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Michaela Cross

Friday November 4, 2016

Block 3 Journalism
Instruction time: 1 hour 30 minutes

W.1112.5 Develop and strengthen writing as needed by planning, revising, editing, rewriting, or
trying a new approach, focusing on addressing what is most significant for a specific purpose and
audience. (Editing for conventions should demonstrate command of Language standards 13 up
to and including grades 1112.)
21.912.ES.2 Essential Concept and/or Skill: Adapt to various roles and responsibilities and work
flexibly in climates of ambiguity and changing priorities. Adapt to varied roles, responsibilities,
and expectations

Learning Objectives:

Students will peer edit their feature news stories.


Students are in groups, so they are able to read, discuss and visualize information using each

The edits are done in colors so they can specifically go back and read about what had
been changed.
Students put numbers next to their edits for those who have trouble with colors.

Editing worksheets (30 copies)

Colored Pens (blue, black, red, green, purple, pink)

Instructional method(s) used in this lesson:

Short lecture
Watch video
Small group/Revision
Individual work time

Lesson Sequence:

Large Group (Introduction): Ask students to stand up if they feel like grammar is something they
are comfortable with. Have them sit down. Students stand up if vocabulary is something they are
strong in. Then, spelling. Then writing papers. Talk about how we all have things that we feel
strong in. And sometimes its nothing that were working on. Thats why we have others edit to
catch the things we cant see. (3 minutes)
Large Group: Students are to print their papers or have them handwritten already. Turn in to
front. Hand out editing sheets (on desk) to class. Each student gets one. They will find their
groups and get in groups. Need to sit together. Each group has a special color pen assigned to it.
Hand out pens (on desk). Read through each groups task. Explain how they will be editing and
answer questions. (7 minutes) Groups are as follows:

1. Edwin, Greta, Lily 2. Grace, Amanda, Evan 3. Ian, Robert, Joree, Nehya 4. Ismahan, Dani,
Jaden, Rizan

5. Andrea, Alexa, Dalton, Ernest 6. Gabi, Tyler, Brynna

Small Group: All rough drafts should be in a pile at the front. Hand out a few papers to each
group. Once they finish their edits for that paper they are to pass it clockwise to the next group.
Each paper should have 6 different colors on it indicating it went to all 6 groups. Teacher circles
the room to help move papers and answer questions regarding editing. (60 minutes)
Individual: Students are to begin correcting their edits. Will finish next class. (20 minutes)

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