigSet=1,TransportNetwork=1,Ss7=1,Mtp3Route=1"; to query the
managed object.
The command result is as follows:

3. Drag the horizontal scroll bar to the right and view the Used signalling linkset 1

4. According to the signaling link group information, enter the command

rtNetwork=1,Ss7=1,LocalSp=1,RemoteSp=1,Sls=1"; to query the referring object.
The command result is as follows:

End of Steps
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2.2 Filtering Controller Alarms

In the network management system, specific conditions can be set to filter alarms during
a query of active or historical alarms.
You can query the required alarms by:

Selecting the corresponding board where the alarms are raised directly on the rack
Entering the location information of the board where the alarms are raised, including
the rack, shelf, and slot information of the board.
Entering the office information in the alarms.

2.2.1 Checking Board Alarms Through the Rack Diagram

The rack diagram displays the board configuration and the alarms at each severity level
on each slot.
This section describes how to check the board alarms through the rack diagram.

1. Right-click the faulty NE, and select Open Diagram from the shortcut menu.
The board where the alarm is generated blinks in the color corresponding to the alarm
severity. For details, refer to the following table.
Alarm Color


2. In the Rank Chart, right-click the faulty board, and select Show Active Alarm from
the shortcut menu, see Figure 2-17.

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Figure 2-17 Selecting the Show Active Alarm Command Item

The Show Active Alarm dialog box is displayed.

3. Double-click an alarm, and view the alarm details and handling suggestions.
End of Steps

2.2.2 Filtering Alarms Based on Alarm Location

This procedure takes the Fault on board (GPS)(198005665) alarm as an example to
describe how to filter controller alarms based on the alarm location.
Key information of the alarm object is as follows:


Querying alarms through the GUI

1. On the Location tab, select the NE Type of the controller, see Figure 2-18.
Figure 2-18 Selecting the NE Type

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2. Select the board where the alarm is generated, see Figure 2-19.
Figure 2-19 Selecting the Board

3. Switch to the Alarm Code tab, and select Fault on board (GPS)(198005665),
see Figure 2-20.
Figure 2-20 Selecting the Alarm Code

4. Click OK. The query result is displayed, see Figure 2-21.

Figure 2-21 Alarm Query Result

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Querying alarms through MML

1. In the navigation tree of the MML Terminal, select Fault Management > Show
Active Alarm, see Figure 2-22.
Figure 2-22 Selecting the Command Type

2. Enter the command SHOW CURRENT ALARM:POSITION="gv3:OMMOID=hw

=1,SLOTNO=1,CPUNO=1"; to query the current alarms.
The command result is as follows:

End of Steps

2.2.3 Querying Alarms by Office Information

The information of an office includes Site Name (Office) and Site ID (Office).
This procedure describes how to query alarms in accordance with the information of an
office, for example, Site ID (Office): 2004.

If the office information is available in the alarm details, you can view the office information
by either of the following two methods:

Alarm list
The office information is available in the corresponding columns in the alarm list, see
the following figure:

Additional information

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The office information is available in the Additional Information area on the Detail
tab, see the following figure:


Fuzzy query
1. On the Others tab, select Remark(Fuzzy Match), and enter 2004 in the text box,
see Figure 2-23.
Figure 2-23 Entering the Office Information for Alarm Query

2. Click OK. The queried alarm is displayed on the query result tab, see Figure 2-24.

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Figure 2-24 Query Result

Advanced query
1. On the Others tab, click Advanced. The Advanced dialog box is displayed.
2. On the Additional Information tab, enter 2004 in the Site ID(Office) text box,
see Figure 2-25.
Figure 2-25 Entering the Site ID

3. Click OK. The queried alarm is displayed on the query result tab, see Figure 2-24.
End of Steps

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Chapter 3

Table of Contents
Equipment Alarm........................................................................................................3-1
Communications Alarm ..........................................................................................3-299
Environment Alarm.................................................................................................3-342
Processing Error Alarm ..........................................................................................3-354
Qos Alarm ..............................................................................................................3-372
OMC alarm.............................................................................................................3-390

3.1 Equipment Alarm

3.1.1 198019456 All high-speed links between line card and
switching boards are out of synchronization
Alarm Information
Alarm code:



All high-speed links between line card and switching boards are out of

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
All HSSLS between line card and switching boards are out of synchronization

Alarm Cause
1. The configuration of the PSN type is inconsistent with the actual used of PSN type
2. PSN hardware is abnormal.
3. GLI/TLIV hardware is faulty.

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1. All services on the equipment are down if the alarm is caused by Cause 1 or Cause 2.
2. All services on the line card are affected if the alarm is caused by Cause 3. If the service is not
configured in master/slave or load sharing mode, all services on the line card will be down. If the
service is configured in master/slave or load sharing mode, all services on the line card will soon be
restored after being down temporarily.

1. Check whether PSN board reboots repeatedly. If yes, Check whether the PSN board type
configured is consistent with the PSN board type actually in use.
If inconsistent (for example, the configured board type is PSN4V and the board type actually in use is
PSN8V), modify board type configuration or replace the board actually in use to keep consistency
between board configuration and the board in use.
If consistent, PSN board hardware might be faulty. In this case, replace PSN board.
2. If the alarm occurs in line card, check if the same alarm occurs in other line card(s) located in the
same shelf with the faulty line card.
If the same alarm occurs in all other line cards, PSN board might be faulty. Reboot PSN board and
check if the line card alarms are restored. If alarms are not restored, replace PSN board.
If merely the line card where this alarm occurs reboots repeatedly, replace the board where the
alarm is generated.

3.1.2 198019465 CSIX RX and TX packets is abnormal

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



CSIX RX and TX packets is abnormal

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
CSIX RX and TX packets is abnormal, the number of error packets exceeds the threshold

Alarm Cause
1. Signal is unstable when rack or board is powering on.
2. Switch chip is abnormal.

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Chapter 3 Alarms

The transceiver of the media plane is exceptional.

1. Reset the board.
2. Replace the board.

3.1.3 198028672 80g chip abnormal

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



80g chip abnormal

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
80g chip abnormal

Alarm Cause
80g detects that the GLIQP board restarts, or the 80g chip is abnormal.

Media plane messages are partially lost or unavailable.

Restart the board for which the alarm is reported. Replace the board with a good one if the alarm still
exists. Contact the next level of maintenance support. if replacing the board does not work.

3.1.4 198029952 802.3ah link fault

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



802.3ah link fault

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Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
Link Fault: The physical layer has determined a fault that occurred in the receive direction of the
local DTE
Dying Gasp: An unrecoverable local failure condition has occurred
Critical Event: An unspecified critical event has occurred

Alarm Cause
Link Fault: The physical layer has determined a fault that occurred in the receive direction of the
local DTE
Dying Gasp: An unrecoverable local failure condition has occurred
Critical Event: An unspecified critical event has occurred

Link Fault:
The port can't receive data, the operations will interrupt.
Dying Gasp:
The port can't receive data, the operations will interrupt.
Critical Event:
The 802.3ah is failed, can't detect the fault of link.

Link Fault:
1. Check the peer is or not right.
2. If right, change the optical fiber and check the alarm.
3. If the alarm is alive, change the and check the alarm.
4. If the alarm is alive, change the board.
Dying Gasp:
Check the peer is or not down.
Critical Event:
1. Check the 802.3ah is or not enable, if it is disable, it can't receive PDU.
2. If the 802.3ah is enable, if the port is optical, check the alarm of Link Fault is or not alive, if the
alarm is alive, the port can't receive the PDU
3. Or not, change the good network cable.
4. If the alarm is alive, change the peer board.

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Chapter 3 Alarms

3.1.5 198030208 Fault alarm of CFM

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



Fault alarm of CFM

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
Fault alarm of CFM

Alarm Cause
The MAID of the received CCM dose not exactly match the MAID configured in the receiving MEP.
1. The MEPID in the received CCM is not configured in the receiving MEP.
2. The MEPID in the received CCM matches the MEPID of the receiving MEP.
3. The CCM interval filed in the received CCM dose not match the configured for the receiving MEP.
4. The source mac of CCM is not match the mac of rmep's configured .
The MEP is not receiving CCM in timeout.
The MEP is receiving CCM that have the RDI.
The MEP is receiving AIS.
The MEP is receiving LCK.

The configure of MD is error.
The configure of MEP in MA is error.
1. the other mep is not enable.
2. the link is fault, mep can't receive PUD.
The receive of the last MEP is error.
The receive of the former MEP is error.
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The receive of the former MEP is error.

Check the configure of the peer MD.
Check the configure of all MEP in MA.
1. Check the fault of the link
2. Check the other MEP in MA is enabled or not.
Check the alarm of the last MEP.
Check the alarm of the former MEP.
Check the alarm of the former MEP.

3.1.6 198005633 Hard disk is faulty

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



Hard disk is faulty

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
Hard disk is faulty

Alarm Cause
The ribbon cable is loose or the hard disk fails, usually a hardware failure.

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This is an OMP alarm caused by hard disk breakage, which will affect the system in three ways:
1. The OMP can not boot and services can not access the board.
2. If the log server is abnormal, performance data temporarily stored in the hard disk of the OMP
will be lost.
3. No peripheral board can be powered on because when a peripheral board boots, it will request
for a version from the OMP.

Replace the fault hard disk or replace the board, where the hard disk is installed.

3.1.7 198005635 The board is not plugged firmly

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



The board is not plugged firmly

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
ENUM is open

Alarm Cause
1. The ENUM switch on the board is open, or in poor contact.
2. The EXCH button on the standby board is pressed twice within 3 seconds.

The active/standby board changeover or the APS changeover will fail. This board can not be
switched to the active board.

1. Check whether the ENUM switch is closed. If not, close it.
2. Open and close the ENUM switch.
3. If the ENUM open status is simulated by pressing the EXCH key on the standby board twice within
3 seconds, press the EXCH key on the standby board twice within 3 seconds.
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3.1.8 198005639 High Error Rate of Optical Interface

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



High Error Rate of Optical Interface

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
The rate of error code in a fiber is high.It is adventive

Alarm Cause
The fiber is not completed connected to the port, or is damaged, or is not compatible with the optical
transceiver module in T-network switch. There is no light signal input into the optics module.
This alarm is dedicated to the TDM optical port only. The possible causes of this alarm include:
1. TDM receiver fiber optics failure, fiber optics module failure.
This type of failures include: damaged fiber on the receiver, unconnected fiber, contaminated fiber or
damaged optics module on the receiver.
2. Fiber optics failure at the transmitting module on the corresponding TDM.
This type of failures include: damaged fiber on the transmitter, unconnected fiber, and contaminated
3. Compatibility between fiber optics and optics module.
The fiber transmission rate of TDM signal is incompatible with the wave length of the optics module.
4. Loss of signal (LOS) alarm operation is performed on the corresponding SDH device.
This includes the manual diagnosis test alarm operation.

There might be error in the data transmitted by the optical port which affects the quality of all the
services performed on this optical port.

1. Perform loopback test to determine source of this alarm is on the local devices or the corresponding
devices. Perform self-loop test on local device. If the failure persists, the failure source is on local
device; if the failure disappears after self-loop test, then the source of failure is on the corresponding
device. Contact the corresponding device for solution.
2. Replace optics module.
3. Replace the fibber optics.
4. Replace the board.
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3.1.9 198005640 FPGA exception

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



FPGA exception

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
FPGA is abnormal, it happens only once

Alarm Cause
FPGA runs abnormally, for example, FPGA is lost, or the board clock is lost.

The FPGA verification will fail.
The FPGA can not provide normal reading and writing functions.
The board can not work normally or provide all of its functions.
Services borne on the board will be interrupted.

1. Restart the board. In this case, the board downloads FPGA again.
2. Replace the board.

3.1.10 198005644 The channel in a sub card is down

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



The channel in a sub card is down

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
The channel in a subcard is down
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Alarm Cause
1. The sub-card is not inserted in position.
2. The sub-card has hardware faults.

The sub-card channel is not initialized or the initialization fails. As a result, the channel corresponding
to the alarm chip cannot be used normally. This affects the service carried by the board of the
sub-card. After the channel is available and the alarm is eliminated, the service is recovered.

1. Unplug and plug the sub-card again. Wait for the board to be powered on.
2. Replace the sub-card.

3.1.11 198005645 Sub card abnormal

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



Sub card abnormal

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
Subcard abnormal

Alarm Cause
1. The GCS, EC or HPS subcard of UIMC/GUIM/CHUB is not inserted in position.
2. The subcard is faulty.

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UIMC/GUIM/CHUB GCS sub-card functions abnormally. Packets may be lost, and even worse, link
disconnection may occur on the control planes of some boards. For active/standby configuration,
there are two cases:
1. If the active board is abnormal while the standby board is normal, the system performs
active/standby switchover. Thus, the standby board takes over the services of the faulty active
board. In this case, the service is not affected.
2. If both the active and standby boards are abnormal, active/standby switchover is forbidden. In this
case, the service is interrupted because the faulty board cannot restore to the normal status.

1. Check the sub-card connection on the board. If the sub-card is loosely inserted, tightly insert it and
wait for the board to be powered on.
2. Replace the sub-card.

3.1.12 198005646 Phase-lock loop unlocked

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



Phase-lock loop unlocked

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
Phase-lock loop unlocked

Alarm Cause
1. Clock board faulty.
2. Reference clock has changed to another optical board.
3. Reference clock changed when a board has been removed or plugged in to the shelf.
4. UIMC/GUIM input is disconnected, or UIMC/GUIM clock phase loop is abnormal.

The service clock and system clock are inconsistent on the board with unlocked phase-lock loop. As
a result, the service carried by the board is interrupted.

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1. On NMS fault management interface, check if the related clock alarm occur. If yes, handle the
alarm by referring to the corresponding suggestions.
The related alarm is as follows:
198005381 Input Clock Abnormal
2. On NMS fault management interface, check if related alarms occur on the optical port for clock
extraction. If yes, handle the alarm by referring to the corresponding suggestions.
The related alarms are as follows:
198001792 SDH/SONET fault
198005639 High Error Rate of Optical Interface
198000002 Loss of Optical Transceiver Module Signal
3. Check the operation and maintenance logs. If the operation of changing the clock extraction
reference for the loop is recorded, report the alarm as a normal phenomenon. In this case, no
handling operation is required.
4. Switch to the standby clock board.
5. Switch to the standby UIM/GUIM board.
6. Replace the board.

3.1.13 198005647 High BER on E1 link

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



High BER on E1 link

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
High error code happens in the trunk link

Alarm Cause
1. The E1/T1 link is faulty.
2. The device in the uplink direction of the trunk link is faulty.
3. The trunk cable or connector is in poor contact.

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The trunk fails to receive trunk signals. If the belonged port has only this link, all services on the port
are interrupted. Otherwise, only the port bandwidth is affected. The quantity of upper layer access
services associated with the port is decreased. The accessed bandwidth is reduced. The service,
however, is not interrupted.

1. Conduct a meter measurement or loopback test to find out whether the alarm is rooted in the
local end or peer end.
Meter measurement: Connect a trunk test meter to check if the signal received by the local end trunk
is normal. If yes, the fault is rooted in the local end. If the test shows the problem persists, the fault is
rooted in the peer end. In this case, inform the peer end to troubleshoot.
Loopback test: Perform self-loop at the trunk where alarm occurs at local end. If the problem persists,
it indicates that the fault is rooted in the local end. If the alarm is eliminated, it indicates that the alarm
is rooted in the peer end. In this case, inform the peer end to troubleshoot.
2. Replace the trunk cable.
3. Replace the board.

3.1.14 198005656 Input clock of subcard lost

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



Input clock of subcard lost

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
Input clock of subcard is lost

Alarm Cause
1. The subcard is loose.
2. The clock circuit of the subcard is damaged.
3. The clock circuit of the mother board is damaged.

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The unavailable sub-card clock affects the normal operation of the board. This may cause clock
jittering, and the service that implements media stream exchange through this board becomes
unstable. In the most serious case, the system clock is lost and the service carried by the board is

1. Check the subcard connection status. If the subcard is loose, tightly connect it and power it
on again.
2. Replace the subcard
3. Replace the board.

3.1.15 198005657 Error of LVDS path frame detection

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



Error of LVDS path frame detection

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
There are no frame heads on the LVDS channel, or the 257th and the 258th time slot are not 0xf1 or
0xba with frame heads on the LVDS channel

Alarm Cause
Error occurs in LVDS path frame detection

The board might not work normally.

1. Check if the TFI optical fiber corresponding to this path is connected in position or is damaged.
2. Connect the fiber in place or replace it with anther one, and check if the alarm is eliminated.
3. Check if the fiber matches the optical transceiver module.
4. Replace the fiber, and check if the alarm is eliminated.
5. Switch T network board.
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3.1.16 198005658 Failure in diagnosing link loop back of large T

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



Failure in diagnosing link loop back of large T network

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
It is wrong about the 129th time slot loop of LVDS between logic TSNB and TFI

Alarm Cause
The 129th time slot loop back of LVDS has a failure.

The board does not work normally.

1. Check if the TFI optical fiber corresponding to this path is connected in position or is damaged.
2. Connect the fiber in place or replace it with anther one, and check if the alarm is eliminated.
3. Check if the fiber matches the optical transceiver module.
4. Replace the fiber, and check if the alarm is eliminated.
5. Switch T network board.

3.1.17 198005663 Component fault

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



Component fault

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

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Alarm Description
Board device or subcard is abnormal

Alarm Cause
Devices or sub-cards on the board operate abnormally.

This alarm only occurs to the IMAB. When it occurs, the IMAB can not operate normally and the trunk
borne on the board will be broken. As a result, users can not access the board and the existing
services will be interrupted.

1. Check whether the 'Board input clock lose' or 'PLL unlock' alarm exists. If so, handle the alarm first.
2. Replace the board.

3.1.18 198005665 Fault on board (GPS)

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



Fault on board (GPS)

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
Clock board or GPS module report hardware error

Alarm Cause
According to alarm details, alarm status falls into two types:
Type A fault on board (GPS) phase-lock equipment (Probable alarm causes include 16chip loss/out
of lock, 12.8M loss/out of lock, PP2S output loss, 8K output loss, 10M output loss, and 1PPS loss).
Phase-lock equipment of this board (GPS) is in power on status (alarm cause is that the GPS module
of ICM board is in power on status, and power on has not been completed).

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Be usually determined as hardware fault, which affects system clock. It might lead to the system
clock loss and system synchronization failure.
When system clock loss/offset occurs, its subsequent impact on service is described below.
1.For TDM transmission, all links based on the TDM transmission medium (including the transmission
link currently in service for UE and cell transmission link) are affected. Packet loss might occur on
these links, leading to degradation of service quality. In the case of serious packet loss, service
interruption and handover failure will occur. Even worse, the cell might be out of service.
2.For non-TDM transmission (for example, IP transmission), Iub interface service is affected, while
Iur interface and Iu interface services are not affected. The clock that Node B derives from RNC
via IEEE1588 is inaccurate.
When RNC clock frequency offset is no more than 0.05 ppm, Node B synchronization will not fail, but
success rate of inter-RNC inter-Node B soft handover might fall.
When RNC clock frequency offset exceeds 0.5 ppm, Node B will fail to lock the clock. In this case,
Node B will oscillate freely and success rate of inter-Node B soft handover might fall.

On NMS fault management interface, view alarm Details where Error type information is given.
Locate the corresponding alarm Action according to the error type.
The alarm Actions that correspond to the error types are described below.
1.Type A Fault on Board (GPS) Phase-lock Equipment
1) On NMS test management interface, perform diagnostic test on ICM board. Check the working
status of the GPS module. If Class A fault persists in the GPS module, replace the board.
2) Check if output clock loss occurs. If yes, replace the board.
2.Phase-lock Equipment of This Board (GPS) Is in Power-on Status
If the alarm persists, hardware fault might exist. Replace the board.

3.1.19 198000256 Ethernet link to OMC is broken.

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



Ethernet link to OMC is broken.

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
Ethernet link down,only use for OMC and OMC2 now

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Alarm Cause
1. No network cable is connected with Network Port OMC or OMC2 on rear board of OMP.
2. Network cable is disconnected or cable connector is loose.
3. Network port on the board is faulty.

Master/slave switching will occur if OMP is configured in master/slave mode.
If master/slave switching is normal, system will not be affected.
If master/slave switching is abnormal, OMP board will fail to obtain version package from NMS,
leading to board power-on failure, UE access failure, and interruption of ongoing services.

1. Ensure that the network cable connected to Network Port OMC or OMC2 is connected firmly
and correctly on the both end.
2. Unplug and plug the network cable on Network Port OMC or OMC2 of OMP board
3. Check if OMC or OMC2 network cable works normally. If no, replace the cable.

3.1.20 198001284 The phase of 8K, 16K clock, input to backplane

board, is not matched
Alarm Information
Alarm code:



The phase of 8K, 16K clock, input to backplane board, is not matched

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
The phase of 8K, 16M clock, input to backplane board, is not matched

Alarm Cause
1. Clock cable is not properly connected.
2. Clock board is faulty.

The system fails to achieve synchronization so that the board can not work normally. As a result, UE
can not be accessed and services borne on the board are interrupted.
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1. Check the UIM/GUIM/GUIM2 board and ensure that the board is work well. If the board is loosely
inserted, tightly insert it and wait for the board to be powered on.
2. Check the clock input cable and ensure that the cable is good and well connected.
3. Clock board changeover.
4. UIM/GUIM/GUIM2 board changeover.
5. Replace the board which reported alarm.

3.1.21 198001286 Input clock of board lost

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



Input clock of board lost

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
Input clock of board is lost

Alarm Cause
1. The board is not in place (not properly inserted) in the slot.
2. Clock cable is disconnected.
3. Clock cable is faulty.
4. Board is faulty.

The board fails to synchronize with system clock so that it can not work normally. As a result, UE can
not be accessed and services borne on the board are interrupted.

1. Check if the clock (input) cable at the shelf is intact and properly connected.
2. Check if the following alarm occurs in the board. If yes, refer to the corresponding alarm Action.
Related alarm: 198005635 The board is not plugged firmly
3. Replace board.

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3.1.22 198000002 Loss of optical signal

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



Loss of optical signal

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
The optical module receives no optical signal

Alarm Cause
1. The receiving optical fiber/module of local equipment is faulty.
Receiving optical fiber is faulty or disconnected.
Optical connector is polluted.
Receiving optical module is faulty.
2. The transmitting optical fiber of opposite equipment is faulty.
Transmitting optical fiber is faulty or disconnected.
Optical connector is polluted.
3. The receiving optical power at local end is excessively low.
Optical power attenuation on the receiving fiber transmission line at local end is too much.
Transmitting optical power at opposite end is too low.
4. Operation of LOS insertion is performed at opposite end.
Manual operation of LOS insertion is performed in diagnostic test, and optical module is shutdown by
5. Optical fiber and optical module is incompatible.
The fiber transmission rate and the optical module wavelength are incompatible.

The optical interface fails to work normally. If the optical interface is configured with APS protection,
service will be switched to protection optical interface. Otherwise, all services on the optical interface
will be down.

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1. Carry out loop test to determine whether the alarm is caused by local end or opposite end. Perform
fiber self-loop at local equipment. If the alarm persists, fault might lie in local equipment. If the alarm
disappears, inform the opposite end to troubleshoot.
2. Replace the optical module.
3. Replace fiber.
4. Replace board.

3.1.23 198001792 Loss of SDH transmission link

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



Loss of SDH transmission link

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
When the power of the receiving-optical signaling is lower than the sensitivity of the optical receiver,
the LOS alarm occurs. When the LOS alarm occurs, the board inserts "110" between bit 6 and bit 8
of the multiplexing section overhead (MSOH) K2 on the sending side, via, send the MS RDI to
each other.

Alarm Cause
The alarm occurs when the receiving optical power is below optical receiver sensitivity. Generally
speaking, normal receiving optical power range for optical modules is between -28 dBm and -8 dBm.
Optical signals within this range can be detected.
Alarm Causes for the alarm include:
1. The receiving optical fiber/module of local SDH equipment is faulty.
Receiving optical fiber is faulty or disconnected.
Optical connector is polluted.
Receiving optical module is faulty.
2. The transmitting optical fiber of opposite SDH equipment is faulty.
Transmitting optical fiber is faulty or disconnected.
Optical connector is polluted.
3. The optical transmission line of SDH equipment is faulty.
Tail fiber and flange between fiber distribution frame and the equipment at local end are faulty
or disconnected.
The related connector is in poor contact.
4. The receiving optical power at local end is excessively low.
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Optical power attenuation on the fiber transmission line at receiving end is too much.
Opposite-end transmitting optical power is too low.
5. Operation of LOS insertion is performed at opposite end.
Manual operation of LOS insertion is performed in diagnostic test, and optical module is shutdown by
6. Optical fiber and optical module is incompatible.
The fiber transmission rate of STM signals and the optical module wavelength are incompatible.

SDH/SONET fails to work normally, leading to UE access failure on SDH/SONET and interruption
of ongoing services.

1. Use meter measurement or loop test to judge whether the alarm is caused by local end or
opposite end.
Meter Measurement
Use a SDH test meter or optical power meter to test whether the receiving optical signals at local end
are normal. If normal, fault might lie in local equipment. If abnormal, fault lies in opposite end or on
transmission side. Inform the opposite end or transmission side to troubleshoot.
Loop Test
Perform fiber self-loop at local SDH equipment. If the alarm persists, fault might lie in local equipment.
If the alarm disappears, inform the opposite end to troubleshoot.
If it is a local fault, go on with the following steps.
2. Replace optical module.
3. Replace optical fiber.
4. Replace board.

3.1.24 198001825 High BER on SDH / Sonet link

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



High BER on SDH / Sonet link

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
SDH/SONET: SD(signal degrade)

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Alarm Cause
1. Attenuation of receiving signals of local SDH equipment is large.
2. The transmitting part of opposite SDH equipment is faulty.
3. Fiber connector is polluted or misconnected.
4. The receiving part of local SDH equipment is faulty.
5. Operation of bit error insertion is performed at opposite end.

SDH/SONET equipment can work. However, call loss or noise occurs to all voice services on this
optical path, and bit error occurs on the data service channel.

1. Use meter measurement or loop test to judge whether the alarm is caused by local end or
opposite end.
Meter Measurement
Use a SDH test meter or optical power meter to test whether the receiving optical signals at local end
are normal. If normal, fault might lie in local equipment. If abnormal, fault lies in opposite end or on
transmission side. Inform the opposite end or transmission side to troubleshoot.
Loop Test
Perform fiber self-loop at local SDH equipment. If the alarm persists, fault might lie in local equipment.
If the alarm disappears, inform the opposite end to troubleshoot.
If it is a local fault, go on with the following steps.
2. Replace optical module.
3. Replace optical fiber.
4. Replace board.

3.1.25 198015874 Data traffic to PSN board is congested

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



Data traffic to PSN board is congested

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
A link level flow control occurred in 2400 during specified time and could not be recovered.

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Alarm Cause
1. The traffic flow to the board is excessive.
2. The PSN board in the same shelf is abnormal.
3. The board has hardware faults.

The services carried by the board are unstable. In most serious case, all services carried by the
board are interrupted.

1. On NMS fault management interface, check if the PSN in the same shelf has generated related
alarms. If yes, follow the suggestions on handling the related alarms.
The related alarm is as follows:
198019456 All high-speed links between line card and package switching board are out of
2. Unplug and plug the board.
3. Replace the board.

3.1.26 198015875 GLI table lookup failed

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



GLI table lookup failed

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
The number of dropped packets is over the threshold due to lookup critical table failure

Alarm Cause
1. L1 table or L2 table error.
2. Destination IP of packets or hardware is error.

Packets would be dropped which would cause poor voice quality and other problems.
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Switch the master port of the GLI board (where table lookup failed) to the partner board

3.1.27 198015876 GLI exception packets statistic over threshold

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



GLI exception packets statistic over threshold

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
GLI exception packets statistic over threshold

Alarm Cause
1. Connection between fiber and optic modules is not perfect.
2. Something wrong with fiber optic module.
3. Board hardware error.

Packets would be dropped which would cause poor voice quality and other problems.

1. Check the connection between fiber and optic modules.
2. Reboot the board.

3.1.28 198015877 GLIQV SRAM/DRAM error

Alarm Information
Alarm code:




Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

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Alarm Description

Alarm Cause
1. SRAM of GLIQV is error.
2. DRAM of GLIQV is error.
3. Micro engine of GLIQV is error.

Packets would be dropped which would cause poor voice quality and other problems.

1. Reboot the board.
2. Change the master port to slave port.
3. Replace the board with a new board.

3.1.29 198002560 Board CPU overload

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



Board CPU overload

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
The usage of CPU is over the threshold

Alarm Cause
1. Excessive data traffic at higher layer.
2. System is performing data synchronization or saving.
3. CPU alarm threshold setting is under configured.

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CPU occupancy indicates the current status of system operation. CPU overloaded, or over high
occupancy, is usually caused by service or operation that consume much time.
It has the following impact on the system:
Services with low priority level have little or no access to the processing of CPU, which reduces
processing speed of the services or even halts the processing.
System board could reset under excessively overloading conditions, causing interruption to the
service it performs.

1. Open the rack map on the Configuration Management window, select Board, right click and select
Board Property. Check the CPU overload threshold setting on the CPU Information tab. Please reset
CPU overload threshold if the CPU overload threshold value is too low. It will take 30 seconds for
the new setting to take effect.
Recommended threshold value: 80% for low level load threshold, 90% for high level load threshold.
2. Check for the record of data synchronization, data saving or other file operations in the network
manager log files. Those operations might increase the CPU utilization rate radically, and it might
take 2 minutes.
3. Check for the record of new board added or version upgrade operation in the network manager
log files. Version upgrading operation might increase CPU utilization rate radically, and it might
take 2 minutes.

3.1.30 198002561 High temperature on CPU board

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



High temperature on CPU board

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
High temperature on CPU board

Alarm Cause
1. Fan faulty.
2. High temperature in rack.
3. CPU overload.
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Automatic CPU reset might occur.

1. In NMS Configuration Management interface, click Rack. Right click the concerned board >
Show Board Properties Page > CPU1 or CPU2. Check 2 parameters: Low/High threshold of alarm
temperature, Reset temperature. If the settings are low, please adjust the High threshold of alarm
temperature and the Reset temperature. The new settings will be valid after 30 seconds.
Recommended Thresholds: High threshold of alarm temperature: 90 degrees Celsius, Reset
temperature: 95 degrees Celsius.
2. Observe the thermometer in machine room to know room temperature. If it is high, please take
effective measures to cool down.
3. Check the surface of the boards. Does it have much dust? If yes, please clean it for better cooling.
4. Check the air intake and air outlet of the rack. Does it have much dust? If yes, please clean it
for better ventilation.
5. Make sure the fan(s) on the rack works normally.
6. Replace the fault board.

3.1.31 198025601 TSNB internal connection chip fault

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



TSNB internal connection chip fault

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
error connection on 129ts of TSNB board

Alarm Cause
Connection chip (73273/73260) faults on TDM Switch Network Board cause some 129 time slots of
HW having connection faults.

If the fault occurs on master board, board state will be changed to slave; slave board will be reset
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Chapter 3 Alarms

1. Try to replace the board and check if the alarm is eliminated.
2. Please contact the next level of maintenance support.

3.1.32 198025602 TDM switch abnormal

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



TDM switch abnormal

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
The board has an abnormal half-fixed connection

Alarm Cause
1. Check for any clock alarms.
2. TDM Switch chip is faulty
3. Wrong board in configured slot.

The link with abnormal connection is interrupted. Accordingly, services are affected.

1. In NMS Configuration Management interface, view the configuration of IMA links. Do the values of
HW and TS fields configured for IMA links conflict (for example, two A ends are configured with the
same B end). If yes, modify the configuration.
2. Replace the faulty board.

3.1.33 198005376 Internal media port of board is abnormal

Alarm Information
Alarm code:


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Internal media port of board is abnormal

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
Inner media port link down

Alarm Cause
1. Physical failure of the IC at the internal port on the board.
2. Failure of local board connecting port on the switching IC of UIM.
3. Backplane wiring failure of local slot to UIM.
4. CPU overloaded on the first level switching board, UIM board at the shelf, or local board.
5. Service over the rated capability of the board.

Because internal media stream can not be transmitted via this port, it will select another port for
transmission. If all the internal ports are abnormal, the internal media stream will be interrupted and
all the services provided on this board will be interrupted.

1. Check the Alarm Management window for the CUP overloaded on the first level switching board,
UIM board at the shelf, or local board. Perform recommended solution to process the alarm(s) if any.
Related Alarm: 198002560 Board CPU Overloaded
2. Check the Alarm Management window for the alarms of Inter-shelf media plane links abnormal.
Perform the recommended solution to process the alarm(s) if any.
Related Alarm: 198005121 Inter-shelf Media Plane Link Error
3. Replace the board.
4. Change the slot of the board.
5. Replace the UIM in the same shelf.

3.1.34 198066070 Board offline or CPU in reset status for a long

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



Board offline or CPU in reset status for a long period

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Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
Board offline or CPU in reset status for a long period

Alarm Cause
1. The board is not in position.
2. Hardware failure.

If the board is normal, but its in-position indicator has a fault, then this alarm does not affect services.
The board is in blocked status, no services can be accessed. If the board acts as a resource board,
its resources can not be used.

1. Check whether the board is in position. If not, insert the board.
2. Plug/unplug the board.
3. Replace the board.
4. Replace the slot
5. Replace the UIM/GUIM/GUIM2 of the same shelf.

3.1.35 198005381 Input clock is abnormal

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



Input clock is abnormal

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
Input clock is abnormal

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Alarm Cause
1. The Clock board is abnormal.
2. The clock board is not synchronized with reference clock.
3. The clock reference source is abnormal.

The services are interrupted because the system can not get a proper clock.

1. Reconnect the cable between the board and the clock reference (the previous level).
2. Replace the cable between the board and the clock reference.
3. Check the signal output from the reference clock source.
4. Replace the board.

3.1.36 198005389 CPU sub card in position is not configured in

the database
Alarm Information
Alarm code:



CPU sub card in position is not configured in the database

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
A (CPU) subcard is online, but is not configured by database

Alarm Cause
1. Configuration is incorrect.
2. Board is misplaced.

Since the board where the unconfigured sub card is located resets repeatedly, power resource of
the equipment is wasted. However, services won't be affected.

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Is the sub card needed?
If no, remove the sub card.
If yes, change the type of board so that it can support the sub card.

3.1.37 198005390 CPU sub card is missing from slot but is

configured in database
Alarm Information
Alarm code:



CPU sub card is missing from slot but is configured in database

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
A (CPU) subcard is not online, but has been configured by database

Alarm Cause
1. The configuration is wrong.
2. A wrong board is inserted.

The sub-card functions are unavailable, accordingly this board does not support relevant services.
The influence on the system is various according to different type of sub-card.
If the sub-card is an interface board, the transmission link via this board is not connectable, then
services will be accessed through other sub-card. If the sub-card is a signalling process board,
the cell/Node B configured for this board is not available for services. If the sub-card is a user's
plane board, user plane process capability will decline, then services will be accessed through
other sub-card.

Is the sub-card required? If no, modify the type of board so that the new type doesn't support such
sub-card; if yes, insert the sub-card firmly.

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3.1.38 198005395 External port abnormal

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



External port abnormal

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
The physical link of the external port is down

Alarm Cause
1. The cable is not properly connected or not connected to the port.
2. The port chip on the board is faulty.
3. The opposite board is faulty.

This port is not available for services. If there is a standby port, data can be received or transmitted
via the standby port. But in this case, totally data throughput will decline. Meanwhile, the reliability
and stability of the system declines. If there is no standby port, all communication links via this port
will be broken, and the services carried via this port will be interrupted.

1. Reconnect or replace the cable.
2. Replace the board.
3. Contact responsible engineers to check the opposite port and remove possible faults.
Check, including but not limited to: such as port attributes 10M/100M/1000M, is adaptive or
mandatory, full-duplex, half duplex.

3.1.39 198005396 Exceptional communication on UIM board or

back plane
Alarm Information
Alarm code:



Exceptional communication on UIM board or back plane

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Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
Board internal media plane packet test abnormal

Alarm Cause
1. The internal port chip on the board has a physical fault.
2. The switch IC on UIM/GUIM/GUIM2 provides a port, which is connected to the board. This port
has a fault.
3. Backplane wiring failure, which connects the slot to UIM.
4. A CPU on L1 switching board, the board, or UIM board of the same shelf, is overloaded.
5. Service exceeds the processing capability of the board.

If the internal media plane stream can not be processed, packets may be lost. In this case, services
provided by this board become unstable.
If it is port fault or connector fault, the internal media plane is completely broken. In this case, services
borne on this board are interrupted.
If either CPU or traffic is overloaded, services carried on the board will be delayed. In serious
situation, services may be interrupted.

1. Check the Alarm Management window for the alarms of Inter-shelf media plane links abnormal.
Perform the recommended solution to process the alarm(s) if any.
Related Alarm: 198005376 internal media plane port failure.
2. Check the Alarm Management window for the CUP overloaded on the first level switching board,
UIM board at the shelf, or local board. Perform recommended solution to process the alarm(s) if any.
Related Alarm: 198002560 Board CPU Overloaded
3. Check the Alarm Management window for the alarms of Inter-shelf media plane links abnormal.
Perform the recommended solution to process the alarm(s) if any.
Related Alarm: 198005121 Inter-shelf Media Plane Link Error
4. Replace the board.
5. Change the slot of the board.
6. Replace the UIM in the same shelf.

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3.1.40 198005399 DSP resource is unavailable

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



DSP resource is unavailable

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
The state should be reported to the DBS and blocked in the DBS when Dsp resources is not
available.(such as broken)

Alarm Cause
This alarm indicates DSP resource is not available. It is monitored by higher-level layer. Once DSP is
blocked, an alarm is given. This includes the following situations:
1. DSP version fails to be loaded so that the system is unable to operate normally.
2. The HPI port on DSP is abnormal.
3. The DSP media plane communication is disconnected.
4. DSP resets.

All services processed by this DSP are interrupted, and those services will be re-created on other
normal DSPs. If the DSP is unavailable for a long time, system performance will be degraded.

1. In network management system, check the operation & maintenance log file. Is there a record,
indicating DSP version replacing? If yes, this operation must cause DSP to reset. And having this
alarm is a normal phenomenon. No handling is required. Please wait until DSP reset is complete.
2. Alarm details are displayed in NMS Alarm Management interface, where DSP index is given.
Click System Rack Architecture. Right click the concerned board > Display Attributes > Subunit
Configuration. Then select the fault DSP and click Subunit Configuration > Status Attribute> Query
Status to view status. Is the Status of DSP Blocked? If it is Blocked, it means DSP is blocked
manually. And this alarm is a normal phenomenon.
In this case, click System Rack Architecture. Right click the concerned board and choose Subunit.
Perform unblock DSP operation. After the operation, DSP restores to normal.
3. In Alarm Management interface, check whether there is one of the following alarms. If yes, please
solve the problem according to corresponding Actions.
Related Alarms:
198005701 Version Load Error
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Chapter 3 Alarms

198005655 DSP auto-detection abnormal

198005700 DSP abnormally resets
4. Reset the board.
5. Replace the board.

3.1.41 198066033 T-net center is fault

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



T-net center is fault

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
T-net center is fault

Alarm Cause
The big T-net center board has a fault.

T-net related resource is unavailable.

1. Replace the slot.
2. Replace the board.

3.1.42 198005403 Board SRAM self-check fails

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



Board SRAM self-check fails

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

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Alarm Description
Board's hardware faults occur in SRAM self-check during the process of system power on

Alarm Cause
Hardware fault of board.

Board operation might be abnormal.

Replace the board, and check whether this alarm disappears.

3.1.43 198005404 Board OCXO oven fault

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



Board OCXO oven fault

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
Board OCXO oven fault occur

Alarm Cause
Hardware fault of board.

Board operation might be abnormal.

Replace the board, and check whether this alarm disappears.

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Chapter 3 Alarms

3.1.44 198005405 Clock board phase-lock loop work mode

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



Clock board phase-lock loop work mode abnormal

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
Phase-lock loop is not in TRACE state

Alarm Cause
1. There is no available reference source.
2. The clock distribution line is incorrect or there exists self loop.
3. The secondary clock locks the tertiary clock.

The designated reference clock cannot be phase-locked.

1. Check if the corresponding clock reference is correctly inputted.
2. Replace the board.

3.1.45 198026116 PP2S output clock lost

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



PP2S output clock lost

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
PP2S output clock lost
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Alarm Cause
Hardware is faulty.

1. If it is caused by the master clock board, the system will fail to get clock. Because of this, all
clock-related boards can not work normally and services will be interrupted. The relevant boards
include IMA protocol processing board and interface board with HW process capability.
2. If it is caused by the slave clock board, services will not be affected.

1. If the alarm is reported by master board rather than slave board, perform master/slave switching.
2. Replace the board where the alarm is reported.

3.1.46 198026117 PP2S clock reference lost

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



PP2S clock reference lost

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
CLKG PP2S clock base lost

Alarm Cause
Hardware is faulty.

The system can not get wanted clock, therefore all clock-related processes are abnormal.

1. If the board where the alarm is declared is ICM, please replace the board.
2. If the board where the alarm is declared is CLKG:
Check the connection between CLKG and GCM.
Replace the CLKG.
Replace the GCM.
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3.1.47 198026118 16CHIP clock reference lost

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



16CHIP clock reference lost

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
CLKG clock 16CHIP base lost

Alarm Cause
Hardware is faulty.

The system can not get wanted clock, therefore all clock-related processes are abnormal.

Replace the board.

3.1.48 198026127 Loss of Level 3 reference source clock

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



Loss of Level 3 reference source clock

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
Loss of Level 3 reference source clock

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Alarm Cause
Input clock reference is in unavailable status for no more than 10 minutes.
Alarm Causes include:
1. Clock reference input is abnormal.
2. The configured clock reference does not exist.

When all configured clock reference sources are lost, the clock board comes to free running or
hold-over state. Accuracy of output clock is determined by the crystal oscillator of clock board.
No impact on service.

1. Re-connect the input clock reference.
2. For the clock reference not in use, delete the corresponding Circuitry Clock Reference
configuration on NMS configuration management interface (board property).
3. If the clock reference is from interface board, check if the backcard of the interface board is
supported clock output.

3.1.49 198026128 Loss of Level2 reference source clock

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



Loss of Level2 reference source clock

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
Loss of Level 2 reference source clock

Alarm Cause
Input clock reference is in unavailable status for more than 10 minutes and less than 24 hours.
Alarm Causes include:
1. Clock reference input is abnormal.
2. The configured clock reference does not exist.

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When all configured clock reference sources are lost, the clock board comes to free running or
hold-over state. Accuracy of output clock is determined by the crystal oscillator of clock board.
The clock loss leads to synchronization failure between system clock and clock reference source.
Service interruption might occur.
The system will not be affected if the following two events happen together.
Input clock reference source is lost.
The phase-locked loop locks other clock reference source.

1. Re-connect the input clock reference.
2. For the clock reference not in use, delete the corresponding Circuitry Clock Reference
configuration on NMS configuration management interface (board property).
3. If the clock reference is from interface board, check if the backcard of the interface board is
supported clock output.

3.1.50 198026129 Loss of Level1 reference source clock

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



Loss of Level1 reference source clock

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
Loss of Level 1 reference source clock

Alarm Cause
Input clock reference is in unavailable status for more than 24 hours.
Alarm Causes include:
1. Clock reference input is abnormal.
2. The configured clock reference does not exist.

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When all configured clock reference sources are lost, the clock board comes to free running or
hold-over state. Accuracy of output clock is determined by the crystal oscillator of clock board.
The clock loss leads to synchronization failure between system clock and clock reference source.
Service interruption will occur.
The system will not be affected if the following two events happen together.
Input clock reference source is lost.
The phase-locked loop locks other clock reference source.

1. Re-connect the input clock reference.
2. For the clock reference not in use, delete the corresponding Circuitry Clock Reference
configuration on NMS configuration management interface (board property).
3. If the clock reference is from interface board, check if the backcard of the interface board is
supported clock output.

3.1.51 198026131 CLKG board PLL is unlocked. Clock will drift

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



CLKG board PLL is unlocked. Clock will drift

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
CLKG board PLL is unlocked

Alarm Cause
Hardware fault of board

System could not get the needed clock, which will cause processing abnormity related to the clock.

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Chapter 3 Alarms

1. If the alarm is reported by the master board, and the slave board is good, perform master/slave
changeover operation.
2. Replace the fault board.

3.1.52 198026133 Output clock lost

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



Output clock lost

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
Output clock lost

Alarm Cause
Hardware is faulty.

1. If this alarm occurs on the master board, system clock synchronization will fail and services will
be interrupted.
2. If this alarm occurs on the slave board, services will not be affected.

1. If the alarm is declared by master board rather than slave board, perform master/slave switching.
2. Replace board.

3.1.53 198005632 Hard disk usage rate exceeds threshold.

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



Hard disk usage rate exceeds threshold.

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Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
Hard disk usage rate exceeds one of the thresholds. There are three kinds of threshold about this

Alarm Cause
1. The configured usage rate threshold is unreasonable.
2. The usage rate of hard disk is over high.

When hard disk usage rate exceeds its threshold, new data can not be written. The data may be
lost. There is no impact on services.

1. In NMS configuration management interface, click MPX86 or MPX86/2 alarm parameters > hard
disk full alarm to check the threshold used to report a hard disk usage alarm. If the threshold value is
low, please increase it.
2. Clean the space of hard disk. Delete the files that are no longer used, or move them to external
storage devices.

3.1.54 198005637 Back card does not match with front board
Alarm Information
Alarm code:



Back card does not match with front board

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
Back card error. Back card and frontal board do not match

Alarm Cause
1. Incorrect rear board is used.
2. Rear board failure.
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Chapter 3 Alarms

1. When the rear board interface is used to connect other network element, it will cause link
interruption at bottom layer, and services over the corresponding link will be interrupted.
2. When the rear board interface is used to connect internal control plane, it will cause communication
error at internal control plane. As a result, the board can not exchange control plane messages and
services borne on the board will be interrupted.
3. When the rear board interface of clock board is used to extract clock, it will cause loss of clock
signal. Because without input clock, the system services will be interrupted.

1. Check the front board type for the correct rear board type, and use the correct rear board.
2. Replace the defective rear board with a new rear board.

3.1.55 198005660 Physical link down between master port and

slave port
Alarm Information
Alarm code:



Physical link down between master port and slave port

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
Physical link down between master port and slave port

Alarm Cause
The running physical link between the master and the slave port is broken.

APS function disabled

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1. Change another slot and check whether the alarm disappears.
N->Go to Step 2.
2. Change the board and check whether the alarm disappears.
N->Contact the next level of maintenance support.

3.1.56 198005661 Physical link down between media interface ports

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



Physical link down between media interface ports

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
Media interactive GE port link down

Alarm Cause
The network port or board is faulty.

The APS optical port data on the standby board cannot reach the active board. When the active
optical port is normal, the service is not affected. When the active optical port is faulty, APS fails to
protect optical port and thus all services carried by the optical port are interrupted.

1. Replace the board.
2. Replace the other board, that is, the board rather than the faulty board in active/standby
3. Replace the slot. Use the slot that supports GE channel between boards.

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Chapter 3 Alarms

3.1.57 198005662 IDE running overtime

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



IDE running overtime

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
The hard disk working time exceeds the allowed duration

Alarm Cause
IDE is operated for longer time.

When hard disk work for long time without sleep, engine will be in high speed spin state for long, this
will influence the life of disk, and data will lose when disk be abnormal.
Disk of some model will lock the engine when it keep work for long time to protect the disk. But this is
out of the software controled, and may result in data lose when disk cannot be accessed transitorily.

No handling is necessary.

3.1.58 198005667 E1 is looped back

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



E1 is looped back

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
Loop E1 alarm
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Alarm Cause
1. User has set loop back.
2. Transmission is looped back by provider.
3. Local board is faulty.
4. Remote board is faulty.
5. Loop back applied on DDF.

Data can not be sent out because of the loopback E1.

1. Disconnect the loopback E1.
2. Restart the board.
3. Replace the board.
4. Replace the opposite board.

3.1.59 198005668 Cross-linked E1 alarm

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



Cross-linked E1 alarm

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
Cross-linked E1 alarm

Alarm Cause
Self board has cross-linked E1.

Data can not be sent out because of cross-linked E1.

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1. Disconnect the cross-linked E1, Wait for 1 minute and check whether the alarm disappears.
2. Restart the board and check whether the alarm disappears.
3. Replace the board by another one and check whether the alarm disappears.
4. Replace the board connected with this board, check whether the alarm disappears.

3.1.60 198005669 Synchronization status check of FPGA failed

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



Synchronization status check of FPGA failed

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
Synchronization status check of FPGA failed

Alarm Cause
Synchronization status check of FPGA and SPI4/VSC872/VSC874 failed. It's usually caused by
hardware exceptions. For example, the clock chip works abnormally.

If synchronization status check of FPGA fail, Media can not receive or send data normally. And the
board will reset for the exception of the media check frame.

Replace the board.

3.1.61 198005671 Sending or receiving packets using the cascade

ports inner board failed
Alarm Information
Alarm code:


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Sending or receiving packets using the cascade ports inner board failed

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
Sending or receiving packets using the cascade ports inner board failed

Alarm Cause
1. The subcard GCS of UIM2 is not inserted in position.
2. The subcard GCS of UIM2 has hardware faults.
3. The UIM2/CHUB/GUIM/GUIM2 board has hardware faults.

Cascade ports inner UIMC/GUIM/GUIM2/CHUB functions abnormally. Packets may be lost, and even
worse, link disconnection may occur on the control planes of some boards. For active/standby
configuration, there are two cases:
1. If the active board is abnormal while the standby board is normal, the system performs
active/standby switchover. Thus, the standby board takes over the services of the faulty active
board. In this case, the service is not affected.
2. If both the active and standby boards are abnormal, active/standby switchover is forbidden. In this
case, the service is interrupted because the faulty board cannot restore to the normal status.

1. Check the GCS subcard connection on the board. If the subcard is loosely inserted, tightly insert it
and wait for the board to be powered on.
2. Replace the GCS subcard.
3. Replace the UIM2/GUIM/GUIM2/CHUB board.

3.1.62 198005641 Port Link Down

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



Port Link Down

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

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Alarm Description
port link down

Alarm Cause
There is something wrong with the internal chip.

DSP is abnormal and call loss increases.

1. Reset the corresponding DSP chip or the board by using MML command on the background and
then check the alarm is eliminated.
2. Replace the board.

3.1.63 198005655 Errors detected in DSP

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



Errors detected in DSP

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
Inform UP layer to block after DSP has automatically detected abnormity

Alarm Cause
1. The HPI port fails
2. Hardware failure.

This DSP will be blocked and no longer available. The cell of this DSP is out of service; the subscriber
using this DSP is out of service; call loss rate might increase when call traffic is high.

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1. Reset the board.
2. Replace DSP sub-card.
3. Replace the board.

3.1.64 198019712 APS channel mismatched

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



APS channel mismatched

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
APS channel mismatch

Alarm Cause
1. Fiber connection is wrong.
2. APS backup mode is configured differently between local end and opposite end.
3. APS protection mode is configured differently between local end and opposite end.
4. The opposite equipment is faulty.

APS automatic protection switching function is paralyzed. When the working optical port is abnormal,
the protection optical port will not work, leading to service interruption on this optical port.

1. Check fibber connection.
Check fibber connection at both ends. Ensure that the work optical ports at both ends are
interconnected, and the protection optical ports at both ends are interconnected.
On NMS configuration management interface, locate the relevant board in the rack. Right-Click the
board and open board properties page. Click Optical port APS protection to view the "Work optical
port" and "Protection optical port" configured at local end.
2. Check APS backup mode configuration at both ends.
Check APS backup mode (1+1 or 1:1) at local end to ensure configuration consistency at both ends.

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On NMS configuration management interface, locate the relevant board in the rack. Right-Click the
board and open board properties page. Click Optical port APS protection in the shortcut menu to view
the "Protection Type" (1+1 or 1:1).
3. Check APS protection direction at both ends.
Check APS protection direction (unidirectional or bidirectional) configured at local end. Ensure
configuration consistency at both ends.
On NMS configuration management interface, locate the relevant board in the rack. Right-Click the
board and open board properties page. Click Optical port APS protection to view the "Protection
Direct" (unidirectional or bidirectional).
4. Check whether APS is supported by the opposite equipment. Check whether APS configuration is
correct and has taken effect.

3.1.65 198019713 APS mode mismatched

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



APS mode mismatched

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
APS protection mode mismatch

Alarm Cause
1. Fiber connection is wrong.
2. APS backup mode is configured differently between local end and opposite end.
3. APS protection mode is configured differently between local end and opposite end.

1. When fibber connection is correct and the working optical port can work normally, services won't
be affected.
2. When the working optical port is faulty, APS automatic protection switching function doesn't work,
and services carried via this optical port will be interrupted due to lack of protection.

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1. Check fibber connection.
Check fibber connection at both ends. Ensure that the work optical ports at both ends are
interconnected, and the protection optical ports at both ends are interconnected.
On NMS configuration management interface, locate the relevant board in the rack. Right-Click the
board and open board properties page. Click Optical port APS protection to view the "Work optical
port" and "Protection optical port" configured at local end.
2. Check APS backup mode configuration at both ends.
Check APS backup mode (1+1 or 1:1) at local end to ensure configuration consistency at both ends.
On NMS configuration management interface, locate the relevant board in the rack. Right-Click the
board and open board properties page. Click Optical port APS protection to view the "Protection
Type" (1+1 or 1:1).
3. Check APS protection direction at both ends.
Check APS protection direction (unidirectional or bidirectional) configured at local end. Ensure
configuration consistency at both ends.
On NMS configuration management interface, locate the relevant board in the rack. Right-Click the
board and open board properties page. Click Optical port APS protection to view the "Protection
Direct" (unidirectional or bidirectional).

3.1.66 198019714 APS configuration alarm

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



APS configuration alarm

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
APS reset board

Alarm Cause
Optical interface are not configured for APS in 1:1 mode.

The board can not enter into normal working status. All board services fail to be established.

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1. If board backup mode is configured as 1:1 or 1+1 and SDH optical interface is needed, at least one
set of APS protection needs to be configured.
To configure APS protection:
On NMS configuration management interface, locate the relevant board in the rack. Right-Click the
board and open board properties page. Click Optical port APS protection.
2. If board master/slave mode is not needed, modify board backup mode into.
To configure board backup mode:
Delete the relevant board on NMS configuration management interface. Then recreate the board.
Select board backup mode as "None" during board creation.
3. If board backup mode is configured as 1:1 and no SDH optical interface is required, modify the
board backup mode into 1+1.
To configure board backup mode:
Delete the relevant board on NMS configuration management interface. Then recreate the board.
Select board backup mode as "1+1" during board creation.

3.1.67 198019715 MS APS channel gets errors

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



MS APS channel gets errors

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
APS channel between master and slave board gets errors

Alarm Cause
1. APS Channel between Master and Slave Board gets hardware fault.
2. The connection on the backplane between the slot and the neighboring slot gets errors.

1. ASP function is affected.
2. The board master/slave function is affected.

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1. Reboot the board.
2. Replace the board.
3. Replace the neighboring board.
4. Replace the slots .

3.1.68 198005121 Inter-shelf media plane links abnormal

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



Inter-shelf media plane links abnormal

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
Ge routing is abnormal

Alarm Cause
1. The fiber connection is error between shelves, or the fiber is not physically plugged.
2. The background configuration of the board is inconsistent with its foreground physical connection.
3. The transceiver of the board link detection packet is exceptional.

The inter-shelf service bandwidth is reduced. The inter-shelf services may be interrupted if no
backup is configured.

1. In the NMS Configuration Management interface, select Unit Connection Relation, then compare
the configuration with actual physical connection. If it is different, adjust connection cables according
to the configuration.
2. Check the connection of optical fiber and make sure it is in cross connection. Is there any relevant
alarm? If yes, please solve the problem according to recommended Actions.
Relevant Alarm: 198005125 GE optical transceiver module is wrongly connected to left/right board
slots at opposite end
3. Replace the optical fiber or the optical transceiver module so that the SD indicator for the
corresponding port is on.
4. Replace the local board.
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5. Replace the opposite board.

3.1.69 198005124 Capacity of TRUNK communication is insufficient

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



Capacity of TRUNK communication is insufficient

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
Capacity of TRUNK communication is insufficient

Alarm Cause
1. Connection failure.
2. Line failure.
3. Board failure.
4. Rear board failure.

There is no impact on services when TRUNK connection is not adopted for inter-shelf control plane
communication. However if TRUNK connection is adopted, this alarm indicates insufficient network
communication capability. This may cause congestion at control plane. During heavy traffic period,
this may cause much delay or services interruption in extreme condition.

1. Check whether TRUNK connection is used for inter-shelf control plane. If not, no handling
is required.
2. Check the number of connections, i.e. 4 FEs and 2 GEs are required. Complete the connections if
there is any missing.
3. Check whether the connection is correct.
The correct connection is described as below:
For FE port trunk, if UIM board is installed on BUSN shelf, then TRUNK connection is not supported.
In this case, this alarm won't occur. If UIM is installed on other shelf, FE7, FE8, FE9 and FE10
work together to form a TRUNK port. However if it is GUIM/GUIM2 board, FE3, FE4, FE5 and FE6
form a TRUNK port.
For CHUB board, every 4 adjacent FE ports form a TRUNK port, such as FE1~FE4, FE5~FE8 etc.
For each trunk port, All the 4 RE ports must be connected, and direct connection is recommended.
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For GE port trunk, 2 GE interfaces (CHUB board inter-connection) are connected in cross-connection
mode. The #1 GE port on the left board on the local shelf corresponds to the #1 GE port on the left
board on the opposite shelf; the #2 GE port on the left board on the local shelf corresponds to the #2
GE port on the right board of opposite shelf.
The #1 GE port on the right board on the local shelf corresponds to the #2 GE port on the left board
on the opposite shelf, and the #2 GE port on the left board on the local shelf corresponds to the #2
GE port on the right board on the opposite shelf.
4. Replace the cable.
5. Replace the rear board.
6. Replace the connected board.

3.1.70 198005125 GE optical connection is cross connected

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



GE optical connection is cross connected

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
Module of GE connect to aside left or right board Error.

Alarm Cause
1. Fibre connected to wrong module.
2. GE optical transceiver module in wrong slot.
3. Transmit and receive fibres crossed.

Cause interruption to all services performed on this shelf.

1. Check the fiber optics for its proper cross connection
2. Replace the optical fiber or the optical transceiver module

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Chapter 3 Alarms

3.1.71 198005893 FPGA Memory check failed

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



FPGA Memory check failed

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
FPGA Memory check failed

Alarm Cause
FPGA Memory check failed.

The operation related to the FPGA memory maybe failed.

1. Make records of the alarm information.
2. Replace the board or subcard.

3.1.72 198005650 Conflicted MAC addresses of boards on the

same shelf
Alarm Information
Alarm code:



Conflicted MAC addresses of boards on the same shelf

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
The physical address information of the board is incorrect
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Alarm Cause
1. The board is not inserted in position.
2. The board is not consistent with the backboard information.
3. UIM may have the loop back phenomena.

The board fails to start up, or control plane communication is abnormal. As a result, users cannot
gain access and existing services are interrupted.

1. Check whether the DIP switch setting is changed or the board is not restarted after the change.
2. Plug and unplug the board and then check if the alarm is eliminated.

3.1.73 198005672 Synchronization Ethernet clock source is

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



Synchronization Ethernet clock source is unusable

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
Synchronization Ethernet clock source is unusable, the slave clock port can not synchronize with the
connected port.

Alarm Cause
1. The slave clock port does not receive ESMC PDU for 5 seconds.
2. The SSM value that the slave clock port received is DNU.
3. The port speed is 10M.
4. Physical link of the port is broken.

The slave clock port can not synchronize with the connected port, which will cause processing
abnormity related to the clock.
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1. Check the synchronization Ethernet's master/slave clock configuration of the connected port,
the configuration should be master;
2. Check local and connected port speed, port speed should not be 10M;
3. Check if the physical connection is correct.

3.1.74 198015878 GLI internal fabric port receive error

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



GLI internal fabric port receive error

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
The number of dropped frames is over threshold due to internal fabric port receive error

Alarm Cause
1. Network Processor or Switch Chip error.
2. PSN Board Hardware error.

Packets would be dropped which would cause poor voice quality and other problems.

1. If only ONE GLI triggered this alarm, switch all master port of this board to its partner board,
and reboot the board.
2. If the alarm being triggered again after the board rebooted, replace the board.
3. If the alarm being triggered again after the board replaced, contact the next level of maintenance
4. If the more than one GLI triggered this alarm, contact the next level of maintenance support.

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3.1.75 198015879 GLI Port receive error

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



GLI Port receive error

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
GLI Port receive error

Alarm Cause
1. Connection between fiber and optic modules is not perfect.
2. Something wrong with fiber optic modules.
3. Board hardware error.

Packets would be dropped which would cause poor voice quality and other problems.

1.Check the connection between fiber and optic modules.
2. Replace optic modules.
3. Reboot the board.
4. Contact the next level of maintenance support.

3.1.76 198015880 GLI board control and media plane

communication error
Alarm Information
Alarm code:



GLI board control and media plane communication error

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

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Alarm Description
The number of dropped packets is over threshold due to control and media plane communication error

Alarm Cause
1. SRAM or DRAM error.
2. Board hardware error.

Packets would be dropped which would cause poor voice quality and other problems.

1. Reboot the board.
2. Replace the board.

3.1.77 198015881 GLI port transmit error

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



GLI port transmit error

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
GLI port transmit error

Alarm Cause
1. Packets error.
2. Board hardware error.

Packets would be dropped which would cause poor voice quality and other problems.

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1. Check all the GLI board in the same shelf to confirm whether there were any other alarms, if this
is the ONLY alarmed board, switch all master port of this board to its partner board, and replace
this board.
2. If this alarm being triggered again after the board replaced, contact the next level of maintenance
3. If more than one GLI triggered this alarm, contact the next level of maintenance support.

3.1.78 198015882 GLI buffer error or allocate fail

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



GLI buffer error or allocate fail

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
GLI buffer error or allocate fail

Alarm Cause
1. The traffic is over the capability of the board.
2. SRAM or DRAM error.
3. Board hardware error.

Packets would be dropped which would cause poor voice quality and other problems.

1. Check the state of all ports of the alarmed board, if more than 2 ports of this board is in master
state, switch 1 or 2 ports to its partner port.
2. If the alarm is still active, reboot the board.
3. If the alarm being triggered again after the board rebooted, replace the board.

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Chapter 3 Alarms

3.1.79 198005670 Oscillator status abnormal

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



Oscillator status abnormal

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
Oscillator status abnormal

Alarm Cause
Oscillator may stop oscillating or meet frequency deviation.

Board cannot work normally with this crucial device error.

Replace the board.

3.1.80 198005673 Backboard switch set is changed.

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



Backboard switch set is changed.

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
Backboard switch set is changed.

Alarm Cause
The setting of the DIP switch on the backboard has been changed.
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Other board faults

1. Plug the uim/UIM_2/GUIM/GUIM2/GUIM/GUIM2_2 board tightly to the slot again and then observe
if the alarm is given.
Y->Go to "2"
2. Replace the backplane of the shelf, and check if this alarm is given.
Y->Please contact the next level of maintenance support.

3.1.81 198005653 Type B fault on board (GPS) phase-lock

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



Type B fault on board (GPS) phase-lock equipment

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
Type B fault on board (GPS) phase-lock equipment

Alarm Cause
Class B faults of GPS module of ICM board are generated by singlechip processor checking,
including antenna feed short circuit or open circuit, poor quality of received satellite signals or difficulty
in receiving satellite signals, and large phase difference of 10M OCXO assistant phase control.

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Chapter 3 Alarms

There is no impact on system clock or services if the type B fault lasts for less than 48 hours. After 48
hours, the system clock is deviated and system synchronization fails. When GPS signal is poor, the
alarm will be repeatedly reported/restored. As long as the alarm lasts for no more than 48 hours, both
system clock and services will not be affected.
When the system clock is lost or clock frequency deviation happens, services may be affected
differently according to transmission mode.
1. For TDM transmission, all links based on TDM transmission medium (including UE transmission
link and cell transmission link) will be affected. Packets may be lost, which leads to degradation
of service quality. In serious situation, services may be interrupted, handover may fail and cell
out-of-service may happen.
2. For non-TDM transmission (e.g. IP transmission), services via Iub interface will be affected. This
fault will not affect services via Iur interface or Iu interface. In this case, Node B will fetch clock signal
from RNC by using IEEE1588 function, but the clock is inaccurate.
When RNC's clock frequency offset is no more than 0.05 ppm, Node B synchronization can be
achieved. But inter-RNC soft handover success rate will fall.
When RNC's clock frequency offset exceeds 0.5 ppm, Node B cannot lock the clock. Then Node B
will work in free oscillation mode. In this case, inter-Node B soft handover success rate will drop.

Check the input circuit of antenna feeder of ICM board so that it can receive good GPS signals.
The checking items include:
1) The position of the receiving antenna.
The antenna should be installed in an open area, far away from high buildings and clear from shades.
The effective visibility angle of the antenna should be greater than 150 degrees.
2) The connection between power splitter and front panel.
The connector used to connect the power splitter and the front panel should be in good contact and
properly connected.

3.1.82 198005674 Sending or receiving packets between

management port and CPU control port failed
Alarm Information
Alarm code:



Sending or receiving packets between management port and CPU control

port failed

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

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Alarm Description
Sending or receiving packets between management port and CPU control port failed

Alarm Cause
Management port or CPU control port has faults.

Isolate island, checking packets being abnormal or messages between shelves being abnormal may
occur. For active/standby configuration, there are two cases:
1. If the active board is abnormal while the standby board is normal, the system performs
active/standby switchover. Thus, the standby board takes over the services of the faulty active
board. In this case, the service is not affected.
2. If both the active and standby boards are abnormal, active/standby switchover is forbidden. In this
case, the service is interrupted because the faulty board cannot restore to the normal status.

Replace the board. CPU control port, management port or switch chip is error when this alarm
happens. By resetting the board, this fault will be self-cured with very few possibility, and the fault
may remain.

3.1.83 198005130 The fiber port failed to change over

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



The fiber port failed to change over

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
The fiber port failed to change over

Alarm Cause
The fiber port failed to change over

The fiber can not work abnormally.
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Chapter 3 Alarms

Try to change over the special fiber port by network manage system. If failed to change over for three
continuous times, the fiber port has fault, please replace the fiber port or board.

3.1.84 198005131 The fiber's quality abnormal

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



The fiber's quality abnormal

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
Soft check failed for the fiber

Alarm Cause
The fiber is not completed connected to the port, or is damaged, or is not compatible with the optical
transceiver module in T-net switch.

There might be error in the data transmitted by the optical port which affects the quality of all the
services performed on this optical port.

1. Check whether the fiber optics is connected to the port completely.
2. Perform loop back test to determine source of this alarm is on the local devices or the
corresponding devices. Perform self-loop test on local device. If the failure persists, the failure source
is on local device; if the failure disappears after self-loop test, then the source of failure is on the
corresponding device. Contact the corresponding device for solution.
3. Replace optics module.
4. Replace the fiber optics.
5. Replace the board.

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3.1.85 198005675 The input electrical source is error

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



The input electrical source is error

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
One of the input electrical sources is error

Alarm Cause
One of the electrical sources inputted from PDU is abnormal.

The input power of the shelf has may have fault. There will be no power if all two electrical sources
input are abnormal.

1. Please check the cable connection between the PDU and the back board.
Y->If the cable connection is OK, go to 2;
N->If the cable connection is error, please connect the cable again. Check whether the alarm
disappears. Y->The troubleshooting completes. N->Go to 2.
2. Please check the switch.
Y->If the switch is OK, go to 3;
N->If the switch is abnormal, please switch on the switch. Check whether the alarm disappears.
Y->The troubleshooting completes. N->Go to 3.
3. Please replace the cable.
Y->If the alarm disappears, the troubleshooting completes.
N->Please contact the next level of maintenance support.

3.1.86 198016641 Device's LRU algorithm invalid

Alarm Information
Alarm code:


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Chapter 3 Alarms


Device's LRU algorithm invalid

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
Device's LRU algorithm is invalid, which may cause failure of queue scheduling

Alarm Cause
Device's LRU algorithm is invalid.

It may cause failure of queue scheduling, and then services won't work normally.

Make records of the alarm information and contact the next level of maintenance support.

3.1.87 198002563 FPGA clock speed abnormal alarm

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



FPGA clock speed abnormal alarm

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
The FPGA clock speed is abnormal because it exceeds the threshold

Alarm Cause
The FPGA clock speed is abnormal.

The system time is inaccurate.

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1. Synchronize the system time with the external clock source.
2. If the alarm still exists or there is an alarm report after restarting the board, please replace the

3.1.88 198002564 Auxiliary clock speed abnormal alarm

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



Auxiliary clock speed abnormal alarm

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
Auxiliary clock speed is abnormal because it exceeds the threshold

Alarm Cause
The auxiliary clock speed is abnormal.

1. The system time is inaccurate.
2. The Timer is disabled.

1. Wait for about 20 minutes. If the alarm is not restored, please restart the board.
2. If the alarm still exists after restarting the board, please replace the board.

3.1.89 198005132 Mate board RUN signal invalid

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



Mate board RUN signal invalid

Alarm severity:


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Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
The mate board exist POWERON signal but RUN signal is inexistent

Alarm Cause
The mate board exist POWERON signal but RUN signal is inexistent.

Board can not change over.

1. Reboot slave board.
2. Reboot master board.

3.1.90 198005676 Connect port flow over threshold

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



Connect port flow over threshold

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
The connect port flow is too high, that is over the value of flow threshold configuration.

Alarm Cause
The connect port flow is too high, that is over the value of flow threshold configuration.

Maybe this port lost lots of packets.

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1. Check the value of flow threshold, if it is too low.
Y->Please increase value of the flow threshold to be the max one which one you wish, and then
check if this alarm is disappeared. If no, go to 2.
N->Go to 2.
2. Check this port's flow, if it is too high.
Y->Please decrease this port flow.
N->If this port's flow is not over the value of flow threshold, go to 3.
3. Make records of the alarm information and contact the next level of maintenance support

3.1.91 198005795 The optical transceiver transmitter fault

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



The optical transceiver transmitter fault

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
The optical transceiver transmitter fault

Alarm Cause
The optical transceiver transmitter fault

It affects the data transfer of the SFP.

1. If the connection is loose or broken, tighten or replace the local SFP.
2. There may be something wrong with the transmission equipment. It needs to ask the maintenance
personnel special for maintaining transmission equipment to do troubleshooting or contact the next
level of maintenance support.
3. Please contact the next level of maintenance support.

SJ-20140527134815-015|2015-03-31 (R1.1)

ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 3 Alarms

3.1.92 198018436 Board loop back detection is abnormal

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



Board loop back detection is abnormal

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
Some test packets were discarded in board loop back detection

Alarm Cause
Board hardware fault.

When the slave board change to master, the service through this board will be interrupt.

Replace the board.

3.1.93 198005135 Port communication abnormal

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



Port communication abnormal

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
Control plane port between two shelfs communication is abnormal

Alarm Cause
Panel port between two shelfs protocol negotiation failed.
SJ-20140527134815-015|2015-03-31 (R1.1)

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ZXG10 iBSC Alarm and Notification Handling Reference

Insufficient capability of port communication.

1. Check the port connection relation of TRUNK to see if there exists any incorrect connection.
Y->Modify the port connection according to configuration and the alarm will be eliminated.
N-> If the connection is correct, go to "2".
2. The TRUNK configuration is consistent with the actual connection while the alarm still cannot be
eliminated. In this case, please contact the next level of maintenance support.

3.1.94 198015363 The number of dropped packets to other boards

exceeds the threshold
Alarm Information
Alarm code:



The number of dropped packets to other boards exceeds the threshold

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
The number of dropped packets that fail to lookup transfer tables exceeds the thershold.

Alarm Cause
1. Some item of transfer tables is abnormal.
2. Some index of packets to lookup the transfer tables is abnormal.

The services carried by the board might be unstable.

SJ-20140527134815-015|2015-03-31 (R1.1)

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Chapter 3 Alarms

1. Check the failed type in the additional information of the current alarm:
The failed type is 1 or 3->Turn to step2.
The failed type is 2-> Turn to step3.
2. Check is there any abnormal media plane processing board in this equipment?
Yes->Plug or reboot the abnormal board,then turn to step4.
No->Turn to step5.
3. Check is there any abnormal module in this equipment?
Yes->Plug or reboot the abnormal module, then turn to step4.
No->Turn to step5.
4. Check the current alarm at least for 6 minutes. Has the current alarm restored?
Yes->Turn to step6.
No->Turn to step5.
5. Check if the alarming board could be reset manually?
Yes->Reset the alarming board mannually, after the board power on, wait for at least 21 minutes,
then check if the same alarm appears:
Yes->Turn to 7.
No->Turn to 6.
No->Turn to7.
6. End of process.
7. Contact the next level of maintenance support.

3.1.95 198005677 Checksum error of device on the board is over

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



Checksum error of device on the board is over threshold

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
Checksum error of device on the board is over threshold

Alarm Cause
Checksum is error because of register fault on the device.

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There are some error frames which is discarded in the frames transmitted, so business quality
is reduced.

1. Restart the board.
2. Replace the board.

3.1.96 198016896 APP driver memory operation abnormal

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



APP driver memory operation abnormal

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
APP driver memory operation abnormal, such as static memory is not enough or pointer is rewrited.

Alarm Cause
1. Static memory is not enough.
2. Pointer was rewrited.

The board may reboot when the static memory is not enough.

When the memory exception influences the services, reboot the board.

3.1.97 198105026 Media Ip address modified

Alarm Information
Alarm code:


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Chapter 3 Alarms


Media Ip address modified

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
The user-plane board detects a change of the media-plane IP address.

Alarm Cause
The media-plane IP address of the board is modified.

All of the services operating on the faulty board are interrupted.

1. Run the SET NORMALRESET command to reset the board in accordance with "Rack number",
"Shelf number", "Slot number", and "CPU number" in the alarm information. Wait for five minutes,
and check whether the alarm is cleared.
Yes -> End.
No -> Step 2.
2. Contact the next level of maintenance support.

3.1.98 198105029 OMP reboot alarm

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



OMP reboot alarm

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
The OMP board reboots.

Alarm Cause
The OMP board reboots.
SJ-20140527134815-015|2015-03-31 (R1.1)

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When the OMP is reset, the operation and maintenance tasks are affected, but services are not

1. After the alarm arises, wait for five minutes, and check whether the alarm is cleared.
Yes -> End.
No -> Step 2.
2. Contact the next level of maintenance support.

3.1.99 198105034 Back card of LogService board is offline

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



Back card of LogService board is offline

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
The log server board detects that the corresponding rear card is offline.

Alarm Cause

The rear card corresponding to the log server board is not present.

The rear card has a poor contact with the log server board.

The hardware of the rear card corresponding to the log server board is faulty.

The link between the log server and OMM server is interrupted, and the OMM fails to obtain the
signaling tracing data or performance statistics data.

SJ-20140527134815-015|2015-03-31 (R1.1)

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Chapter 3 Alarms

1. Check whether the rear card is installed in the physical location where the alarm arises.
Yes -> Step 3.
No -> Step 2.
2. Install the rear card into the corresponding slot, and check whether the alarm is cleared.
Yes -> End.
No -> Step 3.
3. Remove and reinstall the rear card, and check whether the alarm is cleared.
Yes -> End.
No -> Step 4.
4. Replace the rear card with an operational one, and check whether the alarm is cleared.
Yes -> End.
No -> Step 5.
5. Contact the next level of maintenance support.

3.1.100 198105036 The hard disk of LogService error

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



The hard disk of LogService error

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
The log server board detects a disk failure.

Alarm Cause

The SMART parameter of the hard disk on the log server is not correctly set.

The RAID1 level of the hard disk on the log server is degraded.

A faulty hard disk has no effect on the system. If the backup hard disk also fails, the log server
cannot operate properly.

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1. Determine the location of the abnormal hard disk in accordance with "Error hardware disk
location" in the alarm information. Replace the hard disk with an operational one(refer to Front
Boards and Rear Boards Replacement), and check whether the alarm is cleared.
Yes -> End.
No -> Step 2.
2. Contact the next level of maintenance support.

3.1.101 198105037 Too high hard disk partition usage rate

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



Too high hard disk partition usage rate

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
The log server board detects that the disk partition usage is too high.

Alarm Cause
The usage of the hard disk partition on the log server exceeds the threshold (95 percent).

The disk partition space is insufficient, causing the log server not to operate properly.

Contact the next level of maintenance support.

3.1.102 198105039 Bursty flow rate of the control plane for shelf
connection overload
Alarm Information
Alarm code:


SJ-20140527134815-015|2015-03-31 (R1.1)

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Chapter 3 Alarms


Bursty flow rate of the control plane for shelf connection overload

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
The base station controller detects that a burst of the control-plane inter-shelf flow
exceeds the overload threshold (Bglobal(Bglobal).Stream Overload threshold of Trunk
Port(trunkPortOverLoadThr)) .

Alarm Cause

The overload threshold is too small.

A large amount of traffic is processed at the same time.

The inter-shelf physical connections are not operating properly.

A burst of control-plane inter-shelf flow triggers the overload control in the system, causing new users
not to be connected to the system.

1. Check whether the setting (BGlobal(Bglobal).Stream Overload threshold of Trunk
Port(trunkPortOverLoadThr)) is below the default (90).
Yes -> Step 2.
No -> Step 3.
2. Modify the configuration, and check whether the alarm is cleared.
Yes -> End.
No -> Step 3.
3. Check whether the physical cable for interconnecting the inter-shelf control plan is damaged
or the corresponding port is loose.
Yes -> Step 5.
No -> Step 4.
4. Secure the cable or replace the cable with an operational one, and check whether the alarm
is cleared.
Yes -> End.
No -> Step 5.
5. Check whether the CHUB board is used as the inter-shelf interconnection board.
Yes -> Step 6.
No -> Step 7.
6. Replace the CHUB board with the THUB board (the CHUB board supports lower bandwidth, and
therefore the THUB board is recommended in capacity expansion). Check whether the alarm
is cleared.
Yes -> End.
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ZXG10 iBSC Alarm and Notification Handling Reference

No -> Step 7.
7. Contact the next level of maintenance support.

3.1.103 198087778 Dry contact alarm - Waterlog

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



Dry contact alarm - Waterlog

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
Dry contact alarm - Waterlog

Alarm Cause
Waterlog alarm


Perform different process methods according to the type of the exterior device. User can define the
treatment measures according to the actual situation.

3.1.104 198087779 Dry contact alarm - Power loss

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



Dry contact alarm - Power loss

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

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Chapter 3 Alarms

Alarm Description
Dry contact alarm - Power loss

Alarm Cause
Power loss


Perform different process methods according to the type of the exterior device. User can define the
treatment measures according to the actual situation.

3.1.105 198087780 Dry contact alarm - No.1 air conditioner fault

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



Dry contact alarm - No.1 air conditioner fault

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
Dry contact alarm - No.1 air conditioner fault

Alarm Cause
No.1 air conditioner fault


Perform different process methods according to the type of the exterior device. User can define the
treatment measures according to the actual situation.

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ZXG10 iBSC Alarm and Notification Handling Reference

3.1.106 198087781 Dry contact alarm - No.2 air conditioner fault

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



Dry contact alarm - No.2 air conditioner fault

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
Dry contact alarm - No.2 air conditioner fault

Alarm Cause
No.2 air conditioner fault


Perform different process methods according to the type of the exterior device. User can define the
treatment measures according to the actual situation.

3.1.107 198087782 Dry contact alarm - AC power abnormal

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



Dry contact alarm - AC power abnormal

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
Dry contact alarm - AC power abnormal

SJ-20140527134815-015|2015-03-31 (R1.1)

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Chapter 3 Alarms

Alarm Cause
AC power abnormal


Perform different process methods according to the type of the exterior device. User can define the
treatment measures according to the actual situation.

3.1.108 198087783 Dry contact alarm - Battery under-voltage

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



Dry contact alarm - Battery under-voltage

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
Dry contact alarm - Battery under-voltage

Alarm Cause
Battery under-voltage


Perform different process methods according to the type of the exterior device. User can define the
treatment measures according to the actual situation.

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ZXG10 iBSC Alarm and Notification Handling Reference

3.1.109 198087784 Dry contact alarm - SMR abnormal

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



Dry contact alarm - SMR abnormal

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
Dry contact alarm - SMR abnormal

Alarm Cause
SMR(selenium module rectifier) abnormal


Perform different process methods according to the type of the exterior device. User can define the
treatment measures according to the actual situation.

3.1.110 198087785 Dry contact alarm - Under-voltage insulate drop

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



Dry contact alarm - Under-voltage insulate drop

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
Dry contact alarm - Under-voltage insulate drop

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Chapter 3 Alarms

Alarm Cause
Under-voltage insulate drop


Perform different process methods according to the type of the exterior device. User can define the
treatment measures according to the actual situation.

3.1.111 198087786 Dry contact alarm - Device suspended

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



Dry contact alarm - Device suspended

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
Dry contact alarm - Device suspended

Alarm Cause
Device suspended


Perform different process methods according to the type of the exterior device. User can define the
treatment measures according to the actual situation.

SJ-20140527134815-015|2015-03-31 (R1.1)

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ZXG10 iBSC Alarm and Notification Handling Reference

3.1.112 198087787 User-defined Dry contact alarm 1

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



User-defined Dry contact alarm 1

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
User-defined Dry contact alarm 1

Alarm Cause
There is a fault on the User-defined dry contact.


Perform different process methods according to the type of the exterior device. User can define the
treatment measures according to the actual situation.

3.1.113 198087788 User-defined Dry contact alarm 2

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



User-defined Dry contact alarm 2

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
User-defined Dry contact alarm 2

SJ-20140527134815-015|2015-03-31 (R1.1)

ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 3 Alarms

Alarm Cause
There is a fault on the User-defined dry contact.


Perform different process methods according to the type of the exterior device. User can define the
treatment measures according to the actual situation.

3.1.114 198087789 User-defined Dry contact alarm 3

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



User-defined Dry contact alarm 3

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
User-defined Dry contact alarm 3

Alarm Cause
There is a fault on the User-defined dry contact.


Perform different process methods according to the type of the exterior device. User can define the
treatment measures according to the actual situation.

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ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXG10 iBSC Alarm and Notification Handling Reference

3.1.115 198087790 User-defined Dry contact alarm 4

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



User-defined Dry contact alarm 4

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
User-defined Dry contact alarm 4

Alarm Cause
There is a fault on the User-defined dry contact.


Perform different process methods according to the type of the exterior device. User can define the
treatment measures according to the actual situation.

3.1.116 198087791 User-defined Dry contact alarm 5

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



User-defined Dry contact alarm 5

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
User-defined Dry contact alarm 5

SJ-20140527134815-015|2015-03-31 (R1.1)

ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 3 Alarms

Alarm Cause
There is a fault on the User-defined dry contact.


Perform different process methods according to the type of the exterior device. User can define the
treatment measures according to the actual situation.

3.1.117 198087792 User-defined Dry contact alarm 6

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



User-defined Dry contact alarm 6

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
User-defined Dry contact alarm 6

Alarm Cause
There is a fault on the User-defined dry contact.


Perform different process methods according to the type of the exterior device. User can define the
treatment measures according to the actual situation.

SJ-20140527134815-015|2015-03-31 (R1.1)

ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXG10 iBSC Alarm and Notification Handling Reference

3.1.118 198087793 User-defined Dry contact alarm 7

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



User-defined Dry contact alarm 7

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
User-defined Dry contact alarm 7

Alarm Cause
There is a fault on the User-defined dry contact.


Perform different process methods according to the type of the exterior device. User can define the
treatment measures according to the actual situation.

3.1.119 198087794 User-defined Dry contact alarm 8

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



User-defined Dry contact alarm 8

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
User-defined Dry contact alarm 8

SJ-20140527134815-015|2015-03-31 (R1.1)

ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 3 Alarms

Alarm Cause
There is a fault on the User-defined dry contact.


Perform different process methods according to the type of the exterior device. User can define the
treatment measures according to the actual situation.

3.1.120 198087795 User-defined Dry contact alarm 9

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



User-defined Dry contact alarm 9

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
User-defined Dry contact alarm 9

Alarm Cause
There is a fault on the User-defined dry contact.


Perform different process methods according to the type of the exterior device. User can define the
treatment measures according to the actual situation.

SJ-20140527134815-015|2015-03-31 (R1.1)

ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXG10 iBSC Alarm and Notification Handling Reference

3.1.121 198087796 User-defined Dry contact alarm 10

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



User-defined Dry contact alarm 10

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
User-defined Dry contact alarm 10

Alarm Cause
There is a fault on the User-defined dry contact.


Perform different process methods according to the type of the exterior device. User can define the
treatment measures according to the actual situation.

3.1.122 198087797 User-defined Dry contact alarm 11

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



User-defined Dry contact alarm 11

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
User-defined Dry contact alarm 11

SJ-20140527134815-015|2015-03-31 (R1.1)

ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 3 Alarms

Alarm Cause
There is a fault on the User-defined dry contact.


Perform different process methods according to the type of the exterior device. User can define the
treatment measures according to the actual situation.

3.1.123 198083851 Dry contact alarm - Waterlog

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



Dry contact alarm - Waterlog

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
Dry contact alarm - Waterlog

Alarm Cause
Waterlog alarm


Perform different process methods according to the type of the exterior device. User can define the
treatment measures according to the actual situation.

SJ-20140527134815-015|2015-03-31 (R1.1)

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ZXG10 iBSC Alarm and Notification Handling Reference

3.1.124 198083852 Dry contact alarm - Power loss

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



Dry contact alarm - Power loss

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
Dry contact alarm - Power loss

Alarm Cause
Power loss


Perform different process methods according to the type of the exterior device. User can define the
treatment measures according to the actual situation.

3.1.125 198083853 Dry contact alarm - No.1 air conditioner fault

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



Dry contact alarm - No.1 air conditioner fault

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
Dry contact alarm - No.1 air conditioner fault

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Chapter 3 Alarms

Alarm Cause
No.1 air conditioner fault


Perform different process methods according to the type of the exterior device. User can define the
treatment measures according to the actual situation.

3.1.126 198083854 Dry contact alarm - No.2 air conditioner fault

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



Dry contact alarm - No.2 air conditioner fault

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
Dry contact alarm - No.2 air conditioner fault

Alarm Cause
No.2 air conditioner fault


Perform different process methods according to the type of the exterior device. User can define the
treatment measures according to the actual situation.

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ZXG10 iBSC Alarm and Notification Handling Reference

3.1.127 198083855 Dry contact alarm - AC power abnormal

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



Dry contact alarm - AC power abnormal

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
Dry contact alarm - AC power abnormal

Alarm Cause
AC power abnormal


Perform different process methods according to the type of the exterior device. User can define the
treatment measures according to the actual situation.

3.1.128 198083856 Dry contact alarm - Battery under-voltage

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



Dry contact alarm - Battery under-voltage

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
Dry contact alarm - Battery under-voltage

SJ-20140527134815-015|2015-03-31 (R1.1)

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Chapter 3 Alarms

Alarm Cause
Battery under-voltage


Perform different process methods according to the type of the exterior device. User can define the
treatment measures according to the actual situation.

3.1.129 198083857 Dry contact alarm - SMR abnormal

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



Dry contact alarm - SMR abnormal

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
Dry contact alarm - SMR abnormal

Alarm Cause
SMR(selenium module rectifier) abnormal


Perform different process methods according to the type of the exterior device. User can define the
treatment measures according to the actual situation.

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ZXG10 iBSC Alarm and Notification Handling Reference

3.1.130 198083858 Dry contact alarm - Under-voltage insulate drop

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



Dry contact alarm - Under-voltage insulate drop

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
Dry contact alarm - Under-voltage insulate drop

Alarm Cause
Under-voltage insulate drop


Perform different process methods according to the type of the exterior device. User can define the
treatment measures according to the actual situation.

3.1.131 198083859 Dry contact alarm - Device suspended

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



Dry contact alarm - Device suspended

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
Dry contact alarm - Device suspended

SJ-20140527134815-015|2015-03-31 (R1.1)

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Chapter 3 Alarms

Alarm Cause
Device suspended


Perform different process methods according to the type of the exterior device. User can define the
treatment measures according to the actual situation.

3.1.132 198083860 User-defined Dry contact alarm 1

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



User-defined Dry contact alarm 1

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
User-defined Dry contact alarm 1

Alarm Cause
There is a fault on the User-defined dry contact.


Perform different process methods according to the type of the exterior device. User can define the
treatment measures according to the actual situation.

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ZXG10 iBSC Alarm and Notification Handling Reference

3.1.133 198083861 User-defined Dry contact alarm 2

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



User-defined Dry contact alarm 2

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
User-defined Dry contact alarm 2

Alarm Cause
There is a fault on the User-defined dry contact.


Perform different process methods according to the type of the exterior device. User can define the
treatment measures according to the actual situation.

3.1.134 198083862 User-defined Dry contact alarm 3

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



User-defined Dry contact alarm 3

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
User-defined Dry contact alarm 3

SJ-20140527134815-015|2015-03-31 (R1.1)

ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 3 Alarms

Alarm Cause
There is a fault on the User-defined dry contact.


Perform different process methods according to the type of the exterior device. User can define the
treatment measures according to the actual situation.

3.1.135 198083863 User-defined Dry contact alarm 4

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



User-defined Dry contact alarm 4

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
User-defined Dry contact alarm 4

Alarm Cause
There is a fault on the User-defined dry contact.


Perform different process methods according to the type of the exterior device. User can define the
treatment measures according to the actual situation.

SJ-20140527134815-015|2015-03-31 (R1.1)

ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXG10 iBSC Alarm and Notification Handling Reference

3.1.136 198083864 User-defined Dry contact alarm 5

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



User-defined Dry contact alarm 5

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
User-defined Dry contact alarm 5

Alarm Cause
There is a fault on the User-defined dry contact.


Perform different process methods according to the type of the exterior device. User can define the
treatment measures according to the actual situation.

3.1.137 198083865 User-defined Dry contact alarm 6

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



User-defined Dry contact alarm 6

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
User-defined Dry contact alarm 6

SJ-20140527134815-015|2015-03-31 (R1.1)

ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 3 Alarms

Alarm Cause
There is a fault on the User-defined dry contact.


Perform different process methods according to the type of the exterior device. User can define the
treatment measures according to the actual situation.

3.1.138 198083866 User-defined Dry contact alarm 7

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



User-defined Dry contact alarm 7

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
User-defined Dry contact alarm 7

Alarm Cause
There is a fault on the User-defined dry contact.


Perform different process methods according to the type of the exterior device. User can define the
treatment measures according to the actual situation.

SJ-20140527134815-015|2015-03-31 (R1.1)

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ZXG10 iBSC Alarm and Notification Handling Reference

3.1.139 198083867 User-defined Dry contact alarm 8

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



User-defined Dry contact alarm 8

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
User-defined Dry contact alarm 8

Alarm Cause
There is a fault on the User-defined dry contact.


Perform different process methods according to the type of the exterior device. User can define the
treatment measures according to the actual situation.

3.1.140 198083868 User-defined Dry contact alarm 9

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



User-defined Dry contact alarm 9

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
User-defined Dry contact alarm 9

SJ-20140527134815-015|2015-03-31 (R1.1)

ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 3 Alarms

Alarm Cause
There is a fault on the User-defined dry contact.


Perform different process methods according to the type of the exterior device. User can define the
treatment measures according to the actual situation.

3.1.141 198083869 User-defined Dry contact alarm 10

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



User-defined Dry contact alarm 10

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
User-defined Dry contact alarm 10

Alarm Cause
There is a fault on the User-defined dry contact.


Perform different process methods according to the type of the exterior device. User can define the
treatment measures according to the actual situation.

SJ-20140527134815-015|2015-03-31 (R1.1)

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ZXG10 iBSC Alarm and Notification Handling Reference

3.1.142 198083870 User-defined Dry contact alarm 11

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



User-defined Dry contact alarm 11

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
User-defined Dry contact alarm 11

Alarm Cause
There is a fault on the User-defined dry contact.


Perform different process methods according to the type of the exterior device. User can define the
treatment measures according to the actual situation.

3.1.143 198080851 Dry contact alarm - Waterlog

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



Dry contact alarm - Waterlog

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
Dry contact alarm - Waterlog

SJ-20140527134815-015|2015-03-31 (R1.1)

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Chapter 3 Alarms

Alarm Cause
Waterlog alarm


Perform different process methods according to the type of the exterior device. User can define the
treatment measures according to the actual situation.

3.1.144 198080852 Dry contact alarm - Power loss

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



Dry contact alarm - Power loss

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
Dry contact alarm - Power loss

Alarm Cause
Power loss


Perform different process methods according to the type of the exterior device. User can define the
treatment measures according to the actual situation.

SJ-20140527134815-015|2015-03-31 (R1.1)

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ZXG10 iBSC Alarm and Notification Handling Reference

3.1.145 198080853 Dry contact alarm - No.1 air conditioner fault

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



Dry contact alarm - No.1 air conditioner fault

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
Dry contact alarm - No.1 air conditioner fault

Alarm Cause
No.1 air conditioner fault


Perform different process methods according to the type of the exterior device. User can define the
treatment measures according to the actual situation.

3.1.146 198080854 Dry contact alarm - No.2 air conditioner fault

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



Dry contact alarm - No.2 air conditioner fault

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
Dry contact alarm - No.2 air conditioner fault

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Chapter 3 Alarms

Alarm Cause
No.2 air conditioner fault


Perform different process methods according to the type of the exterior device. User can define the
treatment measures according to the actual situation.

3.1.147 198080855 Dry contact alarm - AC power abnormal

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



Dry contact alarm - AC power abnormal

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
Dry contact alarm - AC power abnormal

Alarm Cause
AC power abnormal


Perform different process methods according to the type of the exterior device. User can define the
treatment measures according to the actual situation.

SJ-20140527134815-015|2015-03-31 (R1.1)

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ZXG10 iBSC Alarm and Notification Handling Reference

3.1.148 198080856 Dry contact alarm - Battery under-voltage

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



Dry contact alarm - Battery under-voltage

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
Dry contact alarm - Battery under-voltage

Alarm Cause
Battery under-voltage


Perform different process methods according to the type of the exterior device. User can define the
treatment measures according to the actual situation.

3.1.149 198080857 Dry contact alarm - SMR abnormal

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



Dry contact alarm - SMR abnormal

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
Dry contact alarm - SMR abnormal

SJ-20140527134815-015|2015-03-31 (R1.1)

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Chapter 3 Alarms

Alarm Cause
SMR(selenium module rectifier) abnormal


Perform different process methods according to the type of the exterior device. User can define the
treatment measures according to the actual situation.

3.1.150 198080858 Dry contact alarm - Under-voltage insulate drop

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



Dry contact alarm - Under-voltage insulate drop

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
Dry contact alarm - Under-voltage insulate drop

Alarm Cause
Under-voltage insulate drop


Perform different process methods according to the type of the exterior device. User can define the
treatment measures according to the actual situation.

SJ-20140527134815-015|2015-03-31 (R1.1)

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3.1.151 198080859 Dry contact alarm - Device suspended

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



Dry contact alarm - Device suspended

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
Dry contact alarm - Device suspended

Alarm Cause
Device suspended


Perform different process methods according to the type of the exterior device. User can define the
treatment measures according to the actual situation.

3.1.152 198080860 User-defined Dry contact alarm 1

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



User-defined Dry contact alarm 1

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
User-defined Dry contact alarm 1

SJ-20140527134815-015|2015-03-31 (R1.1)

ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 3 Alarms

Alarm Cause
There is a fault on the User-defined dry contact.


Perform different process methods according to the type of the exterior device. User can define the
treatment measures according to the actual situation.

3.1.153 198080861 User-defined Dry contact alarm 2

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



User-defined Dry contact alarm 2

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
User-defined Dry contact alarm 2

Alarm Cause
There is a fault on the User-defined dry contact.


Perform different process methods according to the type of the exterior device. User can define the
treatment measures according to the actual situation.

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ZXG10 iBSC Alarm and Notification Handling Reference

3.1.154 198080862 User-defined Dry contact alarm 3

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



User-defined Dry contact alarm 3

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
User-defined Dry contact alarm 3

Alarm Cause
There is a fault on the User-defined dry contact.


Perform different process methods according to the type of the exterior device. User can define the
treatment measures according to the actual situation.

3.1.155 198080863 User-defined Dry contact alarm 4

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



User-defined Dry contact alarm 4

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
User-defined Dry contact alarm 4

SJ-20140527134815-015|2015-03-31 (R1.1)

ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 3 Alarms

Alarm Cause
There is a fault on the User-defined dry contact.


Perform different process methods according to the type of the exterior device. User can define the
treatment measures according to the actual situation.

3.1.156 198080864 User-defined Dry contact alarm 5

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



User-defined Dry contact alarm 5

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
User-defined Dry contact alarm 5

Alarm Cause
There is a fault on the User-defined dry contact.


Perform different process methods according to the type of the exterior device. User can define the
treatment measures according to the actual situation.

SJ-20140527134815-015|2015-03-31 (R1.1)

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ZXG10 iBSC Alarm and Notification Handling Reference

3.1.157 198080865 User-defined Dry contact alarm 6

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



User-defined Dry contact alarm 6

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
User-defined Dry contact alarm 6

Alarm Cause
There is a fault on the User-defined dry contact.


Perform different process methods according to the type of the exterior device. User can define the
treatment measures according to the actual situation.

3.1.158 198080866 User-defined Dry contact alarm 7

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



User-defined Dry contact alarm 7

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
User-defined Dry contact alarm 7

SJ-20140527134815-015|2015-03-31 (R1.1)

ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 3 Alarms

Alarm Cause
There is a fault on the User-defined dry contact.


Perform different process methods according to the type of the exterior device. User can define the
treatment measures according to the actual situation.

3.1.159 198080867 User-defined Dry contact alarm 8

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



User-defined Dry contact alarm 8

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
User-defined Dry contact alarm 8

Alarm Cause
There is a fault on the User-defined dry contact.


Perform different process methods according to the type of the exterior device. User can define the
treatment measures according to the actual situation.

SJ-20140527134815-015|2015-03-31 (R1.1)

ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXG10 iBSC Alarm and Notification Handling Reference

3.1.160 198080868 User-defined Dry contact alarm 9

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



User-defined Dry contact alarm 9

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
User-defined Dry contact alarm 9

Alarm Cause
There is a fault on the User-defined dry contact.


Perform different process methods according to the type of the exterior device. User can define the
treatment measures according to the actual situation.

3.1.161 198080869 User-defined Dry contact alarm 10

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



User-defined Dry contact alarm 10

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
User-defined Dry contact alarm 10

SJ-20140527134815-015|2015-03-31 (R1.1)

ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 3 Alarms

Alarm Cause
There is a fault on the User-defined dry contact.


Perform different process methods according to the type of the exterior device. User can define the
treatment measures according to the actual situation.

3.1.162 198080870 User-defined Dry contact alarm 11

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



User-defined Dry contact alarm 11

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
User-defined Dry contact alarm 11

Alarm Cause
There is a fault on the User-defined dry contact.


Perform different process methods according to the type of the exterior device. User can define the
treatment measures according to the actual situation.

SJ-20140527134815-015|2015-03-31 (R1.1)

ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXG10 iBSC Alarm and Notification Handling Reference

3.1.163 198087340 FR device failure

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



FR device failure

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
This alarm is reported if a board detects that the FR link is faulty.

Alarm Cause
N392 ("Brch(GFrGbBrch)"."N392(N392)") errors are detected in the last N393
("Brch(GFrGbBrch)"."N393(N393)") STATUS ENQUIRY events.

The Gb bear channel corresponding to this alarm is blocked and the Gb bandwidth is decreased.
In this case, PS traffic congestion may occur.

1. According to the board's physical position and PCM number ("Port") in the alarm details,
check whether the configuration of "E1 Port(E1Port)"."E1 Frame Type(Crc4Mode)" of the PCM
link ("Brch(GFrGbBrch)"."Used Gb Interface Pcm(refGGbPcm)") on the Gb interface board is
consistent with that of the SGSN.
Yes -> Step 3.
No -> Step 2.
2. Modify the configuration of "E1 Frame Type" for the PCM link on the Gb interface board to ensure
the consistency with that of the SGSN, and then check whether this alarm is cleared.
Yes -> End.
No -> Step 3.
3. Check whether the configurations of "PCM TS(StartTs)" and "Access rate"(GFrGbBrch.AR)" in the
"Brch(GFrGbBrch)" configuration parameter of the BSC are consistent with those of the SGSN.
Yes -> Step 5.
No -> Step 4.
4. Modify the two parameters for consistency between the BSC and the SGSN, and check whether
the alarm is cleared.
Yes -> End.
No -> Step 5.
5. Check whether the E1 port corresponding to the bear channel reports an alarm.
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Chapter 3 Alarms

Yes -> Step 6.

No -> Step 7.
6. Handle the transmission device alarm, and check whether this alarm is cleared.
Yes -> End.
No -> Step 7.
7. Perform a physical self-loop check on the local E1 terminal device, and check whether the E1 line
operates properly (the green light flashes slowly).
Yes -> Step 9.
No -> Step 8.
8. Replace the E1 line, and check whether the alarm is cleared.
Yes -> End.
No -> Step 9.
9. Contact SGSN maintenance personnel to check whether the peer E1 line operates properly.
Yes -> Step 11.
No -> Step 10.
10. Contact SGSN maintenance personnel to troubleshoot the SGSN equipment, and check whether
the alarm is cleared.
Yes -> End.
No -> Step 11.
11. Replace the faulty board, and check whether the alarm is cleared.
Yes -> End.
No -> Step 12.
12. Contact the next level of maintenance support.

3.1.164 198087341 FR congestion

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



FR congestion

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
This alarm is reported if a board detects that the FR link is congested.

Alarm Cause
In case of intermediate Frame Relay networking, for a specific NSVC, the number of frames with the
BECN bit of "1" is more than or equal to the number of frames with the BECN bit of "0" in a 10-second
interval. (The peer end may be overloaded or be configured improperly.)
SJ-20140527134815-015|2015-03-31 (R1.1)

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ZXG10 iBSC Alarm and Notification Handling Reference

Quality of PS services for some of users may be degraded, or new users fail to access the services.

1. According to network planning, add a new "Brch(GFrGbBrch)", or increase the existing
"Brch(GFrGbBrch)"."Access rate(AR)", and check whether the alarm is cleared.
Yes -> End.
No -> Step 2.
2. Contact the next level of maintenance support.

3.1.165 198087352 NSVC's E1 failure alarm

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



NSVC's E1 failure alarm

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
This alarm is reported if a board detects that the NSVC link in E1 is faulty.

Alarm Cause
NS Alive Ack cannot be received several consecutive times (GBssFunction.NSAliveMax) during the
NS Alive procedure.

For single NSVC link configuration, the PS service is interrupted.
For multi-NSVC link configuration, the bandwidth is decreased. In this case, PS traffic congestion
may occur.

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Chapter 3 Alarms

1. Check whether the configuration of "NSEI" and "NSVCI" in the alarm details is consistent with
that of the SGSN.
Yes -> Step 3.
No -> Step 2.
2. Search the parent object "Frame relay Nse(GFrGbNse)" and modify "Nse ID(GFrGbNseSeq)".
Modify the configuration of "NSVCI(GFrGbNsvcSeq)" according to the alarm object "Frame relay
Nsvc(GFrGbNsvc)" for consistency with that of the SGSN, and check whether the alarm is cleared.
Yes -> End.
No -> Step 3.
3. Check whether the following alarm arises:
198087340 FR device failure
Yes -> Step 4.
No -> Step 5.
4. Handle the above alarm, and check whether this alarm is cleared.
Yes -> End.
No -> Step 5.
5. Contact the next level of maintenance support.

3.1.166 198087465 NSVC's IP failure alarm

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



NSVC's IP failure alarm

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
This alarm is reported if a board detects that the NSVC link in IP is faulty.

Alarm Cause
NS Alive Ack cannot be received several consecutive times (GBssFunction.NSAliveMax) during the
NS Alive procedure.

For single NSVC link configuration, the PS service is interrupted. For multi-NSVC link configuration,
the bandwidth is decreased. In this case, PS traffic congestion may occur.
SJ-20140527134815-015|2015-03-31 (R1.1)

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ZXG10 iBSC Alarm and Notification Handling Reference

1. Check whether the configuration of "NSEI" in the alarm details is consistent with that of the SGSN.
Yes -> Step 3.
No -> Step 2.
2. Modify the configuration of the parameter "Nse ID(GIpGbNseSeq)" of the object "IP
Nse(GIpGbNse)" for consistency with that of the SGSN, and check whether the alarm is cleared.
Yes -> End.
No -> Step 3.
3. Check whether alarms arise on the Gb interface board.
Yes -> Step 4.
No -> Step 5.
4. Handle the related alarms, and check whether this alarm is cleared.
Yes -> End.
No -> Step 5.
5. Contact the maintenance personnel of the transmission or peer device to check whether the
transmission or peer device is faulty.
Yes -> Step 6.
No -> Step 7.
6. Remove the faults, and check whether the alarm is cleared.
Yes -> End.
No -> Step 7.
7. Contact the next level of maintenance support.

3.1.167 198087458 PS cell block caused by slave

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



PS cell block caused by slave

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
This alarm is reported if the BSC detects the PS process unit failure.

Alarm Cause
A PS process unit failure occurs.

SJ-20140527134815-015|2015-03-31 (R1.1)

ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 3 Alarms

Data services are not available in the cell.

1. Wait for five minutes, and check whether the alarm is cleared automatically.
Yes -> End.
No -> Step 2.
2. Execute the QRY PSCELLDSP command based on "Site ID" and "Bts ID" in the alarm details to
query the corresponding SLAVE of the cell. Execute the QRY SUNITSTATUS command based
on "Sub System number", "RUP board number", and "SLAVE number" in the returned results
to query the status of the sub-unit.
"Manual block" status -> Step 3.
Other status -> Step 4.
3. Execute the SET UNBLOCKSUNIT command to unblock the PS processing sub-unit. Check
whether the alarm is cleared.
Yes -> End.
No -> Step 4.
4. Reset the PS processing sub-unit, wait for two minutes, and then check whether the alarm
is cleared.
Yes -> End.
No -> Step 5.
5. Contact the next level of maintenance support.

3.1.168 198087000 Dry contact alarm 1

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



Dry contact alarm 1

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
Dry contact alarm 1

Alarm Cause

SJ-20140527134815-015|2015-03-31 (R1.1)

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ZXG10 iBSC Alarm and Notification Handling Reference



3.1.169 198087001 Dry contact alarm 2

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



Dry contact alarm 2

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
Dry contact alarm 2

Alarm Cause



3.1.170 198087002 Dry contact alarm 3

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



Dry contact alarm 3

Alarm severity:


SJ-20140527134815-015|2015-03-31 (R1.1)

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Chapter 3 Alarms

Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
Dry contact alarm 3

Alarm Cause



3.1.171 198087003 Dry contact alarm 4

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



Dry contact alarm 4

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
Dry contact alarm 4

Alarm Cause


SJ-20140527134815-015|2015-03-31 (R1.1)

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ZXG10 iBSC Alarm and Notification Handling Reference

3.1.172 198087004 Dry contact alarm 5

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



Dry contact alarm 5

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
Dry contact alarm 5

Alarm Cause



3.1.173 198087005 Dry contact alarm 6

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



Dry contact alarm 6

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
Dry contact alarm 6

Alarm Cause
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Chapter 3 Alarms



3.1.174 198087006 Dry contact alarm 7

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



Dry contact alarm 7

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
Dry contact alarm 7

Alarm Cause



3.1.175 198087007 Dry contact alarm 8

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



Dry contact alarm 8

Alarm severity:


SJ-20140527134815-015|2015-03-31 (R1.1)

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Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
Dry contact alarm 8

Alarm Cause



3.1.176 198087008 Dry contact alarm 9

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



Dry contact alarm 9

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
Dry contact alarm 9

Alarm Cause


SJ-20140527134815-015|2015-03-31 (R1.1)

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Chapter 3 Alarms

3.1.177 198087009 Dry contact alarm 10

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



Dry contact alarm 10

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
Dry contact alarm 10

Alarm Cause



3.1.178 198087010 Dry contact alarm 11

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



Dry contact alarm 11

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
Dry contact alarm 11

Alarm Cause
SJ-20140527134815-015|2015-03-31 (R1.1)

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ZXG10 iBSC Alarm and Notification Handling Reference



3.1.179 198087011 Dry contact alarm 12

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



Dry contact alarm 12

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
Dry contact alarm 12

Alarm Cause



3.1.180 198087012 EAM dry contact 1 alarm

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



EAM dry contact 1 alarm

Alarm severity:


SJ-20140527134815-015|2015-03-31 (R1.1)

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Chapter 3 Alarms

Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
EAM dry contact 1 alarm

Alarm Cause



3.1.181 198087013 EAM dry contact 2 alarm

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



EAM dry contact 2 alarm

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
EAM dry contact 2 alarm

Alarm Cause


SJ-20140527134815-015|2015-03-31 (R1.1)

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3.1.182 198087014 EAM dry contact 3 alarm

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



EAM dry contact 3 alarm

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
EAM dry contact 3 alarm

Alarm Cause



3.1.183 198087015 EAM dry contact 4 alarm

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



EAM dry contact 4 alarm

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
EAM dry contact 4 alarm

Alarm Cause
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Chapter 3 Alarms



3.1.184 198087016 EAM dry contact 5 alarm

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



EAM dry contact 5 alarm

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
EAM dry contact 5 alarm

Alarm Cause



3.1.185 198087017 EAM dry contact 6 alarm

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



EAM dry contact 6 alarm

Alarm severity:


SJ-20140527134815-015|2015-03-31 (R1.1)

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Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
EAM dry contact 6 alarm

Alarm Cause



3.1.186 198087018 EAM dry contact 7 alarm

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



EAM dry contact 7 alarm

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
EAM dry contact 7 alarm

Alarm Cause


SJ-20140527134815-015|2015-03-31 (R1.1)

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Chapter 3 Alarms

3.1.187 198087019 EAM dry contact 8 alarm

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



EAM dry contact 8 alarm

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
EAM dry contact 8 alarm

Alarm Cause



3.1.188 198087102 Power overvoltage/undervoltage alarm

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



Power overvoltage/undervoltage alarm

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
Power overvoltage/undervoltage alarm

Alarm Cause
CMM/CMB power voltage is out of adjustment range
SJ-20140527134815-015|2015-03-31 (R1.1)

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ZXG10 iBSC Alarm and Notification Handling Reference

The CMM/CMB boards do not operate properly.

please replace CMM/CMB board as soon as possible

3.1.189 198087103 13M input clock failure

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



13M input clock failure

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
13M input clock failure

Alarm Cause
CMM/CMB clock unit works abnormally

A transmission link inside the BTS is disconnected, frame numbers are confused, and the frequency
synthesizer does not operate properly.

1)Test transmission index. If the transmission continuously has over-2Hz frequency offset in
4 seconds or the single frequency adjustment is more than 4 Hz for 15 times in 6 minutes, it is
necessary to notify the engineer to adjust transmission.
2)Reset CMB board and check whether the alarm disappears.
3)If the alarm does not disappear, replace CMB board.

SJ-20140527134815-015|2015-03-31 (R1.1)

ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 3 Alarms

3.1.190 198087106 SYNCLK clock failure

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



SYNCLK clock failure

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
SYNCLK clock failure

Alarm Cause
CMM/CMB clock unit works abnormally

A transmission link inside the BTS is disconnected, frame numbers are confused, and the frequency
synthesizer does not operate properly.

1)Test transmission index. If the transmission continuously has over-2Hz frequency offset in
4 seconds or the single frequency adjustment is more than 4 Hz for 15 times in 6 minutes, it is
necessary to notify the engineer to adjust transmission.
2)Reset CMB board and check whether the alarm disappears.
3)If the alarm does not disappear, replace CMB board.

3.1.191 198087107 Master and slave communication link failure

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



Master and slave communication link failure

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

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ZXG10 iBSC Alarm and Notification Handling Reference

Alarm Description
Master and slave communication link failure

Alarm Cause
Standby CMM/CMB board is not powered on, or active-standby CMM/CMB board communication

The master and slave CMM/CMB boards fail to be switched over.

1. Re-plug CMB board.
2. If the software has problem, upgrade it.

3.1.192 198087108 Standby CMM/CMB board not present

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



Standby CMM/CMB board not present

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
Standby CMM/CMB board not present

Alarm Cause
Standby CMM/CMB board is not inserted

The system is less reliable because the faulty master board fails to be switched over to the slave

SJ-20140527134815-015|2015-03-31 (R1.1)

ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 3 Alarms

check if standby board is present in the rack. If it is , reset or insert standby board again( normal
state of standby board is that power lamp always lights and running lamp always lights);if it isn't,
insert a new CMM/CMB board

3.1.193 198087109 Standby CMM/CMB board abnormal

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



Standby CMM/CMB board abnormal

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
Standby CMM/CMB board abnormal

Alarm Cause
Standby CMM/CMB board starts abnormally or not inserted properly

The master and slave boards fail to be switched over.

Check whether the spare board is on the rack. If yes, reset or re-plug the board ( it is in the normal
condition if the power LED indicator and RUN LED indicator are both on). If no, plug in the new
CMB board if necessary.

3.1.194 198087110 CMM/CMB power failure alarm

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



CMM/CMB power failure alarm

Alarm severity:


SJ-20140527134815-015|2015-03-31 (R1.1)

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ZXG10 iBSC Alarm and Notification Handling Reference

Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
CMM/CMB power failure alarm

Alarm Cause
CMM/CMB board is power off

The CMM/CMB boards fail to operate.

E1 interface will bridge-connect automatically. Replace the CMB circuit board as quickly as possible.

3.1.195 198087112 Communication link alarm between master and

slave rack (left)
Alarm Information
Alarm code:



Communication link alarm between master and slave rack (left)

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
Communication link alarm between master and slave rack (left)

Alarm Cause
Communication link fault between master rack and slave rack

The site fails to load, operate or maintain data and software.

SJ-20140527134815-015|2015-03-31 (R1.1)

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Chapter 3 Alarms

1. Check if line between racks is connected. if it has problems, connect or replace it. 2. start
self-check of master-slave rack communication to confirm the problem of CMM/CMB hardware
or software. then replace it

3.1.196 198087113 Communication link alarm between master and

slave rack (right)
Alarm Information
Alarm code:



Communication link alarm between master and slave rack (right)

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
Communication link alarm between master and slave rack (right)

Alarm Cause
Communication link fault between master rack and slave rack

The site fails to load, operate or maintain data and software.

1. Check if line between racks is connected. if it has problems, connect or replace it. 2. start
self-check of master-slave rack communication to confirm the problem of CMM/CMB hardware
or software. then replace it

3.1.197 198087114 A interface E1 Rx carrier alarm

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



A interface E1 Rx carrier alarm

SJ-20140527134815-015|2015-03-31 (R1.1)

ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXG10 iBSC Alarm and Notification Handling Reference

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
A interface E1 Rx carrier alarm

Alarm Cause
Chip fault, clock abnormal, difference from BSC clock, or bad E1 connections, etc

This fault has a little impact on calls if it does not occur frequently. However, errors may occur during
a call or the link establishment between the TRM/DTRU and the BSC if this alarm occurs frequently
(for example, at intervals of several minutes).

1. Check the electric-connection performance of E1 line.
2. if E1 line has no problem, insert the board tightly and reset.
3. if alarm still exists, maybe E1 interface chip is abnormal.
4. if chip's self-check is passed, start loop test of E1 interface.
5. if loop test of E1 is correct, the transport has problems

3.1.198 198087115 A interface E1 Rx frame not synchronized

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



A interface E1 Rx frame not synchronized

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
A interface E1 Rx frame not synchronized

Alarm Cause
Chip fault, clock abnormal, difference from BSC clock, bad E1 connections, or CMM board not
support C/F configuration, etc
SJ-20140527134815-015|2015-03-31 (R1.1)

ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 3 Alarms

This fault has a little impact on calls if it does not occur frequently. However, errors may occur during
a call or the link establishment between the TRM/DTRU and the BSC if this alarm occurs frequently
(for example, at intervals of several minutes).

1. Check the electric-connection performance of E1 line.
2. if E1 line has no problem, insert the board tightly and reset.
3.if C/F Trunk alarm happens, please check Whether CMM board hardware version is 030903 or
030900, and if so, it need be changed to 030508 version.( this situation only suitable for Site V2
4. if alarm still exists, maybe E1 interface chip is abnormal.
5. if chip's self-check is passed, start loop test of E1 interface. 6. if loop test of E1 is correct, the
transport has problems.

3.1.199 198087120 A interface E1 remote alarm

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



A interface E1 remote alarm

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
A interface E1 remote alarm

Alarm Cause
Sending line is shorted, the remote end might not receive data sent from local end

The BTS fails to provide services.

SJ-20140527134815-015|2015-03-31 (R1.1)

ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXG10 iBSC Alarm and Notification Handling Reference

1.Check the electrical connection property of the E1 cable.2. If the cable of E1 did not have problems,
insert the board tightly and resetting.3.If the warning continue to exist, the E1 interface chip maybe is
in abnormal.4. If can pass the chip selftest, can start the selfloop test procedure for E1 interface.5.If
the selfloop test result is correct, can think that the transmission equipment have problems.

3.1.200 198087121 B interface E1 Rx carrier alarm

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



B interface E1 Rx carrier alarm

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
B interface E1 Rx carrier alarm

Alarm Cause
Chip fault, clock abnormal, difference from BSC clock, or bad E1 connections, etc

This fault has a little impact on calls if it does not occur frequently. However, errors may occur during
a call or the link establishment between the TRM/DTRU and the BSC if this alarm occurs frequently
(for example, at intervals of several minutes).

1. Check the electric-connection performance of E1 line.
2. if E1 line has no problem, insert the board tightly and reset.
3. if alarm still exists, maybe E1 interface chip is abnormal.
4. if chip's self-check is passed, start loop test of E1 interface.
5. if loop test of E1 is correct, the transport has problems

SJ-20140527134815-015|2015-03-31 (R1.1)

ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 3 Alarms

3.1.201 198087122 B interface E1 Rx frame not synchronized

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



B interface E1 Rx frame not synchronized

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
B interface E1 Rx frame not synchronized

Alarm Cause
Chip fault, clock abnormal, difference from BSC clock, bad E1 connections, or CMM board not
support C/F configuration, etc

This fault has a little impact on calls if it does not occur frequently. However, errors may occur during
a call or the link establishment between the TRM/DTRU and the BSC if this alarm occurs frequently
(for example, at intervals of several minutes).

1. Check the electric-connection performance of E1 line.
2. if E1 line has no problem, insert the board tightly and reset.
3. if C/F Trunk alarm happens, please check Whether CMM board hardware version is 030903
or 030900, and if so, it need be changed to 030508 version.( this situation only suitable for Site
V2 serials).
4. if alarm still exists, maybe E1 interface chip is abnormal.
5. if chip's self-check is passed, start loop test of E1 interface. 6. if loop test of E1 is correct, the
transport has problems.

3.1.202 198087127 B interface E1 remote alarm

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



B interface E1 remote alarm

SJ-20140527134815-015|2015-03-31 (R1.1)

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ZXG10 iBSC Alarm and Notification Handling Reference

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
B interface E1 remote alarm

Alarm Cause
Sending line is shorted, the remote end might not receive data sent from local end

The BTS fails to provide services.

1.Check the electrical connection property of the E1 cable.2. If the cable of E1 did not have problems,
insert the board tightly and resetting.3.If the warning continue to exist, the E1 interface chip maybe is
in abnormal.4. If can pass the chip selftest, can start the selfloop test procedure for E1 interface.5.If
the selfloop test result is correct, can think that the transmission equipment have problems.

3.1.203 198087128 C interface E1 Rx carrier alarm

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



C interface E1 Rx carrier alarm

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
C interface E1 Rx carrier alarm

Alarm Cause
Chip fault, clock abnormal, difference from BSC clock, or bad E1 connections, etc

SJ-20140527134815-015|2015-03-31 (R1.1)

ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 3 Alarms

This fault has a little impact on calls if it does not occur frequently. However, errors may occur during
a call or the link establishment between the TRM/DTRU and the BSC if this alarm occurs frequently
(for example, at intervals of several minutes).

1. Check the electric-connection performance of E1 line.
2. if E1 line has no problem, insert the board tightly and reset.
3. if alarm still exists, maybe E1 interface chip is abnormal.
4. if chip's self-check is passed, start loop test of E1 interface.
5. if loop test of E1 is correct, the transport has problems

3.1.204 198087129 C interface E1 Rx frame not synchronized

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



C interface E1 Rx frame not synchronized

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
C interface E1 Rx frame not synchronized

Alarm Cause
Chip fault, clock abnormal, difference from BSC clock, bad E1 connections, or CMM board not
support C/F configuration, etc

This fault has a little impact on calls if it does not occur frequently. However, errors may occur during
a call or the link establishment between the TRM/DTRU and the BSC if this alarm occurs frequently
(for example, at intervals of several minutes).

SJ-20140527134815-015|2015-03-31 (R1.1)

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ZXG10 iBSC Alarm and Notification Handling Reference

1. Check the electric-connection performance of E1 line.
2. if E1 line has no problem, insert the board tightly and reset.
3.if C/F Trunk alarm happens, please check Whether CMM board hardware version is 030903 or
030900, and if so, it need be changed to 030508 version.( this situation only suitable for Site V2
4. if alarm still exists, maybe E1 interface chip is abnormal.
5. if chip's self-check is passed, start loop test of E1 interface. 6. if loop test of E1 is correct, the
transport has problems.

3.1.205 198087134 C interface E1 remote alarm

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



C interface E1 remote alarm

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
C interface E1 remote alarm

Alarm Cause
Sending line is shorted, the remote end might not receive data sent from local end

The BTS fails to provide services.

1.Check the electrical connection property of the E1 cable.2. If the cable of E1 did not have problems,
insert the board tightly and resetting.3.If the warning continue to exist, the E1 interface chip maybe is
in abnormal.4. If can pass the chip selftest, can start the selfloop test procedure for E1 interface.5.If
the selfloop test result is correct, can think that the transmission equipment have problems.

SJ-20140527134815-015|2015-03-31 (R1.1)

ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 3 Alarms

3.1.206 198087135 D interface E1 Rx carrier alarm

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



D interface E1 Rx carrier alarm

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
D interface E1 Rx carrier alarm

Alarm Cause
Chip fault, clock abnormal, difference from BSC clock, or bad E1 connections, etc

This fault has a little impact on calls if it does not occur frequently. However, errors may occur during
a call or the link establishment between the TRM/DTRU and the BSC if this alarm occurs frequently
(for example, at intervals of several minutes).

1. Check the electric-connection performance of E1 line.
2. if E1 line has no problem, insert the board tightly and reset.
3. if alarm still exists, maybe E1 interface chip is abnormal.
4. if chip's self-check is passed, start loop test of E1 interface.
5. if loop test of E1 is correct, the transport has problems

3.1.207 198087136 D interface E1 Rx frame not synchronized

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



D interface E1 Rx frame not synchronized

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

SJ-20140527134815-015|2015-03-31 (R1.1)

ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXG10 iBSC Alarm and Notification Handling Reference

Alarm Description
D interface E1 Rx frame not synchronized

Alarm Cause
Chip fault, clock abnormal, difference from BSC clock, bad E1 connections, or CMM board not
support C/F configuration, etc

This fault has a little impact on calls if it does not occur frequently. However, errors may occur during
a call or the link establishment between the TRM/DTRU and the BSC if this alarm occurs frequently
(for example, at intervals of several minutes).

1. Check the electric-connection performance of E1 line.
2. if E1 line has no problem, insert the board tightly and reset.
3.if C/F Trunk alarm happens, please check Whether CMM board hardware version is 030903 or
030900, and if so, it need be changed to 030508 version.( this situation only suitable for Site V2
4. if alarm still exists, maybe E1 interface chip is abnormal.
5. if chip's self-check is passed, start loop test of E1 interface.
6. if loop test of E1 is correct, the transport has problems.

3.1.208 198087141 D interface E1 remote alarm

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



D interface E1 remote alarm

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
D interface E1 remote alarm

Alarm Cause
Sending line is shorted, the remote end might not receive data sent from local end
SJ-20140527134815-015|2015-03-31 (R1.1)

ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 3 Alarms

The BTS fails to provide services.

1.Check the electrical connection property of the E1 cable.2. If the cable of E1 did not have problems,
insert the board tightly and resetting.3.If the warning continue to exist, the E1 interface chip maybe is
in abnormal.4. If can pass the chip selftest, can start the selfloop test procedure for E1 interface.5.If
the selfloop test result is correct, can think that the transmission equipment have problems.

3.1.209 198087142 E interface E1 Rx carrier alarm

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



E interface E1 Rx carrier alarm

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
E interface E1 Rx carrier alarm

Alarm Cause
Chip fault, clock abnormal, difference from BSC clock, or bad E1 connections, etc

This fault has a little impact on calls if it does not occur frequently. However, errors may occur during
a call or the link establishment between the TRM/DTRU and the BSC if this alarm occurs frequently
(for example, at intervals of several minutes).

1. Check the electric-connection performance of E1 line.
2. if E1 line has no problem, insert the board tightly and reset.
3. if alarm still exists, maybe E1 interface chip is abnormal.
4. if chip's self-check is passed, start loop test of E1 interface.
5. if loop test of E1 is correct, the transport has problems

SJ-20140527134815-015|2015-03-31 (R1.1)

ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXG10 iBSC Alarm and Notification Handling Reference

3.1.210 198087143 E interface E1 Rx frame not synchronized

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



E interface E1 Rx frame not synchronized

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
E interface E1 Rx frame not synchronized

Alarm Cause
Chip fault, clock abnormal, difference from BSC clock, bad E1 connections, or CMM board not
support C/F configuration, etc

This fault has a little impact on calls if it does not occur frequently. However, errors may occur during
a call or the link establishment between the TRM/DTRU and the BSC if this alarm occurs frequently
(for example, at intervals of several minutes).

1. Check the electric-connection performance of E1 line.
2. if E1 line has no problem, insert the board tightly and reset.
3.if C/F Trunk alarm happens, please check Whether CMM board hardware version is 030903 or
030900, and if so, it need be changed to 030508 version.( this situation only suitable for Site V2
4. if alarm still exists, maybe E1 interface chip is abnormal.
5. if chip's self-check is passed, start loop test of E1 interface.
6. if loop test of E1 is correct, the transport has problems.

3.1.211 198087148 E interface E1 remote alarm

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



E interface E1 remote alarm

SJ-20140527134815-015|2015-03-31 (R1.1)

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Chapter 3 Alarms

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
E interface E1 remote alarm

Alarm Cause
Sending line is shorted, the remote end might not receive data sent from local end

The BTS fails to provide services.

1.Check the electrical connection property of the E1 cable.2. If the cable of E1 did not have problems,
insert the board tightly and resetting.3.If the warning continue to exist, the E1 interface chip maybe is
in abnormal.4. If can pass the chip selftest, can start the selfloop test procedure for E1 interface.5.If
the selfloop test result is correct, can think that the transmission equipment have problems.

3.1.212 198087149 F interface E1 Rx carrier alarm

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



F interface E1 Rx carrier alarm

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
F interface E1 Rx carrier alarm

Alarm Cause
Chip fault, clock abnormal, difference from BSC clock, or bad E1 connections, etc

SJ-20140527134815-015|2015-03-31 (R1.1)

ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXG10 iBSC Alarm and Notification Handling Reference

This fault has a little impact on calls if it does not occur frequently. However, errors may occur during
a call or the link establishment between the TRM/DTRU and the BSC if this alarm occurs frequently
(for example, at intervals of several minutes).

1. Check the electric-connection performance of E1 line.
2. if E1 line has no problem, insert the board tightly and reset.
3. if alarm still exists, maybe E1 interface chip is abnormal.
4. if chip's self-check is passed, start loop test of E1 interface.
5. if loop test of E1 is correct, the transport has problems.

3.1.213 198087150 F interface E1 Rx frame not synchronized

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



F interface E1 Rx frame not synchronized

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
F interface E1 Rx frame not synchronized

Alarm Cause
Chip fault, clock abnormal, difference from BSC clock, bad E1 connections, or CMM board not
support C/F configuration, etc

This fault has a little impact on calls if it does not occur frequently. However, errors may occur during
a call or the link establishment between the TRM/DTRU and the BSC if this alarm occurs frequently
(for example, at intervals of several minutes).

SJ-20140527134815-015|2015-03-31 (R1.1)

ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 3 Alarms

1. Check the electric-connection performance of E1 line. 2. if E1 line has no problem, insert the board
tightly and reset. 3.if C/F Trunk alarm happens, please check Whether CMM board hardware version
is 030903 or 030900, and if so, it need be changed to 030508 version.( this situation only suitable for
Site V2 serials). 4. if alarm still exists, maybe E1 interface chip is abnormal. 5. if chip's self-check is
passed, start loop test of E1 interface. 6. if loop test of E1 is correct, the transport has problems.

3.1.214 198087153 F interface E1 Rx forward sliding indication

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



F interface E1 Rx forward sliding indication

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
F interface E1 Rx forward sliding indication

Alarm Cause
Chip fault, clock abnormal, difference from BSC clock, or bad E1 connections, etc

This fault has a little impact on calls if it does not occur frequently. However, errors may occur during
a call or the link establishment between the TRM/DTRU and the BSC if this alarm occurs frequently
(for example, at intervals of several minutes).

1. Check the electric-connection performance of E1 line. 2. if E1 line has no problem, insert the board
tightly and reset. 3. if alarm still exists, maybe E1 interface chip is abnormal. 4. if chip's self-check is
passed, start loop test of E1 interface. 5. if loop test of E1 is correct, the transport has problems

SJ-20140527134815-015|2015-03-31 (R1.1)

ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXG10 iBSC Alarm and Notification Handling Reference

3.1.215 198087155 F interface E1 remote alarm

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



F interface E1 remote alarm

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
F interface E1 remote alarm

Alarm Cause
Sending line is shorted, the remote end might not receive data sent from local end

The BTS fails to provide services.

1.Check the electrical connection property of the E1 cable.2. If the cable of E1 did not have problems,
insert the board tightly and resetting.3.If the warning continue to exist, the E1 interface chip maybe is
in abnormal.4. If can pass the chip selftest, can start the selfloop test procedure for E1 interface.5.If
the selfloop test result is correct, can think that the transmission equipment have problems.

3.1.216 198087156 G interface E1 Rx carrier alarm

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



G interface E1 Rx carrier alarm

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
G interface E1 Rx carrier alarm
SJ-20140527134815-015|2015-03-31 (R1.1)

ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 3 Alarms

Alarm Cause
Chip fault, clock abnormal, difference from BSC clock, or bad E1 connections, etc

This fault has a little impact on calls if it does not occur frequently. However, errors may occur during
a call or the link establishment between the TRM/DTRU and the BSC if this alarm occurs frequently
(for example, at intervals of several minutes).

1. Check the electric-connection performance of E1 line. 2. if E1 line has no problem, insert the board
tightly and reset. 3. if alarm still exists, maybe E1 interface chip is abnormal. 4. if chip's self-check is
passed, start loop test of E1 interface. 5. if loop test of E1 is correct, the transport has problems

3.1.217 198087157 G interface E2 Rx frame not synchronized

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



G interface E2 Rx frame not synchronized

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
G interface E2 Rx frame not synchronized

Alarm Cause
Chip fault, clock abnormal, difference from BSC clock, or bad E1 connections, etc

This fault has a little impact on calls if it does not occur frequently. However, errors may occur during
a call or the link establishment between the TRM/DTRU and the BSC if this alarm occurs frequently
(for example, at intervals of several minutes).

1. Check the electric-connection performance of E1 line. 2. if E1 line has no problem, insert the board
tightly and reset. 3. if alarm still exists, maybe E1 interface chip is abnormal. 4. if chip's self-check is
passed, start loop test of E1 interface. 5. if loop test of E1 is correct, the transport has problems
SJ-20140527134815-015|2015-03-31 (R1.1)

ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXG10 iBSC Alarm and Notification Handling Reference

3.1.218 198087162 G interface E1 remote alarm

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



G interface E1 remote alarm

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
G interface E1 remote alarm

Alarm Cause
Sending line is shorted, the remote end might not receive data sent from local end

The BTS fails to provide services.

1.Check the electrical connection property of the E1 cable.2. If the cable of E1 did not have problems,
insert the board tightly and resetting.3.If the warning continue to exist, the E1 interface chip maybe is
in abnormal.4. If can pass the chip selftest, can start the selfloop test procedure for E1 interface.5.If
the selfloop test result is correct, can think that the transmission equipment have problems.

3.1.219 198087163 H interface E1 Rx carrier alarm

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



H interface E1 Rx carrier alarm

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
H interface E1 Rx carrier alarm
SJ-20140527134815-015|2015-03-31 (R1.1)

ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 3 Alarms

Alarm Cause
Chip fault, clock abnormal, difference from BSC clock, or bad E1 connections, etc

This fault has a little impact on calls if it does not occur frequently. However, errors may occur during
a call or the link establishment between the TRM/DTRU and the BSC if this alarm occurs frequently
(for example, at intervals of several minutes).

1. Check the electric-connection performance of E1 line. 2. if E1 line has no problem, insert the board
tightly and reset. 3. if alarm still exists, maybe E1 interface chip is abnormal. 4. if chip's self-check is
passed, start loop test of E1 interface. 5. if loop test of E1 is correct, the transport has problems

3.1.220 198087164 H interface E3 Rx frame not synchronized

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



H interface E3 Rx frame not synchronized

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
H interface E3 Rx frame not synchronized

Alarm Cause
Chip fault, clock abnormal, difference from BSC clock, or bad E1 connections, etc

This fault has a little impact on calls if it does not occur frequently. However, errors may occur during
a call or the link establishment between the TRM/DTRU and the BSC if this alarm occurs frequently
(for example, at intervals of several minutes).

1. Check the electric-connection performance of E1 line. 2. if E1 line has no problem, insert the board
tightly and reset. 3. if alarm still exists, maybe E1 interface chip is abnormal. 4. if chip's self-check is
passed, start loop test of E1 interface. 5. if loop test of E1 is correct, the transport has problems
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3.1.221 198087169 H interface E1 remote alarm

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



H interface E1 remote alarm

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
H interface E1 remote alarm

Alarm Cause
Sending line is shorted, the remote end might not receive data sent from local end

The BTS fails to provide services.

1.Check the electrical connection property of the E1 cable.2. If the cable of E1 did not have problems,
insert the board tightly and resetting.3.If the warning continue to exist, the E1 interface chip maybe is
in abnormal.4. If can pass the chip selftest, can start the selfloop test procedure for E1 interface.5.If
the selfloop test result is correct, can think that the transmission equipment have problems.

3.1.222 198087170 Temperature alarm

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



Temperature alarm

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
Temperature alarm
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Chapter 3 Alarms

Alarm Cause
Fan fault or module temperature too high


check the envirnment temperature.if it conforms to the demand, keep on observing and keep normal
status in the case of other modules no fault. If not , please change it.if there are some other problems,
please replace FCM module

3.1.223 198087171 Fan absent

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



Fan absent

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
Fan absent

Alarm Cause
Fan not inserted or not in position


check the fan

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3.1.224 198087172 Fan control board CPU alarm

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



Fan control board CPU alarm

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
Fan control board CPU alarm

Alarm Cause
CPU fault


1. check the line and correct it. 2. check the fan and replace FCM.

3.1.225 198087173 Fan alarm

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



Fan alarm

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
Fan alarm

Alarm Cause
Fan stops rotating due to fault
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Chapter 3 Alarms


1. check the line and correct it.
2. check the fan and replace FCM.
3. check if collecting-alarm circuit of TPU is correct. Otherwise replace TRM module.

3.1.226 198087174 Fan temperature alarm

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



Fan temperature alarm

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
Fan temperature alarm

Alarm Cause
Fan fault or module temperature too high

Performance is reduced due to too high temperature of the TRM/DTRU boards.

Check the environment temperature meets the requirement or not.If meet the requirement, under the
premise that other modules have not fault, can continue to observe, and keep the normal work. If not
meet the requirement, then improving the equipments working environment is needed. If break down,
then should replace the FCM module immediately.

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3.1.227 198087175 Fan 1 alarm

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



Fan 1 alarm

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
Fan 1 alarm

Alarm Cause
Fan stops rotating due to fault

Too high temperature is generated on the TRX shelf in the same layer.

Check the alarm circuit have fault or not, if have problem, then resolve it.
2. Check the fan has fault or not. If have problem, then replace the FCM.
3. Check the alarm sampling electric circuit of TPU is good or not, otherwise replacing the
corresponding DTRM module

3.1.228 198087176 Fan 2 alarm

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



Fan 2 alarm

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
Fan 2 alarm
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Chapter 3 Alarms

Alarm Cause
Fan stops rotating due to fault

Too high temperature is generated on the TRX shelf in the same layer.

Check the alarm circuit have fault or not, if have problem, then resolve it.2. Check the fan has fault or
not. If have problem, then replace the FCM.3. Check the alarm sampling electric circuit of TPU is
good or not, otherwise replacing the corresponding DTRM module

3.1.229 198087177 Fan control board alarm

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



Fan control board alarm

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
Fan control board alarm

Alarm Cause
Fan fault or module temperature too high

Performance is reduced due to too high temperature of the TRM/DTRU boards.

Check the environment temperature meets the request or not.If meet the request, under the premise
that other modules have not fault, can continue to observe, and keep the normal work. If not meet
the request, then improving the equipments working environment is needed. If break down, then
should replace the FCM module immediately.

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3.1.230 198087178 LNA alarm

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



LNA alarm

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
LNA alarm

Alarm Cause
LNA current exceeds by 30%


please replace AEM module as soon as possible.

3.1.231 198087179 Tower amplifier power alarm

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



Tower amplifier power alarm

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
Tower amplifier power alarm

Alarm Cause
AEM tower amplifier power alarm
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Chapter 3 Alarms


please replace Tower Amplifier module or AEM module as soon as possible.

3.1.232 198087180 SWR of AEM HYCOM minor alarm

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



SWR of AEM HYCOM minor alarm

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
SWR of AEM HYCOM minor alarm

Alarm Cause
Combiner SWR 1.5 alarm


keep on observing.if normal work isn't influenced, don't replace AEM module.

3.1.233 198087181 SWR of AEM HYCOM major alarm

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



SWR of AEM HYCOM major alarm

Alarm severity:


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Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
SWR of AEM HYCOM major alarm

Alarm Cause
Combiner SWR 3.0 alarm


please replace AEM and reset TRM which connects with this AEM.

3.1.234 198087182 AEM power alarm(BTS V2)

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



AEM power alarm(BTS V2)

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
AEM power alarm(BTS V2)

Alarm Cause
AEM power alarm


please replace AEM module as soon as possible.
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Chapter 3 Alarms

3.1.235 198087183 AEM type alarm(BTS V2)

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



AEM type alarm(BTS V2)

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
AEM type alarm(BTS V2)

Alarm Cause
AEM type alarm


check whether config type of AEM doesn't conform to actual type, whether insert tightly and poweron.
If not, please replace it.if type is correct, problem maybe is the fault of back panel transport or the
fault of TPU collecting circuit, please replace the cable or the module.

3.1.236 198087184 AEM absent(BTS V2)

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



AEM absent(BTS V2)

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
AEM absent(BTS V2)

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Alarm Cause
AEM not-in-position alarm


please replace AEM and reset TRM which connects with this AEM.

3.1.237 198087185 AEM power alarm

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



AEM power alarm

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
AEM power alarm

Alarm Cause
AEM power alarm

This fault has an impact on transmission.

( 1)Check whether there is PA temperature alarm or fan environment temperature alarm on the
background. If yes, deal with the fan alarm first. It is necessary to plug in the blank module if there is
no TRX on the right side of TRM board.
( 2)Check whether the fuse of CDU is damaged. If yes, replace it. ( Note: FU1 2A, FU2 1A)
( 3)Pull out of CDU and DTRU modules in the same layer. Check whether the pins on the rear board
are bent. If yes, change the slot or replace the rear board. After that, re-power on and check whether
the alarm is recovered. ( If changing the slot, it is necessary to re-configure on the background.)
( 4)Replace CDU.
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Chapter 3 Alarms

3.1.238 198087186 LNA0 alarm

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



LNA0 alarm

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
LNA0 alarm

Alarm Cause
LNA0 current exceeds by 30%

The connected DTRU board fails to operate (both master and diversity LNAs are faulty) or does not
operate fully (only one LNA is faulty).

( 1)Check whether there is PA temperature alarm or fan environment temperature alarm on the
background. If yes, deal with the fan alarm first. It is necessary to plug in the blank module if there is
no TRX on the right side of TRM board.
( 2)Pull out of CDU and DTRU modules in the same layer. Check whether the pins on the rear board
are bent. If yes, change the slot or replace the rear board. After that, re-power on and check whether
the alarm is recovered. ( If changing the slot, it is necessary to re-configure on the background.)
( 3)Replace CDU.

3.1.239 198087187 LNA1 alarm

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



LNA1 alarm

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

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Alarm Description
LNA1 alarm

Alarm Cause
LNA1 current exceeds by 30%

The connected DTRU board fails to operate (both master and diversity LNAs are faulty) or does not
operate fully (only one LNA is faulty).

( 1)Check whether there is PA temperature alarm or fan environment temperature alarm on the
background. If yes, deal with the fan alarm first. It is necessary to plug in the blank module if there is
no TRX on the right side of TRM board.
( 2)Pull out of CDU and DTRU modules in the same layer. Check whether the pins on the rear board
are bent. If yes, change the slot or replace the rear board. After that, re-power on and check whether
the alarm is recovered. ( If changing the slot, it is necessary to re-configure on the background.)
( 3)Replace CDU.

3.1.240 198087188 Tower Amplifier0 power alarm

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



Tower Amplifier0 power alarm

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
Tower Amplifier0 power alarm

Alarm Cause
AEM tower amplifier 0 power alarm

This fault has an impact on the uplink receive sensitivity of the related DTRU board.
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Chapter 3 Alarms

( 1)Check whether there is PA temperature alarm or fan environment temperature alarm on the
background. If yes, deal with the fan alarm first. It is necessary to plug in the blank module if there is
no TRX on the right side of TRM board.
( 2)Pull off PA power cable. The position of PA power cable: open the BTS rear cover and pull off the
socket with the label of TA_PWR X31 ( X31 PA_PWR for the old rack). The PA power cable connects
to PWRTA_Ln on the top of cabinet. Check whether the alarm disappears. The power cable is useless
in the place where no PA exists. In the place where PA exists, the alarm disappears. It is necessary
to check whether the short circuit exists between the power cable and PA or whether PA goes wrong.
( 3)Pull out of CDU and DTRU modules in the same layer. Check whether the pins on the rear board
are bent. If yes, change the slot or replace the rear board. After that, re-power on and check whether
the alarm is recovered. ( If changing the slot, it is necessary to re-configure on the background.)
( 4)Replace CDU and reset TRX connecting with it.

3.1.241 198087189 Tower Amplifier1 power alarm

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



Tower Amplifier1 power alarm

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
Tower Amplifier1 power alarm

Alarm Cause
AEM tower amplifier 1 power alarm

This fault has an impact on the uplink receive sensitivity of the related DTRU board.

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( 1)Check whether there is PA temperature alarm or fan environment temperature alarm on the
background. If yes, deal with the fan alarm first. It is necessary to plug in the blank module if there is
no TRX on the right side of TRM board.
( 2)Pull off PA power cable. The position of PA power cable: open the BTS rear cover and pull off the
socket with the label of TA_PWR X31 ( X31 PA_PWR for the old rack). The PA power cable connects
to PWRTA_Ln on the top of cabinet. Check whether the alarm disappears. The power cable is useless
in the place where no PA exists. In the place where PA exists, the alarm disappears. It is necessary
to check whether the short circuit exists between the power cable and PA or whether PA goes wrong.
( 3)Pull out of CDU and DTRU modules in the same layer. Check whether the pins on the rear board
are bent. If yes, change the slot or replace the rear board. After that, re-power on and check whether
the alarm is recovered. ( If changing the slot, it is necessary to re-configure on the background.)
( 4)Replace CDU and reset TRX connecting with it.

3.1.242 198087190 SWR of AEM HYCOM minor alarm

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



SWR of AEM HYCOM minor alarm

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
SWR of AEM HYCOM minor alarm

Alarm Cause
Combiner SWR minor alarm

This fault has an impact on transmission.

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Chapter 3 Alarms

( 1) Check whether the connection between RF jumper which connects DTRU with CDU and CDU
antenna mouth is tight. If the connection is loose, fasten it with tool. After that, reset the TRX and
check whether the alarm disappears.
( 2)Measure SWR of the jumper between CDU and antenna with SITEMASTER. Check whether the
SWR value exceeds standard. If yes, the antenna has fault. Check the antenna system part by part
upon the test result. Once the fault is found, fasten the antenna, make waterproof treatment on the
antenna and replace the antenna. Reset the TRX and check whether the alarm disappears.
( 3)Replace the RF cable which connects DTRU with CDU. Reset the TRX connecting with it and
check whether the alarm disappears.
( 4)Pull out of CDU and DTRU modules in the same layer. Check whether the pins on the rear
board are bent. If yes, replace the rear board. Check whether the alarm cable connector of CDU
is loose or off. If yes, fasten it and re-power it on. Three minutes after the TRX is running, check
whether the alarm disappears.
( 5)Replace CDU and reset TRX connecting with it.

3.1.243 198087191 SWR of AEM HYCOM major alarm

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



SWR of AEM HYCOM major alarm

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
SWR of AEM HYCOM major alarm

Alarm Cause
Combiner SWR major alarm

This fault has an impact on transmission.

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( 1) Check whether the connection between RF jumper which connects DTRU with CDU and CDU
antenna mouth is tight. If the connection is loose, fasten it with tool. After that, reset the TRX. Three
minutes after the TRX is running, check whether the alarm disappears.
( 2)Measure SWR of the jumper between CDU and antenna with SITEMASTER. Check whether the
SWR value exceeds standard. If yes, the antenna has fault. Check the antenna system part by
part upon the test result. Once the fault is found, fasten the antenna, make waterproof treatment
on the antenna and replace the antenna. Reset the TRX. Three minutes after the TRX is running,
check whether the alarm disappears.
( 3)Replace the RF cable which connects DTRU with CDU. Reset the TRX connecting with it. Three
minutes after the TRX is running, check whether the alarm disappears.
( 4)Pull out of CDU and DTRU modules in the same layer. Check whether the pins on the rear
board are bent. If yes, replace the rear board. Check whether the alarm cable connector is loose
or off. If yes, fasten it and re-power it on. Three minutes after the TRX is running, check whether
the alarm disappears.
( 5)Replace CDU and reset TRX connecting with it.

3.1.244 198087192 AEM type alarm

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



AEM type alarm

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
AEM type alarm

Alarm Cause
AEM type alarm

This fault has an impact on transmission.

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Chapter 3 Alarms

( 1)Check whether there is PA temperature alarm or fan environment temperature alarm on the
background. If yes, deal with the fan alarm first. It is necessary to plug in the blank module if there is
no TRX on the right side of TRM board.
( 2)Check whether AEM configuration type is consistent with the actual type, and whether DTRU is
associated with the background, otherwise change or modify the background configuration.
( 3)Check whether AEM powers on, and plugged properly. Shut down AEM module power, plug off
and then plug in the module, turn on the power to check whether the alarm has been recovered.
( 4)Check whether the board DIP switch of AEM is correct. Otherwise, adjust the DIP switch till it is
correct. Check whether the fuse on CDU is broken, if so, change the fuse of the same model. Note:
FU1 2A, FU2 1A; power on the equipment to check whether the alarm is recovered.
( 5)Plug off the AEM and DTRU module of the same layer, check whether there backplane pin is
curved, if so, change the backplane and re-power on to check whether the alarm is recovered.
( 6)Plug in site id, and reset CMB. About five minutes later, check whether the alarm is recovered.
( 7)Replace AEM module.

3.1.245 198087193 AEM Not-in-position alarm

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



AEM Not-in-position alarm

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
AEM Not-in-position alarm

Alarm Cause
AEM not-in-position alarm

This fault has an impact on transmission.

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( 1) Check whether there is PA temperature alarm or fan environmental temperature alarm, if so,
process with the fan alarm first. If there is no another TRX or blank module on the right side of the
TRX, plug in a blank module;
( 2) Check whether AEM configuration type is consistent with the actual type, and whether DTRU is
associated with the background, otherwise change or modify the background configuration.
( 3) Check whether AEM powers on, and plugged properly. Shut down AEM module power, plug off
and then plug in the module, turn on the power to check whether the alarm has been recovered.
( 4) Check whether the board DIP switch of AEM is correct. Otherwise, adjust the DIP switch till it is
correct. Check whether the fuse on CDU is broken, if so, change the fuse of the same model. Note:
FU1 2A, FU2 1A; power on the equipment to check whether the alarm is recovered.
( 5) Plug off the AEM and DTRU module of the same layer, check whether there backplane pin is
curved, if so, change the backplane and re-power on to check whether the alarm is recovered.
( 6) Plug in site id, and reset CMB. About five minutes later, check whether the alarm is recovered.
( 7) Change AEM module.

3.1.246 198087198 Uplink of ADC chip initialization failure

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



Uplink of ADC chip initialization failure

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
Uplink of ADC chip initialization failure

Alarm Cause
Uplink ADC chip initialization failure


1. Reset this module in order to work normally.
2. if reset is of no effect , please replace this module at once.
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Chapter 3 Alarms

3.1.247 198087200 CIP resource can't be used

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



CIP resource can't be used

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
CIP resource can't be used

Alarm Cause
Uplink/downlink loop data demodulation failure


if alarm exists, at the same time some traffics exist on this TRM, it indicates this TRM is normal; if
there aren't some traffics on this TRM, or RF_LOOP test failure which arose by OMCR, this TRM is
damaged and please replace it at once.

3.1.248 198087201 Uplink failure

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



Uplink failure

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
Uplink failure

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Alarm Cause
Error in uplink data receiving


1.Reset this module in order to work normally.
2. if reset is of no effect, please replace this module at once.

3.1.249 198087207 Watchdog of FUC overflow

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



Watchdog of FUC overflow

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
Watchdog of FUC overflow

Alarm Cause
FUC program has no response temporarily


user can reset TPU to solve this problem. If it isn't solved, please replace TRM module.

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Chapter 3 Alarms

3.1.250 198087216 Cell configuration parameter mismatch(BTS V2)

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



Cell configuration parameter mismatch(BTS V2)

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
Cell configuration parameter mismatch(BTS V2)

Alarm Cause
Cell parameter configuration is incorrect or conflicts with channel parameters and CU parameter
configuration, carrier frequency configuration in omcr is unconform with the physical board


1.Wait ten minutes. If the alarm still exists, configure parameters again from background, and
synchronize them to base station. Otherwise check the hardware and replace TRM/DTRM module in
2.Please check whether the carrier frequency configuration in omcr is conform with the physical
board or not.

3.1.251 198087221 Communication link between CMM and FUC

break(BTS V2)
Alarm Information
Alarm code:



Communication link between CMM and FUC break(BTS V2)

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

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Alarm Description
Communication link between CMM and FUC break(BTS V2)

Alarm Cause
HDLC link between CMM and TPU breaks, CMM hardware error, etc


system can run, but any data doesn't be configured.if only TPU link longtime break, User can use
the methods as follows to remove the problem:
1.Check whether TPU plugin tightly.
2.Reset TPU board.
3.Check whether CMM work normally.
4.Check address switch's right.
5.Transport line''s connection on back panel.
6.Use HW loop test to confirm software problem or hardware problem.if hardware has problems,
please replace it, if software has problems please upgrade software version.

3.1.252 198087224 Watchdog of TPU CIP overflow

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



Watchdog of TPU CIP overflow

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
Watchdog of TPU CIP overflow

Alarm Cause
DSP program of demodulation module has no response temporarily

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Chapter 3 Alarms

Reset this CU firstly.If the alarm resume, it could be confirmed that the alarm is arisen by interior
status of DSP abnormal.After resetting resumes, the CU could work normally.if not, BSC should start
BCCH changeover strategy and replace TRM module.

3.1.253 198087225 Software version of CIP mismatch

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



Software version of CIP mismatch

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
Software version of CIP mismatch

Alarm Cause
CIP software version load error. If one of the carriers is configured as BCCH, then the whole cell
can not work normally.


reset TRM, if it is of no effect, please replace TRM module.

3.1.254 198087226 Clock alarm for TPU and CMM

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



Clock alarm for TPU and CMM

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

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Alarm Description
Clock alarm for TPU and CMM

Alarm Cause
Clock between TPU and CMM is disconnected


1. If this TPU alarm is the only one alarm in the base station, check the line connection on back
panel.if the connection is correct , please replace TRM.
2. if other TPUs have the same alarm as this TPU, check whether clock alarm exists on CMM
board. If it is , please replace CMM.

3.1.255 198087228 TPU frame No. alarm

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



TPU frame No. alarm

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
TPU frame No. alarm

Alarm Cause
Frame clock FCLK has problem, upper-level frame number synchronization source CMM has problem


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Chapter 3 Alarms

1.check if FCLK of frame no producing point is normal( if it is directly transported, check the clock
frequency, wave shape; if it is produced by phase locked, check whether the alarm of loose lock
exists.if there are some problems, please replace TRM module.
2. Transport link( transport clock, interface chip, the size of error code rate)3. check superior
synchro source of frame no

3.1.256 198087229 TPU CHP DSP0 initialization failure

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



TPU CHP DSP0 initialization failure

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
TPU CHP DSP0 initialization failure

Alarm Cause
DSP software or hardware error

All the sixteen physical channels of the dual-carrier fail to operate properly. Cell services may also be
affected if the DTRU board is configured as BCCH.

1. Re- download the software of that DSP.
2. Reset that DTRM frame( re- start DSP), check whether that warning can recover or not.
3. Check whether the environmental temperature exceeds temperature permit for equipment running,
if there is overtemperature alarm, please adjust the environment; if the temperature is within the
permit, re-plug in the board to check whether the alarm is recovered.
4. If the alarm has not been recovered, replace the corresponding DTRU.

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3.1.257 198087243 Cell configuration parameter mismatch

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



Cell configuration parameter mismatch

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
Cell configuration parameter mismatch

Alarm Cause
Cell parameter configuration is incorrect or conflicts with channel parameters and CIP parameter

The BTS may not operate properly.

1. If the alarm is not recovered within 10 minutes, re-configure the parameter in the background,
and synchronize to the base station.
2. Reset the TRX, after 10 minutes, check whether the alarm is recovered.
3. Re-plug the TRX module, after 10 minutes, check whether the alarm is recovered.
4. Change the corresponding TRX module.

3.1.258 198087247 HDLC communication link between CMB and

FUC broken
Alarm Information
Alarm code:



HDLC communication link between CMB and FUC broken

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

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Chapter 3 Alarms

Alarm Description
HDLC communication link between CMB and FUC broken

Alarm Cause
HDLC link between CMB and TPU breaks, CMB hardware error, etc

TPU polling is faulty and data fails to be transmitted between the TPU and CMB. Data fails to be
configured for the FUC, CHP, and CIP and their states fail to be reported.

1. Check whether DTRU is plugged tightly and properly. Re-plug DTRU module, and add DTRU in
corresponding position according to the configuration, so as to check whether the alarm is recovered.
2. Reset DTRU board to check whether the alarm is recovered.
3. If alarms occur in all the cells, check whether CMB board works normally. Re-plug CMB to check
whether the alarm is recovered.
4. Check whether the DIP switch on the backplane is correct. Otherwise, adjust the switch to correct
position, to check whether the alarm is recovered.
5. Check whether the transmission line of the backplane is connected correctly. Otherwise connect
the line to correct position to check whether the alarm is recovered.

3.1.259 198087453 signal HDLC break off

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



signal HDLC break off

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
signal HDLC break off

Alarm Cause
Communication break of between TRX and FIB's HDLC or hardware error

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The DTRU board fails to operate.

1.DTRU board insert close or not? Insert or power on
2.Reset DTRU board , and watch whether it work or not
3.check whether FIB work or not
4.check whether address switch of rear board right or not
5.check whether line connect right or not

3.1.260 198087253 FU fram No error alarm

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



FU fram No error alarm

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
FU fram No error alarm

Alarm Cause
Frame clock FCLK has problem, upper-level frame number synchronization source CMB has problem

The DTRU board fails to operate. Cell services may also be affected if the DTRU board is configured
with BCCH.

1. Measure every Frame clock FCLK that produce frame number to ensure it is normal( if deliver
directly, then see the frequency of the clock, whether waveform have or not distortion. if it is
phaselock to produce, then check whether have the warning of lose lock or not). if have fault then
replace the DTRM module in time.
2. Check transmission link( whether clock of transmission is normal or not, whether the interface chip
have or not warning, whether the size of the error code rate is small or not)
3.Whether the upper source of synchronization exists the warning or not.
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Chapter 3 Alarms

3.1.261 198087254 Rx PLL1 unlock

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



Rx PLL1 unlock

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
Rx PLL1 unlock

Alarm Cause
Clock signal is unstable or TRM Phase-Locked Loop ( PLL) fault


1. Check whether clock alarm exists with LMT.if it exists, please replace relevant module.if it doesn't
exist, check the 13M output of TP on front panel. If it doesn't exist, there is clock problem from TPU to
RCU.please replace TRM.
2. if the problem still exists, maybe the LO fail, please replace TRM.

3.1.262 198087255 Rx PLL2 unlock

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



Rx PLL2 unlock

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
Rx PLL2 unlock
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Alarm Cause
Clock signal is unstable or TRM Phase-Locked Loop ( PLL) fault


1. Check whether clock alarm exists with LMT.if it exists, please replace relevant module.if it doesn't
exist, check the 13M output of TP on front panel. If it doesn't exist, there is clock problem from TPU to
RCU.please replace TRM.
2. if the problem still exists, maybe the LO fail, please replace TRM.

3.1.263 198087256 Tx PLL1 unlock

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



Tx PLL1 unlock

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
Tx PLL1 unlock

Alarm Cause
Clock signal is unstable or TRM Phase-Locked Loop ( PLL) fault


1. Check whether clock alarm exists with LMT.if it exists, please replace relevant module.if it doesn't
exist, check the 13M output of TP on front panel. If it doesn't exist, there is clock problem from TPU to
RCU.please replace TRM.
2. if the problem still exists, maybe the LO fail, please replace TRM.

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Chapter 3 Alarms

3.1.264 198087257 Tx PLL2 unlock

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



Tx PLL2 unlock

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
Tx PLL2 unlock

Alarm Cause
Clock signal is unstable or TRM Phase-Locked Loop ( PLL) fault


1. Check whether clock alarm exists with LMT.if it exists, please replace relevant module.if it doesn't
exist, check the 13M output of TP on front panel. If it doesn't exist, there is clock problem from TPU to
RCU.please replace TRM.
2. if the problem still exists, maybe the LO fail, please replace TRM.

3.1.265 198087258 52M referenced clock PLL unlock

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



52M referenced clock PLL unlock

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
52M referenced clock PLL unlock
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Alarm Cause
Clock signal is unstable or TRM Phase-Locked Loop ( PLL) fault


1. Check whether clock alarm exists with LMT.if it exists, please replace relevant module.if it doesn't
exist, check the 13M output of TP on front panel. If it doesn't exist, there is clock problem from TPU to
RCU.please replace TRM.
2. if the problem still exists, maybe the LO fail, please replace TRM.

3.1.266 198087259 Tx IF PLL unlock

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



Tx IF PLL unlock

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
Tx IF PLL unlock

Alarm Cause
Clock signal is unstable or TRM Phase-Locked Loop ( PLL) fault


1. Check whether clock alarm exists with LMT.if it exists, please replace relevant module.if it doesn't
exist, check the 13M output of TP on front panel. If it doesn't exist, there is clock problem from TPU to
RCU.please replace TRM.
2. if the problem still exists, maybe the LO fail, please replace TRM.

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Chapter 3 Alarms

3.1.267 198087260 EEPROM resource can't be used

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



EEPROM resource can't be used

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
EEPROM resource can't be used

Alarm Cause
EEPROM fault


please replace TRM module.

3.1.268 198087261 FPGA interface failure

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



FPGA interface failure

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
FPGA interface failure

Alarm Cause
Communication between DSP and FPGA interface breaks
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please replace TRM module.

3.1.269 198087262 PA VSWR alarm(BTS V2)

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



PA VSWR alarm(BTS V2)

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
PA VSWR alarm(BTS V2)

Alarm Cause
Direct reason: reverse power is too high. Possible reason: open circuit or high resistance exists in
output end of PA


1.Check the connection of PA output with cable.
2.If alarm still exists, please replace TRM module as soon as possible.

3.1.270 198087263 PA overtemperature minor alarm(BTS V2)

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



PA overtemperature minor alarm(BTS V2)

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Chapter 3 Alarms

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
PA overtemperature minor alarm(BTS V2)

Alarm Cause
PA temperature is too high, which is possibly due to PA working with rated power for a long time, fan
not working for a long time, environment temperature too high, and detecting circuit fault, etc


1.Check whether fan works normally or not and whether the environment temperature is high or not.
2.If the fan works normally and the environment temperature is normal, the PA temperature warning
still exist then may be the detection electric circuit breakdown, continue to observe.

3.1.271 198087264 PA overtemperature major alarm(BTS V2)

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



PA overtemperature major alarm(BTS V2)

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
PA overtemperature major alarm(BTS V2)

Alarm Cause
PA temperature is too high, which is possibly due to PA working with rated power for a long time, fan
not working for a long time, environment temperature too high, and detecting circuit fault, etc

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1.Check whether fan works normally or not and whether the environment temperature is high or not.
2.If the fan works normally and the environment temperature is normal, the PA temperature warning
still exist then may be the detection electric circuit breakdown, should replace the TRM/DTRM
module in time.

3.1.272 198087265 PA output power alarm

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



PA output power alarm

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
PA output power alarm

Alarm Cause
Direct reason: Difference between PA output power and CIP control power is more than 3 db;
Possible reason: PA aging, power detecting circuit fault, or detecting threshold too narrow


1.Reset TRM and observe.
2. if alarm exists, replace TRM module as soon as possible.

3.1.273 198087266 PA power overvoltage

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



PA power overvoltage

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Chapter 3 Alarms

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
PA power overvoltage

Alarm Cause
PA power overvoltage


check the check circuit of PA.if it has problem, please replace TRM.

3.1.274 198087267 PA power lower voltage

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



PA power lower voltage

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
PA power lower voltage

Alarm Cause
PA power undervoltage


check the check circuit of PA.if it has problem, please replace TRM.
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ZXG10 iBSC Alarm and Notification Handling Reference

3.1.275 198087268 Downlink checksum error of DLRC_AL1

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



Downlink checksum error of DLRC_AL1

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
Downlink checksum error of DLRC_AL1

Alarm Cause
Interference exists on link between CHP and modulation module


1. Check the signal and time-sequence between CHP and modulation module.
2. if the problem still exists, please replace TRM in time.

3.1.276 198087269 DUC chip initialization failure

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



DUC chip initialization failure

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
DUC chip initialization failure

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Chapter 3 Alarms

Alarm Cause
DUC chip unavailable


please replace this TRM module.

3.1.277 198087270 80w PA VSWR alarm

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



80w PA VSWR alarm

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
80w PA VSWR alarm

Alarm Cause
Direct reason: Reverse power is too high; Possible reason: Open circuit or high resistance exists at
the output end of PA


1.Check the connection of PA output with cable.
2.If alarm still exists, please replace TRM module as soon as possible.

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ZXG10 iBSC Alarm and Notification Handling Reference

3.1.278 198087271 80w PA overtemperature

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



80w PA overtemperature

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
80w PA overtemperature

Alarm Cause
PA temperature is too high, which is possibly due to PA working with rated power for a long time, fan
not working for a long time, environment temperature too high, and detecting circuit fault, etc


1.Check whether fan works normally or not and whether the environment temperature is high or not.
2.If the fan works normally and the environment temperature is normal, the PA temperature warning
still exist then may be the detection electric circuit breakdown, continue to observe.

3.1.279 198087272 80w PA overtemperature major alarm

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



80w PA overtemperature major alarm

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
80w PA overtemperature major alarm
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Chapter 3 Alarms

Alarm Cause
PA temperature is too high, which is possibly due to PA working with rated power for a long time, fan
not working for a long time, environment temperature too high, and detecting circuit fault, etc


1.Check whether fan works normally or not and whether the environment temperature is high or not.
2.If the fan works normally and the environment temperature is normal, the PA temperature warning
still exist then may be the detection electric circuit breakdown, should replace the TRM/DTRM
module in time.

3.1.280 198087273 80w PA output power alarm

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



80w PA output power alarm

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
80w PA output power alarm

Alarm Cause
Direct reason: Difference between PA output power and CIP control power is more than 3 db;
Possible reason: PA aging, power detecting circuit fault, or detecting threshold too narrow


1.Reset TRM and observe.
2. if alarm exists, replace TRM module as soon as possible.

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ZXG10 iBSC Alarm and Notification Handling Reference

3.1.281 198087274 80w PA power overvoltage

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



80w PA power overvoltage

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
80w PA power overvoltage

Alarm Cause
PA power overvoltage


check the check circuit of PA.if it has problem, please replace TRM.

3.1.282 198087275 80w PA power lower voltage

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



80w PA power lower voltage

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
80w PA power lower voltage

Alarm Cause
PA power undervoltage
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Chapter 3 Alarms


check the check circuit of PA.if it has problem, please replace TRM

3.1.283 198087276 80w PA absent

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



80w PA absent

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
80w PA absent

Alarm Cause
PA not in position


check the check circuit of PA.if it has problem, please replace TRM.

3.1.284 198087277 TXIF unlock

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



TXIF unlock

Alarm severity:


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Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
TXIF unlock

Alarm Cause
Clock signal is unstable or DTRU Phase-Locked Loop ( PLL) fault

The DTRU board may fail to operate.

1. Restart the TRX, if the fault disappears, it indicates there is no fault in DTRU.
2. Check whether there is signal between Pinout 2 and 15 of HW line; if there is no signal, change
the HW line and continue with the test; if there is still no signal, it may be caused by CMB fault.
Test the 13M clock port on the equipment top, if there is signal, re-plug CMB board, if there is no
signal, it may be caused by CMB fault.
3. If the signal test is normal, re-plug this TRX. If there is still faults, change the fault TRX slot. If the
problem continues, change DTRU.

3.1.285 198087278 TPF unlock

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



TPF unlock

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
TPF unlock

Alarm Cause
Clock signal is unstable or DTRU Phase-Locked Loop ( PLL) fault

The DTRU board may fail to operate.
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Chapter 3 Alarms

1. Restart the TRX, if the fault disappears, it indicates there is no fault in DTRU.
2. Check whether there is signal between Pinout 2 and 15 of HW line; if there is no signal, change
the HW line and continue with the test; if there is still no signal, it may be caused by CMB fault.
Test the 13M clock port on the equipment top, if there is signal, re-plug CMB board, if there is no
signal, it may be caused by CMB fault.
3. If the signal test is normal, re-plug this TRX. If there is still faults, change the fault TRX slot. If the
problem continues, change DTRU.

3.1.286 198087279 TXRF unlock

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



TXRF unlock

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
TXRF unlock

Alarm Cause
Clock signal is unstable or DTRU Phase-Locked Loop ( PLL) fault

The DTRU board may fail to operate.

1. Restart the TRX, if the fault disappears, it indicates there is no fault in DTRU.
2. Check whether there is signal between Pinout 2 and 15 of HW line; if there is no signal, change
the HW line and continue with the test; if there is still no signal, it may be caused by CMB fault.
Test the 13M clock port on the equipment top, if there is signal, re-plug CMB board, if there is no
signal, it may be caused by CMB fault.
3. If the signal test is normal, re-plug this TRX. If there is still faults, change the fault TRX slot. If the
problem continues, change DTRU.

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ZXG10 iBSC Alarm and Notification Handling Reference

3.1.287 198087280 RXRF unlock

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



RXRF unlock

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
RXRF unlock

Alarm Cause
Clock signal is unstable or DTRU Phase-Locked Loop ( PLL) fault

The DTRU board may fail to operate.

1. See through LMT whether have the clock warning, if have, then replace the corresponding
module.If have not clock warning, then check whether have output or not from 13M clock of TP
front panel. If have not output, then can be thought that the clock fault between TPU and RCU and
should replace the DTRM module.
2.If still have fault and can't recover, then it is possible that local oscillator have fault, and should
replace the DTRM in time.

3.1.288 198087281 13 MHz clock lost

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



13 MHz clock lost

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

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Chapter 3 Alarms

Alarm Description
13 MHz clock lost

Alarm Cause
13 MHz clock receiving is abnormal, 13 MHz clock unit works abnormally

The DTRU board may fail to operate.

1. Restart the TRX, if the fault disappears, it indicates there is no fault in DTRU.
2. Check whether there is signal between Pinout 2 and 15 of HW line; if there is no signal, change
the HW line and continue with the test; if there is still no signal, it may be caused by CMB fault.
Test the 13M clock port on the equipment top, if there is signal, re-plug CMB board, if there is no
signal, it may be caused by CMB fault.
3. If the signal test is normal, re-plug this TRX. If there is still faults, change the fault TRX slot. If the
problem continues, change DTRU.

3.1.289 198087282 60 ms clock lost

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



60 ms clock lost

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
60 ms clock lost

Alarm Cause
60 ms synchronization clock receiving is abnormal, 60 ms synchronization clock unit works abnormally

The DTRU board may fail to operate.

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1. Check the configuration, if there are excessive standby racks configured, ignore this alarm.
2. Check whether the 60ms cables are connected properly, or whether the cables are broken.
Reconnect or change the 60ms cables to check whether the alarm is recovered.
3. Check whether the CMB of standby racks work normally. If it is not normal, recover CMB working
status to check whether the alarm is recovered.

3.1.290 198087285 52 MHz clock lost

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



52 MHz clock lost

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
52 MHz clock lost

Alarm Cause
RF board 52 MHz clock receiving is abnormal, RF board 52 MHz clock unit works abnormally

The DTRU board may fail to operate.

1. Restart the TRX, if the fault disappears, it indicates there is no fault in DTRU.
2. Check whether there is signal between Pinout 2 and 15 of HW line; if there is no signal, change
the HW line and continue with the test; if there is still no signal, it may be caused by CMB fault.
Test the 13M clock port on the equipment top, if there is signal, re-plug CMB board, if there is no
signal, it may be caused by CMB fault.
3. If the signal test is normal, re-plug this TRX. If there is still faults, change the fault TRX slot. If the
problem continues, change DTRU.

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Chapter 3 Alarms

3.1.291 198087288 PA power overvoltage alarm

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



PA power overvoltage alarm

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
PA power overvoltage alarm

Alarm Cause
PA power overvoltage

The PA may be broken and the modulation module may switch off the power output for protection.

Check whether the PA examination electric circuit break down or not, if have the fault, should replace
the DTRM in time

3.1.292 198087289 PA power undervoltage alarm

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



PA power undervoltage alarm

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
PA power undervoltage alarm

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Alarm Cause
PA power undervoltage

The output power is faulty.

Check whether the PA examination electric circuit break down or not, if have the fault, should replace
the DTRM in time

3.1.293 198087290 PA VSWR alarm

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



PA VSWR alarm

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
PA VSWR alarm

Alarm Cause
Direct reason: reverse power is too high. Possible reason: open circuit or high resistance exists in
output end of PA

The DTRU board fails to operate and the PA is broken.

1. Check whether the PA output connects the electric cable tightly, if not, connects the PA output
and the electric cable tightly.
2. If still break down then should replace the DTRM module in time.

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Chapter 3 Alarms

3.1.294 198087291 PA temperature minor alarm

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



PA temperature minor alarm

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
PA temperature minor alarm

Alarm Cause
PA temperature is too high, which is possibly due to PA working with rated power for a long time, fan
not working for a long time, environment temperature too high, and detecting circuit fault, etc

The DTRU still operates properly but the performance of the PA is deteriorated drastically.

1.Check whether fan works normally or not and whether the environment temperature is high or not.
2.If the fan works normally and the environment temperature is normal, the PA temperature warning
still exist then may be the detection electric circuit breakdown, continue to observe.

3.1.295 198087292 PA temperature major alarm

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



PA temperature major alarm

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
PA temperature major alarm
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Alarm Cause
PA temperature is too high, which is possibly due to PA working with rated power for a long time, fan
not working for a long time, environment temperature too high, and detecting circuit fault, etc

The power output of the DTRU is switched off for protection and the performance of the PA is
deteriorated drastically.

1.Check whether fan works normally or not and whether the environment temperature is high or not.
2.If the fan works normally and the environment temperature is normal, the PA temperature warning
still exist then may be the detection electric circuit breakdown, should replace the DTRM module in

3.1.296 198087293 PA forward power(3db) alarm

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



PA forward power(3db) alarm

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
PA forward power(3db) alarm

Alarm Cause
Direct reason: Difference between PA output power and CHP control power is more than 3 db;
Possible reason: PA aging, power detecting circuit fault, detecting threshold too narrow

The DTRU board may fail to operate and the power is out of control.

1. Reset the DTRM to observe whether warning can recover or not.
2. If still have the breakdown, should replace the DTRM module in time
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Chapter 3 Alarms

3.1.297 198087294 RTU power alarm

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



RTU power alarm

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
RTU power alarm

Alarm Cause
RTU power module failure

The TRM/DTRU boards fail to operate. Cell services may also be affected if the TRM/DTRU is
configured as BCCH.

Replace the RTU circuit board as quickly as possible

3.1.298 198087295 RTU power temperature alarm

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



RTU power temperature alarm

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
RTU power temperature alarm

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Alarm Cause
RTU power module overheated

The power output of the TRM/DTRU is switched off for protection and the performance of the RTU is
deteriorated drastically.

1.To detect the whether the fans are running and the electric power source is overheat.
2.If the fans are running and the electric power source isn't overheat, maybe there is something wrong
in the error-detector circuit.

3.1.299 198087296 RTU power output overvoltage alarm

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



RTU power output overvoltage alarm

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
RTU power output overvoltage alarm

Alarm Cause
RTU power output overvoltage

The RTU fails to operate properly.

Replace the RTU circuit board as quickly as possible

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Chapter 3 Alarms

3.1.300 198087297 RTU power input failure alarm

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



RTU power input failure alarm

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
RTU power input failure alarm

Alarm Cause
RTU power input failure

The RTU fails to operate properly.

Replace the RTU circuit board as quickly as possible

3.1.301 198087298 IQ calibration parameters abnormal alarm

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



IQ calibration parameters abnormal alarm

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
IQ calibration parameters abnormal alarm

Alarm Cause
IQ calibration parameter abnormal
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The RTU board is completely broken.

Replace the RTU circuit board as quickly as possible.

3.1.302 198087299 EAM heat exchanger alarm

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



EAM heat exchanger alarm

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
EAM heat exchanger alarm

Alarm Cause
Heat exchanger alarm, reported by dry contact of heat exchanger

This fault may decrease the equipment safety.

Perform on-site check immediately to find fault cause and replace the heat exchanger.

3.1.303 198087300 EAM TRX layer fan-4 alarm

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



EAM TRX layer fan-4 alarm

Alarm severity:


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Chapter 3 Alarms

Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
EAM TRX layer fan-4 alarm

Alarm Cause
CMB0 heater wrong

This fault has an impact on start-up at a low temperature.

replace CMB0 heater in time

3.1.304 198087301 EAM AEM layer axis-flow fan alarm

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



EAM AEM layer axis-flow fan alarm

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
EAM AEM layer axis-flow fan alarm

Alarm Cause
CMB1 heater wrong

This fault has an impact on start-up at a low temperature.

replace CMB1 heater in time
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3.1.305 198087302 EAM smoke alarm

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



EAM smoke alarm

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
EAM smoke alarm

Alarm Cause
Equipment smoke alarm

This fault may decrease the safety of equipment operation.

Perform on-site check immediately to find fault cause and handle the fault.

3.1.306 198087303 EAM waterproof alarm

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



EAM waterproof alarm

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
EAM waterproof alarm

Alarm Cause
Equipment water alarm
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Chapter 3 Alarms

This fault may decrease the safety of equipment operation.

Perform on-site check immediately to find fault cause and handle the fault.

3.1.307 198087304 EAM lightning protection alarm

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



EAM lightning protection alarm

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
EAM lightning protection alarm

Alarm Cause
Lightning protector failure alarm

This fault may decrease the safety of equipment operation.

Perform on-site check immediately to find fault cause and replace the lightning protector.

3.1.308 198087305 EAM backdoor access control alarm

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



EAM backdoor access control alarm

Alarm severity:


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Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
EAM backdoor access control alarm

Alarm Cause
Alarm of back door being opened

This fault may decrease the equipment safety.

Perform on-site check immediately to find fault cause and close the back door.

3.1.309 198087306 EAM frontdoor access control alarm

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



EAM frontdoor access control alarm

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
EAM frontdoor access control alarm

Alarm Cause
Alarm of front door being opened

This fault may decrease the equipment safety.

Perform on-site check immediately to find fault cause and close the front door.
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Chapter 3 Alarms

3.1.310 198087307 EAM PWR monitoring unit alarm

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



EAM PWR monitoring unit alarm

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
EAM PWR monitoring unit alarm

Alarm Cause
PWR monitoring unit alarm

This fault may decrease the equipment safety.

Perform on-site check immediately to find fault cause.

3.1.311 198087308 EAM heat exchanger electric heater alarm

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



EAM heat exchanger electric heater alarm

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
EAM heat exchanger electric heater alarm

Alarm Cause
FIB heater alarm
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This fault has an impact on start-up at a low temperature.

replace FIB heater in time

3.1.312 198087309 EAM heat exchanger control board alarm

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



EAM heat exchanger control board alarm

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
EAM heat exchanger control board alarm

Alarm Cause
Heat exchanger control board alarm

This fault has an impact on operation of the equipment.

Perform on-site check immediately to find fault cause and replace the heat exchanger.

3.1.313 198087310 EAM heat exchanger external circulation fan 2

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



EAM heat exchanger external circulation fan 2 alarm

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Chapter 3 Alarms

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
EAM heat exchanger external circulation fan 2 alarm

Alarm Cause
Heat exchanger external circulation fan 2 alarm

This fault has an impact on operation of the equipment.

Perform on-site check immediately to find fault cause and replace the heat exchanger.

3.1.314 198087311 EAM heat exchanger external circulation fan 1

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



EAM heat exchanger external circulation fan 1 alarm

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
EAM heat exchanger external circulation fan 1 alarm

Alarm Cause
Heat exchanger external circulation fan 1 alarm

This fault has an impact on operation of the equipment.

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Perform on-site check immediately to find fault cause and replace the heat exchanger.

3.1.315 198087312 EAM heat exchanger internal circulation fan 2

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



EAM heat exchanger internal circulation fan 2 alarm

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
EAM heat exchanger internal circulation fan 2 alarm

Alarm Cause
Heat exchanger internal circulation fan 2 alarm

This fault has an impact on operation of the equipment.

Perform on-site check immediately to find fault cause and replace the heat exchanger.

3.1.316 198087313 EAM heat exchanger internal circulation fan 1

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



EAM heat exchanger internal circulation fan 1 alarm

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

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Chapter 3 Alarms

Alarm Description
EAM heat exchanger internal circulation fan 1 alarm

Alarm Cause
Heat exchanger internal circulation fan 1 alarm

This fault has an impact on operation of the equipment.

Perform on-site check immediately to find fault cause and replace the heat exchanger.

3.1.317 198087314 EAM heat exchanger 485 communication alarm

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



EAM heat exchanger 485 communication alarm

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
EAM heat exchanger 485 communication alarm

Alarm Cause
Communication break between EAM and heat exchanger

This fault has an impact on the reporting of heat exchanger alarms.

Perform on-site check immediately to find fault cause and handle the fault.

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3.1.318 198087315 EAM temperature alarm

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



EAM temperature alarm

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
EAM temperature alarm

Alarm Cause
Equipment internal environment temperature too high

This fault may decrease the safety of equipment operation.

Perform on-site check immediately to find fault cause and handle the fault.

3.1.319 198087316 EAM TRX layer mixed-flow fan 1 alarm

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



EAM TRX layer mixed-flow fan 1 alarm

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
EAM TRX layer mixed-flow fan 1 alarm

Alarm Cause
Mixed-flow fan 1 damage alarm
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This fault has an impact on the operation of the TRX module.

Perform on-site check immediately to find fault cause and replace the fan.

3.1.320 198087317 EAM TRX layer mixed-flow fan 2 alarm

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



EAM TRX layer mixed-flow fan 2 alarm

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
EAM TRX layer mixed-flow fan 2 alarm

Alarm Cause
Mixed-flow fan 2 damage alarm

This fault has an impact on the operation of the TRX module.

Perform on-site check immediately to find fault cause and replace the fan.

3.1.321 198087318 EAM TRX layer mixed-flow fan 3 alarm

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



EAM TRX layer mixed-flow fan 3 alarm

Alarm severity:


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Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
EAM TRX layer mixed-flow fan 3 alarm

Alarm Cause
Mixed-flow fan 3 damage alarm

This fault has an impact on the operation of the TRX module.

Perform on-site check immediately to find fault cause and replace the fan.

3.1.322 198087319 Communication broken between EAM and CMB

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



Communication broken between EAM and CMB

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
Communication broken between EAM and CMB

Alarm Cause
Communication break between EAM and CMB

This fault has an impact on the reporting of equipment alarms.

Perform on-site check immediately to find fault cause and handle the fault.
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Chapter 3 Alarms

3.1.323 198087320 Power undervoltage alarm

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



Power undervoltage alarm

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
Power undervoltage alarm

Alarm Cause
Power voltage is lower than normal


Restore external power supply as soon as possible

3.1.324 198087321 Inner fan 2 alarm (for M8202)

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



Inner fan 2 alarm (for M8202)

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
Inner fan 2 alarm (for M8202)

Alarm Cause
Fan stops rotating due to fault
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The temperature in the cabinet is too high.

1. Check the alarm connection and eliminate the malfunction;
2. Check the fan and maintain the fault; 3. Check the collection system of the dTPB board and
replace the wrong one.

3.1.325 198087322 Inner fan 1 alarm (for M8202)

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



Inner fan 1 alarm (for M8202)

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
Inner fan 1 alarm (for M8202)

Alarm Cause
Fan stops rotating due to fault

The temperature in the cabinet is too high.

1. Check the alarm connection and eliminate the malfunction;
2. Check the fan and maintain the fault; 3. Check the collection system of the dTPB board and
replace the wrong one.

3.1.326 198087323 Outer fan 2 and fan 4 alarm (for M8202)

Alarm Information
Alarm code:


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Chapter 3 Alarms


Outer fan 2 and fan 4 alarm (for M8202)

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
Outer fan 2 and fan 4 alarm (for M8202)

Alarm Cause
Fan stops rotating due to fault

The temperature in the cabinet is too high.

1. Check the alarm connection and eliminate the malfunction;
2. Check the fan and maintain the fault;
3. Check the collection system of the dTPB board and replace the wrong one.

3.1.327 198087324 Outer fan 1 and fan 3 alarm (for M8202)

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



Outer fan 1 and fan 3 alarm (for M8202)

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
Outer fan 1 and fan 3 alarm (for M8202)

Alarm Cause
Fan stops rotating due to fault

The temperature in the cabinet is too high.
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1. Check the alarm connection and eliminate the malfunction;
2. Check the fan and maintain the fault;
3. Check the collection system of the dTPB board and replace the wrong one.

3.1.328 198087325 Rack temperature minor alarm

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



Rack temperature minor alarm

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
Rack temperature minor alarm

Alarm Cause
Fan fault or module temperature too high

Performance is reduced due to too high temperature of the TRM/DTRU boards.

Check the environment temperature, if the temperature is normal, keep on observing while other
modules works normally, otherwise, improve the equipment working conditions.

3.1.329 198087326 Rack temperature major alarm

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



Rack temperature major alarm

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

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Chapter 3 Alarms

Alarm Description
Rack temperature major alarm

Alarm Cause
Fan fault or module temperature too high

Performance is reduced because the equipment is damaged.

Check the environment temperature, if the temperature is normal, keep on observing while other
modules works normally, otherwise, improve the equipment working conditions.

3.1.330 198087327 Layer 3 fan 1 alarm (for M8206)

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



Layer 3 fan 1 alarm (for M8206)

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
Layer 3 fan 1 alarm (for M8206)

Alarm Cause
The failure of fans

Too high temperature in the cabinet may result in deteriorated performance and shorter service life
of the devices.

1.Examin the error-detection circuit;
2. Examin the fans;
3. Examin the RTU Alarm Collection Circuit, if any fault in it, replace the relevant unit.
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3.1.331 198087328 Layer 3 fan 2 alarm (for M8206)

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



Layer 3 fan 2 alarm (for M8206)

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
Layer 3 fan 2 alarm (for M8206)

Alarm Cause
The failure of fans

Too high temperature in the cabinet may result in deteriorated performance and shorter service life
of the devices.

1.Examin the error-detection circuit;
2. Examin the fans;
3. Examin the RTU Alarm Collection Circuit, if any fault in it, replace the relevant unit.

3.1.332 198087329 Layer 3 fan 3 alarm (for M8206)

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



Layer 3 fan 3 alarm (for M8206)

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
Layer 3 fan 3 alarm (for M8206)
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Chapter 3 Alarms

Alarm Cause
The failure of fans

Too high temperature in the cabinet may result in deteriorated performance and shorter service life
of the devices.

1.Examin the error-detection circuit;
2. Examin the fans;
3. Examin the RTU Alarm Collection Circuit, if any fault in it, replace the relevant unit.

3.1.333 198087330 Layer 2 fan 1 alarm (for M8206)

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



Layer 2 fan 1 alarm (for M8206)

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
Layer 2 fan 1 alarm (for M8206)

Alarm Cause
The failure of fans

Too high temperature in the cabinet may result in deteriorated performance and shorter service life
of the devices.

1.Examin the error-detection circuit;
2. Examin the fans;
3. Examin the RTU Alarm Collection Circuit, if any fault in it, replace the relevant unit.

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3.1.334 198087331 Layer 2 fan 2 alarm (for M8206)

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



Layer 2 fan 2 alarm (for M8206)

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
Layer 2 fan 2 alarm (for M8206)

Alarm Cause
The failure of fans

Too high temperature in the cabinet may result in deteriorated performance and shorter service life
of the devices.

1.Examin the error-detection circuit;
2. Examin the fans;
3. Examin the RTU Alarm Collection Circuit, if any fault in it, replace the relevant unit.

3.1.335 198087332 Layer 2 fan 3 alarm (for M8206)

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



Layer 2 fan 3 alarm (for M8206)

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
Layer 2 fan 3 alarm (for M8206)
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Chapter 3 Alarms

Alarm Cause
The failure of fans

Too high temperature in the cabinet may result in deteriorated performance and shorter service life
of the devices.

1.Examin the error-detection circuit;
2. Examin the fans;
3. Examin the RTU Alarm Collection Circuit, if any fault in it, replace the relevant unit.

3.1.336 198087333 Layer 1 fan 1 alarm (for M8206)

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



Layer 1 fan 1 alarm (for M8206)

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
Layer 1 fan 1 alarm (for M8206)

Alarm Cause
The failure of fans

Too high temperature in the cabinet may result in deteriorated performance and shorter service life
of the devices.

1.Examin the error-detection circuit;
2. Examin the fans;
3. Examin the RTU Alarm Collection Circuit, if any fault in it, replace the relevant unit.

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3.1.337 198087334 Layer 1 fan 2 alarm (for M8206)

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



Layer 1 fan 2 alarm (for M8206)

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
Layer 1 fan 2 alarm (for M8206)

Alarm Cause
The failure of fans

Too high temperature in the cabinet may result in deteriorated performance and shorter service life
of the devices.

1.Examin the error-detection circuit;
2. Examin the fans;
3. Examin the RTU Alarm Collection Circuit, if any fault in it, replace the relevant unit.

3.1.338 198087335 Layer 1 fan 3 alarm (for M8206)

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



Layer 1 fan 3 alarm (for M8206)

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
Layer 1 fan 3 alarm (for M8206)
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Chapter 3 Alarms

Alarm Cause
The failure of fans

Too high temperature in the cabinet may result in deteriorated performance and shorter service life
of the devices.

1. Examin the error-detection circuit;
2. Examin the fans;
3. Examin the RTU Alarm Collection Circuit, if any fault in it, replace the relevant unit.

3.1.339 198087391 FCU power undervoltage alarm

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



FCU power undervoltage alarm

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
FCU power undervoltage alarm

Alarm Cause
+12V power undervoltage

The FCU fails to operate properly.

Replace the FCU as soon as possible

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3.1.340 198087403 The clock alarm about transmission of CCI

board Abis-E1
Alarm Information
Alarm code:



The clock alarm about transmission of CCI board Abis-E1

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
The clock alarm about transmission of CCI board Abis-E1

Alarm Cause
The clock alarm about transmission of CCI board Abis-E1 is lost


Exam the Abis E1 interface.

3.1.341 198087404 The local working clock alarm of CCI board

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



The local working clock alarm of CCI board

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
The local working clock alarm of CCI board

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Chapter 3 Alarms

Alarm Cause
The local working clock error


Switch to the slave circuit board as quickly as possible. If Necessarily, to replace the CCI circuit board.

3.1.342 198087405 The clock alarm about transmission of CCI

board 13M
Alarm Information
Alarm code:



The clock alarm about transmission of CCI board 13M

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
The clock alarm about transmission of CCI board 13M

Alarm Cause
The clock alarm about transmission of CCI board is lost


Exam the contrast source, or replace the CCI circuit board.

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3.1.343 198087406 CCI opposite board alarm

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



CCI opposite board alarm

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
CCI opposite board alarm

Alarm Cause
there is no CCI opposite board or clock failure


Replace the CCI circuit board.

3.1.344 198087407 IQ FPGA internal clock alarm

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



IQ FPGA internal clock alarm

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
IQ FPGA internal clock alarm

Alarm Cause
IQ FPGA internal source lost of clock
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Chapter 3 Alarms


Detect whether the CLK FPGA is running.

3.1.345 198087408 IQ FPGA light interface alarm

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



IQ FPGA light interface alarm

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
IQ FPGA light interface alarm

Alarm Cause
IQ FPGA light interface abnormal


Replace the optical module or optical fiber.

3.1.346 198087409 IQ FPGA LVDS interface alarm

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



IQ FPGA LVDS interface alarm

Alarm severity:


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Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
IQ FPGA LVDS interface alarm

Alarm Cause
LVDS interface abnormal


Exam the backboard and SERDES chip in the relevant GBP board.

3.1.347 198087410 IQ FPGA internal data alarm

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



IQ FPGA internal data alarm

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
IQ FPGA internal data alarm

Alarm Cause
the format of internal data is abnormal


Find out the cause of the data format mistake.
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Chapter 3 Alarms

3.1.348 198087470 Fan absence alarm

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



Fan absence alarm

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
Fan absence alarm

Alarm Cause
Fan error or absence

Performance is reduced due to too high temperature of the TRM/DTRU boards.

1. Check if fan work or not.
2. If work, check up the connection between fan and fan controller good or not.3. If connection is
good, exchange new fan frame.

3.1.349 198087471 Fan rotate alarm

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



Fan rotate alarm

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
Fan rotate alarm

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Alarm Cause
Fan rotate too slowly

Performance is reduced due to too high temperature of the TRM/DTRU boards.

1. Check if much dust result in the slow rotate speed of the fan or not.
2. If not, exchange new fan frame.

3.1.350 198087472 CMB and FNCB RS485 link break alarm

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



CMB and FNCB RS485 link break alarm

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
CMB and FNCB RS485 link break alarm

Alarm Cause
interrupt RS485 communication between fan controller and CMB

This fault has no impact on heat dissipation, but the fan fails to be controlled.

1. Check if the fan frame tightened or not.
2. Check if the RS485 and CMB backboard or DTRU backboard tightened or not.
3. Exchange fan frame.

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Chapter 3 Alarms

3.1.351 198087480 Status of TX5 filter alarm

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



Status of TX5 filter alarm

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
Status of TX5 filter alarm

Alarm Cause
TX5 is adjusting or loss over 5dB

This fault has an impact on transmission.

Replace the FCU, or reset the TRM that connected with it

3.1.352 198087481 Status of TX6 filter alarm

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



Status of TX6 filter alarm

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
Status of TX6 filter alarm

Alarm Cause
TX6 is adjusting or loss over 5dB
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This fault has an impact on transmission.

Replace the FCU, or reset the TRM that connected with it

3.1.353 198087443 Diversity antenna lost

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



Diversity antenna lost

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
Diversity antenna lost

Alarm Cause
Two diversity antenna receive signal, one of diversity antenna is abnormal


Check the receive channel of RF as quickly as possible.

3.1.354 198087444 Diversity antenna identical

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



Diversity antenna identical

Alarm severity:


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Chapter 3 Alarms

Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
Diversity antenna identical

Alarm Cause
Wrong connection of diversity antenna


Check the connection of ant line as quickly as possible.

3.1.355 198087411 13M,61.44M clock lost alarm

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



13M,61.44M clock lost alarm

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
13M,61.44M clock lost alarm

Alarm Cause
clock lost


If there is 13M or 61.44M clock lost alarm in CCI board, and there is alarm all the same after reset the
board, please exam the clock source; If no 13M or 61.44M clock lost alarm, and there is alarm after
reset GBP all the same, please exam the LVDS access.
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3.1.356 198087412 60ms clock lost alarm

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



60ms clock lost alarm

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
60ms clock lost alarm

Alarm Cause
FR or FN error


If there is FR or FN error in the CCI, and there is error all the same after reset the CCI, please
exam the hardware; If there is not FR or FN error in the CCI, and there is 60ms clock lost alarm
all the same, please exam the LVDS access.

3.1.357 198087413 26MHz and 52MHz lost of clock alarm

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



26MHz and 52MHz lost of clock alarm

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
26MHz and 52MHz lost of clock alarm

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Alarm Cause
the loop of clock is unlock


If there is 13M clock lost alarm in the CCI, and there is alarm all the same after reset CCI, please
exam the clock source; if there is not 13M clock lost alarm in the CCI, and there is clock lost alarm all
the same after reset GBP, please exam 13M clock LVDS access. If there is no problem with the LVDS
access, please replace the FPGA PLL that is invalid.

3.1.358 198087414 the failure examination alarm of the 60ms uplink

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



the failure examination alarm of the 60ms uplink frame

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
the failure examination alarm of the 60ms uplink frame

Alarm Cause
the uplink is not detected the 60ms frame


If there is up 60ms super frame synchronization head exam failing alarm in the CCI, and there
is alarm all the same after reset CCI, please exam its hardware. If no up 60ms super frame
synchronization head exam failing alarm, and there is alarm all the same after reset GBP, please
exam the LVDS access.
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3.1.359 198087415 checking block data error alarm

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



checking block data error alarm

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
checking block data error alarm

Alarm Cause
the frame data error



3.1.360 198087416 up link LVDS SERDES lost lock alarm

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



up link LVDS SERDES lost lock alarm

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
up link LVDS SERDES lost lock alarm

Alarm Cause
SERDES lose clock
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Chapter 3 Alarms


If it is of no effect to reset GBP and CCI, please exam the LVDS data format from CCI, else to
replace the LVDS.

3.1.361 198087417 FN error alarm

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



FN error alarm

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
FN error alarm

Alarm Cause
the error of frame no error from CCI


If there is FN error the CCI, and there is error all the same after reset CCI, please exam the hardware.
If no FN error, but there is FN error after reset GBP, exam the LVDS access.

3.1.362 198087432 Diversity antenna lost

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



Diversity antenna lost

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Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
Diversity antenna lost

Alarm Cause
Two diversity antenna receive signal, one of diversity antenna is abnormal

The sensitivity and coverage of the receiver antenna decreases because one of the diversities is faulty.

Reset the TRX; if there is a fault, change the slot; if problem remains, change DTRU.

3.1.363 198087433 Diversity antenna identical

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



Diversity antenna identical

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
Diversity antenna identical

Alarm Cause
Wrong connection of diversity antenna

The antenna fails to operate because there is a crossed pair of wires.

Check the connection of ant line as quickly as possible.
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Chapter 3 Alarms

3.1.364 198087451 board not support 16MHW

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



board not support 16MHW

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
board not support 16MHW

Alarm Cause
board not support 16MHW

The IP ABIS function is partially supported and some carrier frequencies are not available.

change the board support 16MHW

3.1.365 198087452 cmb or cpu overload

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



cmb or cpu overload

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
cmb or cpu overload

Alarm Cause
cpu usage rate exceed 85%
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Some services may fail to be processed.

wait for a while , and operate service after alarm restored

3.1.366 198087454 main HDLC break off

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



main HDLC break off

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
main HDLC break off

Alarm Cause
HDLC break off between CMB and FIB;CMB or FIB hardware error

Data fails to be transmitted between the CMB and FIB.

1.watch cmb or fib work or not
2.if cmb or fib doesn't work, reset it
3.if alarm does not restore for a long time, please change a new cmb or fib

3.1.367 198087455 FIB configure wrong

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



FIB configure wrong

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Chapter 3 Alarms

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
FIB configure wrong

Alarm Cause
parameter Configuration over time or wrong

This alarm seldom occurs because the back end of the BSC generally checks data validity before
data synchronization.

wait for ten minutes, if alarm still does not restore, ismg configure parameter again, and synchronize
to the site. If problem remain, just change a new fib

3.1.368 198087456 lay3 of FIB software has no response

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



lay3 of FIB software has no response

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
lay3 of FIB software has no response

Alarm Cause
FIB software has no respond temporary( set by CMB)

The back end fails to detect the operation of the FIB.

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1.wait for ten minute, and watch whether alarm restore or not
2.ifalarm does not restore for a long time, please pull out the fib board and put it in to slot again
when service not too busy
3.if alarm remain after reset fib, please reset cmb when service not too busy
4.if alarm remain please change a new fib
5.if software has bug, please update to the latest

3.1.369 198087460 positive 12 voltage alarm

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



positive 12 voltage alarm

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
positive 12 voltage alarm

Alarm Cause
DPB board of DTRU module, +12V power module has alarm

Services are affected because the LNA of the cell fails to operate properly.

change DTRU module or BBTR board

3.1.370 198087461 negative 12 voltage alarm

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



negative 12 voltage alarm

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Chapter 3 Alarms

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
negative 12 voltage alarm

Alarm Cause
DPB board of DTRU module, -12V power module has alarm

Services are affected because the LNA of the cell fails to operate properly.

change DTRU module or BBTR board

3.1.371 198087462 DSP 1.2v voltage alarm

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



DSP 1.2v voltage alarm

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
DSP 1.2v voltage alarm

Alarm Cause
DPB board of DTRU module, 1.2V power module has alarm

The DTRU board fails to operate. Cell services may also be affected if the DTRU is configured
as BCCH.

change DTRU module
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3.1.372 198087463 6.4v voltage alarm

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



6.4v voltage alarm

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
6.4v voltage alarm

Alarm Cause
DPB board of DTRU module, 6.4V power module has alarm

The DTRU board fails to operate. Cell services may also be affected if the DTRU is configured
as BCCH.

change DTRU module

3.1.373 198087464 5v voltage alarm

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



5v voltage alarm

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
5v voltage alarm

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Alarm Cause
DPB board of DTRU module, 5V power module has alarm

The DTRU board fails to operate. Cell services may also be affected if the DTRU is configured
as BCCH.

change DTRU module

3.1.374 198087473 DTPU CPU overload

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



DTPU CPU overload

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
DTPU CPU overload

Alarm Cause
cpu usage rate exceed 85%

The services on the DTRU may fail to be processed.

wait for a while , and operate service after alarm restored

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3.1.375 198087483 GPS signal synchronization exception

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



GPS signal synchronization exception

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
GPS signal synchronization exception

Alarm Cause
Not support GPS synchronization, GPS clock synchronization failed or GPS fault

Clock synchronization is switched to internal synchronization because GPS synchronization fails.

1. Check whether the current CMB board supports GPS synchronization. If not, replace it with the
new one supporting GPS. 2.To check EIB/FIB if support GPS or not 3.Change EIB/FIB

3.1.376 198087484 Second pulse loss

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



Second pulse loss

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
Second pulse loss

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Chapter 3 Alarms

Alarm Cause
GPS 1PPS signal loss

GPS clock synchronization fails.

1. Check the antennas.
2. Check the cable between EIB/FIB and the top of equipment.
3. Check EIB/FIB.
4. Check the CMB Alarm Collect Circuit, if something is wrong in it, replace the relevant unit.

3.1.377 198087485 Antenna open-circuit alarm

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



Antenna open-circuit alarm

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
Antenna open-circuit alarm

Alarm Cause
GPS Antenna appeared open-circuit exception

GPS clock synchronization fails.

1. Check cable connection from antennas to EIB or FIB, include GPSSP.
2. Check the cable between EIB/FIB and the top of equipment.
3. Check EIB/FIB, if something is wrong in it, replace the relevant unit.

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3.1.378 198087486 Antenna short-circuit alarm

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



Antenna short-circuit alarm

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
Antenna short-circuit alarm

Alarm Cause
GPS Antenna appeared short-circuit exception

GPS clock synchronization fails.

1. Check cable connection from antennas to EIB or FIB, include GPSSP if short or not.
2. Check the cable between EIB/FIB and the top of equipment.
3. Check EIB/FIB, if something is wrong in it, replace the relevant unit.

3.1.379 198087487 Lost satellite alarm

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



Lost satellite alarm

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
Lost satellite alarm

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Chapter 3 Alarms

Alarm Cause
GPS does not recognize the satellite

GPS clock synchronization fails.

1.Check connecting of the antennas, and the antennas is hid or not.
2.TCheck the cable between EIB/FIB and the top of equipment.
3. Check EIB/FIB, if something is wrong in it, replace the relevant unit.

3.1.380 198087510 CPU of FIB overload

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



CPU of FIB overload

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description

Alarm Cause
cpu usage rate exceed 85%

Some services may fail to be processed.

wait for a while , and operate service after alarm restored

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3.1.381 198088000 DTPU not support Baseband-Hop alarm

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



DTPU not support Baseband-Hop alarm

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
DTPU not support Baseband-Hop alarm

Alarm Cause
DTPU not support Baseband-Hop alarm

1. The TRXs other than 875DTRU fail to be involved in baseband-hop.
2. The TRXs other than the DTPB fail to be involved in baseband-hop.

1, Check DTRU if DTPB080300 or not, if not , please change to DTPB080300 module
2, If alarm is still exist, please check backplane if BBTR070401 or not , if not, please change to

3.1.382 198088001 PA Power Voltage Adjusting Path Disconnected

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



PA Power Voltage Adjusting Path Disconnected

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
PA Power Voltage Adjusting Path Disconnected
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Alarm Cause
I2C Path Disconnected

This fault is adverse to energy saving.

1.Check DTRU supports the function
2.Check 6 Pins Cable
3.Reconnected Cable, if cannot recovery then
4.The DTRU Can Work , Replace the DTRU till New DTRU Coming for PA Power voltage adjusting

3.1.383 198088002 PA Power Voltage Adjusting Data Error

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



PA Power Voltage Adjusting Data Error

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
PA Power Voltage Adjusting Data Error

Alarm Cause
I2C Data Read or Write Error

This fault is adverse to energy saving.

1.Retry Data Setting
2.Check 6 Pins Cable , if cannot recovery then
3.The DTRU Can Work , Replace the DTRU till New DTRU Coming for PA Power voltage adjusting
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3.1.384 198088003 PA Power Voltage Adjusting Data Illegal

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



PA Power Voltage Adjusting Data Illegal

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
PA Power Voltage Adjusting Data Illegal

Alarm Cause
Set Data out of Range

This fault is adverse to energy saving.

1.Change Static Power data
2.Update setting

3.1.385 198088004 Access iBSC failure

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



Access iBSC failure

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
Access iBSC failure

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Chapter 3 Alarms

Alarm Cause
Authentication failed or unconnected response


1.Authentication again
2.Check physical link

3.1.386 198088005 Control link broken

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



Control link broken

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
Control link broken

Alarm Cause
Communication broken between


1.First, determinate HBTS fault or transmission line problem.
2.Check the process of software By signaling analyzer, determine the problem of BSC or BTS.
3.Amend the relevant software, and upgrade version of the software.

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3.1.387 198088006 Operation link broken(CS)

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



Operation link broken(CS)

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
Operation link broken(CS)

Alarm Cause
the transmission line is broken


check the transmission line

3.1.388 198088007 Operation link broken(PS)

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



Operation link broken(PS)

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
Operation link broken(PS)

Alarm Cause
the transmission line is broken
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Chapter 3 Alarms


check the transmission line

3.1.389 198088008 Parameter configuration mismatch

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



Parameter configuration mismatch

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
Parameter configuration mismatch

Alarm Cause
iBSC parameters configuration
failed, time-out or broken links


parameter again.

3.1.390 198088009 DSP initialization failure

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



DSP initialization failure

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Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
DSP initialization failure

Alarm Cause
DSP software or hardware


1.Download DSP software version again.
2.Reset DSP, if the alarm is not restored alarm, replace HBTS

3.1.391 198088010 Parameter configuration failure of AD6537

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



Parameter configuration failure of AD6537

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
Parameter configuration failure of AD6537

Alarm Cause
AD6537 register to read
and write error

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Chapter 3 Alarms

Power-down Re-starting and re-configuration AD6537, send the
appropriate warning information

3.1.392 198088011 Tx PLL unlock

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



Tx PLL unlock

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
Tx PLL unlock

Alarm Cause
Clock signal instability or PLL failed


Forbid TRM, send
warning information

3.1.393 198088012 Wrong parameter configuration for EEPROM

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



Wrong parameter configuration for EEPROM

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

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Alarm Description
Wrong parameter configuration for EEPROM

Alarm Cause
EEPROM hardware failed or previously written into the EEPROM invalid parameters, resulting in
EEPROM RF parameters can not read.


send warning information

3.1.394 198088013 FLASH memory fault

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



FLASH memory fault

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
FLASH memory fault

Alarm Cause
FLASH programming over the number,
read and write error Or check the software error


Reset HBTS, Download DSP software version again.if the alarm is not restored alarm, replace HBTS

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Chapter 3 Alarms

3.1.395 198088014 Run abnormity of DSP

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



Run abnormity of DSP

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
Run abnormity of DSP

Alarm Cause
DSP programming error


Reset DSP, load DSP software version, configuration CHP parameters.

3.1.396 198088015 FPGA interface fault

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



FPGA interface fault

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
FPGA interface fault

Alarm Cause
DSP and FPGA interface interruption
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load FPGA version again, reset HBTS,
replace HBTS

3.1.397 198088016 CHP frame fault

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



CHP frame fault

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
CHP frame fault

Alarm Cause
As the circuit interference so that the frame misoperation


Reset HBTS

3.1.398 198088017 Wrong receive channel of RF

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



Wrong receive channel of RF

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Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
Wrong receive channel of RF

Alarm Cause
Failure to receive channel, the
normal of signals up


Download FPGA, DSP version again, configuration system parameters.

3.1.399 198088018 Get DNS failure when configuration IP of active

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



Get DNS failure when configuration IP of active

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
Get DNS failure when configuration IP of active

Alarm Cause
HBTS can not get to the IP address from the DNS server


Configuration the IP address of DNS by LMT.
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3.1.400 198088019 Analyse failure of DNS domain name

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



Analyse failure of DNS domain name

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
Analyse failure of DNS domain name

Alarm Cause
HBTS can not get to the IP address from the DHCP server


Configuration the IP address, port of iBSC by LMT.

3.1.401 198088020 IPSec failure

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



IPSec failure

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
IPSec failure

Alarm Cause
Can not access
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Configuration IPSec parameter again

3.1.402 198088021 RF channel and HTRG board unconformity

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



RF channel and HTRG board unconformity

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
RF channel and HTRG board unconformity

Alarm Cause
Hardware does not support requencies information


1.reset the frequency point with HTRG
2.Replace supporting the rang of frequency HTRG

3.1.403 198088022 Get HBTS'S IP address failure from DHCP Sever

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



Get HBTS'S IP address failure from DHCP Sever

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Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
Get HBTS'S IP address failure from DHCP Sever

Alarm Cause
HBTS can not automatically get
to the IP address from the DHCP server


Configuration the IP address, subnet mask, gateway, port of iBSC and HBTS by LMT.

3.1.404 198088023 Over temperature

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



Over temperature

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
Over temperature

Alarm Cause
Over temperature


Switch off power, check
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3.1.405 198088024 Voltage abnormity

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



Voltage abnormity

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
Voltage abnormity

Alarm Cause
Voltage abnormity


Check power

3.1.406 198088025 Abis link change alarm

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



Abis link change alarm

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
Abis link change alarm

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ZXG10 iBSC Alarm and Notification Handling Reference

Alarm Cause
Abis link on the earth surface is broken, then the service of satellite-backup site changes to the
satellite abis link

This fault has no impact on a service if the service is successfully switched over.

check the abis link on the earth surface, and restore it as soon as possible

3.1.407 198088026 IPOE uplink and downlink jam alarm

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



IPOE uplink and downlink jam alarm

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
IPOE uplink and downlink jam alarm

Alarm Cause
IPOE site detect the jam of uplink and downlin

Service quality degrades or even the service is interrupted.

check the transmission line

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Chapter 3 Alarms

3.1.408 198088027 DIP E1 rack, rack type error

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



DIP E1 rack, rack type error

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
DIP E1 rack, rack type error

Alarm Cause
No. 15 to 12 bits of E1 rack DIP, rack type error

A link may fail to be established after the E1 rack is rebooted.

check E1 rack No. 15 to 12 bits of the DIP

3.1.409 198088028 DIP E1 rack, rack number error

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



DIP E1 rack, rack number error

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
DIP E1 rack, rack number error

Alarm Cause
No. 11 to 10 bits of E1 rack, rack number error
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A link may fail to be established after the E1 rack is rebooted.

check E1 rack No. 11 to 10 bits of the DIP

3.1.410 198088029 DIP E1 rack,slave rack 1 port error

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



DIP E1 rack,slave rack 1 port error

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
DIP E1 rack,slave rack 1 port error

Alarm Cause
No. 9 to 8 bits of E1 rack, slave rack 1 port error

Slave rack 1 of the E1 BTS may fail to operate properly.

check E1 rack No. 9 to 8 bits of the DIP

3.1.411 198088030 DIP E1 rack,slave rack 2 port error

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



DIP E1 rack,slave rack 2 port error

Alarm severity:


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Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
DIP E1 rack,slave rack 2 port error

Alarm Cause
No. 7 to 6 bits of E1 rack, slave rack 2 port error

Slave rack 2 of the E1 BTS may fail to operate properly.

check E1 rack No. 7 to 6 bits of the DIP

3.1.412 198088031 DIP E1 rack,satellite back up flag error

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



DIP E1 rack,satellite back up flag error

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
DIP E1 rack,satellite back up flag error

Alarm Cause
No. 5 bit of E1 rack, satellite back up flag error

The backup satellite link of the E1 BTS may fail to operate properly.

check E1 rack No. 5 bit of the DIP
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3.1.413 198088032 DIP E1 rack,oam time slot error

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



DIP E1 rack,oam time slot error

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
DIP E1 rack,oam time slot error

Alarm Cause
No. 4 to 0 bits of E1 rack, oam time slot error

A link may fail to be established after the E1 rack is rebooted.

check E1 rack No. 4 to 0 bits of the DIP

3.1.414 198088033 DIP IP rack,access mode error(IP or IPOE)

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



DIP IP rack,access mode error(IP or IPOE)

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
DIP IP rack,access mode error(IP or IPOE)

Alarm Cause
No. 15 to 14 bits of IP rack, access mode error( IP or IPOE)
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A link may fail to be established after the IP rack is rebooted.

check IP rack No. 15 to 14 bits of the DIP

3.1.415 198088034 DIP IP rack,rack number error

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



DIP IP rack,rack number error

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
DIP IP rack,rack number error

Alarm Cause
No. 13 to 12 bits of IP rack, rack number error

A link may fail to be established after the IP rack is rebooted.

check IP rack No. 13 to 12 bits of the DIP

3.1.416 198088035 DIP IP rack,site number error

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



DIP IP rack,site number error

Alarm severity:


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ZXG10 iBSC Alarm and Notification Handling Reference

Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
DIP IP rack,site number error

Alarm Cause
No. 11to 0 bits of IP rack, site number error

A link may fail to be established after the IP rack is rebooted.

check IP rack No. 11 to 0 bits of the DIP

3.1.417 198088036 DIP IP rack,sequence number error

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



DIP IP rack,sequence number error

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
DIP IP rack,sequence number error

Alarm Cause
IP rack, sequence number configured on NMS is error

A link may fail to be established after the IP rack is rebooted.

ON NMS, check the sequence number of the IP site
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Chapter 3 Alarms

3.1.418 198088037 Mains power failure alarm

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



Mains power failure alarm

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
Mains power failure alarm

Alarm Cause
AC mains failure


check AC

3.1.419 198088038 Alarm of the trx's down link LRC failed

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



Alarm of the trx's down link LRC failed

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Equipment Alarm

Alarm Description
the LRC of the PLL parameter failed

Alarm Cause
the parameter FPGA received is abnormal, or the channel of McBSP is abnormal.
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ZXG10 iBSC Alarm and Notification Handling Reference

The RF phase-lock loop is unlocked.

Change another DTRU

3.1.420 198005679 MAC address learning between UIM and

CHUB/THUB of the same shelf failed.
Alarm Information

Alarm code: 198005679

Name: MAC address learning between UIM and CHUB/THUB of the same shelf failed.
Alarm severity: Major
Alarm type: Equipment alarm

Alarm Description
No MAC address is learned by the port between UIM and CHUB/THUB of the same shelf for 2
minutes. The switch chip of the board may have fault.

Alarm Cause
Switch chip is error.

Control communication between UIM and CHUB/THUB is error.

1. Reset the board, and check if this alarm is eliminated.
Y->End alarm handling.
N->Go to 2.
2. Replace this board, and check if this alarm is eliminated.
Y->End alarm handling.
N->Go to 3.
3. Please contact the next level of maintenance support.

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Chapter 3 Alarms

3.2 Communications Alarm

3.2.1 198022784 BFD Session Interrupted
Alarm Information
Alarm code:



BFD Session Interrupted

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Communications Alarm

Alarm Description
BFD session is down

Alarm Cause
1. The network cable connection on relevant equipment (including local/intermediate/opposite
equipment) is loose or disconnected.
2. Intermediate equipment is faulty.
3. Opposite equipment is faulty.
4. Local equipment is faulty.
5. Configuration related to the BFD session is incorrect.

All services on the path relating to the BFD session will be switched to the standby path. Service
interruption will occur if no standby path exists.

Check alarm details on the NMS Alarm Management interface to find the source address and the
destination address of the BFD session. The source address refers to the address of local equipment.
The destination address refers to the address of the opposite BFD session equipment.
1. Check the status of the line card at the local end. If the line card restarts repeatedly, replace it
and power on.
2. Check the physical connection between the BFD session-related port and the local line card. If the
connection is loose or broken, tighten or replace the cable. If the port indicator is on, it means the
physical connection is normal.
3. Ping intermediate and termination equipment in turn with correct IP address.
i. Telnet to the interface board to check the link by making a ping test. For example, if the destination
address is, enter the following command in the telnet interface.
brs_ping_b ""
ii. Wait for 5 seconds, and then enter the next command.
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ZXG10 iBSC Alarm and Notification Handling Reference

BrsShowLog "ICMP"
a. If "PING===>destine timeout" displays on the screen, it means the response times out.
b. If "ping_receive:Reply from bytes=60 time<1ms" displays on the screen, it means the link
is normal.
iii. In case of timeout, check if the related route and address are configured correctly. If not, correct
the reconfiguration and do a ping test again.
iv. If the route/address is configured correctly but the repsonse still times out, it means a link is broken
or the intermediate equipment is faulty. In this case, check to see if there is any broken network
cable, loose connection or abnormal equipment along the BFD session path. If yes, take necessary
actions, such as replacing the broken cable, tightening the connection, or repairing or replacing the
fault equipment, to solve the problem.
4. If the ping test indicates that packets can be received and sent normally at both ends, check to see
if the BFD session at both ends is configured correctly by performing the following steps:
i. Check the configuration of BFD session on the NMS Configuration Management interface to
ensure the BFD switch is in "enabled" status.
ii. Make sure that the BFD session is configured with the same working mode at both sides.
iii. Make sure that at least one device plays an "active" role for the BFD session.
iv. Make sure that the BFD session exists at both ends, and that the source and the destination
IP addresses are matched.
v. Make sure that the hop mode (single hop/multi-hop) is consistent at both ends.
vi. Make sure that the authentication information is consistent at both ends.
5. Reboot the board where the interface is located.

3.2.2 198066029 PPP link broken

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



PPP link broken

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Communications Alarm

Alarm Description
PPP_UID Link Down

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Chapter 3 Alarms

Alarm Cause
1. The alarm occurs in PPP port creating, modifying, deleting when PPP port is created by command.
2. The alarm occurs once in PPP port during board power-on, and recovers after successful PPP
3. Physical link is down, or link transmission quality is poor.
4. Adjustment of PPP link parameter leads to link re-negotiation, causing the alarm.

This will cause disconnection of user plane data and services.

Check alarm details on the NMS Alarm Management interface to find the faulty PPP port ID.
1. Check the cable connections at both ends to see if they are loose or broken. If yes, tighten the
connection or replace the broken cable.
2. Refer to the networking plan to check if the E1 cable is correctly connected.
3. Click IPOverE1 Configuration on the NMS Configuration Management interface to check E1 ID and
time slot. Make sure that the time slot configuration is consistent at both ends.
4. Check PPP parameters on the NMS Configuration Management interface to ensure that the
configuration is consistent at both ends.
5. Check the connection relation of DT and EIPI on the NMS Configuration Management interface to
ensure that the PPP port configuration is consistent at both ends.

3.2.3 198066026 Association path broken

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



Association path broken

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Communications Alarm

Alarm Description
Association path broken

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ZXG10 iBSC Alarm and Notification Handling Reference

Alarm Cause
1. SCTP link is broken
2. Control plane path in NE is interrupted.
3. Opposite equipment is faulty.
4. The route to remote address is lost.

If multiple paths are available for the association and there exists normal path, relevant services will
not be affected.
If merely one path is available for the association, all services on the association is down.

On NMS fault management interface, view alarm Details, where information of association ID, local
address, and remote address is given.
1. On NMS configuration management interface (static route), query the route information of the
remote address. Locate the out port according to the route information. Check if network cable of the
out port is disconnected or loose. If yes, unplug and plug the cable or replace the cable.
2. On NMS configuration management interface (SCTP association configuration), query the ID of the
module where the association is located. Check if the following alarm occurs in the relevant board. If
yes, refer to the corresponding alarm Action.
Related alarm: 198066003 Control plane communication abnormal between board and its home
3. On NMS configuration management interface (static route), query if the route to the remote
address of the association is configured. If not, add the configuration.
4. Check the intermediate equipment on association path. If the routes to local address and remote
address of the association are not configured, add the configuration according to equipment
operation manual.
5. Check at opposite end if the route to the local address of the association is configured. If not,
add the configuration.
6. Check if the opposite equipment is faulty. If yes, troubleshoot at opposite end.

3.2.4 198029953 The Ethernet port state is OAM loop back

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



The Ethernet port state is OAM loop back

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Communications Alarm

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Chapter 3 Alarms

Alarm Description
The Ethernet port state is OAM loop back

Alarm Cause
The local port state is loop back because the peer port starts Ethernet OAM loop back request
of 802.3ah.

The Ethernet link which is in loop back test can't bear service data.

Check if the peer port has started Ethernet OAM loop back test. If yes, stop it, if no, disable local port
Ethernet OAM.

3.2.5 198005666 The number of the error packets from MAC port
exceeds the threshold
Alarm Information
Alarm code:



The number of the error packets from MAC port exceeds the threshold

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Communications Alarm

Alarm Description
The number of the error packets from MAC port exceeds the threshold

Alarm Cause
The number of the error packets from MAC port exceeds the threshold.

The MAC port is unavailable or the flow is limited.

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ZXG10 iBSC Alarm and Notification Handling Reference

1.Check whether the connection between this port and the peer port is correct.
Y->Go to "2"
N->Check whether the cable connecting two ports is damaged. It is recommended to replace a new
cable. If the alarm disappears: Y-> End, N-> Go to "2".
2.Try to replace the network interface on the peer end and then check if the alarm disappears.
N->Go to "3"
3.Try to replace the board or the network interface on the local end and then check if the alarm
N->Please contact the next level of maintenance support.

3.2.6 198000519 Trunk error

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



Trunk error

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Communications Alarm

Alarm Description
Trunk error

Alarm Cause
1. The receiving cable of local trunk equipment is faulty.
The cable is disconnected, or cable connector is broken.
2. The transmitting cable of opposite trunk equipment is faulty.
The cable is disconnected, or cable connector is broken.
3. Trunk transmission line is faulty.
The local DDF and equipment are not properly connected.
4. Operation of LOS insertion is operated at opposite trunk equipment.
Manual inset alarm operation is performed in diagnostic test.

The trunk equipment fails to work normally. All services based on the trunk are interrupted.

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Chapter 3 Alarms

1. Check whether the alarm is caused by local end or opposite end via meter measurement or
loop test.
Meter Measurement
Use a trunk test meter to test whether the trunk receiving signals at local end are normal. If yes, fault
might lie in local equipment. If no, troubleshoot at opposite end.
Loop test
Perform trunk self-loop at local end. If the alarm persists, fault might lie in local equipment. If the
alarm disappears, troubleshoot at opposite end.
2. Replace trunk cable.
3. Replace the board.

3.2.7 198000520 Trunk abnormal

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



Trunk abnormal

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Communications Alarm

Alarm Description
Trunk abnormal

Alarm Cause
1. Trunk frame formats at local end and at opposite end are inconsistent.
2. The transmitting end of opposite trunk equipment is faulty.
3. Local trunk equipment is faulty.
4. Equipment grounding at both ends is bad.
5. Impedance mismatch occurs.

All services based on the trunk are interrupted.

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ZXG10 iBSC Alarm and Notification Handling Reference

Alarm details are displayed in NMS Alarm Management interface, where fault type is given. You can
easily find Actions according to the fault type.
The Actions for each fault type are described as below:
1.Loss of E1 trunk frame, loss of E1 trunk multi-frame, E1 trunk alarm indication
i. In NMS Configuration Management interface, right click the board and select Subunit Configuration
to check whether frame format at both ends is the same.
ii. In NMS Configuration Management interface, right click the board and select Subunit Configuration
to check whether impedance is correct.
iii. Check whether the grounding at both ends is proper.
iv. If possible, locate alarm position, either at local end or at opposite end, by means of measurement
instrument, loopback test, or board/cable replacement.
2. E1 trunk receives an alarm indication from opposite end.
Check the alarm status of opposite end. Because the alarm indication is sent from opposite end,
please solve the opposite-end problem first.

3.2.8 198015617 Some frames Received by FE/GE/ATM/MP/POS/E1

Port are faulty
Alarm Information
Alarm code:



Some frames Received by FE/GE/ATM/MP/POS/E1 Port are faulty

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Communications Alarm

Alarm Description
The number of hardware error frames that the port received during specified time exceeds the

Alarm Cause
1. The network connected with FE/GE/ATM/MP/POS/E1 port is abnormal.
2. The board is in abnormal status.
3. Board hardware is faulty. For example, the network processor sub card is not tightly inserted.
4. Other board hardware faults.

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Chapter 3 Alarms

Datagram reception of the board is affected. The service on this port might be unstable. Worst of all,
all services on the board might be interrupted.

1. Unplug and plug port fibber/network cable.
2. Replace port fibber/network cable.
3. Reset the board.
4. Unplug and plug board.
5. Replace the board.

3.2.9 198015618 Faulty frames received by port over threshold

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



Faulty frames received by port over threshold

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Communications Alarm

Alarm Description
The number of hardware error frames that the port received during specified time exceeds the

Alarm Cause
1. Network status of FE/GE/ATM/MP/POS/E1 port is abnormal.
2. Board hardware faults.
3. Other faults of the board cause faulty FE/GE/ATM/MP/POS/E1 reception.
4. Network processor sub-card which has worked normally is loose.

Datagram reception of the board is affected. The service on the board might be unstable.

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ZXG10 iBSC Alarm and Notification Handling Reference

1. Pull out and insert the fiber/network cables to check if the fault is eliminated.
Y-> Finish the alarm handling.
N-> go to "2".
2. Replace fiber/network cables to check if the fault is eliminated.
Y-> Finish the alarm handling.
N-> go to "3".
3. Restart the board to check if the fault is eliminated.
Y-> Finish the alarm handling.
N-> go to "4".
4. Pull out/insert the board to check if the fault is eliminated.
Y-> Finish the alarm handling.
N-> go to "5".
5. Replace the board to check if the fault is eliminated.
Y-> Finish the alarm handling.
N-> For other reasons, please contact the next level of maintenance support.

3.2.10 198015873 PSN board is sending out incorrect frames

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



PSN board is sending out incorrect frames

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Communications Alarm

Alarm Description
The number of frames of CSIX horizontal parity check error received during specified time exceeds
the threshold.

Alarm Cause
1. PSN board in the same shelf is abnormal.
2. PSN board is faulty

If the fault lies in PSN board, service of the entire RNC NE will become unstable. If the alarm persists,
all services will be interrupted.
If the fault lies in the board where the alarm is declared, only the services on this board are affected.
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Chapter 3 Alarms

1. Check if the following alarm exists in PSN board at the same shelf. If yes, refer to the
corresponding alarm Action.
Related alarm: 198019456 All high-speed links between line card and package switching board
are out of synchronism
2. Unplug and plug board.
3. Replace board.

3.2.11 198066000 Abis link broken

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



Abis link broken

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Communications Alarm

Alarm Description
Abis link down

Alarm Cause
1. A newly configured link is initially broken.
2. The link status changes to broken.
3. The link may break frequently during active/standby switchover.

BTS break-down

If the new Abis link. Please synchronize and wait with no other operation, the alarm will resume
after 1 minute.
If master/slave change happened before, the alarm will resume after 1 minute, no need any operation.
Check the board has alarm "2560 Board cpu overload", please deal with first.

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ZXG10 iBSC Alarm and Notification Handling Reference

3.2.12 198003841 The control plane retransmission ratio over the

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



The control plane retransmission ratio over the threshold

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Communications Alarm

Alarm Description
The RUDP of the control plane retransmission ratio over the threshold

Alarm Cause
There are some badly-touched boards in the system environment and the retransfer-ratio of RUDP
packets increases.

The master board will change when slave is exist.

Make records of the alarm information and contact the next level of maintenance support.

3.2.13 198005651 IP / MAC address conflict

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



IP / MAC address conflict

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Communications Alarm

Alarm Description
IP/MAC address conflict when OSS detects control plane

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Chapter 3 Alarms

Alarm Cause
1. Board has rebooted and MAC address is incorrect.
2. Board has recalculated the MAC address, which is incorrect.
3. Addition of new shelf on the rack that has the same DIP settings as the other shelf.

If IPMAC conflicts, control plane communication may become abnormal.
For the board that has been powered on, packets may be lost and services are unstable. In serious
situation, link interruption may occur and all services borne on the board will be interrupted.
For the board that is being powered on, the board may reset repeatedly, and services can not be

1. Unplug and plug the board.
2. Compare 2 DIP switches on 2 backplane boards, one is related to the board, the other is related
to OMP board. If the 2 DIP switches have different settings, please correct the settings to keep
consistency. Reset the relevant boards after setting.
3. Reset the board.

3.2.14 198066003 Control plane communication is abnormal

between board and its home module
Alarm Information
Alarm code:



Control plane communication is abnormal between board and its home


Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Communications Alarm

Alarm Description
OSS communication link off between pp and its mp

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Alarm Cause
1. The board is not in position.
2. The board is blocked.
3. The inserted board is different from board configuration.
4. The board is faulty.
5. The control plane communication is abnormal.
6. The board is reset.

The services carried by the board are interrupted.

1. Check whether the board is in position. If not, insert the board.
2. Check whether the board is in blocked status. If yes, unblock the board.
3. Check whether the inserted board is the same as the configured board. If not, insert a correct
4. Reset the board. Wait for the board to be powered on.
5. Replace the board.
6. Replace the board slot.
7. Replace the UIM/GUIM/GUIM2 board of the same shelf.

3.2.15 198005378 Board HW Error

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



Board HW Error

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Communications Alarm

Alarm Description
Board HW loop back test fails

Alarm Cause
1. Clock is not synchronous.
2. Either the board or the slot has a hardware fault.

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Chapter 3 Alarms

HW connection is affected and services carried over this HW are interrupted.

1. Check the local board for the Related Alarms. Perform the recommended solution to process
the possible alarms.
Related Alarms:
198001286 Loss of clock when input to board
198005646 Phase-lock loop unlock
2. Check the clock board for the Related Alarms. Perform the recommended solution to process
the possible alarms.
Related Alarms:
198026133 Output clock lost
198026129 Clock reference source lost (Level 1 alarm)
198026128 Clock reference source lost (Level 2 alarm)
198026127 Clock reference source lost (Level 3 alarm)
3. Open the Configuration Management window and check whether the SDTB/SDTB2 has configured
APS while the active/standby board is configure.
How to check APS protection configuration: open the rack map on the Configuration Management
window, find the SDTB/SDTB2 board, right click to pop up shortcut menu, and select Optical port
APS Protection.
4. Replace the board.
5. Replace the slot.
6. Replace the UIM/GUIM in the same shelf.

3.2.16 198066004 Control plane communication is abnormal

between MP and OMP
Alarm Information
Alarm code:



Control plane communication is abnormal between MP and OMP

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Communications Alarm

Alarm Description
communication link off between mp and omp

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Alarm Cause
1. The board is not in position.
2. The board is faulty.
3. The control plane communication is abnormal.
4. The board resets.

The board is blocked so that it can not provide functions. Furthermore, all services under the relevant
module become unavailable.

1. Check if the board is in position. If not, insert the board.
2. Reset the board. Wait for the board to be powered on.
3. Replace the board.
4. Replace the board slot.
5. Replace the UIM/GUIM/GUIM2 board in the same shelf.

3.2.17 198005382 Communication between power board and OMP

is abnormal
Alarm Information
Alarm code:



Communication between power board and OMP is abnormal

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Communications Alarm

Alarm Description
The RS485 of power board communicate link break

Alarm Cause
1. The power board is not connected to the OMP or the connection is wrong.
2. The power board locates in a rack. The configured rack number is different from that where DIP
switch of the power board locates.

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The system can not monitor the status of power supply and environmental situation. However,
there is no impact on services.

1. Reconnect the serial cable between the power board and OMP.
2. Make sure the rack number configured for the rack in which this power board locates is consistent
with the rack number switch set for the power board.

3.2.18 198005397 Communication of RAWMACIP channel is

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



Communication of RAWMACIP channel is abnormal

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Communications Alarm

Alarm Description
Board RAWMACIP communication abnormal

Alarm Cause
1. The CPU usage of the UIM/GUIM/GUIM2 in the shelf is too high.
2. The service media stream exceeds the threshold.
3. The hardware is faulty.

The channel between user plane processing board and signaling processing board is abnormal. This
causes degradation of QoS. In serious situation, services will be interrupted.

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1. In NMS Alarm Management interface, check whether the UIM/GUIM board of the same shelf has a
relevant alarm. If yes, please solve the problem according to corresponding Actions.
Related alarm: 198002560 Board CPU overloaded
2. Replace the board.
3. Replace the UIM/GUIM of the same shelf.
4. Replace the slot.

3.2.19 198005401 Test packet check abnormal

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



Test packet check abnormal

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Communications Alarm

Alarm Description
Test packet check abnormal,test type is decided by additional info

Alarm Cause
1. The board is faulty.
2. The line from UIM/GUIM/GUIM2 to GLI is abnormal.

Service transfer at medial plane is affected.
The alarm details include fault type. Each fault type has different impacts on the system.
1. If fault type is "ATM abnormal", the ATM board can not provide normal ATM services. Thus,
services carried by the board is interrupted.
2. If fault type is "L1 switch abnormal", it indicates that media plane communication is abnormal. This
causes all services carried on the shelf to be interrupted.

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Alarm details are displayed in NMS Alarm Management interface, where fault type is given. You can
easily find Actions according to the fault type.
The Actions for each type are described as below.
1. Fault type: ATM abnormal
The internal related chip link of ATM processing board is abnormal. In this case, replace the board.
2. Fault type: L1 switch abnormal
The L1 media plane switching from UIM/GUIM/GUIM2 to GLI is abnormal. This is usually caused
by abnormal link between UIM/GUIM/GUIM2 and GLI. In this case, reconnect the cable between
UIM/GUIM/GUIM2 and GLI, or replace the cable. If optical fiber is used, replace the optical module.

3.2.20 198005664 The rate of error code in a mate link is high at

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



The rate of error code in a mate link is high at GUIM/GUIM2

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Communications Alarm

Alarm Description
The rate of error code in a mate link is high

Alarm Cause
The rate of error code in a mate link is high.

The data transferred via mate link are incorrect.

1.Check if the board is inserted tightly.
Y->Please contact the next level of maintenance support.
N->Insert the board tightly,and then check if the alarm is eliminated: Y->end, N->contact the next
level of maintenance support.

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3.2.21 198005122 Loss of Active/standby communication link

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



Loss of Active/standby communication link

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Communications Alarm

Alarm Description
The control plane communication link between Master and Slave Boards is broken

Alarm Cause
1. The board is configured to be in active/standby mode, but the mate board is not in position.
2. Hardware Problem.

The active board can not communicate with the standby board. As a result, active/standby
changeover operation fails. There is no impact on services.

1. Make sure the board is configured backup mode, and the master and slave boards are firmly in
2. Check the opposite board for the related alarms. If there are related alarms,Perform the
recommended solution to process the possible alarms.
Description: 198066070, The board is offline or the CPU is in reset status for a long time
3. Replace the opposite board.
4. Change the slots of both the master and slave boards.

3.2.22 198005126 Incorrect FE Routing Connection

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



Incorrect FE Routing Connection

Alarm severity:


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Alarm type:

Communications Alarm

Alarm Description
The ports on the opposite board connected with a couple of ports on the local board are not paired
ports, or FE-C3/4 on RUIM1 backcard receives link detecting packets.

Alarm Cause
1. FE-C3/4 is used for FE routing port when RUIM1 rear board is used.
2. When CHUB is connected to UIM/GUIM/GUIM2, CHUB rear card (RCHUB1/RCHUB2) uses
discrete ports (e.g. port1/port3) to connect UIM rear card.
3. When UIM/GUIM/GUIM2 is connected to UIM/GUIM/GUIM2 CHUB, connections used for FE
routing connection are not in pairs (e.g.FE-C2/4).
4. When UIM is connected to UIM/CHUB, only one cable is used for FE inter-connection.

Control plane routing is disconnected; ports are switched over in cycle; all services on this shelf
are interrupted.

Reconnect the FE wire.
1. If the UIM board on the BUSN shelf uses RUIM1 backcard, make sure FE-C1/2 port is used
for routing port.
2. If the GUIM/GUIM2 board is on BGSN shelf, make sure FE1 and FE2 ports are used as routing
3. If TRUNK mode is used, numerous FE ports make up of a TRUNK port for cascaded connection.
In this case, make sure the both ends are paired ports.
If the boards of the local board or the opposite board are not paired port, please reconnect the FE
wire and make sure the both ends are used paired ports.
Here is an example of connection method:
i. When CHUB is connected with UIM/GUIM/GUIM2, the connecting wire on RCHUB1/RCHUB2 of
CHUB backcard must be used continuous ports ( such as port1/port2 pair, port3/port4 pair, port5/port6
pair, port7/port8 pair ) to connect with the pairs on the UIM/GUIM/GUIM2 backcard.
ii. When UIM is connected with UIM/GUIM/GUIM2/CHUB, the ports on UIM backcard must be used
as paired .If RUIM1 backcard is used, then two FE-C1/2 ports must be used for FE routing ports;
if RUIM2/RUIM3 backcard is used, then use FE1/FE2 pair, FE3/FE4 pair or FE5/FE6 pair for the
FE routing ports.
iii. When GUIM/GUIM2 is connected with UIM/GUIM/GUIM2/CHUB, the ports on GUIM/GUIM2
backcard must be used as pair, i. e. , FE1 and FE2 must be used for FE routing ports.

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3.2.23 198005127 FE Link Error Alarm

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



FE Link Error Alarm

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Communications Alarm

Alarm Description
In a pair of FE port,one is link ok but another is link error, then the link error port need to be reported
alarm .

Alarm Cause
1. In a pair of FE ports, one has normal link but the other has link error.
2. The hardware is faulty.

Because one FE port has normal control plane link, services are not affected. However if this port is
faulty, services can not be switched to the other port, leading to service interruption.

1. Check if only one cable is used to connect the port pair of the rear board to the peer-end FE port.
Ensure that both cables are connected to the peer end.
2. Reconnect the cables or replace the cables.
3. Replace the rear board.
4. Replace the board.

3.2.24 198005128 Duplicate rack and shelf

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



Duplicate rack and shelf

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Communications Alarm

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Alarm Description
Duplicate rack and shelf

Alarm Cause
Shelf connect to the system with duplicate physical ID

Boards in the shelf which power-on later power-on failure.

1. Check whether two shelf with same physical ID exists. Modify the switch of one of the two shelfs
and reset the shelf and board if such connection exists.
2. Check if the board link to the same board by different link type. Remove one of link type and reset
the board if such connection exists.

3.2.25 198066005 SCCP subsystem unavailable

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



SCCP subsystem unavailable

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Communications Alarm

Alarm Description
SCCP subsystem unavailable

Alarm Cause
1. From the perspective of A, remote signaling point subsystem is out of service.
2. From the perspective of A, remote signaling point is inaccessible.
3. Remote subsystem (for B) is configured at A end, but the corresponding local subsystem (for B)
is not configured at B end.
4. Local subsystem (for B) is blocked at B end.
5. From the perspective of A, SCCP user is not configured in remote MTP3 or M3UA user

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Signaling data can not be sent to/received from the relevant subsystem. New service can not access
to the corresponding office. And existing services are interrupted abnormally.

1. Check whether there is an office (the office that corresponds to the subsystem) inaccessible alarm.
If yes, solve the problem according to corresponding Action.
Related alarms:
i. 198066010 MTP3 office inaccessible
ii. 198066014 M3UA office inaccessible
2. Unblock the subsystem in dynamic data management.
3. In NMS Configuration Management interface, check the configuration of signaling point code
(for A) at A end. Is SCCP user included in user type configuration. If no, add the configuration.
Meanwhile, check the corresponding configuration at B end.
4. Check whether the status of signaling point subsystem (for B) is available at B end. If no, the
signaling point subsystem at B end must be out of service. Try to find the reason for this abnormal
5. Check whether the signaling point subsystem (for B) is configured at B end. If no, add the
configuration at B end.

3.2.26 198066008 MTP2 link sending overload

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



MTP2 link sending overload

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Communications Alarm

Alarm Description
MTP2 link sending overload

Alarm Cause
The traffic flow carried by the MTP2 is excessive under the condition of current link bandwidth. It
exceeds the alarm threshold of link transmission load. The alarm threshold is related to MITP2 link
type. For 64K link, the alarm threshold is: bandwidth occupation ratio reaches 0.8. For N*64k or 2M
link, the alarm threshold is: bandwidth occupation ratio reaches 0.6.

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If MTP2 link is overloaded for quite a long time, the signalling link will be congested. As a result,
service messages will be lost by MTP2 and the service will be interrupted.

1. Add links to the office that is in service for the congested link.
2. Take the following measures to improve transmission quality of physical links.
Replace bottom layer lines.
Ensure that connector contact and cable connection are normal.

3.2.27 198066009 MTP2 link reception overload

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



MTP2 link reception overload

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Communications Alarm

Alarm Description
MTP2 link reception overload

Alarm Cause
The traffic flow carried by the MTP2 is excessive under the condition of current link bandwidth. It
exceeds the alarm threshold of link transmission load. The alarm threshold is related to MITP2 link
type. For 64K link, the alarm threshold is: bandwidth occupation ratio reaches 0.8. For N*64k or 2M
link, the alarm threshold is: bandwidth occupation ratio reaches 0.6.

This alarm has little impact on the local. If MTP2 link reception is overloaded for quite a long time,
the signalling reception will be congested. This may trigger the signalling flow control of MTP2
layer. In most serious case, package loss may occur, which leads to call loss or decrease of PS
access success rate.

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1. Add links to the office that is in service for the congested link.
2. Take the following measures to improve transmission quality of physical links.
Replace bottom layer lines.
Ensure that connector contact and cable connection are normal.

3.2.28 198066010 MTP3 Signalling Point Inaccessible

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



MTP3 Signalling Point Inaccessible

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Communications Alarm

Alarm Description
Alarm of office inaccessible from MTP3

Alarm Cause
1. No service link exists in the office route.
2. The MTP3 signaling network management message TransFer Prohibit(TFP) is received.

UE fails to receive/transmit messages from/to the relevant office. New services can not be accessed
to this office, and existing services are interrupted abnormally.

1. Check whether there is an unavailable link alarm. If yes, please solve the problem according to
corresponding Actions.
Related alarm: 198066011 MTP3 link unavailable
2. Check whether the configuration of office and link at opposite end is correct.

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3.2.29 198066011 MTP3 link unavailable

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



MTP3 link unavailable

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Communications Alarm

Alarm Description
Alarm of link unavailability

Alarm Cause
1. Physical link at bottom layer is broken or link quality is poor.
2. Link test fails.
3. This link is deactivated in dynamic data management.
4. The opposite end has released this link.
5. SMP or SPB/SPB2/APBE/APBE2 board resets

If several MTP3 links are available for the office, services will not be affected. In the case of heavy
traffic, link congestion may occur, leading to loss of packets/calls and decreased PS call access rate.
If merely one link is available to the destination signalling point, the office may become inaccessible.
UE fails to receive/transmit messages from/to the relevant office. New services can not be accessed
to this office, and existing services are interrupted abnormally.

1. IN NMS Configuration Management interface, click Signalling Link Configuration to check PVC
configuration. Make sure that the configuration of CVPI and CVCI should be the same at both ends.
2. In Dynamic Data Management, check link status. If it is interrupted and connected now and then, it
means the link unavailability is caused by MTP3 link test failure.
1) In NMS Configuration Management interface, check the configuration of signalling point code at
both ends. Ensure that the configuration is consistent at both ends.
2) In NMS Configuration Management interface, check the configuration of signalling link at both
ends. Ensure that the configuration of SLC (Signalling Link Code) is consistent at both ends.
3. Re-activate the link in Dynamic Data Management.
4. Check board status. If it is abnormal, reset or replace the board.
5. The opposite end has released the relevant link. Ask the opposite end to deal with the alarm as
link unavailable.
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3.2.30 198066014 M3UA Signalling Point Inaccessible

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



M3UA Signalling Point Inaccessible

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Communications Alarm

Alarm Description
Alarm of office inaccessible from M3UA

Alarm Cause
1. Association link is broken or application server (AS) is not in serving status.
2. M3UA office is inaccessible because the remote office gives a DUNS (destination signalling
point unavailable) report.

UE fails to receive/transmit messages from/to the relevant office. New services can not be accessed
to this office, and existing services are interrupted abnormally.

1. Check whether there is an association link broken alarm. If yes, please solve the problem
according to corresponding Actions.
Related alarm: 198066019 Association link broken
2. In NMS Configuration Management interface, view AS Static Information to check whether a
routing context exists. If yes, view the relevant configuration such as routing context ID, AS ID
and AS service mode.
The correct configuration is described below.
i. The routing context ID and AS service mode must be the same at both ends.
ii. AS ID must meet the following requirements: if ASP is configured for local end, SGP should
be configured for opposite end; if IPSP client is configured for local end, IPSP server should be
configured for opposite end.
3. Re-activate the ASP in Dynamic Data Management.
4. Check whether the configuration of relevant office is correct at opposite end.

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3.2.31 198066019 Association link broken

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



Association link broken

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Communications Alarm

Alarm Description
Association link broken

Alarm Cause
1. The association is released in dynamic data management.
2. Association configuration is modified at local end.
3. Association is released at opposite end.
4. Bottom layer link is faulty.

If several association links are available to the destination office, service will not be affected. In the
case of heavy traffic, congestion of available association(s) might occur, leading to upper layer
call loss or increasing PS call access failures.
If merely one association link is available to the destination office, the office might become
inaccessible. Reception and sending of messages from/to the relevant office fail. Access of new
services under this office fails, and abnormal release of ongoing services occurs.

1. Establish the association in dynamic data management.
2. On NMS configuration management interface, check ASP configuration at local end and opposite
end. Checking items include protocol type of SCTP association, SMP module No, local IP address,
local port No., remote IP address, remote port No., the number of in/out streams. If the configuration
at both ends is inconsistent, modify configuration to keep consistency.
3. Ping the opposite board address to see if the network cable or other intermediate link is faulty.
Replace the cable if ping fails.
4. Check if the association is released at opposite end. If yes, troubleshoot according to the
corresponding cause.

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3.2.32 198005129 Ethernet port loop back error

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



Ethernet port loop back error

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Communications Alarm

Alarm Description
Ethernet port loop back error

Alarm Cause
Ethernet port loop back occurs.

There is a fault of the network in the system.

1. Check alarm info of the board.
1) Check if the debug port loops back.
Y->Check the HUB or other device linked to the debug port. If there is loop back, destroy the loop
back and check if the alarm restored. Y-> The troubleshooting completes. N-> go to "2)".
N->No fault of the debug port, go to "2)".
2) Check if the port which linked to shelves loops back.
Y->Check if the connection between shelves is incorrect. Y->Correct the connection and check if the
alarm restored. Y->The troubleshooting completes. N-> go to "2".
N->No fault of the port linked to shelves, go to "2".
2. Make records of the alarm
information and contact the next level of maintenance support.

3.2.33 198031744 IPD session interrupted

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



IPD session interrupted

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Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Communications Alarm

Alarm Description
IPD session is down

Alarm Cause
1. The network cable connection on relevant equipment (including local/intermediate/opposite
equipment) is loose or disconnected.
2. Intermediate equipment is faulty.
3. Opposite equipment is faulty.
4. Local equipment is faulty.
5. Configuration related to the IPD session is incorrect.

All services on the path relating to the BFD session will be switched to the standby path. Service
interruption will occur if no standby path exists.

Check alarm details on the NMS Alarm Management interface to find the source address and the
destination address of the BFD session. The source address refers to the address of local equipment.
The destination address refers to the address of the opposite IPD session equipment.
1. Check the status of the line card at the local end. If the line card restarts repeatedly, replace it
and power on.
2. Check the physical connection between the IPD session-related port and the local line card. If the
connection is loose or broken, tighten or replace the cable. If the port indicator is on, it means the
physical connection is normal.
3. Ping intermediate and termination equipment in turn with correct IP address.
i. Telnet to the interface board to check the link by making a ping test. For example, if the destination
address is, enter the following command in the telnet interface.
brs_ping_b ""
ii. Wait for 5 seconds, and then enter the next command.
BrsShowLog "ICMP"
a. If "PING===>destine timeout" displays on the screen, it means the response times out.
b. If "ping_receive:Reply from bytes=60 time<1ms" displays on the screen, it means the link
is normal.
iii. In case of timeout, check if the related route and address are configured correctly. If not, correct
the reconfiguration and do a ping test again.
iv. If the route/address is configured correctly but the response still times out, it means a link is broken
or the intermediate equipment is faulty. In this case, check to see if there is any broken network
cable, loose connection or abnormal equipment along the IPD session path. If yes, take necessary
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actions, such as replacing the broken cable, tightening the connection, or repairing or replacing the
fault equipment, to solve the problem.
4. If the ping test indicates that packets can be received and sent normally at both ends, make sure
that the IPD session exists at the local end, and that the source and the destination IP addresses are
5. Reboot the board where the interface is located.

3.2.34 198411393 BFD session negotiation failure

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



BFD session negotiation failure

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Communications Alarm

Alarm Description
BFD session negotiation failure

Alarm Cause
1. The remote end is not configured BFD session.
2. The related configuration of the BFD session is faulty.
3. The link of the BFD session is blocked or losing packages.
4. The physical link of the BFD session is faulty.
5. The device interface link of the BFD session is faulty.
6. The software of the BFD session is faulty.

All services on the path related to the BFD session will be switched to the slave path. Service
interruption will occur if slave path does not exist.

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1. Time different of both ends may result in unsuccessful BFD negotiation, observe alarm information
for a period of time, and check whether the alarm is eliminated.
2. Through the diagnostic test(other methods of IP path detection, such as PING), check network
connection between BFD source address and destination address.
3. Check the indicators of the BFD session source address interface and destination interface are
4. Replace the network cables, or re-insert the link cables of the BFD session, wait for 30 seconds,
re-check the indicators of the BFD session source address interface and destination interface, and
check whether the alarm is eliminated.
5. Record the alarm information and contact the next level of maintenance support.

3.2.35 198099803 Link Broken Between OMM and NE

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



Link Broken Between OMM and NE

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Communications Alarm

Alarm Description
Link Broken Between OMM and NE

Alarm Cause
The link between an Network Element (NE) and the Operation & Maintenance Module (OMM) server
that manages this NE is broken.

The OMM fails to obtain performance and alarm data from the NE.

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1. Check the connection between the NE and the OMM server as follows:On the Configuration
Management view of the EMS client GUI, get the IP address of the NE,On the OMM server,
ping the IP address of the NE. If the ping fails
2. check whether the communication failure is caused by a fault in the NE itself or the network
between the OMM and the NE.

3.2.36 198099804 Link Broken Between Server And Alarmbox

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



Link Broken Between Server And Alarmbox

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Communications Alarm

Alarm Description
Link Broken Between Server And Alarmbox

Alarm Cause

The network connection between the server and the alarm box is abnormal.

The configured IP address of the alarm box on the server is different from the actual IP address
of the alarm box.

The server IP address configured in the alarm box is different from the actual IP address of
the server.

The port No. configured in the alarm box is different from that configured on the server.

The EMS server fails to send alarm information to the alarm box.


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Do the following to check for network connection problem and inconsistent IP address configuration:
1. On the Fault Management view of the EMS client GUI, get the configured IP address of the alarm
box. Then open a terminal window on the EMS server and ping this IP address. If the ping fails
2. Check the power connection and network connection of the alarm box as follows: Check that the
power cable is firmly connected to the alarm box and the input voltage meets the power supply
requirements of the alarm box. Then switch on the alarm box and check whether the menu is
normally displayed on the screen of the alarm box.
3. Reset or replace the alarm box.
4. Check the network cable connected to the alarm box and if the network cable is intact and in
good contact with the network port (Lan1) of the alarm box.
5. Fix the network cable.
6. On the screen of the alarm box, choose the appropriate menu to view the IP address of the alarm
box, and then check whether the alarm boxs IP address configured on the EMS server is the
same as this IP address.
7. Modify the IP address of the alarm box on the server to the actual one.
8. On the alarm box, press left arrow key to view the version of the alarm box, and select one of the
following methods to check the server IP address configured in the alarm box depending on the
version of the alarm box. If the version of the alarm box is V3 or a previous version.
9. Choose the appropriate menu to view the IP address of the EMS server on the screen of the
alarm box, and then check whether it is the same as the actual IP address of the server
10. Open a terminal window on the server, type the telnet [alarm box IP address] [601]
command, and then enter the password alarmpro to get access to the alarm box. Then run the
tcpCfgShow command to view the server IP configured on the alarm box. If the configured IP
address is different from the actual IP address of the server, modify the server IP on the alarm
box to the actual one via the following command:
cfgTcpComm [Serial No.]

[Server IP] [Port No.]

[Group No.].On the screen

of the alarm box, choose the appropriate menu to view the port configuration of the alarm box,
and then check whether the configured port No. is the same as the port No. set on the server.
11. Modify the server IP and Port No. on the alarm box to the actual one.

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3.2.37 198105035 The communication link between LogService

board and OMP is broken
Alarm Information
Alarm code:



The communication link between LogService board and OMP is broken

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Communications Alarm

Alarm Description
The OMP detects an interruption of the link with the log server board.

Alarm Cause

The log server board is not present.

The software of the log server is not operating properly.

The hardware of the log server board is faulty.

The OMM fails to obtain the signaling tracing data, and the NDS server fails to obtain the network
optimization data.

1. Check whether the log server board is present.
Yes -> Step 3.
No -> Step 2.
2. Install the log server board into the corresponding slot. Wait for 10 minutes, and check whether
the alarm is cleared.
Yes -> End.
No -> Step 3.
3. Contact the next level of maintenance support.

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Chapter 3 Alarms

3.2.38 198087775 Super site exchanged to the satellitic Abis link

or slave link
Alarm Information
Alarm code:



Super site exchanged to the satellitic Abis link or slave link

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Communications Alarm

Alarm Description
This alarm is reported if the BSC detects that the Abis link of the super station is exchanged to
the satellite link or the standby link.

Alarm Cause
The subaerial Abis link of the super station is broken.

This alarm has no impact on the current operation of the system. However, the system reliability
will be decreased.

1. Locate the alarm object, and check whether the object reports the following alarms:
198066026 Association path broken
198066019 Association link broken
198066029 PPP link broken
Yes -> Step 2.
No -> Step 3.
2. Handle the alarm, and check whether the alarm is cleared.
Yes -> End.
No -> Step 3.
3. Contact the next level of maintenance support.

3.2.39 198087342 Cell interruption alarm

Alarm Information
Alarm code:


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Cell interruption alarm

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Communications Alarm

Alarm Description
This alarm is reported if the BSC detects that the state of a cell is abnormal.

Alarm Cause

The link between the BSC and the site that the cell belongs to is broken.

The BCCH TRX of the cell is faulty.

The cell is manually blocked.

The configuration of related cell parameters is incorrect.

The cell fails to provide any voice or data service.

1. Locate the site in accordance with "Site ID" in the alarm details, and check whether the following
alarms exist in the site:
198087336 Rack Abis control link broken
198087337 Site Abis control link broken
Yes -> Step 2.
No -> Step 3.
2. Handle the related alarms, and check whether this alarm is cleared.
Yes -> End.
No -> Step 3.
3. Query the "GSM Cell Configuration(GGsmCell)" object of the cell, check the following parameters
of the object, perform necessary operations as required, and check whether the alarm is cleared.

"Cell management"
Execute the QRY CELL command to query the cell state in accordance with "Site ID" and
"Bts ID". If the cell is manually blocked, execute the UNB CELL command to unblock the cell.

"TRX management"
If the BCCH TRX corresponding to the cell is manually blocked, execute the UNB FUTRX or
UNB CUTRX command to unblock the TRX.
If the CU or FU operation state of the TRX is blocked, which indicates a TRX fault, query and
clear related alarms in the base station. If the alarm persists, proceed to Step 4.

"Channel Management"
If the BCCH timeslot corresponding to the cell is manually blocked, execute the UNB TS
command to unblock the timeslot.

Yes -> End.

No -> Step 4.
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Chapter 3 Alarms

4. Contact the next level of maintenance support.

3.2.40 198087380 TRX Manual Block

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



TRX Manual Block

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Communications Alarm

Alarm Description
This alarm is reported if the BSC detects that a TRX is manually blocked.

Alarm Cause
The TRX is manually blocked.

The blocked TRX fails to provide any service.

1. Locate the blocked TRX in accordance with "Site ID", "Bts ID", and "Trx ID" in the alarm details,
and execute the UNB FUTRX or UNB CUTRX command to unblock the TRX. Check whether
the alarm is cleared.
Yes -> End.
No -> Step 2.
2. Contact the next level of maintenance support.

3.2.41 198087336 Rack Abis control link broken

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



Rack Abis control link broken

Alarm severity:


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Alarm type:

Communications Alarm

Alarm Description
This alarm is reported if the BSC detects that the control link between the controller and a rack
is broken.

Alarm Cause

The configured rack does not exist.

In case of an IP site, the IP-related configuration is incorrect.

In case of an E1 site, the Abis timeslot configuration is incorrect.

The Abis transmission is abnormal.

The rack fails to provide any service.

1. Locate "Site ID" in the alarm details, and check whether the corresponding site is required in
the network planning.
Yes -> Step 2.
No -> Delete the site configuration, or suppress the alarm. End alarm handling.
2. Check whether the following association and PPP related alarms exist in accordance with "Site
ID" or "office information" in the alarm details.
198066019 Association link broken
198000519 Trunk error
198000520 Trunk abnormal
Yes -> Step 3.
No -> Step 4.
3. Handle the related alarms, and check whether this alarm is cleared.
Yes -> End.
No -> Step 4.
4. Contact the next level of maintenance support.

3.2.42 198087468 lapd jam alarm

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



lapd jam alarm

Alarm severity:


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Alarm type:

Communications Alarm

Alarm Description
This alarm is reported if the BSC detects LAPD link congestion between the rack and the BSC.

Alarm Cause

Too few LAPD links are configured.

The traffic is too high.

A severe loss of frames occurs on LAPD channels, which results in abnormal or even interrupted
communication. The quality of service degrades.

1. Check whether enough LAPD channels are configured in accordance with the number of TRXs
configured on the site.
The recommended configuration is as follows:

When 6 TRXs are configured, at least one LAPD channel must be configured.

When 7 to 16 TRXs are configured, at least two LAPD channels must be configured.

When 17 to 26 TRXs are configured, at least three LAPD channels must be configured.

When 27 to 36 TRXs are configured, at least four LAPD channels must be configured.

Yes -> Step 3.

No -> Step 2.
2. Add one or more LADP channels as follows: In Configuration Management, view the attributes
of the CMB board on the rack diagram of the base station, and then add an "OMU slot number".
Check whether the alarm is cleared.
Yes -> End.
No -> Step 3.
3. Check whether the following alarm and notification exist in accordance with "Site ID" in the
alarm details or the object reporting the alarm:
198087102 Power overvoltage/undervoltage alarm
198000576 Loss of Frame on Trunk
Yes -> Step 4.
No -> Step 5.
4. Handle the related alarms, and check whether this alarm is cleared.
Yes -> End.
No -> Step 5.
5. Contact the next level of maintenance support.

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3.2.43 198087337 Site Abis control link broken

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



Site Abis control link broken

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Communications Alarm

Alarm Description
This alarm is reported if the BSC detects that the LAPD communication link of a base station is broken.

Alarm Cause

The configured site does not exist.

In case of an IP site, the IP-related configuration is incorrect.

In case of an E1 site, the Abis timeslot configuration is incorrect.

The Abis transmission is abnormal.

All cells of the site fail to provide any voice or data service.

1. Locate "Site ID" in the alarm details, and check whether the corresponding site is required in
the network planning.
Yes -> Step 2.
No -> Delete the site configuration, or suppress the alarm. End alarm handling.
2. Check whether the following association and PPP related alarms exist in accordance with "Site
ID" or "office information" in the alarm details.
198066026 Association path broken
198066019 Association link broken
198066029 PPP link broken
Yes -> Step 3.
No -> Step 4.
3. Handle the related alarms, and check whether this alarm is cleared.
Yes -> End.
No -> Step 4.
4. Contact the next level of maintenance support.

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Chapter 3 Alarms

3.2.44 198087101 HW link broken

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



HW link broken

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Communications Alarm

Alarm Description
HW link broken

Alarm Cause
BTS internal communication breaks

The site fails to operate properly.

1. Start HW self-loop test to check whether the cable connection goes wrong.
2. If all of DTRU fail to build link, re-plug CMB board.
3. If the software has problem, upgrade it.

3.2.45 198105047 The FTP link for full signal tracing is exceptional
Alarm Information

Alarm code: 198105047

Name: The FTP link for full signal tracing is exceptional
Alarm severity: Minor
Alarm type: Communication alarm

Alarm Description
Logservice detect that the FTP link for full signal tracing is exceptional or the transmission rate is too
low. That cause the files can not transfer to the FTP server immediately.

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Alarm Cause

FTP configuration has error, that mainly include user name, password, IP Address, port.

The FTP link to FTP server is abnormal.


If the FTP configuration is error, the log files will be saved on disk. It maybe reduce the life
of disk and the files losing.

The log files will be accumulated on the service, and maybe cause the disk wrong and files losing.

1. Check whether the "Full Signal Trace Configuration" is correct.
Yes -> Step 3.
No -> Step 2.
2. Please contact the FTP provider and modify the FTP configuration for full signal tracing, then
check whether the alarm is recovered.
Yes -> end.
No -> Step 3.
3. Contact the maintainer of transmission equipment and eliminate the fault, the check whether
the alarm is cleared.
Yes -> end.
No -> Step 4.
4. Please contact the next level of maintenance support.

3.3 Environment Alarm

3.3.1 198029184 SNTP server is unavailable
Alarm Information
Alarm code:



SNTP server is unavailable

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Environment Alarm

Alarm Description
SNTP server is unavailable

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Chapter 3 Alarms

Alarm Cause
SNTP server is faulty or communication broken.

NO impact to traffic only loss of Time synchronisation data for time stamp of events and reporting.

1.Check whether the physical link is normal by using Ping command.
Y->Solve the physical link problem.
N->go to "2".
2.Check whether the server IP is correct.
Y->Configure the IP address.
N->Contact the next level of maintenance support.

3.3.2 198025856 Rack temperature is high

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



Rack temperature is high

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Environment Alarm

Alarm Description
Rack temperature is high

Alarm Cause
1. Fan is not working.
2. Fan has failed.
3. No fan connected.
4. Temperature sensor is faulty or setting is incorrect.

1. If an unreasonable threshold is configured, services will not be affected.
2. If the alarm is caused by high rack temperature, board may work abnormally and board services
may be interrupted.
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1. In NMS Configuration Management interface, click Power Board Alarm Parameters to view the
upper threshold of rack temperature. If the configuration is unreasonable, please modify it. The
recommended value of upper threshold is 70 degrees in Celsius.
2. Check the thermometer in equipment room to see if the actual temperature is too high. If yes, take
necessary cooling measures.
3. Remove dust from air intake and outlet of the rack. Remove any obstacle nearby which may
affect ventilation.
4. Ensure that the rack fan works normally.

3.3.3 198025857 Low temperature in Rack

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



Low temperature in Rack

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Environment Alarm

Alarm Description
Rack temperature is low

Alarm Cause
1. Threshold is incorrect.
2. Temperature sensor is not working
3. External room heating control not working.

1. If an unreasonable threshold is configured, services will not be affected.
2. If the alarm is caused by low rack temperature, board may work abnormally and board services
may be interrupted.

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Chapter 3 Alarms

1. In NMS Configuration Management interface, click Power Board Alarm Parameters to view the
lower threshold of rack temperature. If the configuration is unreasonable, please modify it. The
recommended value of lower threshold is 0 degrees Celsius.
2. Check the thermometer in equipment room to see if the actual temperature is too low. If yes,
take necessary warming measures.
3. Setting the sensor correctly.

3.3.4 198025858 Room temperature is higher than high threshold

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



Room temperature is higher than high threshold

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Environment Alarm

Alarm Description
Room temperature is higher than high threshold

Alarm Cause
1. Threshold configuration is unreasonable.
2. Actual temperature in equipment room is too high.

1. If an unreasonable threshold is configured, services will not be affected.
2. If the alarm is caused by high room temperature, board may work abnormally and board services
may be interrupted.

1. On NMS configuration management interface (power board alarm parameters), check the upper
limit of equipment room temperature. Modify the threshold value if the previous configuration is
unreasonable. The recommended high threshold value is 40.
2. Check the thermometer in equipment room to see if the actual temperature is too high. If yes, take
necessary cooling and ventilation measures.

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3.3.5 198025859 Room temperature is lower than low threshold

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



Room temperature is lower than low threshold

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Environment Alarm

Alarm Description
Room temperature is lower than low threshold

Alarm Cause
1. The configured threshold is unreasonable.
2. Actual temperature in equipment room is too low.
3. Setting of the sensor is incorrect.

1. If an unreasonable threshold is configured, services will not be affected.
2. If the alarm is caused by low room temperature, board may work abnormally and board services
may be interrupted.

1. In NMS Configuration Management interface, click Power Board Alarm Parameters to view the
lower threshold of room temperature. If the configuration is unreasonable, please modify it. The
recommended value of lower threshold is 0 degrees Celsius.
2. Check the thermometer in equipment room to see if the actual temperature is too low. If yes,
take necessary warming measures.
3. Setting the sensor correctly.

3.3.6 198025860 Rack voltage is high

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



Rack voltage is high

Alarm severity:


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Chapter 3 Alarms

Alarm type:

Environment Alarm

Alarm Description
Rack voltage is high

Alarm Cause
1. The configured threshold is unreasonable.
2. Actual voltage is too high.

1. If an unreasonable threshold is configured, services will not be affected.
2. If the alarm is caused by high voltage, board may work abnormally and board services may
be interrupted.

1. In NMS Configuration Management interface, click Power Board Alarm Parameters to view the
upper threshold of rack voltage. If the configuration is unreasonable, please modify it. For 48V power
supply, the recommended value of upper threshold is 57V; for 60V power supply, the recommended
value is 72.
2. Find out which line voltage exceeds upper threshold by using the voltage index given in alarm
details. Regulator through the power supply equipment to lower down the input voltage of this line.

3.3.7 198025861 rack voltage is low

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



rack voltage is low

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Environment Alarm

Alarm Description
Rack voltage is low

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Alarm Cause
1. Voltage value is under the low threshold.
2. The setting of the votage detector is error.
3. Power input of a road may have been disconnected.

1. If an unreasonable threshold is configured, services will not be affected.
2. If the alarm is caused by low voltage, board may work abnormally and board services may be

1. In NMS Configuration Management interface, click Power Board Alarm Parameters to view the
lower threshold of rack voltage. If the configuration is unreasonable, please modify it. For 48V power
supply, the recommended value of lower threshold is 40V; for 60V power supply, the recommended
value is 50.
2. Find out which line voltage is below lower threshold by using the voltage index given in alarm
details. Regulator through the power supply equipment to increase the input voltage of this line.

3.3.8 198025862 Humidity is high

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



Humidity is high

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Environment Alarm

Alarm Description
Humidity is high

Alarm Cause
1. The configured threshold is unreasonable.
2. Actual humidity in equipment room is too high.

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Chapter 3 Alarms

1. If an unreasonable threshold is configured, services will not be affected.
2. If the alarm is caused by high room humidity, board may work abnormally and board services may
be interrupted.

1. In NMS Configuration Management interface, click Power Board Alarm Parameters to view
the upper threshold of room humidity. If the configuration is unreasonable, please modify it. The
recommended value of upper threshold is 90.
2. Check the hygrometer in equipment room to see if the actual humidity is too high. If yes, take
necessary dehumidifying measures.

3.3.9 198025863 Humidity is low

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



Humidity is low

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Environment Alarm

Alarm Description
Humidity is low

Alarm Cause
1. The configured threshold is unreasonable.
2. Actual humidity in equipment room is too low.
3. Setting of the sensor is incorrect.

1. If an unreasonable threshold is configured, services will not be affected.
2. If the alarm is caused by low room humidity, board may work abnormally and board services may
be interrupted.

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1. In NMS Configuration Management interface, click Power Board Alarm Parameters to view
the lower threshold of room humidity. If the configuration is unreasonable, please modify it. The
recommended value of upper threshold is 90.
2. Check the hygrometer in equipment room to see if the actual humidity is too low. If yes, take
necessary humidifying measures.
3. Setting the sensor correctly.

3.3.10 198025864 Fault in fan plug-in box

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



Fault in fan plug-in box

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Environment Alarm

Alarm Description
Fan works in error

Alarm Cause
1. The fan subrack is not tightly inserted into the rack.
2. The fan subrack has a hardware fault.
3. Setting of the sensor is incorrect.

This alarm may cause very high rack temperature. As a result, the relevant board may work
abnormally and board services may be interrupted.

1. Check whether the FAN subrack is tightly inserted into the rack. If no, unplug and plug it.
2. Replace the fan subrack.
3. Setting the sensor correctly.

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Chapter 3 Alarms

3.3.11 198025865 Rack door alarm

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



Rack door alarm

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Environment Alarm

Alarm Description
Alarm because of rack door open

Alarm Cause
1. The rack door is not closed.
2. The connection for door access control device is incorrect.
3. Setting of the sensor is incorrect.

Services won't be affected, but there is a potential safety problem.

1. Open and close the rack door so that it is tightly closed.
2. Open the rack door to check the door access control device. Ensure that it is correctly installed
and connected. After that, close the rack door.
3. Setting the sensor correctly.

3.3.12 198025866 Smoke detected

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



Smoke detected

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Environment Alarm

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Alarm Description
Smoke detected

Alarm Cause
1. The alarm device is faulty.
2. The smoke density in equipment room is too high.
3. Setting of the sensor is incorrect.

Services won't be affected, but there is a potential safety problem. Need to be handled immediately.

1. Quick find the origin of smog.
2. If there is no smog in the equipment room, replace the smog detector.
3. Setting the sensor correctly.

3.3.13 198025867 Infrared alarm

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



Infrared alarm

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Environment Alarm

Alarm Description
Infrared alarm

Alarm Cause
1. Heat source (e.g. animal/human being) approaches near.
2. The configuration of infra-red sensor is wrong.
3. The infrared sensor is faulty.
4. Setting of the sensor is incorrect.

1. If the configuration of infra-red sensor is wrong, the system won't be affected.
2. If the infra-red light in the equipment room is over threshold, there is a potential safety problem.
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Chapter 3 Alarms

1. Does an animal or a person approach near the infrared sensor? If yes, remove the heat source. If
no, please check the configuration of infra-red sensor. If the configuration is correct, sensor sensitivity
may be reduced to some extent.
2. The infra-red sensor is faulty. Replace the sensor.
3. Setting the sensor correctly.

3.3.14 198025868 Lightning alarm

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



Lightning alarm

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Environment Alarm

Alarm Description
Lightning alarm

Alarm Cause
1. Outdoor unit or equipment damaged by lightening
2. Setting of the sensor is incorrect.

The board may work abnormally due to lightning stroke. Accordingly, board services will be

1. Provide a reference manual and standard.
2. Provide a reference manual and standard and check grounding connection.
3. Provide a reference manual and standard and check lightning protection antenna.
4. Setting the sensor correctly.

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3.3.15 198025869 Loss of DC power supply to rack

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



Loss of DC power supply to rack

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Environment Alarm

Alarm Description
Atmosphere switch alarm

Alarm Cause
1. Circuit breaker has tripped.
2. No incoming DC supply from rectifier

This shelf can not be supplied with power. All boards on the shelf can not work and board services
are interrupted.

Is this shelf needed?
1. If yes, ensure that the atmosphere switch is closed and ALM indicator is normal.
2. If no, screen the function of monitoring atmosphere switch. In NMS Configuration Management
interface, click Power Board Alarm Parameters; then set the status of atmosphere switch to be
3. Setting the sensor correctly.

3.4 Processing Error Alarm

3.4.1 198007936 Memory file buffer overflow
Alarm Information
Alarm code:



Memory file buffer overflow

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Chapter 3 Alarms

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Processing Error Alarm

Alarm Description
Memory file buffer overflow

Alarm Cause
The transferred data records exceed the maximum capacity of the table, and the capacity of the
receiver memory file buffer is insufficient.

If the board is powering on, the excessive data records (beyond table capacity) are discarded.

1. Lookup if the capacity of the table is correct, please make records of the alarm information and
contact the next level of maintenance support.
2. Synchronize the capacity tables, then synchronize all tables to the foreground and reboot the
board. If the alarm still has not restored, please make records of the alarm information and contact
the next level of maintenance support.

3.4.2 198015360 Microcode Is Abnormal

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



Microcode Is Abnormal

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Processing Error Alarm

Alarm Description
Microcode is abnormal

Alarm Cause
The Network Processor hardware in the board (whose microcode is abnormal) is faulty.

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The board will reboot.
If the alarm can be restored after board rebooting, all board services during rebooting will be down,
but access of new services to the board after rebooting will be successful.
If the alarm cannot be restored after board rebooting, all board services during and after rebooting will
be down.

1. Wait for the board to reboot. If the alarm cannot be restored after board rebooting, unplug and
then plug the board.
2. If the alarm still cannot be restored, replace the board.

3.4.3 198023040 Number of alarms exceeds threshold.

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



Number of alarms exceeds threshold.

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Processing Error Alarm

Alarm Description
Number of board alarms exceeds threshold

Alarm Cause
The current alarm board has too many alarms so that the relevant alarm pool is full.

Alarms may be lost, but there is no impact on user services.

1. Delete any temporarily useless virtual configuration resources of this board.
2. On NMS fault management interface, delete some alarms which have small Impact.

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Chapter 3 Alarms

3.4.4 198066031 OMP alarm pool is full, unable to store any more
Alarm Information
Alarm code:



OMP alarm pool is full, unable to store any more alarms.

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Processing Error Alarm

Alarm Description
Number of OMP alarms exceeds threshold

Alarm Cause
There are too many system alarms. The alarm pool is full of system alarms.

Alarms may be lost, but there is no impact on user services.

1. Delete any temporarily useless virtual configuration resources.
2. On NMS fault management interface, delete some alarms which have small Impact.

3.4.5 198066032 Loss of NTP time synchronisation

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



Loss of NTP time synchronisation

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Processing Error Alarm

Alarm Description
NTP time exceeds the threshold
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Alarm Cause
1. Control-panel link between OMP and RPU board is down.
2. NTP time and local time differs greatly.

NTP time synchronization terminates, bringing in time deviation between the foreground and the
backgroundeffecting some servicessuch as charges, and leading to interruption of ongoing

On NMS fault management interface, check if the alarm related to RPU board exists. If yes, refer
to the corresponding alarm Action.
Related alarm: 198066004 Control plane communication abnormal between MP and OMP

3.4.6 198066027 SNTP failure

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



SNTP failure

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Processing Error Alarm

Alarm Description
The client of the SNTP fail to gain the net time.

Alarm Cause
1. SNTP server does not exist or it works abnormally.
2. The configured SNTP IP address in database is different from its real IP address.
3. The communication between Network Element and SNTP server is broken.
4. The time synchronization period configured in the database might be 0.

SNTP synchronization failure may cause time difference between system time and real time. For
example, the real time is 1:00 am, but the system time is 2:00 am. Since the system clock frequency
is correct, services will not be affected.
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Chapter 3 Alarms

Alarm details are displayed in NMS Alarm Management interface, where fault type is given. You can
easily find Actions according to the fault type.
The Actions for each type are described as below.
1. Invalid database configuration.
In NMS Configuration Management interface, click Network Element Ground Resource Management
to check whether the IP address of SNTP server is invalid, or SNTP synchronization period is wrong.
If the IP address of SNTP server is or SNTP synchronization period is 0, please
correct the configuration.
2. Failure in getting time from SNTP server
1) Ensure that SNTP server exists and it works normally.
2) Ensure that the configured IP address of SNTP server in database is the same as its real IP

3.4.7 198005387 Alarm due to inconsistent MP type

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



Alarm due to inconsistent MP type

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Processing Error Alarm

Alarm Description
MP type in database does not agree with the one in bootcfg.ini

Alarm Cause
1. The MP type is changed on NMS and the board is not restarted.
2. The active MP type on the local board is not consistent with that configured on NMS.

There is no impact on services

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1. For CMP and SMP, reset the board through NMS man-machine command interface.
2. For OMP, set the start mode as "foreground start" on NMS and then reset the board.
Do as follows:
On NMS software version management interface, select the menu for querying foreground (that is,
RNC NE) board start mode. In the pop-up dialog box, set the start mode to "foreground start".

3.4.8 198005388 Startup file does not exist

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



Startup file does not exist

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Processing Error Alarm

Alarm Description
Failed to read the Bootcfg.ini file from OMP Flash

Alarm Cause
The startup configuration file is deleted.

This alarm may cause OMP work abnormally, and the entire network element services are affected.

1. Reset the active and standby OMPs through NMS man-machine command interface.
2. Replace the board.

3.4.9 198005398 Office ID is not set correctly with control shelf

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



Office ID is not set correctly with control shelf

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Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Processing Error Alarm

Alarm Description
The office No of dial switch is different.

Alarm Cause
The office ID of a shelf where DIP switch locates is different from that of a shelf where OMP locates.

The MAC address conflicts. The MAC and IP address verification fails. All boards on the shelf can
not be powered on. All services carried by the shelf are interrupted.

By operating the hardware dial code key on the shelf, Set the office ID of the shelf where DIP switch
locates to be the same as that of OMP belonged shelf. If there is 'Office ID is not set correctly with
control shelf' alarm, reset UIM board, alarm will automatically restore.

3.4.10 198005402 Database config is different from file named

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



Database config is different from file named bootcfg.ini

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Processing Error Alarm

Alarm Description
The Data from the OMP database is inconsistent with that previously saved on the OMP

Alarm Cause
After the start information of OMP is modified, the active and standby OMP boards are not restarted.

System startup is abnormal, MP may not work normally.
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Restart the active and the standby OMP boards at the same time through NMS man-machine
interface command .

3.4.11 198005649 Port configuration is incorrect

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



Port configuration is incorrect

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Processing Error Alarm

Alarm Description
Port work mode doesn't match the settings

Alarm Cause
1. The speed mode configuration of the port does not take effect.
2. The duplex mode configuration of the port does not take effect.
3. The master or slave mode configuration of the port does not take effect.
4. The auto negotiation mode configuration of the port does not take effect.
Above four points, the set work mode of the external port does not take effect due to faulty
performance of the chip on the local end or unsuccessful settings on the peer end.

1. The port fails to work in the preset mode. This causes the port to be unavailable and all services
of the port are interrupted.
2. For Auto mode, the bandwidth of the external port becomes insufficient. As a result, some services
of the port are interrupted.

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Chapter 3 Alarms

On NMS fault management interface, check the alarm details, which give the reasons of mode error.
You can quickly locate the handling method according to it.
The Actions for each reason of mode error are as follows:
Speed mode error
1.Check the speed settings on the both end ports if they are correct and consistent.
Y->Go to "2".
N->Modify the speed settings, which the hardware supports on the both end, to make them be
consistent with each other, and then check the alarm if it is eliminated.
N->Go to "2".
2.Please contact the next level of maintenance support.
Duplex mode error
1.Check the duplex mode settings on the both ports end if they are correct and consistent.
Y->Go to "2".
N->Modify the duplex mode settings, which the hardware supports on the both end, to make them be
consistent with each other, and then check the alarm if it is eliminated.
N->Go to "2".
2.Please contact the next level of maintenance support.
GE port master or slave mode error
1.Check the master and slave mode settings on the both end ports if they are correct and consistent.
Y->Go to "2".
N->Modify the master or slave mode settings, which the hardware supports on the both end, to make
them match with each other, and then check the alarm if it is eliminated.
N->Go to "2".
2.Please contact the next level of maintenance support.
Auto negotiation failed
1.Check the work mode settings on the both end ports if they are correct and consistent, if one of
them is auto negotiation, the other one can not be force mode.
Y->Go to "2".
N->Modify the work mode settings, which the hardware supports on the both end, to make them be
consistent with each other, and then check the alarm if it is eliminated.
N->Go to "2".
2.Please contact the next level of maintenance support.

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3.4.12 198005120 T Network Connection Not Conform to

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



T Network Connection Not Conform to Configuration

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Processing Error Alarm

Alarm Description
The fiber connection is error

Alarm Cause
T network fiber connection does not conform to optical interface connection relation configured on
the background.

T Net switch of the shelf is in disorder.

Modify the fiber connection or the connection configuration to keep the configuration consistent
with the physical connection.

3.4.13 198005123 Incorrect configuration for inserted board or

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



Incorrect configuration for inserted board or device

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Processing Error Alarm

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Alarm Description
The equipment type configured in the DB is inconsistent with the hardware device

Alarm Cause
1. Incorrect board in slot.
2. Board hardware does not match the OMC-R configuration.

The board fails to be normally powered on. The services carried by the board are interrupted.

1. The NMS configuration management interface gives the rack diagram. Select the board and check
if the Basic Information and CPU Information of the rack are correct. If the settings are incorrect,
delete the board and create a new one.
2. Check if a correct board is inserted in the slot on the rack. If not, insert the correct one.

3.4.14 198005889 Version Switches While Board Doesn't Reset

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



Version Switches While Board Doesn't Reset

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Processing Error Alarm

Alarm Description
Version switch information

Alarm Cause
1. Appoint the version for OMP and select the option of restart after switch,but the version file have
existed on OMP's DOC0.2.Swtich the BOOT version.

The board version will not take effect if the board does not reset.

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Restart the board manually.

3.4.15 198005892 Boot Version Fails to Write to Backup Region

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



Boot Version Fails to Write to Backup Region

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Processing Error Alarm

Alarm Description
BOOT version synchronization information

Alarm Cause
Boot version fails to be written to backup region.

BOOT backup version is unavailable.

Switch BOOT again and restart the board manually.

3.4.16 198066013 MTP3 link congestion

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



MTP3 link congestion

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Processing Error Alarm

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Alarm Description
MTP3 link congest. The messages that MTP3 sent to MTP2 have reached a particular percentage in
MTP2 buffers and queues.

Alarm Cause
1. There are too many messages at upper layer.
2. The quality of bottom layer link is so poor that many messages are retransmitted.

Link congestion will cause transmission delay. If congestion is not serious, services will not be
affected. However, if it is serious, packet loss or call loss may occur, and access success rate of
PS services may fall.

1. Check the peak traffic of MTP3(B) signaling link performance statistics. If the payload reach to
6000, it's necessary to add links or increase the PVC bandwidth.
2. Check the physical connection, and check the following alarm. If there are some alarms as follows,
solve related alarms firstly.
(1) Fiber access:
1792 SDH/SONET faulty
1824 SDH/SONET exception
(2) E1 access:
519 trunk faulty
1026 E1 ATM cell synchronization failed

3.4.17 198066018 Association congestion

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



Association congestion

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Processing Error Alarm

Alarm Description
Association congestion

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Alarm Cause
1. Transmission quality of bottom layer link(include the physical links between interface board and
signal processing board inside network element and the physical links between interface board and
opposite network element) is poor.
2. Upper layer traffic in sending service data is heavy, confirming it by the traffic networking model.

Link congestion will cause transmission delay. If congestion is not serious, services will not be
affected. However, if it is serious, packet loss or call loss may occur, and access success rate of
PS services may fall.

1. Check network cable connection. Ensure that the network cable is tightly inserted.
2. Add association links to the office that is in service for the congested association.
3. If intermediate equipment exists between local end and opposite end, check the transmission
quality of intermediate equipment.

3.4.18 198014849 Process memory data aberrant

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



Process memory data aberrant

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Processing Error Alarm

Alarm Description
The process PID data area memory is rewritten

Alarm Cause
Memory data area is rewritten abnormally or physical memory is fault.

Business in whole or in part to fail.

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1. Alarm lasts for more than 5 minutes, please replace the board or memory.
2. The board recurring alarm, please replace the board or memory.

3.4.19 198087482 dbsapp data error alarm

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



dbsapp data error alarm

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Processing Error Alarm

Alarm Description
This alarm is reported if the BSC detects data errors in the following two processes:

Power-on loading

Data synchronization

Alarm Cause
Configuration data errors occur.

Some or all services may operate improperly.

1. In Configuration Management, perform the "Synchronize All Data" operation on the
configuration data. Wait for five minutes, and check whether the alarm is cleared.

Note: The "Synchronize All Data" operation may cause a system restart. Perform the operation
with care.

Yes -> End.

No -> Step 2.

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2. Execute the SET NORMALCHANGE command for active/standby switchover based on "Rack
number", "Shelf number", "Slot number", and "CPU number" in the alarm details. Wait for two
minutes, and check whether the alarm is cleared.
Yes -> End.
No -> Step 3.
3. Contact the next level of maintenance support.

3.4.20 198087505 Board Connect Fail

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



Board Connect Fail

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Processing Error Alarm

Alarm Description
This alarm is reported if the BSC detects that the service connection failure count of one board
exceeds the threshold.

Alarm Cause

The card version is not correct.

The board is configured improperly.

The versions of the base station and the base station controller are not compatible with each

Some services are not available.

If the alarm is reported that the cause of AIPB board alarm is 1 or the cause of DRTB/TIPB board
alarm is 2, the port number is allocated unsuccessfully. You need to query the network management
system and check whether the IPUDP resources assigned to the board is sufficient. If the IPUDP
resources are insufficient, you need increase the resources. Otherwise, contact the next level of
maintenance support.
If the alarm is reported that the cause of AIPB board alarm is 3 or the cause of DRTB/TIPB board
alarm is 7, the next hop is obtained unsuccessfully. You need to check whether the version of the
base station is not compatible with the version of the BSC. If the version of the base station is not
compatible with the version of the BSC, you need to load the proper version for the base station. If
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Chapter 3 Alarms

the version of the base station is compatible with the version of the BSC, you need to check the route
configuration of CN user plane. If the route configuration of CN user plane is incorrect, you need to
modify the configuration. Otherwise, contact the next level of maintenance support.
If the alarm is reported that the cause of AIPB/BIPB board alarm is 4 or the cause of DRTB/TIPB
board alarm is 8, you need to check whether all VTCD boards and GLI boards are configured properly
and check whether the version is powered on properly. If there is anything wrong, you need to make
a modification. Otherwise, contact the next level of maintenance support.

3.4.21 198105051 The configuration of master and slave logservice

is inconsistent
Alarm Information

Alarm code: 198105051

Name: The configuration of master and slave logservice is inconsistent
Alarm severity: Minor
Alarm type: Processing error alarm

Alarm Description
When the active log server detects that its configuration data is not the same as that of the standby
log server, this alarm is raised.

Alarm Cause
The differences in the configuration data include:

The versions of the active and standby log servers are different.

The network interface channels of the active and standby log servers are differently configured.

The processes of the active and standby log servers are differently configured.

If the active and standby log servers are switched over, the new active log server after switchover
may fail to operate properly.

Contact the next level of maintenance support.

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3.5 Qos Alarm

3.5.1 198023296 Inter-board message communication flow rate
exceeds the alarm threshold
Alarm Information
Alarm code:



Inter-board message communication flow rate exceeds the alarm threshold

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Qos Alarm

Alarm Description
The communication flow rate in input and output directions of the control plane exceeds the alarm

Alarm Cause
The configured alarm threshold is less than the usual inter-board communication traffic in input
and output directions of the board control plane.

Packet of the control plane loss might occur. No impact on user service.

On NMS configuration management interface, check if the configured alarm threshold of
communication traffic in input and output directions of the board control plane is too low.
Recommended value: 0xffffffff(4096M).

3.5.2 198066069 The number of times of signaling data transfer

exceeds the allowed threshold of the license
Alarm Information
Alarm code:



The number of times of signaling data transfer exceeds the allowed

threshold of the license

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Chapter 3 Alarms

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Qos Alarm

Alarm Description
The number of times of signaling data transfer over threshold

Alarm Cause
The number of transfer that passes MTP3/M3UA/SCCP/SUA exceed the permission of license.

The data may be discarded in all MP boards.

Contact the related personnel and get proper license again.

3.5.3 198105044 The internal KPI of the logic board is abnormal

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



The internal KPI of the logic board is abnormal

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Qos Alarm

Alarm Description
The base station controller detects an abnormal internal KPI index in a logical board.

Alarm Cause

The program on the logical board is not operating properly.

The hardware of the physical board is faulty.

The internal key index of the logical board is abnormal, indicating that an abnormality occurs inside the
board. This means that the board cannot operate properly and services cannot be properly connected.

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Handling Suggestion
1. Check whether "The alarm reason" in alarm information is "the memory bank of the board which
the logic unit located is abnormal".
Yes -> Step 2.
No -> Step 6.
2. Check "Module number of the abnormal logic board", "Subsystem number of the abnormal
logic board", and "Subsystem number of the abnormal logic board" in alarm information. If the
setting of "Subsystem number of the abnormal logic board" is 65535, and if the setting of "Unit
of the abnormal logic board" is 255, query the module backup mode in the Configuration
Management window in accordance with the setting of "Module number of the abnormal logic
board". Otherwise, query the physical address in the Configuration Management window in
accordance with the settings of "Subsystem number of the abnormal logic board" and "Unit of the
abnormal logic board". Based on the physical address, Remove and reinstall the board memory
or replace the board memory with an operational one (refer to Replacing a Memory Bank), and
power on the board. Wait for three minutes, and check whether the alarm is cleared.
Yes -> End.
No -> Step 6.
3. Check "Module number of the abnormal logic board", "Subsystem number of the abnormal
logic board", and "Subsystem number of the abnormal logic board" in alarm information. If the
setting of "Subsystem number of the abnormal logic board" is 65535, and if the setting of "Unit
of the abnormal logic board" is 255, query the module backup mode in the Configuration
Management window in accordance with the setting of "Module number of the abnormal logic
board". Otherwise, query the unit backup mode in the Configuration Management window in
accordance with the settings of "Subsystem number of the abnormal logic board" and "Unit of
the abnormal logic board".
1+1 backup mode -> Step 4
No backup -> Step 5
4. Open the rack diagram in the [Status Management] window, perform the "Normal switch" or
"Forcible switch" operation for the faulty logical board. Wait for 15 minutes, and check whether
the alarm is cleared.
Yes -> End.
No -> Step 6.
5. Run the SET NORMALRESET command to reset the board in accordance with "Rack number",
"Shelf number", "Slot number", and "CPU number" in the alarm information. Wait for 15 minutes,
and check whether the alarm persists.
Yes -> Step 6.
No -> End.
6. Contact the next level of maintenance support.

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Chapter 3 Alarms

3.5.4 198087344 MSC overload control alarm at FUC mode

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



MSC overload control alarm at FUC mode

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Qos Alarm

Alarm Description
This alarm is reported if the BSC initiates flow control in "FUC control mode" upon receiving
"OVERLOAD" from the MSC through the A-interface.
The "FUC control mode" allows the base station to discard the access messages of some MSs as
required by the BSC.

Alarm Cause
The BSC receives "OVERLOAD" from the MSC.

Some new users fail to gain access to the system.

No action is required.

3.5.5 198087345 CPU overload control alarm at FUC mode

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



CPU overload control alarm at FUC mode

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Qos Alarm

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Alarm Description
This alarm is reported if the BSC initiates flow control in "FUC control mode" upon detecting that the
CPU load is above "GSM Logical Configuration(GBssFunction)"."Start limit of FUC flow control
for CPU overload(CpuFucCtlCpu)".
The "FUC control mode" allows the base station to discard the access messages of some MSs as
required by the BSC.

Alarm Cause
The system traffic becomes too high transiently.

Some users fail to gain access to the system due to the flow control automatically initiated by the
BSC. If the traffic is still excessive after flow control, the CPU load may grow further. In this case,
the system may break down.

1. Query "Flow Control Level" in the alarm details. If the flow control level is five or lower, wait for
three minutes, and check whether the alarm is cleared.
Yes -> End.
No -> Step 2.
2. Execute the BLK FUTRX or BLK CUTRX command based on "Site ID", "Bts ID", and "Trx
ID" to block some cells. In this way, the access of some users can be limited to avoid system
breakdown caused by further increase of the CPU load. Check whether the alarm is cleared.
Yes -> Step 3.
No -> Step 2.
3. Execute the UNB FUTRX or UNB CUTRX command to unblock some cells one batch at a time
based on "Site ID", "Bts ID", and "Trx ID". The alarm handling is completed.

3.5.6 198087346 Signaling point congestion control alarm at FUC

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



Signaling point congestion control alarm at FUC mode

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Qos Alarm

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Chapter 3 Alarms

Alarm Description
This alarm is reported if the BSC initiates flow control in "FUC control mode" upon detecting No.7
signaling point congestion on the A-interface.
The "FUC control mode" allows the base station to discard the access messages of some MSs as
required by the BSC.

Alarm Cause
The A-interface is congested with excessive No.7 signaling messages.

Some users fail to gain access to the system due to the flow control automatically initiated by the
BSC. If the traffic is still excessive after flow control, the signaling on the A-interface may be blocked
and services may be interrupted.

1. Query "Flow Control Level" in the alarm details. If the flow control level is five or lower, wait for
three minutes, and check whether the alarm is cleared.
Yes -> End.
No -> Step 2.
2. Execute the BLK FUTRX or BLK CUTRX command based on "Site ID", "Bts ID", and "Trx ID"
to block some cells. In this way, the access of some users can be limited to avoid A-interface
disconnection caused by further increase of the No.7 signaling load. Check whether the alarm
is cleared.
Yes -> Step 3.
No -> Step 2.
3. Execute the UNB FUTRX or UNB CUTRX command to unblock some cells one batch at a time
based on "Site ID", "Bts ID", and "Trx ID". The alarm handling is completed.

3.5.7 198087347 MSC overload control alarm at SYS mode

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



MSC overload control alarm at SYS mode

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Qos Alarm

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Alarm Description
This alarm is reported if the BSC initiates flow control in "system message control mode" upon
receiving "OVERLOAD" from the MSC through the A-interface.
The "system message control mode" allows the base station to deny the access of some MSs through
the system information broadcasted over the air interface.

Alarm Cause
The BSC receives "OVERLOAD" from the MSC.

Some new users fail to gain access to the system.

No action is required.

3.5.8 198087348 CPU overload control alarm at SYS mode

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



CPU overload control alarm at SYS mode

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Qos Alarm

Alarm Description
This alarm is reported if the BSC initiates flow control in "system message control mode" upon
detecting that the CPU load is above "GSM Logical Configuration(GBssFunction)"."Start limit of
system message method for CPU overload(CpuSysInfoCtlCpu)".
The "system message control mode" allows the base station to deny the access of some MSs through
the system information broadcasted over the air interface.

Alarm Cause
The system traffic becomes too high transiently.

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Chapter 3 Alarms

Some users fail to gain access to the system due to the flow control automatically initiated by the
BSC. If the traffic is still excessive after flow control, the CPU load may grow further. In this case,
the system may break down.

1. Query "Flow Control Level" in the alarm details. If the flow control level is eight or lower, wait for
three minutes, and check whether the alarm is cleared.
Yes -> End.
No -> Step 2.
2. Execute the BLK CELL command to block some cells based on "Site ID" and "Bts ID" in the
alarm details. In this case, the access of some users can be limited to avoid system breakdown
caused by excessive CPU load. Check whether the alarm is cleared.
Yes -> Step 3.
No -> Step 2.
3. Execute the UNB CELL command to unblock some cells based on "Site ID" and "Bts ID" in the
alarm details. The alarm handling is completed.

3.5.9 198087349 Signaling point congestion control alarm at SYS

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



Signaling point congestion control alarm at SYS mode

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Qos Alarm

Alarm Description
This alarm is reported if the BSC initiates flow control in "system message control mode" upon
detecting No.7 signaling point congestion on the A-interface.
The "system message control mode" allows the base station to deny the access of some MSs through
the system information broadcasted over the air interface.

Alarm Cause
The A-interface is congested with excessive No.7 signaling messages.

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Some users fail to gain access to the system due to the flow control automatically initiated by the
BSC. If the traffic is still excessive after flow control, the signaling on the A-interface may be blocked
and services may be interrupted.

1. Query "Flow Control Level" in the alarm details. If the flow control level is eight or lower, wait for
three minutes, and check whether the alarm is cleared.
Yes -> End.
No -> Step 2.
2. Execute the BLK CELL command to block some cells in accordance with "Site ID" and "Bts ID"
in the alarm details. In this case, the access of some users can be limited to avoid system
breakdown caused by excessive CPU load. Check whether the alarm is cleared.
Yes -> Step 3.
No -> Step 2.
3. Execute the UNB CELL command to unblock some cells in accordance with "Site ID" and "Bts
ID" in the alarm details. The alarm handling is completed.

3.5.10 198087350 CCCH overload control

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



CCCH overload control

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Qos Alarm

Alarm Description
This alarm is reported if the BSC detects the RACH load of a cell exceeds the threshold ("GSM
Cell Configuration(GGsmCell)"."CCCH load indication (RACH)(CcchLoadINDThs_0)"), or the PCH
load of a cell exceeds the threshold ("GSM Cell Configuration(GGsmCell)"."CCCH load indication

Alarm Cause
Too many MSs request to gain access to the CCCH.

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Some MS CS services under this cell fail to gain access to the system due to the flow control
automatically initiated by the BSC.

1. Query "Flow Control Level" in the alarm details. If the flow control level is eight or lower, wait for
ten minutes, and check whether the alarm is cleared.
Yes -> End.
No -> Step 2.
2. If the alarm occurs frequently, contact network optimization engineers to:

add CCCHs to the cell, or

expand the capacity of the overloaded cell, or

share the traffic.

3.5.11 198087506 NSE block alarm

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



NSE block alarm

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Qos Alarm

Alarm Description
This alarm is reported if the BSC detects that all NSVCs of an NSE are in the "block" state.

Alarm Cause

All NSVCs of the NSE are manually blocked.

Gb interface link is broken.

The PS service of this NSE is unavailable.

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1. Locate the alarm object in Status Management, and query the state of NSVC link. Verify that
the state is "manual block".
Yes -> Step 2.
No -> Step 3.
2. Execute the UNB NSVC command to unblock all NSVC links which are in the "manual block"
state and check whether the alarm is cleared in accordance with "SGSN ID", "NSE ID", and
"NSVC ID" in the alarm details.
Yes -> End.
No -> Step 3.
3. Check whether the following alarms exist:
198087352 NSVC's E1 failure alarm
198087465 NSVC's IP failure alarm
Yes -> Step 4.
No -> Step 5.
4. Handle the alarm, and check whether the alarm is cleared.
Yes -> End.
No -> Step 5.
5. Contact the next level of maintenance support.

3.5.12 198087507 SGSN is blocked

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



SGSN is blocked

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Qos Alarm

Alarm Description
This alarm is reported if the BSC detects that all NSVCs of an SGSN are in the "block" state.

Alarm Cause

All NSVCs of the SGSN are manually blocked.

Gb interface link is broken.

The PS service of this SGSN is unavailable.
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Chapter 3 Alarms

1. Execute the QRY NSVC command to query the state of this NSVC link and check whether the
state is "manual block" in accordance with "SGSN ID", "NSE ID", and "NSVC ID" in the alarm
Yes -> Step 2.
No -> Step 3.
2. Execute the UNB NSVC command to unblock all NSVC links which are in the "manual block"
state and check whether the alarm is cleared in accordance with "SGSN ID", "NSE ID", and
"NSVC ID" in the alarm details.
Yes -> End.
No -> Step 3.
3. Check whether the following alarms exist:
198087352 NSVC's E1 failure alarm
198087465 NSVC's IP failure alarm
Yes -> Step 4.
No -> Step 5.
4. Handle the alarm, and check whether the alarm is cleared.
Yes -> End.
No -> Step 5.
5. Contact the next level of maintenance support.

3.5.13 198087513 Board Ethernet port overload alarm

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



Board Ethernet port overload alarm

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Qos Alarm

Alarm Description
This alarm is reported if the BSC detects that the connection count of an Ethernet port on the BIPB
board exceeds the threshold (2500 routes).

Alarm Cause
The system traffic becomes too high transiently.

Packet loss may occur on the Ethernet port and the service quality is degraded.
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1. Wait for 2 hours, and check whether the alarm is cleared.
Yes -> End.
No -> Step 2.
2. Contact the next level of maintenance support. (It is recommended to add more BIPB boards for
capacity expansion.)

3.5.14 198087758 Manual User Access control alarm

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



Manual User Access control alarm

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Qos Alarm

Alarm Description
This alarm is reported if the BSC initiates flow control in "manual user access control mode".
"manual user access control mode" indicates that the network management system delivers flow
control parameters to the BSC and the BSC executes flow control unconditionally.

Alarm Cause
The "manual user access control" function is initiated.

Some new users fail to gain access to the system.

No action is required.

3.5.15 198087759 CPU overload control alarm at Paging mode

Alarm Information
Alarm code:


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Chapter 3 Alarms


CPU overload control alarm at Paging mode

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Qos Alarm

Alarm Description
This alarm is reported if the BSC initiates flow control in "paging control mode" upon detecting that
the CPU load exceeds the threshold ("GSM Logical Configuration(GBssFunction).CPU threshold of
paging flow control(CpuPagingCtlCpu)").
"paging control mode" indicates that the BSC discards some paging messages.

Alarm Cause
The system traffic becomes too high transiently.

Some users fail to gain access to the system due to the flow control automatically initiated by the
BSC. If the traffic is still excessive after flow control, the CPU load may grow further. In this case,
the system may break down.

1. Execute the BLK CELL command to block some cells in accordance with "Site ID" and "Bts ID"
in the alarm details. Limit the access of some users to avoid system breakdown caused by
excessive CPU load. Check whether the alarm is cleared.
Yes -> Step 2.
No -> Step 1.
2. Execute the UNB CELL command to unblock some cells in accordance with "Site ID" and "Bts
ID" in the alarm details. The alarm handling is completed.

3.5.16 198087773 CIC manual blocked alarm

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



CIC manual blocked alarm

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Qos Alarm

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Alarm Description
This alarm is reported if the BSC detects that the state of A-interface trunk circuit is manually blocked.

Alarm Cause
Trunk circuit of A-interface is manually blocked.

The blocked circuit cannot provide services.

1. Check whether the object is manually blocked by maintenance personnel.
Yes -> End.
No -> Step 2.
2. Locate the alarm object, and search the parent object "Trx(GTrx)". Check the parameter "TRX
Locate the carrier object, and search the parent object of this carrier "GSM Cell
Configuration(GGsmCell)". Check the parameter "GSM Cell Configuration ID(GGsmCellId)".
Locate the GSM cell configuration object, and search the parent object of the
GSM cell configuration object "Site(GBtsSiteManager)". Check the parameter "Site
Execute the UNB TS command to unblock this time slot in accordance with "Ts ID" in the above
three parameters and the alarm details. Check whether the alarm is cleared.
Yes -> End.
No -> Step 3.
3. Contact the next level of maintenance support.

3.5.17 198087774 BVC manual blocked alarm

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



BVC manual blocked alarm

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Qos Alarm

Alarm Description
This alarm is reported if the BSC detects that the state of BVC is manually blocked.
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Alarm Cause
BVC is manually blocked.

The blocked BVC cannot provide services.

1. Check whether the object is manually blocked by maintenance personnel.
Yes -> End.
No -> Step 2.
2. Execute the UNB BVC command to unblock this BVC in accordance with "SGSN ID", "NSEI",
and "BVC ID" in the alarm details. Check whether the alarm is cleared.
Yes -> End.
No -> Step 3.
3. Contact the next level of maintenance support.

3.5.18 198087517 Shelf overload control alarm at FUC mode

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



Shelf overload control alarm at FUC mode

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Qos Alarm

Alarm Description
This alarm is reported if the BSC initiates flow control in "FUC control mode" upon detecting inter-shelf
traffic overload in the system.
The "FUC control mode" allows the base station to discard the access messages of some mobile
phones as required by the BSC.

Alarm Cause
The system traffic becomes too high transiently.

Some new users fail to gain access to the system.
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1. Query "Flow Control Level" in the alarm details. If the flow control level is five or lower, wait for
three minutes, and check whether the alarm is cleared.
Yes -> End.
No -> Step 2.
2. Execute the BLK CELL command to block some cells in accordance with "Site ID" and "Bts ID"
in the alarm details. Limit the access of some users to avoid system breakdown caused by further
increase of the inter-shelf traffic. Check whether the alarm is cleared.
Yes -> Step 3.
No -> Step 2.
3. Execute the UNB CELL command to unblock some cells one batch at a time in accordance with
"Site ID" and "Bts ID" in the alarm details. The alarm handling is completed.

3.5.19 198087518 Shelf overload control alarm at SYS mode

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



Shelf overload control alarm at SYS mode

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Qos Alarm

Alarm Description
This alarm is reported if the BSC initiates flow control in "system message control mode" upon
detecting inter-shelf traffic overload in the system.
The "system message control mode" allows the base station to deny the access of some MSs through
the system information broadcasted over the air interface.

Alarm Cause
The system traffic becomes too high transiently.

Some new users fail to gain access to the system.

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Chapter 3 Alarms

1. Query "Flow Control Level" in the alarm details. If the flow control level is eight or lower, wait for
three minutes, and check whether the alarm is cleared.
Yes -> End.
No -> Step 2.
2. Execute the BLK CELL command to block some cells in accordance with "Site ID" and "Bts ID"
in the alarm details. In this case, the access of some users can be limited to avoid system
breakdown caused by further increase of the inter-shelf traffic. Check whether the alarm is
Yes -> Step 3.
No -> Step 2.
3. Execute the UNB CELL command to unblock some cells in accordance with "Site ID" and "Bts
ID" in the alarm details. The alarm handling is completed.

3.5.20 198087381 The time-slot of air interface blocked manually

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



The time-slot of air interface blocked manually

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

Qos Alarm

Alarm Description
This alarm is reported if the BSC detects that a timeslot of the air interface is manually blocked.

Alarm Cause
The timeslot is manually blocked.

The blocked timeslot fails to provide any service.

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1. Check whether the object is manually blocked by maintenance personnel.
Yes -> End.
No -> Step 2.
2. Locate the blocked timeslot in accordance with "Site ID", "Bts ID", "Trx ID", and "Ts ID" in the
alarm details, and execute the UNB TS command to unblock the timeslot. Check whether the
alarm is cleared.
Yes -> End.
No -> Step 3.
3. Contact the next level of maintenance support.

3.6 OMC alarm

3.6.1 198099806 Hard Disk Fault On Server
Alarm Information
Alarm code:



Hard Disk Fault On Server

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

OMC alarm

Alarm Description
Hard Disk Fault On Server.

Alarm Cause
Hard disk fault.

If another hard disk is available in the system, the alarm has no impact on the system. If
all the other available hard disks are faulty, the OMM cannot operate properly.

Replace the failed disk on field. Do not pull the whole board out or reboot it,the SBCX board must
be powered on. Loosen screws on the disk panel and then pull out the disk directly. Insert the
same model disk into the slot and then screw down. Do not replace the disk when the SBCX board
powered off.
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Chapter 3 Alarms

3.6.2 198099807 Master To Slave Database Sync Failure

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



Master To Slave Database Sync Failure

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

OMC alarm

Alarm Description
Master To Slave Database Sync Failure

Alarm Cause

Slave board is offline.

Link between master and slave board is down.

Database has error.


Change status between slave and master may be failed.

Data is different between slave and master. If change status successfully, data would be

1. Excute command 'ps -ef|grep java' in system command terminal. Check if process backup,
console and ftp is running.
2. System would occur error if anyone of them is stopped. Open a terminal window on the slave and
master, do the following to check for board connection problem:
a. Ping intranet IP address from master to slave continuously.
b. Ping intranet IP address from slave to master continuously.

Ping internet IP address from slave to master continuously.

If the ping is success

3. Check physical link between slave board and master board.
4. Do the following to check for slave board database problem: In sqlplus, using system user to
login database. If login successed
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5. Something wrong with database.
6. Make sure table space in database is enough.
7. Extend the table space.
8. Open a terminal window, execute command 'netstat' to make sure port of database in listening.
9. Deal with the database listening problem

3.6.3 198099808 Link Broken Between Master and Slave

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



Link Broken Between Master and Slave

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

OMC alarm

Alarm Description
Link Broken Between Master and Slave

Alarm Cause

Slave board is offline

Link between master and slave board is down.


Change status between slave and master may be failed.

Data is different between slave and master. If change status successfully, data would be

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Chapter 3 Alarms

1. Excute command 'ps -ef|grep java' in system command terminal. Make sure that process
backup, console and ftp is running.
2. System would occur error if anyone of them is stopped. Open a terminal window on the slave and
master, do the following to check for board connection problem:
a. Ping intranet IP address from master to slave continuously.
b. Ping intranet IP address from slave to master continuously.

Ping internet IP address from slave to master continuously.

If the ping successed

3. Check physical link between slave board and master board.

3.6.4 198099809 Back Card of SBCX Board Offline

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



Back Card of SBCX Board Offline

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

OMC alarm

Alarm Description
Back Card of SBCX Board Offline

Alarm Cause

Back card is not on shelf.

Back card connection is bad.

Back card does not work.

The network communication link between SBCX board and other device is broken.

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1. Check the back card is on the shelf.
2. Inset the back card again.
3. Replace the bad back card.

3.6.5 198099810 Slave SBCX Board Offline

Alarm Information
Alarm code:



Slave SBCX Board Offline

Alarm severity:


Alarm type:

OMC alarm

Alarm Description
Slave SBCX Board Offline.

Alarm Cause

Slave SBCX board is not on shelf.

The software of slave SBCX board runs abnormally.

The hardware of slave SBCX board is defaulted.

SBCX backup mode of master and slave can not work.

1. Check the slave SBCX board is on the shelf.
2. Check the software of slave SBCX board running status.
3. Replace the bad slave SBCX board with new one.
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Chapter 4

Table of Contents
198020291 Protocol stack process failed to initialize during power on ........................4-4
198018755 HDLC status changed..............................................................................4-4
198021329 LSDB Overflow ........................................................................................4-5
198021330 Configuration of OSPF mismatched .........................................................4-6
198021331 Failed to add the ospf route to the courier routing table............................4-7
198028231 Router ID not configured for OSPFv3.......................................................4-8
198028233 Configuration of OSPFv3 Mismatched .....................................................4-8
198020802 Conflicting IP address in subnet...............................................................4-9
198020803 Conflicting MAC address in subnet ........................................................4-10
198020804 Failed to generate static ARP from IP address.......................................4-11
198020805 ARP detect failed ...................................................................................4-12
198020806 ARP detect that the static ARP is not match...........................................4-13
198021837 Failure in adding dynamic routings.........................................................4-13
198021059 RIP Neighbor Configuration Errors.........................................................4-14
198021060 RIP Interface Authentication Errors ........................................................4-15
198021065 Incompatible RIP Version Number .........................................................4-16
198022598 Routers with Conflicting System Id Exist in Network...............................4-16
198022599 ISIS Message Authentication Failure .....................................................4-17
198018241 TCP Connection Aborted .......................................................................4-18
198018242 MD5 Verification Failure .........................................................................4-19
198018243 Wrong MD5 Message Abstract ..............................................................4-19
198028993 SCTP Primary Path Set Failed...............................................................4-20
198021584 Neighbor Hold Timer Expired .................................................................4-21
198021585 BGP Interface Down and Neighbor Link Broken.....................................4-21
198029760 DNS server inaccessible ........................................................................4-22
198030016 Ethernet link OAM event ........................................................................4-23
198000576 Loss of Frame on Trunk .........................................................................4-23
198000834 MCC is faulty .........................................................................................4-24
198001600 CPU resets on a board ..........................................................................4-25
198008005 Memory file buffer overflow ....................................................................4-26
198016193 SIG_IPI Forwards Service Messages Abnormally ..................................4-26
198017216 Error in MCS Multi-Core processor receiving configuration data from
DBS .........................................................................................................................4-27
198023106 Board self-check fails.............................................................................4-28
198023107 The board initialization failure ................................................................4-28
198023617 Configuration file is unusable .................................................................4-29
198003138 Board FLASH faults ...............................................................................4-30
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198003394 Start daylight saving time .......................................................................4-31

198003395 End daylight saving time ........................................................................4-31
198025664 Abnormal Half-Fixed Connection Changes ............................................4-32
198005441 Port status on internal media plane changed..........................................4-33
198005448 485 seriel bus link between CLKG/PWRD and OMP is broken...............4-34
198026176 Clock reference changed .......................................................................4-34
198026177 CLKG reference quality changed ...........................................................4-35
198026178 Clock work mode changed.....................................................................4-36
198026179 Clock source invalidation reason changed .............................................4-36
198005702 Trunk configuration is inconsistent with function of board .......................4-37
198005705 MCU resets abnormally .........................................................................4-38
198005708 The active/standby modules of PSN clock have changed over
198005710 The result of manual reference selection for SETS chip .........................4-39
198005711 Clock reference selection is being executed...........................................4-40
198005712 The manual select base will be run, please wait for the result ................4-40
198005713 APC chip's peripheral RAM has hardware fault ......................................4-41
198005715 PP2S source switched ...........................................................................4-42
198005718 Two master clock ports is directly connected..........................................4-42
198005700 DSP resets for abnormities ....................................................................4-43
198005701 Version Load Error.................................................................................4-44
198005714 No external clock for DSP ......................................................................4-45
198019777 APS switch over occurred ......................................................................4-45
198005188 UIM CS Changeover..............................................................................4-46
198005189 Notification of Active/Standby Changeover ............................................4-47
198005192 Board's Work Mode Unsupported ..........................................................4-48
198005193 Notification of the power on status of the basic process .........................4-49
198005194 Changeover of CS Optical Interfaces .....................................................4-50
198005956 Board Version Error ...............................................................................4-50
198005958 IDE Version Files Synchronization Information.......................................4-51
198005960 Version Fails to Be Switched..................................................................4-52
198005961 OMP Version Check Information ............................................................4-53
198005962 Patch version operate fail.......................................................................4-53
198011840 M3UA user office status change.............................................................4-54
198013888 ASP status changed ..............................................................................4-55
198013889 AS status changed.................................................................................4-56
198013890 Sigtran error message received .............................................................4-57
198013891 Sigtran notification message received ....................................................4-58
198013892 Allocate memory fail...............................................................................4-59
198014144 Association establishment failed ............................................................4-59
198014145 Association restart .................................................................................4-60
198005195 Board mix plug occurred ........................................................................4-61
198031040 ACL config failed....................................................................................4-62
198003649 Shortage of swap block resource ...........................................................4-62
198105001 Failed to get the table of configuration ...................................................4-63
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Chapter 4 Notifications

198105002 The route table is overloaded.................................................................4-65

198105003 Failed to handle DHCP message from other network .............................4-67
198105004 Failed to operate multicast group ...........................................................4-68
198105005 Clock difference of slave is large............................................................4-68
198105006 Slave losted external clock.....................................................................4-69
198105008 Bandwidth automatic adjustment is useless ...........................................4-71
198105018 Unable to save Performance File ...........................................................4-72
198105019 SLAVE memory check fail notification ....................................................4-73
198105030 OMP received data is not complete........................................................4-73
198105032 Transport Path Occupied BandWidth Overload ......................................4-74
198105033 Transport Path group Occupied Bandwidth Overload.............................4-75
198105040 The pluged board is inconsistent with the configuration..........................4-76
198105043 The slave's IPUDP configuration is modified ..........................................4-77
198105046 The log files on LogService board are unavailable .................................4-78
198105049 Saving the information of the dump slave...............................................4-79
198087360 BCCH Exchange Fail .............................................................................4-79
198087393 Ring state notification.............................................................................4-80
198087394 Intelligent power up/down preparation notification ..................................4-81
198087459 cell no gprs traffic inform ........................................................................4-82
198087469 abis route change inform .......................................................................4-82
198087353 NSVC deletion notification .....................................................................4-83
198087395 SNS Size process failure notification......................................................4-84
198087396 SNS Config process failure notification ..................................................4-84
198087466 NSVC's IP deletion notification...............................................................4-85
198087359 No access of BSC to MSC SPC.............................................................4-86
198087503 Baseband frequency hopping exchange for trx fail .................................4-87
198087504 Baseband frequency hopping exchange for trx restore...........................4-88
198087508 Block Successfully After Service released..............................................4-88
198087751 dbsapp no avilable PCU resource inform ...............................................4-89
198087754 Board back up .......................................................................................4-90
198087760 BTS master power recover notification...................................................4-91
198087761 BTS master power interruption notification .............................................4-92
198087762 After BTS mains power failure TRX terminated notification ....................4-92
198087772 Super Site Connect in ............................................................................4-93
198087798 Codec Fail .............................................................................................4-94
198087799 Cell intelligent power-on or power-down.................................................4-94
198087514 TRAU frame sync loss notification .........................................................4-95
198087515 BCCH Exchange Success .....................................................................4-95
198087516 Mute call detect......................................................................................4-96
198087519 Release dynamic association by force ...................................................4-97
198087520 Gb interface throughput exceed permissible value .................................4-98
198087338 TRX No Traffic .......................................................................................4-98
198087434 Cannot detect up or down TRAU notification..........................................4-99
198087339 BTS self maintenance inform ...............................................................4-100
198087477 site board cpu overload........................................................................4-100
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198087478 uplink user layer jam inform .................................................................4-101

198087479 downlink user layer jam inform.............................................................4-101
198087488 chp cycle adjust trau information..........................................................4-102
198087500 Radio Interface Synchronization ARF emendate Successfully .............4-103
198087501 Radio Interface Synchronization ARF emendate Failed .......................4-103
198087502 Site IP Address conflicted ....................................................................4-104
198087512 IDS Attack detecting ............................................................................4-105
198003137 Failed to operate file ............................................................................4-105

4.1 198020291 Protocol stack process failed to initialize

during power on
Notification Information
Notification code:


Notification name:

Protocol stack process failed to initialize during power on

Notification severity:


Notification type:

Equipment Alarm

Notification Description
Protocol stack process failed to initialize during power on.

Notification Cause
Physical memory is insufficient.

RPU board will reboot automatically after 10 seconds.

Ensure that the actual capacity of the physical memory is more than 1GB.

4.2 198018755 HDLC status changed

Notification Information
Notification code:


Notification name:

HDLC status changed

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Chapter 4 Notifications

Notification severity:


Notification type:

Communications Alarm

Notification Description
HDLC status changed

Notification Cause
1. This notification occurs when an HDLC is created.
2. The link is broken or recovered.

If the HDLC is the last available one in the UID,the service on the UID will be interrupted. If the HDLC
is not the last available one in the UID, the traffic on the UID will be reduced.

1.Check the settings of HDLC channel to see whether the E1/TI of this HDLC and its time slots are
accordant with the peer end.
2.Check whether the physical connection is correct.
3.Check whether the E1/T1 line is damaged.
4.Note down the statistic data of messages received and sent from the HDLC, and contact the
next level of maintenance support.

4.3 198021329 LSDB Overflow

Notification Information
Notification code:


Notification name:

LSDB Overflow

Notification severity:


Notification type:

Processing alarm

Notification Description
LSDB Overflow

Notification Cause
The LSDB (Link Status Database) overflows.
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LSA addition failure and LSDB synchronization failure

1.Configure route aggregation to reduce the number of LSAs. Check if the alarm is eliminated.
Y->If so, finish the alarm handling.
N->Contact the next level of maintenance support.

4.4 198021330 Configuration of OSPF mismatched

Notification Information
Notification code:


Notification name:

Configuration of OSPF mismatched

Notification severity:


Notification type:

Processing alarm

Notification Description
Failed to establish OSPFv2 neighbors

Notification Cause
Configuration mismatched, OSPF cannot run in normal.

Route learning and calculation failure

1.To modify the relevant configuration of OSPF and make them are coordinated. Check if the alarm is
Y->If so, finish the alarm handling.
N->Contact the next level of maintenance support.

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Chapter 4 Notifications

4.5 198021331 Failed to add the ospf route to the

courier routing table
Notification Information
Notification code:


Notification name:

Failed to add the ospf route to the courier routing table

Notification severity:


Notification type:

Equipment Alarm

Notification Description
Failed to add the ospf routes to the dynamic protocol routing table for overflowing

Notification Cause
Failed to add the ospf routes to the dynamic protocol routing table for overflowing

OSPF route lost

1.Check routes on RPU through the background to see whether there are any needless interface
addresses and static routes.
Y->If the unwanted IP addresses or static routes exist, delete the unwanted IP interface addresses
or static routes. If so, go to step "2".
N->If IP address is not configured on the interface, go to step "3".
2.Check whether the alarm is eliminated.
Y->If so, finish the alarm handling.
N->If not, go to step "3".
3.Reduce the quantity of its distributed route information through route aggregation on the peer router
and then check whether the local alarm is eliminated.
Y->If so, finish the alarm handling.
N->If not, go to step "4".
4.Record the detailed information.
1) Record IP address and static route configuration on the interface.
2) Record the dynamic route information. Contact the next level of maintenance support.

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4.6 198028231 Router ID not configured for OSPFv3

Notification Information
Notification code:


Notification name:

Router ID not configured for OSPFv3

Notification severity:


Notification type:

Equipment Alarm

Notification Description
OSPF3: not config router ID

Notification Cause
Router ID not configured for OSPFv3.

OSPFv3 Instance creation failure

1.Configure an IPv4 address for an interface (It is recommended to configured an IPv4 address for a
Loopback interface) , make it a Router ID, and then re-create an OSPF process. Check whether
the alarm disappears.
N->Contact the next level of maintenance support.

4.7 198028233 Configuration of OSPFv3 Mismatched

Notification Information
Notification code:


Notification name:

Configuration of OSPFv3 Mismatched

Notification severity:


Notification type:

Equipment Alarm

Notification Description
Configuration of OSPFv3 Mismatched
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Notification Cause
Cannot learn and calculate route.

Route learning and calculation failure

1.To modify the relevant configuration of OSPF and make them are coordinated. Check if the alarm is
Y->If so, finish the alarm handling.
N->Contact the next level of maintenance support.

4.8 198020802 Conflicting IP address in subnet

Notification Information
Notification code:


Notification name:

Conflicting IP address in subnet

Notification severity:


Notification type:

Communications Alarm

Notification Description
The Source IP in ARP packet is same with local IP address (include virtual address by ARP Proxy

Notification Cause
1. This network port is configured with the same IP address (including the virtual address in the same
network segment) as another host in the local network.
2. The peer-end switch that connects with this network port has a loop.

Board operation is normal. Communication network is faulty. All services on this port are down.

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When an IP address conflict occur, the NMS will display the conflicted IP address. Meanwhile, the
5-tuple information of the conflicted local port, as well as the conflicted MAC address of the external
device, can be detected.
1. Click Interface Configuration on the NMS Configuration interface to check the local interface
address. Modify the local interface address or the IP address of the conflicted external device.
Refer to the corresponding equipment maintenance manual to learn how to query the IP address of
external device.
2. The switch connected with the local port must have a loop if the following two conditions are
1) "20802 Conflicting IP Address" and "20803 Conflicting MAC Address in Subnet" concur;
2) Even though the local port IP address is changed, the two alarms still exist.
In this case, check whether there is a cable that connects both ports of the peer-end switch. If
yes, remove the cable.

4.9 198020803 Conflicting MAC address in subnet

Notification Information
Notification code:


Notification name:

Conflicting MAC address in subnet

Notification severity:


Notification type:

Communications Alarm

Notification Description
The Source MAC in ARP packet is same with local MAC address.

Notification Cause
1. The MAC address of this port is the same with another MAC address in the direct connect network.
2. Loop exists in the remote switch connected with this port.

Board operation is normal. The notification leads to packet lookup failure in Layer 2 forwarding table.
Then packet loss occurs and all services related to this port will be down.

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When an MAC address conflict occurs, the NMS will display the conflicted MAC address. Meanwhile,
the 5-tuple information of the conflicted local port, as well as the conflicted MAC address of the
external device, can be detected.
1. Modify the MAC address of the local port or the conflicted MAC address of the external device.
Find the conflicted local port according to the displayed 5-tuple information. Click Interface
Configuration on the NMS Configuration interface and select "MAC Address" to check and modify
the MAC address of the local port.
Refer to the corresponding equipment maintenance manual to learn how to query the MAC address
of the external device.
2. The switch connected with the local port must have a loop if the following two conditions are
1) "20802 Conflicting IP Address" and "20803 Conflicting MAC Address in Subnet" concur;
2) Even though the local port IP is changed, the two alarms still exist.
In this case, check whether there is a cable that connects both ports of the peer-end switch. If
yes, remove the cable.

4.10 198020804 Failed to generate static ARP from IP

Notification Information
Notification code:


Notification name:

Failed to generate static ARP from IP address

Notification severity:


Notification type:

Communications Alarm

Notification Description
Failed to generate static ARP from the newly added IP address,because the number of static ARPs
which generated by IP has reached the maximum.

Notification Cause
Failed to generate static ARP from the newly added IP address, because the number of static ARPs
which generated by IP has reached the maximum (each port up to 100).

The external device failed to communicate with the IP address from which no static ARP is generated.

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Delete some proxy addresses configured for virtual ports and re-configure IP address within the limit
of static ARPs.

4.11 198020805 ARP detect failed

Notification Information
Notification code:


Notification name:

ARP detect failed

Notification severity:


Notification type:

Communications Alarm

Notification Description
ARP detect failed

Notification Cause
When the switch of the ARP detecting enabled, NE can send ARP request packet with the ARP's
IP periodically, if NE can not receive the ARP respond packet during the set time, NE will report
this alarm information.

The communication will be interrupted possibly.

1. Please check the device's IP address configuration of the peer end, Please check the destination
IP address of the ARP request packet whether exist.
2. Please check physical link.
3. Please check the exchanger's VLAN configuration. The local port and the destination port must be
configured with the same VLAN ID.

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Chapter 4 Notifications

4.12 198020806 ARP detect that the static ARP is not

Notification Information
Notification code:


Notification name:

ARP detect that the static ARP is not match

Notification severity:


Notification type:

Communications Alarm

Notification Description
ARP detect that the static ARP is not match

Notification Cause
When the switch of the ARP detecting enabled, NE can send static ARP request packet with the static
ARP's IP periodically, if NE receives the ARP respond packet whose MAC or dot1q encapsulation is
not the same as static ARP's during the set time, NE will report this alarm information.

The communication will be interrupted possibly.

1. Please check remote device's MAC address.
2. Please check the switch VLAN configuration. The local port and the destination port must be
configured with the same VLAN ID.

4.13 198021837 Failure in adding dynamic routings

Notification Information
Notification code:


Notification name:

Failure in adding dynamic routings

Notification severity:


Notification type:

Processing alarm

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Notification Description
Failed to add routes to IP forwarding table for overflowing of the table

Notification Cause
Forwarding table overflow causes the failure in adding routes.

Dynamic route loss occurs.

1.Check routes on RPU to see if there are any needless interface addresses and static routes.
Y->If there are, delete the unwanted IP interface addresses or static routes, go to "2".
N->If IP address is not configured on the interface, go to "3".
2.Check if the alarm is eliminated.
Y->If so, finish the alarm handling.
N->If not, go to "3".
3.Reduce the quantity of its distributed route information through route aggregation on the peer router.
And check if the alarm is eliminated on the local.
Y->If so, finish the alarm handling.
N->If not, go to "4".
4.Record the detailed information.
1)Record IP address and static route information on the interface.
2)Record the dynamic route information. Contact the next level of maintenance support.

4.14 198021059 RIP Neighbor Configuration Errors

Notification Information
Notification code:


Notification name:

RIP Neighbor Configuration Errors

Notification severity:


Notification type:

Equipment Alarm

Notification Description
RIP neighbor configuration errors

Notification Cause
When adding a neighbor, the address of the neighbor mismatches with that of the interface.
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The dynamic route expected to be obtained from this neighbor fails to be established.

1.Check the address of interface to see whether it is in the same network segment with that of rip
Y->If so, go to "3".
N->If not, go to "2".
2.Check if the configured neighbor address is the network number or broadcast address.
Y->If so, go to "3".
N->go to "4".
3.Reconfigure the neighbor address to finish the alarm handling.
4.Contact the next level of maintenance support.

4.15 198021060 RIP Interface Authentication Errors

Notification Information
Notification code:


Notification name:

RIP Interface Authentication Errors

Notification severity:


Notification type:

Processing alarm

Notification Description
RIP interface authentication fail

Notification Cause
When the interface needs to be authenticated, the authentication code is wrong.

RIP messages cannot be properly received.

1.Check if the authentication types on the two ends are consistent. If not, go to "2". Y-> If so, go to "3".
2.Modify verification types on two ends as consistent ones. And Finish the alarm handling.
3.If the verification types are consistent, check if the verification keys are consistent, if so, go to "4". If
not, modify them as consistent ones. Finish the alarm handling.
4.Contact the next level of maintenance support.
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4.16 198021065 Incompatible RIP Version Number

Notification Information
Notification code:


Notification name:

Incompatible RIP Version Number

Notification severity:


Notification type:

Processing alarm

Notification Description
Refused to receive because of version incompatibility between interface and route update message

Notification Cause
The version number of the interface on remote device is inconsistent with that on local device.

RIP messages cannot be properly received.

1.Check if the version number of the interface on remote device is inconsistent with that on local
device. Y-> Go to "3". N-> Go to "2".
2.Reconfigure it and finish the alarm handling.
3.Contact the next level of maintenance support.

4.17 198022598 Routers with Conflicting System Id

Exist in Network
Notification Information
Notification code:


Notification name:

Routers with Conflicting System Id Exist in Network

Notification severity:


Notification type:

Processing alarm

Notification Description
Discover a router with conflicting system id with local
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Chapter 4 Notifications

Notification Cause
In ISIS instance configuration under protocol stack configuration mode, System-id has wrong

ISIS neighbor status fails to be established between the neighboring routers whose system IDs

1.Check system id configuration in ISIS instance on the router by show running config command
for conflict.
Y->Modify system id configuration in the instance, go to "2".
N->Contact the next level of maintenance support.
2.Check if the alarm is eliminated.
Y->Finish the alarm handling.
N->Please contact the next level of maintenance support.

4.18 198022599 ISIS Message Authentication Failure

Notification Information
Notification code:


Notification name:

ISIS Message Authentication Failure

Notification severity:


Notification type:

Processing alarm

Notification Description
ISIS Message Authentication Failure

Notification Cause
Message authentication modes or keys configured on the routers of the two ends are inconsistent.

The message that fails to be authenticated is omitted. The local router can not synchronize the
LSDB with the corresponding router.

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1.Find out the peer-end router according to system id in the alarm message.
2.Execute the show running config command locally and remotely. Check the routers on the two ends
in the displayed device running configuration to see if the protocol authentication modes in ISIS
protocol stack instance configuration are consistent (MD5/TEXT).
Y->Go to "3".
N->Modify the protocol authentication modes on the routers of the two ends as the consistent ones
and perform the interconnection operations again. Finish the alarm handling.
3.Execute the show running config command locally and remotely. Check the routers on the two ends
in the displayed device running configuration to see if the protocol message authentication keys in
ISIS protocol instance configuration are consistent (MD5/TEXT).
Y->Please contact the next level of maintenance support.
N->Modify the protocol authentication modes on the routers of the two ends as the consistent ones
and perform the interconnection operations again. Finish the alarm handling.

4.19 198018241 TCP Connection Aborted

Notification Information
Notification code:


Notification name:

TCP Connection Aborted

Notification severity:


Notification type:

Communications Alarm

Notification Description
TCP connection breaks down

Notification Cause
1. Network communication faults
2. The peer end shut down this TCP connection normally or abnormally.
3. Peer-end device faults.

The corresponding connection aborts.

Check if there is severe packet loss in physical link (It can be checked by ping command), and
handle physical link faults.
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Chapter 4 Notifications

4.20 198018242 MD5 Verification Failure

Notification Information
Notification code:


Notification name:

MD5 Verification Failure

Notification severity:


Notification type:

Processing alarm

Notification Description
No MD5 option in TCP packet head

Notification Cause
MD5 verification is not set for packets in application layer.

Application layer communication failure

Check MD5 encrypted option of the two ends of application layer. If an end does not set with MD5
encrypted option, then set MD5 encrypted option for this end. The application layer protocol includes
BGP and LDP.

4.21 198018243 Wrong MD5 Message Abstract

Notification Information
Notification code:


Notification name:

Wrong MD5 Message Abstract

Notification severity:


Notification type:

Processing alarm

Notification Description
TCP packet have MD5 option, but wrong MD5 message abstract

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Notification Cause
When application layer is receiving messages, MD5 cryptographic keys set on both ends are

Application layer communication failure

Set the same MD5 cryptographic keys for both ends of application layer. The application layer
protocol includes BGP and LDP.

4.22 198028993 SCTP Primary Path Set Failed

Notification Information
Notification code:


Notification name:

SCTP Primary Path Set Failed

Notification severity:


Notification type:

Processing alarm

Notification Description
Set Sctp primary path failed

Notification Cause
The remote IP of the SCTP primary path configured at application layer is not included in the local
address list of SCTP at opposite end

This notification informs user of the update failure of SCTP primary path. The primary path currently
in use is not affected. No impact on service.

Check notification details on the NMS Alarm Management interface to find the SCTP ID and the
primary remote IP address.
To use the primary remote IP address as the primary SCTP path, perform the following steps:
1. Add the IP address as an interface address at the peer-end equipment.
2. Add the "primary remote IP address" to the "local SCTP IP address" list.
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Chapter 4 Notifications

4.23 198021584 Neighbor Hold Timer Expired

Notification Information
Notification code:


Notification name:

Neighbor Hold Timer Expired

Notification severity:


Notification type:

Communications Alarm

Notification Description
Neighbor hold timer expired.

Notification Cause
1. The physical link is interrupted.
2. TCP connection is interrupted.

BGP session is disconnected.

1.Check if the network configuration is correct.
Y->Go to "2".
N->Configure correctly and finish the alarm handling.
2.Check if the interface network connection and network topology are correct.
Y->Please contact the next level of maintenance support.
N->Connect the port to the network correctly and finish the alarm handling.

4.24 198021585 BGP Interface Down and Neighbor Link

Notification Information
Notification code:


Notification name:

BGP Interface Down and Neighbor Link Broken

Notification severity:


Notification type:

Equipment Alarm

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Notification Description
BGP interface is down and neighbor link is broken.

Notification Cause
Message 'local interface is down' is received.

The session of the BGP neighbor on this interface is unavailable.

1.Check if the interface is activated (using show ip interface brief command).
Y->Please contact the next level of maintenance support.
N-> Go to "2".
2.Check if the port is connected to the network correctly.
Y->Please contact the next level of maintenance support.
N-> Connect the port to the network correctly. And check if the alarm disappears, if so, finish the
alarm handling.

4.25 198029760 DNS server inaccessible

Notification Information
Notification code:


Notification name:

DNS server inaccessible

Notification severity:


Notification type:

Communications Alarm

Notification Description
DNS server can't be accessed.

Notification Cause
DNS server makes no response, so the link may be broken or the DNS server is down.

DNS client does not work.

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Chapter 4 Notifications

1.Use command Ping to check whether the link between the network element which the DNS client
belongs to and the DNS server is available.
Y->go to "2".
N->Solve the physical link problem.
2.Check the status of DNS server to see whether it is listening at port 53.
Y->Contact the next level of maintenance support.
N->Solve equipment problem.

4.26 198030016 Ethernet link OAM event

Notification Information
Notification code:


Notification name:

Ethernet link OAM event

Notification severity:


Notification type:

Communications Alarm

Notification Description
The number of wrong frames or wrong symbols exceeds the threshold

Notification Cause
The number of wrong frames or wrong symbols exceeds the threshold.

Ethernet links can not transmit data credibly.

Check Ethernet link, receiver and transmitter of link.

4.27 198000576 Loss of Frame on Trunk

Notification Information
Notification code:


Notification name:

Loss of Frame on Trunk

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Notification severity:


Notification type:

Equipment Alarm

Notification Description
Loss of frame on trunk

Notification Cause
Since frequency difference might exist between trunk line clock and local receive clock, the trunk
receive clock is not synchronous with the transmit clock.

Momentary fault occurs to trunk data service or signalling channel. If fault occurs repeatedly, CS/PS
service might become unstable. Otherwise, service is not affected.

Check the clock synchronization status at both sides. If the status is unsynchronized, check if
LOL-related (loss of lock) alarm occurs in clock board. If yes, refer to the corresponding alarm Action.
Related alarms:
198026127 Clock reference source lost (Level 3 alarm)
198026128 Clock reference source lost (Level 2 alarm)
198026129 Clock reference source lost (Level 1 alarm)

4.28 198000834 MCC is faulty

Notification Information
Notification code:


Notification name:

MCC is faulty

Notification severity:


Notification type:

Equipment Alarm

Notification Description
MCC is faulty

Notification Cause
MCC Hardware is faulty.
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Chapter 4 Notifications

All MCC channels cannot transmit or receive data.

1. Unplug the board for 5 seconds, and plug it again after a full discharge.
2. Replace the board.

4.29 198001600 CPU resets on a board

Notification Information
Notification code:


Notification name:

CPU resets on a board

Notification severity:


Notification type:

Equipment Alarm

Notification Description
CPU resets on a board

Notification Cause
A CPU on a board at the shelf abnormally resets. The possible causes are:
1. User request CPU reset.
2. Board has reset itself due to fault.

The relevant services or communication links will be interrupted or disconnected. This alarm will be
recovered after the board is powered on normally.

1. Check the NMS operation log to see whether there is a manual reset record. If yes, no handling is
2. Replace the board.

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4.30 198008005 Memory file buffer overflow

Notification Information
Notification code:


Notification name:

Memory file buffer overflow

Notification severity:


Notification type:

Processing alarm

Notification Description
Memory file buffer overflow

Notification Cause
The transferred data records exceed the maximum capacity of the table, and the capacity of the
receiver memory file buffer is insufficient.

If the board is powering on, the excessive data records (beyond table capacity) are discarded.

Delete the excessive data records of the false table.

4.31 198016193 SIG_IPI Forwards Service Messages

Notification Information
Notification code:


Notification name:

SIG_IPI Forwards Service Messages Abnormally

Notification severity:


Notification type:

Processing alarm

Notification Description
SIG_IPI forwards service messages abnormally

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Chapter 4 Notifications

Notification Cause
1. Association is not configured on the SIPI board.
2. The hardware of the SIPI board is faulty.
3. Transmission network is faulty.

The SIPI board will restart, which may affect the normal data packet processing of the board, and
causes the services on the board unstable.

1. On the background, close the message exception detection of SIG_IPI forwarding service. In
this way, the board will not restart.
2. If an alarm appears when this function is enabled, check whether the signaling is configured
to pass through this board.
3. Check whether the transmission configuration and network are faulty.
4. If the problem still exists, replace the board.

4.32 198017216 Error in MCS Multi-Core processor

receiving configuration data from DBS
Notification Information
Notification code:


Notification name:

Error in MCS Multi-Core processor receiving configuration data

from DBS

Notification severity:


Notification type:

Processing alarm

Notification Description
1. The configuration data from OAM to RNC is abnormal (the configuration data from DBS are
2. Failure in adding a vital data table.

Notification Cause
1. The configuration data from DBS are exceptional.
2. Failure in adding a vital data table.

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It may cause packet forwarding problem since some vital data table is absent.

Check the data configuration, if there is a configuring error, correct it and reboot the board.

4.33 198023106 Board self-check fails

Notification Information
Notification code:


Notification name:

Board self-check fails

Notification severity:


Notification type:

Equipment Alarm

Notification Description
Board self-check fails

Notification Cause
Board hardware is faulty.

The board fails to power on possibly, and the service or communication link related to this board is

Replace the board.

4.34 198023107 The board initialization failure

Notification Information
Notification code:


Notification name:

The board initialization failure

Notification severity:


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Chapter 4 Notifications

Notification type:

Equipment Alarm

Notification Description
The board initialization failure

Notification Cause
Board hardware is faulty.

The board fails to be powered on. As a result, UE can not be accessed and existing services are

Replace the board.

4.35 198023617 Configuration file is unusable

Notification Information
Notification code:


Notification name:

Configuration file is unusable

Notification severity:


Notification type:

Processing alarm

Notification Description
The file which is used for restoring protocol configuration data is unusable.

Notification Cause
During the process of system power on, the DAT file obtained from VMM is unusable or the TXT
file which saves configuration data is unusable.

1. DAT file is unusable
This error will make the saved data unrestorable and unconfigurable if the configured data was
saved in TXT file.
2. TXT file is unusable
This error will make the saved data unrestorable.
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On NMS fault management interface, view the alarm details, which give the Additional Reason.
1. If it's the DAT file error, then we need to reload the file from VMM and switch to the new file.
2. If it's the TXT file error, then take the following step:
1)Get the TXT file from ""/DOC0/DATA1"" directory at RPU with File Manager method.
2)Open the TXT file and delete line ""[CRC_DATFILE]="" and ""[CRC_TXTFILE]="".
3)Transmit the modified TXT file.
4)Reboot RPU.

4.36 198003138 Board FLASH faults

Notification Information
Notification code:


Notification name:

Board FLASH faults

Notification severity:


Notification type:

Equipment Alarm

Notification Description
FLASH device initialization failed

Notification Cause
The flash on the board is damaged.

1. If the fault flash is on OMP board, the OMP board will fail to be powered on. If both master/slave
OMP boards have the flash fault, the entire system can not start up.
2. If the fault flash is on other board, the board can be powered on normally and there is no impact
on services.

Replace the board.

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Chapter 4 Notifications

4.37 198003394 Start daylight saving time

Notification Information
Notification code:


Notification name:

Start daylight saving time

Notification severity:


Notification type:

Equipment Alarm

Notification Description
System start daylight saving time

Notification Cause
Daylight saving time activated, clock changed accordingly.

No impact

No handling is necessary.

4.38 198003395 End daylight saving time

Notification Information
Notification code:


Notification name:

End daylight saving time

Notification severity:


Notification type:

Equipment Alarm

Notification Description
System end daylight saving time

Notification Cause
Daylight saving time is de-activated and the system is back to normal country clock.
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No impact

No handling is necessary.

4.39 198025664 Abnormal Half-Fixed Connection

Notification Information
Notification code:


Notification name:

Abnormal Half-Fixed Connection Changes

Notification severity:


Notification type:

Equipment Alarm

Notification Description
Half-fixed connection is changed abnormally

Notification Cause
1. Abnormal jitter occurs to the line clock of the shelf where the board is located.
2. The board is faulty.

TMD channel is interrupted momentarily, which may have a slight impact on services.

1.Check alarms and notifications to see if the alarm(s)/notification(s) related to input clock
exist(s).Related alarm(s) and notification(s) are listed below.
198026116 CLKG PP2S Output Clock Lost
198026127 Clock reference source lost (Level 3 alarm)
198026128 Clock reference source lost (Level 2 alarm)
198026129 Clock reference source lost (Level 1 alarm)
198026133 Clock Output Loss
2.Replace the faulty board.

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Chapter 4 Notifications

4.40 198005441 Port status on internal media plane

Notification Information
Notification code:


Notification name:

Port status on internal media plane changed

Notification severity:


Notification type:

Equipment Alarm

Notification Description
The status of the cascading port of the inter-media plane changed

Notification Cause
1. The connection between UIM/GUIM/GUIM2 and GLI is faulty.
2. The board is faulty.

The impact varies according to port status.
1. If the port status is "Master port invalid status" or "Master port abnormal", the master port fails to
forward inner media stream, and the services carried via the master port will be switched to the slave
port. If the slave port is also unavailable, services carried over the port will be interrupted.
2. If the port status is "Slave port invalid status" or "Slave port abnormal", services will not be affected.
However, the potential risk exists during master/slave changeover.
3. If the port status is others, services will not be affected.

Alarm details are displayed in NMS Alarm Management interface, where port status is given.
1. If the port status is "Master port invalid status" or "Master port abnormal", please solve the problem
according to the following Actions.
i. Reconnect the cable between UIM/GUIM/GUIM2 and GLI.
ii. Replace the optical module or cable used for the connection between UIM/GUIM/GUIM2 and GLI.
iii. Replace the UIM/GUIM/GUIM2 board.
iv. Replace the GLI board.
2. If the port status is others, no handling is necessary.

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4.41 198005448 485 seriel bus link between

CLKG/PWRD and OMP is broken
Notification Information
Notification code:


Notification name:

485 seriel bus link between CLKG/PWRD and OMP is broken

Notification severity:


Notification type:

Equipment Alarm

Notification Description
485 offline set fail

Notification Cause
1. 485 communication is interrupted.
2. The board is abnormal.

The configured clock reference/environment threshold fails to take into effect. There is no impact
on services.

1. Unplug and plug the 485 cable.
2. Replace the 485 cable.
3. Replace clock CLKG or environmental monitoring PWRD /fiber access TFI board

4.42 198026176 Clock reference changed

Notification Information
Notification code:


Notification name:

Clock reference changed

Notification severity:


Notification type:

Equipment Alarm

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Chapter 4 Notifications

Notification Description
Clock base changed

Notification Cause
The currently locked clock reference has changed.

System could not get the needed clock, which will cause processing abnormity related to the clock.

No need to handle.

4.43 198026177 CLKG reference quality changed

Notification Information
Notification code:


Notification name:

CLKG reference quality changed

Notification severity:


Notification type:

Equipment Alarm

Notification Description
CLKG frequence base quality changed

Notification Cause
Clock quality of the CLKG board has changed.

The system may not get the needed clock.

Check the quality of external clock source.

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4.44 198026178 Clock work mode changed

Notification Information
Notification code:


Notification name:

Clock work mode changed

Notification severity:


Notification type:

Equipment Alarm

Notification Description
CLKG work mode changed

Notification Cause
The clock work mode of the CLKG board has changed.

The system may not get the needed clock.

No need to handle.

4.45 198026179 Clock source invalidation reason

Notification Information
Notification code:


Notification name:

Clock source invalidation reason changed

Notification severity:


Notification type:

Equipment Alarm

Notification Description
Base invalid reason changed

Notification Cause
The clock reference becomes invalid.
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System could not get the needed clock, which will cause processing abnormity related to the clock.

No need to handle.

4.46 198005702 Trunk configuration is inconsistent

with function of board
Notification Information
Notification code:


Notification name:

Trunk configuration is inconsistent with function of board

Notification severity:


Notification type:

Processing alarm

Notification Description
Work mode difference with DB trunk configuration

Notification Cause
The board does not support the trunk configuration in the database.

The board resets automatically.

1.Check if this board configuration is correct.
Y->Go to "2"
N->Modify the board configuration and then restart the board to see if the alarm is still given: Y->
end,N->go to "2".
2.Replace the board with one that matches the configuration, and check if this alarm is still given.
Y->Please contact the next level of maintenance support.

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4.47 198005705 MCU resets abnormally

Notification Information
Notification code:


Notification name:

MCU resets abnormally

Notification severity:


Notification type:

Equipment Alarm

Notification Description
Error occurs during MCU running

Notification Cause
MCU Hardware is faulty.

CLKG_2 board is faulty.

Replace the alarm board.

4.48 198005708 The active/standby modules of PSN

clock have changed over successfully
Notification Information
Notification code:


Notification name:

The active/standby modules of PSN clock have changed over


Notification severity:


Notification type:

Processing alarm

Notification Description
The active/standby modules of PSN clock have changed over successfully

Notification Cause
It is triggered from the background.
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Chapter 4 Notifications


No need to handle.

4.49 198005710 The result of manual reference

selection for SETS chip
Notification Information
Notification code:


Notification name:

The result of manual reference selection for SETS chip

Notification severity:


Notification type:

Processing alarm

Notification Description
Prompts the subscriber to select the result of the benchmark manually

Notification Cause
After manual base switchover, man-machine command, or pressing panel button, clock board
performs base locking operation (at most for 2 minutes). This notification is to inform the user of
the operation result of manual base selection.

No impact on service.

No handling is necessary.

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4.50 198005711 Clock reference selection is being

Notification Information
Notification code:


Notification name:

Clock reference selection is being executed

Notification severity:


Notification type:

Processing alarm

Notification Description
If the last benchmark selection operation is being done and the corresponding result is not given, this
current benchmark selection operation will be cancelled and the corresponding notice will be reported

Notification Cause
If previous operation about clock reference selection doesn't finish and relevant result is not given
yet, the system will screen any new attempt to manually select clock reference. And in this case,
this notification is declared.

No impact on service.

No handling is necessary.

4.51 198005712 The manual select base will be run,

please wait for the result
Notification Information
Notification code:


Notification name:

The manual select base will be run, please wait for the result

Notification severity:


Notification type:

Processing alarm

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Chapter 4 Notifications

Notification Description
When the reference is selected with panel keys, the background sends this message to notify the
user that the command is being executed and ask the user to wait for the execution result

Notification Cause
The notification is declared after selecting base via panel button, to remind user that the base
selection is in process and to request user to wait for the operation result.

No impact on service.

No handling is necessary.

4.52 198005713 APC chip's peripheral RAM has

hardware fault
Notification Information
Notification code:


Notification name:

APC chip's peripheral RAM has hardware fault

Notification severity:


Notification type:

Equipment Alarm

Notification Description
The chip MTAPC64013E's RAM occur hardware error

Notification Cause
Board hardware is faulty.

The alarm board can not be used. ATM cell fails to be forwarded, and all board services are

Replace the alarm board.
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4.53 198005715 PP2S source switched

Notification Information
Notification code:


Notification name:

PP2S source switched

Notification severity:


Notification type:

Equipment Alarm

Notification Description
PP2S source switched

Notification Cause
PP2S (Pulse Per 2 Seconds) source is switched at both system clock and GPS receiver sides.

No impact on service.

GPS side PP2S has a higher priority. If PP2S is switched over from GPS-side to system-side, check
the GPS receiver and antenna feed status.

4.54 198005718 Two master clock ports is directly

Notification Information
Notification code:


Notification name:

Two master clock ports is directly connected

Notification severity:


Notification type:

Equipment Alarm

Notification Description
The network port connected with a master clock port in this board is a master clock port too

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Chapter 4 Notifications

Notification Cause
Two ports which are configured as synchronous Ethernet master clock port are directly connected.

If network connecting is normal, then there is no impact; if it is network connecting mistake, then the
port can not synchronize to the connected master clock port.

If network connecting is normal, there is no need to handle; if it is network connecting mistake, there
is need to reconfigure the clock port or reconnect the port.

4.55 198005700 DSP resets for abnormities

Notification Information
Notification code:


Notification name:

DSP resets for abnormities

Notification severity:


Notification type:

Equipment Alarm

Notification Description
DSP error

Notification Cause
1. DSP chip on the board that has alarm is faulty.
2. Board is faulty.

DSP is unavailable during reset, but will be restored to normal state after reset. During reset, cells on
the DSP are out of service, services on the DSP are interrupted, and call loss increases.

DSP resets automatically and abnormally.
1. If power-on is normal(the board has no alarm code 5399) after DSP reset, the board can be
restored to normal state.
2. If DSP resets repeatedly, replace the board or sub-card.
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4.56 198005701 Version Load Error

Notification Information
Notification code:


Notification name:

Version Load Error

Notification severity:


Notification type:

Equipment Alarm

Notification Description
Version Load Error

Notification Cause
The equipment is abnormal in the process of version loading, which falls into three cases.
1. The equipment fails to fetch the needed version.
2. Version loading to chip fails.
3. Chip hardware is faulty.

1. Microcode version loading fails, leading to repeated board reset and interruption of board services.
2. Firmware/single-chip computer version loading fails, leading to abnormal board operation and
interruption of board services.
3. DSP version loading fails. Cells on the DSP will be out of service. Services on the DSP are
interrupted, and the number of call loss increases.

On NMS fault management interface, view notification Details where "Loading corresponding alarm
information" is given. Locate the corresponding Action based on the given information.
1. Any of the following items displayed by "Loading corresponding alarm information" indicates that
the chip fails to obtain the needed version. On NMS software management interface, check the
configured version for the chip and version status. Ensure that the needed version is configured for
the chip and the version is actived. If the version is not actived, please active the version by the OMC
i. DSP6416 No.d : No Version Information
ii.DSP5402 No.d : No Version Information
iii. MC fail to get version information
iv. OCT6100 fail to get version information
v. M82620 : Index = d fail to get version information
2. If information other than the items listed above appears, refer to the following Action.
i. Reset board.
ii. Replace DSP sub-card.
iii. Replace board.
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Chapter 4 Notifications

4.57 198005714 No external clock for DSP

Notification Information
Notification code:


Notification name:

No external clock for DSP

Notification severity:


Notification type:

Equipment Alarm

Notification Description
No external clock for DSP

Notification Cause
The board does not provide external 16M or 8K clock for MCBSP interface of DSP, so DSP can only
use its clock which is not very steady, resulting in unsteadiness of DSP ping operation.


Check the clock.

4.58 198019777 APS switch over occurred

Notification Information
Notification code:


Notification name:

APS switch over occurred

Notification severity:


Notification type:

Equipment Alarm

Notification Description
APS switch over occurred

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Notification Cause
1. Optical interface is faulty.
2. In inter-board backup mode, the board gets fault.
3. Changeover operation is initiated by the opposite end.
4. In recovery mode, fault recovery time at optical interface exceeds 5 minutes.
5. APS changeover request/clearance is initiated by NMS.

During APS changeover process, the link is interrupted for 10 ~ 50 ms. Few packets may be lost, but
services won't be affected.

View operation & maintenance log to see whether there is a record, indicating an operator manually
initiates APS changeover request/clearance. If yes, no handling is necessary. If no, check whether
there is one of the following alarms. If yes, please solve the problem according to corresponding
Related alarms:
198001792 SDH/SONET fault
198005396 Exceptional Internal Media Plane Communication
198005378 Board HW Error
198005635 The board is not plugged firmly.

4.59 198005188 UIM CS Changeover

Notification Information
Notification code:


Notification name:

UIM CS Changeover

Notification severity:


Notification type:

Equipment Alarm

Notification Description
UIM CS domain switchover

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Chapter 4 Notifications

Notification Cause
1. Optical module signal loss occurs.
2. Board input clock loss occurs.
3. Bit error rate at the optical interface is high.
4. Lock loss occurs to the phase-locked loop.
5. Bit error rate on the master/slave interconnecting link of GUIM/GUIM2 board is high.

There is no impact on services.

Check if the following alarm occurs in local/opposite board. If yes, refer to the corresponding alarm
Related alarms:
198001286 Loss of input clock
198005639 High Error Rate of Optical Interface
198005646 Phase-locked Loop Unlocked

4.60 198005189 Notification of Active/Standby

Notification Information
Notification code:


Notification name:

Notification of Active/Standby Changeover

Notification severity:


Notification type:

Equipment Alarm

Notification Description
M/S switchover occurs on the board

Notification Cause
It is hardware system fault. The CS domain of the UIM switches over due to artificial operation.

The board whose changeover fails will reset automatically.
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1. Analyze the switchover reason according to the additional information about the alarm .If it is not
because of the system fault but due to control of MML command at the background or caused
by non-active/standby changeover, or the standby board does not exist physically, nothing would
be done for this alarm.
2. If it is because of the system fault, eliminate those alarms firstly.

4.61 198005192 Board's Work Mode Unsupported

Notification Information
Notification code:


Notification name:

Board's Work Mode Unsupported

Notification severity:


Notification type:

Processing alarm

Notification Description
The board working mode is not supported

Notification Cause
1. The work mode that the board does not support is configured on the background.
2. Such reasons as FPGA not loading cause that there are errors in setting the working mode for
the board.

Board master/slave backup function is disabled.

1. Check the configuration of board backup mode. If the configured backup mode is not supported by
the board, modify configuration or replace the board with one that supports such configuration.
2. Unplug and plug board. Reload FPGA version.

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Chapter 4 Notifications

4.62 198005193 Notification of the power on status of

the basic process
Notification Information
Notification code:


Notification name:

Notification of the power on status of the basic process

Notification severity:


Notification type:

Equipment Alarm

Notification Description
The basic process power on notification

Notification Cause
1. Board power-on is successful.
2. Board power-on fails or expires.

If it indicates successful powered-on operation, services will not be affected.
If it indicates failure powered-on operation, the services on the board will be unavailable.

Alarm details are displayed in NMS Alarm Management interface, where powered-on status (Board
poweron successful/failed/timeout) is given. You can easily find Actions according to the powered-on
The Actions for each status are described as below.
1. Powered on successful
No handling is necessary.
2. Powered-on timeout
Ensure that the board loads a proper version. The boards on a network element must use the
same version.
3. Powered-on failed
Ensure that the board loads a proper version. The boards on a network element must use the
same version.

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4.63 198005194 Changeover of CS Optical Interfaces

Notification Information
Notification code:


Notification name:

Changeover of CS Optical Interfaces

Notification severity:


Notification type:

Equipment Alarm

Notification Description
CS domain optical port has switched over

Notification Cause
1. The CS optical interface changeover is initiated on the background through MML command
2. The CS optical interface has faults and automatically switches over.
(GE interfaces are located on the upper half of the GUIM/GUIM2 board while the CS domain optical
interfaces are located on the lower half of it.

Data communication error of T Net occurs.

1. If it is because of artificial operations, this alarm occurrence belongs to normal situation and
there is no need to handle it.
2. Confirm if the indication light of the CS optical interface on the board which gives the alarm is off.If
the light is off, check if the fiber or light module has problems.
3. Check if the following alarm occurs in local/opposite board. If yes, refer to the corresponding
alarm Action.
1286 Loss of clock when input to board
5639 High error rate of optical interface
5646 Phase-lock loop unlock

4.64 198005956 Board Version Error

Notification Information
Notification code:


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Chapter 4 Notifications

Notification name:

Board Version Error

Notification severity:


Notification type:

Processing alarm

Notification Description
Periphery board request version info error or download / load version file error

Notification Cause
1. A board is in the slot which is not configured with any board.
2. Board version is unconfigured.
3. Board version has been configured, but version file does not exist or is damaged.

The board fails to obtain version, leading to abnormal board operation and access failure of board

1. On NMS configuration management interface (rack), view rack layout. Make sure that the board
configured is the same with the board plugged in the slot.
2. According to board type information in detailed notification, add and reload the right version.

4.65 198005958 IDE Version Files Synchronization

Notification Information
Notification code:


Notification name:

IDE Version Files Synchronization Information

Notification severity:


Notification type:

Processing alarm

Notification Description
IDE files synchronization information

Notification Cause
Synchronization of master/slave OMP version files occurs.
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1. IDE version file synchronization occurs between master and slave OMP (ROMB board). Service
will not be affected by synchronization result.
2. In the case of synchronization failure, partial loss of version file will occur to slave OMP

On NMS fault management interface, view notification Details where "Synchronization information" is
1. If synchronization information is "Failed to obtain file record during synchronization" or
"Synchronization failed", find the name of the version file in notification Details. According to the given
file name, locate on NMS software management interface the corresponding version configuration in
the version file database. Reload the version file to RNC NE. Delete the version file if it is not in use.
2. If synchronization information is others, no handling is necessary.

4.66 198005960 Version Fails to Be Switched

Notification Information
Notification code:


Notification name:

Version Fails to Be Switched

Notification severity:


Notification type:

Processing alarm

Notification Description
Switch version fail

Notification Cause
The slave board have some master processes when update the EPLD.

EPLD upgrade fails.

Switch some active functions (such as optical interfaces) to standby ones on the standby board
through MML command operation.Switch again after the operation.

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Chapter 4 Notifications

4.67 198005961 OMP Version Check Information

Notification Information
Notification code:


Notification name:

OMP Version Check Information

Notification severity:


Notification type:

Processing alarm

Notification Description
The version file recorded in DB is not exist or ompcfg.inf is lost.

Notification Cause
The version file in software version configuration does not exist in RNC NE.

1. If the non-existent version file is not in use, service will not be affected.
2. If the non-existent version file is the activated version, the corresponding board will fail to fetch
version during powering-on, leading to service access failure.

On NMS fault management interface, view notification Details where "Version file name" is given.
According to the given file name, locate on NMS software management interface the corresponding
version configuration in the version file database. Reload the version file to RNC NE.

4.68 198005962 Patch version operate fail

Notification Information
Notification code:


Notification name:

Patch version operate fail

Notification severity:


Notification type:

Processing alarm

Notification Description
Patch version operate fail
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Notification Cause
1. Patch version file and CPU version file do not match.
2. Patch version file does not exist in RNC NE.
3. The patch version file related to the patch does not exist in RNC NE.

Patch version activation fails. New functions of the patch version are unavailable. No impact on

1. If the patch version is not needed, delete the corresponding version configuration on NMS software
management interface.
2. If the patch version is needed, locate on NMS software management interface the version
configuration of patch version file and related patch version file in the version file database. Reload
the version files to RNC NE.

4.69 198011840 M3UA user office status change

Notification Information
Notification code:


Notification name:

M3UA user office status change

Notification severity:


Notification type:

Communications Alarm

Notification Description
M3UA user office status change

Notification Cause
1. User configuration of this office is changed.
2. Bottom-layer links are unavailable.
3. The signaling network management message from opposite end is received.

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Chapter 4 Notifications

If M3UA user office status changes from accessible to inaccessible, reception and sending of
messages from/to the office fail. Access of new services under the office fails, and abnormal release
of the ongoing service occurs.
If M3UA user office status changes from inaccessible to accessible, the system will return to normal

1. Check whether link interruption alarm occurs to the link/association. If yes, refer to the
corresponding alarm Action.
Related alarms:
198066011 MTP3 link unavailable
198066019 Association link broken
2. On NMS configuration management interface, check if the M3UA user is configured in the relevant
office. If no, add the configuration.
3. Locate the cause for office status change at opposite end.

4.70 198013888 ASP status changed

Notification Information
Notification code:


Notification name:

ASP status changed

Notification severity:


Notification type:

Communications Alarm

Notification Description
Inform of the change of ASP status

Notification Cause
1. Association status is changed.
2. ASP operation is performed at opposite end.
3. ASP operation is performed in dynamic data management at local end.

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If both "ASP status changed" notification and "8400384 M3UA office inaccessible" alarm occur at the
same time, new services can not be accessed to the office and existing services will be interrupted
If merely this notification is reported, services will not be affected.

1. Check whether association interruption alarm occurs. If yes, refer to the corresponding alarm
Related alarm: 198066019 Association link broken
2. Activate the ASP in dynamic data management.
3. Check whether ASP operation is performed at the opposite end.

4.71 198013889 AS status changed

Notification Information
Notification code:


Notification name:

AS status changed

Notification severity:


Notification type:

Communications Alarm

Notification Description
Inform of the change of AS status

Notification Cause
1. Association status is changed.
2. ASP operation is performed at opposite end.
3. ASP operation is performed in dynamic data management at local end.

If both "AS status changed" notification and "8400384 M3UA office inaccessible" alarm occur at the
same time, new services can not be accessed to the office and existing services will be interrupted
If merely this notification is reported, services will not be affected.

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1. Check whether association interruption alarm occurs. If yes, refer to the corresponding alarm
Related alarm: 198066019 Association link broken
2. Activate ASP under the AS in dynamic data management.
3. Check whether ASP operation is performed at the opposite end.

4.72 198013890 Sigtran error message received

Notification Information
Notification code:


Notification name:

Sigtran error message received

Notification severity:


Notification type:

Communications Alarm

Notification Description
Sigtran error message received

Notification Cause
1. AS configuration is wrong.
2. Protocol versions used at both sides are different.

The corresponding AS fails to be activated, causing M3UA office inaccessible. UE fails to
receive/transmit messages from/to the relevant office. New services can not be accessed to this office.

1. Check AS configuration to see whether the configured traffic mode at both sides are consistent. If
no, modify configuration to keep consistency.
2. APP server AS ID configuration must meet the following requirements. If ASP is configured for
local end, SGP should be configured for Opposite end. Vice versa. If IPSP client is configured for
local end, IPSP server should be configured for opposite end. Vice Versa.
3. Activate the ASP in dynamic data management.
4. On NMS configuration management interface (AS configuration), check if routing context and
routing context ID are configured. Ensure that the routing contexts configured at both ends are
the same.
5. On NMS configuration management interface, check whether the local ASP in service for AS is
configured. If no, add the configuration.
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6. Check the protocol versions used at both sides. Ensure that the protocol versions are the same.

4.73 198013891 Sigtran notification message received

Notification Information
Notification code:


Notification name:

Sigtran notification message received

Notification severity:


Notification type:

Communications Alarm

Notification Description
Sigtran notification message received

Notification Cause
1. Because association links are interrupted, the number of activated ASPs, associated to the serving
AS, is insufficient.
2. ASP is released in Dynamic Data Management so that the number of ASPs, associated to the
serving AS, is insufficient.

The number of ASPs associated to the serving AS is insufficient. If traffic is heavy, congestion or
packet loss may occur, leading to loss of calls and decreased PS call access rate. However, if
traffic is not heavy, services will not be affected.

1. On NMS configuration management interface (AS configuration), query ASP-related associations.
Check whether interruption alarm occurs in the association(s). If yes, refer to the corresponding
alarm Action.
Related alarm: 198066019 Association link broken
2. Reactivate ASP in dynamic data management.
3. Check whether ASP operation is performed at the opposite end.

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Chapter 4 Notifications

4.74 198013892 Allocate memory fail

Notification Information
Notification code:


Notification name:

Allocate memory fail

Notification severity:


Notification type:

Processing alarm

Notification Description
Allocate memory fail

Notification Cause
Memory is insufficient, that result in dynamic memory allocation failure when the processor is
powered on.

If Application Server/Application Server Process is not configured on this board, system will not
be affected. Or else process will be unstable.

1. Need to enlarge memory capacity of the alarming board and then restart the board.
2. If Application Server/Application Server Process is not configured on this board, then the alarm
should be ignored.

4.75 198014144 Association establishment failed

Notification Information
Notification code:


Notification name:

Association establishment failed

Notification severity:


Notification type:

Communications Alarm

Notification Description
Association establishment failed
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Notification Cause
1. Association configuration at both ends is inconsistent.
2. The same local address and port are configured for more than one association, but they adopt
different protocol types.
3. The IP address of interface board is faulty or the physical link is broken.

If several association links are available to the destination office, services will not be affected. In
the case of heavy traffic, link congestion may occur, leading to loss of calls and decreased PS
call access rate.
If merely one association link is available to the destination office, the office may become inaccessible.
UE fails to receive/transmit messages from/to the relevant office. New services can not be accessed
to this office.

1. On NMS configuration management interface, check association configuration at local end and
opposite end. Checking items include local IP address, local port No., remote IP address, remote port
No., and application property of SCTP association. If the association at local end is configured as
client, the association at opposite end should be configured as server. Vice Versa.
2. At local end, check whether the associations configured with different protocol types have the
same local IP address and local port No.. If yes, perform configuration modification to differentiate the
local IP address and local port No. of these associations.
3. Check protocol stack configuration at both ends to see if interface board addresses are in the same
network segment. If no, modify configuration to put two addresses in the same network segment.
4. Ping the opposite-end interface board address to see if the network cable or other intermediate link
is faulty. Replace the cable if ping fails.

4.76 198014145 Association restart

Notification Information
Notification code:


Notification name:

Association restart

Notification severity:


Notification type:

Communications Alarm

Notification Description
The peer end originated link reestablishment, and the association restarted.
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Chapter 4 Notifications

Notification Cause
The local end receives a link setup request but actually it doesn't detect a broken link. This causes
association restarts. Probable reasons are:
1. Relevant board at opposite end resets.
2. An association link is re-established at opposite end.

No impact.

No handling is necessary,wait association to restart

4.77 198005195 Board mix plug occurred

Notification Information
Notification code:


Notification name:

Board mix plug occurred

Notification severity:


Notification type:

Equipment Alarm

Notification Description
The PCB ID, BOM ID or physical board type is inconsistent between master board and slave board.

Notification Cause
1. The PCB ID is inconsistent between master board and slave board.
2. The BOM ID is inconsistent between master board and slave board.
3. The physical board type is inconsistent between master board and slave board.

Not support to mix plug into shelf, the board can't work normally.

Depend on PCB ID, BOM ID and physical board type of the self board and the mate board according
to the additional information about the inform, inquire "Board mix plug test conclusion.xls" and check
the two boards can mix plug into shelf? If yes ignore it, if not use the same PCB ID, BOM ID and
physical boar type please.
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4.78 198031040 ACL config failed

Notification Information
Notification code:


Notification name:

ACL config failed

Notification severity:


Notification type:

Processing alarm

Notification Description
ACL config failed

Notification Cause
BRS protocol processes ACL configuration data which synchronized by DBS from ACL offline
configuration failed.

The ACL configuration data will not take effect.

1. Check the ACL configuration type and error information from alarm inform.
2. Correct the ACL offline configuration data base on alarm inform.
3. Synchronize the ACL offline configuration data.

4.79 198003649 Shortage of swap block resource

Notification Information
Notification code:


Notification name:

Shortage of swap block resource

Notification severity:


Notification type:

Processing alarm

Notification Description
No available swap block

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Chapter 4 Notifications

Notification Cause
1. UB configuration is insufficient.
2. For the messages are not processed in time, UBs are occupied for too long time to be released

The link of communnication is broken and all the messages based on the link fail to be send.

Note down the alarm information and contact the next level of maintenance support.

4.80 198105001 Failed to get the table of configuration

Notification Information
Notification code:


Notification name:

Failed to get the table of configuration

Notification severity:


Notification type:

Equipment Alarm

Notification Description
The board fails to obtain the database configuration from itself or the OMP.

Notification Cause

The database table configuration is incomplete or wrong.

The channel over which the control-plane data is transmitted is not operating properly.

The effect on the system varies with the alarm cause. Detailed information is as follows:

Failing to obtain the IP segment reassemble board information.

This information is used to process the external fragmented IP packets arriving at the device.
If the information is missing, the processing of fragmented IP packets may fail, causing the
interruption of services or a decline of the service processing rate.

Failing to obtain the OMCB server configuration.

If the configuration is missing, the OMCB function may fail to be used.

Failing to obtain the signaling distribution table.

If the information is missing, the SCTP data may fail to be transmitted on the interface board,
and related services operating on the board are interrupted.

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Failing to obtain the IP/UDP distribution table.

If the information is missing, the processing of the IUPS service or the IP transport-based data
may fail.

Failing to obtain the layer-2 forwarding table.

If the information is missing, the internal communication of the device is not operating properly,
causing the interruption of all services operating on the board.

Failing to obtain the path configuration table.

For the ATM interface board, if the information is missing, the processing of the AAL2-based data
may fail, causing the interruption of the IUB, IUCS, and IUR services belonging to the office.
For the IP interface board, the traffic control on IP packets may fail, causing the interruption of
all services belonging to the office.

Failing to obtain the path group configuration table.

For the ATM interface board, if the information is missing, the processing of the AAL2-based data
may fail, causing the interruption of IUB, IUCS, and IUR services belonging to the office. For the
IP interface board, there is no impact on services.

1. Re-execute [synchronize all data], and check whether the notification persists.
Yes -> Step 2.
No -> End.
2. Check whether the following parameters are set as required in accordance with "Table name" in
the notification information.
IpUdpTbl: "Slave Sunit(UpSlaveSunit)"
PathGrpTbl: "Transmission Path Group(TrPathGroup)"

UMTS: "Iub Transmission Path(UIubTrPath)", "MGW Transmission Path(UMgwTrPath)",

"Iups Transmission Path(UIupsTrPath)", "Iur Transmission Path(UIurTrPath)", and "Iurg
Transmission Path(UIurgTrPath)"

TD: "Iub Transmission Path(TIubTrPath)", "MGW Transmission Path(TMgwTrPath)",

"Iups Transmission Path(TIupsTrPath)", "Iur Transmission Path(TIurTrPath)", and "Iurg
Transmission Path(TIurgTrPath)"

GSM: "Abis Transmission Path(GAbisTrPath)", "A Transmission Path(GATrPath)", "Gb

Transmission Path(GGbTrPath)", "Ater Transmission Path(GAterTrPath)", and "Iurg
Transmission Path(GIurgTrPath)"


UMTS: "CIR of Iub Transmission Path(UIubTrPathCir)", "CIR of MGW Transmission

Path(UMgwTrPathCir)", "CIR of Iups Transmission Path(UIupsTrPathCir)", "CIR of Iur
Transmission Path(UIurTrPathCir)", and "CIR of Iurg Transmission Path(UIurgTrPathCir)"

GSM: "CIR of Abis Transmission Path(GAbisTrPathCir)", "CIR of A Transmission

Path(GATrPathCir)", "CIR of Gb Transmission Path(GGbTrPathCir)", "CIR of Ater
Transmission Path(GAterTrPathCir)", and "CIR of Iurg Transmission Path(GIurgTrPathCir)"

TD: "CIR of Iub Transmission Path(TIubTrPathCir)", "CIR of MGW Transmission

Path(TMgwTrPathCir)", "CIR of Iups Transmission Path(TIupsTrPathCir)", "CIR of Iur
Transmission Path(TIurTrPathCir)", and "CIR of Iurg Transmission Path(TIurgTrPathCir)"

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Chapter 4 Notifications

IntfIpAddrTbl: check "Ethernet IP Interface(EthIpIntf)", "Ethernet IP Sub Interface(EthIpSubIntf)",

"Ethernet Channel IP Sub Interface(EthChIpSubIntf)", "Ethernet Channel IP
Interface(EthChIpIntf)", "IP Interface of ML-PPP Group(MlpppTpIpIntf)", "IP Interface of PPP
Link(PppIpIntf)", "Super Vlan IP Interface(EthSuperIpIntf)", "IPOA IP Configuration(IpoaTp)",
"Loopback IP Interface(LbIpIntf)", and "Virtual IP Interface(VIpIntf)".
ReassBrdTbl: Check "IP Configuration(Ip)". "IP Segment ReAssemble Default Unit(ref1Unit)" and
"IP Configuration(Ip)". "IP Segment ReAssemble Units(ref2Unit[])".
DhcpRoleTbl: check "DHCP Server(DhcpServer)" and "DHCP Relay(DhcpRelay)".
DataMuxTbl: check "IP Configuration(Ip)". "DeMux Port of RTP MUX (IuDeMuxUdpPort)" and "IP
Configuration(Ip)". "DeMux Port of UDP/RTP MUX (IubDeMuxUdpPort)".
SctpCfgTbl: check "Association(SctpAssociation)".
OmcbCfgTbl: check "Operation Maintenance Configuration(OmCon)".

UMTS: "Iub Link(UIubLink)". "OMCB Inner Service IPv4 Address(InnerOmcbCliIPv4)".

TD: "Iub Link(TIubLink)". "OMCB Inner Service IPv4 Address(InnerOmcbCliIPv4)".

GSM: "Abis Office(GAbisLink)". "OMCB Inner Service IPv4 Address(InnerOmcbCliIPv4)"


UMTS: "Omcb Path(UOmcbPath)"

TD: "Omcb Path(TOmcbPath)"

GSM: "Omcb Path(GOmcbPath)"

UdpUnitTbl: "UDP Port Configuration(UDPPORTNUM)"

PtpTbl: "PTP Interface Configuration(PtpPort)"
DhcpRelayTbl: "DHCP Relay(DhcpRelay)".
Yes -> Step 4.
No -> Step 3.
3. Modify the configuration as required, and check whether the notification persists.
Yes -> Step 4.
No -> End.
4. Contact the next level of maintenance support.

4.81 198105002 The route table is overloaded

Notification Information
Notification code:


Notification name:

The route table is overloaded

Notification severity:


Notification type:

Equipment Alarm

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Notification Description
The total number of routing entries that the user-plane board detects exceeds 90 percent of the
maximum number of routing entries that the board supports.

Notification Cause
Too many route entries are configured, reaching 90 percent of the upperlimit of the routing table (the
maximum number of routing entries that the VTCD board supports is 360, and the maximum number
of routing entries that the VTCD-2 board supports is 4096).


If the total number of routing entries does not exceed the maximum capacity of the routing table
on the user-plane processing board, services are not affected.

If the total number of routing entries exceeds the maximum capacity of the routing table on the
user-plane processing board, some routing entries are lost.

If the lost route is the route from the RNC/BSC to NodeB/BTS or to the CN, user services may
fail to be connected to the board.

If the lost route is destined to the peer RNC NE, the cross-RNC user services cannot be
connected to the board.

The SLA diagnostic test between the RNC and other NEs fails to be executed.

1. Check whether the following configuration is in accordance with actual requirements:
Routing table:"Static Route(StaticRoute)"
Interface table:

"Ethernet IP Interface(EthIpIntf)"

"Ethernet IP Sub Interface(EthIpSubIntf)"

"Ethernet Channel IP Sub Interface(EthChIpSubIntf)"

"Ethernet Channel IP Interface(EthChIpIntf)"

"IP Interface of ML-PPP Group(MlpppTpIpIntf)"

"IP Interface of PPP Link(PppIpIntf)"

"Super Vlan IP Interface(EthSuperIpIntf)"

"IPOA IP Configuration(IpoaTp)"

"Loopback IP Interface(LbIpIntf)"

"Virtual IP Interface(VIpIntf)"

Yes -> Step 3.

No -> Step 2.
2. Modify the configuration as required. Wait for five minutes, and check whether the notification
is cleared.
Yes -> End.
No -> Step 3.

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Chapter 4 Notifications

3. Contact the next level of maintenance support (it is recommended to re-plan routes and the
network topology).

4.82 198105003 Failed to handle DHCP message from

other network
Notification Information
Notification code:


Notification name:

Failed to handle DHCP message from other network

Notification severity:


Notification type:

Equipment Alarm

Notification Description
The DHCP server board fails to process a DHCP message.

Notification Cause

The peer IP address of the PPP link is not configured.

The operation and maintenance IP address of the RNC for the NODEB is not configured.

The DHCP client configuration fails to be obtained.

An error DHCP message is received.

The DHCP client fails to obtain the IP address.

1. Open the rack diagram, and identify the board type (interface board or non-interface board) in
accordance with the physical address in the notification information. Check whether the following
configuration is in accordance with actual requirements.
[non-interface board parameters]

"DHCP Client(DhcpClient)"

[interface board parameters]


"IP Interface of ML-PPP Group(MlpppTpIpIntf)". "Peer IP Address(PeerIpAddress)"

"IP Interface of PPP Link(PppIpIntf)". "Peer IP Address(PeerIpAddress)"

Yes -> Step 3.

No -> Step 2.
2. Modify the configuration as required, and check whether a new notification is reported.
Yes -> Step 3.
No -> End.
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3. Contact the next level of maintenance support.

4.83 198105004 Failed to operate multicast group

Notification Information
Notification code:


Notification name:

Failed to operate multicast group

Notification severity:


Notification type:

Equipment Alarm

Notification Description
The interface board fails to be added to the User Trace Multicast Group.

Notification Cause
The interface board fails to be added to the User Trace Multicast Group, which may be caused
by the abnormal communication with the control-plane channel of other control-plane boards or
the abnormal operation of the board.

The user tracing function of the interface board may fail to operate properly. There is no impact
on services.

Contact the next level of maintenance support.

4.84 198105005 Clock difference of slave is large

Notification Information
Notification code:


Notification name:

Clock difference of slave is large

Notification severity:


Notification type:

Equipment Alarm

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Chapter 4 Notifications

Notification Description
The user-plane board detects that the clock difference between the slave subunit and host exceeds
the threshold.

Notification Cause

The clock deviation between the slave subunit and host exceeds the threshold (default: 36

The crystal oscillator of the slave subunit or host is not accurate.

The board is writing the black box.

The services operating on the slave subunit may be interrupted.

1. Run the SET BLOCKSUNIT:MEID=,SUBSYSTEM=,UNIT=,SUNIT=; command in accordance
with "Slave Sunit" and the physical address in the notification information to block the slave
command to unblock the slave subunit. Wait for five hours, and check whether the notification
Yes -> Step 2.
No -> End.
2. Run the SET NORMALRESET command to reset the board in accordance with "Rack number",
"Shelf number", "Slot number", and "CPU number" in the notification information. Wait for 5
minutes, and check whether the notification is cleared.
Yes -> End.
No -> Step 3.
3. [Replace the board with an operational one], wait for five minutes, and check whether the
notification is cleared.
Yes -> End.
No -> Step 4.
4. Contact the next level of maintenance support.

4.85 198105006 Slave losted external clock

Notification Information
Notification code:


Notification name:

Slave losted external clock

Notification severity:


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Notification type:

Equipment Alarm

Notification Description
The user-plane board detects the loss of the external clock of the slave subunit.

Notification Cause

The clock channel between the clock board and user-plane board is not operating properly.

The clock board is not operating properly.

The hardware of the user-plane board is faulty.

The services operating on the slave subunit may be interrupted.

1. Run the SET BLOCKSUNIT:MEID=,SUBSYSTEM=,UNIT=,SUNIT=; command in accordance
with "Slave Sunit" and the physical address in the notification information to block the slave
command to unblock the slave subunit. Wait for five minutes, and check whether the notification
is cleared.
Yes -> End.
No -> Step 2.
2. Check whether an alarm arises on the clock board.
Yes -> Step 3.
No -> Step 4.
3. Handle the related alarm, and check whether the notification is cleared.
Yes -> End.
No -> Step 4.
4. Check whether other alarms arise on the board.
Yes -> Step 5.
No -> Step 6.
5. Handle the related alarms, and check whether the notification is cleared.
Yes -> End.
No -> Step 6.
6. Run the SET NORMALRESET command to reset the board in accordance with "Rack number",
"Shelf number", "Slot number", and "CPU number" in the notification information. Wait for 5
minutes, and check whether the notification is cleared.
Yes -> End.
No -> Step 7.
7. Replace the board with an operational one(refer to Front Boards and Rear Boards Replacement),
wait for five minutes, and check whether the notification is cleared.
Yes -> End.
No -> Step 8.
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Chapter 4 Notifications

8. Contact the next level of maintenance support.

4.86 198105008 Bandwidth automatic adjustment is

Notification Information
Notification code:


Notification name:

Bandwidth automatic adjustment is useless

Notification severity:


Notification type:

Qos Alarm

Notification Description
The base station controller that has the "Transmission CAC based on SLA-PM" function enabled
detects that bandwidth automatic adjustment is invalid.

Notification Cause
The base station controller cannot completely solve the loss of packets over the path after setting the
transmission path bandwidth to the smallest value.

The packet loss ratio of the path is larger than the reference value, which causes a decline of the
PS/CS service quality, the access failure, and service interruption.

1. Find the interface location in accordance with the network planning data and "ANE ID" in the
notification information, and check whether the physical cable connected to the interface is loose.
Yes -> Step 2.
No -> Step 3.
2. Secure the physical cable.
3. Wait for half an hour, and check whether the notification persists.
Yes -> Step 4.
No -> End.
4. Record the packet loss ratio in additional information of the newly reported notification, and
contact the next level of maintenance support.

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4.87 198105018 Unable to save Performance File

Notification Information
Notification code:


Notification name:

Unable to save Performance File

Notification severity:


Notification type:

Processing alarm

Notification Description
The OMP fails to store performance files.

Notification Cause
1. The log server is not operating properly, for example, the link between the log server board and
OMP is broken, the rear card corresponding to the log server board is offline, or the disk of the log
server has insufficient space.
2. The OMP is not operating properly, for example, the link with the OMM is broken. If the link
between the OMM and OMP is broken for more than eight performance statistics periods, the OMP
does not write performance files.

There is no impact on services. The performance statistics data may be lost, causing the performance
statistics results to be incorrect.

1. Check whether the following alarm arises:
198099803 Link Broken Between OMM and NE
Yes -> Step 2.
No -> Step 3.
2. Handle the related alarm, and check whether the notification persists.
Yes -> Step 3.
No -> End.
3. Check whether the following alarms or notifications arise:
198105037 Too high hard disk partition usage rate
Yes -> Step 4.
No -> Step 5.
4. Handle the related alarms or notifications. Wait for a performance statistics period, and check
whether the notification persists.
Yes -> Step 5.
No -> End.
5. Contact the next level of maintenance support.
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Chapter 4 Notifications

4.88 198105019 SLAVE memory check fail notification

Notification Information
Notification code:


Notification name:

SLAVE memory check fail notification

Notification severity:


Notification type:

Equipment Alarm

Notification Description
The user-plane board detects a memory soft check failure in the slave subunit.

Notification Cause
The software or hardware of the slave subunit is not operating properly.

The services operating on the slave subunit may be interrupted.

1. Run the SET BLOCKSUNIT:MEID=,SUBSYSTEM=,UNIT=,SUNIT=; command in accordance
with "Slave Sunit" and the physical address in the notification information to block the slave
command to unblock the slave subunit. Wait for five minutes, and check whether the notification
Yes -> Step 2.
No -> End.
2. Replace the board with an operational one, wait for five minutes, and check whether the
notification is cleared.
Yes -> End.
No -> Step 3.
3. Contact the next level of maintenance support.

4.89 198105030 OMP received data is not complete

Notification Information
Notification code:


Notification name:

OMP received data is not complete

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Notification severity:


Notification type:

Communications Alarm

Notification Description
The non-OMP board detects that not all of the performance data on the board is reported to the OMP.

Notification Cause

Too many measurement statistics task are executed at the same time, resulting in a large
amount of performance data on the non-OMP board. The data cannot be sent to the OMP
during the specified time.

The communication between the OMP and non-OMP board is faulty.

There is no impact on services. The performance statistics data may be lost, causing the performance
statistics results to be incorrect.

1. Check whether the following alarm arises:
198066004 Control plane communication is abnormal between MP and OMP
Yes -> Step 2.
No -> Step 3.
2. Resolve the related alarm.
3. Terminate part of performance statistics tasks that are not related to the KPI.
4. Wait for 15 minutes, and check whether the notification persists.
Yes -> Step 5.
Yes -> End.
5. Contact the next level of maintenance support.

4.90 198105032 Transport Path Occupied BandWidth

Notification Information
Notification code:


Notification name:

Transport Path Occupied BandWidth Overload

Notification severity:


Notification type:

Qos Alarm

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Chapter 4 Notifications

Notification Description
The base station controller detects that the bandwidth that is already allocated in the transmission
path exceeds the bandwidth upperlimit.

Notification Cause

The E1/T1 link is broken.

The transport quality of the transmission link is deteriorated.

The intermediate device is faulty.

The higher-priority service is forcedly accessed.

The available bandwidth to the destination address is smaller than the allocated bandwidth, the base
station controller selectively releases services over the transmission path to avoid congestions on
the transmission path.

1. Query the transmission path object in the corresponding office in accordance with "ANE ID" and
"Transmission path ID" in the alarm information. Check whether the "Transport BandWidth
Adjustment Switch based on IP SLA(IpBandAdjSwitch)" parameter of the object is set to
Yes-> It means that the "Transmission CAC based on SLA-PM" function is enabled, and the
transport quality of the transmission channel to the office is deteriorated or the intermediate
device is faulty. In this case, contact the maintenance personnel of the intermediate device to
resolve the fault. End alarm handling.
No -> Step 2.
2. It means a higher-priority service is forcedly accessed, causing the exceeding of the bandwidth
limit. In this case, no action is required, and end alarm handling.

4.91 198105033 Transport Path group Occupied

Bandwidth Overload
Notification Information
Notification code:


Notification name:

Transport Path group Occupied Bandwidth Overload

Notification severity:


Notification type:

Qos Alarm

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Notification Description
The base station controller detects that the bandwidth that is already allocated in the transmission
path group exceeds the bandwidth upperlimit.

Notification Cause

The E1/T1 link is broken.

The transport quality of the transmission link is deteriorated.

The intermediate device is faulty.

The higher-priority service is forcedly accessed.

The available bandwidth to the destination address is smaller than the allocated bandwidth, and
therefore the rate at which services operate over the path group decreases.

1. Query the "Transmission Path Group(TrPathGroup)" object in accordance with "Path group ID" in
the alarm information. If "E1/T1 Transport BandWidth Adjustment Switch(E1T1BandAdjSwit)" is
set to "1:(Open)", check whether the following alarms arise:
198000519 Trunk error
198000520 Trunk abnormal
198001792 Loss of SDH transmission link
198001825 High BER on SDH / Sonet link
198066029 PPP link broken
Yes -> Step 2.
No -> Step 3.
2. Resolve the related alarms, and end alarm handling.
3. It means a higher-priority service is forcedly accessed, causing the exceeding of the bandwidth
limit. In this case, no action is required, and end alarm handling.

4.92 198105040 The pluged board is inconsistent with

the configuration
Notification Information
Notification code:


Notification name:

The pluged board is inconsistent with the configuration

Notification severity:


Notification type:

Processing alarm

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Chapter 4 Notifications

Notification Description
The OMP detects that the actual board type (IBSC: UPPB/GIPI; RNC: RUB/GIPI) is not consistent
with that in the network management system.

Notification Cause
The actual board type is not consistent with the board type in the network management system.

The faulty board may fail to operate properly.

1. Check whether "Bsp pcb version" (SBTYPE) in the notification information is set as required.
Yes -> Step 2.
No -> Step 3.
2. Replace the board with an operational one (SBTYPE must be the same) in accordance with the
physical location in the notification information, and check whether the notification persists.
Yes -> Step 3.
No -> End.
3. Contact the next level of maintenance support.

4.93 198105043 The slave's IPUDP configuration is

Notification Information
Notification code:


Notification name:

The slave's IPUDP configuration is modified

Notification severity:


Notification type:

Equipment Alarm

Notification Description
The user-plane board detects a change of the IPUDP resource configuration in the slave subunit.

Notification Cause
The following IPUDP resource configuration is modified:

"UDP Port Configuration(UDPPORTNUM)"

"Slave Sunit(UpSlaveSunit)"

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Services operating on the slave subunit are released.

No action is required.

4.94 198105046 The log files on LogService board are

Notification Information
Notification code:


Notification name:

The log files on LogService board are unavailable

Notification severity:


Notification type:

Processing alarm

Notification Description
OMP detect the data on logservice are abnormal.
The causes include:

The log files on LogService board are abnormal.

The log data are lossed seriously.

Notification Cause

The software on logservice error.

The communication between the logservice and processing board is exceptional.

It does not have impact on the services, but the files can not be used by truble shooting and network

Please contact the next level of maintenance support.

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Chapter 4 Notifications

4.95 198105049 Saving the information of the dump

Notification Information
Notification code:


Notification name:

Saving the information of the dump slave.

Notification severity:


Notification type:

Equipment Alarm

Notification Description
This notification is raised when the user plane board detects that the slave subunit operates
improperly and starts to collect the error information.

Notification Cause
The slave works improperly.

The slave may become unavailable temporally.

No action is required.

4.96 198087360 BCCH Exchange Fail

Notification Information
Notification code:


Notification name:

BCCH Exchange Fail

Notification severity:


Notification type:

Processing alarm

Notification Description
This notification is reported if the BSC detects a BCCH switchover failure.

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Notification Cause

BCCH switchover is disabled.

Operations on the destination carrier frequency fails during BCCH switchover.

The destination carrier frequency is not available.

Voice and data services are not available in the cell.

1. According to the object reporting this notification, query the object "GSM Cell
Configuration(GGsmCell)", and check whether the parameter "BCCH switch
allowed(CanBcchExch)" is "Yes".
Query the global object "GSM Logical Configuration(GBssFunction)", and check whether the
parameter "BCCH switch allowed(CanBcchExch)" is "Yes".
Yes -> Step 3.
No -> Step 2.
2. Modify these two parameters to "Yes". Wait for eight minutes, and check whether the notification
is still reported.
Yes -> Step 3.
No -> End.
3. Execute the QRY TRX command based on "Site ID" and "Bts ID" in the alarm details to query
the state of all the carrier frequencies in the cell. Execute the UNB FUTRX or UNB CUTRX
command to unblock the carrier frequencies in "manual block" state based on "Trx ID". Wait for
eight minutes, and check whether the notification is still reported.
Yes -> Step 4.
No -> End.
4. Contact BS maintenance personnel to check whether carrier frequency-related faults occurred.
Yes -> Step 5.
No -> Step 6.
5. Ask BS maintenance personnel to remove the faults. Check whether the notification persists.
Yes -> Step 6.
No -> End.
6. Contact the next level of maintenance support.

4.97 198087393 Ring state notification

Notification Information
Notification code:


Notification name:

Ring state notification

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Chapter 4 Notifications

Notification severity:


Notification type:

Equipment Alarm

Notification Description
This notification is reported if the BSC detects the ring network status has changed. There are
three ring network statuses:

Switchover status

Normal connection status

Disconnection status

Notification Cause
The BS link is broken.

Services cannot operate properly.

No action is required.

4.98 198087394 Intelligent power up/down preparation

Notification Information
Notification code:


Notification name:

Intelligent power up/down preparation notification

Notification severity:


Notification type:

Equipment Alarm

Notification Description
This notification is reported if the BSC detects the intelligent power-on/power-off state of the carrier
has been changed.

Notification Cause
The BSC has changed the power-on/power-off state of the carrier.

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No action is required.

4.99 198087459 cell no gprs traffic inform

Notification Information
Notification code:


Notification name:

cell no gprs traffic inform

Notification severity:


Notification type:

Communications Alarm

Notification Description
This notification is reported if the BSC detects there is no GPRS traffic in a cell for one hour.

Notification Cause
Data service is not available for one hour in the cell.


No action is required.

4.100 198087469 abis route change inform

Notification Information
Notification code:


Notification name:

abis route change inform

Notification severity:


Notification type:

Equipment Alarm

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Chapter 4 Notifications

Notification Description
This notification is reported if the BSC detects that the Abis interface link changes from the satellite
link to the ground link or from the ground link to the satellite link.

Notification Cause

The Abis ground link of the satellite-backup site is broken.

The Abis ground link of the satellite-backup site is restored.


No action is required.

4.101 198087353 NSVC deletion notification

Notification Information
Notification code:


Notification name:

NSVC deletion notification

Notification severity:


Notification type:

Equipment Alarm

Notification Description
This notification is reported if a board detects that an NSVC link is deleted manually.

Notification Cause
An NSVC link is deleted manually.


1. Check whether the NSVC link is the one that should be deleted.
Yes -> End.
No -> Step 2.
2. Contact the next level of maintenance support.
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4.102 198087395 SNS Size process failure notification

Notification Information
Notification code:


Notification name:

SNS Size process failure notification

Notification severity:


Notification type:

Communications Alarm

Notification Description
This notification is reported if a board detects an SNS Size process failure.

Notification Cause
There is no response from the SGSN, or a failure response is received.

The NSVC link fails to be established.

1. Check whether the configuration of the following parameters of the object "IP Nse(GIpGbNse)" is
consistent with that of the SGSN.

"Nse ID(GIpGbNseSeq)"

"SGSN IP Address(SGSNIPAddress)"


Yes -> Step 3.

No -> Step 2.
2. Modify the parameter configuration for consistency with that of the SGSN, and check whether
the notification is cleared.
Yes -> End.
No -> Step 3.
3. Contact the next level of maintenance support.

4.103 198087396 SNS Config process failure

Notification Information
Notification code:


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Chapter 4 Notifications

Notification name:

SNS Config process failure notification

Notification severity:


Notification type:

Communications Alarm

Notification Description
This notification is reported if a board detects an SNS Config process failure.

Notification Cause
There is no response from the SGSN, or a failure response is received.

The NSVC link fails to be established.

1. Check whether the value of the parameter "Signaling Weights(SigWeight)" or "Data
Weights(DataWeight)" of the object "Local End Point(GIpGbLocalEP)" is not equal to 0.
Yes -> Step 3.
No -> Step 2.
2. Modify the signalling or data weight of the IP endpoint to a nonzero value, and check whether
the notification is cleared.
Yes -> End.
No -> Step 3.
3. Contact the next level of maintenance support.

4.104 198087466 NSVC's IP deletion notification

Notification Information
Notification code:


Notification name:

NSVC's IP deletion notification

Notification severity:


Notification type:

Equipment Alarm

Notification Description
This notification is reported if a board detects that an NSVC link in IP is deleted.

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Notification Cause
An NSVC link in IP is deleted.


1. Based on "NSVCI" together with "SGSN ID" and "NSEI" in the alarm details, check whether the
NSVC link is the one that should be deleted.
Yes -> End.
No -> Step 2.
2. Contact the next level of maintenance support.

4.105 198087359 No access of BSC to MSC SPC

Notification Information
Notification code:


Notification name:

No access of BSC to MSC SPC

Notification severity:


Notification type:

Processing alarm

Notification Description
This notification is reported if the BSC fails to obtain the MSC SPC.

Notification Cause
The BSC is not configured with the MSC office type.

All the services are interrupted.

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Chapter 4 Notifications

1. Configure the object "Adjacent Office Information(RemoteSp)" with "Type of adjacent
office(OfficeType)" of 512(MSCSERVER) or 576(MGW+MSCSERVER). whether the notification
Yes -> Step 2.
No -> End.
2. Contact the next level of maintenance support.

4.106 198087503 Baseband frequency hopping

exchange for trx fail
Notification Information
Notification code:


Notification name:

Baseband frequency hopping exchange for trx fail

Notification severity:


Notification type:

Equipment Alarm

Notification Description
This notification is reported if the BSC detects a carrier failure in a baseband frequency-hopping
group and automatically performs active/standby switchover.

Notification Cause
A carrier failure occurs in a baseband frequency-hopping group.


1. Execute the QRY TRX command based on "Site ID", "Bts ID", and "Trx ID" in the alarm details,
and check whether the status of this carrier is "manual block".
Yes -> Step 2.
No -> Step 3.
2. Execute the UNB FUTRX or UNB CUTRX command based on "Site ID", "Bts ID", and "Trx ID" in
the alarm details to unblock the blocked carrier Check whether the following notifications arise:
198087504 Baseband frequency hopping exchange for trx restore
Yes -> End.
No -> Step 5.
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3. Contact BS maintenance personnel to check whether carrier related faults occurred.

Yes -> Step 4.
No -> Step 5.
4. Ask BS maintenance personnel to remove the faults. The alarm handling is completed.
5. Contact the next level of maintenance support.

4.107 198087504 Baseband frequency hopping

exchange for trx restore
Notification Information
Notification code:


Notification name:

Baseband frequency hopping exchange for trx restore

Notification severity:


Notification type:

Equipment Alarm

Notification Description
This notification is reported if the BSC detects a carrier recovery in a baseband frequency-hopping
group and automatically performs active/standby switchover.

Notification Cause
A carrier in a baseband frequency-hopping group recovers.


No action is required.

4.108 198087508 Block Successfully After Service

Notification Information
Notification code:


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Chapter 4 Notifications

Notification name:

Block Successfully After Service released

Notification severity:


Notification type:

Processing alarm

Notification Description
This notification is generated if the network management system initiates cell/carrier/timeslot "Block
after service released" and the BSC performs one of the following operations.

The object is blocked after the current services are released.

The system initiates BCCH switchover when the BSC is waiting for resources to be released.
The object is blocked mandatorily.

The object is blocked mandatorily when the longest timer expires and the resources are not
released yet.

Notification Cause
The BSC performs the "Block after service released" function.

The blocked rescources cannot be used. The system capacity is decreased.

No action is required.

4.109 198087751 dbsapp no avilable PCU resource

Notification Information
Notification code:


Notification name:

dbsapp no avilable PCU resource inform

Notification severity:


Notification type:

Qos Alarm

Notification Description
This notification is generated if the BSC detects that PCU resources are insufficient when the cell
is selecting PCU resource.
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Notification Cause

PCU resources are insufficient.

PCU resources are faulty.

Some cells cannot provide data service.

1. On the rack diagram of Alarm Management, check whether an alarm exists on the UPPB board.
Yes -> Step 2.
No -> Step 3.
2. Handle the alarm. The alarm handling is completed.
3. Contact the next level of maintenance support.

4.110 198087754 Board back up

Notification Information
Notification code:


Notification name:

Board back up

Notification severity:


Notification type:

Processing alarm

Notification Description
This notification is generated if the BSC detects that switchover occurs on the BIPB board or the
LAPD board.

Notification Cause

The system performs switchover automatically due to a sub-unit fault.

The system performs switchover back automatically after the faulty sub-unit resumes normal.

Switchover is initiated manually.


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Chapter 4 Notifications

1. Execute the QRY SUNITSTATUS command to query the state of the corresponding sub-unit
and check whether the state is "fault" in accordance with "Sub system No", "Source Unit No",
and "Source sub unit No" in the alarm details.
Yes -> Step 2.
No -> Step 3.
2. Execute the SET DSPRESET command to reset this sub-unit upon the relevant RACK, SHELF,
SLOT configuration information in accordance with "Sub system No", "Source Unit No", and
"Source sub unit No" in the alarm details. Then, execute the QRY SUNITSTATUS command to
query the state of the corresponding sub-unit and check whether the state is "fault".
Yes -> Step 3.
No -> End.
3. Contact the next level of maintenance support.

4.111 198087760 BTS master power recover notification

Notification Information
Notification code:


Notification name:

BTS master power recover notification

Notification severity:


Notification type:

Qos Alarm

Notification Description
This notification is generated if the BSC detects that the master power of the base station is recovered.

Notification Cause
The master power of the base station is recovered.


No action is required.

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4.112 198087761 BTS master power interruption

Notification Information
Notification code:


Notification name:

BTS master power interruption notification

Notification severity:


Notification type:

Qos Alarm

Notification Description
If the BSC receives the "BTS master power interruption" message reported by the base station and
it waits for a moment (by configuring "Site(GBtsSiteManager)"."the delay time of master power
Off(MasterPwrOffTime)", and confirms that some carriers are powered off after the master power is
off, the BSC generates this notification.

Notification Cause
The master power of the base station is off.


No action is required.

4.113 198087762 After BTS mains power failure TRX

terminated notification
Notification Information
Notification code:


Notification name:

After BTS mains power failure TRX terminated notification

Notification severity:


Notification type:

Qos Alarm

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Chapter 4 Notifications

Notification Description
If the BSC detects that the master power of the base station is off and it waits for a moment (by
configuring "Site(GBtsSiteManager)"."the delay time of master power Off(MasterPwrOffTime)", and
confirms that some carriers are powered off after the master power is off and then waits for another
moment (by configuring ""Site(GBtsSiteManager)"."the delay time of Transceivers Off(TrxOffTime)"
before terminating all carriers except BCCH carrier, the BSC generates this notification.

Notification Cause
The master power of the base station is off.


No action is required.

4.114 198087772 Super Site Connect in

Notification Information
Notification code:


Notification name:

Super Site Connect in

Notification severity:


Notification type:

Qos Alarm

Notification Description
This notification is generated if the BSC detects that the Abis link of the super station is exchanged
(among the subaerial link, the satellite link or the standby link).

Notification Cause
The Abis link of the super station is exchanged.


No action is required.
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4.115 198087798 Codec Fail

Notification Information
Notification code:


Notification name:

Codec Fail

Notification severity:


Notification type:

Processing alarm

Notification Description
Codec Fail

Notification Cause
Codec Fail

No impact on the IBSC.

Check cell configration, make sure that Number of Neighbour Cells and ARFCNs in BA/CA list is
suitable. If it's too many, delete some of them. Reconfigure the cell.

4.116 198087799 Cell intelligent power-on or

Notification Information
Notification code:


Notification name:

Cell intelligent power-on or power-down

Notification severity:


Notification type:

Processing alarm

Notification Description
This notification is generated if the BSC detects the power-on/power-off state of the cell's BCCH
carrier has been changed.
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Chapter 4 Notifications

Notification Cause
The BSC has changed the power-on/power-off state of the cell's BCCH carrier.


No action is required.

4.117 198087514 TRAU frame sync loss notification

Notification Information
Notification code:


Notification name:

TRAU frame sync loss notification

Notification severity:


Notification type:

Communications Alarm

Notification Description
This notification is generated if the BSC detects that TRAU frame alignment loss occurs on a voice
channel for a long time.

Notification Cause
The transmission quality of this channel is poor.


No action is required.

4.118 198087515 BCCH Exchange Success

Notification Information
Notification code:


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Notification name:

BCCH Exchange Success

Notification severity:


Notification type:

Processing alarm

Notification Description
This notification is generated if the BSC detects BCCH switchover success.

Notification Cause
BCCH switchover is successful.


No action is required.

4.119 198087516 Mute call detect

Notification Information
Notification code:


Notification name:

Mute call detect

Notification severity:


Notification type:

Communications Alarm

Notification Description
This notification is generated if the BSC detects that packet loss occurs on a voice channel for a
long time.

Notification Cause
For a long time, voice data cannot be detected on this channel.

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Chapter 4 Notifications

No action is required.

4.120 198087519 Release dynamic association by force

Notification Information
Notification code:


Notification name:

Release dynamic association by force

Notification severity:


Notification type:

Communications Alarm

Notification Description
This notification is reported if the BSC automatically releases a detected illegal dynamic association.

Notification Cause

More than two dynamic associations are established between the BSC and a base station.

A conflict of local port number occurs between the new dynamic association and an existing
association (master or slave) due to incorrect association configuration at the base station side.

The association establishment on the Abis interface of the base station may be influenced.

1. Locate the base station and its site ID in accordance with "peer IP address" and "peer port
ID" in the alarm details, and check whether more than two associations are configured at the
base station side.
Yes -> Step 2.
No -> Step 3.
2. Delete the extra associations. Check whether the notification persists.
Yes -> Step 3.
No -> End.
3. View the association configuration at the base station side, and check whether the local port
number of the association is configured to the site ID of the base station.
Yes -> Step 5.
No -> Step 4.
4. Modify the configuration at the base station side, and configure the local port number to that of
the base station. Check whether the notification persists.
Yes -> Step 5.
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No -> End.
5. Contact the next level of maintenance support.

4.121 198087520 Gb interface throughput exceed

permissible value
Notification Information
Notification code:


Notification name:

Gb interface throughput exceed permissible value

Notification severity:


Notification type:

Qos Alarm

Notification Description
This alarm is reported if a board detects that the throughput of a Gb interface exceeds the permissible

Notification Cause
The throughput of the Gb interface exceeds the configured permissible value continuously for several
times due to high PS traffic.

Some users fail to gain access to the system due to the automatically initiated flow control.

The BSC will implement flow control automatically. Observing notifications is required without the
need of further operation. The capacity can be expanded if an increase of the upper limit of Gb
interface throughput is required.

4.122 198087338 TRX No Traffic

Notification Information
Notification code:


Notification name:

TRX No Traffic

Notification severity:


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Chapter 4 Notifications

Notification type:

Communications Alarm

Notification Description

Notification Cause
Cell No Traffic



4.123 198087434 Cannot detect up or down TRAU

Notification Information
Notification code:


Notification name:

Cannot detect up or down TRAU notification

Notification severity:


Notification type:

Communications Alarm

Notification Description

Notification Cause
Cannot detect up or down TRAU


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4.124 198087339 BTS self maintenance inform

Notification Information
Notification code:


Notification name:

BTS self maintenance inform

Notification severity:


Notification type:

Equipment Alarm

Notification Description

Notification Cause
BTS Board Reboot



4.125 198087477 site board cpu overload

Notification Information
Notification code:


Notification name:

site board cpu overload

Notification severity:


Notification type:

Equipment Alarm

Notification Description

Notification Cause
CMB/DTPU/FIB CPU usage rate over 80%
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Chapter 4 Notifications



4.126 198087478 uplink user layer jam inform

Notification Information
Notification code:


Notification name:

uplink user layer jam inform

Notification severity:


Notification type:

Communications Alarm

Notification Description

Notification Cause
Uplink data in user layer is jaming


1) Modify to static channel, reserve not more than 4 channels for PS.
2) If 16 channels of 2 TRX all for PS, modify to static coding mode, and coding mode should Less
than MCS6. If EDGE not work, this restrict is not exist.

4.127 198087479 downlink user layer jam inform

Notification Information
Notification code:


Notification name:

downlink user layer jam inform

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Notification severity:


Notification type:

Communications Alarm

Notification Description

Notification Cause
Downlink data in user layer is jaming


1) Modify to static channel, reserve not more than 4 channels for PS.
2)If 16 channels of 2 TRX all for PS, modify to static coding mode, and coding mode should Less than
MCS6. If EDGE not work, this restrict is not exist.

4.128 198087488 chp cycle adjust trau information

Notification Information
Notification code:


Notification name:

chp cycle adjust trau information

Notification severity:


Notification type:

Communications Alarm

Notification Description

Notification Cause
13MHz clock of Um is unsynchronized with HW 8K clock on DTRU.

CS and PS performance may be degraded.

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Chapter 4 Notifications

In E1 Abis mode, be sure 'clock synchronization' is network synchronization.

4.129 198087500 Radio Interface Synchronization ARF

emendate Successfully
Notification Information
Notification code:


Notification name:

Radio Interface Synchronization ARF emendate Successfully

Notification severity:


Notification type:

Communications Alarm

Notification Description

Notification Cause
Search Radio Interface Synchronization Successfully.


Check the display of the value of ARFCN at OMM.

4.130 198087501 Radio Interface Synchronization ARF

emendate Failed
Notification Information
Notification code:


Notification name:

Radio Interface Synchronization ARF emendate Failed

Notification severity:


Notification type:

Communications Alarm

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Notification Description

Notification Cause
Search Radio Interface Synchronization Failed.

26 M frequency deviation correction fails to be executed.

Check the reason of failure at iOMCR:
0x01 No suitable Arfcn
0x02 Radio Synchronization failed
0x03 Other.

4.131 198087502 Site IP Address conflicted

Notification Information
Notification code:


Notification name:

Site IP Address conflicted

Notification severity:


Notification type:

Equipment Alarm

Notification Description

Notification Cause
Site IP Conflict

The site fails to operate properly.

Remodify the IP of site
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Chapter 4 Notifications

4.132 198087512 IDS Attack detecting

Notification Information
Notification code:


Notification name:

IDS Attack detecting

Notification severity:


Notification type:

Communications Alarm

Notification Description

Notification Cause
IDS detecting the network attacking



4.133 198003137 Failed to operate file

Notification Information

Notification code: 198003137

Name: Failed to operate file
Notification severity: Minor
Notification type: Processing error alarm

Notification Description
Failed to operate on file system.

Alarm Cause
This alarm may result from disk damage, disk fullness, and operation of out-of-date file descriptors.

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System impact analysis is based on additional information.

Note down the alarm information and contact the next level of maintenance support.

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- Asynchronous Transfer Mode
- Broadcast Control Channel
- Backward Explicit Congestion Notification
- Base Station
- Base Station Controller
- Base Transceiver Station
- BSSGP Virtual Connection
- Common Control Channel
- Control plane HUB
- Call Me Back
- Core Network
- Central Processing Unit
- Circuit Switched
- Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol
- Element Management System
- Frame Relay
- GE IP Interface
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- General Packet Radio Service
- Global System for Mobile Communications
- Graphical User Interface
- Key Performance Index
- Lightweight Directory Access Protocol
- Link Access Procedure for D-channel
- Managed Object
- Managed Object Class
- Mobile Station
- Mobile Switching Center
- Network Data Service
- Network Element
- Network Service Entity
- Network Service Virtual Connection
- Operation & Maintenance Center for Node B
- Operation & Maintenance Module
- Operation & Maintenance Processor
- Operation & maintenance Main Processor
- Paging Channel
SJ-20140527134815-015|2015-03-31 (R1.1)

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- Pulse Code Modulation
- Packet Control Unit
- Point to Point Protocol
- Packet Switched
- Random Access Channel
- Radio Network Controller
- RNC User Plane Board
- X86 Single Board Computer
- Stream Control Transmission Protocol
- Serving GPRS Support Node
- Service Level Agreement
- Subnetwork Service
- Signaling Point Code
- Time Division
- Trunk HUB
- Transcoder Rate Adaptor Unit
- Transceiver
- User Datagram Protocol
- Universal Interface Module
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ZXG10 iBSC Alarm and Notification Handling Reference

- Universal Mobile Telecommunication System
- Voice Transcoder Card based on DSP

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