Amazing Facts About Animals!: Lions

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Amazing facts about animals!

Our world is filled with thousands upon thousands of different animals. There
are many things we already know about most animals, but we have yet to
learn about some of them.
Here are some amazing facts about animals you probably didn't know.
1) Pig hearts have been used in human heart transplants.

2) A newborn Chinese water deer is so small it can almost be held in the palm of
the hand.
3) Ostriches can run faster than horses, and the males can roar like lions.
4) The only dog that doesnt have a pink tongue is the chow.

5) 5)Blue-eyed lemurs are one of two (non-human) primates to have truly

blue eyes.

6) The sentence The quick brown fox jumps over a lazy dog. uses every letter of
the alphabet.
7) To escape the grip of a crocodiles jaw, push your thumb into its eyeballs-it will let
you go instantly.
8) Even a small amount of alcohol placed on a scorpion will make it go
crazy and sting itself to death
9) The blue whale weighs as much as thirty elephants and is as long as three
Greyhound buses.

Dogs nose prints are as unique as human fingerprints and can
be used to identify them

There is a butterfly in Africa with enough poison in its body to kill
six cats.
12) Squirrels plant thousands of new trees each year simply by forgetting where they put their
Before chicks hatch, they can communicate with each other and
their mother through a system of sounds.


Squirrels will adopt other squirrels babies if they are abandoned.

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