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2609 Eden Avenue, Apartment 1 Cincinnati, OH 45219

(419) 606-9805
The University of Cincinnati, August 2015May 2018
Cincinnati, OH
Professional Writing and Creative Writing
Malone University, August 2014July 2015
Canton, OH
Biology, Pre-medicine
North Central State College, May 2014
Mansfield, OH
Associates of Applied Bioscience (dual-enrollment during high school)
Ashland High School, May 2014
Ashland, OH
Associate Editor
Cincinnati Book Publishing, May 2016Present
Cincinnati, OH
Help authors become self-published by editing their work for continuality, grammatical, and
formatting errors
Developed an index for an author seeking for their book to be added in public libraries
Wrote press releases for upcoming books to advertise them and help market the products
Quality Assurance
Genco, JuneJuly 2015
Ashland, OH
Developed a stronger work ethic to do each job correctly as I worked independently in a team
Promoted to a position of higher responsibility after working at Genco for two weeks where I
evaluated packages to catch errors and maintain the companys high level of efficiency
Mid-Ohio Orthopedics, Jan. 2014May 2014
Ashland, OH
Aided over thirty patients per shift in their therapies by walking them through the exercises and
holding conversations to improve their visits
Through assessing injures with the physical therapists, I learned valuable information regarding
human anatomy and how injures can occur was passed to me

Volunteer Experience
Bearcat Buddies, September 2016Present
University of Cincinnati
Help children with their studies by guiding them through homework and aiding them in studying
Ashland High School Swim Team, July 2014Present
Work alongside other coaches to improve swimmers overall stroke, technique, and character
Act as a positive role model for the students to help them both in and out of the pool
Cincinnati Childrens Hospital, February 2016September 2016
Work independently to provide comfort and happiness to children in the Bone Marrow Transplant
Establish connections with children and their parents to ease their stay
Bethel Baptist Church, June 2013Present*
Worked with ten to twelve kindergarteners once a month by leading bible lessons, playing with
them, and disciplining when needed
Leadership Experience
Student Leader
H20 Church, July 2016Present
Facilitate small group discussions along with other students to help underclassmen grow in their
Often sacrifice my time before and after church to set up, speak with newcomers and
underclassmen, and aid with weekly processes that kept the church running smoothly
Organize and run various church outreach events
Ashland High School Swim Team, August 2014June 2015
Was a leader of the swim team my senior year by being a role model for the underclassmen and
organizing team bonding events to make the team mesh together for the first time in my high
school swimming career
Voted strongest leader by the team at end-of-year awards banquet
Malone University Swim Team, January 2015June 2015
Became a religious leader on Malones swim team by becoming a student chaplain at the
Led the team through difficult injuries by being a positive influence and organizing team bonding
activities as a freshman

Relevant Classes
Desktop Publishing

Fall 2016

Intro to Creative Writing

Fall 2016

Intro to Rhetoric and Professional Writing

Fall 2016

Intro to Shakespeare

Fall 2016

Survey of American Literature

Fall 2016

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