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MAY, 2016


Why the topic globalization and terrorism?
It is not common for people, institutions,
bodies of knowledge and individuals to
discuss terrorism as a research material
because it involves so much of security and
intelligence analysis which fetch no money
and popularity as discuss, seminars and
conferences on finance, leadership,
management, ICT, and other liberal social
management topics.
The whole world today is held down by the
forces of terrorism, which inevitably makes it
a global affair, it transcends our common
borders, it affects everyone directly or
indirectly, it is therefore important to give the
subject the much needed attention required in
order to understand the under-pinning factors
and profer likely solutions to the acts of terror
called terrorism either at national, regional or
It is a wise saying that unless the purpose
of a thing is known abuse is inevitable, the

two concepts in this research globalization

and terrorism must be defined as a way
Globalization derived from the word globalize
describes something that happens in all parts
of the world or affects all parts of the world,
hence the world id referred to as a globe.
Terrorism on the other hand is referred to the
act of unleashing terror on defenseless
people, sometimes using the word
unsuspected people may be appropriate
depending on the circumstance, time and
space but on a professional note the UN
Security Council has a more professional and
internationally acceptable definition for

The group at inception had link with

the Nigerian Security system including
the soldier, police, and the Paramilitary it also has foreign links with
the dreaded al-Qaeda.
The terrorist group Boko Haram
claims they are embarking on Islamic
jihad by attacking security outfits,
schools, and churches with the
intention of causing total breakdown
of law and order and to create a
seeming failed state in Nigeria.

The attack later was extended to

mosques thereby creating a
conflicting state of affair where
Muslims are suspecting Christians to
be disguising under the cover of Boko
Haram, because of Nigerias
multiethnic and religious setting the
group did not succeed in its move to
cause chaos and anarchy within the
citizenry as they were not as popular
as expected by its leadership and
their activities were pockets of attack
and withdrawal in a Gorilla style.
The Boko Haram group found a
safe Haven in Borno State and Yobe,
but particularly using sambisa forest
as their operational base and training
camp, until April 14, 2014 when they
carried out the kidnap of over 2004
chibok school girls, they had attacked

several schools in Adamawa, Yobe and

Borno, they also had carried out
attacks in neighboring Kano, Bauchi,
Adamawa, Gombe, Plateau, Kaduna
and the FCT, but the intrigues that
surrounded the incapability of the
military then was an issue that time
will tell even with the unfolding of the
arms deal involving top politicians,
military brass and notable Nigerians.

Chapter Four
The Federal Government of Nigeria
signed the National Counter-Terrorism
Strategy (NACTEST) on the 30th April,

2014 and the National Security

Strategy in November 2014. The two
documents were the marshal road
map put in place by the government
as lead documents to guide the
government intentions in the fight
against the activities of the Boko
Prior to this period several failed
dialogues orchestrated by dubious
and frivolous Nigerians using foreign
entities to defraud the government of
monies and subjecting the
government to ridicule and eroding
the citizens confidence in the
governments ability to fight Boko
Haram and also to rescue the
abducted 200+ chibok school girls
that had attracted international

In pursuit of the objectives and

goals of the draft documents
mentioned earlier the Federal
Governments directive against
terrorism reads;
Terrorism always seeks to
undermine national security.
Terrorism stalls social and
economic development and
undermines national cohesion.
In view of the devastating
effects of terrorism, a wellcoordinated counter approach
involving all stakeholders has to be
evolved. This is to be led by the
office of the National Security
Adviser in pursuit of the terrorism
prevent act 2011 and terrorism
(prevention) amendment act 2013

within the ambit of international

human rights and the rule of law.
This and many other moves were the
position of the then Federal
Government as the security of the
nation remains not just the primary
concern of government but foremost
Nigeria like most nations have
myriad of security challenges, some of
which are peculiar to the country
while others are cross-border in nature
or transnational in nature.
It is therefore incontestable that
the insurgency waged by Boko Haram
was directed at undermining the
freedom, way of life and sovereignty
of our people and the nation, by far it

remains the greatest threat to the

security of the nation.
We equally have other security
threats in the South-South, South
East, North West, North Central and
South West suggesting that no part of
the country is immune to insecurity.
The serial killings, assassinations,
kidnappings, hostage takings,
robbery, militant activities in the Niger
Delta resulting in vandalization of oil
and gas pipelines, hijacking of vessels
on the high sea, oil theft and
bunkering, clash of Fulani cattle
herdsmen/farmers in states across the
country, cattle rustlings, cult activities
resulting in killings of oppositions,
political thuggery and in-house fights
by elected members of state Houses
of Assemblies among others.

The present government had

undertaken a giant leap in the
reequipping of the multinational joint
task force in the North East, the
enhanced training and reequipping of
the naval platforms, the Airforce
platforms and purchase of modern
hardwares will go a long way in
fighting to finish the Boko Haram ad
every other hideous, rebellious groups
emerging in whatever form or name,
there is need for the police and other
Para-military formations to be
equipped to also perform their
statutory functions in support of the
military,, ground, air and marine
forces as a collective and joint
national force.
There is need for a robust
intelligence base to be driven by the

Department of State Service (DSS),

The National Intelligence Agency
(NIA), The Defense Intelligence
Agency (DIA), other arms of
Intelligence Military, Air, Naval, and
Police under the supervision of the
National Security Adviser.

Chapter five

With the good will of President

Muhammadu Buhari as the
Commander-in-Chief of the Armed
Forces of the Federal Republic, honest
disposition, undoubted integrity,
impeccable character that has
attracted foreign governments to him
as a person and the nation, Analysis
and speculators can be confident of
the end in view in no distant time.
With the arrest, trial of economic
saboteurs, who can equally be related
to economic terrorists, dividing the
common wealth of Nigeria among
themselves, sabotaging governments
good intention blowing oil pipelines,
electricity and gas supply through
clandestine and cabal arrangements,
saboteurs who divert petroleum
products meant for the public to

neighboring countries and other

locations, ill motivated groups paid to
protest or move against policies of
government these and many are the
elements that must be taken care of
by the security agencies as assuming
a status quo could amount to a total
collapse of the security system in the
face of attack.
The Federal Government should
build strong institutions and not
individuals in the head of agencies
and institutions of the government
who play prominent, frontline roles in
the running of government parastatals
in the Judiciary, Law Enforcement,
Prisons and reform systems,
Immigration, Civil Defense, Police,
EFCC, ICPC and the national economic
team to carry out the plans and

programs of the government

alongside the legislators and the
Executive arms.
Nigeria is our country, we dont have
any other country, we must remain
resolute to salvage it together burying
our political ambitions, ethnic bigotry,
religious sentiments, above all the
International Communities should
fulfill their part of the deal as whistle
blowers and umpires to assist in the
recovery of all looted fund deposited
in foreign accounts and extraditing
fugitives and runaway listed looters of
public funds back to Nigeria for trial
and to return all funds stolen and to
recover all assets bought with stolen
funds that belongs to the public only
then will the end be in view and
possibly some of the so call agitators

dream of everybody answerable to the

center and not region be fulfilled.

Chapter Six
A lot of research works points to
intelligence gathering, sharing and
managing as the requirement for
waging a final on-slaught on Boko
Intelligence gathering and sharing
of same have to improve between the
countries in the multi-national Joint
Taskforce, while the Nigerias

intelligence community and military

will need to synergize void of service
Nigeria will have to manage its
borders better to stop the flow of
illegal arms, illegal immigrants,
criminals and contrabands and to
check illegal movements into and out
of the country across the border.
The Government need to master
courage to confront the political elites,
allegedly behind the sect, their
sponsors and sympathizers and every
other person that has one link or the
other with the sect in order to get it
right and to deal with sabotage and
the saboteurs of government efforts at
ending the war as it has negative and
grave consequences for the economy,

stability, unity, peace and progress of

the country.
The fight to end Boko Haram
cannot be different from the approach
adopted by US and other great
nations battling with insurgency by
clamping down on sources of funds for
the terrorists, their supporters and
sympathizers should be tried in courts
of law in the same manner the
terrorists and finally until the tripod of
terrorist sustainability is destroyed,
dismantled and dislodged it will take
years of continuous gorilla fight,
ceasation, re-assembling and
launching attacks which means
ideology, recruitment service and
procedures, funding of their activities
must be attacked and grounded for
total routing.

In a sense, government must

undertake a comprehensive approach
that deconstructs the appeal of Boko
Haram ideology through
deradicalization processes deny it
opportunities to recruit through
hostage taking and overrunning
villages in order to force or get more
recruits and using women and
children as shield while converting
others to child or female suicide
bombers, and cutting off their
financial life line and food supplies
including source of transportation.
The Nigeria nation can no longer
afford to lose more women, girls and
children to the sect in hostage taking,
kidnapping or forceful conscription to
the war front, while looking forward
with hope to recovering and rescuing

the remaining chibok girls as the war

tends to an end in no distant time.

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